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[English (auto-generated)] 20 things you must do before 30 - Pstr Akomaye Ugar [DownSub.com]

I perceive in my heart that the Spirit
of God is moving all through this place
this morning somebody came here with an
open heart this body
well the Spirit of God is pervading that
heart right now a spirit of love you've
been in bitterness for some time please
listen to me you've been in bitterness
for some time
it's been terrible it's a trouble even
come to charge this morning was a
struggle are you're standing here this
morning and the spirit of love is
overtaking the spirit of heaviness right
now he's given you garments of joy he's
given you beauty for Ashes right where
you're standing just receive Beasley's
of nothing and receive peace receive the
love of God into your heart he's doing
it right now I tell you the hand of the
Lord is mighty here and the sweetie
right now right now right now right now
right now there's a young lady standing
here this morning you have a serious
problem with your father a serious
problem with your father a serious
problem with your father and you
actually need divine intervention divine
divine intervention divine intervention
I'm praying for the lady who has a
I don't know where you are or you can
put up your hand I want to pray for you
right now
gods get attorneys hard to get in your
favor please put up your hand nothing to
be ashamed of I like to pray for you
right now wherever you are in the name
of Jesus Christ I speak peace to that
relationship to that soiled relationship
I speak restoration of people
restoration of flavor and I give you a
word from the Lord between within three
days from today call your father
please allow three days two pots call
your father on the third day from today
you will get an amazing response an
amazing response an amazing response an
amazing response someone standing here
this morning I see a few of you know
over floor and I see one or two standing
here before me you came here with pains
in your body ailments in your body I
like to pray for you right now as you
lay your right hand on your lower
abdominal region just lay your right
hand on your lower abdominal region I'm
praying for you right now in the name of
Jesus Christ I rebuke the spirit of
I command you to cease from your mynova
sin your lives I release you now in the
name of Jesus your healing is released
to you right now you're made whole in a
minor name of Jesus you're made whole in
the mighty name of Jesus father we give
you praise this morning we thank you for
your word let it come with life and
power let your word and fuse our spirits
let your word come with freshness and
father cost to have great influence upon
our lives and let your lights bring
direction to our lives in a precious
name of Jesus Christ father we give you
praise in Jesus mother name amen you may
be seated Alleluia
hallelujah amen praise the Lord praise
the Lord I like to welcome you to
friendship service and it's our pleasure
to have you in the Horn streams
Christian Center the only International
Church on this side of the globe
winning ways I am actually going to come
back to you very soon and I know exactly
what to do to you and what to do with
you and what happened for you no way I
like people who don't talk too much
actually when you come to all change as
you see that there is oh goodness
some things just have a way of speaking
for themselves very soon right gonna
give you dates you know when somebody
from wall changes is getting my ready to
get Virgin Atlantic the type that has a
hole at the top you know so while we're
flying from here to Bahamas to do the
reception to the wedding on board the
flag they men so if you can wall chained
as I applying the gamma I just tell me
on times I can so I can call Richard
Branson on time to make the arrangements
some of you don't even know who Richard
Branson is come to all changes we tell
you is praise the Lord
Alleluia this morning briefly I like to
show you 20 things you need to do before
you become 30 20 things you need to do
before you become 30 and there may be
some people sitting here this morning
and saying I am over 30 and so maybe
this service is not for me well I'll be
showing you 20 things you need to have
done before you became 30 or 20 things
you are long overdue to do so at I have
40 or 50 this service is just for you
are you here this morning praise the
20 things you need to do before you
become 30 you know I have realized that
there are three very important aspects
of life
your faith your love your finance your
faith your relationship with God your
relationships and then your finance if
any one of these three things is dump ah
do it life can be so miserable and so
very bad somehow we would attempt to
touch some of these things as we prepare
ourselves you know to plan for our
future I realize that many young people
just exist you're not really doing
something deliberate about planning your
future you're just around you're just
there you have excuses you're still in
school when you have a question so what
plans do you have for your life for the
next five years the first thing that
comes out of your mouth is I'm still in
school or I'm saving or I just got you
know mobilized for NY SC or well I just
finished the serving or I'm still
looking for a job there are too many
excuses that keep people in one position
but the people who are high flyers in
life if you look through their lives
carefully you see that they're people
who had plans early in their lives a man
who cannot plan has nothing to live for
because life places a demand on you to
plan if you really have something to
live for if you have a purpose to pursue
it becomes natural and imminent upon
your responsibility to plan any people
are not planning for how we have many
casualties that fall by the wayside of
life that's why we have many people who
have dreamed at some point and some
prime in their lives but really have
nothing to show for it that's why we
have beat appearance that's why we are
parents who only have wishes parents who
want to convert their failures to us
yet you know parents want us to read
things that I couldn't read parents want
us watching things they couldn't achieve
parents want us to take the kind of risk
that they couldn't take in your time
what will your children grow up to new
what will your children grow up to see
you for begin to plan our plan
what kind of believe I'm going to be
what kind of channel got you to be plan
work it out what kind of financial
future you do have this is the best time
to plan I will show you some very simple
things but I mean I hope you take
cognizance of these things and act
