SHORT COURSE PROGRAM ON MENSTRUAL HEALTH ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTIONS ACTIVITY 1.1 NAME: CLAP ON COUNT DUTATION: 10 MINUTES RATIONALE: This activity is set as an ice breaker at the beginning of the session to ensure a good set induction for the subsequent sessions. The fact that students are asked to clap, they just don’t clap, they have to apply listening skills, they have to concentrate so as to be able to internalize the number mentioned by the facilitator ten clap, its normal for some to get confused by the rhythm and numbers as they Clapp. In case of such, the others’ reaction will trigger a sense of them feeling they have to pay attention to sessions. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Learners INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FACILITATOR: Ask the learners to together clap their hands according to the number that you will select randomly from number 0 to should not follow any particular not start with a zero instead mention it somewhere in the middle of the process. For those who will clap for zero, ask them about how they felt and why then identify a few of those who laughed and ask them to share their experience on what made hem laugh about the whole event session. ACTIVITY 1.2 Small group discussion RATIONALE:Reviwing the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system DURATION: 30 min NO OF AUDIENCE: MATRIALS REQUIRED In their small groups, the students discuss the guided questions provided, while noting their points of discussion on the flipcharts provided. Note: Facilitators will be going round and do observations of the group with no interference. 9:50 am- 10:20 am: Activity 1.3 Group presentations (30 min) The different groups hang their charts. Each group will then decide who remains to explain the charts to others members from other groups Groups will therefore go round to each chart and read through, if there’s any inputs they add, if they have questions, they can ask the person left in-charge of the group presentation. Activity 1.5 “Draw a butterfly” (30 min) 1. The Facilitators provides white pieces of papers to the learners then she /he asks the learners to look up then draw the image of a butterfly. Emphasize that they must not look while drawing rather than imagine and make their hands move with that imagination. Without. They have 5 minutes. After 5 minutes ask them to open their eyes, then provide a second paper, but this time ask them to draw a butterfly while looking. 1. Select 2 learners and ask them to compare the two diagrams they each have drawn, 2. The facilitator then goes ahead and explains that every woman is different, and every woman has her own menstrual cycle, the second butterflies indicate knowing your body so well that you can tell your cycles, while the first butterfly refers to one not being able to clearly tell what their bodies are experiencing at given times of the menstrual cycle. Conclusion: Give the final remarks on the sessions and instruction for the following day