NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. Name of the Theory Developer of the theory Brief description about the theory Application in nursing 1. Psychoanalytic Theory 2. Developmental (or Ego Developmental) Theory Sullivan's theory is important to nursing because, based on this Harry stack Sullivan had theory peplau (1952,1963) introduced development developed interpersonal relations theory in the principle that in nursing theory, and an individual does not and cannot exist apart from his or Orlando(1961)based her nursing theory on Peplau’s theory and her relations with other Sullaivan’s theory people. 3. Interpersonal Theory Harry Stack Sullaivan 1892-1949 An American psychiatrist & Psychoanalyst He stated that from the 1st day of life a baby is dependent on interpersonal situations and that this dependence continues throughout the life. Even if the person becomes isolated and withdrawn from society, the person carries the memories of interpersonal relationships 1 Peplau developed 4 levels of anxiety based on Sullivan's concept of anxiety and it is used by nurses in assessing anxiety of patients. Peplau believed that nurses ‘s role is to help the client in reducing anxiety and improving functioning through interpersonal relationships The concept of therapeutic milieu is also important as stated by Peplau, that nurses must interact with the client as human beings NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. which continue to influence behavior and thinking. He explained dynamism which defined as the relatively enduring pattern of energy transformation which recurrently characterized the organism in its duration as a living organism (Sullivan ,1953) Individual’s dynamisms characterize interpersonal relations. ·All people have same dynamics but mode of expression is varies with the situation and life experience he described 06 stages of interpersonal development He had introduced concepts such as ● personification, (self concept) ● energy system / tension system, 2 with respect, empathy and acceptance. Orlando’s theory mainly focuses on client participation which correlates with Sullaivan’s and Peplaus’ concept of participant observation. The nurse client relationship is vital in the caring process. NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. ● concept of participant observation, and ● 03 fold classification system of cognitions includes prototaxic, parataxic and syntaxic ● concept of a therapeutic milieu 4. Operant Conditioning 5. Cognitive Theory 6. Rational Emotive Theory Cognitive theorist -Albert Ellis , 1950 This theory is a type of cognitive behavioral theory. This theory focuses on an interconnectedness between thoughts, feelings and actions. Goal- Help people to identify irrational beliefs and negative thinking patterns in order to overcome psychological problems and mental distress through managing their emotions, thoughts and behaviours in a healthier and realistic way (Ellis, 2014 ; Kendra, 2021). To change these irrational beliefs, therapists use 3 1. Provide a concrete method for monitoring or managing behaviours 2. Nurses use this approach to children with chronic illnesses to change behaviours 3. Can use to encourage individuals to change irrational beliefs through problem solving approaches 4. To point out specific qualities of individuals and helps to reduce self blame and to improve better feeling on own self NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. Rational emotive behavioural therapy (REBT) and this theory developed based on the rational emotive theory. 7. Human Needs Theory 8. Person-Centered Theory Stress Theories 9. General Adaptation Syndrome 10. Stress, Coping, and Adaptation Theory 5. Use by nurses to teach the person to take responsibility for own behaviours 6. To point out maladaptive defense mechanism such as projection eh Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1988) This theory deals with how a person copes with stressful situations. The theory focuses on the person’s psychological responses which is referred as a process. Environment relationship and appraisal are two major factors that are precedents to stress are the person. The person– environment relationship includes such factors as personality, values, beliefs, commitments, social networks, social supports, demands and constraints, sociocultural factors, and life events. The three cognitive appraisals 4 1. Provide a framework for nurses to assess the effects of stress, both physical and psychological, on the individual and the coping processes that the individual uses 2. Nurses can use stress theories as research frameworks NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. are primary, secondary, and reappraisal. Social Psychology 11. Health Belief Model 12. Theory of Reasoned Action (Theory of Planned Behavior) Icek Ajzen and Martin Fishbein (Social Psychologists) 1975 TRA explains the relationship among beliefs, attitudes, intentions and behavior. It aims to understand and predict behaviors based on the assumption that people are rational and make decisions based on the information available. TRA was later modified to Theory of Planned behavior (TPB),which regarded intention as the most important determinant of a person’s behavior. This is determined by three factors called (1)attitude towards the behavior, (2) subjective norms, and (3)perceived behavioral control. Theories and Models of Disease Causation 5 This theory comes under social psychology theories which are useful in promoting healthy behaviors by making awareness among people. Nurses frequently use the TRA/ TPB in nursing studies which can be used to examine the beliefs, attitudes and interventions of health care providers and to observe healthy behaviors in diverse areas. NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. 13. Germ Theory and Principles of Infection 14. Triangle 15. 