DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF MICROCONTROLLER BASED ELECTRONIC ON-LOAD TAP CHANGER FOR SMALL POWER TRANSFORMER By: Lencho Ephrem AAiT March,2022 Motivation We observe that most of production industries are suffering a lot from power interruption in case of power quality and efficiency as the result of manual tap changing system of the transformer. As a result, I will try to do something that makes improve the quality of power. The better way to do is that changing the mechanical system of tap change to programmable microcontroller tap changing of transformer to reduce the power consumption. Introduction In this project we investigate specifically voltage requirements. We use tap changing transformer to see how the voltage works in an electric system and we analyze the relationships with other aspects of the system’s performance, like power quality and efficiency. Earlier mechanical type of on load tap changers were apply But they had considerable limitations and drawbacks like arcing, high maintenance, service costs and slow reaction times Thus in this research, we will discover the best ways of how to increase the efficiency of the transformer and improve power quality by using microcontroller based electronic OLTC of transformer. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Most of the transformer tap changer we are using now is the mechanical tap changers which have different problems of operation that need a regular maintenance. Since, we are not using our transformers efficiently and adverse economic effect in the country‘s growth. But the electronic on load tap changer transformer have a better solution for transformer efficiency and power quality that have a constructive effect in all aspects. OBJECTIVE General objective The main target of this project is to design and simulate a Microcontroller based electronic on-load tapchanger for small power transformer. Specific objectives To design of a full electronic on load tap changing for small power transformer including its controlling circuit that consists of a power electronic switching devices controlled by a microcontroller. To model the designed of tap changing transformer. To simulate the overall system for investigation of its behavior under various operating conditions using proteus. Scope of the study The scope of our project is designing and simulation of a Microcontroller based electronic on-load tap-changer for small power transformer. METHODOLOGY Organizing the all collective sources and prepare the way to do. Prepare the proposal that include the time frame, material required and predict the overall cost. designing the transformer model, then designed the static switches using triac as a switching device. After this , I have designed the bridge rectifier which changes the step downed AC voltage from the voltage sensor, a potential transformer, into a DC equivalent voltage which suitable for the microcontroller. Selecting all the hardware required to do this project practically. Finally, concluded the theory parts and then I try to do our project in LAB practically if materials exists, else we show our result by some appropriate software such as ATMEL and PROTEUS. Then we will try to compare the simulation result with the practical or actual application of the system. Tentative Project Plan We planned the project to reach its simulation final at the end of the semester Case study and proposal presentation Transformer designon proteus Design of the static switches using triac as switching device Design the bridge rectifier Simulation of the project Final presentation time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Thank you!!