EXERCISE 1 1. Conversion of decimal number 6110 to its binary number equivalent is a. 1100012 b. 1111002 c. 1100112 d. 0011012 e. None of the above 2. Conversion of decimal number 9910 to its binary number equivalent is a. 11000112 b. 110011102 c. 1111012 d. 111112 e. None of the above 3. Conversion of decimal number 7110 to its binary number equivalent is a. 1100112 b. 11100112 c. 01100112 d. 10001112 e. None of the above 4. Conversion of decimal number 8910 to its binary number equivalent is a. 10110112 b. 11001112 c. 10110012 d. 100112 e. None of the above 5. Conversion of decimal number 1310 to its octal number equivalent to a. 158 b. 178 c. 138 d. 118 e. None of the above 6. Conversion of decimal number 4210 to its octal number equivalent is a. 578 b. 428 c. 478 d. 528 e. None of the above 7. Conversion of decimal number 6710 to its octal number equivalent is a. 1008 b. 1038 c. 1098 d. 998 e. None of the above 8. Conversion of an octal number 31378 to its decimal equivalent is a. 163110 b. 163210 c. 153110 d. 193110 e. None of the above 9. Conversion of an octal number 1348 to a binary number is a. 0010110112 b. 0011011002 c. 0010111002 d. 1100112 e. None of the above 10. Conversion of an octal number 74328 to a binary number is a. 11110001101112 b. 1111000110102 c. 1100110101112 d. 1111111110002 e. None of the above 11. Conversion of hexadecimal number 1D7F16 to a decimal number is a. a. 755110 b. 877110 c. 555710 d. 778110 e. None of the above 12. Conversion of hexadecimal number 6B216 to its binary number equivalent is a. 11110001101112 b. 0110101100102 c. 01100110011112 d. 111111112 e. None of the above 13. Conversion of binary number 1100011 2 to an octal number is a. 1408 b. 1438 c. 1478 d. 1498 e. None of the above 14. Conversion of binary number 1010000 2 to an octal number is a. 1198 b. 1018 c. 1118 d. 1208 e. None of the above 15. Conversion of binary number 101110 2 to hexadecimal is a. 358 b. 468 c. 568 d. 508 e. None of the above 16. Conversion of binary number 1100011 2 to hexadecimal is a. 6316 b. 5716 c. 4616 d. 4016 e. None of the above 17. Conversion of a hexadecimal number 4E16 to binary number is a. 10011012 b. 10011102 c. 11011002 d. 1101112 e. None of the above 18. Conversion of a hexadecimal number 3A16 to binary number is a. 11011012 b. 1110102 c. 1001102 d. 1100112 e. None of the above 19. Conversion of a octal number 638 to its decimal number is a. 5110 b. 6110 c. 5710 d. 5310 e. None of the above 20. Conversion of an octal number 1438 to its decimal number is a. 9010 b. 97110 c. 9910 d. 10710 e. None of the above 21. Conversion of an octal number 1258 to its decimal number is a. 9010 b. 8510 c. 8710 d. 9910 e. None of the above 22. Conversion of an octal number 1368 to hexadecimal number is a. 7E16 b. 5E16 c. 5A16 d. 5D16 e. None of the above 23. Conversion of an octal number 1128 to hexadecimal number is a. 4A16 b. 5A16 c. 1516 d. 2016 e. None of the above 24. Conversion of an octal number 568 hexadecimal number is a. 2A16 b. 3A16 c. 2E16 d. F16 e. None of the above 25. Conversion of an octal number 208 to its binary number is a. 100002 b. 101112 c. 101102 d. 111102 e. None of the above 26. Addition of 1101012 and 1011112 is a. 11001002 b. 11010002 c. 11101112 d. 1100112 e. None of the above 27. Addition of 1101011012, 1110111012, 0001111112, 1001011012, 1111101112 