Today I will ask questions about drought. schema homework Average rainfall graph Finish Newsela article, quiz, and writing prompt about Middle Ages Inventions. Drinking Water n 2015, 71% of the global population (5.2 billion people) used a safely managed drinking-water service – that is, one located on premises, available when needed, and free from contamination. 3 out of 10 did not have clean water to drink. What are some problems that could happen if you didn’t have water to drink? Read 3 paragraphs from different articles about drought. Write 2 questions for each paragraph. Talk to partner and pick your most important 3 questions. Turn and talk to your table mates and pick top 2 from whole table (4 people) Today I will use key terms to classify the water shortage in the world. schema homework Traveling for Water Word Daily Water Use at Home Puzzle Agenda Classify water issues by country. (8 min/country) 1. Read the info card for the country. 2. Fill out the table with the correct info. 3. Rotate to next country when timer rings. With a partner, complete the Vocabulary Safari Search using the definitions on the back. Which country has the biggest water issues? Why did you pick that country? Today I will be a water drop traveling through the water cycle. schema homework Traveling for Water Math none The Water Cycle Game You are a water drop! Put #1 on your first station. Roll the die and pick card of your roll Read back of card to see what happens to you. Go to next station and write a #2. Draw a line from #1 to #2. Today I will use a gizmo to operate weather instruments. schema homework Question #1 and #2 of Prior none Knowledge on gizmo handout What is this? Today I will use a gizmo to operate weather instruments. schema homework Take out gizmo handout none Why do we need to predict the weather? What is this? Agenda How can we predict the weather? Go to Click on “Observing Weather- Metric” Work on handout with partner at your table. First 2 pages, front and back, need to be complete. Today I will complete a summative CER. schema homework Do word match for Water none Awareness Today I will compare the layers of the atmosphere. schema Color code the layers of the atmosphere homework none Agenda Bill Nye Atmosphere-30 key terms Wordsplash Create 5 questions using 10 key terms. Pressure demo Today I will try to reduce my carbon footprint. schema Homework Convection Currents Check Powerschool Missing Summatives-schoology Heat Transfer Summative Drought CER Core 1-Jasmine, Haleigh, Andhy, Jocelyn, Core 1-Nasir, Khalique, Ava, Omar, Amelia, Rosalinda, Owen, and Tasharia Core 2-Tara, Naieem, Thaddeus, Armani, Avanti, Ailey, Elijah, Asia, Alyson Core 4-Jewelisbeth Core 6-Branden, Jordan, Storm, Earl, Jaelahni, and Jeremiah Alexis, Jasmine, Haleigh, Lilith, Andhy, Savannah, Omar, Kimora, Amelia, Kyle, Kymora, Owen, and Kadeem Core 2-Kobe, Armani, Avanti, Diosairy, Nyasia, and Charlotte Core 4-Donovan, Arielliz, Andrew, and Amaya Core 6-Branden, Yaqeen, Nathaniel, Christopher, Deajah, Storm, Morgan, Earl, and Jeremiah Missing Summatives-schoology Heat Transfer Summative Core 6-Branden, Jordan, Storm, Earl, Jaelahni, and Jeremiah Drought CER Core 6-Branden, Yaqeen, Nathaniel, Christopher, Deajah, Storm, Morgan, Earl, and Jeremiah Agenda Check Powerschool-can you turn in any missing assignments? Complete summatives Go to NASA kids link on schoology-click on BLUE link How can you reduce your carbon footprint? Why is the Greenhouse Effect harming the earth? Who can beat the top scorers? Today I will categorize the layers of the atmosphere. schema homework What I notice/What I none Wonder of International Space Station Layers of the Atmosphere Read info on the side of the paper Cut out pictures and glue in correct layer. Label Water Cycle Go to Find the water cycle link Label all boxes What parts of the water cycle are affected by a drought? Today I will analyze weather information to predict the weather. schema Homework none Students will determine the location of cold and warm fronts on a map plotted with weather observations. Surface Temperature Today I will investigate factors that interact and influence weather. schema Homework What is the best month to Have a great vacation! visit Disney in Florida? Today I will investigate factors that interact and influence weather. schema Homework Take out your Homework Have a great vacation! Water Cycle labeling Today I will investigate the difference between weather and climate. schema Homework Post-it Due Friday-Finish 3 Newsela Why is Earth’s nickname “the water planet” both appropriate and misleading? readings-take quiz Water Demo Add info to your post-it as we learn about water. The bucket water represents saltwater (97%) and the 2 cups represent fresh water (3%.) The ½ cup of water is liquid water in the ground, surface water (rivers, lakes) and water vapor. Although it is all freshwater, it is not clean and usable by humans. The 1 ½ cups of water represents freshwater that is stored as ice in glaciers and polar ice caps. This one drop represents the amount of freshwater that is clean, and is accessible to humans. Newsela Read articles and take quizzes What is the difference between weather and climate? How is climate change affecting California and causing more wildfires? I will build a balloon rocket today that will go farther than the others. schema Homework No flying yet! 3 weather and climate Fold your paper into a paper airplane NEWSELA readings, quizzes, and prompts.