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HSE 210 41 Syllabus

Course Prefix & Number: HSE 210
Course Section: 41
Course Title: Human Services Issues
Semester & Year: Spring 2022
Meeting Days & Times: Online
Instructor: Robert W. Angley
Office Location: CH223
Email: rangley@wpcc.edu
Telephone: 828-448-3137
Office Hours: M-TH 9:00-10:00, F 12:00-1:00
Course Description:
This course covers current issues and trends in the field of human services. Emphasis is placed
on contemporary topics with relevance to special issues in a multi-faceted field. Upon
completion, students should be able to integrate the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained
in classrooms and clinical experiences with emerging trends in the field.
Prerequisites: None
Class Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 0
Co-requisites: None
Clinical Work Hours: 0
Credit Hours: 2
Textbook and Other Required Materials: None
Course Objectives or Learning Outcomes:
1. Develop an introductory understanding of today’s local and global issues as they relate to the
individual, society, and the field of human services.
2. Recognize the significance of our role in a seminar discussion setting within a community of
life-long learners.
3. Build skills for college success including research, documentation and the creative and diplomatic
expression of ideas.
4. Increase awareness of the needs and issues of the communities in which we live and work.
5. Increase self-awareness through examining and identifying how societal mores and norms
impact societal ideas and behaviors.
6. Recognize and appreciate the value of becoming personally invested in our communities.
7. Improve awareness and sense of responsibility and accountability in relation to our forming
values and ideas.
8. Appreciate lifelong learning in regards to competent citizenry and professional competence.
*These Objectives will be met through active and invested participation in the following
Weekly Current Event Project:
Through this project, students will examine several major societal issues and their implications
on ourselves, our communities, and the field of human services. In light of these issues and
the events and stories therein, how will we as responsible citizens be accountable for the
decisions we make in regard to them in the presence of so much available information?
Students should consider their responsibilities in forming the views and opinions that shape our
nation’s positions, values, and policies. How often do we bother considering or further
researching the “other” sides of the stories and events that catch our interests and form our
opinions? How important are the split second conclusions that we as individuals reach based on
often biased information? Further, how do these events and the assumptions we make affect
ourselves, our community, and the larger society in which humanity functions.
Initial Posts- Due on Sunday nights, week 1 of each module.
a) There will be five modules throughout the term which focus on different aspects of some of
the issues faced by our society and field. Students will identify and research one pertinent
story or current event from a printed or on-line and scholarly news source that relates to
the identified topic for each module. Here is a link to an excellent source for some of your
stories, if interested:
NY Times Articles on Health & Human Services (opens in new window)
*There are other helpful links provided in the Course Resources section of this course’s
Moodle page.
b) After considering, identifying, and researching a particular event, students should then
write a 300 WORD minimum “INDIVIDUAL” reaction to the event.
Students’ reaction papers should be composed of the following:
An introduction containing 1.) the source of the story or information, 2.) a brief
summary of the event/events, as well as 3.) the event’s overall effects on our
A body which discusses 4.) students’ personal reactions to the event/events or
The second half or closing of students’ reaction papers should address the
following: 5.) further information, research or developments that support a more
comprehensive understanding of the story that will introduce other perspectives
and omitted facts.
d) Failure in adequately addressing each component as listed above will result in a reduction in
points for each occurrence throughout the project. This will be your initial post to the
week’s forum which will be due on Sunday nights by 11:55 p.m. on the first week of each
Replies and Discussiona) The class will then conduct a “Current Events Discussion Forum” beginning on the second
Monday of each module in which you will be required to read at least one of your
classmate’s initial posts and thoughtfully respond to it utilizing the following format. Your
replies, or discussion will be due on Sunday night of the second week of each module.
b) The Replies and Discussion Forum will be directed toward the following: 1.) Your personal
reaction to your classmate’s story, as well as 2.) its implications on ourselves in relation to
the field of human services.
We will also be considering the following: 3.) additional insights or information that may
add to the story and 4.) any related stories or events that may tie into, or add to our
understanding of the story. Further, 5.) avenues in which these events may be
appropriately addressed, resolved, shared or spread, if appropriate.
d) During each current event discussion, students will need to address each component (1-5)
from items b) and c) above. Please date and title each and do not simply agree/disagree,
or summarize your classmate’s post. Replies of this nature will not receive credit. Your
reply should be 150 words minimum.
