"t > W / i I FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT i \ \ MAINTENANCE MANUAL A V I 1 J i i ; V v / // * I v i 9 9 m / B-53425E/09 ©FANUC I LTD, 1981 ) VJT This manual describes the following products: Name of products Abbreviation FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 1 MODEL 1 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 2 MODEL 2 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 3 MODEL 3 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 6 MODEL 6 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 8 MODEL 8 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 12 MODEL 12 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 15 MODEL 15 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 18 MODEL 18 •fr- FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 22 MODEL 22 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 30 MODEL 30 FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL AO MODEL AO FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL IS MODEL IS FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 1.5S MODEL 1.5S FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 2S MODEL 2S FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 3S MODEL 3S FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 2K MODEL 2H FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 2VH MODEL 2VH - 1 AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT series 1 In this manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the various matters. However, we cannot describe all the matters which must not be done, or which cannot be done, because there are so 1Vi many possibilities. Therefore, matters which are not especially described as possible in this manual should be regarded as “impossible”. A . - im --*-V \ X '• V * CONTENTS AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (200/220V AC INPUT) I. . 1 ... 3 3 OUTLINE Structure 1.1 7 7 7 7 7 8 DAILY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOLS 2.1 AC Spindle Motor 2.2 AC Spindle Servo Unit 2.3 Maintenance Tools 2.3.1 Tools used for adjustment 2.4 Major Maintenance Parts 2. . 3. - TROUBLESHOOTING Power Voltage Check Power On Indicator Lamp OIL does not Light Alarm Lamp Lights .on PCB Motor does not Rotate, or Motor does not Rotate the Specified Revolutions 3.5 Vibrations or noises are Noticeable during Rotation 3.6 Abnormal Noise is Produced from Motor during Deceleration 3.7 Speed Overshooting or Hunting Occurs 3.8 Cutting Power is Low 3.9 Orientation is not Correct 3.10 Acceleration/Deceleration Time is Long 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 . ... ... 4. i 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 SETTING AND ADJUSTMENT 5.1 Setting of Unit and PCB 5.2 Setting and Adjustment of Spindle Orientation Control Circuit 32 32 . 37 Option 6. 38 EXCHANGE METHODS OF FUSES AND PCB 6.1 Exchange of Fuses 6.2 Exchange of PCB 6.2.1 MODEL 1/2/ small MODEL 3 40 6.2.2 MODEL 3 6.3 Exchange of Spindle Orientation Control Circuit PCB 6.3.1 MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 6.3.2 MODEL 3 - 40 38 40 40 42 43 43 44 - 7. 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 INSTALLATION 4.1 Installation Procedure 4.2 Power Connection 4.2.1 Power voltage and capacity check 4.2.2 Protective earth connection 4.2.3 Power connection 4.3 AC Spindle Motor Connection 4.4 Signal Cable Connection .... 5. 9 9 11 12 . SPINDLE ORIENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT 7.1 Configuration 7.2 Adjustment of Position Coder System Spindle Orientation Control Circuit 7.2.1 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit ; 1 in 2-step spindle speed change . 45 45 46 J X» 46 •1 J Setting and adjustment’ for spindle orientation control circuit 3 or 4 step spindle speed change 7.3 Adjustment of Magnetic Sensor Spindle Orientation Control Circuit 7.3.1 Mounting method of magnetizing element and magnetic sensor 7.3.2 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in 2-step speed change spindle for standard type 7.3.3 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in 2-step spindle speed for high speed 7.3.4 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in case of 3-step spindle speed change 7.3.5 Method of checking the spindle position loop gain 7.2.2 ... 55 55 56 63 70 74 AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (380/4 15V AC INPUT TYPE) II. 1. OUTLINE Configuration 77 77 2. DAILY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOL 77 3. INSTALLATION 77 1.1 4. SETTING AND ADJUSTMENT Setting on PCB 78 78 TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURE 81 ... 4.1 5. DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (MODEL 3 III. I 1. - 22) I- 85 85 OUTLINE Configuration 1.1 . > •. % 2. DAILY MAINTENANCE AND INSTRUMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE 86 3. INSTALLATION 86 . 4 . 52 ’ SETTING 5. t 6. 7. -- 87 87 88 96 ... 4.1 Method of Parameter Setting 4.2 Number and Contents of Parameter 4.3 Rank at Setting 4 TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURE 98 » • tf .METHOD OF REPLACEMENT OF FUSE AND PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 100 100 SPINDLE ORIENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT T 1 * DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (MODEL IS, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH) IV. . 1 OUTLINE 1.1 * Configuration \ 103 103 2. DAILY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOL 104 3. INSTALLATION 104 i 4. 105 SETTING 4.1 Parameter Setting Method 4.2 Number and Content of Parameter 4.3 Setting Rank 4.4 Setting Method of Short Pin 4.5 Adjustment Method of Variable Resistor 105 106 113 114 115 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURE 116 6. REPLACEMENT METHOD OF FUSE AND PCB 117 7. SPINDLE ORIENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT 117 APPENDIXES APPENDIX 1 CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 121 APPENDIX 2 CABLE ENTRANCE DIAGRAM 132 APPENDIX 3 CABLE SPECIFICATIONS 134 APPENDIX 4 MAIN CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 139 4.1 Main Circuit 139 MOUNTING LAYOUT OF SPINDLE SERVO UNIT PARTS (OTHER THAN PCB) 142 APPENDIX 6 MOUNTING LAYOUT OF SPINDLE CONTROL CIRCUIT PCB 151 APPENDIX 7 MAJOR PARTS LIST 158 APPENDIX 8 PCB ADJUSTMENTS 161 APPENDIX 5 uAPPENDIX 9 CHECKING METHOD FOR PCB 1. Check Terminal 2. Check Terminal Data Confirmation Method 3. Digital AC Spindle (MODEL 3 to 22) 4. Digital AC Spindle (MODEL IS, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH) APPENDIX 10 1. 2. MAGNETIC SENSOR SIGNALS CHECKING METHOD Application Check Procedure APPENDIX 11 PARAMETER LIST FOR DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT 168 168 176 180 184 187 187 187 190 t I. AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (200/220 V AC INPUT) X , /‘J ’ •t 1. OUTLINE This manual describes maintenance of AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT and its options. (For applicable units of this manual, see Table 1.1 (a),(b)) 1.1 Structure The AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT consists of the following units and parts. P) Unit (basic) (1) Spindle control unit 2 PCB 3) ROM (basic) (2) Resistance unit *1 (basic) (3) Fuses (for spare) connections) (basic) (4) Connectors (for (option) (5) DA converter (option) (6) Power transformer (7) Spindle orientation control circuit (option) (8) Speed gain selection control circuit (option) (9) Spindle selection control circuit (option) (10) Unit cover *2 (option) (11) Unit adapter *2 (option) (12) Fan unit *3 (option) 3 - AC spindle servo unit *1 (Basic) r I i i I-—1 I Resistance unit 1 Magnetics cabinet sequence i Connectors 1“ Spindle control I J unit Fuses NC AC spindle motor (Option) I I Spindle orientation control circuit D/A converter Speed gain selection control circuit Unit cover Unit adapter Spindle selection control circuit Fan unit T I I 3-phase power supply Power transformer (option) 1/2/small *1: The resistance unit is employed for MODEL (A06B-6052-H001, H002, H003) only. *2: These options are used for MODEL 8 and 12 (A06B-6044-H108, HI 12) only. *3: This fan unit is used for MODEL 30 and 40 (A06B-6044-H130, H140) only. Fig 1.1 Block diagram 4 - type 3 Table 1.1 (a) Major components (basic) MODEL of AC spindle servo unit External Standard radiation type type External radiation type Applicable AC spindle motor specification drawing number ROM PCB Standard Specified number type Type A06B-6052-H001 A06B-6052-C001 A16B-1100-0080 A16B-1100-0090 A06B-6052-C501 J21 A06B-1001-B100 ,-B200 MODEL 2 A06B-6052-H002 A06B-6052-C002 A16B-1100-0080 A16B-1100-0091 A06B-6052-C502 J22 A06B-1002-B100 ,-B200 A06B-6052-H003 A06B-6052-C003 A16B-1100-0080 A16B-1100-0092 A06B-6052-C503 J23 A06B-070A-B001,-B002 A06B-1003-B100.