PINEAL OSSIFICATION The chemical age is over, whether that be hydrocarbon fuel, chemotherapy, chemtrails or chemical was all a bad experiment. Since WW2 the widespread fluoridation of the water supply has lead to the calcification of the pineal gland, and a systemic arthritic-sclerotic degenerative process in the biochemistry of Western Culture. Jennifer Luke’s Ph.D. hypothesizes that one of the four enzymes needed to convert the amino acid tryptophan (from the diet) into melatonin is being inhibited by fluoride. She found astronomically high levels of fluoride in the calcium hydroxy apatite crystals produced by the gland. The average was 9000 ppm and went as high as 21,000 in one case. Fluoride in drinking water, besides leading to fluorosis of teeth and osteoporosis, it could be one of the leading factors in the early onset of puberty and other forms of hormonal disruption. New research shows there is a strong correlation between water fluoridation and the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. ADHD symptoms include trouble focusing, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior, which can lead to unstable relationships, poor work performance, and low selfesteem. Alzheimer’s patients have highly calcified pineal glands, and a likely cause of this calcification is fluoride. More than 26 million people worldwide are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease. That number will quadruple to more than 106 million by 2050. In the United States more than 28 million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s disease between now and midcentury, and the cost of caring for them will consume nearly 25 percent of Medicare spending in 2040, according to research reported at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2015. These figures fail to take into account the extra heavy metal load from chemtrails that will greatly speed the aging and degeneration of human populations and the biosphere. The combination of fluoridated water and nanometal poisoning of the water supply and environment means that the elderly will generally be demented, and the cognitively fractured youth will not have the mental-emotional or financial capacity to bear the burden of health-care. The only thing that will cure Alzheimer's and all our degenerative diseases and mental afflictions is the evolution of culture itself beyond the oxidative, inflammatory, heavy metal poisoning, toxic, stressful, sick, stupid, corrupt, genocidal, ecocidal, biocidal and mentally ill civilization we are currently engaged in. We already have the water and frequency technologies needed to catalyze raw supernutrition. The first thing to address is to refuse to take part in Agenda 21 and eliminate exposure to fluoride in Borg food and water sources. Eliminating the heavy metals from the body and remedying the damage done by chemtrails to the immune system and metabolism is the next step. This takes basically takes a raw, regenerative, longevity lifestyle shift. Fact is the human body can live to 120 years with full cognitive capacity even now. With future understanding, alchemical food growing and water enhancement methods etc...our children could live to 200 years. Plenty of time to pick up a little wisdom and contribute to the big picture. "The road to world peace is to return to the origin of the nature of the Earth and human beings. And the “origin” is “water”. ~ Masaru Emoto METABOLIC HOLOCAUST The fossilization of the living human body is caused by the breakdown in its electromagnetic function and structure, due to demineralization and nanobacterial ossification, sclerotification, heavy metal poisoning and practically all factors and processes of modern industrial civilization. The fossilization of the living human body is a fundamental process in the MetaboliX Complex of symptoms that is seen throughout all degenerative diseases and mental-emotional illnesses. META-BOLISM: Derived from Greek metabolē ‘change.’ Metabolism is the process that maintains the living state of the cells and the organism. In continuous cycles of creation and destruction metabolism describes all chemical reactions involved in transforming nutrients and resources into energy and matter. Metabolism can be conveniently divided into two categories: Catabolism - the breakdown of molecules to obtain energy. A very bleak future is what we are up against unless we start respecting human life and the biosphere of the earth and clean up our metabolic-cultural act. The dereliction of moral responsibility we are currently engaged in as a species is due to the unconsciousness and irritation in the tissues of the human body from 12 thousand years of agriculture, wars and man's inhumanity to man. Thus we are undergoing an ongoing involuntary protocol of trauma programming, along with blatant intentional chemical and electrotoxic attack on our DNA, our minds and our souls. This all-out assault creates oxidation and inflammation of the body, which generates noise or interference patterns that reduce consciousness and degrades the spiritual potential of our human experience. Inflammation has been shown to affect the health of the heart and arteries, nerve cells, the brain, and may even affect cellular growth. In other words, inflammation may be the engine that drives many of the common symptoms of middle and old age. The most common symptoms of aging that are sentencing seniors to a life of aches, pains, fatigue, memory decline and years of joint discomfort- are all caused by inflammation due to the lifetime accumulation of toxins. Both a deadening diet and a lack of fasting, combined with a lack of rest, relaxation and recovery…the modern human is prone to inflammatory wildfire. This oxidative stress in your brain leads to a loss of dopamine neurons leading to age-related memory decline. So What’s The Solution? The causes of calcification have to be stopped and reversed in order to reestablish the structure and function of the pineal gland. The causes of ossification primarily are:…acid pH diet, cooked food, boiled water, cereals and sugar candida food, excess Omega-6 to Omega-3, demineralization of the soil, ecosystem immune collapse, loss of electricity in the food ie: reduced lifeforce, lack of enzymes, wearing shoes and clothes, anti-biogenic housing/architecture/transportation, unhealthy anti-circadian lifestyles, stress, destructive effects of the halides chlorine, fluorine and bromine and other noxious chemicals, massive increase in oxidative and inflammatory agents, lack of singing/toning/community music making/community dancing etc… Neutralizing the inflammation and excess acid in your body with the healing power of alkaline-rich raw, organic fruits and vegetables. Knowing the big picture allows us to stay faithful to our convictions, and when we are aligned with our highest truth, our resonance propels us into the transcendent life where the forces of ignorance, neglect and violence no longer weigh us down. YOUR PINEAL GLAND AND HEAVY METALS Where is the Pineal Gland? The pineal gland resides in the Third Ventrical, which is a vaulted chamber in the core of the brain that has been called the Fornix, Crystal Palace or Furnace…for the pineal is said to hold the Eternal Flame, the