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mangement styles

Management Styles
Unit 3
新标准高职商务英语视听说教程 4
Unit 3
Learning Objectives
get an insight into different styles
of management;
know what makes a good leader
or manager;
understand how management
styles influence business.
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Warming Up
Warming Up
Warming Up:
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Look and Speak Look at the following pictures of some famous leaders or managers. What do
you know about them? Can you make out what kinds of qualities they possess?
Bill Gates
Ma Yun
Warming Up:
Warming Up
Steve Jobs
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Li Kaifu
Video Episode
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Getting Started
Background Information
Leading In
Business to Know
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Four Distinct Ways to Manage
New Words and Expressions
subordinate n.
democratic a.
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Before you listen to the passage, read the questions. Then listen and find out the answers.
1. What are the four distinct management styles?
Directive Democrat, Directive Autocrat, Permissive
Democrat and Permissive Autocrat.
2. What is situational style of management?
Situational management is that managers adjust their
styles according to the situation that they are presented
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
3. How is situational leadership divided?
It’s divided by the amount of support and guidance
Leading In:
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
New Words and Expressions
foreman n.
nurture v.
a cog in a machine
Leading In:
1B | 1C | 1D
| 1E | 1F | 1G
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to Dialogue 1 and tell the differences between leadership and management by
choosing the right answer for each blank.
a. administration
b. inspire and motivate
c. plan, organize and coordinate
d. people
The Manager
The job is to c.
The Leader
The job is to b.
The emphasis is put on a.
The emphasis is put on d.
Leading In:
1B | 1C | 1D
| 1E | 1F | 1G
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to Dialogue 2 and answer the following question.
How do you understand the last sentence “In one word, the
manager does things right and the leader does the right
It means that the manager makes sure that the company
is running normally and the leader will try his best to
keep the company developing in a better way.
Leading In:
1B | 1C | 1D
| 1E | 1F | 1G
Warming Up
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Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to Dialogue 3 and fill in each blank with no more than three words.
In the industrial age, management was (1) separated
from leadership. The foreman’s job was to follow orders, (2)
organize the work and (3) ensure the job got done. He
didn’t have to think much about (4) the products and (5)
the workers.
Leading In:
1B | 1C | 1D
| 1E | 1F | 1G
Warming Up
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Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to Dialogue 4 and answer the following question.
Why are the workers no longer cogs in a machine?
Maybe it’s because nowadays most workers are highly
educated, their intelligence and ideas may bring great
benefits to the company. They are the precious human
Leading In:
1B | 1C | 1D
| 1E | 1F | 1G
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to Dialogue 5 and fill in each blank with no more than three words.
In the new economy, people expect their managers not
just to (1) assign a task to them, but to (2) define a
purpose for them. The managers must organize workers to
nurture skills, (3) develop talent and (4) inspire results
instead of only (5) maximizing efficiency.
Leading In:
1B | 1C | 1D
| 1E | 1F | 1G
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Pair Work Take turns asking and answering questions about leadership and management,
according to the dialogues you’ve listened to. The following should be covered.
1. Tell the differences between leadership and management.
Examples can be used to illustrate your points.
2. What’s the foreman’s job in the industrial age?
3. What kind of role do managers play in the new economy?
Business to
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Management Approaches
Leaders can have different approaches along with their
management styles. Some leaders are more task-oriented,
while others may be more member-oriented. Task-oriented
leaders focus more on the task at hand and how to complete it
while member-oriented leaders are concerned about the
people and how to support them.
No matter what your leadership style, the members
themselves will help you shape which approach you must take
to help everyone succeed. The chart below may help you
understand where you fit in with the task- or peopleorientation.
Business to
Warming Up
Getting Started
Supporting: This would be
the attitude for a member who
is very capable of performing,
but who lacks the confidence to
complete the tasks. This type of
person will require praise and
confidence that he or she can
complete the tasks.
Delegating: This person is
very competent and self-reliant.
The leader can simply
delegate the work and check
in now and then to ensure that
it has been completed.
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Coaching: This would be
the attitude to use for a team
member who has become
discouraged. Not only does
this person need to be told
every step to make, but also
needs praise to keep going.