-B200 MODEL 3 A06B-60AA-H203 A06B-60AA-H007 A06B-60AA-H103 A06B-60AA-C203 A06B-60AA-C008 A06B-60AA-C103 A20B-0009-0530 A20B-1000-0690 A06B-60AA-C507/J10 J10 MODEL 6 A06B-60AArH206 A06B-60AA-H008 A06B-60AA-H106' A06B-60AA-C206 A06B-60AA-C008 A06B-60AA-C106 A20B-0009-0531 A20B-1000-0691 A06B-60AA-C508/J11 Jll A06B-0707-B001 ,-B002 A06B-1006-B100 ,-B200 High-speed MODEL 6 A06B-60AA-H260 A06B-60AA-H009 A06B-60AA-B160 A06B-60AA-C208 A06B-60AA-C009 A06B-60AA-C108 A20B-0009-0532 A20B-1000-0692 A06B-60AA-C521 J7A A06B-1006-B903 ,-B90A MODEL 8 A06B-60AA-H208 A06B-60AA-H010 A06B-60AA-H108 J02 A06B-0706-B001 f-B002 A06B-1008-B100, -B200 MODEL 12 A06B-60AA-H2 12 A06B-60AA-H112 A06B-60AA-C212 A06B-60AA-C010 A06B-60AA-C112 A20B-0009-0533 A20B-1000-0693 A06B-60AA-C510 J03 A06B-0705-B001 ,-B002 MODEL 15 A06B-60AA-H023 A06B-60AA-H0 11 A06B-60AA-C017 A06B-60AA-C011 A20B-0009-053A A06B-60AA-C511 J0A A06B-0708-B001,-B002 A06B-1015-B100 ,-B200 MODEL 18 A06B-60AA-H03A A06B-60AA-H016 A06B-60AA-C019 A06B-60AA-C012 A20B-0009-0538 A06B-60AA-C516 J05 A06B-0709-B001 ,-B002 MODEL 22 A06B-60AA-H027 A06B-60AA-H017 A06B-60AA-C018 A06B-60AA-C013 A20B-1000-0539 A06B-60AA-C5 17 J06 A06B-07 10-B001 ,-B002 Ln I Unit number MODEL 1 Small type MODEL 3 I Specification number A06B-60AA-C509 * A06B-1012-B100 , -B200 MODEL 30 A06B-60AA-H130 A06B-60AA-C130 A20B-1000-0700 A06B-60AA-C536 J07 A06B-1030-B100 ,-B200 MODEL AO A06B-60AA-H1 A0 A06B-60AA-C1 A0 A20B-1000-0701 A06B-60AA-C529 J08 A06B-10A0-B 100 ,-B200 Note 1) Mounting parts of PCB A20B-0009-0530 - 0539 are identical to each other, but their setting and adjustment differ from each other. 0693 are identical to each other, Note 2) Mounting parts of PCB A20B-1000-0690 but their setting and adjustment differ from each other. 0701 are identical to each other, Note 3) Mounting parts of PCB A20B-1000-0700 but their setting and adjustment differ from each other. 0092 are identical to each other, Note A) Mounting parts of PCB A16B-1100-0090 and adjustment differ each other. Note 5) The ROM mounting position shows MD25 (MH28 in case of A16B-1100-0080) (See appendix 6 PCB parts wiring diagram) Note 6) The ROM type is indicated as shown in the right figure. - except for ROM, except for ROM, J02 except for ROM, 001 D ROM type ROM edition but their setting ROM address Table 1.1 (b) Order specification Name Specification No. (BCD) A06B-6041-J031 D/A converter D/A converter (BINARY) PCB No. A06B-604 1-J032 Orientation AS (Position coder type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6052-J110 A20B-0008-0240 Orientation BS (Position coder type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6052-J111 A20B-0008-024 1 Orientation CS (Magnetic sensor type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6052-J120 A20B-0008-0030 Orientation GS (Magnetic sensor type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6052-J122 A20B-0008-0031 Speed gain selection control circuit A06B-6052-J701 A16B-1700-0020 A06B-6041-J110 A20B-0008-0240 A06B-6041-J111 A20B-0008-0241 Orientation C (Magnetic sencer type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6041-J120 A20B-0008-0030 Orientation D (Magnetic sencer type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6041-J121 A20B-0009-0520 Orientation E (Position coder type, 4-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6041-J130 A20B-1000-0460 A06B-6041-J131 A20B-1000-0461 Orientation G (Magnetic sencer type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) A06B-6041-J122 A20B-0008-0031 Speed gain selection control circuit A06B-6044-J701 A16B-1700-0020 0) c. t-H —njI i E in CM r—H HJ n c 2: Orientation A (Position coder type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) Orientation B (Position coder type, 2-stage speed change gear spindle) Orientation F (Position coder type, 4-stage speed change gear spindle) 6 2. DAILY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOLS Check and clean the following items once every 6 months or so for using the AC spindle motor and AC spindle servo units under a normal condition for a long time. Take the check frequency into consideration according to the contamination degrees in each item. 2.1 AC Spindle Motor If the ventilation hole, cooling fan, and fan finger guard (net) of the AC spindle motor become dusty, the radiation efficiency of the motor drops. Clean the AC spindle motor by using the factory air and a vacuum cleaner. 2.2 AC Spindle Servo Unit Since a cooling fan is mounted at the upper part of the servo unit, its nearby resistor and other parts become dusty after a long-time use. If they are dusty, clean them using the vacuum cleaner or the like. 2.3 Maintenance Tools 2.3.1 Tools used for adjustments Use tools indicated in Table 2.3.1 (a) Table 2.3.1 (b) for repairing troubles. for adjustments and tools indicated in Table 2.3.1 (a) Tools used for adjustments Specification Name AC Voltmeter 1 300 V +2% or less <\» Use AC power voltage measurement ©, © screwdrivers © © large, medium size large, medium, small size Table 2.3.1 (b) Tools used for repairing troubles AC Voltmeter Use Specification Name 1 300 V +1% or less AC power voltage measurement DC voltmeter 1 mV less 'v, 500 V +1% or DC power voltage measurement and offset voltage check Resistance value check Circuit tester ©, © screwdrivers © © large, medium size large, medium, small size 7 - 2.4 Major Maintenance Parts For maintenance parts, see appendix 7 Major maintenance parts. -8- 3. TROUBLESHOOTING Perforin troubleshooting, referring to each item in Table 5 trouble conditions if a trouble occurred. (b) according to Table 5 Sort of trouble conditions Reference item Trouble conditions Item 1 Power voltage check 3. 1 2 Power ON indicator lamp PIL does not light. 3.2 3 Alarm lamp does not light on PCB. 3.3 4 Revolutions are not as specified. 3.4 5 Motor does not rotate. 3.4 6 Vibrations and noises are noticeable during rotation. 3.5 7 An abnormal noise is produced from motor during deceleration. 3.6 8 Motor speed overshoots or hunting occurs. 3.7 9 Cutting power drop 3.8 10 Spindle orientation is not correct. 3.9 11 Acceleration/deceleration time is longer than specified. 3. 10 3.1 Power Voltage Check Check AC power voltage and DC power voltage on PCB check terminals and standard values are as specified in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Power voltage check AC power voltage check DC power voltage check on PCB Check at INPUT terminals R,S,T (See 4.2) Voltage Check terminal Standard value +24 V +24 V - 0 V About 25 V +10%, ripple about 0.5 V +15 V +15 V - 0 V +15 V +4% (Not adjustable) +5 V +5 V - 0 V +5 V +1% - 0 V -15 V -15 V 9 - (Adjustable by RV15) -15 V +4% (Not adjustable) Check terminal positions a c N ® 24V LT 5 ® OV +5V ®+l 5 V 0-15V ® a C N 6 CN9 0-1 5 ®0V ® +5 0 +1 5 ®+2 4 |C N, a LT 4 a CN1 CN2 CN1 CN3 I [cN3l Model 3 Model 1, 2, small 3 |CN2[ LT ~ 40 4 i I 10 - 3.2 Power ON Indicator Lamp OIL does not Light Table 3.2 Check procedure and remedy Causes Item Remedy- Check procedure 1 AC power is not supplied Check it at power input terminals R,S,T. 2 Fuse F4 is blown out. See appendix 5. Replace F4 (5A) 3 Fuses AF1, AF2, and AF3 are blown out. Check if alarm indi¬ cations of fuses AF1, AF2, AF3 appear. See appendix 5. Replace fuses AF1, AF2, AF3. Replace PCB, if these fuses are blown out again soon after replacing them. 4 PCB connectors CN6 and CN7 are not plugged Check if the connector guide groove appears on the PCB connector surface Insert connectors correctly. Check voltage at check terminals 19A-CT and I9B-CT of PCB. Measuring voltage values should be about AC 19 V between these terminals Replace transformer TF. Lamp PIL is lit by +5 V and -15 V. Check power voltage according to Table 3.1. Replace PCB. . correctly. 5 Neither 19A nor 19B is output because of defective transformer TF. . . . 6 PCB power circuit is defective . Note) Item 2 and 3 differ in AC spindle servo unit model 1/2/small model 3 as follows. Item' Causes Check procedure Remedy . 2 Fuse FI is blown out. FI is mounted on the lower PCB. See appendix 6. Replace FI (5A) 3 Fuse AF1 or fuse resistors FR1, 2 are Check if alarm indi¬ cation of fuse AF1 appears or not. See appendix 6. Replace fuse AF1 or fuse resistors FR1, 2. Replace PCB, if these parts are blown out again soon after replacing them. blown out. 11 1 3.3 Alarm Lamp Lights on PCB An alarm is displayed by four binary codes using LEDs mounted on PCB as shown in Table 3.3. 8 4 1 1 I-- 2 1 I I Alarm display LED oooo ALARM CODE Fig. 3.3 (a) Table 3.3 (a) Contents of alarms (T) Alarm contents in AC spindle servo unit model 1/2/small model 3. Alarm display (o: Light) No. Contents of alarms 8 4 1 2 1 i* o 2 o 3 o 6 o o 7 o o 8 o 9 o Motor is overheated (thermostat operates). Speed is deviated from the command value due to overload and others. o Regenerative circuit is faulty. The motor speed exceeds the maximum rated speed (analog system detection). o The motor speed exceeds the maximum rated speed (digital system detection) . Power voltage is higher than specified. o Radiator for power semiconductors is overheated. 10 o o 11 o o 12 o o 13 o o 14 o o +15 V power voltage is abnormally low. o DC link voltage is abnormally high. DC link current is flows excessively. o CPU and peripheral parts are defective. ROM is defective. o r 12 - I (?) Alarm contents in MODEL 3-40. Alarm display (o: Light) Contents of alarms No. 8 4 2 1 1 o 2 o 3 o Motor is overheated (thermostat operates). Speed is deviated from the command value due to overload and others. o Fuse F7 in DC link is blown out. Fuses FI, F2, or F3 in AC input circuit are blown out. 4 o 5 o 6 o o 7 o o o Fuse AF2 or AF3 on PCB is blown out._ The motor speed exceeds the maximum rated speed (analog system detection). o The motor speed exceeds the maximum rated speed (digital system detection). Power voltage (+24 V) is higher than specified. 