Uploaded by Dr. Uohna June Thiessen

Machine Learning, TikTok, and Bruno: AI in Song Creation

Machine Learning, TikTok, and Bruno!
My recent video highlighting deep learning uses part of a song that has been No. 1 on
the #Billboard charts for the last four weeks.
The song is the No. 1 streamed song on #iTunes, #Apple Music, #Youtube, and
#Spotifymusic in the US and has reached No. 1 on the global #YouTubeVideos. And,
of course, it is No. 1 on #Tiktok as well.
Lin-Manuel Miranda's creative genius produced #WeDontTalkAboutBruno. But what if
there was an algorithm behind its creation?
Could this creative process be an excellent example of the natural intelligence process
that #artificialintelligence and #deeplearning algorithms are attempting to mimic?
1. In preparation, Lin-Manuel visited Colombia, researching its unique culture, history,
and music, over a five-year period.
#datacollection #datacuration
2. He was already an acclaimed actor, lyricist, award-winning composer, singer, and
#realneuralnetwork #deepneuralnetworks #denseneuralnetwork
3. He created storyboards using his big data and collaborated with other composers and
Columbian musicians.
#vectorization #normalization #featureselection
4. He had the #GPU required for this task- Disney's massive movie-making machine. His
track record is now solid.
5. The song must tell a story, have a 16-bar bridge, key changes, connect to setting,
lyrics to melody. It must be danceable, sound new and exciting, and feel familiar.
#hyperparameter #weights #biases #activationfunction #ReLU
4. He made several iterations (#Bruno was originally "Oscar"). This being his 9th musical
and #Hamilton, his 3rd with Disney (Moana & Mary Poppins Returns), the
#learningrate should've been high, but he's a perfectionist. #model #training
5. His capturing the rich diversity of Colombia's music for a Disney movie.
#nonconvexoptimization #reinforcement #transferlearning
6. His finding the positive correlations between 'family-friendly' and 'theatrical' required
some #apriori type function. Or maybe, generating a replica of one of his previous hit
songs (#Hamilton: 'Wait For It,' #Moana: 'You're Welcome,') was a more #GAN task.
7. He thought he made a hit when his children would not stop singing the song (natural
live #loss #functions). What if it is only a #localminima? But fortunately,
#Gradientdescent prevailed!
8. The final 'model' was a masterful mix of #salsa, #guajira, #cumbia, #pop, #hiphop,
and #Broadway giving it a global appeal. Polyphonic texture combined with the
madrigal style of overlapping melodies (a la Lin-Manuel) was perfect for #Tiktok.
My rough analogies notwithstanding, the song enchanted millions who watched
Encanto and millions more who didn't! And as Jeff Hawkins proposed (2021) "...the
imperative for any learning, artificial or natural, is movement..." I will keep on dancing.