MOSHELL NOTES – HOW TO http://www‐ ‐ ericsson proxy – moshell forum – teit system 1. 3gnocfm@lagos3> cd /home/nmsadm/moshell/sitefile Ls Ls ‐lart Cat ipdatabase – to get all ip or cat /home/nmsadm/moshell/sitefiles/ipdatabase 2. board etmc1 = 4 e1 etmc4 = 8 e1 etm4 = 2 atm, 1 atm = 64 e1 = 128 etmf4 = 4 atm , 1 atm = 64 e1 = 256 l+ / l ‐ to open/close log u+ / ‐ to create file and run file u+s – to create file simulasi trun – to run other file run – to run file yg didelete guna u+ ‐ run lognya str ‐i Iub_U0815‐Moretime_Information_Tech – to check single site h str – to see help on cmd str lgo – to check configuration log. Ntpconfig info – to check ftp server Get 1 – to get info set ntpServerAddressPrimary 'ip' – to set ip del u! ‘file yg disimpan’ – tuk tukar ke xml lpr atmt – traffic descriptor cat /c/license/licensekeys.xml – to read license pmr –m 4 – dptkan performance 4 hours ‘choice’ | egrep ‐i 756g –(10 | egrep ‐i 756g) ‐ dptkn performance site 756 ced | grep 0019sp0 ‐‐> print all cells configured on CC device 001900/sp0 ced | sort +4 ‐‐> print cell data sorted on the fifth field cedh ‐m 8,9,10 ‐‐> print cell group usage for modules 8, 9, 10. u! /home/SOCMINI/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/undo/undo_OFFLINE_OJRNC1_BEF_080423‐010508.mos – change to xml !cat /home/SOCMINI/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/undo/undo_OFFLINE_OJRNC1_BEF_080423‐010508.mos – to display cmd mo Del – tuk delete parent Rdel – tuk delete parent child Lrdel – tuk delete all Set – tuk set parent Lset – tuk set parent child l cat – tuk baca file uer ‐n 5 – to print imsi data for 5 user uestatus – check status trace ueenable imsi 621300114042500 bus_send bus_receive – trace on particular imsi uedisable 0 – utuk disable trace imsi bo – tuk lihat module lhsh 011400 te log read – baca trace di mod 14 lh mod3 te e all UEH_EXCEPTION – untuk active trace UEH_EXCEPTION di mod 3 lh mod3 te disable all UEH_EXCEPTION – utk diactive UEH_EXCEPTION get rbslocal power – to get rbs power capability get all delay – get anntena delay get aal2 – list detail aal2 lst aal2 ‐ list aal2 get iub – to get hsdpa data get nodeb – to get nodeb data get all steer – to get hs alocation get all dlAttenuation – get attenuation value get ncell=756 power – to get tpower for site 756 on rnc pmx UTRANCELL=756 rrcconnect ‐m 2 ‐ to get 756 performance 2 hour on rnc pmx UTRANCELL=(756|757) rrcconnect ‐m 2 ‐ to get 756 and 757 performance 2 hour on rnc to set/deactive cv to rollback cvls – to check cv get config‐ to check software management set 325 rollbackOn true – to set rollback to on – 325 is proxy set 325 rollbackOn false – to set rollback to off to restart jvm get jvm – get java pr acl jvm – to know what cmd on java acc ‘pr’ restart – to restart java pglist – to know program information pgkill ‘handle’ – to kill program to reset/add sync get sync – to get syn ldn acl sync – to get cmd on sync acc 899 resetLossOfTracking – to reset sync - put ldn sync ref :‐ Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,Cbu=1,ExchangeTerminal=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp1 acc 899 addSyncRefResource - put ldn sync ref :‐ Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,Cbu=1,ExchangeTerminal=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 check radio get radio lst carrier , get fach,rach,pch to create new ntp server get 1 acl 1 acc 1 createNtpSecondary set 1 ntpServerAddressPrimary set 1 ntpServerAddressSecondary acl 1 acc 1 createNtpSecondary 64 1024 true set 1 ntpBurstFlagPrimary true set 1 nodeLocalTimeZone UTC yes get 1 ntpconfig info readclock cvls cvms om_CXP9011610_1_R4C07_0804010_0910 MS_3GNOC ATP hi after set result :‐ U0024‐Starcoms_Mast_Lekki> get 1 080410‐09:22:00 7.0r RBS_NODE_MODEL_J_5_5 stopfile=/tmp/26453 ======================================================================================================= ========== 1 ManagedElementData=1 ======================================================================================================= ========== ManagedElementDataId 1 autoConfigurationAllowed true daylightSavingTime false dhcpServerAddresses s[0] = documentServerAddress 80863232 hdVolumeCFreespace hdVolumeCSize 307682816 logonServerAddress minimumHdVolumeCFreespace 0 nodeLocalTimeZone UTC nodeUTCTime 1207815720000 nodeUniqueID ntpBurstFlagPrimary true ntpBurstFlagSecondary true ntpMaxPollPrimary 1024 ntpMaxPollSecondary 1024 ntpMinPollPrimary 64 ntpMinPollSecondary 64 ntpServerAddressPrimary