F.EMM -8.1/8.3-2020-23-02 JSC "ALMATY TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY" Faculty of Design, Textile and Clothing Technologies Department of Technology of textile production «APPROVED» Decision of the SMC of the faculty from «____» ______ 20____y. (protocol №1) The Chairman of SMC, Dean _________ Sarttarova L.T. (signature) SYLLABUS for the discipline KV PPNHV 2401 - Processes of production of natural and chemical fibers for students of the educational program 6В07205 – «Technology and designing of textile materials» Course Semester Number of academic credits Labor intensity in academic hours including: lectures practical class laboratory / Studio classes independent work of the student with a teacher independent work of the student Educational format (tradiotional, mixed, online) Final control form (exam, course project, state exam) Form of final control (written, oral, combined, creative, computer testing) Almaty, 2021 2 4 4 120 15 15 15 3 72 Mixed Exam written 1. Information about the teacher of the discipline Surname, name, patronymic Assanova Albina Narimanovna Position lecturer Scientific (academic) degree, degree master Academic title Email address aleka_09.21@mail.ru Location of the Department (building, Almaty, Tole bi 100, Main Educational Building, office 1009 office) Phone number of the Department tel.87272935319, (183) 2 Characteristics of the discipline 2.1 The purpose of studying the discipline: Formation of basic knowledge of basic technological processes of production of natural and chemical fibers; technology of preparation of raw materials for processing in textile production. 2.2 Tasks of studying the discipline: - to study the primary processing of natural and chemical fibers and their properties; - get acquainted with the modern classification of natural textile materials, the most important types of raw materials for the production of natural fibers, the technology of preparing raw materials for obtaining textile yarns, with the types of chemical fibers and their production, the main processes of the formation of chemical fibers and threads. 2.3 Results of training in the discipline: - classifies natural and chemical fibers; - applies in a certain context the theoretical foundations of the processes of production and primary processing of textile raw materials, the main processes of formation of chemical fibers and threads; - analyzes technological schemes for the production of natural and chemical fibers; - learns the main issues of nomenclature of grade and quality of natural and chemical fibers, technology of primary processing of natural fibers, technology of formation of artificial and synthetic fibers; - uses quality indicators, grades and properties of textile raw materials and chemical fibers and threads; - determines the technological parameters of raw materials for the production of textile materials 3 Prerequisites To master this discipline, you need the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study of the following discipline: «Physics and chemistry of fiber-forming polymers». 4 Post-requisites The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the course of studying the discipline are necessary for the development of the following discipline: «Textile production technology». 5 Structure and content of modules and modular units 5.1 Labor intensity of modules and modular units of the discipline Academic week Name of modules and modular units of the discipline Total hours Classroom work by type of activity L PO LS independe nt work of the student with a teacher Extracurri cular activities (independ ent work of the student) 1-5 weeks Module 1. Natural raw textile materials: plant and animal origin fiber production. 6 week Module 2. Classification of chemical fibers. 7-11 weeks Module 3. Artificial and synthetic fibers production. 