appropriately in your lives in Jesus
name the first thing here I said you
must discover yourself number one
discover yourself discover yourself
discover yourself
it is this poverty that enlists you for
not necessarily Beth you can be born but
you're useless but a man of discovery
has discovered or has seen how to can
contribute to life in a definite way
life is all about contribution greatness
is not a amassing of world that's not
what it is you can be welded without
being great it's very possible
constraining some leaders yesterday and
I said to them if you look at somebody
like protozoal a showing up for me you
know for instance if valet doesn't have
any hubs and doesn't have any car of his
own would you still consider him to be a
great man yes or no please can I hear
you yes or no now why because he has
contributed to his generation in a
definite way because he's an asset in
who is he has discovered how he cannot
be ignored that man cannot be ignored
Wally has an open check to create work
for the dictionary and overwhelming
intellectual faculty that is
contributing to life in a definite way
so the discovery of how you should
contribute to life is the first muck
for living life to the fullest you know
God spoke the most things I really don't
open that Scripture in the Book of
Numbers chapter 1 you know and he said
to him and to Aaron he said to take the
count of the children of Israel from 10
years old and above them that are able
to go to war have you fastened that to
your Bible you've seen it in your Bible
okay let's go there think some of you
need to see now she does perhaps two
scriptures this morning as I read down
the least number stop the two or numbers
chapter one can we welcome ourselves
this morning Norma's chapter one God
will redefine your thinking this morning
go to redefine your mentality this
morning nobody is bigger than his mind
nobody's bigger than the environment
around his mind you cannot do better
than the quality of your thinking your
thinking is directly proportional to the
measure of information and the kind of
information that you live by and live
with that too many empty Minds properly
dressed moving about the streets with
nothing to contribute
I don't care you're wearing pierre
cardin shoes and an emo spam if you
don't have a right mind you're still a
nonentity waiting to be revealed
every one of us is born with a mind to
do things that can give God rest the
reason why God is not at rest many times
is because man is not at work
God should stop bothering himself with
the things he has given us the capacity
to do and with the problems he has
empowered us to solve there's a diamond
mine inside of me a gold mine inside of
me there's a treasure chest inside of
you what you've got to find it until a
man discovers himself he remains on the
lowest profiles of life you'll be
downtrodden likely esteemed lowly
groups powerful you are prey from the
lower echelons of society
you're no respect that because you have
gray hair no
gray hair maybe a mock of land of life
were not a proof of contribution to life
some people live in adjust
overstretching the social amenities for
you should give way
I get numbers this morning I didn't plan
to be your friend even though it's a
friendship service we can reconcile
after the service I love you I need you
to survive praise the Lord
amen numbers chapter one and then that's
two and three taking the sum of all the
congregation of the children of Israel
after their families buy the house of
their fathers with a number of their
names every male by their poles from
twenty years old and upward all that are
able to go forth to war in Israel all
that are able to go for tour you know
the Bible says with good understanding
make war make war what's war war there
refers to your purpose war there refers
to your assignments water refers to the
task that God has set ahead of you but
he said from 20 years up words and lists
them that have ability so that age there
was an emphasis on ability and emphasis
on discovery if at this point in your
life you have not discovered yourself
then you've got to sit up tight or else
time is passing you by
advance will overtake you a man acceptor
will still wondering who is has verily
the chances to make it because from 20
to 30 God expects you to discover
do not worry us placed in you you know
that gifting is put in you people
struggle to excel because they don't
know the I kept him profess 18 the gift
of the man makes you room for him make
sure so you don't struggle together you
discover and walk at your discovery
what's your gifting until you know your
gifting you cannot become a gift to your
world a man who's not a gift to his
world cannot be celebrated by his world
I don't want to celebrate somebody's
birthday who cannot define his or her
Papa's that's a bad day the bad day is a
couple's anniversary the anniversary of
the reason why you were born not the
anniversary of the day you were born
but the anniversary of the reason why
you were born is that you Jeremiah in
Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 he said
before I formed you and knew you before
you had conceived in your mother's womb
I had called you to be a prophet to the
nation's so the important thing about
him was the reason for his birth not
just his presence from the earth don't
go for a birthday party
if the celebrants cannot define his
and don't celebrate your birthday if you
cannot define your purpose just sleep
you must discover yourself so credits
woke up one day and said my man know
thyself because there's something about
knowing yourself know yourself the
greatest thing to happen to you is self
discovery because related to your
discoveries your self-esteem look at
people who have a poor self-esteem while
suffering from the you know weight of
inferiority complex that people who
don't know themselves and people who
don't know themselves depend on other
people for their self definition for as
long as other people define you and
continue to tell you what the thing you
are and if you live by their definitions
you can never be yourself because
different people have different opinions
about you you just continue to vacillate
from one person to the other from one
thing to the other a man who truly
cannot define himself cannot be stable
and consistent in his life you don't
depend on other people to know who you
are you depend on Revelation to know who
you are because there are many things
you are that nobody even has an idea yet
that's why the Bible says eyes have not
seen yes have not had neither has it
entered into the wrath of Amanda things
that God has prepared for them that love
