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Enron Scandal: Ethics & Accounting Fraud Analysis

Dela Cruz, Jillian Mae E.
The Enron documentary tells the story of how the 7th largest American corporation
went bankrupt in a year after falling victim to a scheme that stole its employees of their
retirement funds. The Enron firm's perception shifted from favorable to unfavorable. They
knew the company was insolvent at the time, had been worthless for years, and had inflated
profits due to the failure of their bookkeeping systems, so they began employing other
accounting techniques such as "market-market" and HFV accounting, which helped them
to make a significant profit. Enron's accountants allowed the company to book more
revenue than it actually made, as well as conceal losses and debt off the balance sheet. The
corporation was forced to file for bankruptcy as a result of its unscrupulous tactics and poor
corporate governance.
Besides from entertainment, the documentary's goal is to capture the attention of
everyone, particularly those who may be engaged in such circumstances, including
businesses, top executives, lawyers, accountants, investors, and employees. The Enron
affair brought to light in accounting and corporate fraud, as its shareholders dropped $74
billion in the four years preceding its bankruptcy and its employees lost billions in pension
payments. Enron's downfall was the consequence of greed, dishonesty, and ethical
blindness caused by a lack of credibility. To conclude, this documentary will act as a lesson
for everyone to practice business ethics and principles that will extend the life of the firm
and continue to provide employment and opportunities to employees and investors
Upon watching the documentary, i have learned that ethics is necessary in a
particular business due to the reason that ethics will serves as a moral standard inside an
organization. In fact, without ethics it can be a risk in every business field just like in
Enron’s documentary that shows the company’s bankruptcy. In which the corporate leaders
deceived the regulators with fake holdings and off-the-books accounting practices to earn
a remarkable profit. Furthermore, due to a dishonest, greedy, and incompetent
management, the business might not only affect the company’s operation but also the
employee’s occupation. Lastly, it enhances my knowledge and understanding that the
accounting transparency, business ethics and data protection is very important in running
a business, thus, this documentary really helps me to enlighten my mind to be aware and
conscious on my future workplace.