16. Disease 17. Louis Pasteur (1858) He found that a specific organism (Germ) are caused for infectious diseases. At the beginning of 21st century this theory based practices done to prevent infection. Eg. Strict hand washing. Using prophylaxis antibiotics for surgery patients. First this theory used to search causative agents of an infection and methods of transmission. Then it developed to prevent and treat the diseases. Eg. The outbreak of AIDS. In modern medical care that theory is used and it helps to reduce the number of deaths from infection. Many nursing research and guidelines focus on # prevention and management of infections. # identifying factors that place on individual at risk for developing infections. The Epidemiologic The Web of Causation Natural History of Homeostasis 18. Stress and Adaptation: General Adaptation Syndrome Dr. Hans Selye (1907-1982) Explains how the body responds to stress. Theory describes in three stages as 6 ● Can be used for nursing researches ● Provide guidance for nurses to assess physical and NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. Thucydides in Athens, 430 BC Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 1718 19. Theories of Immunity and Immune Function Edward Jenner, in 1798 Louis Pasteur, 1881 Elie Metchnikoff,1883 the changes of organs occur in three stages. 1.Alarm - Body begins to react to "fight or flight" response.CNS & SNS are activated. 2.Resistanceparasympathetic nervous system returns many body functions to normal. 3.Exhaustion- If stressors continue, the capacity of the body is unable to produce hormones as stage 1 or other organs damaged. ● Immunity involves specific recognition of what is designated as an antigen, memory for particular antigens, and responsiveness on reexposure. ● Each system is involved in the response of inflammation and has two characteristics: (1) recognition of a stimulating structure by specific receptors and 7 psychological stress and coping processes ● Nurses can help to people for problem solving to provide effective coping and adaptation ● Principles of immune function can be used as a theoretical framework for research ● Describes the interrelatedness of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems on psychoimmunology NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890 20. Genetic Principles and Theories Gregor Mendal (2) response by one or more effector elements that aims to alter or eliminate the stimulating structure. ● The complement system consists of around 20 plasma proteins and initiate an attack on the cell membranes of microorganisms. ● Antibody-mediated immunity involves antigen–antibody actions to neutralize, eliminate, or destroy foreign proteins ● Law of Segregation: An organism has 2 alleles for each gene but they can only pass on one. ● Law of Independent Assortment: Genes found on separate chromosomes are inherited independently of each other. ● Law of Dominance: Some alleles are dominant and cover 8 Nursing Implication includes: ● Taking appropriate family history, ● Providing emotional support. ● Refer to Genetic counseling. NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. up the recessive alleles. 21. Cancer Theories 22. Pain Management 23. Modern Social Exchange Theories von Bertalanffy 24. Related Theories 25. Symbolic Interactionism 26. Role Theory Structural Role Theory Process Role Theory George Herbert Blumer (American sociologist 18631931) overall assumption of this approach comes from passages in william shakespeare It is an approach used to analyze interaction by focusing on the meanings that individuals assigns to things in the world around them, including words and objects. Role theory can be taken as explanatory framework for the benefits of volunteering and helping others for health and wellbeing. Structural Role Theory 1. ROLE THEORY American sociologist Ralph linton and Each and everyone in the society has structured roles to play. It was shaped by cultural norms and beliefs. 9 Key to understanding human behavior. Used to explain one’s identity. Nurses have to play many Roles. Caregiver health educator coordinator counselor advocator etc and also Nurses have to play different roles with their patients, coworkers and also superiors NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. Gergoe herbert, Robert merton(M erton 1957) ● structural role theory Linton and Parasons That is similar to roles in drama and those roles are play based on script. Process Role Theory This is another aspect in Role Theory. it described how roles are learned during process of social interaction. people interact with others and they see themselves and others as occupants of particular status.during the process they learn guide for actions. 27. Feminist theory 28. Critical Social Theory Max Horkheimer (1859 to 1973) German philosopher and Sociologist ❖ It is focus on social justice and empowerment. ❖ Aim is critique and changes society as a whole. ❖ It is necessary to study the lived experience of real people. 10 During their work they have to shape their roles according to the institution guidelines , ethics , and also norms and laws of society. It can be taken as structural role theory application to nursing. . When considering a nurse's role sometimes nurses have to change their role during the process. It can be taken as application of process role theory. ★ Direct link to practice the context of nursing ★ Critical theory perspective used to discuss other aspects of nursing ★ Attempts to integrate patient centered care in to health care organizations ★ Exploring the barriers and the power issues that prevent nurses from NGP9401- Activity Please refer relevant theory assigned for you and complete requested information in the table below. Prepare to present the assigned theory for you at the DS on 14th March 2022. ❖ It is useful to examine hidden social conditions 29. Chaos Theory 30. Postmodern Social Theory 11 providing person centered care ★ Help nurses to critique why they do and what they do