8 o 9 o 10 o o 11 o o 12 o o 13 o o 14 o o o 15 o o o o Radiator for power semiconductors is overheated. +15 V power voltage is abnormally low. o DC link voltage is abnormally high. DC link current is flows excessively. o CPU and peripheral parts are defective. ROM is defective. o Option circuit is in trouble. 13 - 1) Alarm No. |T] Motor is overheated. Causes Item 1 Built-in fan motor of spindle motor is defective. 2 Overload operation Check procedure Remedy Replace fan motor. Check it using a load meter. 3 Motor cooling system is dirty. 4 Disconnection or poor contact of wiring 2) Alarm No. f2l 1 Clean it using compressed air or vacuum cleaner. Check connections between motor and servo unit. Confirm the connection of connector for signal. Speed is deviated from the command value. Causes Item Re-examine cutting conditions and tools. Overload Check procedure Remedy Check it using a load meter. Re-examine cutting conditions and tools. 2 Transistor module is defective. Transistor collectoremitter is open. Replace transistor module. 3 Blow out of fuse in regeneration circuit. Check fuses F5 and F6 for continuity by using a circuit tester. ation/deceleration .. 4 Blow out or poor connection of the driver protective fuse on PCB. Check fuses FA, FB, FG for blown out or missing. 5 Speed feedback signal is defective. Check the speed feed¬ back signal level. 6 Wiring failure (disconnection, poor contact, etc.) Check if connection cables are normally connected. Check if the acceler¬ on cycle is to frequent. Replace fuses. Connect fuses securely, and replace blown out fuses, if any. Adjust RV18 and RV19. Set duty to about 50%. Note 1) Speed feedback signal check Observe the speed feedback signal using an oscilloscope under the rota¬ tion command off (motor stop, drive power off) condition after turning on the power supply. Observe it at the following check terminals, while slowly turning the motor by hand. 14 - Normal wave form6 Check terminals CH3-0V (PA) CH4-0V (PB) CH5-0V (RA) CH6-0V (RB) CH7-0V Vp-p= 0.36 0.5 v About 2.5V OV- Same as shown above DC 2.5 V +0.2 V Same as shown above (Adjus! RV18) CH7 0V CH8-0V 4.5 V CH8 (In case of CW rotation) — t -4r_ 0 (Adjust RVI9) v (Duty : 504) (CH7 and CH3 signals are inverted in CCW direction.) 0.4 V 3) Alarm No. [3] (T) MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 regenerative circuit is faulty. In MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3, alarm No. 3 indicates that the regenerative circuit is faulty. A transistor may be defective. Locate a defective element, and replace it according to the following procedure. Replace PCB if a transistor is faulty due to a trouble of control PCB. Please contact our service center, if repair is difficult. «_ 15 - Procedure Description 1 Turn off AC power supply (turn off the magnetics cabinet breaker) and disconnect the motor power cable. 2 Remove two screws of the plate which fixes the upper PCB, and check the resistance values of the transistor collector (CG)emitter (EG), collector (CG)-base (BG) , and base (BG)-emitter (EG) of lower PCB, respectively. (See appendix 6 PCB mounting drawing) /fill o \IM BG CG EG CG EG BG Criteria (when circuit tester is set to xlOft range) Check terminal C-E Circuit tester Normal terminal Connect C to Several 100ft Short, infinite Connect C to terminal Infinite Short, several loon Connect C to Several 100ft Short, infinite Infinite Short, several 100ft Several 100ft Short, infinite Several 100ft Short, infinite + terminal C-B + terminal Connect C to B-E Faulty terminal Connect B to + terminal Connect B to - terminal If a transistor is broken, the collector-emitter and collectorbase are shorted, respectively. 3 Remove the screws of the lower PCB and short bar holder, and replace faulty parts. Apply silicon grease without fail when replacing parts. 4 After replacement, reset the lower PCB and short bar holder as before, and check the circuit according to procedure 2. I 16 - Procedure Description 5 Check regenerative transistor driver circuit of lower PCB. (T) Turn on AC input power supply. Don't apply any rotation commands (SFR,SRV). (2) Measure the BG-EG voltage by using a circuit tester (2ÿ5 V range). Particularly be careful not to receive any electric shock, since a high voltage (DC 300 V) is applied nearby. jCriteria] A faulty circuit can be checked at glance, since it is different from other normal circuits. Base-emitter voltage (based on emitter) Normal About -0.8 V -1.3 V Faulty About 0.0 V -0.8 V If a PCB was confirmed to have been faulty, check if the fuse on driver circuit is blown out or not by using a circuit tester. If the fuse is blown out, replace it and check the circuit again to make sure that the trouble has been recovered. 6 Fix two screws of the plate which fixes the upper PCB. 7 Connect the motor power cable and start operation again. (2) 40 DC link fuse (F7) is blown out. MODEL 3 40, alarm No. 3 indicates that the DC link fuse (F7) is In MODEL 3 blown out. In this case, a transistor module may be defective. Locate and replace the defective element according to the following procedure. Replace PCB if the transistor module may be faulty due to a trouble of the control PCB. Please contact FANUC service center, if repair is difficult. (The fuse name is F4 in MODEL 30 and 40) Procedure 1 Description Turn off AC power supply (turn off the magnetics cabinet breaker) and disconnect the motor power cable. 17 - Procedure Description 2 Remove PCB and check the resistance values of the transistor module collector (Cl ,C2)-eraitter (E1,E2), connector (Cl,C2)-base (B1,B2) and base (Bl,B2)-emitter (E1,E2), respectively. / CM (+) A Ex] @ © © HU H y© © © u H CQ PQ CM CM U rH © $ / CQ <N CQ Notch r. Criteria (circuit tester range xlOft) Terminal to be observed C-E Circuit tester Normal terminal Connect C to Faulty Several 100J2 Short, infinite Infinite Short, several loon Connect C to + terminal Several 100ft Short, infinite Connect C to Infinite Short, several 100ft Several 100ft Short, infinite Several 100ft Short, infinite 4- terminal Connect C to C-B B-E terminal terminal Connect B to + terminal Connect B to - terminal If a transistor is broken, the collector-emitter and collectorbase are shorted, respectively. Apply a coat of silicon grease without fail 3 Replace faulty parts. when replacing them. 4 After replacement, recheck the circuit according to procedure 2. I 18 - I \ Description Procedure 5 Check the transistor drive circuit on PCB. (T) Remove DC link fuse F7 and turn on AC input power supply. Don't' apply any rotation commands (SFR,SRV). the base-emitter voltage of eight transistors (U,V,W Measure (2) regenerative control circuits) (at connectors CN6,7) by using a 5 V range). circuit tester (2 Particularly be careful since a high voltage (DC 300 V) is applied to CN6 and CN7. Be careful not to damage any connector when checking the connector using the probe. [Criteria! A faulty circuit can be checked at glance, since it is different from other normal circuits. Base-emitter voltage (based on emitter) Normal About -0.8 V i -1.3 V Faulty About 0.0 V % -0.8 V Connector CN6 terminal 1 2 5C 3 5B 4 5E 5 6C 6 7 6B 6E 8 7C 9 7B 10 7E 11 8C 12 8B 13 8E 14 15 -i Conneetor CN7 terminals 1 1C 2 IB 3 IE 4 2C 5 2B 6 2E 7 3C 8 3B 9 3E 10 4C 11 12 4B 4E 13 14 15 % /; •: 1 V (References) The following figure indicates waveforms undeT' normal and abnormal conditions. Refer to these waveforms, when it is difficult to check a trouble by using a circuit tester. Be careful since a high voltage (about DC 300 V) is applied to CN6 and CN7. -H Apply normal rotation and reverse rotation commands. (The velocity command is Orpm) Observe the base-emitter' waveform of each transistor (U,V,W regenerative circuits) at CN6 and CN7 connectors by using an insulated oscilloscope. When F7 is removed, alarm No. 3 occurs. Short check terminals "ARS" and OV using a clip or the like. After observation, detach the clip without fail. 19 - Procedure Description 5 Normal waveform Faulty waveform about +1.0 -1.5V 0V about +1.0 — 1.5V 0V about -1.0~ -1.5V about -0.0— -0.8V l 166Msec 166*isec Perform the following repair, if a PCB was found to have been faulty. (1) Fuses FA, FB...FG of the driver circuit are mounted in and after PCB version No. 17H. Check if these fuses are normal by using a circuit tester. If a fuse is blown out, replace it, and check steps (1),(2) again to make sure that the trouble has been recovered. (2) Replace PCB if a PCB does not correspond to (1) or no fuse is blown out in (1). Connect the motor power cable, replace fuse F7, and restart the operation. 6 4) Alarm No. 0 AC input fuses (FI, F2, F3) are blown out. Check procedure Item Causes 1 High impedance on AC power supply side. (Note 1) (Example) Two transformers are connected in series or when a variable auto¬ transformer is connected ° Alarm No. 4 lights Transistor module is See alarm No. 3. . 2 defective . 0 only when the motor speed is reduced from high speed. Alarm No. 4 may also light, irrespective of normal condition of FKF3. 20 - Remedy ° Replace the power supply having low power impedance. 0 Looseness of input cable connector. Example : Open phase due to loosened screws. See alarm No. 3. Replace transistor module and fuse. Item After disconnecting cables of diode modules DMlÿ and thyristor modules SM1ÿ3, check A-K by using a circuit Diode module or thyristor module is defective 3 Remedy Check procedure Causes . Replace defective parts and fuses. tester. (Defective parts are generally shorted.) 