Light of Consciousness or Spirit. The external of the pineal gland, it looks like a pinecone, however, internally it looks somewhat similar to an eye. The interior walls of the pineal gland are made of rods and cones that are similar to those in the retina in our eyes. The pineal is an endocrine gland located in the center of the brain, behind and above the pituitary gland. Also referred to as the Third Eye, or the all-seeing eye, this small gland is a spiritual antenna believed to be involved in the experience of higher levels of consciousness. The pineal gland produces a number of chemicals and hormones that cause happiness, serenity, euphoria, relaxation, beneficent behavior, balanced emotions, and psychic abilities. The pineal gland may have the highest energy level in the body as it is bathed in highly charged cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and has more blood flow per cubic volume than any other organ. In fact, the pineal gland lies outside of the blood-brain barrier and thus is particularly susceptible to fluoride, aluminum and other heavy metals because it is not protected by the blood-brain barrier and has a very high blood perfusion rate. The pineal plays a key role in the production of the neuroendocrine chemicals because it has one of the highest concentrations of serotonin in the body, and serotonin is a critical precursor to them. A key role of the pineal gland is to synthesize melatonin from tryptophan, which controls the sleep/wake cycle. Melatonin helps to regulate circadian rhythms and plays a role in the timing of puberty and the various aspects of our biological clock. Deficiency in melatonin is linked with premature sexual development, insomnia, cancer, Alzheimer's and mental disorders such as bipolar. As the pineal awakens, releasing biochemicals such as serotonin, tryptamine, pinoline, melatonin, or DMT, it affects the colliculus or optic tectum forms a major component of the midbrain, which can explain some of the lights, visions, and celestial music that people report when the third eye is open and the Crystal Palace is activated. According to Dr. Jacob Liberman after light leaves the pineal gland the light actually enters into every cell of the body…thus every cell in the body “sees” whatever your eyes are looking at. Dr. Jacob Liberman is an internationally recognized pioneer in the fields of light, vision, and consciousness, and author of Light, Medicine of the Future. CHEMTRAILS AND THE DEATH KNELL "You are now Breathing Ethylene Dibromide, Virally Mutated Molds, NanoParticulates of Aluminum and Barium, and Polymer Fibers with Unidentified Bio-Active Material." Geoengineering Watch What on earth is happening to the human species with our current state of rapid degenerationcan be understood by making a connection between the arthritic/sclerotic process of the biochemistry of Western Culture, and the extra heavy metal load from chemtrails, which will greatly speed the aging and degeneration of human populations and the biosphere. It really does appear that the chemtrails are the nail in the coffin of agrarian the sclerotic process of calcium phosphate fossilization of the body due to nanobacteria feeding on the sugars from cereals amplified by aluminum and other heavy metals. To protect themselves from our immune system the nanobacteria invaders form calcium shells around themselves, which results in calcium deposits, that is the build-up of calcium phosphate crystals and heavy metals in the pineal gland and in various parts of the human body. Fossilization and Degeneration Calcification is the hardening of our body tissues by inorganic “bad” calcium deposits. Calcification has been shown to be a significant factor in nearly every known illness and aging condition, including heart disease, arteriosclerosis or hardening and thickening of the walls of the arteries, kidney and gall stones, chronic inflammation, arthritis, diabetes and even wrinkles. When enough Nanobacter are present, specks of calcification appear and grow-hardened arteries, kidney stones and even cataracts and gum disease. Nanobacteria form shells made of calcium phosphate…ie: tiny lumps of abiotic limestone. The secreted shell first appears as a biofilm around the nanobacteria and then hardens to form a defensive “outer armor” that shields the organism from the body's immune system. During the formation of the biofilm toxins such as mercury, pesticides and plastics are trapped and stored within the calcium deposits. Since the immune system has trouble breaking down the hardened shell this also forms a protected habitat for viruses, bacteria and fungi as well. The nanobacteria phenomenon was first discovered in the 1980's by E. Olavi Kajander and Neva Ciftcioglu at the University of Kupio in Finland. Kajander himself admitted that the bacterial status of nanobacteria is still lacking satisfactory evidence, and he concedes that the term “calcifying nanoparticle” best describes the agent. Yet he proposes that insisting that calcifying nanoparticles are infectious agents, not Eubacteria or Archea, but entities of their own, perhaps of primordial origin. Whether they are an infectious agent or whether the calcifying particles could in fact be involved in pathological processes, serving as crystallization nuclei, the fact remains that calcification of the body is a “terrain and a cultural” problem that can be addressed by broad sweeping changes to food production, diet, lifestyle, technology and the environment. The nanobacteria are microscopic living organisms that are approximately 1/100th the size of normal bacteria (roughly the same size of most viruses). They are observable by scanning electron microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, where they appear as spheres or rods. The hallmark of nanobacteria is their more or less thick coat of apatite, which is formed from soluble calcium and phosphorus compounds in their environment or medium. Once a calcium-forming organism infection has manifested in the body and shelled organisms multiply, the nanobacteria will continue to colonize the body over one's lifetime until one slowly dies of calcification diseases. These shell-forming organisms serve to speed the death of old organisms to make room for the next generation of creatures to inhabit the planet. Over the years, the body will attempt to wall in the harmful calcium-phosphate shells using fibrin, which causes the body's tissues to harden around the calcium deposits.. Over our lifetime, calcium-forming organism infections will manifest in scar tissue mass that never completely heals. These calcium phosphate crystal shells eventually build up creating inflammation and sclerotic plaques, which lay the foundation all degenerative disease conditions and aging symptoms. To resist aging and prevent ourselves becoming a living fossil of calcium-forming organisms we must avoid consuming dead calcium, inorganic mineral supplements of coral or oyster shell and instead consume our calcium within raw, living plant tissue. Efforts to decalcify the pineal and the rest of the body are coincident with all methods of detoxification and recovery from Borg civilization and chemtrails. Thus it is as good a place as any to focus our