him I and God know myself more than
anybody else in the world they think you
a lawyer but you're an artist
they think you a doctor but you a singer
they are planning to buy equipment but
you are saving to buy golf equipment
when you succeed they forget where you
studied what university the Tiger Woods
go to what's the name of the university
in its very early thirties one of the
wealthiest sportsmen on the earth today
what university did he go to you won't
even know where I went I don't know all
I care for is that he's a celebrity
big time please go to school is very
good but much more than that discover
yourself the world would arise at the
revelation of the treasure in you
this Cobra gives your priority check
when people discover themselves whatever
they say even though sometimes some of
them don't say the things perfectly we
will still believe have you listened to
do now Trump talk that's one of the most
arrogance well de man one of the most
arrogance billionaires I have read or
listened to but I tell if they've got
the Box better listen to their nonsense
because inside they are nonsense
after the known there's a little sense
discover yourself number two before you
get 30 you must have learned how to use
your gifting to solve problems
definitely the presence of the gifting
is not as important as knowing how it
works how does your gifting work are
given to scriptures in prophets 17 and
verse 8 the Bible says the gift of a man
is as precious ointment in his eyes and
we the soever eternity prosperous what
does that mean for as long as this man
can pawn these kids for as long as he
can make it work for as long as he
completed in shape it prospers another
scripture in Matthew 13 and 44 the Bible
says and so the kingdom of heaven is a
son to treasure hid in a field the which
when a man discovered he went and hid
and for the joy thereof he go ahead and
sell at all that he had and he bought
that field take it step by step
fragile he'd in a field so fast I was a
discovery and then the Bible says when
he discovered the treasure he hid
himself why did he hide to understand
the treasure to ascertain the value of
the treasure to know what is what his
time on his life to know what is what
his resources to know what I just want
his attention to know if we can engage
him for a lifetime so he did an
assessment then the Bible says for the
joy thereof where did that joy come from
he realized something he saw something
that was not obvious you know it we said
many be the eyes that look but few be
the eyes that see so he saw and
immediately he went and sold everything
that he had he disconnected from
everything else he had been previously
involved with your purpose has the
capacity to employ you for a lifetime
the crisis in you have the ability to
engage you for a lifetime
men of Popples are always tired because
there's always something to do with
something that they have learn how to
turn your gift learn how to apply it
learn how to build systems around
something that you can do learn how to
solve problems with them learn how to
position them for rewards some people
who are any bigger know better than you
actually they're just better than you in
one thing not in the measure of the gift
but just in the application of the gift
learn how to use what you have to solve
problems and then your task is to
continue to improve on the
problem-solving ability of what you have
number three
before you get 30 you must have caught
some ideas on how to make money tell a
neighbor money you know some of you III
well unfortunately you have a very
warped mentality about what money is and
really many times we don't hear money in
church why because the subject has been
abused so many times the fact that there
is fake paracetamol does not mean every
paracetamol tablet is fake
God has spoken so much about money and
the reason why many believers are not
making it is because they really don't
know what God said about money they just
complain about what other people said I
wasn't right about money they complain
about all the people who have conned
them and tipped them and I've made them
do things that were unnatural but they
have not really put up ears down to what
God said about money before you're 30
you must have got some ideas on how to
make money on how to make money I'm not
going to elaborate but you must have
caught some ideas on how to make money
if you are a book writer begin to put
the books together
take them to professional and detail
give people who have gone ahead with
more mature minds who can reposition
your write-ups learn how to publish them
learn how to market them know how people
need you know how people need to depend
on you if you don't know in what way
people should depend on you I'm sorry
for you and let me tell you this just
one thing you make money from other
people's ignorance
either genuinely or bike on our you get
to the point
but even genuinely you make money from
other people's ignorance you cannot pay
me to teach you what you already know
you cannot pay me to give you what you
already have somebody said if you
understand the law of potential
difference you know how to make money
how maybe you did physics here you know
potential difference okay but let's
translate it into church terms now
potential your potential your ability
the difference in our abilities I have
what you don't have so you need to
depend on me for it good so as I gave
you what you want from me I take rewards
from you you make money out of other
people's ignorance
so check what ignorance your gifting was
supposed to fix and then you know how
you will make some money
number four you must have known the
definition of love before 30 in the
evening session I'm going to just stay
on relationships I'll be teaching Ernie
love romance and emotional entanglements
before 30 you must have known the
definition of love many young men and
many young ladies are still misconstrued
with the thought of law you really don't
know what love is when somebody walks up
to you look straight into your eyes and
beams and smile that kind of smile my
goodness that causes your hair to stand
and then takes a pause you know that
people who have lens the artists takes a
pause and softly says to you I love you
your heart melts inside of you
oh and sometimes you just find out your
mouth super many people don't know what
love is
there are many unnecessary heartbreaks
I've been thinking about opening a
hearts clinic you know and I'm thinking
I'm going to make some money I'll have a
love clinic very soon one of these days
I would own the hotel so that all the
heartbreak heartbreak patients can come
over yeah because I think I'd be helping
some of them already so I I have a
license for that I'll keep you informed
what is law when somebody says I love
you what does the person mean doesn't
mean I like you doesn't mean I want to
have sex really does it mean you look at
Chantilly is he saying you look to
seductive what's the definition of I
love you the I love you I'm talking
about here is not just the wrong we say
in church is not the I love you I need
you to survive no it's not that time is
the I love you of arrows you know
there's a gap ADA's arrows that kind of
I love you I like us to be friends
I like us to go out I like us to court I
like you I mean III when guys will give
this time I praise God
I actually I just
I was thinking that it would be nice you
know if we really I don't know if you're
thinking the same way but when you say
to somebody I love you what do you mean
you cannot love somebody you do not know
you cannot love someone you met for the
first time in five minutes you love you
more you love ah no you can like him
you can like how you can be attracted to
this person but you cannot love somebody
whose assets and liabilities you cannot
define because eventually love does not
just stop at an emotion love is a choice
you know why we have many guilty's is
because eventually this guy discovers
look there some liabilities here I'm not
willing to be responsible for so he
turns his back and flees but it liked
you when your Gucci rush was spinning
out of your shell he likes you when your
makeup was all intact my when your
columns were just perfect for the dinner
you know there are many acts that people
have mastered and I give it up to you
you know you're good
when you step out in style walking like
a primadona Hey
he liked you and he taught you at a
whole world know mentally his memories
were corrupted he didn't think he had
met anybody like you before and he
wasn't sure he would ever meet anybody
else like you my when the vapor of
emotion begins to supply when the scales
begin to fall when the Redeemer what's
up that's when he becomes very evasive
he's not taking your clothes anymore he
is very busy with his project work
his supervisor is stressing him and you
don't even understand they have no sense
of money from home but the first time he
met he told the other people he didn't
even act like he had a father and a
mother they're sending money you know so
just tell me what you want just mention
you what you want what do you want what
do you want
I'm not even sure what I want okay let
me make choices for you should we go to
our Provost no should we go to mr. Bicks
no mr. Bates no no Marineris odd but
it's afternoon now I like marinara
certain evening okay let's go to math
okay I'll manage my pies big boy and
because the big boys ATM card is always
with him you know say it goes to my bite
and he walked straight to the ATM
god bless mug back to the ATM machine
that ATM machine has closed many
accounts and stuff but now that he knows
who you are
his phone is back on you what is love
aplenty you must have known what the
definition of love is a pleasure you
should not love is a responsibility app
that he should not love is a choice to
give love is much more about giving love
is not about exploiting somebody else I
love you so much
you mean you cannot just prove to me
that you love me
how come you say you love me when you
just wouldn't let me hold you the way I
want to hold you when it just wouldn't
spend one night just one night am I
asking for too much
no you're not asking for too much just
one night
you know some one more nights
one more day you go to hell oh love is
not exploitative love does not try to
manipulate the other person love does
not try to take the dignity and the
pride out of that person
many young lady sitting here you lost
your dignity to somebody at some point
because somebody taught or told you or
made you believe that he loved you love
does not steal from the other person
love is patient why is love patience
even when it comes with emotions you're
willing to wait for it
sex is worth waiting for if you have
lady don't marry a man who cannot
control his below-the-belt faculties
no matter how he's doing you while
sergeants pants wear it the truth is
that you have the ability to manage
everything God has given to you your
emotions are not for binding they're for
controlling control is always not your
choice if he loves you he can wait for
you if he loves you he will make himself
deserve you how you carry me he will
make himself deserve you
how will he make himself deserve you he
will pass through all the Regals he will
pass through everything he needs to pass
you to become someone who's responsible
enough to come to your parents and say I
am ready to take your daughter not just
into a house but into a home he prepares
how to make you proud now cannot love
that ends after five rounds of sex I
cannot understand it when somebody says
I love you what does it mean I'm saying
this this morning so that you yourself
can develop a profile your heart when
Saul says I love you I think sometimes
you should just be indifferent I'm in
this kind of law you say in church
telling the by love you I love you just
like a person like this no
and so on since I love you okay I'm
watching yes I'm watching you really
love me I'm watching because the best
movies love as he continues to know you
but most times as they begin to know you
they take steps backwards
I didn't log in the first place he
thought you did he liked your dress
he liked your smile he liked the way you
talk he liked the way you smell your
Versace read Jean Omar was running him
off thank God we can be turned on or you
can also turn off yourself when you're
emotional ignition is turned on okay
don't steam yet don't be in a hurry just
put it off and hold yourself tell
yourself to cooperate can you look at
yourself this mornin say myself
look at yourself again I set myself up
some young men need to cooperate to
themselves this morning so if you came
here this morning you're living in
someone's house was refused to cooperate
back pack don't drop your Bible after
service hold it like this carry your
carrier things even if your book is not
referred animals go if you don't have
your clothes tuck just bark run for your
dear life you have dignity you have
you have worked letting deserve you
Alleluia they are not an emotional
dumping ground for somebody who cannot
control his emotional excesses you are
not a Dutchman for someone's emotional
errors so when is thinking about what
you tweets world emotions hello are you
now where are you now instead some in my
house can I come can I come over a lot
okay if I can't come please can you come
fill out
I just went I didn't know why I was