4 5 Surge absorbers or capacitors are defective. Check surge absorbers Z1V3 and capacitors Input fuses not blown Check if it is not applicable to item 1. out Replace defective parts and fuses. C4ÿ6. . Replace the PCB if not applicable to item 1. Note) Power impedance checking method. >R g AC spindle servo unit To AC power supply T >G AC voltmeter AC spindle motor W< G, E I Calculation formula E0" E1 — E0 where 2 Eÿ: Eÿ: x 100 (%) < 7 (%) Voltage when the motor stops operating. Voltage during acceleration of motor or voltage just before the motor speed begins lowering with a load applied. Input power specifications Specifications Name Nominal rated voltage AC200/230V Allowable voltage fluctuation width -15% Power frequency 50/60Hz Power impedance Voltage fluctuation due to load (120% load at 30 minute rating): Less than 7% +10% 21 5) Alarm No. Item Q[] Fuses AF2 or AF3 on PCB are blown out. Check procedure Causes 1 PCB is defective 2 Power voltage is Check AC input voltage. See 5 in para 3.2. Remedy Replace PCB. abnormal. Note) This alarm does not occur in MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3. 6) Alarm No. [6] Overspeed (analog detection) Item Causes 1 PCB setting failure or adjusting failure Wrong specification of 2 ROM (memory IC) 3 Check procedure Check PCB for normal setting and adjustment (S2, S3, S5) Change S5 setting. Check specification referring to Table 1.1. Replace ROM. . PCB is defective. 7) Alarm No. [7] Remedy Replace PCB. Overspeed (digital detection) Same as in alarm No. 6 8) Alarm No. [8] +24V overvoltage Causes Item Check procedure 1 AC power voltage exceeds +10% of the rated value. Check power voltage. 2 Setting failure of voltage selection toggle switch. Check power voltage. 9) Alarm No. [9] Setting from 200V to 230V. Radiator is overheated. Causes Item Remedy Check procedure Remedy 1 Cooling fan is defective. Check if fan is stopping. Replace fan. 2 Overload operation. Check load by using a load meter. Re-examine the cutting condition. 3 Dusty and dirty. Clean using compressed air or vacuum cleaner. [0| +15V voltage drop. This alarm indicates abnormally low AC power voltage (-15% or less). 10) Alarm No. 22 - 11) Alarm No. Item 0 Overvoltage of DC link circuit. (Regenerative circuit is faulty Causes ... Regeneration failure) Remedy Check procedure Check fuses F5, F6 by using a circuit tester. If these fuses are blown out, check transistor module by the same procedure as in alarm No. 3. Replace fuses. 1 Fuses F5 and F6 are blown out. 2 High power impedance. Examine AC power specification. 3 PCB is defective. Replace PCB. Note) Item 1 does not apply to MODEL 12) Alarm No. Item 0 1/2/small MODEL 3. Overcurrent flows to DC link circuit. Causes 1 Output terminals or internal circuit of motor is shorted. Check connections. 2 Transistor module is defective Check it by the same procedure as in alarm No. 3. . 3 Remedy Check procedure Replace defective parts. Replace PCB. PCB is defective. Note) Method of replacing transistor modules in MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3. Procedure Description 1 Turn off AC power supply (turn off the magnetics cabinet breaker) and disconnect the motor power cable. 2 Disconnect the cables (including flat cables) which connect the upper and lower PCB. 3 Remove one upper screw and one lower screw, and open the cabinet to the front left together with the mounting plate without detaching the upper PCB. 23 - Procedure 4 Description Check resistance values of the following terminals of transistor modules on the lower PCS by using a circuit tester. (1) P (collector) - Uo,Vo,Wo (emitter) (2) Uo,Vo,Wo (collector) - N (emitter) (3) P (collector) - B1,B2,B3 (base) (4) Uo,Vo,Wo (collector) - B2,B4,B6 (base) (5) B1,B3,B5 (base) - Uo,Vo,Wo (emitter) (6) B2,B4,B6 (base) - N (emitter) (See appendix 6 PCB installation drawing.) OP B1 B2 u0 B1 IS B3 B5 O u0 O v0 B4 B6 o-K So-K Ao-|< Z\ 16 N P ffl fiSj]s B2 O-K A Ow„ cH< AcH< A ON Criteria (circuit tester range x 10ft) Terminal to be observed C-E Circuit tester terminal Connect C to Faulty Several 100ft Short, infinite Connect C to terminal Infinite Short, several 100ft Connect C to Several 100ft Short, infinite Connect C to terminal Infinite Short, several 100ft Connect B to 4- terminal Several 100ft Short, infinite Connect B to Several 100ft Short, several + terminal C-B Normal + terminal B-E - terminal If a transistor is broken, the collector-emitter and collectorbase are usually shorted, respectively. 24 Procedure Description 3 Replace faulty parts. Remove the lower PCB first (See Table 6.2 (a)-(l)). Divide the connection part of the short bar holder into 2 parts by using cutting pliers or the like, remove the right side part, and replace the transistor module. Apply a coat of silicon grease without fail when replacing these parts. 4 After replacement, mount the short bar holder and mount the lower PCB onto the short bar holder (See Table 6.2 (b)-(l)). Recheck the circuit according to procedure 2. 5 Check the PCB transistor driver circuit. (1) Turn on the AC input power supply. Don't apply any rotation commands (SFR,SRV). (2) Measure the base-emitter voltage of six transistors (U,V,W phases) by using a circuit tester. Particularly be careful since a high voltage is applied to the vicinity of the driver circuit so as not to receive any electric shock. [Criteria] A faulty circuit can be checked at glance, since it is different from other normal circuit. Base-emitter voltage (based on emitter) Normal About -0.8 V Faulty About 0.0 V % -1.3 V -0.8 V (Reference) The following figure shows normal and abnormal waveforms as a reference when they cannot be checked easily by using a circuit tester. Particularly be careful since a high voltage (about 300V) is applied to the vicinity of the driver circuit. Apply normal rotation or reverse rotation command. (The velocity command specifies 0 rpm) Observe the base-emitter waveform of each transistor (U,V,W phases) at each terminal of the lower PCB by using an insulated oscilloscope. Short the check terminal ARS to 0 V by using a clip or the like. Disconnect the clip without fail after observation. . 25 - Procedure Description Normal waveform Faulty waveform about +1.0 -1.5V about +1.0 -1.5V 0V 0V about -1.0~ -1.5V about 0.0~ -0.8V 166mscc 166jisec Repair the circuit if the PCB was confirmed to be faulty. Fuses FA, FB...FG of the driver circuit are mounted on PCB. Check these fuses for normal condition by using a circuit tester. Replace faulty fuses, if any, and check (1),(2) again to make sure that the trouble has been recovered. Connect the motor power cable and restart the operation. 6 13) Alarm No. Q Replace PCB. 14) Alarm No. Item 1 0 CPU alarm. ROM is defective. ROM is not mounted at all or not properly mounted. 2 Check procedure Causes Check if ROM is unplugged from the socket or if its leads are broken. O Option alarm. Causes Item Mount ROM properly. Replace ROM having correct specification. (see Table 1.1) ROM is defective. 15) Alarm No. Remedy Check procedure Remedy 1 Spindle selector circuit or other option PCB are faulty. Replace PCB. 2 Option PCB connection is in error. Check and correct the r connection. - 26 - 3.4 Motor does not Rotate, or Motor does not Rotate at the Specified Revolutions Item 1 Causes Fault analysis Check procedure Alarm lamp lights on spindle servo unit when rotation command is Remedy Proceed to 3.3. given. Alarm lamp does light. 2 Command signal connection failure 3 PCB is defective. not Proceed to item 2 or 3. Check signal cable Connection. Replace PCB. 3.5 Vibrations or Noises are Noticeable during Rotation Item Causes 1 Motor is defective. 2 PCB is defective. Check procedure Remedy Replace motor. Run the motor idly. Replace PCB. When the connector CN2 from AC spindle servo unit while rotating the motor, overheat alarm occurs, and the motor runs idly. If vibra¬ tions and noises are reduced during idle run as compared with normal rotation time, the control circuit is defective . 3.6 Abnormal Noise is Produced from Motor during Deceleration During deceleration of the motor, energy is regenerated to the power supply through the regenerative control circuit (this energy is consumed by resistors in MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3) If the regenerative energy is excessive, the regeneration limiter circuit operates to change the motor current waveform, causing an abnormal noise to be produced from the motor. If such a case, turn RV6 (this is normally set to division 3) counterclockwise untill no abnormal noise is produced. When RV6 is turned counterclockwise, the deceleration time increases. !* 27 - 3.7 Speed Overshooting or Hunting Occurs Item .1 Causes PCB setting or adjustment failure. Check procedure Increase gain by turning RV12 (standard division 5) Remedy Readjust RV12. clockwise. 2 Spindle hunting occurs. Decrease gain by turning RV12 counterclockwise Readjust RV12. . 3.8 Cutting Power is Low Item Causes Check procedure 1 ROM specification is wrong. Check it referring to Table 1.1. 2 Torque limitation command is applied. Check signal. 3 Loosened belt. Check belt for proper tension. Remedy Replace ROM. 3.9 Orientation is not Correct Item Causes Check procedure Remedy 1 Setting or adjusting failure of orientation Check if circuit is set and adjusted as specified in data sheet Refer to setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in chapter 7. control circuit. . Orientation control circuit PCB is defective Replace PCB. 3 Spindle control PCB is maladjusted. Adjust PCB. 4 Position detection (position coder or magnetic sensor) is 2 . defective . Check the output signal waveform of the position detector. (For the magnetic sensor, refer to appendix 10.) 28 - Replace the position coder or magnetic sensor . 3.10 Acceleration/Deceleration Time is Long Item Causes Check procedure Remedy Check signal. 1 Torque limitation command is applied. 2 ROM specification is wrong. 3 Defection of the regenerative circuit. See alarm No. 2 item 3, 4. 4 PCB is maladjusted. If RV6 is set lower than necessary, the deceleration time increases (see para. Replace ROM. 3.6). 29 - Readjust RV6. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 Installation Procedure Observe the checking procedure shown in the following table at the installation time. Item 1 2 Remarks Description Check if specification of motor, servo unit, options, etc. are Check if motor corresponds to units, PCB, and ROM correctly correct according to table 1.1. . Check appearance for damage Check resistors, and PCB parts mounted on the upper part for damage . 3 Check the working AC power supply for voltage, voltage fluctuation, power capacity (KVA) and frequency. See table 4.2.1. 4 Connect the earth wire, power See 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and appendix 1. cable, drive power cable, and signal cable (See note 1). 5 Check setting and adjustment results 6 Turn on AC power supply, and make sure that green lamp PIL light on See 5.1. . PCB. 7 Give rotation command to check the normal rotation and reverse rotation movement. 8 Check the operation over the entire velocity range. 9 Adjust spindle orientation circuit See section 7. . Note) Check the connection with discharge resistor for MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3. 4.2 Power Connection 4.2.1 Power voltage and capacity check Measure the AC power voltage before connecting the power supply, and take the following measure according to power voltage. - 30 - Table 4.2.1 (a) Measure to AC power voltage AC power voltage 170 V 210 V * Nominal Measures voltage 220 V 200 V Set toggle switch SW to 200 V 253 V 230 V Set toggle switch SW to 230 V 380 V 550 V Set input voltage to 230 V by using insulation transformer Higher than 254 V The input power specification of the AC spindle servo unit is as specified in Table 4.2.1 (a). Use a power source having the power capacity having a sufficient allowance so that no trouble due to voltage drop occurs with the maximum load. Table 4.2.1 (b) Input power specifications of AC spindle servo unit Nominal rated voltage AC 200 V/230 Allowable voltage fluctuation -15% +10% Frequency 50 Power capacity Motor model * V (SW selection), 3 phases Hz/60Hz +1 Hz (Note 1) 1 2 3 6 8 12 15 18 22 30 40 4 7 9 12 17 22 26 32 37 54 63 Capacity (KVA) with 30-minute rating Note 1) Model 40 (A06B-6052-H140) requires the 50/60 Hz this selection is not required for other models. selection. However, 4.2.2 Protective earth connection Connect the protective earth to connection terminal G before connecting the power supply. Use the protective earth having sufficient capacity as compared with the feeder circuit breaker capacity. 4.2.3 Power connection Connect the power cable after protective earth connection. The power phase rotation is not specified for AC spindle servo unit. 4.3 AC Spindle Motor Connection Connect the AC spindle motor according to the connection diagram in appendix 1. If the drive power cable connection sequence is in error, vibrations are produced or alarm No. 2 occurs to stop the motor. Connect protective earth "G" without fail. 4.4 Single Cable Connection Connect the signal cable according to the connection diagram in appendix 1. 31 5. SETTING AND ADJUSTMENTS 5.1 Setting of Unit and PCB For the parts on the unit and PCBs, refer to mounting layout of parts (APPENDIX 5 and 6). Confirm the following setting before turning on the power switch. Table 5.1 (a) Setting to be confirmed before turning on the power switch Check items No. Remarks 1 Setting of voltage selection See para. 4.2 2 Setting (short bars) check See table 5 1 (b) . Table 5.1(b) Setting Setting Setting at terminal number SI Contents Machine ready signal (MRDY) shipment from FANUC Setting Used OFF 0] o Not used ON OFF ON 01 ON S2 Analog over¬ ride Used OFF Same as the ON Used ON Not used OFF above 01 ON 0) ON 0J o S4 Velocity command signal OFF o J Not used S3 0 Use of external analog voltage ON OFF OFF 0 ]°N o command Use of R01 ON R12 commands 32 - ON o 01 ON I Setting terminal number S5 MODEL 1 2 Contents Setting of velocity feed¬ back amount to rated command Setting at shipment from FANUC Setting 4000, 4500, 8000 rpm A,B: OFF ° A 6000 rpm B: ON o A 0 Eh Set to the rating of the motor employed B Small MODEL 3 A: ON 20000 rpm o B B: Shorted 4500 rpm H B ° MODEL 3 s 6000 rpm A: Shorted 8000 rpm A and B: Opened 40 A o B 0* lB A ° Depends on motor and PPW version numbers. See table 5.1 (c) S6 Velocity control phase com¬ S6 S7 pensation S7 S8 Delay time required until motor is de¬ energized 0 sec/option 0.2 sec/ standard ON 0] ON Machine ready signal func¬ MCC is turned OFF 0fÿON S9 OFF 0] o off ON ON (Note 2) OFF tion S10 Overcurrent detection MCC is not turned off ON Labeled OFF start/ ON 0.6 8 sec A 3.5 40 sec B stop time constant switching (Adjust by RV20) I o Not labeled Soft 0J O level SIX 0] ON o Eli 33 - ON ° B 0 B Eh ° - ON A Determined as speci¬ fied on the unit label (Note 3) A Setting Setting at terminal number Contents Maximum Speed-zero detecting S15 shipment from FANUC Setting ON revolution 10000 % 20000 rpm Maximum revolution lower than 10000 rpm o 0 ON 0 OFF Set to the rating of the motor employed. (Note 4) OFF o Note 1) Be careful since S5 setting differs between MODEL 1, 2, small MODEL 3 and MODEL 3-40. Note 2) Insert a short bar without fail even when setting is turned off. Note 3) Turn on S10 only when the label at the upper part of the PCB mounting plate represents that S10 is turned on. Note 4) S15 is used for AC spindle servo unit MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 only. Note 5) Presence or absence of setting terminal S8 to S15. a b c S8 Presence Presence Absence S9 Presence Presence Absence S10 Absence Presence* Presence Sll Absence Absence Presence S 15 Presence Absence Absence a: MODEL 1, 2, small 3S b: MODEL 3 to 22 c: MODEL 30, 40 * S10 was added after PCB edition 17H. - 34 - ; RV19 of the spindle control circuit PCB have been Variable resistors RV1 adjusted at factory before shipment, and their adjustments are no longer necessary, in principle. However, the set values of variable resistors shown in Table 5.1 (d) are Readjust variable resistors shown in Table 5.1 (e) changeable as required. after turning on the power supply, if fine adjustment is required for offset, rotating speed, etc. 1 OK O ' \ S2 Velocity command | DA 2 VCMD — (MAX 10V) I s3 10K -WV Q Q - 8.2 K 1.8K 10K 1 00 K r 0V I > Analog override | OV OVR] I rVRi I a OVR2 OVR2 i Use of override Override range Override range Max 100% Max 120% Setting Unuse of override S2 OFF OFF ON S3 ON OFF OFF Fig. 5.1 (a) Analog override circuit Table 5.1 (c) Setting of S6 and S7 i) PCB A20B-0009-0534 - 539 Applicable motor Type Overall version number of PCB Setting MODEL 15 J04 After 001F After 14F OFF ON MODEL 18 J05 After 001C After 14F OFF ON MODEL 22 J06 After 001A After 14F OFF ON ii) PCB A20B-1000-0690 Applicable 2 ROM Version number motor - 0693 Setting ROM Type Version number S6 S7 MODEL 3 J10 After 001E OFF ON MODEL 6 Jll After 001E OFF ON MODEL 8 J02 After 001G OFF ON MODEL 12 J03 After 001G OFF ON 35 iii) PCB A2 OB- 1000-0 7 00 - Applicable 0701 ROM Type motor S6 Version number Setting S7 MODEL 30 J06 After 001A OFF ON MODEL 40 J07 After 001A OFF ON iv) PCB A16B-1100 - 0080 Applicable Setting ROM S6 S7 lX£e Version number MODEL 1 J21 After 001A OFF ON MODEL 2 J22 After 001A OFF ON MODEL 3 J23 After 001A OFF ON motor 1) Variable resistors whose set values are changeable. Table 5.1 (d) Variable resistor number RV3 Use Set speed arrival level Standard adjustment at shipment from FANUC Setting change method Sends speed arrival signal when the motor speed reaches 115% of the command 85 speed See appendix 8. 3% of the maximum speed is detected See appendix 8. . RV4 Speed detection level RV5 Torque limit value See appendix 8. RV20 Soft start/stop time constant adjust See appendix 8. (Note 1) . - 36 2) Variable resistors for fine adjustment of offset and rated speed. Table 5.1 (e) Variable Adjusting method Use resistor number RV1 Adjusts the velocity command voltage level. See appendix 8. RV2 Adjusts the velocity command voltage offset. See appendix 8. RV9 Finely adjusts the rated speed in normal rotation See appendix 8. (Note 2) (SFR) . Rll Finely adjusts the rated speed in reverse rotation (SRV). See appendix 8. (Note 2) R13 Adjusts the offset when zero speed is commanded. See appendix 8. Note 1) Soft start/stop function is employed only for MODEL 30 and 40. RV20 is not provided to other models. Note 2) RV9A, B/RV11A, B are provided for AC spindle servo unit MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3. Their adjusting methods are the same as specified above. Note 3) Don't change the setting of variable resistors other than specified in Table 5.1 (d) and Table 5.1 (e) , since these variable resistors have been adjusted at factory before shipment. For adjustments of variable resistors, see APPENDIX 8. 