ntpServerAddressSecondary ntpServiceActivePrimary true ntpServiceActiveSecondary true performanceDataPath /c/pm_dataperformanceDataVolume /c/ piuGroupEscalationType 4 (WARM_AT_PIU_RESTART) swServerUrlList syncModeOperation 2 (WCDMA) ======================================================================================================= ========== Total: 1 MOs 3. to check site lst .354 – site id ldeb .354 – to deblock all bl .354 – to block all lh ru fui get devstat – to check vswr ‐ RBS 3116 lhsh 001200/port_1_dev_11 asc vswr ‐ RBS 3206 kget . – tuk dpt kget file 4. To read MCPA temp ¾ Cabx (to check RBS status) ¾ lhsh 010200/port_0_dev_13 mcpaBoard temp ¾ lhsh 010200/port_0_dev_13 help ¾ lhsh 010200/port_0_dev_13 restart (if need to restart) 5. To check pm counters for E1 In RXI ¾ pr atmport=ms‐x‐y ¾ get <proxy> ¾ lpget Subrack=MS,Slot=x,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=ppy 6. To check E1‐MS port in RXI (add E1 for RBS) In RNC ¾ st <sitename> ¾ get <proxy> iub In RXI ¾ pr .<iub> eg. pr .0095 ¾ lk <proxy> ¾ st atmport=ms‐x‐y ¾ bl ¾ lget ms‐2‐2 (then check iub number with STR printout – see tally or not) ¾ reservedBy Aal2PathVccTp=b0001a2 <‐‐‐‐‐ iub # = 0001 In RBS (when port is ready but E1 not pull through yet – so that no alarm) ¾ pr atmport ¾ get <proxy> ie. get 1345 ¾ lget Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 nd ¾ set <proxy> administrativeState 0 (to lock the 2 physical port) nd ¾ set 194 administrativeState 0 (to lock the 2 physical port) 7. To remove Utrancell & IubLink in RNC ¾ ¾ ¾ lst <utrancell> lst singmu ldel <utrancell> ¾ lst .b<iub‐no> ¾ ldel .<iub‐no> eg. lst raza eg. lst .b0095 (WARNING : Check other proxys) (WARNING : Exclude other proxys) ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ RNCTGEM01> lst .b14 Around 12 MOs for IUB (1E1) 060105‐12:32:30 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================================================== 3517 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmCrossConnection=b14ib 3518 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmCrossConnection=b14ia 3586 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,Aal5TpVccTp=b14db 3587 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,Aal5TpVccTp=b14da 3590 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,Aal5TpVccTp=b14cb 3591 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,Aal5TpVccTp=b14ca 3751 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,Aal0TpVccTp=b14sb1 3761 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,Aal0TpVccTp=b14sa1 4314 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,UniSaalTp=b14db 4316 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,UniSaalTp=b14da 4319 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,UniSaalTp=b14cb 4320 0 (DISABLED) TransportNetwork=1,UniSaalTp=b14ca =================================================================================== Total: 12 MOs ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ lst .vc<iub‐no> ldel .vc<iub‐no> eg. lst .vc95 (WARNING : Check other proxys) (WARNING : Exclude other proxys) RNCTGEM01> lst .vc14 Around 10 MOs for IUB (1E1) 060105‐12:30:49 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================================================== 2972 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐26‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1437 2973 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐26‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1436 2974 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐26‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1435 2975 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐26‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1434 2976 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐26‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1432 3978 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐7‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1432 4187 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐6‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1432 4484 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐27‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1444 4485 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐27‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1443 4487 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐27‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc1433 =================================================================================== Total: 10 MOs From RNCs delete external utran relations ¾ lpr utranrelation=<sitename> ¾ ldel utranrelation=<sitename> 8. 