Uploaded by Karima Abdelatif Ahmed

Peak Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis

 Analyze the main events
 Analyze characters to infer character traits.
Audio Chapters
Chapter 4:
 He describes the first encounter with his father, Joshua Wood the great
mountaineer, which he hasn’t seen or heard from for seven years.
 The charges are criminal trespass, vandalism and reckless
 The day of his trial has finally come. When Peak is asked his plea, he will
plead not guilty to all charges which includes; criminal trespass, vandalism,
reckless endangerment and many others. It finally came down to, Peak will
have to leave the country with is father who hasn’t been in the picture for
seven years (Joshua Wood) and pay a fine of $150,000 which will be returned
if Peak doesn’t violate the terms of his probation.
 The judge agrees to allow him to go with his father to stop the media from
talking about the issue and to allow people to forget all about it and then the
story dies.
 In this chapter, Peaks love and care for his twin sisters is highlighted in some
of his actions and speech.
Questions & Answers
1. Page 18
The author depicts Peak as the caring big brother. List three reasons why he sees him
as the caring brother from the page above.
The author shows Peak, the main character, as a caring big brother. This is shown in many
parts of the story. One of the quotes that shows this, is when he calls them by their
nicknames “Pea-Pea”. Peak then explains it wasn’t time for joking but he wanted to boost
their mood when he saw their teary eyes.
N.B. We’ll find more in chapter 5 
Page 19
The author uses figurative language in this quote “The judge is going to eat me up
and spit me out.” Which type of figurative language is used here? What is he trying to
This is hyperbole. This hyperbole is used to show how serious the trial is and to show
that Peak’s position is so bad. In other words, it shows that the judge wants to make an
example out of him and to severely punish him.
Page 25
Why did the judge decide to make Peak disappear?
The judge wants the story to die and to stop the media from discussion this incident. He
wants to make people to forget about it in order to prevent them from mimicking Peak’s
idiotic acts. Moreover, he wants to give Peak a new chance and to spare him
Padlet Time:
1. In your opinion, which part is the most important part in this chapter? Why is it
important to you?
2. Think of another title to this chapter.
Types of Conflict
 Man vs. Society – Peak broke the laws of society by climbing the
skyscraper. The judge wants to make an example out of him.