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Optics Lab Manual: Geometrical Optics 1

EE413: Introduction to Optics Laboratory
Lab # 1 – Geometrical Optics 1
IMPORTANT! You must complete this experiment during your scheduled lab period. All the
work must be demonstrated to and verified by your lab instructor before the end of your
scheduled lab period.
Lab Report
A detailed written explanation for the
particular experiment
In lab evaluation & Moodle activity
Signature of Evaluator: _
Academic Honesty Statement:
IMPORTANT! Please carefully read and sign the Academic Honesty Statement, below. You will
not receive credit for this lab experiment unless this statement is signed in the presence of your
lab instructor.
“In signing this statement, I hereby certify that the work on this experiment is my own and that
I have not copied the work of any other student (past or present) while completing this
experiment. I understand that if I fail to honor this agreement, I will receive a score of ZERO
for this experiment and be subject to possible disciplinary action.”
• Plagiarism: In case of plagiarism, you will receive an email to resubmit your work,
with the following rule:
o Resubmission within 24h from email notification: 40% deduction
o Resubmission within 48h from email notification: 60% deduction.
o Failing to resubmit within two days after notification means that the
assessment will be awarded 0.
Late Submission: After the submission deadline, students have a maximum 2-days
grace period for late submissions with the following penalty (excluding Fridays):
o first day, within 24h from the deadline, 40% deduction
o Second day, within 48h from the deadline, 60% deduction.
o Failing to submit within two days after notification means that the assessment
will be awarded 0.
Wrong Submission: Students have the full responsibility of:
o submitting the required documents within the deadline
o verifying that the correct files are submitted
o Verifying that the submitted files are not corrupted.
Resubmission of student’s work falls under late submission policy.
INTRODUCTION (15 points)
Your introduction must start with a general statement of the lab, and talk briefly
about the experiments. It should not be very short. This part can’t be copied and
should be written by your own words. In case of high similarity reported in this
section, your grade for this part will be zero
THEORY (15 points)
Give some theoretical information about the experiment concepts here. Don’t use
too many formulations. The purpose of this part is to show whether you are aware
of what kind of theoretical information you used or not. This part MUST be
written on your own words. You CANNOT use internet to do this part. Contents
which are not written by the students will cause sharp deduction of mark. This
part can’t be copied and should be written by your own words. In case of high
similarity reported in this section, your grade for this part will be zero
This is the most important part. You need to give a clear explanation of what kind
of procedure was followed in order to complete the particular lab. Explain clearly
and step by step + Asked Screenshots during lab sessions. Your explanations must
be in details. For example, if you are using a picture, explanation has to be given.
This part can’t be copied and should be written by your own words. In case of
high similarity reported in this section, your grade for this part will be zero. Also
the results must be clearly explained. If there is any error in the results, you must
explain why and suggest a solution for that.
Further Analysis (10 points)
In this section you must provide the solution for the further analysis questions at
the end of each experiment
CONCLUSION (15 points)
Provide a clear conclusion about your lab report. Also, you can provide such as
future estimation or additional recommendation. This part can’t be copied and
should be written by your own words. In case of high similarity reported in this
section, your grade for this part will be zero
Your report has to be well organized in terms of font, grammar, captions
and more.
References (5 points)