asked me to come by 11 o'clock the Lord
lesson number four okay number five and
by the way before 30 a guy should have
learned how to propose many guys cannot
propose they are just wasting the young
lady's time for nothing but that's for
the men truly our knowledge here
I told of a young man wore trees all
trees invested is from remedial to
finally I do not propose to a girl till
on top till now he still is this seeking
counsel on how to go about the business
one day you just get at the galas go
temerity to be inviting him for the
wedding don't tell stories some of you
are so fake I had a tree
I was standing by myself alone in it
there's not LAN suddenly a heavy cloud
came I'm busted open I wasn't sure what
was there then I just saw somebody got
walking towards me when I looked very
closely I thought it was my sister but
no it was you and I had a loud voice
that said this is your beloved wife take
her and marry her I cannot be
disobedient to the heavenly vision and
that's why I have come to you boldly I
need to check the history of the man
slightly I'll set it to like five girls
before that devil that shows in those
visions we will bind them
that is an arrow if you like somebody
tell the person I've been watching you
for a while I'm making my considerations
here and there and especially for the
fact that we've been talking for some
time I am beginning to connect very
closely with you I really like you I
admire you III I think we connects not
just for the now oh my goodness look put
your words together and tell her I
really like to marry you but well I'm
not really in a hurry about that but you
know I like us to be friends with good
understanding you know let's let's let's
let's build it I
you trick me man allelujah be plain
unclear straight say what you want now
walking without everywhere everywhere
yeah together you've not said anything
to us she's becoming uncomfortable the
people that should have approached are
afraid that you are on the website
ladies there are some people you should
just click on button delete praise the
number five know that still now cinema
for number five before your fashion you
must have read at least 30 books
somebody said he who does not read is
not better than a man who cannot read he
who does not read is not better than
somebody who cannot read what's the
difference between you an an illiterate
if you cannot read if you would not read
athletic must have read a minimum of 30
books at that you should own a minimum
of 30 books of your own at 30 you should
begin to have a library up that in some
of you ladies don't have respect for
your future that's why you keep any kind
of passengers around your life if your
future is important to you you'll become
more serious about the benchmarks you
set for the kind of people who come
around you and attach themselves to you
it's not enough
look the ability to have sex even mad
people have it mad women get pregnant
everywhere so there's nothing special
about it
Maria right-minded man a right-thinking
man parents they do now to buy fried
rice buy chicken ah you drink the rules
look in marriage you need much more than
that you need much more than ice cream
I'm not asking money take care of my
wife she'll find she's looking praise
God my goodness it's expensive take care
of a lady you better know it men there's
no passion
there's no okay you just you just run
sit know it's expensive to take care of
a woman am i speaking this morning
ladies if I'm not correct please Candace
rebuke me from where you are okay
so you've got to be thinking well one of
the questions you should ask a man
before you get married I'm going to be
telling at another time 50 questions you
should ask somebody who thinks he's
serious about getting married to you one
of the questions you should ask me is
where I use a library if he has a
library and how many brother and you the
woman wants to use your holy mount was
committed as a library you should start
by asking yourself how many books you
have read and whether you are the
library in this life I see that empty
Minds attract themselves heavy minds are
trapped themselves start building a
library you save for shoes you save for
clothes you save for jewelry you don't
save for books I'm still a student you
know I'm still a student if I call any
one of you okay don't worry just feel
safe but if I point at some people now
say stand up and we check from the price
of the gold on your neck
the shoe you are wearing the bag you're
carrying your wristwatch your perfume in
fact your collection of cosmetics item a
calculator America your Elizabeth Arden
your Clarence down just for removing
wrinkles you notice for wrinkles your
facial scrub and everything maybe more
than 150,000 that you have gathered over
time you cannot seem to buy a book to
look beautiful without having wisdom
makes you a liability big liability much
of fine is for nothing key value to your
beauty by investing in your mind
investing in your heart don't just
appear like it be it your physical looks
make you appear like it for your mental
environment makes you be eat
read good books okay
number six before you're 30 you should
have a pasta don't be like somebody just
hanging around everywhere going to every
place all the time
know that you should be responsible
enough to have a pasta over your life
there's something about the pastoral
Cauvery and unfortunately many
Christians don't know the role of a
pastoral covering there are many things
that cannot happen well for your life or
less this is did these spiritual
covering dry your life sometimes it's
not how spiritual you are it's not even
how prayerfully I even though these
things are very important you know but
you need some kind of covering over your
life you need a covering over your life
in Jeremiah chapter three verse 15 and
16 he said I will give you pastors after
my heart who shall teach you what wisdom
and understanding we shall teach you
wisdom and understanding and it shall
come to pass when you are what increased
and multiplied the increase of your life
the development of the life comes from
the past recovering before you're 30 you
need to find a pastor listen you don't
choose your pastor you discover him you
discover him you may be in church for
the first time but look this looks like
all of the things you have been really
wishing and desiring your heart that you
need for your life that's your church
it's not by name it's not by looks you
don't patronize people to be in their
church they
fine young man and speaks well okay let
me doesn't mean that charge you'll be
damned waste
you'll be there rot you find your
posture by discovery number seven before