12-15 Module 4. Classification and weeks types of textile threads. TOTAL 40 5 5 5 1 24 8 1 1 1 - 5 40 5 5 5 1 24 32 4 4 4 1 19 120 15 15 15 3 72 5.2 Content of discipline modules Module 1 Natural raw textile materials: plant and animal origin fiber production. Modular unit 1 Classification of raw textile materials (fibres and filaments).Classification of textile fibers. Structure of macromolecules CPA defines properties of fibers and yarns. Modular unit 2 Composition and structure of natural fibre of plant origin (cotton, flax, hemp). Cotton and its processing. Bast fibres and their processing. Modular unit 3 Composition and structure of natural fibre of animal origin. Wool. classification of a blue merinose coat. Modular unit 4 Silk and silk production. Development of silkworm. Properties of dry cocoons and their threads. Modular unit 5 Torsion natural silk and chemical threads. General information on the manufacture of twisted threads from natural silk and chemical threads. Module 2 Classification of chemical fibers. Modular unit 6 Classification of chemical fibers and the main stages of receiving chemical fibers and threads. Module 3. Artificial and synthetic fibers production. Modular unit 7 Artificial fibers. Main types of artificial fibers. Modular unit 8 Manufacture of acethyl cellulose threads, harness and fiber. Properties of viscose fibers and films, applications. Modular unit 9 Synthetic fibers and threads from heterocepric compounds (polyester, polyamide). Polyester. Polyamide. Modular unit 10 Synthetic fibers and threads of carbocepric compounds. Fibers and threads of hydrocarbon polymers (polyolefins). Modular unit 11 Polyacrylonitrile fibers and threads. The disadvantages of polyacrylonitrile fibers. Fibers and threads of halogen derivatives of vinyl compounds (polyvinylalkacol). Module 4. Classification and types of textile threads. Modular unit 12 Types of threads and their structure. Classification and types of textile threads. Monofilaments, complex threads. Modular unit 13 Yarn. Film threads. Combined threads. Modular unit 14 General information on the production of high-volume threads. Thread elastics and methods of its receiving. High-volume threads meron, melan, hofron and methods of their reception. Modular unit 15 Classification of high-size threads. Basic characteristics of the structure and properties of textile threads. Control event type Rating (points) off-line on-line traditi Mixed using DET o- nal fulltime Training sessions in mode on-line № and name of lecture / laboratory / practical / seminar / studio lessons, indicating the forms of the lesson full-time № of the moduleand modular unitof the discipline Educat ion full-time Academic week № 5.3 Content of lessons and control activities Quantity of hours 1 Module 1. Natural raw textile materials: plant and animal origin fiber production. MU-1 testing, Lecture №1 questions Classification of raw 1 textile materials (fibres and filaments). MU-1 defense of Practical work №1 Main indicators practical work 1 characterizing the quality of textile natural fibers. MU-1 Laboratory work №1 defense of The device and laboratory operation of the work 1 equipment for the primary processing of cotton. MU-2 Lecture №2 testing, Composition and questions structure of natural fibre 1 of plant origin (cotton, flax, hemp). MU-2 Practical work №2 The defense of structure of cotton fiber. practical work The basics of cotton farming. Maturation of 1 raw cotton and its collection. Collection methods; manual and machine. MU-2 Laboratory work №2 defense of The device and operation laboratory of the equipment for the 1 work primary processing of flax. MU-3 Lecture №3 testing, Composition and questions 1 structure of natural fibre of animal origin. MU-3 Practical work №3 Bast 1 defense of 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 MU-3 MU-4 MU-4 MU-4 MU-5 MU-5 MU-5 fibers. Primary processing of flax. Determining of main indicators of quality of bast fibers Laboratory work №3 The device and operation of equipment for primary processing of wool. Lecture №4 Silk and silk production. Development of silkworm. Practical work № 4 The definition of silkworm (%) Cocoon. Determining the percentage of release of silk when unwinding the cocoons. Laboratory work №4 The device and operation of the equipment for the primary processing of silk. Cocoon Winding. Lecture №5 Torsion natural silk and chemical threads. Practical work №5 Structure of wool fibers. Determining of main indicators of quality Laboratory work №5 Technological equipment for twisting silk filaments. practical work defense of laboratory work 1 1 testing, questions 4 2 defense of practical work 1 4 1 1 1 1 Module 2. Classification of chemical fibers. MU-6 Lecture №6 Classification of chemical fibers and the main stages of 1 receiving chemical fibers and threads. MU-6 Practical work №6 Sheep shearing, 1 classifying and sorting wool. MU-6 Laboratory work №6 Shaping of the threads, 1 string and fibers. Module 3 Artificial and synthetic fibers production. MU-7 Lecture №7 Artificial fibers and threads. 