life and soul regenerative efforts. When we remove the calcium deposits from the pineal gland and other tissues we reverse the degenerative aging process: resulting in improved memory, more energy, increased libido, amplified performance and improved vision and hearing. All aging and degenerative conditions improve with eliminating calcium plaques and making the body terrain incompatible for nanobacteria (ie: changing to a raw vegan or raw paleo diet). PINEAL HEALTH AND HUMANIZATION Pineal gland calcification decreases the capacity of the pineal gland to produce melatonin! Disruption of melatonin production has been linked with aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s patients have highly calcified pineal glands, as do two-thirds of the adult population. Many of us have a pineal gland that is already completely calcified. The degree of pineal gland calcification is linked to a decreased capacity of the pineal gland to produce melatonin. In healthy individuals, melatonin also plays an important role in inducing REM sleep, which may be the most important stage of sleep. Pineal calcification is also linked to sleep disturbance, particularly of REM or dream sleep. Since the pineal gland is the dominant source of the hormone melatonin this affects our mood, immune function, circadian rhythms, and the quality and quantity of our sleep. Melatonin regulates the circadian rhythms as the production of melatonin is activated by darkness and inhibited by light. When pineal calcification is exacerbated through heavy metal exposure or aging this leads to decreased melatonin secretion and thereby destabilizing the body’s circadian timing system. Thus the degree of pineal calcification is associated insomnia. Pineal calcification is also implicated in the fatigue suffered by those with multiple sclerosis via the negative impact on melatonin production. If one recognizes that heavy metals play a part in the modern-day epidemic of neurological diseases and endocrine distress, then part of the explanation for the sleep disorders encountered in various neurological diseases may be that both aluminum and mercury (vaccines and amalgams) disrupt the pineal gland and impair its ability to make sulfate. Concentrations of aluminum and other heavy metals are generally higher in the pineal gland than in other brain tissues such as the pituitary, cortex, and cerebellum. Plus these toxins put greater demand on the sulfation detoxification processes in the brain and body. When the pineal gland's ability to make sulfate is impaired, this, in turn, reduces production of melatonin, all-important for adequate and healthy sleep. With sunlight exposure serving as a catalyst, the pineal gland builds up supplies of sulfate during the day, storing it in heparan sulfate molecules. Then in the evening the pineal gland produces melatonin and transports it as melatonin sulfate to various parts of the brain, including the third ventricle, where the melatonin releases the sulfate throughout the Cerebrospinal Fluid. One of the critical purposes of melatonin, is to deliver sulfate to the neurons at night during sleep in order to detoxify, recharge and repair the brain. In addition, melatonin not only transports sulfate but also is an outstanding antioxidant in its own right that binds toxic metals to help dispose of them. Melatonin is both an anti-stress agent and is anti-aging because it both suppresses cortisol and is a powerful antioxidant. As well as its role in regulating circadian rhythms and acting as a cellular DNA protector and antioxidant, melatonin also plays a key role in promoting and maintaining neurogenesis in the brain. Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis lies at the heart of our capacity to be human. The brain actually has its own unique waste disposal system, dubbed the glymphatic system, which is similar to the lymphatic system, that "piggybacks" on the blood vessels in the brain. The "g" in glymphatic points to the "glial cells" of that manage this detoxification system. During sleep, the glymphatic system becomes 10 times more active than during the waking state. Simultaneously, our brain cells are reduced in size by about 60 percent to create more space in-between the cells, giving the cerebrospinal fluid more space to flush out the debris. Restful sleep is therefore important to allow your brain to clear out toxins, including harmful Amyloid-beta proteins linked to brain disorders such as Alzheimer's. Interestingly, Alzheimer's disease is associated with both reduced REM sleep and the calcification of the pineal gland. Sleep disorders are also linked to autism as well as other neurological diseases, including depression, schizophrenia, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and others. When the pineal gland's ability to make sulfate is impaired, this, in turn, reduces production of melatonin necessary for adequate and healthy sleep. It may come as no surprise, then, that melatonin impairment has been implicated in autism. The two heavy metals (aluminum and mercury) in vaccines are raising the incidence of neurological disorders such as autism, pervasive developmental disorders or PDDs, ADDH and anxiety disorder. Dr. Stephanie Seneff, research scientist from MIT pointed out an important link between autism and sulfation, concluding that children with impaired sulfation chemistry (among other factors) may be particularly susceptible to the toxic effects of the thimerosal and mercury in flu vaccines. Dr Seneff has also extensively researched the harmful effects of Glyphosate's (Roundup) suppression of Cytochrome P450 detoxification system of the liver. When we are more connected to our soul, our higher senses are more active, allowing us to feel more connected to the Universe and Creation. HOW TO DECALCIFY THE PINEAL GLAND The pineal gland as an interface between our body and the environment. Optimizing the functioning of the Pineal Gland is important to increasing our capacity to be HUman and overcoming the automated life of the Borg. That which humanizes us acts to increase resilience, speed recovery, enhance neuroplasticity and our capacity to change, refines individual uniqueness, affords us mindful awareness of automatic processes, raises humaneness and empathy and facilitates transcendence…that is, the ability to get outside of our own head. Ninety-five percent of what we think, say, and do is controlled by unconscious brain processing. While our personality is usually focused on the outer sensate world rather than the higher spheres, the Pineal Gland is like the fulcrum between the inner and outer worlds. The process of pineal detoxification is an essential place to start if we want to exploit our full spiritual capabilities and restore our capacity for dual, inner/outer vision. To rehabilitate your pineal gland, you first need to eliminate sources of fluoride and cut out junk foods, soda and eliminated habits like smoking and alcohol. Cooked food, and boiled tap water is a main contributor to the calcification of the pineal, along with and fluoride and fluouxetine (Prozac). An acidic pH balance in the body is not conducive for a healthy, decalcified pineal gland. Pineal gland decalcification can be gained by eating more