Directing: This would be
the style to use with a new,
enthusiastic member of the
team. The leader would not
give a lot of moral support;
but, the member would need
to be told what to do at each
Business to
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Video Episode
Presentation The previous chart shows the different styles that managers should adopt in
different situations. Discuss with your group members and try to use examples to elaborate the
four approaches in your presentation.
1. If the employees have the skills to accomplish the task but
lack the confidence, the leader should be low taskoriented and high people-oriented. Supporting will be
2. If the employees have both the skills and confidence to
complete the task, the leader should be low taskoriented and low people-oriented. Delegating will be
Business to
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
3. If the employees have the confidence but no skills, the
leader should be high task-oriented and low peopleoriented. Directing will be necessary. This may be the case
when new employees are recruited.
4. If the employees have neither the skills nor the confidence,
the leader should be high task-oriented and high peopleoriented. Coaching will be needed and the leader will have
a lot of responsibilities.
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Actual Communication
Dialogue 1
What Makes a Good Manager?
Dialogue 2
Do Women Make Better Bosses?
Passage 1
Management Styles Vary from
Section Company to Company
Passage 2
Three Main Categories of
Leadership Styles
Sect. A, D1
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
What Makes a Good Manager?
New Words and Expressions
narrow down
Video Episode
Sect. A, D1
2A | 2B | 2C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the
false statements.
1. Jason and Maria are the only two applicants for the
post of the manager. ( F )
Jason and Maria are the only two candidates for the
post of the manager.
2. It’s a tough competition because they have to compete
with some well-known leaders or managers. ( F )
It’s a tough competition because both of them have
impressive personalities and good training.
Sect. A, D1
2A | 2B | 2C
Warming Up
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Actual Communication
Video Episode
3. Jason has more than 20 years of working experience
in marketing while Maria has fewer. ( T )
4. A good manager should have communicative skills
and can’t possess an air of authority. ( F )
A good manager should have communicative skills
and possess an air of authority.
Sect. A, D1
2A | 2B | 2C
Warming Up
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Actual Communication
Video Episode
5. According to the speakers, a man often performs
better than a woman under stressful situations. ( T )
6. The two speakers reached their decision based on the
comparisons they just made. ( T )
Sect. A, D1
2A | 2B | 2C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to the dialogue for the second time and list out all the good qualities that are needed to
be a good manager, and put a tick (√) under the person who is better in each aspect. The first
one has been done for you.
What makes a good manager?
1. To be well-informed and knowledgeable
Jason Maria
about the business.
2. To possess two-way communication skills
to inspire and get most from their staff.
3. To possess an air of authority.
Sect. A, D1
2A | 2B | 2C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
What makes a good manager?
4. To be calm under pressure and make clear
Video Episode
Jason Maria
5. To have the desire to achieve great things.
6. To think creatively to provide a vision for
the company and solve problems.
Sect. A, D1
2A | 2B | 2C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Discussion You and your partner will talk about what good qualities a good manager needs.
You may refer to some information from the above dialogue.
Some good qualities may be included: experienced,
communicative, authoritative, clear-minded, ambitious,
creative, far-sighted, etc.
Reference answer
Sect. A, D2
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Do Women Make Better Bosses?
New Words and Expressions
manipulative a.
sophisticated a.
feminine a.
masculine a.
Video Episode
Sect. A, D2
2D | 2E | 2F
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.
1. What information about Miranda is NOT true?
A. She is the actress in the movie.
B. She is the boss in the movie.
C. She is the heroine in the movie.
D. She is disliked by her people.
Video Episode
Sect. A, D2
2D | 2E | 2F
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
2. Why is Miranda called a devil boss?
A. She looks like a devil.
B. She behaves like a man.
C. She is strong and goal-oriented.
D. She is ruthless and demanding.
3. According to a recent survey, in which aspect are women
managers no better than men?
A. Communication.
B. Cooperation.
C. Effectiveness.
D. Indirectness.
Sect. A, D2
2D | 2E | 2F
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
4. Why are most management jobs held by men?
A. Women are less cooperative, effective and directive than
B. Men are more ambitious, decisive and strong-minded than
C. Men are good at maintaining a harmonious working
D. Women are cruel, picky and manipulative.
Sect. A, D2
2D | 2E | 2F
Warming Up
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Actual Communication
Video Episode
5. What do the speakers think Miranda should do?
A. Miranda should put down all her feminine identities.
B. Miranda should adopt a lot of masculine ways.
C. Miranda should establish a good relationship with her
D. Miranda should be authoritative to get things done
Sect. A, D2
2D | 2E | 2F
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to the dialogue again and analyze Miranda’s strengths and weaknesses as a manager by
finishing the matching exercise.
She is ruthless, picky and demanding.
She is merciless and manipulative.
Miranda’s strong points
She is strong and goal-oriented.
She is committed to her company and
the highest level of excellence.
She always gives orders or instructions.
Miranda’s weak points
She likes judging and criticizing people.
She isolates herself from her people.
She is authoritative to get things done
Sect. A, D2
2D | 2E | 2F
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Debate Women are better bosses Vs. Men are better bosses. You may refer to some ideas and
expressions mentioned in the previous dialogue.
Sect. B, P1
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Management Styles Vary from Company to Company
New Words and Expressions
Sect. B, P1
2G | 2H | 2I
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to the passage and match the people in the left column with their management styles in
the right column.
Bill Gates
An unorthodox but effective style which
allows employees to judge their
Warren Buffet
Monitoring the staff and figures
Ricardo Semler
Encouraging the workers to think of the
company as their own
Sect. B, P1
2G | 2H | 2I
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen again and complete the following chart.
Bill Gates
Warren Buffett
Ricardo Semler
He based his
practice at
Microsoft on (1)
control and was
concerned with (2)
detail almost to the
point of (3)
obsession. He even
used to (4) sign
expenses for Steve
Ballmer, his righthand man.
He always wanted the
managers to have a
(5) desire to think like
(6) owners. He urged
them to “look at the
business you run as if it
were the only (7) asset
of your family, one that
must be (8) operated
for the next 50 years
and can never be (9)
He adopted some (10)
unusual practices such as
(11) closing / shutting
down the company for an
afternoon to let all
employees (12) clean out
the places where they work.
He also encouraged the
employees to (13) assess
their own managers, with a
low (14) rating putting the
manager’s job (15) at risk .
Sect. B, P1
2G | 2H | 2I
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Group Work Discuss the following situation with your group members and then give a report on it.
Below is a situation and options for what you would do. Try to
decide which management style or situational style would
work best for it. Then pick the option that best fits the style.
Situation: You are considering a major change in your
program. Your staff has a fine record of accomplishment and a
strong commitment to excellence.
They are supportive of the need for change and have been
involved in the planning.
Which style would you pick? What would you do?
Sect. B, P1
2G | 2H | 2I
Warming Up
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Actual Communication
Video Episode
1. Continue to involve the staff in the planning, but direct the
2. Announce the changes and then implement them with close
3. Allow the group to be involved in developing the change,
but don’t push the process.
4. Let the staff manage the change process.
Management style: permissive democrat, make decisions
participatively, give subordinates latitude in carrying out their
Situational style: delegating, low need of support and low
need of guidance
Reference answer
Sect. B, P2
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Three Main Categories of Leadership Styles
New Words and Expressions
Video Episode
Sect. B, P2
2J | 2K | 2L
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the
false statements.
1. Authoritarian managers closely supervise and control
workers although they trust them. ( F )
Authoritarian managers closely supervise and
control workers because they don’t trust them.
2. The authoritarian style may be very effective in
controlling many low skilled workers. ( T )
Sect. B, P2
2J | 2K | 2L
Warming Up
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Actual Communication
Video Episode
3. Paternalistic managers often act as a father figure and
allow the workers to make decisions. ( F )
Paternalistic managers often act as a father figure
and make decisions by themselves.
4. Paternalistic managers consult employees over issues
and listen to their feedback or opinions. ( T )
Sect. B, P2
2J | 2K | 2L
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
5. A democratic style of management requires good oneway communication. ( F )
A democratic style of management requires good
two-way communication.
6. Democratic managers must be willing to encourage
leadership skills in subordinates. ( T )
Sect. B, P2
2J | 2K | 2L
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Listen to the passage again and make a summary of the three management styles by
completing the table below.
Summary of Management Styles
It can be effective
Managers simply
when (1) quick
give orders and
decisions are needed,
this (3) one-way
and when controlling
many (2) low skilled
can be de-
Sect. B, P2
2J | 2K | 2L
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Managers pay
They believe that
attention to the
the staff still needs
(4) social needs and
(6) direction
views of the workers
/guidance and
and make decisions in it is still quite an (7)
the best (5) interests autocratic/
of them.
authoritarian style
of management.
