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CIM Question Bank: CNC, CAD/CAM, Manufacturing

Question Bank
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Short Questions:
1. What is computer numerical control?
2. What is the right-hand rule in NC and where is it used?
3. What are the three basic components of a CNC system?
4. What is linear interpolation in CNC?
5. What is distributed numerical control (DNC)?
6. What is a machining center?
7. What is a turning centre?
8. What is function of MCU?
9. What is manual data input of the NC part program?
10. What is CNC EDM (Electric discharge machine)?
11. Explain the function of the preparatory functions.
12. Write the functioning of any two G-code used for the purpose.
13. Write the functioning of any two M-code used for the purpose.
14. What do you understand by the term ‘canned cycle’ in manual part programming?
15. What is cutter radius compensation?
Long Questions:
1. What is the difference between point-to-point and continuous path control in a motion
control system?
2. What is linear interpolation, and why is it important in NC?
3. What is the difference between absolute positioning and incremental positioning?
4. Explain five of the features of a computer numerical control that distinguish it from
conventional NC.
5. Explain about six part characteristics that are most suited to the application of numerical
6. What are advantages, disadvantages & applications of CNC machines?
7. Explain construction features of CNC machines.
8. Explain the concept of ‘floating datum’ and ‘set point’ with reference to CNC part
programming. What is their relationship?
9. The component to be machined is shown in Fig. 1. Write a program using canned cycles to
drill all the holes shown in Fig 1.
Figure 1
10. The component to be machined is shown in Fig. 2. Write a program using canned cycles to
drill all the holes shown in Fig 2.
Figure 2
Short Questions:
1. What is CAD, CAM & CIM?
2. What are hardware & software requirements in a typical CIM system?
3. What are the important machine tools in a CIM system?
4. What is the need of CIM software?
5. What are the limitations of computer integrated manufacturing?
6. What are the objectives of database in CIM system?
7. What are the database requirements of CIM?
8. What is file system data processing in CIM system?
9. What is decision support system in CIM?
10. What are the benefits of decision support system?
Long Questions: