ASAM KARBOKSILAT PENDAHULUAN ASAM KARBOKSILAT ADALAH SENYAWA YANG MEMILIKI GUGUS FUNGSI C=O DAN -OH YANG TERIKAT PADA SATU ATOM KARBON GUGUS KARBOKSIL DITULISKAN SBB : -COOH. ASAM KARBOKSILAT ALIFATIK MEMILIKI GUGUS ALKIL YANG TERIKAT PADA -COOH. ASAM KARBOKSILAT AROMATIK MEMILIKI GUGUS ARIL. ASAM LEMAK ADALAH ASAM KARBOKSILAT ASAM KARBOKSILAT ALIFATIK YANG BERANTAI PANJANG. => 2 ASAM KARBOKSILAT Karbonil O R Apa istimewanya? C Hidroksil OH Contoh-contoh senyawa asam karboksilat O OCCH O CH C Aspirin (CH ) CO H H OH OH CO H O Asam asetat (asam cuka) C H C H (CH ) CH C H OH Prostalandin E (PGE ) Suatu moderator aktivitas hormon Cari contoh lain sebanyak-banyaknya!!! Carboxylic Acids Nomenclature Properties Preparation reactions Typical reactions Nomenclature Carboxylic acids »IUPAC »Common Tatanama asam Karboksilat a.Nama IUPAC Untuk asam Karboksilat “alifatik” alkana induk huruf akhir “a” menjadi “oat”. (Inggris: -e menjadi –oic acid) Jangan lupa! Depannya diberi “asam” Contoh : CH4 : Metana HCO2H : asam metanoat Penomoran Cl CH CHCO H HO CCH CO H Contoh Soal: tulis nama IUPAC-nya CH CH =CHCO H BrCHCO H HO CCH CH CH CO H b. Nama trivial CH BrCHCO H Penomoran CH CH CH CO H Seperti aldehid dan keton Berilah nama senyawa senyawa a) CH CH CHCO H b) CH CH CH-CHCO H CH CH CH d) CH CH CHCO H OH Br CH COOH NO CO H e) CH CHCO H CH CH CO H CH Cl CH CH CH CO H Cl COONa CCH CO H CH -CH-COOK NO (CH COO) Ca Br Br HCOONH 20.2 Structure and Physical Properties of Carboxylic Acids Carboxylic acids form hydrogen bonds, existing as cyclic dimers held together by two hydrogen bonds Strong hydrogen bonding causes much higher boiling points than the corresponding alcohols 20.3 Dissociation of Carboxylic Acids Carboxylic acids are proton donors toward weak and strong bases, producing metal carboxylate salts, RCO2 +M Carboxylic acids with more than six carbons are only slightly soluble in water, but their conjugate base salts are water-soluble Acidity Compared to Alcohols Carboxylic acids are better proton donors than are alcohols (The pKa of ethanol is ~16, compared to ~5 for acetic acid) In an alkoxide ion, the negative charge is localized on oxygen while in a carboxylate ion the negative charge is delocalized over two equivalent oxygen atoms, giving resonance stabilization 20.4 Substituent Effects on Acidity Electronegative substituents promote formation of the carboxylate ion Substituent Effects An electronegative group will drive the ionization equilibrium toward dissociation, increasing acidity An electron-donating group destabilizes the carboxylate anion and decreases acidity Examples of Inductive Effects on Acidity Fluoroacetic, chloroacetic, bromoacetic, and iodoacetic acids are stronger acids than acetic acid Multiple electronegative substituents have synergistic effects on acidity 20.5 Substituent Effects in Substituted Benzoic Acids RCOOH Preparation Reactions Oxidation of Primary Alcohols Oxidation of Aldehydes Oxidation of Substituted Aromatics Carbonation of Grignard reagents Hydrolysis of Acid derivatives and Nitriles Haloform reaction Periodic acid Cleavage of Vicinal Dials/Diketones Oxidative Cleavage of Alkenes/Alkynes Carboxylic Acids via Oxidation From Primary Alcohols From Aldehydes From Substituted Aromatics KMnO 4 or K 2Cr 2O 7 ² KMnO 4 R C H or K 2Cr 2O 7 O ² KMnO 4 R or K 2Cr 2O 7 ² RCH 2OH RCOOH RCOOH COOH Carbonation of Grignard Reagents O R C Mg O X + O + O H R C OMgX R C OH H 2O Hydrolysis of Acid Derivatives and Nitriles + H R C G R C OH + HG H 2O O O OH R C O - + GR C G H 2O O O where G = -X,- OR, -NH 2 , - NHR, NR 2 , &- O C R O H + or OH RC N R C NH H 2O O 2 R C OH ( R C O ) O O Haloform Reaction Cleavage of methyl carbinols Cleavage of methyl carbonyls H CH 3 C R OH CH 3 C R O X2 - OH /H 2O X2 - OH /H 2O - RCOO + HCX 3 - RCOO + HCX 3 Periodic Acid Cleavage of Vicinal Dials/Diketones H C C H O O R C C H O O R C C R' O O HIO 4 HIO 4 HIO 4 2 HCOOH + HIO 3 RCOOH + HCOOH + HIO 3 RCOOH + R'COOH + HIO 3 Oxidative Cleavage Reactions Alkene Cleavage Hot Potassium Permanganate Alkyne Cleavage Hot Potassium Permanganate Ozonolysis HO O R HC CH R' KMnO 4 R + C OH HC CH R' ozonolysis or KMnO 4 R OH C R' HO + C R' O O R C O Typical RCOOH reactions Conversion to carboxylate salts Conversion to acid halides Conversion to esters Conversion to amides Conversion to anhydrides Reduction to alcohols Decarboxylation Carboxylates from Carboxylic Acids Reaction with Active Metals Reaction with Strong Base Reaction with Weak Base RCOOH RCOOH RCOOH Na o Na OH RCOO - Na + + RCOO - Na + + H 2O - Na HCO RCOO Na 3 1 2H2 + + H 2O + CO 2 Reduction of Carboxylic Acids Lithium Aluminum Hydride reduction Diborane reduction RCOOH RCOOH LiAlH ether 4 B 2H 6 diglyme H+ H 2O RCH 2OH RCH 2OH (selective reduction of carboxyl group in preference to carbony l of aldehydes/ketones) Decarboxylation of RCOOH Thermolysis of beta-diacids Thermolysis of beta-keto acids COOH C COOH H ² COOH COOH C C O + CO 2 C H ² + CO 2 C C O