5.2 Setting and Adjustment of Spindle Orientation Control Circuit Option Refer to spindle orientation control circuit, in chapter 7. - 37 6. EXCHANGE METHODS OF FUSES AND PCB 6.1 Exchange of Fuses after opening the unit Replace fuses FI - F7 in AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT series cover as shown in 6.1. Open the cover toward the front right side together with the sheet metal after unscrewing upper and lower screws (one each). MODEL 8/12 MODEL 3/6 ©_ FAN MOTOR i Mounting u> layout of parts oo FAN MOTOR ED 0 I PCB ED ED ED ED ED HEAT SINK HEAt SINK CN9 Spindle orientation circuit (magnetic sensor system) ED r r i i iCNA. V u CN1 CN3 CN2 TB QD \ 1 23 “Sllfe* 1D-‘D 11 1£ £ ~ T T -L 2 i. £ £ T XS o (i) Spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor model 1, 2, 3 (A06B-6044-H103, 203 A06B-6044-H106, 206) o (ii) Spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor model 3 and 6, •Small type spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor models 8 and 12. Fig. 6.1 How to open the AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT series cover (1/2) (A06B-6044-H108, 208 A06B-6044-H112, 212) Open the cover toward the front right side togetiier with the sheet metal after unscrewing Open the cover toward the front right side together with the sheet metal after unscrewing upper and lower screws (one each). upper and lower screws (one each). ST TP TT O O 4 0 r [) r PCB PCB PCB CN9 Spindle orientation circuit (position II coder system) CNC QNA CNB CN1CN3 CN2 TB o a I f (one each) o CN1 CN3 CN2 TB 1 23 CNI e=> <r=> ffl LO Open the cover toward the front right side after unscrewing upper and lower screws so A© Remove the sheet metal by removing four screws. I © 1® ll/s r X © J D 220V To magnetic cabinet or NC F F IF l 2 3 230v T1 alBIOI T2 22W Mil 23 „ TB laaai mm HI H _ [B Remove the sheet metal by removing four screws "55 (IJW \/n.w r'P Mounting layout of parts 5MTJ i Arrange to the same size Prom 3-phasc AC power supply 12 and 15 (A06B-6044-H009, H010, HOI 1 , H023) — Hffl Pan motor Power cable 18 and 22 From 3-phasc AC power supply SW Power Pan cable motor To AC motor AC motor (iv) Spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor models s / o (iii) Spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor model 8, CN2 To AC motor Nr 200V 0/ 10 r /AY |i-M CN3 ft —-) 0 —i 0 ' (v) Spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor Fig. 6.1 How to open the AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT series cover (2/2) model 30 and 40. (for model 40) 6.2 Exchange of PCB 6.2.1 MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 Table 6.2.1 (a) How to remove PCB Procedure Step 1 Disconnect cables from PCB and also disconnect cables which fix the upper and lower PCB after turning off the power supply. Record the correspondence between cables and connector numbers. Removal of upper PCB 2-1 Remove two fixing screws of PCB. •[] []» Screw 2-M3 2-2 Open the claws of the upper supports of PCB outward and pull PCB this side while lifting it. 4ÿ O O Pull this side Removal of lower PCB 3-1 Remove one upper screw and one lower screw, and open the PCB together with the mounting plate . 0 I! Screw 2-M4 ./(/(/(/C/C/ - 40 - I Removal of lower PCB 3-2 Remove 28 screws on PCB and remove PCB by pulling this side. Screw M-5 Screw 27-M4 ®®® © © ®® © ® ® 0© ® ®0 ® 0® ®B ® © © Table 6.2.1 (b) How to mount PCB Procedure Step Mounting of upper PCB 1-1 Set the upper holes of PCB to the upper supports of the mounting plate, and push PCB until a click is heard. °u o 1-2 Fix the lower part of PCB by 2 screws. o |]» Screw 2-M3 © - 41 Mounting of lower PCB 2-1 Insert PCB while setting PCB holes to the conduits mounted from the short bar holder, and fix it by 28 screws. ®® © Screw Screw M5 ® — M4 ®® ® ®© ©©©® ®®® ®® a®® © ® © ® ® 2-2 Fix PCB together with its mounting plate to the unit by fixing the upper and lower screws © n . Screw 2-M4 Ig' y<Jc/c/l/<y 3 Connect cables to the connectors. 4 Check the ROM specification, PCB setting, and start operation. c 6.2.2 MODEL 3 ~ 40 Table 6.2.2 (a) How to remove PCB Procedure Step 1 Disconnect cables from PCB after turning off power supply. correspondence between cables and connector No. 2 Remove six screws fixing PCB. Screw 6 -M3 D 0 0. - 42 - D D G Record the Procedure Step 3 Gradually lift the upper right and lower right part of PCB forward at a time, and remove PCB by disconnecting connectors CN4 - 7 (pins are inserted from the rear side) o o D D . 0 o o Lift forward Table 6.2.2 (b) How to mount PCB Procedure Step 1 After setting the guide holes 7 to of PCB connectors CN4 the unit side the guide pins on until check 7 and insert CN4 (see right figure) groove appears on the PCB connector surface - PCD ' . ___ Connectors CN4 ~7 Guide hole Guide line I, | Insertion level check groove step 2 in Table 2 Fix PCB on the unit by using four screws. 6.2.2 (a). 3 Connect cables to the connectors. 4 Start operating the unit after confirming the ROM specification and PCB setting. Se 6.3 Exchange of Spindle Orientation Control Circuit PCB 6.3.1 MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 Table 6.3.1 How to remove PCB Procedure Step 1 Disconnect the flat cable which connects PCBs. 2 Remove four screws which fix the spindle orientation control circuit PCB plate. <=> - 43 - 0 <'=l Screw (M3) 6.3.2 MODEL 3 ~ 40 Table 6.3.2 How to remove PCB Step Procedure 1 Remove the entire PCB from the spindle control unit according to Table 6.2.2 (a) disconnect cables connection PCB. 2 Remove 4 screws which fix the stays of spindle orientation control circuit PCB. Screw M3 Orientation PCB Mount PCB by reversing the procedure specified in Table 6.3.2. - 44 - I 7. SPINDLE ORIENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT and installation, for maintenance, describes instructions This chapter adjustment when a pure electric orientation (constant position stop) function is attached to the spindle of an NC machine tool. 7.1 Configuration Spindle orientation command Spindle servo unit ---- i — Magnetic cabinet i CNl i sequence i Spindle C motor circuit : L Tp-J 1 n r NC Gear or belt Spindle J Cutting tool CNA _J CND Orientation circuit A, E (option) non Positi cont_rol loop ; Direct coupling gear or timing belt Position coder Fig. 7.1 (a) Configuration of spindle orientation using position coder (Internal stop position setting type) I ! Spindle orientation control circuit B, F Spindle servo unit Magnetic cabinet sequence circuit ---NC / i 1 I__ I I L (option) Gear or belt CNl s Spindle CNB CNACNC a _l motor c=i Spindle a I L_* \ Position contr oiloop ! Cutting tool Direct coupling gear or timing belt Position coder External stop position command signal 12-bit binary (4096 360°) Fig. 7.1 (b) Configuration of spindle orientation using position coder (External stop position setting type) Note 1) If a position coder is mounted on a lathe, etc., it is applicable to this system. Note 2) Asterisked cable route is employed when the position coder of the lathe or sync, feed position coder in machining center is combined. - 45 ----1 ______ Spindle orientation command | N119 -j I I NC I I I L Spindle servo unit Gear or belt I Magnetic cabinet sequence circuit CN1 : Spindle 1 motor CNA § i Spindle j a Position control loop Spindle orientation control circuit C, D, G (option) Magnetic sensor - JsfH J \ w-'i Cutting tool Magnetic clcmcn (direct-coupled) Magnetic sensor Amplifier Fig. 7.1 (c) Configuration of spindle orientation using magnetic sensor 7.2 Adjustment of Position Coder System Spindle Orientation Control Circuit 7.2.1 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in 2-step spindle speed change The MODEL 3ÿ40 require orientation A, B (A06B-6041-J110, Jill), while MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 require orientation AS or BS (A06B-6052-J110 , Jill). Setting and adjustment for PCB A20B-0008-0240, 0241 are described in the followings. 