An Exploration of Values:
“Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.”
-C. S. Lewis
As we explore and examine current events and societal issues such as global conflict, poverty,
benefits and entitlements for the needy, climate change, equality, political policy, etc., we will
also be looking at the personal values and biases that may support or oppose these events or
ideologies. In an effort to increase our effectiveness in making valid and productive conclusions
and decisions concerning them, we must first introspectively examine the roots of some of our
own values.
a) From the Weekly Current Events Project Journal, students will identify which personal
reaction [from item c) 3.)], they feel the strongest or most invested in.
b) From this Event or Issue, consider the concerned parties [from item L) 4.)]. Which “side”
do you support, and which do you oppose?
c) Concerning the side or perspectives that you support, identify what specific personal
beliefs and values are leading your predisposition.
d) After identifying the concerned party whose values and ideas seem to be in direct
opposition to your own, you will then assume the identity of this party’s spokesperson. You
will then compose a hypothetical autobiographical narrative describing this individual’s life
to this point. BE CREATIVE! Be sure to include life events, past and present that have
likely shaped their values in reference to the ideas and values in question. In other words,
why might these people feel and believe as they currently do? Where did their values,
beliefs, and motivations come from???
e) Successful completion this project will result in a more comprehensive understanding of
the issue or event through a written list of ideas, beliefs, possible prejudices, biases,
misconceptions, and/or values which are perpetuating or preventing resolution of the issue.
Students will develop one list of thinking for the supporting side and one list for the
opposing side. Students will then examine the philosophy/philosophies of the opposing side
and translate these into a four-page minimum narrative autobiography explaining possible
foundations of the divergent side’s motivations.
f) Important elements of this project include a thorough and objective analysis of the
“other’s” points of view. Your proposed hypothetical values should be genuine and as nonbiased as possible. I will be looking for analytical substance, clarity, persuasiveness,
consistency, clarity; and most importantly your ability in discerning between assumption
and analysis. Overall, my main concern will be, did you put forth adequate effort into a
thorough examination of both sides of the issue. *500 WORDS minimum.
Civic Engagement Opportunities:
“The best way to find your self is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
a) Students will be responsible for choosing one community service project that they will
research and participate in completing a minimum of five documented hours of service.
Suggestions include but are not limited to Habitat for Humanity, The BUCM Soup Kitchen,
The House of Refuge Homeless Shelter, The Foothills Conservancy of N.C., Options
domestic violence shelter, The South Mountain Child Advocacy Center, Burke County
Friends for Animals, etc.
b) After you have documented completion of these projects you will be responsible for the
development of a reaction paper describing your process of becoming involved and the
ways in which your involvement applies to your personal and professional goals. Students
should also explain how the needs addressed by their project relate to broader systemic
issues faced by our highly globalized society including contributing factors and co-occurring
issues. [250 WORD minimum. A more formal and detailed explanation and discussion of
this assignment will be provided at a later date.
c) Civic Engagement learning outcomes will be assessed through The Value Rubric, which
can be found and explained at:
Civic Engagement Grading Rubric (opens in new window)
Program or Instructor Specific Policies
The Human Services program uses the WPCC attendance policy with the following additions:
Attendance of at least 80% of all scheduled course hours is required to receive course credit;
therefore, students will be dropped from a class roll when their absences exceed 20% of the
total scheduled class hours.
All absences prior to the cut off of 20% of will be excused absences and will require no
documentation or notice. Subsequent to the cut off of 20% missed classes NO ABSENCE WILL
Unless there has been prior approval by the instructor, each student will be allowed 3 incidents
of arriving late (subsequent to roll call) to class or leaving class early (prior to dismissal).
Subsequently, these incidents will be counted as absences.
*You will begin the semester with 100% attendance average. Each absence will decrease your
beginning average by six points. Arriving late/leaving early decreases beginning average by
two points.
**In addition, the student will be withdrawn on the 14th consecutive calendar day or two
calendar weeks of non-activity/non-attendance/non-communication in the course.
*No student initiated withdrawals will be processed the last week of the term.
Weekly Current Events Project
An Exploration of Values
Civic Engagement Opportunities
Grade Scale: A = 91-100, B = 81-90, C = 71-80, D = 61-70, F = Below 61
*No Extra Credit will be given. If students are engaged and participate, they will not need it.