alkaline, raw, high enzyme foods. Apparently changing to distilled water as your drinking water clears out the pineal gland of inorganic minerals. Increasing silicon and boron, plus avoiding fluoride and chlorine also helps. Avoid the inorganic minerals in cooked food and increase the mineral chelating foods such as green juices, kelp, bugleweed, yellow dock, cilantro, chaparral. To establish the terrain necessary for pineal optimization we must simultaneously address removing amalgams and root canals and heal tooth and gum disease, eliminate foot and nail fungi and candida, thoroughly detox the GI tract and engage in intermittent fasting. When detoxing from chemtrails and decalcifying you have to work on eliminating all the sources of low grade infection in the body in order to recover the full strength of the immune system and reduce inflammation. Skin brushing and lymphatic massage and sunbathing is advised to aid circulation and detoxification. Amalgams and root canals should be removed. Toenail and foot fungi can be addressed through a mixture of Coconut oil, baking soda with a small amount of borax, along with apple cider vinegar spray. Coconut oil, baking soda with a small amount of borax...makes great toothpaste. Papaya enzymes are antiinflammatory for the mouth. Use clay masques on the lymph gland area under the jaw. Clay is also good in the mouth as a mouth wash or tooth paste to reduce bad bacteria populations. Microbial slime is a forerunner to calcification and the encasement of heavy metals in mineral plaques in the body. Regular bacteria form a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance or “slime,” which is a conglomeration generally composed of extracellular DNA, proteins, and polysaccharides. In addition to the glycoproteins and polysaccharides, these matrices may also contain material from the surrounding environment, including but not limited to minerals, and blood components such as erythrocytes and fibrin. Dental plaque is an oral biofilm that adheres to the teeth and consists of many species of both bacteria and fungi (such as Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans), embedded in salivary polymers and microbial extracellular products. The presence of metal cations has also been reported to be required for biofilm formation as indicated by the reduced ability of bacteria to produce biofilms in presence of chelators like EDTA. Enzymes that degrade the biofilm extracellular matrix, such as dispersin B and deoxyribonuclease, may play a role in biofilm dispersal. Biofilm matrix degrading enzymes may be useful as anti-biofilm agents. Nitric oxide has also been shown to trigger the dispersal of biofilms of several bacteria species. Hence Arginine may be useful during the initial enzymatic campaign against the biofilms of the pathogens in the body. The extra exposure to metal cations in chemtrails present an increased danger to calcification processes including nanobacteria and cancer. The nanobacterial biofilm and cell walls must be breached in order to reduce the nanobacterial load in the body and prevent ongoing calcium fossilization. ENZYME REGIME—We may consider using the same digestive enzyme regime that is used in candida to break through the pathogen biofilm and dissolve the cell walls of the yeast/fungi. Chitinase (cellulase and hemicelluse) enzymes start breaking apart the cell wall, the immune system now sees it, and mounts an immune response. It looks like beta-glucanase, xylanase and serrapeptase might be the best combo to start association with the protease enzymes papain (papaya) and bromelain (pineapple) and actinidin (kiwi fruit). SERRAPEPTASE —Most people have scarring on their pituitary gland which inhibits the flow of melanin. If you want to free up your melanin to circulate in your body use serrapeptase supplements. Serrapeptase is an enzyme that naturally eases minor pain and inflammation from overexertion or everyday activities by breaking down extraneous fibrin, mucus and other compounds that congregate when the body's natural repair functions are working. Serrapeptase promotes cardiovascular and arterial health, and it supports the body's natural processes for both drainage and repair. BIOELECTRIC RESONANCE DEVICES—Clarke’s Zapper Clark's "Zapper" is a low-voltage, low amperage current device that supposedly kills parasites, bacteria, and viruses with electrical energy. This technique uses low-energy waves produced from a battery powered device. The device delivers periodic rectangular pulses through an actuator holding a thin piezo plate. The results showed a lowered biofilm growth. The zapper has been proven time and again to kill bacteria, protozoa, and other small parasites in the laboratory. Scenar Devises may also be used for local infections and to boost immunity and lymph function. OZONATION—Biofilms form as a way of survival for bacteria in aqueous situations. Ozone targets extracellular polysaccharides, a group of bacterial colonies on a surface, and cleaves them. The ozone oxidizes through the skeleton of the biofilm at a rapid pace thus dissolving it back to harmless microscopic fragments. This technique has been employed mainly in the spa and pool industry as a way to purify water. You can purify your blood by using a ozonator in a foot bath while your feet are in the water. This should clear up foot fungi as well. H2O—We are 70–80 percent water, and water is highly conductive. Good hydration with magnesium/silicon rich alkaline water is electrifying and distilled water removes heavy metals and toxins out of the human body. Distilled water or rain water are ideal during a heavy metal cleanse. Traditionally urine therapy was undertaken to decalcify the pineal. To increase the activation of the pineal gland and the Crystal Palace and unleash your superpowers, sufficient hydration with living water is critical. WATER PURIFICATION AND CHARGING—Reverse osmosis with electric deionization which was continuously disinfected with UV light and disinfected weekly with ozone sharply decreases in bacteria colony adherence and biofilms. EZ Water or H3O2 is viscous, more ordered, and more alkaline than regular water, and its optical properties are different. Dr. Gerald Pollack says that the water in our cells and blood is actually H3O2. This water occurs in nature with rain, deep ground water and the cellular water of life. It has a negative voltage charge that increases the zetapotential and prevents flocculation, sedimentation and slime/plaque formation. Magnets, crystals, pyramids, vortexes, magnetite MOEW, mica etc…can also be used to improve the biophoton power of drinking water. DISSOLVERS OF INORGANIC CALCIUM AND PINEAL DETOXIFIERS—Cilantro, tamarind, Goji berries, watermelon, bananas, raw honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, seaweed, Noni Juice, Aloe, garlic, Chaga mushroom, raw lemon juice. Additionally, a good, balanced diet high in tryptophan is helpful in providing the building blocks for the pineal’s biochemicals. Tryptophan is plentiful in many foods including chocolate, seaweed, almonds, bananas, dried dates, sesame seeds, chickpeas, and peanuts. Other essential calcium deposit removing agents include Boron, Vitamin D3, hyaluronic acid and Fulvic acid, magnesium malate. CILANTRO—This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the intracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury). Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places. This process is called re-toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent such as the algae chlorella. Cilantro causes the gallbladder to dump bile — containing the excreted neurotoxins — into the small intestine. The bile-release occurs naturally as we are eating and is much enhanced by cilantro. If no chlorella is taken, most neurotoxins are reabsorbed on the way down the small intestine by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system. A delicious pesto can be made with soaked pumpkin seeds, cilantro, garlic and lemon juice. CHLOROPHYLL—Chlorophyll-rich superfoods assist in the decalcification of the pineal gland due to their strong detoxification properties. The potassium, magnesium and silicon in green plant protoplasm are involved in active mineral transportation and help to remove inorganic calcium and heavy metals out of the body. Raw vege juice, for the body to be less acid is good for pineal gland detox. The more remineralized the soil is and the greater the soil biota, the higher the Vitamin K content of the vegetation. A daily green drink rich in Vitamin K decalcifies and restores the pineal gland, so “green” is essential to resurrection. MAGNESIUM—Magnesium is an anti-calcium agent, and calcium channel blocker that helps dissolve calcium plaques and reduces mortality from all degenerative diseases. Use Epsom Salts, Magnesium chloride topically, and magnesium citrate and magnesium. Magnesium will help dissolve the calcium in your arteries and tissues putting it back into circulation and excreting the excess. Magnesium is the ultimate chelating agent. Magnesium that controls the fate of potassium and calcium in the body, and protects the cells from absorbing aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel. The ideal form of magnesium and other minerals is that in living protoplasm grown through high biogenic agriculture. In horticulture, dolomite limestone is added to soils and soilless potting mixes as a pH buffer and as a magnesium source. VITAMIN K1—Found in green vegetables, K1 goes directly to your liver and helps you maintain a healthy blood clotting system. It is also vitamin K1 that keeps your own blood vessels from calcifying, and helps your bones retain calcium and develop the right crystalline structure. Wheatgrass juice contains Activator X vitamins K1. VITAMIN K2—Bacteria produce this type of vitamin K. K2 is present in fermented foods, particularly cheese and the Japanese food natto, which is by far the richest vegan source of K2. Learn how to make your own Natto! K2 raises osteocalcin, which controls the building of bone protecting against osteoporosis, periodontitis, arthritis and arteriosclerosis etc... K2 also plays a role in inhibiting inflammatory cytokines. Vitamin K2 also protects the brain, fights rheumatoid arthritis, balances blood sugar and preserves dental health. Always take your vitamin K supplements with fat since it is fat-soluble and take Omega-3 and Vitamin D at the same time. 45mg/day. Vitamin K2 and The Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life, Dr Kate Rhéaume Bleue. BLUEGREEN AND RED ALGAE—Chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass are great foods packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The red carotinoid astaxanthin blocks the inflammatory COX 2 enzymes. RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR—A natural detoxifier, apple cider vinegar helps decalcify the pineal gland due to its malic acid properties. Malic acid is well known for its ability to remove aluminum from the human body. BEETS OR BEET JUICE—Beets, characterized by their deep, dark red color, contain boron. This element helps balance calcium intake and remove metals and other compounds, like fluoride. COLLOIDAL SILVER—Antibiotics, biocides, and ion coatings are commonly used chemical methods of biofilm prevention. They prevent biofilm formation by interfering with the attachment and expansion of immature biofilms. Colloidal silver or silver ions have been known for some time; its use can be traced to the Phoenicians, who would store their water, wine, and vinegar in silver bottles to keep them from spoiling. The antimicrobial property of silver is due to the metal ions interfering with the growth and function of bacteria. OREGANO OIL—Both oregano oil and neem extract help in the purification process, helping to remove existing calcification within the pineal gland, in addition to purifying the body’s systems, especially the endocrine system. Clarkia...Cloves, Wormwood, Black walnut, as well as garlic, oregano oil and neem act as a natural antibiotic against new nanobacteria forming calcium shells. By supporting immune function, your body will more successfully remove harmful organisms before it can attack tissue like the pineal gland. This reduces the chance of gland calcification and degenerative diseases. Garlic is amazing for decalcification because it is able to dissolve calcium and acts as an antibiotic. LEMON JUICE—Citric acid dissolves calcium deposits and kills nanobacteria by dissolving their calcium phosphate shells. Lemon juice helps to produce an alkaline chemistry in the body and is antibacterial, antifungal and a mild astringent. Lemons and limes have been found to be protective against the contraction of cholera, cancer, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. VITAMIN C AND GLUTATHIONE—Titrating to bowel tolerance is a method of utilizing vitamin C in amounts just short of the dose that produces diarrhea. The reason for this is that the amount of oral ascorbic acid tolerated by a patient without producing diarrhea increases somewhat proportionately to the stress or toxicity of his disease or the demands of the body. Find your daily intake level by taking 1 tsp of Vitamin C in a glass of water every 15 minutes to bowel tolerance. So take as much Buffered Vitamin C (L-Ascorbate) as you can tolerate, along with lecithin and bioflavonoids daily—this escorts heavy metals safely out of the body, protects tissues and increases energy production of the cells. Vitamin C raises glutathione better than taking glutathione itself! 