1 Features of production of defense of laboratory work 4 testing, questions 2 defense of practical work defense of laboratory work 4 4 testing, questions 2 defense of practical work defense of laboratory work testing, questions 4 4 2 MU-7 MU-7 MU-8 MU-8 MU-8 MU-9 MU-9 MU-9 MU-10 MU-10 MU-10 MU-11 specific viscose fibers and threads. Practical work №7 Determination of main characteristic of chemical fibers Laboratory work №7 Production of copperammonia filaments, bundles and fibers. Lecture №8 Manufacture of acethyl cellulose threads, harness and fiber. Practical work №8 Determination of main characteristic of chemical fibers Laboratory work №8 Production of synthetic fibers and yarns from heterochain compounds (polyurethane). Boundary control module: Lecture №9 Synthetic fibers and threads from heterocepric compounds (polyester, polyamide). Practical work №9 Raw material base for the production of chemical fibers. Laboratory work №9 Synthetic fibers and yarns from carboxylic compounds (polyacrylonitrile fibers and yarns) Lecture №10 Synthetic fibers and threads of carbocepric compounds. Practical work №10 Raw material base for the production of chemical fibers. Laboratory work №10 Equipment for the production of bulk elastic filaments. Lecture №11 Polyacrylonitrile fibers defense of practical work 1 defense of laboratory work 1 1 testing, questions defense of practical work 1 defense of laboratory work 1 4 4 2 4 4 10 1 testing, questions defense of practical work 1 defense of laboratory work 1 1 testing, questions defense of practical work 1 defense of laboratory work 1 1 testing, questions 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 MU-11 MU-11 and threads. Practical work №11 Determination of types synthetic fibres Laboratory work №11 Equipment for production of complex yarns and monofilaments. defense of practical work 1 defense of laboratory work 1 Module 4 Classification and types of textile threads MU-12 Lecture №12 Types of threads and their structure. Classification and types of textile threads. MU-12 Practical work №12 Determination of types 1 synthetic fibres MU-12 Laboratory work №12 The process of obtaining 1 yarn from fibrous mass. MU-13 Lecture №13 Yarn. Film threads. Combined threads. MU-13 Practical work №13 The main quality indicators 1 of threads MU-13 Laboratory work №13 The process of obtaining 1 yarn from fibrous mass. MU-14 Lecture №14 General information on the production of highvolume threads. Thread elastics and methods of its receiving. MU-14 Practical work №14 The main quality indicators 1 of threads MU-14 Laboratory work №14 Equipment for produ1 cing high-volume yarns Maron, Milan, gafron. MU-15 Lecture №15 Classification of high-size threads. MU-15 Practical work №15 The main quality indicators 1 of high – sized threads MU-15 Laboratory work №15 Equipment for produ1 cing high-volume yarns Maron, Milan, gafron. 5 5 testing, questions 1 2 defense of practical work 1 defense of laboratory work testing, questions defense of practical work defense of laboratory work testing, questions 1 5 2 5 5 2 defense of practical work defense of laboratory work 1 5 5 5 testing, questions 2 defense of practical work 5 defense of laboratory work 5 Total for the lecture: Total for practical work: Total for laboratory work Boundary control module: TOTAL 15 30 15 67 15 67 20 (10/10) 45 151 Note: 1) The number of classroom lessons is 9 hours per 1 academic credit. 2) According to the approved time standards for calculating the teaching load of the teaching staff, conducting on-line classes for students using distance educational technologies (DЕT) (for students of FDL) 6 academic hours per semester for each discipline of the curriculum per stream. All other classesshould be planned offline. 6. List of basic and additional educational literature necessary for mastering the discipline 6.1 Main literature 1. Rana, Sohel. Fibrous and Textile Materials for Composite Applications [Текст] . - UK : Springer, 2016. - 394 p. 2. Handbook of Properties of Textile and Technical Fibres [Текст/Электронный ресурс] / Edited by A.R. Bunsell. - London : Elsevier, 2018. - 1033 p. - (The Textile Institute Book Series). - ISBN 9780-08-101272-7. - ISBN 978-0-08-101886-6 3. "Құтжанова, А.Ж. Тоқыма материалтану [текст] : оқулық. - Алматы : АТУ, 2012. - 281 б. ISBN 978-601-263-172-2" 4. Текстильное материаловедение. [Текст/Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / Ю. С. Шустов, С. М. Кирюхин, А. Ф. Давыдов. - 3-е издание. - М : Инфра-М, 2020. - 341 с. - ISBN 978-5-16-011720-1. - ISBN 978-5-16-104106-2 5. "Сагитова, Г.