Darwin's Finches This activity is a variation on a common evolution activity: Darwin's finches. Students will represent groups of finches living on different islands. Students will have different 'beaks,' making some better suited for a specific food source. Materials (per group) Jellybeans Marbles Rice Dry beans (pinto, garbanzo, etc.) o You can use whatever food items you have available Paper cups Spoons Forks Tweezers Clothespins o Or whatever kitchen utensils you have available Images of Darwin's Finches for the overhead Activity Instructions Make groups of four. Each group will live on an island. Move desks around to form 'islands.' Each student in the group of four will be a finch with a different type of beak (spoon, fork, tweezer or clothespin). Place the same amount of each food source at each table, spreading it out evenly. When you say 'go,' each student will 'eat' as much food as he or she can. o Rules: each 'beak' can pick up one food item at a time and must place it in his or her stomach (paper cup) before getting a new food item. The students will have thirty seconds to obtain as much food as they can. Students need to fill out the table for the class: Beak Type #of Jellybeans for each Island # of Rice for each Island # of Marbles for each Island # of Dry Beans for each Island Fork Spoon Tweezer Clothespin Average Repeat the activity, but change the type of food on each island. Suggestions: o Island 1: only marbles remain because a hurricane destroyed the environment for the other food sources. o Island 2: only marbles and jellybeans grow due to a drought. o Island 3: only rice grows due to excessive moisture. o Island 4: everything grows. Follow-up/Discussion Use what you've learned from this experiment to come up with a definition for 'natural selection.' o How did different environments 'select' for certain beaks? o What will happen to the birds that are no longer well suited to eat the type of food the island provides? o If each island now specializes in a certain type of food, describe what you think will happen to the finch population in the next hundred years (describe what finches on different islands will look like). Show students Darwin's finches and have them make predictions about what each finch may have specialized in (for food). Darwin Finches Name_________________________ Group #___________ Darwin Natural Selection Graphic Organizer for March 28, 2022 Beak Type Fork Spoon Tweezer Clothespin Average #of Jellybeans for each Island # of Rice for each Island # of Marbles for each Island # of Dry Beans for each Island