1 gm of L-Ascorbate eliminates 25mg of Lead or 20 mgs of Mercury per day. The first 1000gms of Vitamin C you take only detoxifies the heavy metal load of that day, so to get rid of the body burden during a Heavy Metal Detox you need to beef up your Vitamin C intake to bowel tolerance. Healthy Drop's Liposomal C Highly Absorbable Vitamin C in Sunflower Phospholipid Liposomes. Liposomalized vitamin C is absorbed much more efficiently as the cell wall loves liposomes because they are made up of similar material (phosphatydal choline, lecithin, phosphatydal serine, CLA, etc) and the enclosed vitamin C is delivered directly into the cell. Quality liposomal Vitamin C can be bought at healthy_drops Ebay Store. See the youtube of Dr. Russell Jaffe on “Vitamin C for Heavy Metal Detox.” pulsed d-penicillamine TAMARAND—The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tree can be converted to teas and strong tinctures, which have also shown the ability to eliminate fluorides through the urine. CACAO—Raw, organic chocolate in its purest form can help detoxify the pineal gland because of cacao’s high antioxidant content. Raw cacao is a pineal gland stimulant / detoxifier in high doses because of the high antioxidant content. Cacao is the number one source of Magnesium of any food on the planet, contains 314% of the US RDA of iron per serving, contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world, and is exceptionally rich in chromium, anandamide (bliss chemical), theobromine, manganese, zinc, copper and vitamin C, Omega 6 fatty acids, PEA, tryptophan, serotonin and more. IODINE—Iodine is naturally occurring in plants such as seaweed, effectively improves the removal of sodium fluoride via urine. Iodine also helps remove the other halogens chlorine, bromine, and astatine, along with radioactive iodine. BORON—Borax can be used to remove sodium fluoride from the human body. Borax also stimulates the production of important hormones and stabilizes calcium, copper and magnesium levels in the body to inhibit calcification, and eliminates fungi including Morgellons disease and neutralizes radiation. Borax can be used in footbaths, baths and drinking water. SODIUM THIOSULFATE—Sodium thiosulfate is a colorless crystal of sodium, sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen, that is often present at therapeutic bath spas or thermal spas as a chlorine neutralizer. Sodium thiosulfate is said to be a powerful detoxing agent to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. It is also a topical anti-fungal such as can be used for candida, foot fungi and ringworm. It removes EVERYTHING bad from the GI system like parasites, fungal, viral, polymers, metals and bacteria. ½ cup of warm water, 1 tsp of Vitamin C and 1 tsp of Sodium thiosulfate before bed during a Heavy Metal Cleanse. Use kelp, molasses, wheatgrass juice, humic shale and/or Shilajit to remineralize when you use Sodium thiosulfate, and since it is one of the most powerful GI cleansers, you will need to replace your good bacteria with fermented vegetables, water kefir and taking probiotics (3.5 billion min.) daily. EDTA—Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is an antiplaque agent that chelates removes heavy metals and inorganic calcium deposits. See EDTA recipe in the Heavy Metal Chelation section. DMSO—Dimethyl sulfoxide is a solvent that acts as a delivery and catalytic agent to other compounds; along with fulvic acid acts to help dissolve calcifications and remove heavy metals. DMSO improves penetration of antifungals when treating stubborn toenail fungus and enhances absorption of topical pain-relieving drugs. But DMSO is more than just a carrier, it is a potent anti-inflammatory in its own right that helps relieve any kind of joint or muscle pain. Cartilage afflicted with degenerative arthritis contains subnormal levels of sulfur. MSM—Methyl Sulfonyl Methane is a sulfur compound that helps to lubricate the joints, gives flexibility to the tissues and helps in digestion and rejuvenate the skin, hair and nails. The more MSM we take, the more difficult it is for calcium-forming organisms to take hold and it assists the immune system in breaking down bad calcium. These organisms are like barnacles that are always looking for a part of the body to hook onto so they can grow like a coral reef. When we take in enough sulfur, our joints become too slippery for the nanobacteria to take hold or grow. MSM also converts “bad calcium” into “good calcium”. A Sol of MSM can also be sprayed topically to ease muscle and joint pain, along with DMSO and Magnesium Chloride and Borax. You can add MSM to water, juice or smoothies. RATFISH OIL—The magic bullet decalcifying agent for the pineal gland is Ratfish Oil. Skate oil is the highest form of omega 3, mega-antioxidant, cleans arteries, pineal gland, removes calcium plaques, revive thyroid, repairs mitochondria . Ratfish Oil contains Vitamins K1 and K2 (Activator X) – which allows for the body to remove calcium from various locations throughout the body, such as the pineal gland and the arteries. It also helps reverse tooth decay and reduces atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. Activator X supplements are to be taken with Vitamin A and D3. (Combination of Krill oil, K2 and Spirulina may approximate ratfish oil) PAPAYA SEEDS—Both removing heavy metals and the biofilms of pathogens helps to remove the Papaya seeds health benefits and uses, including for parasitic worms, bacterial infections, digestive problems, are very effective in treating the liver cirrhosis, and also helps eliminate stones and toxins from the kidneys. Its anti-inflammatory properties help treat arthritis and joint disease. Papaya seeds and papain enzyme was able to disrupt the biofilm or mucus biofilms that parasites produce to protect themselves from the body’s immune system. ZEOLITE—Zeolite is a natural volcanic clay-like mineral that is one of the most powerful negatively charged substances in nature and is dramatically more powerful than clay. It acts as a magnet, drawing toxins to it, capturing them in its cage-like crystal structure, so that toxins can be escorted safely from the body. It has extraordinary abilities to detoxify the body as well as its effectiveness in breaking apart positively charged bad calcium; it breaks apart and absorbs the calcium phosphate shells, exposing the calcium-forming organisms inside. Zeolite appears to have an especially powerful chelation effect, removing heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead and aluminum. Liquid Zeolite is micronized for greater penetration to eliminate heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and radionucleotides. CLAY BATHS—Clay eating and clay bathing are traditional solutions to help free ourselves from environmental and food toxins. Clay baths are used for pollutants, insecticides, pesticides, vaccination poisons, industrial pollution, chemical warfare, and almost all chemicals including food additives, chlorine, etc. Volcanic clay and hot mineral pools will supply the body with extra sulfur for detoxification. Clay, Magnesium Citrate, Yucca root and Psyllium husks in a glass of water is my favorite PM cleanser. HUMATES—Fulvic acid, Humate, Leonardite, Shale, Lignite, Shilajit, can be used internally and externally as carrier molecules for chelation, detoxification and remineralization. Shilajit is a mixture of minerals used traditionally in Ayurveda, with the main bioactive of Fulvic Acid, that is known as the best carrier of energy and nutrition. Vitamin K2 and The Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life, Dr Kate Rhéaume Bleue. Calcium Bomb: The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer, by Douglas Mulhall For a broader understanding of this process see “David Wolfe On Calcium” on youtube. See the Heavy Metal Chelation section for more on removing the calcium/toxin plaques from the body. PINEAL ACTIVATION PRACTICES Decalcification of the Pineal Gland is necessary to develop their multidimensional “spiritual” and visionary perception. This transcendental multidimensional perception transcends