Ф. Табиғи және химиялық талшықтар өндірісі [Текст/Электронный ресурс] : оқулық / Г. Ф. Сагитова. - Алматы : Эпиграф, 2020. - 252 б. - ISBN 978-601-327-014-2" 6.2 Further reading: 1. Sustainable Innovations in Recycled Textiles. Textile Science and Clothing Technology [Текст/Электронный ресурс] / Editor: Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu. - London : Springer, 2018. - 82 p. - ISBN 978-981-10-8514-7. - ISBN 978-981-10-8515-4 6.3 The list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" 1. Fibrous and Textile Materials for Composite Applications [Электронный ресурс].- UK : Springer, 2016. - 394 p.http://library.atu.kz/files/43992.pdf 2. Каримов, С.С. Тоқыма өндірісінің материалтануы [Электронный ресурс] : оқулық. Алматы : Эверо, 2017. - 260 б. - ISBN 978-601-310-212-2. http://library.atu.kz/files/4949.pdf 3. "Құтжанова, А.Ж. Тоқыма материалтану [текст] : оқулық. - Алматы : АТУ, 2012. - 281 б. ISBN 978-601-263-172-2http://library.atu.kz/files/6715.pdf" 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Текстильное материаловедение. Лабораторный практикум [Текст/Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / Ю. С. Шустов, С. М. Кирюхин, А. Ф. Давыдов. - 3-е издание. - М : Инфра-М, 2020. - 341 с. - ISBN 978-5-16-011720-1. - ISBN 978-5-16-104106-2http://library.a "Сагитова, Г.Ф. Табиғи және химиялық талшықтар өндірісі [Текст/Электронный ресурс] : оқулық / Г. Ф. Сагитова. - Алматы : Эпиграф, 2020. - 252 б. - ISBN 978-601-327-0142http://library.atu.kz/files/126073.pdf" Sustainable Innovations in Recycled Textiles. Textile Science and Clothing Technology [Текст/Электронный ресурс] / Editor: Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu. - London : Springer, 2018. - 82 p. - ISBN 978-981-10-8514-7. - ISBN 978-981-10-8515-4 : 50000.00.ht Fibrous and composite materials for civil engineering applications [Электронный ресурс] / Edited by R. Fangueiro. - 16.80 мб., - PDF. - USA : Woodhead Publishing, 2011. - 416 p. - ISBN 978-1-84569-558-3. - ISBN 978-0-85709-252-6.http://library.atu.kz/fil Giovanni, Tanchis. Textile Reference Book of Nonwovens [Электронный ресурс] / Giovanni Tanchis. - PDF 10,53 МБ. - : Trevisan–Vigevano, 2008. - 240 phttp://library.atu.kz/files/9166.pdf 7 Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in the academic discipline The procedure for conducting assessment activities is as follows: A) current control Attendance and academic performance (current and midterm control by modules) of students is recorded in an electronic journal. At the end of the semester, the overall final grade is displayed - the rating, which is a cumulative indicator of the student's work throughout the semester. Periods R1 - on week 8, R2 - on week 15 of the semester. Attendance and work in lectures, work in practical / laboratory / studio classes, performance and delivery of work, performance and delivery of tasks by IWS students in full-time form are assessed as follows: Estimated position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lectures(Attendance/ 2 2 2 2 2 2 activity) Practical (seminar) classes 4 4 4 4 4 4 Laboratory (Studio) classes 4 4 4 4 4 4 Completing a task for the 5 (independent work of the student with a teacher) Individual task Coursework Semester work The maximum score for the 10 10 10 15 10 10 week Boundary control module (BM1, ... BMP) Rating R1 =100 Admission rating (R) Exam (E) Final assessment (F) Weeks 7 8 9 10 Score in points 2 2 2 2 4 4 - 4 4 5 5 5 - 11 12 13 14 15 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 - 5 5 6 5 5 - 5 5 - 5 5 - 10 15 12 12 5 5 - 12 18 12 10 12 10 R2 =100 R =(R1+R2)/2 100 F = R× 0,6 + E × 0,4 12 Attendance and work in lectures, work in practical / laboratory / studio classes, performance and delivery of work, performance and delivery of tasks by IWS full-time students using DET is assessed as follows: Weeks Estimated position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Score in points Lectures (activity) (L) Practical (seminar) classes (PC) Laboratory (Studio) classes (LC) Implementation of the task by week IWS Online classes according to the schedule (Attendance / activity) Тesting (Т) Admission rating (R) Exam (E) Final assessment (F) R =L+PC+LC+T 100 F = R× 0,6 + E × 0,4 B) intermediate certification (final control) Admission to the