Sect. B, P2
2J | 2K | 2L
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Democratic Managers will (8) delegate
Video Episode
It is not (11)
the authority to employees
feasible for the
and (9) encourage/allow
majority of
them to make decisions. It
decisions taken
often involves (10)
by a business.
democratic group
And it can take
discussion, which can offer
(12) longer to
useful advices.
reach a decision.
Sect. B, P2
2J | 2K | 2L
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Discussion Work in groups and discuss the following three questions with your partners.
Use the information you have got from this passage to
analyze the three examples of management styles in Passage
1. What kind of style is Bill Gates’ management? Why?
2. What kind of style is Warren Buffett’s management? Why?
3. What kind of style is Ricardo Semler’s management?
Reference answer
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Video Episode
Before You Watch
Corporate Culture
Needs Integrity and
While You Watch
After You Watch
Before You Watch
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Corporate Culture Needs Integrity and Honesty
New Words and Expressions
poster boy
Before You Watch
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Pair Work Work with your partner and put the statements related to crisis management into the
correct column of the following table.
1. Have a brief, realistic and achievable crisis plan.
2. Understand the public reaction.
3. Delay.
4. Hold a press conference only when it is absolutely
5. Expect the PR people and lawyers to tide over things.
6. Act upon the crisis quickly and be visible doing so.
7. Exhibit the human face of the company.
8. All decision-makers need to agree on a common course of
action, which is peppered liberally with openness and
9. Train the spokesperson to address the media.
10. Say “No comments!”
Before You Watch
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
11. Shut your eyes and wish the crisis passes away on its own
12. Handle the stress, which is bound to happen.
13. Divert the attention from your organization to some other
“villain” of the crisis.
14. Deluge the public with information. The more you give,
the faster they lose interest.
15. Make detailed preparation for every contingency. This
may create a cumbersome procedure.
16. Simply communicate the facts.
What you need to do
What you shouldn’t do
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15, 16
While You Watch
3B | 3C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Watch the video episode and witness the development of Toyota by rearranging the following
sentences in chronological order.
While You Watch
3B | 3C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
A. Toyota quickly expanded its international market and
became the NO.1 carmaker.
B. The President of Toyota made an official apology to the
pubic for the massive auto recall.
C. Toyota came up with the slogan “Where there is a way for
cars, there is a Toyota”.
D. Toyota provided a good lesson on how to deal with a crisis.
E. Toyota recalled about 8,500,000 vehicles around the world.
F. Toyota improved its competitive power by cutting down its
The correct order: C → F → A → E → B → D
While You Watch
3B | 3C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Watch the episode again and summarize its main idea by filling in each blank with no more
than three words.
While You Watch
3B | 3C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
The massive auto recall is not only a (1) huge financial
loss to Toyota, but also a disaster for its (2) reputation .
Toyota has long been proclaimed as (3) the poster boy for a
“cost-saving” model, but their costs have been stripped (4) to
the bone and can’t be reduced any further. So too much
attention to cost cutting and (5) heavy/excessive expansion
finally led to the large-scale recall. This incident is a warning
for all Chinese enterprises who are working diligently to break
While You Watch
3B | 3C
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
into international markets. It is necessary to establish a (6)
crisis-response strategy/policy/mechanism and ensuring
such crisis management is incorporated within (7) corporate
culture. And companies should immediately bring a crisis
situation under control by a quick and decisive response,
dispelling public anxiety and restlessness via (8) quick and
sincere communication.
After You Watch
3D | 3E
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Role Play Based on the episode you have just watched, you and your partners will discuss the
causes that led to the Sanlu Milk Powder Incident. The following words and expressions are for
your reference.
the contamination of milk powder 奶粉污染
unlawful dairy farmers 不法奶农
melamine 三聚氰胺
kidney stones found among babies 婴儿出现肾结石
a serious food security accident 严重的食品安全事故
order a halt of production 下令停止生产
product recall 产品召回
be sentenced to death 被判死刑
produce and sell toxic food 生产销售有毒食品
endanger public security 危害公共安全
After You Watch
3D | 3E
Warming Up
Getting Started
Actual Communication
Video Episode
Presentation With the previous discussion, you and your partners will give a report on how
management styles and corporate culture will influence business.