-due Friday night! I will build a balloon rocket today that will go farther than the others. schema Homework No flying yet! none Fold your paper into a paper airplane Today I will compare and contrast weather and climate. schema Homework Where is Earth’s water? none formative Evidencedescribe 3 numbers you read from the graph. Each box should have 3 bullet points of information. Use Newsela readings for information. Today I will debate how a drought would affect Connecticut. schema Homework SBAC words-put words in none groups of 4 with similar meanings. These are words used in SBAC directions. Water Amount Demonstration Why is Earth’s nickname, “The Water Planet” both correct and misleading? Discussion Diamond Answer on post-it: What would happen to you if Connecticut had a drought? Put post-it on a corner of diamond and discuss with group. Come up with a final answer for the center of the diamond. Model Today I will calculate mean, median, mode, and range. schema Homework Read math definitions none Today I will create a story, comic strip, song, poem, or Prezi about my travels of a water drop. schema Homework Take Notice/Wonder sheet none Take out game card from water cycle game. • 10 key terms • Neat with punctuation and grammar • Spelling is correct. Today I will create a story, comic strip, song, poem, or Prezi about my travels of a water drop. schema Homework Take out game card from none water cycle game. • Due Friday! • 10 key terms • Neat with punctuation and grammar • Spelling is correct. Today I will create a story, comic strip, song, poem, or Prezi about my travels of a water drop. schema Homework Take Water Cycle Quiz Travels of a Water Drop Formative • Due Friday! • 10 key terms • Neat with punctuation and grammar • Spelling is correct. Core 8,1, 2-Due Friday Core 4,6 due Monday Today I will investigate the weather on the same day throughout the world. schema homework Nile River none Today I will investigate the layers of the atmosphere. schema Homework Take Water Cycle Quiz on Did you submit water cycle schoology! You can take 2 times. poem/story to Schoology or turn in comic strip to wire basket? Today I will investigate the layers of the atmosphere. schema Homework Post-it Note for Discussion Did you submit water cycle Diamond How does destructive weather happen? poem/story to Schoology or turn in comic strip to wire basket? Today I will investigate weather fronts. schema homework Table partner activity-The Invention Convention Atmosphere graphic organizer due Dec. 11 Today I will take survey on culture and climate. schema homework Go to schoology and click on Invention Convention survey Get colored pencils graphic organizer – due 12/19 Today I will compare air masses and fronts. schema Homework What is hotter during the day Schoology-Invention at the beach-the sand or the water? Convention graphic organizer-12/19 Get your colored pencils Use p. 78 in textbook to label this image. Weather Fronts-p. 79-81 link on schoology-Weather Fronts Shark Tank Today I will compare weather fronts. schema homework Schoology link: Study Jams Invention Convention Weather and Climate-take quiz and review answers and feedback Graphic organizer due 12/19 Today I will investigate convection currents. schema Homework How does the whole room get none warmer with the heater? Convection Current Lab So what is a thunderstorm? A thunderstorms is a storm with lightning and thunder. What causes a thunderstorm? It is caused by unstable and humid air. When unusually warm air near the land surface rises or unusually cold air in the upper atmosphere falls (and oftentimes both!), the air churns violently. Thunderstorm! Draw a model of a thunderstorm Use the following key terms Warm air Cold air Precipitation Lightning Upward Downward Rain wind Today I will engineer a wind-proof house. schema Homework Answer questions on handout none Exit Ticket End of Mystery Assessment Answer front and back with your partner Today I will analyze a text on tornadoes. schema Homework Hurricane sheet-use textbook Have you turned in your comic strip on the Water Cycle? Today I will use a webquest about severe weather. schema Homework Hurricane none worksheet-use textbook p. 85-87 