is a. 1011010111010 2 b. 11110110000102 c. 1000101000101 2 d. 010010000000102 e. None of the above 28. Subtraction of 1001011002 from 11101010102 a. 10010111102 b. 01101000012 c. 11110000012 d. 11110111112 is e. None of the above 29. Addition of 102 and 112 is a. 1002 b. 1012 c. 1112 d. 1102 e. None of the above 30. Addition of 11012 and 10102 is a. 101112 b. 110002 c. 110112 d. 101112 e. None of the above EXERCISE 2 1. The binary number 1110 is equal to the decimal number? (A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 7 (D) 14 (E) 9 2. Binary equivalent of decimal number 25 is? (A) 011001 (B) 011101 (C) 011111 (D) 010011 (E) 001101 3. – 15 in 2’s complement notation (using 6 bits) is? (A) 110001 (B) 001111 (C) 010001 (D) 101010 (E) 001010 4. The 1’s complement of 10011101 is? (A) 01100010 (B) 100111110 (C) 01100001 (D) 01100011 (E) 00110011 5. The 2’s complement of 11100111 is? (A) 11100110 (B) (C) (D) (E) 00011001 00011000 00011010 None 6. Express the decimal number – 37 as an 8 – bit number in sign magnitude? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 7. 10100101 00100101 11011000 11010001 10101011 Determine the decimal equivalent of the signed binary number 11110100 in 1’s complement? (A) 116 (B) -12 (C) -11 (D) 128 (E) -10 8. 9. The binary number 101110101111010 can be written in octal as? (A) 515628 (B) 565778 (C) 656278 (D) 565728 (E) 565678 The binary number 11101011000111010 can be written in hexadecimal as? (A) DD63A16 (B) 1D63A16 (C) 1D33A16 (D) DDD6316 (E) 1DD6316 10. The binary number for F3A16 is? (A) 111100111010 (B) 111100111110 (C) 000000111010 (D) 000011000100 (E) 101101110100 11. The BCD number for decimal 347 is? (A) 1100 1011 1000 (B) 0011 0100 0111 (C) 0011 0100 0001 (D) 1100 1011 0110 (E) 1110 1110 0001 12. What is the result of 01010 + 10101 in 2’s complement notation? (A) 31 (B) 0 (C) -1 (D) - 31 (E) 1 13. Convert the floating 10.001 in binary into its equivalent decimal notation? (A) 2.25 (B) 2.001 (C) 10.125 (D) 2.125 (E) 2.75 14. What is the bit string represented by the hexadecimal number 2D? (A) 00101100 (B) 00101101 (C) 01001101 (D) 01001100 (E) 01001110 15. Find the 8 – bit 2’s complement of the decimal number 26 is? (A) 00011010 (B) 11100101 (C) 10110111 (D) 11100110 (E) 00011101 16. Find the decimal representation of the 2’s complement number 11010011? (A) - 45 (B) - 40 (C) 45 (D) 40 (E) - 55 17. How many distinct values can we represent with 4 bits? (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 16 (E) 32 18. How many distinct values can we represent with 5 bits? (A) 8 (B) 16 (C) 24 (D) 30 (E) 32 19. Convert the following from 2’s complement to decimal 1010. A) 8 (B) 6 (C) -6 (D) -8 (E) 10 20. Convert the decimal number 11 to 8 – bit 2’s complement binary number. (A) 00001011 (B) 11110101 (C) 10110111 (D) 11100110 (E) 00011101 21. Convert the decimal number -128 to 8 – bit 2’s complement binary number. (A) 01111111 (B) 10000000 (C) 10011111 (D) 01000011 (E) 11000011 22. Convert the unsigned binary number 1110 1101 1011 0010 to hexadecimal? (A) EEDB16 (B) EDB216 (C) 2BDE16 (D) DEB216 (E) DDE216 23. Convert the unsigned binary number 1110 1101 1011 0010 to Octal? (A) 1666628 (B) 166268 (C) 126668 (D) 162268 (E) 166228 Complete the following table: (QUESTIONS 24 – 30) DECIMAL 24. 0 25. 4 26. 8 27. 11 28. 13 29. 14 30. 15 4 – bits BCD