Suggested Outline
1. Good and proper management styles will lead to
2. Inappropriate management styles or flaws in
corporate culture will result in a crisis;
3. A summary.
Four Distinct Ways to Manage
Managers have to perform many roles in an organization
and how they handle various situations will depend on their
style of management. A management style is an overall
method of leadership used by a manager. There are two
sharply contrasting styles that will be broken down into
smaller subsets later:
Autocratic: Leader makes all decisions unilaterally.
Permissive: Leader permits subordinates to take part in
decision making and also gives them a considerable degree of
autonomy in completing routine work activities.
Combining these categories with democratic (subordinates
are allowed to participate in decision making) and directive
(subordinates are told exactly how to do their jobs) styles gives
us four distinct ways to manage:
Directive Democrat: Makes decisions participatively; closely
supervises subordinates.
Directive Autocrat: Makes decisions unilaterally; closely
supervises subordinates.
Permissive Democrat: Makes decisions participatively; gives
subordinates latitude in carrying out their work.
Permissive Autocrat: Makes decisions unilaterally; gives
subordinates latitude in carrying out their work.
In what situations would each style be appropriate?
Inappropriate? Managers must also adjust their styles
according to the situation that they are presented with. Below
are four quadrants of situational leadership that depend on the
amount of support and guidance needed:
Telling: Works best when employees are neither willing nor
able to do the job (high need of support and high need of
Delegating: Works best when the employees are willing to
do the job and know how to go about it (low need of support
and low need of guidance).
Participating: Works best when employees have the ability
to do the job, but need a high amount of support (low need of
guidance but high need of support).
Selling: Works best when employees are willing to do the
job, but don’t know how to do it (low need of support but high
need of guidance).
Can you guess which management style would work best for
each situation listed above? Should managers use only one
management style?
Dialogue 1
John: Although leadership and management are always put
together, they mean different things.
Linda: What do you mean?
John: The manager’s job is to plan, organize and coordinate
while the leader’s job is to inspire and motivate.
Linda: I see. You mean the manager puts emphasis on
administration to maintain the company and the leader
focuses on people.
Dialogue 2
John: In his book On Becoming a Leader, Warren Bennis made
a list of differences between a manager and a leader.
Linda: For instance?
John: The manager administers; the leader innovates. The
manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader
focuses on people. The manager relies on control; the leader
inspires trust.
Linda: So, in one word, the manager does things right and the
leader does the right thing.
Dialogue 3
John: In spite of their intimate relationship, there was a time
when management and leadership could be separated.
Linda: Really?
John: In the industrial age, a foreman’s job was to follow
orders, organize the work and ensure the job got done as
ordered. He didn’t have to give much thought to what he
was producing or to the people who was producing it.
Dialogue 4
John: Nowadays management and leadership are not easily
Linda: I guess so. I can’t imagine what it would be like in the
new economy when workers are no longer cogs in a machine.
John: Especially when most workers are highly educated now.
Dialogue 5
John: In the new economy, people look to their managers, not
just to assign them a task, but to define for them a purpose.
Linda: Yes. The managers must organize workers, not just to
maximize efficiency, but to nurture skills, develop talent and
inspire results.
What Makes a Good Manager?
Albert: Here we go. We’re going to decide who will be the
manager of the marketing department. So far we have
narrowed down our list to two candidates, Jason and Maria. So
what do you think?
Emily: It’s a hard choice. To be a good leader or manager needs
both good qualities and some training.
Albert: You’re right. Many well-known leaders or managers,
such as Winston Churchill, Richard Branson or Alex Ferguson,
are successful due to a combination of personal characters and
good training.
Emily: So it’s really a very tough competition for Jason and
Maria. Both of them have impressive personalities and have
received some training.
Albert: En, I’ve got an idea. Let’s assess them in terms of the
good qualities that are needed to be a good manager. The one
who has more good qualities than the other wins!
Emily: Good idea! First of all, being well-informed and
knowledgeable about our business is most important. And
Jason seems to have more experience than Maria since he has
been engaged in marketing for more than 20 years.
Albert: Yes. Besides, a good manager needs to possess excellent
two-way communication skills so that he or she can inspire
and get most from their staff. And I think Maria has more
advantage in this aspect.