the ego and rapidly heals our sufferings, conflicts and thus bad habits and karmas. The Pineal Gland will naturally make its own spirit molecule DMT when unsuppressed and fully operational leading to more Vivid dreams and Lucid Dreams and gnosis Any increased blood and energy through the pineal will reduce calcification if the blood is “raw” and clean, charged, high in biophotons and has a high zetapotential. Thus exercise, negative ion air, massage, lymphatic massage, Vibe machines and rebounding will aid in Pineal decalcification. Both sungazing, meditation and yoga have been implicated with increases in melatonin production. Rebounding or bouncing works very well for moving lymph which helps the detoxification systems. Infrared saunas and lamps are able to penetrate deeply into all layers of the body, thus deepening the already impressive detoxification, relaxation, and healing. Saunas and sweat lodges are also effective for enhancing detoxification and stress resistance. Dry Saunas combined with exercise releases sodium fluoride stored in fatty tissues. Soma and the Crystal Palace Harmonizing the Crystal Palace is the Inner Marriage whereby the sovereign self is actualized. The awakened pituitary gland releases more oxytocin and vasopressin, which heighten feelings of trust, relaxation, peace, and empathy while reducing fear, anxiety, and aggression. The pituitary gland is located above the sphenoid sinus, which drains down the back of the throat. During kundalini activation ionized CSF along with vasopressin and oxytocin drip down into the throat, giving us the ambrosial nectar (Soma) effect that is often described in peak spiritual experiences. Both vasopressin and oxytocin are critical hormones for birth and re-birth experiences. The effects of these hormones on bonding may also explain the deep feeling of connection, unconditional love, and coming home that is part of peak enlightenment events. Once in the digestive system the ambrosial liquid then enters the bloodstream thereby uniting heaven and earth. Kundalini awakening practices including the following help make the crystal palace light up to produce the Soma. • Being in Total Darkness—Darkness triggers increased production and release of melatonin, and eventually of pinoline and the spirit molecule DMT. The hours prior to midnight are the most productive in terms of rest and regeneration during sleep. Make sure your bedroom is blackened out at night. • Breathing—Deep breathing practices pump lymph and stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Breathing is said to ionize the CSF and therefore increase its potency. We are “awake” as our CSF is charged. • Toning—Toning or chanting HUU or OMM vibrates the Crystal Palace, activating the pineal and other glands and ionizing the CSF. Chanting, toning and singing cleans the brain via the glymphatic system. Toning by river rapids greatly amplifies the resonant effect on the brain. • Pressing—Pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth while dropping the jaw activates the pituitary gland and, through its physical and chemical connections, the pineal gland and hypothalamus are stimulated as well. Pressing the hands firmly together in the prayer pose and toning while doing this amplifies the overall effect. • The Three Kings—The Inner Smile, Dropping the back of the tongue and the Throaty Breath opens up with blood and lymph to the brain and relaxes the brain through the creative Alpha frequency when both hemispheres are communicating to each other…promoting visionary, gnostic or sovereign consciousness. • Laughing and Smiling—Smiling allows energy to rise up to the crown and opens both the heart allowing more light to conjugate increasing the vibration of the organs and vitalizing the spiral circulation of the blood, which increases the flow of chi. Laughter and smiling also triggers the release of endorphins and amplifies the effects of the pineal hormones. • Tapping—Hold the hollow of the back of the neck (atlas-occipital joint) with fingers of one hand and tap the forehead with the other hand. Gently tapping your forehead in between your eyebrows activates the pineal gland and all three structures of the Crystal Palace. The vibration is activating and stimulating the pituitary gland awakens the hypothalamus. TheEFT/meridian tapping technique integrates gains made by tapping the Third Eye Region. • Squeezing—Squeezing the eyes shut, and then opening them over-wide activates the pituitary and wakes up the brain. Sucking in the cheeks exercises the jaw, and stimulates the cervical neck and cranial pumps. Doing Kagels, (contracting the anal sphincter and perineum or the vaginal muscles) sends vibrations from the pelvis, through the dural tube of the spine through the brainstem to the resonant chamber of the crystal palace in the center of the head, thus activating the pineal and pituitary glands. • Exaggerated Yawning—Yawning with exaggerated mouth opening and clenched fists and arms extended into a full stretch while twisting the spine…activates Alpha Frequency, Endorphins and Serotonin and relieves the bodymind of built up stress. • Spiraling—Serpentine, spiraling and spinning movements like the Hula, Belly Dancing, Tai Chi, Sufi Whorling, or hula hoops in bare feet on the earth energizes the CSF and enhances the power of the heart field, thereby activating the pineal gland and other glands of the Crystal Palace. Spiraling around on the sits bones while sitting crosslegged activates and detoxifies the spinal CSF. • Spinal Cord Breathing—Rocking the pelvis back with the inbreath and forward with the outbreath charges the cerebrospinal fluid and enhances lymphatic circulation throughout the body, resulting in pineal gland activation and increased Chi. Chi is Prana, which is a very high frequency vibration (higher than visible light). The greater the electrical conductivity the more primed are the neurotransmitters and hormones towards optimization and selfactualization • Stomping or Jumping—Stomping as in the shuffle dance step of the Native American, or the Jumping of the ǃKung people living in the Kalahari activates kundalini energy through repetitive thumping movement with bare feet on the earth. Trance dancing to drumming will have a similar effect. • Focusing—Since energy flows where our attention goes, focusing on the Crystal Palace by looking at the core of the brain through the optic nerve will activate the pineal and pituitary. The Inner Arts exercises that particularly activate the dome of the brain core are: The Core Supercharger, The Goodifying Emeditation, The Inner Candle and Sungazing. • Vibration—Decalcify Pineal Gland via sonic vibrations especially of 50Hz Gamma Wave binaural music breaks up and loosen the calcification. So vibrations that effect the skull - resonance frequencies - that breakup the calcification. The French musician Fabien Maman researched the effect of sound vibrations on cells and found that sounds can destroy cancer cells and invigorate healthy ones. • Hot and Cold—Alternating hot and cold helps to move tired blood and lymph thereby rejuvenating the tissues and energy levels. Saunas and cold showers is one way of getting this deep metabolic cleansing, as is sunbathing and jumping in