final control is not less than 50 points. Exam, maximum score-100 points. The final assessment of the discipline includes assessments of current academic performance and final control (examination assessment): F = R × 0,6 + E × 0,4 8. List of questions for self-study № weeks 1-5 module and unit № The list of issues under consideration Number of hours for self-study Type of control A rating event (score) Module 1 Natural raw textile materials: plant and animal origin fiber production. MU 1-5 Development of the 25 multimedia 5 production of natural presentation fibers. The possibilities of solving ecological problems in the production of natural fibers. Evaluation of bast fiber materials. The purpose and essence of the processes of primary processing of flax, the field of application of long and short fibers. Use of waste bast products. Module 2 Classification of chemical fibers. 6 MU 6 7-11 - - Module 3 Artificial and synthetic fibers production. MU 7-11 Innovation artificial 25 and synthetic fibers production. Ecological problems in the production of artificial and synthetic fibers multimedia presentation - Presentation Essay abstract 5 Presentation Essay abstract 6 Module 4 Classification and types of textile threads. 12-15 MU 12-15 IN TOTAL: 9 Innovation in textile thread and yarn production. Ecological problems in the production of textile thread and yarn 3 20 75 16 List of educational (including interactive) technologies used in the educational process № weeks 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 Modular unit (theme) Classification of raw textile materials (fibres and filaments) Main indicators characterizing the quality of textile natural fibers The device and operation of the equipment for the primary processing of cotton Composition and structure of natural fibre of plant origin (cotton, flax, hemp) The structure of cotton fiber. The basics of cotton farming. Maturation of raw cotton and its collection. Collection methods; manual and machine. The device and operation of the equipment for the primary processing of flax Composition and structure of natural fibre of animal origin Bast fibers. Primary processing of flax. Determining of main indicators of quality of bast fibers Number of Type of lesson (lecture, academic hours practical, laboratory) 1 lecture Method used lecturediscussion discussion 1 practical work 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions 1 lecture lecturediscussion 1 practical work discussion 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions 1 lecture 1 practical work lecturediscussion discussion 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 The device and operation of equipment for primary processing of wool Silk and silk production. Development of silkworm. The definition of silkworm (%) Cocoon. Determining the percentage of release of silk when unwinding the cocoons The device and operation of the equipment for the primary processing of silk. Cocoon Winding Torsion natural silk and chemical threads. Structure of wool fibers. Determining of main indicators of quality Technological equipment for twisting silk filaments. Classification of chemical fibers and the main stages of receiving chemical fibers and threads. Sheep shearing, classifying and sorting wool Shaping of the threads, string and fibers. Artificial fibers and threads. Features of production of specific viscose fibers and threads. Determination of main characteristic of chemical fibers Production of copper-ammonia filaments, bundles and fibers Manufacture of acethyl cellulose threads, harness and fiber. Determination of main characteristic of chemical fibers Production of synthetic fibers and yarns from heterochain compounds (polyurethane). Synthetic fibers and threads from heterocepric compounds (polyester, polyamide). Raw material base for the production of chemical fibers. 