Emily: En. But to be a good leader also needs to possess an air
of authority, and remain calm under pressure and make clear
decisions. From this perspective, Jason, as a man, can perform
better than Maria.
Albert: You’re right. Working in the marketing department of
course will involve a lot of pressure. What’s more, a good
manager should have the desire to achieve great things and I
can tell you Jason has a more ambitious plan for our company
when he said he wanted to explore South Asian market.
Emily: Although he is quite confident over his abilities, I think
Maria is more likely to think creatively to provide a vision for
the company and solve problems, which is also an equally
important quality.
Albert: Well, as you said, both of them have their own strengths.
But from the comparison we just made, I think we can make our
decision now, can’t we?
Emily: (laughing) Yes.
Do Women Make Better Bosses?
Matthew: En, a very good movie, isn’t it? The boss, Miranda, is
the most ruthless, picky, and demanding woman I can ever
imagine. Meryl Streep’s performance is so wonderful that she
portrayed the devil boss into the bone.
Kate: Yeah, it’s very impressive. I can’t believe a woman can be
so cruel, merciless and manipulative, either. You know what,
actually I think women make better bosses.
Matthew: Why is that?
Kate: According to a recent survey, when women become
managers, they are more cooperative, more effective and less
directive than men. And they are very sophisticated in
maintaining a harmonious and positive work atmosphere.
Matthew: But let’s face the fact. Most management jobs are
dominated by men. That’s because leaders are expected to be
more ambitious, aggressive, decisive and strong-minded.
Kate: Then why is Miranda called as a devil boss by her staff?
You know, she actually possesses most of the features of an
ideal leader, such as strong, goal-oriented, committed to her
company and the highest level of excellence. She has to put
down all her feminine identities and adopts a lot of masculine
ways to be a leader.
Matthew: Well, I guess she is being too masculine. She’s cold,
always giving orders or instructions, judging and criticizing
her people who performed badly, no praise at all. Eventually,
she isolated herself from her subordinates.
Kate: That’s kind of sad! You know, sometimes Miranda needs
to be authoritative or manlike to get things done precisely and
effectively. Because Runway is the bible of fashion, it provides
the standard of what is trendy. If you are late, you are
outdated. So Miranda and her team need to provide topquality work within a limited time.
Matthew: You are right. She has to sacrifice her feminine ways
to succeed in the fashion industry. But I wish in many
situations, she can accept her subordinates’ ideas, praising
them now and then, and establish a good relationship with
1. The Movie The Devil Wears Prada is about a naive young
woman who comes to New York and scores a job as the
assistant to one of the city’s biggest magazine editors, the
ruthless and cynical Miranda Priestly.
2. Meryl Streep: born June 22, 1949, an American actress who
has worked in theatre, television and film. In the movie The
Devil Wears Prada, she played the powerful and demanding
fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly and her
performance drew rave reviews from critics and earned her
many award nominations.
3. Runway: New York’s biggest fashion magazine in the movie
The Devil Wears Prada.
Management Styles Vary from Company to Company
Management styles vary from company to company. There
are many different styles of management that can bring
success to an organization, but you have to make sure your
management style is right for your business.
There are many high-profile examples of how to develop a
successful management style. Managers like Bill Gates and
Warren Buffett have famously developed their own distinctive
management style from which others can learn.
However, the fact that the two examples are very different
management styles shows that there is no single route to
Gates’s style and management practice at Microsoft was
based on control and he concerned himself with detail almost
to the point of obsession. His management style placed the
onus on the monitoring of staff and figures, which can be
demonstrated by the fact that he even used to sign expenses
for Steve Ballmer, his right-hand man.
Buffett, on the other hand, always stressed a desire for the
managers of Berkshire Hathaway to think like owners. He
urged them to “look at the business you run as if it were the
only asset of your family, one that must be operated for the
next 50 years and can never be sold”.
Sometimes unorthodox management behavior can develop
into a very effective management style. A case in point is that
of Ricardo Semler and his Brazilian engineering company
Semco. His management policies included unusual practices
such as shutting down the company for an afternoon twice
yearly for all employees to clean out the places where they
work. He also implemented a system where employees would
assess their own managers, with a low rating putting the
manager’s job at risk.
All this reinforces the view that there is no one right way
to manage people. While taking tips from the experts can help
you find the management style that works for you, it is
ultimately a matter of trial and error, trust and heresy.