a cold stream or ocean. • Spinal Shower—A three inch column of water falling on the spine, head and shoulders is the most liberating water therapy for defragging, repolarizing, cleansing, releasing and opening the spine and brainstem. It is vitally important to take the old fragmentation and PTSD off of the nervous system when attempting to activate the hormonal drivers of the awakening process. Thus opening and detoxification are just as important as stimulating and activating when it comes to illuminating the central nervous system. • Entheogens—Entheogens such as DMT, Peyote, San Pedro, Virola callophylla, Psychotria viridis, Blue Lotus, Ayahuasca, Amanita muscaria, plus monoamine oxidase inhibitors like Syrian Rue and Banisteriopsis caapi. The super-conductor called Pinoline induces cell replication in a state that is otherwise only activated in the womb and during a Near Death Experience. The pineal gland starts to produce 5-MeO-DMT, a hormone that is highly luminescent due to the amount of Phosphene that it transmits onto the visual cortex. The visual ‘third eye’ neurotransmitter Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) that activates the brilliant white Light that beckons during a Near Death Experience is a chemical that has come to be known as the Spirit Molecule. In transcendental peak experience the brain is literally luminous…as seen by the biophotonic light pouring out of the irises of the eyes. • Other Crystal Palace Activators—Other things that activate and awaken the fructifying energies of the crystal palace include: The scents of flowers and the resins of plants, essential oils. Amethyst crystals, ORMUS, Magnetic Trap water, Magnets, Pyramids, Light and Sound Machines, ElectroMagnetic Cranial Stimulation, The God Helmet, Music, Falling in Love, Tantra, Kundalini awakenings, Yoga, Meditation, Hanging, Headstands, Bodywork, Shaktipat and spiritual connection with awakened beings. Flow state, Extreme Sports, Martial Arts, Peak Experiences, Vision Quests, Novelty and Adventure. Sunlight increases detoxification and mineral assimilation and utilization manyfold, as does earthing...hence sunbathing while lying on the earth is recommended to pineal detox and activation. Sungazing on iron rich rocks at dawn and dust is particularly illuminating. TEAS FOR BRAIN POWER • Green Tea--Scientists using magnetic resonance imaging analyzed how green tea affected the brain activity found increased connectivity between the parietal and the frontal cortex of the brain. These neuronal findings correlated positively with improvement in task performance of the participants suggesting that green tea might increase the short-term synaptic plasticity of the brain. • Ginkgo Biloba has been shown in studies to improve memory and intelligence. It has further been shown to help regenerate brain cells. if you take blood thinning medications, be cautious and check with your doctor before ingesting this as it can cause brain bleeding if used with blood thinners. Other than this, the herb has been taken safely for thousands of years. • Rhodiola Rosea is considered by some to be one of the best herbs that enhance memory. Srudies have shown that in addition to improving focus and memory, rhodiola also has the ability to relieve depression and overcome adrenal fatigue. • Brahmi or Bacopa Monnier is the top herb for rejuvenating the brain and nervous system. It helps the left and right sides of the brain to work together. Brahmi improves all aspects of mental functioning including the ability to learn new information, to retain what we learn and our ability to remember. • Gotu kola is another herb that has high impact on brain functioning. it also balances the brain and helps all aspects of brain functioning, but is best known for its ability to improve blood circulation and memory. • Ginseng has also been proven in studies to improve memory by generating neurotransmitter activity that enhances the memory. It has also been shown to improve cognitive function and is often used as an alternative to synthetic medications often prescribed for ADHD or ADD. • Periwinkle and Ginseng can be used together to boost cognitive abilities. Ginseng is great as an alternative to synthetic medications (like those prescribed for ADHD or ADD). It is also known to possess compounds that help protect us from radiation. Extracted from Periwinkle as a natural constituent, vincristine is one of the most powerful anticancer drugs in the world. • Sage has long had a reputation for improving memory and concentration via ingredients that boost the chemicals that trigger message transmission in the brain. It is shown to protect the brain against Alzheimer’s and potentially benefit those living with it by boosting the same brain chemicals that drop when one has Alzheimer’s. • Rosemary has been shown to improve concentration and enhance memory. It stimulates the circulatory system and reduces cortisol levels and therefore calms nerves and reduces anxiety and stress. Rosemary is rich in carnosic acid, an antioxidant, shown to dilate cerebral vascular tissues. Studies have shown that even the smell of rosemary will improve memory performance. • Rooibos tea is made from the leaves of the "red bush" plant, aspalathus linearis. Studies show rooibos has anti-aging properties, lowers obesity, improves performance, combats stress-related symptoms linked to metabolic diseases, prevents hypertension, insulin resistant type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Rooibos may also help the body remove cancerous cells that already have damaged DNA. Studies suggest rooibos may switch on certain genes that help to break down carcinogens stored in the body tissues for elimination. • Vacha - Acorus calamus. Vacha which means “speech" promotes better concentration, clarity, speech and corrects stammering. It has a stimulating effect which means that it treats depression and mental sluggishness. Vacha promotes mental clarity and a strong memory at the same time it detoxifies brain tissues. • Tagara also known as Jatamansi, Heal All, or Indian Valerian helps emotional and nervous conditions. The herb has a remarkable influence on the cerebro-spinal system and the cardiac system, helping to treat hypochrondria, hysteria, insomnia, migraines, nervous tension, neuralgia and neurasthenia. It is useful in treating anxiety, breathlessness, epilepsy, giddiness and fainting fits; and curing gastrointestinal conditions like diverticulitis, irritable bowel and stomach cramps. • Tulsi or Holy Basil oxygenates the brain and improves circulation which improves feelings of well-being and mental cognition. Holy basil is consumed mostly as Tulsi Tea, used to treat anxiety, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, acne, blood sugar and hair loss. • Ashwaghandha is another top herb for the brain. It reduces the effects of overwork and is one of the best for promoting mental clarity and cognitive functioning. It boosts the brain’s memory and is very helpful in supporting the immune system. Ashwaghandha does wonders for nervous exhaustion and protects the brain against brain cell deterioration • After dinner tea made with equal parts cumin, coriander and fennel powder steeped in 1 cup of hot water.