9. To remove rbs in RXI ¾ ¾ pr .b<iub‐no> lk <proxy> ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ pr aal2routingcase 6012200500<rncid><iub‐no> del <proxy> ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ lpr atmport=ms‐18‐1 lget atmport=ms‐18‐1 del <proxydown>‐<proxytop‐1> WARNING : Don’t remove the MS port del AtmPort=MS‐20‐1‐* (to delete the whole 63 ports of the ETMC41) lst Slot=18.*Vc12Ttp=1 or to block all ports : lbl Slot=18.*Vc12Ttp=* ¾ ¾ lpr vc<iub> ldel vc<iub> lst .b<iub‐no> ldel .b<iub‐no> eg. lst .b0095 eg. lpr vc95 eg. ldel vc95 (WARNING : Exclude other VCs) To remove rbs in ATMCC ¾ ¾ lst .b<iub‐no> ldel .b<iub‐no> eg. lst .b0095 ¾ ¾ lpr vc<iub> ldel vc<iub> eg. lpr vc95 eg. ldel vc95 (WARNING : Exclude other VCs) 10. To check pm (performance) counters in RNC/RXI ¾ get 1 ¾ ls ‐l /p001200/pm/ | grep xml ¾ pst ¾ pmr [‐m 5 –p 3] (to see the performance directory) (to see the performance files) (list the scanners, status) (get performance report) [for the last 5 hours + 3 ] 11. To create performance counters scanner ¾ pst ¾ pgetsn <proxy> ¾ pcr <name> <mo‐name> <counter‐name> eg. pcr <rssi> cellcarrier pmAverageRssi ¾ pget <mo‐name> <counter‐name> to read the counters ¾ pbl/pdeb <proxy> to stop/resume scanner ¾ pdel <proxy> to delete scanner 12. To set SAC in Utrancell ¾ ¾ ¾ pr utrancell=ower serviceAreaRef (then) get utrancell=ower serviceAreaRef set utrancell=AMGMMU servicearearef LocationArea=1,servicearea=12 (SAC defined) 13. To set Electrical Tilt (RET) ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ pr retdevice get <proxy> set <proxy> electricalAntennaTilt <value> get ret electrical 14. To set Latitude/Longitude ¾ ¾ get sector lat set sector latitude <value> 15. To log alarm in a nice format ¾ lgevsm 16. Sample Scripts in moshell ¾ for 10 Enter commmands (one per line), then type "done" > get radiolink num > wait 2 > done 17. To enable E1 supervision ¾ set 18. To create Group (eg. Not reserved VclTp) ¾ ¾ get vcltp reservedby !.*= lma <group‐name> vcltp reservedby !.*= 19. To create performance counters ¾ pst 20. To check cell state In RBS ¾ ¾ lst cell get radiolinks (to see how many line/s being used) In RNC ¾ lst utrancell ¾ st utrancell 1.*0 (cells Unlocked & Disabled) 21. To check RBS MO In RBS ¾ st plug ¾ cabx ¾ cab (AuxPlugInUnit=2 is the RET, AuxPlugInUnit=1 is the ASC) (without the external parts) 22. To change PSC ( In RNC ¾ st plug ¾ cabx ¾ cab (AuxPlugInUnit=2 is the RET, AuxPlugInUnit=1 is the ASC) (without the external parts) 23. To change SAC (Service Area Code) In RNC ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Pr cell Get proxy Get set utrancell=KCC1BU servicearearef LocationArea=1,servicearea=284 24. To change maxtxpowerdl for specific cell (usually to clear CONGESTION alarms) In RNC ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ get CUV1BU_1 maxtxpowerdl ‐‐> in EMAS, click Utrancell, Properties, Cell (PCIPCH in Common Channel) set CUV1BU_1 maxtxpowerdl 402 maxtxpowerdl value stated as x10dBm (actual = 0.1x) maxtxpowerdl value usually 0.4 dBm lesser than maxDlPowerCapability (from RBS) thus if maxDlPowerCapability 422, maxtxpowerdl 418 (422 – 4) in P3 ‐ get SOGXBU_1 maximumtransmissionpower In RBS determine max capability to transmit ¾ SUNWMU> get all xdl ¾ get all xdl ‐‐‐> in EMAS, click RBSLocalCell, Properties, Characteristics, Max & Min value ¾ example result printout = maxDlPowerCapability 422 25. To lock/unlock cells In RNC ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ st utrancell=sunwmu lst sunw lbl sunw (to lock cell & channels) bl sunw (to lock cell only) deb sunw (to unlock) 26. To check RBS info In RBS ¾ ¾ Get 0 Get 1 (check ntpServerAddressPrimary) 27. To check network clock synchronisation In RNC & RBS ¾ Read clock (GMT +8) ¾ ntpconfig info ¾ Check which OMNIFSERVER the node is connected to (i.e ntpServerAddressPrimary) – from get 1 28. To check atmport & pp (physical port) In RBS ¾ lpr atmport ¾ vc32&33 for signaling ¾ lpget 1007 (vc proxy) – to see number of ATM traffic cells transferred ¾ get atmport=1‐2‐2 ¾ then : lget Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 ¾ to un/lock have to set values 1 or 0 29. To administer state of Mos In RBS ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ St plug Deb proxy Bl proxy No need to use set 1 or set 0 (only for physical