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Chemical Engineer Resume - Pankaj Hulawale

Pankaj Machhindra Hulawale
B.E. Chemical Engineering
E-mail: hulawale.pankaj@gmail.com
Mobile No: +919960413051
Career objective
“Work for an organization which provides me the opportunity to improve my skills and
knowledge to growth along with the organization objective.”
Educational details
BE Chemical Engineering
AISSMS, COE, PUNE. (Savitribai Phule Pune university)
Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Govt. Polytechnic, Thane. (Maha. State Board of Tech. Edu. Mumbai)
S.S.C. Maharashtra state board
Industrial experience
Clean Science and Technology Limited, Kurkumbh,Pune
Joining Date- 02/November/2020 to Till Date
Designation- Engineer (Production Department)
Job profile
Working on continues fixed bed reaction for the production of Anisole and its derivative.
Methylation of phenol with methanol vapor phase reaction to produce anisole.
Operating DCS system for the continuous vacuum and atmospheric distillation column for the
separation of Crude mixture.
Scheduling and controlling of production processes and preparing production planning for week as
well as monthly target.
Coordinate with quality department to get relevant information result in time to run as per quality
Independently handling of plant activities and manpower.
Troubleshooting of plant.
Equipment Handled
Fixed bed reactor, Continuous Vacuum distillation column, Stripper column, Reboiler, Heat
exchanger, condenser, economizer, vaporizer, steam ejector, scrubber, ANFD,GLR, fluidised bed
Chemical Handled
Anisole, Phenol, Methanol, Ortho Cresol, Para Cresol, H2O2, Methylene Dichloride,Hexane,
Sodium Chloride , Sodium Hydroxide,Sodium sulphate, Hydroquinone,Benzoquinone, Sulphuric
Acid,2-Methyl-Anisole, Potassium chloride.
Technical Skills
Achieved skills in operating DCS, PLC operations with safety
Maintaining process documents, Stock of various material in Excel sheet.
Precommissioning and commissioning of plant.
Making SOP and process manuals related documents.
Introduction to BFD, PFD, UFD, P&ID
Hazardous Area Classifications (HAC).
In plant Training
14 days plant training in Rashtriya Chemical & Fertilizer Ltd,Chembhur.
Language known
1) English
2) Hindi
3) Marathi
My strengths
1. Honesty
2. Hard Work
3. Positive attitude
Personal profile
Father's Name
: Pankaj Machhindra Hulawale
: Machhindra S. Hulawale
Date of Birth
: 29th July 1998
: Male
: A/P Jambhale Tal-Akole, Dist-Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra
Pin code - 422602
I hereby declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Your's faithfully,
(Pankaj M. Hulawale)
Date:_/_ /2022