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions 1 lecture 1 practical work lecturediscussion discussion 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions 1 lecture 1 practical work lecturediscussion discussion 1 laboratory work 1 lecture 1 practical work discussion 1 laboratory work 1 lecture graphic work, discussions lecturediscussion 1 practical work discussion 1 laboratory work 1 lecture graphic work, discussions lecturediscussion 1 practical work discussion 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions 1 lecture lecturediscussion 1 practical work discussion graphic work, discussions lecturediscussion 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 Synthetic fibers and yarns from carboxylic compounds (polyacrylonitrile fibers and yarns) Synthetic fibers and threads of carbocepric compounds. Raw material base for the production of chemical fibers. Equipment for the production of bulk elastic filaments Polyacrylonitrile fibers and threads. Determination of types synthetic fibres Equipment for production of complex yarns and monofilaments. Types of threads and their structure. Classification and types of textile threads. Determination of types synthetic fibres The process of obtaining yarn from fibrous mass. Yarn. Film threads. Combined threads. The main quality indicators of threads The process of obtaining yarn from fibrous mass. General information on the production of high-volume threads. Thread elastics and methods of its receiving. The main quality indicators of threads Equipment for producing highvolume yarns Maron, Milan, gafron. Classification of high-size threads. The main quality indicators of high – sized threads Equipment for producing highvolume yarns Maron, Milan, gafron 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions 1 lecture 1 practical work lecturediscussion discussions 1 laboratory work 1 lecture 1 practical work 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions 1 lecture lecturediscussion 1 practical work discussion 1 laboratory work 1 lecture 1 practical work graphic work, discussions lecturediscussion discussion 1 laboratory work 1 lecture 1 practical work 1 laboratory work 1 lecture 1 practical work 1 laboratory work graphic work, discussions lecturediscussion discussion graphic work, discussions lecturediscussion discussion graphic work, discussions lecturediscussion discussion graphic work, discussions 10 Аcademic performance Requirements Students must attend all classes without delay. In case of skipping classes, they are worked out in accordance with the procedure established bythe Dean's office. Only 3 skipping classes is allowed as much as possible. 3 being late for a class is equal to one pass. In case of more than 3 omissions, the teacher has the right to prevent the student from attending classes in the future until the issue is resolved administratively. The work should be completed within the specified time frame. The deadline for completing all tasks is 10 days beforethe start of the examination session. Students who have not passed all the tasks and have not defended the course work are not allowed to take the exam. 11 Аcademic conduct and ethics Policy 11.1 Respect other people's opinions. Formulate your objections in the correct form. 11.2 Independently complete all semester (course) tasks. 11.3 Plagiarism and other forms of dishonest work are not allowed (copying another student's work, sending someone else's work, using unauthorized notes, e-indicating sources (both in the text and after the text, falsifying sources, falsifying data, self-plagiarism ("processing" your previous work, mechanical paraphrasing, electronic translations, editing services, etc.) 11.4 Students must comply with the requirements of ATU-ЕMD-R-7.1.4-2021-25 "Regulations for ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological regime of JSC "ATU" and Instructions for organizing the educational process in JSC "Almaty Technological University" in the first academic period 2021- 2022 of the academic year, approved by order of the rector of JSC "ATU" № -R-01/99 dated 08.24.2021 "On the organization of the educational process during the period of restrictive measures related to preventing the spread of coronavirus infection in the first academic period of the 2021-2022academic year". 11.5 In the absence of a mask (non-observance of the mask regime), the student is suspended fromclasses. 11.6 Students of JSC "ATU" need to download the mobile application "Ashyq" on their phone, log in by phone number, enter the IIN and scan the QR code of the institution to register their visit. Also, when exiting, you need to scan the QR code to fix your exit. 11.7 Students with signs of infectious diseases (respiratory, intestinal, fever) are not admitted to the educational buildings of JSC "ATU". COMPILER: Assanova A.N ____________________ (signature) "" 20 y. DISCUSSED: at the meeting of the Department, Protocol №___ from "____" ____ 20____ y. Head of department _____________ (signature) Jurinskaya I.M. "____" ____ 20____ y.