ports) otherwise use deb & bl 30. To autocreateCV In RNC & RBS ¾ Get config ¾ Cv ls (2 CVs will be used for the autocreate CV function) ¾ Set “proxy” autoCreatedCVIsTurnedOn true/false ¾ Set timeForAutoCreatedCV (UTC time) ¾ Set timeForAutoCreatedCV 13:00 (cv autocreated at 9pm) 31. To check SAC corruption In RNC ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ tg | grep ‐i kcc1bu lh mod1 cell get 1/1/1/1/2/1.44 cellData lookout for , sac int 10 } which states a wrong SAC value for the Utrancell get utrancell=kcc1bu cid (cid = SAC + sector number) get serviceArea=284 to confirm SAC for the cell 32. To any hanging modules In RNC only ¾ stdh 33. To restart Node In RNC,RXI & RBS ¾ acc 0 restart ¾ poll (to wait 20seconds until node comes up again) ¾ acc 0 manualrestart – for p5 platform 34. To create CV In RNC,RXI & RBS ¾ cvms CXP9010373%1_R11G_050725_1516 emfauzi change_ntpserver_ip ¾ cvms CXP9010373%1_R11G_050725_1516 followed by comments for the CV ¾ cvset CXP9010373%1_R11G ‐‐ to set the CV startable 35. To change LAC (Location Area Code) In RNC ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ get servicearea=132 get locationarea get routingarea get externalutrancell LAC ‐‐> corresponding LAC changed at neighbour RNC (if defined) set ExternalUtranCell=uefaMU_1 lac 12050 ‐‐>to change the externalutrancell LAC parameter for the particular cell at another/neighbour RNC ¾ get utrancell=uefa lac ‐‐> to view externalutrancell LAC parameter at neighbour RNC ¾ get utrancell=cinoMU_3 36. To check plugin status In RNC & node B ¾ st plugin ¾ st plugin 1 0 ¾ st plugin 0 1 ¾ lst plug 0 37. To enter Moshell with security enabled In RNC & node B ¾ moshell ‐c host.p12 38. To block sectors via Moshell In RNC ¾ St blip ¾ Bl the proxy ¾ Deb the proxy (can have multiple proxies for more cells) 39. To view delay & attenuation parameters within a sector In RBS ¾ ¾ ¾ Get jumper Get feeder Get rbs xdl 40. To delete something already done with a script In RNC/RXI/RBS ¾ First you have to generate the MO Delete script ¾ This is done by ./undomo > ¾ [~]$ ./undomo > ¾ [~]$ ¾ Where is the script which was run earlier ¾ And is the Delete Script ¾ Modify so that downtime will be less ¾ Run to undo the wrongly defined MO ¾ Then run the modified/correct 41. To check E1 state In RXI ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ In RBS ¾ ¾ ¾ St ms‐20‐2 Check whether port locked or not pr the port number Pr pp2 or pp7 (ETM1) lst Slot=8.*Vc12Ttp=5$ (ETMC41, MS‐8‐5) Get proxy and view admin state whether locked or not Then do deblocking Deb proxy St proxy Make sure port is deblocked (can also see in EMAS) St atmport Check port lock state St pp St pp2 st pp3 42. To check locked board in node In all nodes ¾ lst plug 0 43. To restart / reload board In all nodes ¾ Acc 000900 restart ¾ Acc 001400 reload st pp4 pr pp(port#) 44. GSG – get set get In RNC ¾ To activate type gsg ¾ To deactivate type gsg again ¾ Use run command (not trun) 45. run and trun In all nodes ¾ trun is only for xml scripts ¾ run for scripts such as set DAGAMU_1 usedFreqThresh2dEcno ‐12 ¾ trun for running the last script : ¾ run is for any script (txt for for example) ¾ open logfile l+ 20060113_CR003_RNCTGEM01.log ¾ cannot have undo mode while having gsg activated ¾ run CR003_13012006.txt ¾ close logfile 46. CAB printout 0 = slot 28, 1 = slot 1 In all nodes RXIKPNG02> cab 060206‐11:09:22 ....... =================================================================================================== == SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERIAL NR TEMP COREMGR =================================================================================================== == 0 1 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/3 R3D 20050608 TU86364489 0 2 HUB MP ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2106/40 R5A 20050626 TU86494707 +32C Active 0 3 GPB40 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2106/40 R5A 20050626 TU86494699 +31C StandbyReady 0 4 TUB ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2104/4 R3B 20050620 TU86442436 0 5 TUB ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2104/4 R3B 20050620 TU86442439 0 8 ET‐MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644146 0 10 ET‐MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644042 0 12 ET‐MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644052 0 14 ET‐MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644056 0 16 ET‐MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644037 