1) Display contents The following display is done using LED. Lighting color LED No. Symbol LED 1 ORIENTATION Green Lights when orientation command (0RCM1, 2 ON) is input. LED 2 LOW Green Lights when cluth switching signal *CTH contact is closed. It means that cluth LOW Description is selected. LED 3 IN-POSITION OUT Green Light when orientation end signal 0RAR1-2 is sent. LED 4 IN-POSITION ADJUST Green Lights when spindle enters within 1 pulse width of orientation command position. Adjust OFFSET adjusting RV3/RV5 so that this LED4 lights at gear HIGH/LOW, and the stop positions at gear HIGH and LOW coincide with each other. - 46 2) Setting a) Setting position coder power supply If the position coder power supply +5 V is supplied from the spindle amplifier, short the circuit between +5 V - 5 H and 0 G - 0 V. Open the 0 V when +5 V is supplied from NC 5 H and 0 G circuit between +5 V machine tool. b) Setting of SW4 and SW5 - Position coder Type SW4 SW5 Balanced type Type A Right Right Unbalanced type Type B Left Left c) Setting of SH01, SH02, SH03 Set SH01, SH02, and SH03 according to the following table. - 47 . \ -. Table 7.2.1 ’•V Setting of SH01, SH02 and SH03 - x SH01 1 Setting contents No 2 3 4 5 SH02 6 7 16' 15 14 13 12 11 10 1 2 Setting of rotating direction in the first orientation after turning on the power switch. Setting of rotating direction in the second and sub¬ sequent orientation. O indicates short-circuit, while CCW O x cw x o e l 3 4 5 SH03 6 7 8 1 2 9 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2 3 2 1 I I indicates opening . Remarks I (Standard) CCW direction only CW direction only x O x x O x ( Standard) Same as rotat¬ ing direction 3 Setting to clamp the orien¬ tation speed determined by position gain to 1, 2/3 and 1/3. I 03 4 Setting by spindle rotation and rotating direction of position coder. I ( Standard) 1t X X 2/3 O x 1/3 x O Same direction Opposite direction +2 pulse 5 Setting of the in-position width when orientation end signals (ORAR1, 2) are output. +4 O x x o Depens upon machine tools. Hunting occurs, if this setting is inverted. O O O O O O O +8 7 Setting by hysteresis of position coder Setting according to the types of spindle servo unit. (Note) * * O O (+16 pulse corresponds to +4.. 3°) o o o o o + 32 O O O No compensation x x +1 pulse O x -1 pulse X O (Standard) DC O X When DC spindle servo unit is used. AC x O When AC spindle servo unit is used. Sending condition (C) of orientation end signal are as below: * o o o + 16 +64 6 O The angle position is located with the in-position setting pulse range. Speed zero signal is turned on. ORCM is turned on. d) Setting of position switches (SW1, 2, 3) Setting switch SW1 Pulse number per 1 division 4096/16 Angle change amount per 1 division = 256 pulses- 256/16 = 16 pulses SW2 16/16 SW3 every 22.5° every 1.4° every 0.088° = 1 pulse SW1 to SW3 are digital switch with 16 scale. The spindle can be stopped at an optional point during one rotation in the unit of 1/4096 x 360° = 0.088° by setting these switches in the order of SW1, SW2, SW3. 3) Adjustments Name of No. Item variable resister 1 2 Speed feedback voltage OFFSET RV1 Gear HIGH RV2 position gain Standard adj ustment Measuring point 5 divisions TSA2 CH14 (TSA2) Adjust RV1 until TSA2 voltage becomes 0 +1 mV. Set the gain to the maximum within a range where the spindle does not overshoot. 3-4 Spindle motion divisions or CHI 4 Description 3 Gear HIGH offset RV3 About 5 divisions LED4 (ADJUST) Adjust RV3 until LED4 lights or flickers. 4 Gear LOW position gain RV4 3-6 divisions Spindle motion or CHI 4 Set the gain to the maximum within a range where the spindle does not overshoot. Gear LOW RV5 About 5 divisions LED4 (ADJUST) Adjust RV5 until LED4 lights or 5 offset flickers 6 7 Speed loop gain (in case of DC spindle motor) RV6DC Speed loop gain (in case of AC spindle motor) RV6AC 0 division CH14 . Make sure that hunting. the rigidity increases during stop by turning these RV clock¬ wise. motor not CH14 7 divisions - 49 - Applies to overall version number 05C and higher 1 n il©© 3103 RW LA r 1 mm GAIN dc/ac c [" . f r OUT r T 7 9 8 ADJUST I i 1 r 6. IN- POSITION .'O *0 30 <o T 3 TSA I/TSA Z/VCMDZ/VCMD3 ElV CWUÿS DT/* FWiy* INCL/7.S 2 i 5 OFUEN— TAT ION LOW CN9 LED1-4 4 5 UO 2 Vffl. SI U IKi HI £rM2 El ov 1 28 SW2 uH SWl 22," Ll[®]3 s- s1010 WL. (H rmlN r 1 SHOI ICFFSET E — r«B RV1 + 15V sc 70 1 + SC PA PD PA 7 A20B-O00B-024tf/02 I J CNA 2 00 20 ESD465B _ * (P.C (P.C TYPE B) 2,H J] TYPE A) CNC 4 7 L " PUI3E 6 | CNB B'73 i 1 )xÿ SKIHIJ j «1 •20 (SHIELD) OV, ESD445B //\ l L S\V4 s- 1010 1010 3)X2°"J 3 2 PP ffiV +15V-1SV >0 ,20 30 <0 OO 5 SW5 SU3 O *ro * »»0120 0O *0 ‘0O ov - - 270 E GAIN 1 J iliU +24V TSA2 O -1 »0 D OFFSET Ln J' L 13O 14O 15O16O 17O IBO 19O20 O21O22 O [” I AJ ST1 1 J L 5 13 7 7 J L 8 J L 9 Overall version number Fig. 7.2.1 (a) Mounting positions of check terminals, variable resistors, setting pins, and light-emitting diodes (LED) (PCB A20B-0008-0240, 0241) o A20B-1000-0461/01 Him ORIENTATION LED1 LED2 LED3 LED 4 o O o O CN9 QAJN&V SHD3 O', 0$cc CTH 1 CMD TSA2 TSAI VCMD3 PUT <T5 SY ADJUST IN-PO 8ITION + uavUoooooo i CTM RVB ooooooooo INCL VOID2 +24V OV PP NP ZS SQ2 SQ1 SIK0*EIK1 TSA2 OFFSET o ) INTO 5 D9 © Q\1N I -|RV JT 4 ) Ui I F4 © O5nv Mi _U— RV O’ O O o so o o o_ PA o. o sc *PD4SV%V*PA ONC DMJlIO’OttO’T SVV1 TYPE B *SC SW2 ION oo 5H CNA CNB CNC Fig. 7.2.1 (b) Mounting place of check terminal, variable register, setting pin, LED (PCB A20b-1000-0460, 0461) SVV3 s 7.2.2 Setting and adjustment for spindle orientation control circuit 3 or 4 step spindle speed change Orientation E, F (A06B-604 1-J130, J131) are required. Setting and adjustments for the PCB A20B-1000-0460, 0461 are described in the followings. 1) Display contents Symbol LED No. Description LED1 ORIENTATION Lights when orientation command is input. LED 2 CTH Lights when CTH signal (spindle speed change) is input. LED3 CTM Lights when CTM signal (spindle speed change) is input. LED4 IN-POSITION OUT Lights when the machine is positioned within the setting pulse width of the stop position after orientation motion. The stop position width is set by SH02 01-06 pins. LED5 IN-POSITION ADJUST Lights when the machine is positioned within +2 pulses of the specified stop position. Adjust RV3 so that LED5 lights when the orientation has been completed. 2) Setting a) Setting position coder power supply If the position coder power supply +5 V is supplied from the spindle amplifier, short the circuit between +5 V 0 V. Open the 5 H and 0 G circuit between +5 V 5 H and 0 G - 0 V when +5 V is supplied from NC - machine tool. b) Setting of balanced type and unbalanced type Position coder Setting for setting terminal 1-9 Balanced type Insert short-circuit bars on the type A side (9 positions) Unbalanced type Insert short-circuit bars on the type B side (9 positions) c) Setting of SH01, SH02, SH03 Set SH01, SH02, and SH03 according to the following table. - 52 Table 7.2.2 Setting of SH01, SH02 and SH03 O indicates short-circuit, while x SH01 1 2 Setting contents No 3 4 5 SH02 6 I I 7 2 Setting of rotating direction in the second and sub¬ sequent orientation. CCW O x CW CCW direction only CW direction only x o 1 2 3 4 5 SH03 6 7 I I 16' 15 14 13 12 11 10 Setting of rotating direction 1 in the first orientation after turning on the power switch. 8 indicates opening. 9 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 I 9 1 2 2 Remarks 3 (Standard) x O x x O x (Standard) Same as rotat¬ ing direction 3 Setting to clamp the orien¬ tation speed determined by position gain to 1, 2/3 and 1/3. I Ln U> 4 Setting by spindle rotation and rotating direction of position coder. 1 ( Standard) 1 X X 2/3 O x 1/3 x O Same direction Opposite direction 0 x x O +2 pulse 5 Setting of the in-position width when orientation end signals (ORAR1, 2) are output. +4 Depens upon machine tools. Hunting occurs, if this setting is inverted. O 0 o o o o o +B 6 7 Setting according to the types of spindle servo unit. (Note) O (+16 pulse corresponds to +1.3°) o o O O O +32 O O O No compensation x X +1 pulse O x -1 pulse x O - (Standard) DC O x When DC spindle servo unit is used. AC x O When AC spindle servo unit is used. Sending condition (C) of orientation end signal are as below: * The angle position is located with the in-position setting pulse range. * O + 16 +64 Setting by hysteresis of position coder o o o o Speed zero signal is turned on. * ORCM is turned on. d) Setting of position switches (SW1, 2, 3) Angle change amount per 1 division Pulse number per 1 division Setting switch SW1 4096/16 SW2 256/16 SW3 16/16 = 256 pulses every 22.5° = 16 pulses every 1.4° = 1 pulse every 0.088° The spindle can be stopped at an optional point during one rotation in the unit of 1/4096 x 360° = 0.088° by setting these switches in the order of SW1, SW2, SW3. 3) Adjustment Name of variable Item No. Standard adjusting Value resister 1 RV1 DC (for DC motor) 0 division Orientation RV1A AC 7 divisions high gain (for AC motor) Orientation high gain 2 fr f, 3 i •rVelocity ** RV3 5 Low gear position gain . CTH-0N. CTM-ON RV4 6 ! 5 divisions TSA2 5 divisions VCMD3 r. Fine position adjustment $ Rigidity increases when turning clockwise during • & & \ 2 divisions Spindle motion (TSA2) K m M.. Low gear position garft CTH-0N. CTMOFF Z M. Low g'eÿr position gain • 2 divisions High gear position gain Set the gain to the maximum within a range where the spindle does overshoot. Spindle motion (TSA2) Set the gain to the.. maximum within a ,range where the spindle does not- overshoot . 2 divisions Spindle motion (TSA2) Set the gain to the maximum within a range where the spindle does not overshoot. RV7 2 division Spindle motion (TSA2) Set the gain to the— maximum within a range where the spindle does not overshoot. CTH-OFF. CTMOFF __ _w * . . Adjust so that LED5 (ADJST) lights at high .ÿgear position gain. RV6 CTH-OFF. CTMON 8 AHÿst until the voltage becomes 0 +1 mV when the spindle is stopping. npt § 7 'f. • i r RV2 Z* Description stop.. feedback voltage offset i Measuring point - 54 • ii No. Item ER voltage offset adjustment 9 Name of Standard variable adjusting resister value 0 +1 mV RV8 Measuring point Description Adjusted before delivery. ER Note) ,i v 1. Set SW1 - 3 as follows. 