you're 30 you should be known for
something great men are not known for
everything they are known for specifics
what would you be known for what do you
want to be known for in your life have
you begun working at it
have you started doing something about
why you want to be known for I know what
I won't be known for write it down
number eight before you're 30 you should
have a mentor a Japanese adage says
better than a thousand days of diligent
search is one day we take great teacher
one day with a great teacher you need a
mentor over your life you need seven
people that you can keep correspondence
with who is a mentor a mentor someone
who speaks into your life someone who
seems to have the creativity the wisdom
the ability the patience and the grace
to help mold your life into shape they
seem to have gotten to where you wanna
get to or they seem to have you know the
light towards leading you to where you
want to be and don't be emotional about
you know choosing your mentor because
sometimes we will miss it because
instead of the mentorship you fall in
love fall in love
so you are distracted from the
mentorship you need to be disciplined to
be mentored especially when opposite sex
is involved you know you need to really
have a vision and in focus or else you
just miss it
you just miss it want your mentorship or
companionship know it from the beginning
what look mentorship has great influence
in building the life of a person great
influence great influence my life is
much of what it is today because of good
mentorship and there are many people I
have known whose lives have grown in
leaps and bounds because of good
mentorship good mentorship when you
stand on the shoulders of people who
have gone ahead you see father it's
easier to see you need good mentorship
by their sides by their wisdom they were
consistent in their charata they were
were controlled in the name of
mentorship some people have slept with
people what kind of mentorship is not on
the bed go to punish punish punish all
of them it's not a good prayer to God
upon you somebody's right you punish
there's nothing as bad as you know I'll
stop there
look my Mentos stay with him respect him
give to him celebrate him openly they're
walking with romance on the street say
this my pally is my guy when you say I
mean I'm with someone like that
you don't likely esteem people you want
to draw from you celebrate them openly
celebrate them give to them respect them
all know them
that's what to do respect their time
learn from them and apply to your life
and you'll be running on the speed lanes
of life some of you are where you are
today because you don't have mentorship
go for mentorship you need it mentorship
okay I'll come back to that another day
number nine you must have learned how to
say no one of the highest signs of
maturity the ability to say no without
feeling guilty you must learn how to say
no but you are yes for everything not to
emotional about everything how would
they feel how would they see me how do
they think
how will they how will they you are
where you are today because you are just
leaving based on the feelings of other
people about you you've got to knock
take a stand and say no the word I know
that's one of the most powerful words
you have to learn how to say no many
times without feeling guilty
Namah 10 you must have conquered
procrastination some of you have great
things in your lives great decisions you
have made great ideas God has shown you
you're just lying about with them know
before you're 30 you are to conquer
his hairy james's that time strikes the
hour for the brave and for the truth
time strikes the hour I learned from my
father that procrastination is the lazy
man's apology
I learned earlier that procrastination
is the thief of time but this one I had
from my father was a different version
of that truth and it has talked with me
procrastination is the lazy man's
apology the scripture says in proverbs
20 is it best for is that a slow guard
or the slothful man the lazy man will
not so by reason of the cold he has a
good reason therefore shall I begin
harvest and have nothing I don't to beg
in harvest conquer procrastination no
m---eleven no my eleven you should be
free to use your mind before you're 30
you should be free to use your mind
someone said if your life is not going
well check who has been doing your
thinking for you today your parents your
peers or maybe even your desires you
have to be free from the influence
mentally speaking for your peers your
parents TV and all of that you must know
who you want what you want to be and
pursue it live for who you want to be be
free to use your mind until you can
think all you can think you cannot be
everything you can be
life is measured by the capacity of your
mentality through yourself in your mind
number 12
before you're 30 you should have a bank
all this living hand-to-mouth went among
Occidental spending and as you're
spending you're not helping yourself by
the way if I was to marry ask him if he
has a bank account I just asked him how
much I get to my point now at least ask
him how much he has they asked him if he
has because they're little indices you
can put together to know whether Sony
serious about his own life vest if
someone is not serious about his life
how can he become very serious about
your own life all those temporary
initial grah grah when somebody likes
you goes an extra mile that's very good
oh it's very good it's very good you
need it is very good we'll check it let
it not just be for them now maybe
something that this person can continue
to do genuinely after you get married
have a bank account and I think that if
you're really preparing seriously for
your life you should have more than one
bank account designate them differently
my proposed family accounts my personal
account become so coordinated and so
organized okay number 13 before you get
30 you should have an investment and one
of the cheapest investments anybody see
that here this morning can have is to
buy shares at least from a good company
I don't have time to teach on shares now
but some of the things you check if your
new buy shares you check for companies
or you know industries that produce
things that are needed daily people who
invest in the oil sector always have
good returns why Nigeria does not
produce up to the amount of fuel needed
for daily consumption it means every
drop of your produce per day will be all
me you stop and will not be enough so if
you if you are if you are invested in
that kind of company you know of course
I didn't make it profit because they'll
sell everything they have I've not heard
of any one complaint one day they'll