0 18 ET‐MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644067 0 20 ET‐MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050708 TU86592867 0 24 ET‐M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545997 0 25 ET‐M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545998 0 26 ET‐M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545996 0 27 ET‐M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86546001 0 0 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/3 R3D 20050608 TU86364157 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 1 is slot 1 0 is slot 28 47. When lock/unlock from log In RBS ¾ ¾ Lgv Lgaevsm – rather long 48. Read VSWR / OUTPUT Power from RBS In RBS ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ lhsh 010900 ps port* lhsh 010600 lhsh port_0_dev_17 asc vswr lhsh 010900 lhsh port_0_dev_19 asc vswr lhsh 010900 lhsh port_0_dev_19 asc vswr lhsh 010600 lhsh port_0_dev_17 asc pow acc 011200 restart ‐ restart AIU ‐ sector 1 ‐ sector 2 49. primary ScramblingCode In RNC ¾ get iska primaryscram 50. maxDlPowerCapability /maxDl In RBS ¾ In RBS ¾ get local xdl get SOGXBU_1 maximumtransmissionpower 51. redefine TD in VC In RXI ¾ ¾ ¾ In RBS ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Resources for CELL does not come up – apparently TD is defined as U42 lget AtmPort=MS‐24‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 lrset AtmPort=MS‐24‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 atmTrafficDescriptorId AtmTrafficDescriptor=C2P4000 Resources for CELL does not come up – apparently TD is defined as U42 lget AtmPort=MS‐1‐2‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 lrset AtmPort=MS‐1‐2‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 atmTrafficDescriptorId AtmTrafficDescriptor=C2P4000 pr. Bq ‐ must be win30 pr aal2 then get proxy for TransportNetwork=1,Aal2PathVccTp=ba1 then lpr AtmPort=1‐2‐1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 get the proxy look for AtmTrafficDescriptor=C2P4000 52. Check E1 loop In node ¾ lacc AtmPort=MS‐27‐1,VplTp=vp5 eteloopback 53. Check 101 or not In node RNC & ATMCC only ¾ Pr vc21432 ¾ Pr vc*RBSID*32 54. LST carrier KIRAMU> lst carrier 060303‐10:58:44 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================================================== 1208 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1 1210 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Ssch=1 1211 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Psch=1 1212 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Pcpich=1 1213 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Pccpch=1 1214 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Pccpch=1,Bch=1 1215 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Prach=1 1216 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Prach=1,Rach=1 1217 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Aich=1 1218 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2 1219 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2,Fach=1 1220 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2,Fach=2 1221 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Sccpch=1 1222 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Sccpch=1,Pch=1 1223 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1,Pich=1 1225 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1 1227 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Ssch=1 1228 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Psch=1 1229 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Pcpich=1 1230 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Pccpch=1 1231 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Pccpch=1,Bch=1 1232 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Prach=1 1233 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Prach=1,Rach=1 1234 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Aich=1 1235 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2 1236 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2,Fach=1 1237 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2,Fach=2 1238 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Sccpch=1 1239 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Sccpch=1,Pch=1 1240 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1,Pich=1 1242 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1 1244 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Ssch=1 1245 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Psch=1 1246 