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Cyber Battle Solicitation Q&A

Cyber Battle Solicitation Questions/Answers
Questions on Volume I – General submission:
1. Will the Government consider a PDF submission of this volume, as opposed to/in addition to MS
Word? A PDF file is often easier to use when completing Government forms in order to maintain
the form header and footer structure and information, and can help to reduce the file size.
Government Response: Yes, the Government will consider a PDF submission of Volume 1 in PDF.
2. Section L.3.a – Volume I – GENERAL – Tab B states that “The offeror is cautioned that the SF
1449 must contain an original signature in block 30a of the form.” Now that the submission
delivery format has changed to email, will the Government consider an electronic signature
provided in a PDF?
Government Response: Yes, the Government will consider an electronic signature provided in a PDF.
3. Also considering the change from hard copy to email delivery, does the Government want the
Volume I – General files to be consolidated in one Word (or PDF) file, or would the Government
prefer each Tab to be submitted as a separate file?
Government Response: Yes, the Government wants the Volume I – General files to be consolidated in
PDF file.