spoil my please they don't nobody to buy
it's very rare very rare okay so then
you have some other companies like
Cadbury you have a Unilever Nestle what
do they produce beer ages and things
that people need daily so their stuffs
are consumed daily by millions of people
tens of millions of people daily and
then some other companies the banking
sector is rising because after the is
interlinked what the capitalization or
whatever you know and all of that so the
banks have become bigger and certain
banks you can just do a reset on certain
banks and you know if you buy shares
from them you do very well by shares
there are other forms of investment in
our business conference I'll be teaching
you all of that number number fourteen
before you're 30 you must have developed
stability of kurata you should be taken
from your words not inconsistency you
have lived your life like Jacob based on
deceit up until when will you stop
wrongs in your life when will you just
be taken for who you really say you are
when can we just believe you develop
stability of character lean your words
say what you mean mean what you say
consistency learn how to keep your tone
when you have nothing to say learn how
to control yourself put yourself on a
those that cannot control themselves now
will continue to repeat it I'll and
Ellen are marrying a beautiful wife does
not stop everybody else who's busy from
from being beautiful they are still
they're very enchanting people you see
them you know what it doesn't make a
difference is the state of your hearts
that makes the difference self-control
not going after everything that glitters
everything that just looks like all your
just for it no self-control
number 15
you should be able to choose your
friends before you are 30 you people
forcing themselves on you you can choose
your friends for yourself choose your
friends decide who you want to keep
around you choose your friends this way
many people have failed because many
people are suffering certain
dysfunctions in their lives because of
the kind of people that keep around them
you cannot an eagle well an eagle that
keeps fellowship with vulture
cannot fly at its peak an eagle that
leaves with chickens will one day forget
how to fly
choose your friends number 16 before
you're 30 learn professional dining
etiquette a richly a very simple story
written by pastor e a at the buoy
are you listening I read the story he
wrote by himself to incidents of not
happened in my life
when I was much younger the first
incident was in 1964 when I was a day at
the University of Nigeria and cyka at
that time the University had an exchange
program with Michigan State University
USA to send brilliant students from
Nigeria to the US a Tyrian summer to
know more of America we all look forward
to qualify but then we had to do some
tests before one could be selected I
qualified as an A student and we did all
kinds of examinations and we passed
unknown to us there was a final
examination which was a dinner party the
table was set and they give us a bowl of
soup and a roll of bread each I grabbed
the bread and dipped it in the soup and
that is it there was a man there who was
taking notes he waited on to my mouth
was on to my mouth was filled before he
asked me what I would do when I get to
America because my mouth was full I
could not answer properly and he took
note after the meal it was tea time
because the tea was very odd I began to
take it with the spoon provided
at the end of the party I failed I could
not understand why I failed later I got
to know more about table etiquette I
fail because I did not know how to pass
they are very little things in life and
from his account
it took him probably another 40 years or
so before he got another chance to go to
the USA dining etiquette we are so
so tell us about your hygiene so
careless nothing matters do you carry a
smelly matter mom you don't care you
just don't seem to care about anything
important they look so simple well look
some of the big things of life are
hidden in little details little little
little little little details some of you
are wonderful people your character is
consistent you love the Lord but very
little things will not allow somebody
come and ask you alpha alpha alpha alpha
because you don't care about the details
now sees he failed on the table you're
done in students passed all the exams
were failed drank tea with the spoon dip
this bread is at the soup - Brandon's
mouth these are things that's why
sometimes and I teach you how to dine
with the Queen in leadership class
somebody honor but you see you need it
so learn your dining etiquette know
where to put the fork I went to the
spoon out I think I'm going to do a
repeat on how to dine with the Queen
some of you wants that's training right
17 you should be able to define your
vision before you are 30 in one sentence
define who you are and what you want to
live for define your vision your vision
statement in one sentence number 18
before you are 30 you should be able to
know how to drive a car part of what I'm
suffering today is cuz I didn't learn it
before I was dancing so that's one I'm
still learn how to drive I feel so
ashamed tango the guys don't mind amen
you know by the way some of you I know
here on Wednesday we got blessed us with
a little sophisticated toy that can be
just taking us around town sometimes you
know cows are toys I time I get home I
need to be a bigger sophisticated toy
I'll steal toys electronics all of these
stuffs are toys but toys are in classes
you know okay so you should be able to
learn how to drive number 19 before you
are 30 you must have the financial
ability to defeat somebody else you
should be able to feed somebody I don't
care where you live
from the age of 21 till about maybe 25
or so when I was in the university I
fled people from my remedial till I
graduated before you are 30 you must
have the ability to defeat somebody can
we stand as we take number 20 we want to
close the service on time because I'm
expecting in the evening it's two and a
half hours five to seven thirty in our
black and white love garden it's black
and white because the dress code is
black and white anything black and white
is just beautiful for this evening you
cannot afford to miss this evening and
I'm going to be blowing your minds on
relational issues I bet you this evening
I'm not going to be a friend because I'm
going to be calling a spade a spade
we're going to be talking about those
things black and white all right so the
same place this evening five to 7:30 we
don't you take extra time so you come
early five to 7:30 we're going to be
talking about love love matters love
romance and emotional entanglements