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Pcpich=1 1247 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Pccpch=1 1248 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Pccpch=1,Bch=1 1249 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2 1250 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2,Fach=1 1251 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Sccpch=2,Fach=2 1252 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Sccpch=1 1253 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Sccpch=1,Pch=1 1254 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Pich=1 1255 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Prach=1 1256 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Prach=1,Rach=1 1257 1 (ENABLED) NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1,Aich=1 =================================================================================== Total: 45 MOs ‐ for fully operational site OSSRC IP address telnet the IP address before the main RBS IP 55. To Check E1 from RNC then RXI In node RNC ¾ pr iub pot3 to get RBSID or ¾ Pr iub *RBSID* ¾ Get the proxy for the Aal0 ‐ look for the name In node RXI ¾ pr .124 56. Utrancell Relations In node RNC ¾ lpr utrancell=evermu_2 utranrelation 57. RBSID In node RBS ¾ Pr iub ¾ Get the proxy NodeBFunction=1,Iub=POT3UU ¾ RBSID seen 58. IUB for utrancell definition In node RNC ¾ st utrancell=MC ¾ get 10545 iub 59. ATM port from RNC In node RNC ¾ Must know the RBS ID 1st ¾ get aal2pathvcctp=b0016 60. Check Error count In node RXI ¾ Pget <proxy> 61. Check VP1 or VP101 In node RNC ¾ Get .vc209 ======================================================================================================= ========== 5576 TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐7‐1,VplTp=vp101,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc20932 ======================================================================================================= ========== VclTpId vc20932 atmTrafficDescriptorId AtmTrafficDescriptor=U4 availabilityStatus 0 (NO_STATUS) externalVci 20932 operationalState 1 (ENABLED) reservedBy AtmCrossConnection=b209ib userLabel ======================================================================================================= ========== 5848 TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS‐6‐1,VplTp=vp101,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc20932 ======================================================================================================= ========== VclTpId vc20932 atmTrafficDescriptorId AtmTrafficDescriptor=U4 availabilityStatus 0 (NO_STATUS) externalVci 20932 operationalState 1 (ENABLED) reservedBy AtmCrossConnection=b209ia userLabel ======================================================================================================= ========== Total: 10 MOs 62. Check security turn ON in RBS or NOT In node RBS ¾ Lt manage ¾ Lt mana (also can) ¾ 1077 ManagedElementData=1 ¾ 1078 SwManagement=1 ¾ get *ManagedElementData=1* proxy ¾ look for logonServerAddress ¾ if, ‐‐‐ then security OFF ¾ if https://ckpgominf2:8443/ericsson/servlet/sls,https://ckpgominf3:8443/ericsson/servlet/sls ‐‐‐‐ security ON 63. Check security turn ON in RBS or NOT In node RNC ¾ Lt manage 64. To change all gsmrelation in the Node In node RNC ¾ set GsmRelation qOffset1sn 1 ¾ mom gsmrelation qoffset (1 means 1 db) 65. To change gsmrelation of only some cells In node RNC ¾ lset UtranCell=CHERMU_1,GsmRelation=RANEM1_2 qOffset1sn 7 66. To check what is in the RNCMODULE In node RNC ¾ Lt rncmodule ¾ Get rncmodule ¾ Pr rncmodule (then get proxy oso can) 67. To check how many HSDPA users in a cell (must know CID) In node RNC ¾ dyncelldata cid 02301 RNCKPNG01> dyncelldata cid 02301 060425‐10:51:23 (7 means 7 db) Trying password from ipdatabase file: /home/emfauzi/moshell/sitefiles/ipdatabase... $ dyncelldata cid 02301 cId: 2301 Cell froId: 65 CC SP: 011000/sp0.lnh/CommonChMainPT rncModuleId: 4 IubLink froId: 22 Total ASE DL: 944 aseDlAdm: 240 beMarginAseDl: 100 Total ASE UL: 16748 aseUlAdm: 500 aseUlAdmOffset: 40 beMarginAseUl: 0 CPM RL Count: 0 compModeAdm: 15 <‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 5 user currently HSDPA UE Count: 5 hsdpaUsersAdm: 20 SF8 RL DL Count: 0 sf8Adm: 1 SF16 RL DL Count: 0 sf16Adm: 16 SF32 RL DL Count: 0 sf32Adm: 32 SF4 RL UL Count: 5 sf4AdmUl: 20 DL Code Allocation Level: 40.23 % dlCodeAdm: 80 % beMarginDlCode: 5 UL Interference: ‐105.2 dBm Filtered DL Power: 23.44 % pwrAdm: 75 % pwrAdmOffset: 