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LISM2021 – Essay Writing – Charo Maxinne Aguilar (MNL-BSMT)

Through the Sea of Information
by: Charo Maxinne S. Aguilar
Informational knowledge is essential for properly understanding a phenomenon.
People obtain information from books, scholarly journals, periodicals, and newspapers,
among several other sources. The library is one of the places where you may get a
plethora of information. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic began, libraries have
been required to close in order to comply with the World Health Organization and as well
as the government’s strict safety standards to contain the spread of the infection. As a
result of the Covid-19 pandemic, every individual has faced various and serious
challenges. Since the outbreak, people's fear and distress have been unmanageable and
unstoppable. Because of the safety measures, actions are constrained. Going out and
socializing is difficult due to the fear of contracting the virus. These restrictions do not just
limit people's actions; but also limit their access to knowledge and information.
In other ways, people are still privileged because the pandemic occurred at a
technology era when everything is on the internet and everyone can access it with a single
click. It implies that no one will be left out of the loop, especially when it comes to COVID19 important updates. However, even if everyone has easy access to information about
the virus, no one is protected from fake news because of the many platforms that are
available today. Everyone quickly depends on such social media platforms without even
considering whether they are true. The consequences of the Covid-19 virus include not
just the risk of infection and a rise in the number of deaths, but also the risk of relying on
misleading information that can cause great danger.
When it comes to disseminating information, traditional libraries, or physical
libraries, are far more reliable. However, because of the modern technology, people now
have access to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, and other social media platforms.
When people rely heavily on the internet, information influx, also known as information
overload, is prevalent. It is one of the most common sources of erroneous information.
Articles from reputable sources are mixed in with articles from unreliable sources,
resulting in confusion and disarray. The key to this is having a reputable and accurate
source of information, and libraries are the primary source of reliable information.
Authentic information from a variety of sources is essential for the development of
vaccines, the resolution of societal concerns, and the formulation of rules and regulations.
For credible information, researchers depend primarily on libraries. It benefits not only the
researchers, but also those who are uninformed of the situation, as well as to stay
updated on the quarantine restrictions and regulations.
Libraries provide a vital role in the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak. In the event
of a pandemic, the best source of information to protect people against misinformation is
the library. However, as physical libraries close, digital libraries are being proposed,
where individuals can rely on for more than just COVID-19 updates, but also for reading
and leisure. The pandemic has already put an excessive amount of stress on everyone
around the world. People can unwind by reading their favorite novels and magazines in
digital libraries, clearing their minds of the virus that causes their worry.