number twenty before you're 30 you
should be born again you should be born
again you should be born again you
should know how to love God I'll show
you just two scriptures including Jesus
speaking said a man's life does not
consist in the abundance of what he
possesses he said there is something
more about the life of a man you can add
a I'm also you know cop you
and in Matthew even I've seen
he said look the Gentiles are going
after money they're going after what to
eat what to drink what we're but for you
I teach you a principle God knows that
you have need of these things the same
things that the Gentiles kill themselves
for God actually knows God is mindful
about the fact that you need these
things but for you seek ye first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness and
all the things they live for will be
just an extra to your life it means life
is bigger than what to eat life is
bigger than what where the life is
bigger than what to eat and what to
drink life is bigger than making money
God can give you all of these things as
just an addition as just an addition
take you first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness and all these things
I thought someone was I evidences all
the states all these things shall be
added fast the Victor works in an oil
did you lobby for your promotion the one
you showed me about where there more
people can find on you there were many
people then qualified on you isn't it
people who had many years of experience
why did God give it to you people who
are drunk with love in God just look
back to discover that certain things are
there that it didn't even planned for
they didn't even begin for you just
become a magnet to the good things of
life what people live and die for just
commas additions to your life what shall
a man give what shall it profit a man if
he gains the whole world and loses it
soon I like it too just lift up your
hands this morning and said Lord I love
you that's why I lift up my hands this
morning I don't know who you think God
really doesn't care what your pastors
feel like he's not wanting you to pay it
for your sins he's not wanting you to
you know try to pay for your arrows now
he just wants you to give them a chance
to help you get right to help you put
your back in shape
you have a future you have a destiny he
said another thought I'm thinking
towards you the thoughts of you not of
hope on the future who else would I be
running to shouldn't I run to somebody
who said he knew me before I was born
shouldn't I run to somebody who said he
had a purpose for me and tell me to be
somebody long before I was born
shouldn't I wrong to somebody who says
that he'll buy disease under goal
disease shouldn't I run to somebody who
says that a disease on the fullness
thereof shouldn't I run to God my must
present help in a time of trouble the
one that never fails
the one who's worthy strike seven times
and yet it remains the same the one
whose world is exalted above his name
the one whose world is settled in heaven
shouldn't I run to him this morning to
I like you to worship God with a soul
maybe some people really haven't had the
chance to demonstrate what I feel about
well you have a chance this morning just
to show God dang bug in the American to
my royal
but this is your chance to show God you
really feel about the city tonight
demonstrate what I feel about God
well you have a chance this morning just
to show God now you may have been around
but this is your chance to show God you
really feel about the 6:30 tonight
I saw
to me
to me
the last time
Shelly rice everyone just came up
playing something shudder I said Warren
I'm required I like to pray for some
people who want to make a decision this
one is very simple being proud of God
begins by not being ashamed of the
person standing next to you if you came
to church with a girlfriend what is a
good chance to allow her to you know
have the best thing happen to her
that's a good way to end it it's a best
way then just put up your hand
everywhere you want to receive Jesus
into your life very similar you're not
ashamed of me so you're standing tall
for him this morning I like you to just
put up your hand I want to play for you
you can join this hand sniff that out
this morning just put up your hand more
hands please just put up your hand
you're not ashamed of me they're not
ashamed of him this morning you'll need
it in your life I like you to put up
your hand where you are where you are
can you laid a hand on your chest as you
make this declaration laid a hand on
your chest
now many people this morning you are
taking this decision we all have to make
it and made this decision on the age of
16 and my life turned around or poncey
now you can make that decision right now
join that just be all right down on your
chest and say Lord Jesus I love you
that's why I'm doing this and may not
have been my best and I really haven't
been my best but I still love you I've
failed in many ways many times but have
mercy on me I need you in my life I
cannot do it by myself I need your grace
forgive my sins rush me clean with your
blood I kiss you from today got me to
stand firm in Jesus name you prayed a
prayer , like lay my hands on you right
now please one minute just dash out one
minute you prayed a prayer so many hands
don't be ashamed come I like to pray for
y'all just put my hands on you just step
out step out step out to me clap for
them as they come step out to me I saw
the hands step out to me step out to me
come on come on come on
so I come on
I'll just give you one minute as a break
for it you can join them whether you
celebrate on China and if you celebrate
I don't want me to set it real
just come and join them the best thing
to happen to your life
I like to encourage you to keep the
sleep what is the best thing ever to
happen to your life and I wanted to know
that from today your life will be
redefined or they courage what God has
allowed by staying in a good atmosphere
where the word can be purchased so he
can grow into your purpose and destiny
now you join your hands together just
join your hands together you stand in
front of join your hands together in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ I release
the grace of God over you this morning
and as I lay my hands on you every mark
of handle by your life is destroyed in
Jesus name that keeping greg's is
released to you that keeping grace is
released to you from today the eyes of
you understanding I opened the wisdom of
god and the spirit of revelation right
over here in Jesus mighty name not less
you see after service in Jesus name
now step up your hands and worship God
this morning