10 % beMarginDlPwr: 10 Congestion State: Uncongested $ To change cell reserved unreserved, 1) moshell to RNC 2) lt all 3) lget alammu cellreserved To change to unreserved 4)lset alammu_1 cellreserved 1 To change to reserved 5) lset alammu_1 cellreserved 0 6. to check interference pmr choose 1, restart java if rssi no value pr java acc pr restart To clear Synchronization alarm :2010‐07‐08 16:15:24 M Synch Reference Path HW Fault clock_synchronisation_problem Synchronization=1 2010‐07‐08 16:51:07 M TimDevice_RadioClockIsNotStable loss_of_synchronisation Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,Cbu=1,TimDeviceSet=1,TimDevice=1 2010‐07‐08 16:51:07 M Loss of Tracking replaceable_unit_problem Synchronization=1 >>> Total: 3 Alarms (0 Critical, 3 Major) Use this: get sync acl sync acc 10 resetLossOfTracking y Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,Cbu=1,ExchangeTerminal=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp3 To get Azimuth = get sector on the RBS To get LAC, RAC, RNC ID get iurlink get RoutingArea get LocationArea To Get Utranrelations on RNCs: l+ get utranrelation selec l‐ l+ get gsmrelation selec l‐ To lock: Lbl utrancell=2632G To unlock board: pr pluginunit Ldeb proxy To unlock: Ldeb utrancell=2632G To do a restart U4833‐Akoro_Junction_Obosi> acc 0 manualrestart To create CV: CVLS CVMs existing cv >cab ‐‐> to check hardware, eg. if RAX down >st e1 ‐‐> to check E1 availability To restart acc 0 manualrestart To change the RET U4068‐Bethany_Nurs_Pry_sch> get ret elec 091223‐13:10:14 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/2231 ======================================================================================================= ========== MO Attribute Value ======================================================================================================= ========== SectorAntenna=3,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 electricalAntennaTilt 40 SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 electricalAntennaTilt 70 SectorAntenna=2,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 electricalAntennaTilt 30 ======================================================================================================= ========== Total: 3 MOs U4068‐Bethany_Nurs_Pry_sch> pr retdevice 091223‐13:10:32 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/2231 =================================================================================== Proxy MO =================================================================================== 313 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=3,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1 314 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=3,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 407 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1 408 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 476 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=2,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1 477 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=2,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 =================================================================================== Total: 6 MOs U4068‐Bethany_Nurs_Pry_sch> get 408 091223‐13:11:01 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/2231 ======================================================================================================= ========== 408 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 ======================================================================================================= ========== RetDeviceId 1 availabilityStatus 0 (NO_STATUS) electricalAntennaTilt 70 maxTilt 100 minTilt 0 operationalState 1 (ENABLED) reservedBy [1] = >>> reservedBy = NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1 usageState 2 (BUSY) userLabel ======================================================================================================= ========== Total: 1 MOs U4068‐Bethany_Nurs_Pry_sch> set 408 electricalAntennaTilt 80 091223‐13:13:09 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/2231 Set electricalAntennaTilt on following MOs ? =================================================================================== 408 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 =================================================================================== Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ======================================================================================================= ===== Id