Schoology-Weather Webquest Formative #1 Hurricanes-answer all questions on worksheet Then Tornadoes and Thunderstorms Complete sentences, neat, and capital letters Today I will build a hurricane-proof house. schema Homework Partner Schema none Turn and Talk-Furious Hurricanes Global Context Scientific and Technical Innovation Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, Louisiana USA August 2005 Typhoon Nona Phillipines December 2015 Windproof House House to be build on cardboard base. House must cover over half of base. House must contain a door and 2 windows. Which design would withstand a Category 5 hurricane? Wind speeds>156 mph Design the House Sketch 3 of your own designs. Show your teammates your designs. Discuss and draw a final design. Complete order form with total $. Wait quietly to be called up for materials. Expectations Goggles worn until I say to remove. Work in groups-do not walk around room All ideas are discussed. Please do not waste materials. Put your group names and core # on bottom of cardboard base. Order Form Assessment Criteria B-Planning an Investigation: Score 7-8 The student is able to: explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate materials and equipment. Hurricane Katrina August 2005-Louisiana Today I will create a safety book about weather hazards. schema Homework Question and Procedure Newsela Cloud article Crit. B Summative Today I will create a safety book about weather hazards. schema Homework Check Powerschool Newsela Cloud article Get your iPad and sign into schoology. Today I will analyze a graph of tornadoes. schema Homework Tornado graph-What is the Newsela cloud article due on time of day to watch out for tornadoes? Friday. Find it on schoology or go to and sign in! Missing Water Cycle comic strip/poem/story from many people! Convection Current model of thunderstorm-missing lots! Weather Hazards Safety Booklet link is on schoology Please complete at least four safety sheets. Hurricanes Tornadoes Rains/Flooding Winter Storms What state would be the best to relocate the Wham Company? Texas/tornadoes, NY State/winter storms, Florida/hurricanes, California/Flooding Today I will recommend to which city to relocate the Wham Co. schema Homework Quietly read about weather Newsela Cloud article and fronts on p. 76-77 quiz Today I will recommend to which city to relocate the Wham Co. schema Homework Partner Discussion: none There were 4 EF1 tornadoes in Connecticut last week. Where were you when it happened? Were you in the safest place? Fronts Complete graphic organizer with key terms and arrows Add blue and red in the correct places. Discussion Post 8 sentences using scientific key terms (info from safety booklet) Choose a state for the Wham Co. to relocate to. Why is that state the best? Which states would not be good places for the Wham Co? Grammar and correct spelling Reply Post 4 sentences to one or two other posts Do you agree with them? Why or why not? Use info from the safety booklet about the weather hazards. Today I will summarize an article. Schema Homework Partner discussion-Can you none get energy from the rain? Read over the different factors that affect science. Summarize Find main idea and evidence Summary should be 6-8 sentences. Factor paragraph-choose a factor and say how it used in the article. Today I will create a presentation on an energy source. schema Homework Land and sea breezes Global Winds worksheet-due after the Cape-June 6 Today I will create a presentation on an energy source. schema Homework Partner Discussion-discuss Global Winds worksheet-due how your energy is better than your partners. after the Cape-June 6 Today I will create a presentation on an energy source. schema Homework Partner compare and contrast Global Winds energy sources worksheet Energy Source Presentation Bullets Pictures Lots of information Interesting to watch Today I will show my presentation on energy. Schema Homework Partner Discussion: What Turn in Global Winds sheet type of energy is the best? Take notes paper under the phone. Today I will build a Puff-Mobile wind-powered car. Schema Homework Cloze activity none Today I will build a Puff-Mobile wind-powered car. Schema Homework Ice cream graph none Engineering a Puff-Mobile Materials-6 cards, 4 paper clips, 4 straws, 4 lifesaver wheels, and tape Sketch 3 designs Share designs with group and draw final design Show me final design to get material Be careful using Lifesaver. They break easily. Do Not Eat! Today I will investigate freezing point depression to make ice cream. Schema Homework Read history and pick the 3 none most important events in the history of ice cream. How does salt help to melt ice faster? Expectations Quietly wait until everyone has milk and ice bag. Quietly wait to tape up bag GENTLY toss towel about 5 feet away GOGGLES on while tossing the towel