No formal Exams will be required.
Late Work/Make-up: Other Information:
Please be advised that all assignments and anything requiring the instructor’s signature must
be completed and placed on the instructor’s desk before roll call on the date such items are
due. Electronically submitted items should be time and date marked prior to midnight on the
due date.
All assignments must be completed as assigned. If there are questions regarding an
assignment, check with the instructor rather than a student. If the assignment is to read,
write, listen or watch, then reading, writing, listening or watching must be completed before
class begins.
If an assignment is turned in late, the grade will be lowered by one letter grade for each day
the assignment is late.
General College Policies
Listed below are links and web addresses to specific student information that can be found in the
current Western Piedmont Community College catalog located on the WPCC website (opens in a new
window). www.wpcc.edu
1. College Attendance Policy (opens in a new window)
2. Withdrawal Policy (opens in a new window)
3. Disability Services (opens in new window)
It is the policy of WPCC to make academic accommodations for students with disabilities
in accordance with federal and state mandates and the College’s commitment to equal
educational opportunities. Any student with a documented disability who needs
accommodations (e.g. in seating placement, testing, interpreters, note takes, etc.),
should seek assistance from the Office of Disability Services, Room 135 or 136,
Hildebrand Hall or call 448-3153 or 448-3154.
4. Emergency Procedures (opens in new window)
5. Student Responsibilities (opens in new window)
6. Student Code of Conduct (opens in new window)
7. Children on Campus (opens in new window)
8. Student Computing (opens in new window)
 Student Access (opens in new window)
 Student Accounts (opens in new window)
 Student Email (opens in new window)
 Technical Support (opens in new window)
9. Tutoring Availability (opens in new window)
Class Participation/Professional Development
Social Skills and
including but not
limited to
discussion and
behavior as well as
out of class
_____ / 25
Autonomy as
related to
assessment and
following Human
Services guidelines
as set forth in the
student handbook
_____ / 25
Student displays
inappropriate skills in
listening, interaction,
discussion and rarely
adds productively in
questioning and
discussion, and at
times hinders group
Competency Developing
Competency Present
10 - 15
Student inconsistently
exhibits respectful
listening, social interaction,
discussion, and periodically
submits productive
questions & comments
during class discussion and
intermittently helps in
directing groups toward
20 - 25
Student shows consistency and
proficiency in respectful
listening, social interaction,
discussion and readily submits
productive questions &
comments during class
discussion and helps in
directing groups toward
Student shows
deficits in connecting
their choices, actions
& behaviors with
related outcomes and
events as marked by
focusing results and
consequences toward
extrinsic factors and
Student identifies,
acknowledges and
assumes partial
responsibility for their own
choices, thoughts, actions
& behaviors pending
personal/ professional
Student is somewhat selfdirected, self-reliant, and
self-sufficient in carrying
out human services
program requirements.
Student displays
inconsistent emotional and
cognitive flexibility &
maturity in abilities toward
analyzing & discussing
divergent ideas, thoughts,
theories and beliefs, as
related to all human
services material
Student fully identifies,
acknowledges and assumes full
responsibility for their own
choices, thoughts, actions &
behaviors disregard less of
personal/ professional position
Student without exception is
self-directed, self-reliant, and
self-sufficient in carrying out
human services program
Student shows inconsistent
comprehension and
practice in displaying
appropriate ethical
behaviors & ideology as
related to confidentiality &
advocacy for the wellbeing of others
Student comprehensively
follows ethical standards and
guidelines pertaining to
confidentiality and the
American Counseling
Associations “Do no harm” rule
Critical Thinking
as related to
dynamic thought,
theory and belief
in one’s self and
others_____ / 25
predominantly shows
cognitive and
emotional inflexibility
in analyzing,
exploring and
discussing divergent
ideas, thoughts,
theories and beliefs
As related to
professional and
personal conduct
in and beyond the
confidentiality and
the total welfare of
Student fails to
adhere to appropriate
ethical standards and
behavior as related to
confidentiality and
the professional
guidelines of “Do no
harm” in and out of
the classroom and
the Human Services
Student consistently displays
emotional and cognitive
flexibility & maturity in
analyzing & discussing
divergent ideas, thoughts,
theories and beliefs, as related
to all human services material
_____ / 25