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Sound Segmenting Worksheet

Term 1 Week 6
PASM Group 1 (Chloe, Richard, Herk)
Sound Segmenting
Isolating final sounds:
Adult says word, children repeat word and isolate final sound.
eg; A: funny C: funny, /ee/
job /b/
head /d/
life /f/
bug /g/
page /j/
yes /s/
rat /t/
give /v/
buzz /z/
look /k/
smile /l/
game /m/
run /n/
stop /p/
class /s/
boat /t/
egg /g/
park /k/
cage /j/
room /m/
live /v/
size /z/
crib /b/
stage /j/
Segmenting words:
Adult says compound word, children repeat and segment into two words.
eg; A: inside C: inside, in – side
Cowboy (cow - boy)
Flashlight (flash – light)
Playground (play –
Snowball (snow – ball)
Toothpaste (tooth –
Weekend (week – end)
Raincoat (rain – coat)
Goldfish (gold – fish)
Inside (in – side)
Wildlife (wild – life)
Downstairs (down –
Snowman (snow – man)
Driveway (drive – way)
Sunburn (sun – burn)
Policeman (police – man)
Newspaper (news –
Spotlight (spot – light)
Popcorn (pop – corn)
Upstairs (up – stairs)
Backpack (back – pack)
Earache (ear – ache)
Basketball (basket – ball)
Jellyfish (jelly – fish)
Lighthouse (light – house)
Earthquake (earth –
Outside (out – side)
Pancake (pan – cake)
Rainbow (rain – bow)
Birthday (birth – day)
Cardboard (card – board)
Isolating initial sounds:
Adult says word, children repeat word and isolate initial sound.
eg; A: funny C: funny, /f/
name /n/
pencil /p/
water /w/
rain /r/
sunny /s/
baby /b/
colour /k/
dollar /d/
five /f/
money /m/
toy /t/
vase /v/
quick /kw/
yell /y/
zipper /z/
home /h/
jug /j/
look /l/
give /g/
wish /w/
pink /p/
Segmenting words:
Adult says the word, children repeat the word and segment into individual
eg; A: see C: see, /s/-/ee/
way /w/ - /ay/
hi /h/ - /ie/
aim /ay/ - /m/
us /u/ - /s/
see /s/ - /ee/
new /n/ - /you/
oat /oa/ - /t/
ace /ay/ - /s/
do /d/ - /oo/
oak /oa/ - /k/
low /l/ - /oa/
may /m/ - /ay/
is /i/ - /z/
key /k/ - /ee/
pie /p/ - /ie/
add /a/ - /d/
ray /r/ - /ay/
at /a/ - /t/
my /m/ - /ie/
doe /d/ - /oa/
ape /a/ - /p/
tie /t/ - /ie/
be /b/ - /ee/
zoo /z/ - /oo/
no /n/ - /oa/
day /d/ - /ay/
he /h/ - /ee/
say /s/ - /ay/
egg /e/ - /g/
knee /n/ - /ee/