MO electricalAntennaTilt Result ======================================================================================================= ===== 408 SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 80 >>> Set. ======================================================================================================= ===== Total: 1 MOs attempted, 1 MOs set U4068‐Bethany_Nurs_Pry_sch> get ret elec 091223‐13:13:26 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/2231 ======================================================================================================= ========== MO Attribute Value ======================================================================================================= ========== SectorAntenna=3,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 electricalAntennaTilt 40 SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 electricalAntennaTilt 80 SectorAntenna=2,AuxPlugInUnit=2,RetuDeviceGroup=1,RetDeviceSet=1,RetDevice=1 electricalAntennaTilt 30 ======================================================================================================= ========== Total: 3 MOs 1;32mU2053‐Rumuogba> ldeb 175 100107‐16:47:36 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/15897 Deblock following MOs ? =================================================================================== 175 Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=11,PlugInUnit=1 =================================================================================== Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ======================================================================================================= ===== Id MO administrativeState Result ======================================================================================================= ===== 175 Subrack=1,Slot=11,PlugInUnit=1 1 >>> Set. ======================================================================================================= ===== Total: 1 MOs attempted, 1 MOs set U2053‐Rumuogba> st plugin 100107‐16:45:41 7.1 RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/15897 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================================================== 74 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1 155 175 201 221 239 253 267 280 287 295 300 309 316 321 327 345 351 357 383 389 404 458 462 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (UNLOCKED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 0 (DISABLED) 1 (ENABLED) 1 (ENABLED) Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=9,PlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=11,PlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=8,PlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,Subrack=1,Slot=12,PlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=RU1,RbsSlot=1,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=RU1,RbsSlot=3,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=RU1,RbsSlot=2,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2 Equipment=1,AuxPlugInUnit=3 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=3,AuxPlugInUnit=2 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=3,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=PS1,RbsSlot=4,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=PS1,RbsSlot=1,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=PS1,RbsSlot=2,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=PS1,RbsSlot=3,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=FU1,RbsSlot=1,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=FU1,RbsSlot=3,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,RbsSubrack=FU1,RbsSlot=2,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=1,AuxPlugInUnit=2 Equipment=1,AuxPlugInUnit=1 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=2,AuxPlugInUnit=2 Equipment=1,SectorAntenna=2,AuxPlugInUnit=1 ;32mU2733‐Anwai_Road> readclock 100319‐12:24:54 7.1t RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_5_6 stopfile=/tmp/24676 Trying password from ipdatabase file: /home/pradeep/moshell//sitefiles/ipdatabase... $ readclock Date: 1970‐01‐01 Time: 20:30:04. Thursday User name: rbs Password: rbs $ U2733‐Anwai_Road> setclock 2010‐03‐19 12:25:00 100319‐12:25:08 7.1t RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_5_6 stopfile=/tmp/24676 $ setclock 2010‐03‐19 12:25:00 Date and time set ok $ TO CHECK THE HSDPA USERS AND CODES: lget rbs maxNumHsdpaUsers lget rbs maxNumHsPdschCodes