Three Main Categories of Leadership Styles
There are three main categories of leadership styles:
authoritarian, paternalistic and democratic.
Authoritarian managers like to make all the important
decisions and closely supervise and control workers.
Managers do not trust workers and simply give orders (oneway communication) that they expect to be obeyed. This
approach has limitations but it can be effective in certain
situations. For example:
When quick decisions are needed in a company (e.g. in a
time of crises).
When controlling large numbers of low skilled workers.
Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social
needs and views of their workers. Managers are interested in
how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father
figure. They consult employees over issues and listen to their
feedback or opinions. The manager will however make the
actual decisions (in the best interests of the workers) as they
believe the staff still needs direction and in this way it is still
somewhat of an autocratic approach.
A democratic style of management will put trust in
employees and encourage them to make decisions. They will
delegate to them the authority to do this (empowerment) and
listen to their advice. This requires good two-way
communication and often involves democratic discussion
groups, which can offer useful suggestions and ideas. Managers
must be willing to encourage leadership skills in subordinates.
The ultimate democratic system occurs when decisions
are made based on the majority view of all workers.
However, this is not feasible for the majority of decisions
taken by a business — indeed one of the criticisms of this
style is that it can take longer to reach a decision.
Reference answer:
Bill Gates’ management style is authoritative because he likes
to make decisions by himself and controls or monitors his
Warren Buffett’s management is more like a paternalistic one
because he encourages his staff to think the business as their
own and guides them like a father.
Ricardo Semler’s management is very democratic because he
allows employees to assess their own managers.
Corporate Culture Needs Integrity and Honesty
Situation: During the break of the lecture, several trainees
gather in the lounge of the training center to talk
about the news about Toyota’s massive auto recall.
They all voice their opinions about what they know
about it.
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Setting: The lounge of the training center
Characters: John, David, Jessie
John: Have you heard the news about the recalls of automobiles
by Toyota Motor Corporation? It is a really devastating blow to
Toyota and I’ve heard that they’ve already recalled 8.5 million
vehicles around the world so far.
David: And so many cars pulled in for repairs too! It’s not only a
huge loss financially, but also a disaster for its reputation. I
wonder if people will be able to trust Toyota after this.
Jessie: Yeah, I seriously doubt that. But, how can Toyota fail so
badly and fall so far from being such a highly respected brand?
You know, it used to be the number one carmaker in the world.
You guys surely remember the popular advertising slogan
“Where there is a way for cars, there is a Toyota”?
John: How could we forget it? From what I have learned at this
training course, I think all of the problems here will be traced
back to their management style and corporate culture.
David: What do you mean?
John: You see, Toyota has long been proclaimed as the poster
boy for a “cost-saving model” and it has reached the stage
where costs have been stripped to the bone. They can’t be
reduced any further. Of course, Toyota’s efficiency has given it
enormously strong competitive power in the market.
Jessie: Furthermore, Akio Toyoda, the President and CEO of
Toyota Motor Corporation also admitted that the company’s
heavy expansion plans have resulted in problems of quality.
David: So, too much attention to cost-cutting and excessive
expansion have finally led to the large-scale recall of Toyota
Jessie: Hm, and what’s more, I think they failed to handle their
public relations properly during the crisis, despite Mr. Toyoda’s
official apology.
David: I agree with you on that. When such a situation occurs,
the company should communicate quickly and sincerely with
the public. The truth must be told, otherwise their predicament
might be exacerbated later on.
John: Well, we all agree it appears to be a problem of quality
and public relations in a time of crisis, but in essence there
exists a flaw in corporate culture. In my opinion, corporate
culture needs integrity and honesty. Sincere communication is
the best way to handle a crisis.
Jessie: Well, let this be a warning for all the enterprises. What
we need to think about is how to prevent a crisis from
occurring in the first place, then, if worst comes to worst, how
we can deal with one rapidly and effectively.
John: Yes, it calls for the necessity to put in place a crisisresponse strategy and ensuring such crisis management is
incorporated within corporate culture.
David: Just as Mr. Anderson who gave us a lecture on company
strategy last week says, the establishment of a crisis-response
policy is a key issue. It must be established in advance of any
adverse publicity and focus on speed and sincere
John: Oh, it’s time for the class to resume. Let’s go back to our
(They all stand up to leave the lounge.)