0 division 8 divisions, SW2, SW3 SW1 i2. Set, No. 1-4 setting pins (type A/B) to OFF. 3. Pferfprm the above adjustments after motor has been rotating/yith the orientation command turned on. ... ... h- \ -T% 7.3 Adjustment of Magnetic Sensor Type Spindle Orientation Control Circuit ) A- 7.3.1 Mounting method of magnetizing element and magnetic sensor Determine the mounting directions of the magnetizing element and magnetic sensor If they are not mounted correctly, the according to the following . procedure spindle may repeat normal rotation and reverse rotation without being stopped, the hunting occurs, or the spindle stops at the position where the magnetizing element end is opposite t'jp the sensor head. . Bifiv magnetising element and Mounting procedure of Procedure Item 1 magnetic sensor . Mount the magnetizing element is such a way as the reference hole faces as shown in Fig. 7.3.1 when the spindle is turned by the spindle motor normal rotation command (SFR, VCMD: Positive). s> 2 3 Mount the magnetic sensor head so that the pin hole of opposite to the reference hole. -.the flange Vp is \ Adjust the gap between the magnetizing, element and the sensor head, so that the minimum gap value L becomes L = 1.5 +0-5 mm. . p> :> Reference hole . Movinig direction of mnignetizing clement when the spindle moto:r turns in normal direction (SFR). r 1/, -4- Pin hole . Jr i ' I 4* - v Mapnciizing clement -, Sensor head V Fig. 7.3.1 (a) direction of magnetizing element (Reference drawing) •o l. %. . iU iH , V •3 7.3.2 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in 2-step speed change spindle for standard type The MODEL 3 to 40 require the orientation C (A06B-6041-J120) , while MODEL MODEL 3 require orientation C (A06B-6052-J120) , (PCB A20B-0008-0030) is used. This circuit is set and adjusted as follows. 1) Setting and adjustment of setting terminals (SH) Table 7.3.2 (a) shows the setting and functions of setting terminal (SH). Select these terminals by user. Terminal SH01 is provided for adjustment and testing at site. Set this SH01 terminal after turning on the power supply, and disconnect it after adjustment without fail. (Make sure that LED7 goes out). 1/2/small Table 7.3.2 (a) Setting and functions of setting terminals (SH) Setting and functions of setting terminals (SH) (The double frame indicates standard setting) Setting (Note 1) SH 1-2 01 02 o x Function Remarks 2-3 (Note 2) o Sets the test model. x Rotates the motor shaft end clockwise when the orientation command is given before operating the spindle after turning on the power supply. o Rotates Set for adjustment only. SH03 setting takes precedence of SH02. This is effective only when SH03: 1-2 are shorted. counterclockwise •' 03 o x o x Orients in the direction the spindle was turning just before the orientation command was given. SH02 setting becomes effective. Orients the spindle counter¬ clockwise at all times. x x t Orients the spindle clockwise at all times. \ AM. ‘4 - 56 - \ Setting (Note 1) Remarks Function SH 1-2 2-3 04 x x Since the position loop gain of spindle is Sets the initial orientation speed to about 60 (spindle position loop gain sec spindle . * in general, the 5 sec initial speed is about 300 rpm without limita¬ ) of the tion. o x Limits the initial orientation speed to 1/3. x o Limits the initial orientation speed to 05 2/3. o x For DC spindle servo unit. x o For AC spindle servo unit. _ ... t Note 1) o indicates short-circuit, while x indicates opening. Note 2) Method of setting the TEST MODE. (1) Turn on spindle orientation command. (2) Spindle orientation end signal (0RAR1, 2) is not sent. (3) The spindle turns at the initial orientation speed, while the SW1 (INITIALIZING BUTTON) is being depressed and the spindle stops at the fixed position when SW1 is released.) (4) Red LED7 lights in this mode. 2) LED display contents Seven indicator lamps LED1 7 are mounted on spindle orientation control circuit C PCB. The following table shows their display contents. Neither LED1 nor LED2 is mounted on PCB of 01A version. : LED display contents LED Display contents 1 ORIENTATION (Orientation in progress) Lighting color Green Description Lights when spindle orientation command is given (0RCM1 and 2 are shorted) 2 LOW (Clutch (gear) LOW) Green . Lights when clutch X-gear) LOW signal is turned on (*CTH1 and 2 - are shorted) 3 MS PEAK LEVEL Green (Magnetic flux detection signal peak value adjust¬ . This adjusting indicator lights when the peak value-kif the. magnetic flux detection signal; (MS) exceeds +1° v: _"1... ing indicator) ’* - 57 v 1 LED display contents LED 4 Lighting color Display contents SLOWDOWN PERIOD Description Green Lights when the spindle approaches the stop position and enters the low speed rotation area during spindle orientation motion. Green Lights when the magnetic signal (output) value is setting range of 0.1° as converted spindle angle. This LED5 may also light sensor is not positioned magnetizing element. (Low-speed rotation period adjusting indicator) 5 6 IN POSITION FINE (In-position adjusting indicator) IN-POSITION flux within the a when the on the Lights when the spindle is within +1° of the aimed adjusting position after completion of spindle orientation. The spindle Green (In-position in progress) orientation end signal (0RAR1 and 2 are shorted) is sent when this LED is lighting in a mode other than TEST mode. 7 TEST MODE (Test mode in progress) Red Lights when setting terminal SH01 pins are shorted. The orientation end signal is not sent in this mode even if the orientation motion is executed. 3) Setting of variable resistors Set the variable resistor scale as shown in the following table before starting adjustments. Asterisked items are readjusted during adjustment procedure described later. Set these items also as the preliminary setting. Setting and preparation of variable resistors Name of variable RV 4 1* 2* 3 5.0 6.0 © © © 5 6* 7* 2.0 5.0 8 9* 10* 11* 12DC 12 AC resistor Variable resistor scale position I - 58 - © 2.0 5.0 5.0 0 7.0 I (T) Setting of RV3 and RV4 Set RV3 and RV4 according to the distance H between the rotation center line of magnetizing element and the center of the sencer head face. H (mm) 6CK65 Scale position (2) 7.0 V75 5.0 6.0 4.0 v85 >v90 a-95 vlOO 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 'vllO 0.5 1.0 Setting of RV5 when the spindle Set RV5 according to the spindle HIGH revolutions N HM motor turns at the 2,000 NHM (rpm) Scale position rated revolutions. v O/ 'YJ 'v 2,200 2,500 2,700 3,100 3,500 4,000 7.5 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 (3) Setting of RV8 Set RV8 according to the spindle RH/L Scale position HIGH/LOW reduction gear ratio R H/L’ -2.0 -2.2 -2.5 -2.8 -3.2 -3.7 -4.4 -5.3 -6.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.5 5 6 -7.0 10 7 0 9 2 1 0 10 Variable resistor scale 4) Adjustment of variable resistors 12, 12DC, and 12AC according to the following table. Adjust the Adjust RV1 offset and gain of spindle control circuit PCB before adjusting the orienta¬ When RV12 and RV13 of the spindle control circuit PCB are tion circuit. changed, the stop position may be deviated. - - 59 - Table 7.3.2 (b) Adjustments of variable resistors Set the teat mode for the following adjustments by shorting SH01 pins. Name of Item variable resistor 1 RV1 Item to 3 RV2 RV3 (specification) TS OFFSET Tachogenerator (Compenoffset sation for the difference of the slow down time in normal and reverse rotating direc¬ tion) Compare the slow down time during the orientation in normal and reverse directions after completion of this adjustments The standard setting value is 5 divisions. Adjust RV1 until the difference of the slow down time between normal and reverse rotation become shorter than 0. 1 sec. MS PEAK LEVEL MS signal ampli¬ tude value. Keep depressing SW1 Set VR2 to the posi¬ tion where LED3 (MS PEAK LEVEL) starts . 2 Adjusting method Conditions be adjusted . (initializing button) . SLOWDOWN REFERENCE flickering. See 7.3.2 (3) 1 . See 7.3.2 (3) 1 . Slowdown speed reference. 4 RV4 AMS PEAK LEVEL AMS signal ampli¬ tude value. 5 RV5 SLOWDOWN TIME IN HIGH MODE Set the clutch (gear) HIGH mode. LED4 (SLOWDOWN PERIOD) should Slowdown time in clutch (gear) high mode Stop the spindle at the fixed position by depressing SW1 once *CTH signal clearly light at a moment just before . . the spindle stops. is OFF (option). 6 7 RV6 RV7 GAIN (H) Position loop gain. Same as specified above. Turn RV6 clockwise such an extent as does not cause any overshoot when the spindle stops. IN-POSITION (H) Spindle stop position (H) Same as specified above. LED5 (IN-POS FINE) should light during lighting of LED6 (IN-POSITION) SLOWDOWN TIME IN LOW MODE Set the clutch (gear) LOW mode. Stop the spindle at the fixed position by depressing SW1 once. *CTH signal is turned on (closed) . 8 RV8 Slowdown the in clutch (gear) low mode. to . . - 60 LED (SLOWDOWN PERIOD) should clearly light at a moment just before the spindle stops. (See item 5 in this table. ) Name of Item variable resistor 9 10 Item RV9 GAIN (L) Position loop gain. Same as specified above RV10 IN-POSITION (L) Spindle stop position (L) Same as specified above . 11 12 13 RV11 Adjusting method Conditions adjusted to be . (specification) . . RV12 HIGH GAIN DC High gain. RV12 HIGH GAIN AC AC High gain. LED 5 (IN-POS FINE) should light during lighting of LED6 (IN-POSITION) . The spindle stop position can be finely adjusted within a range +1° the spindle angle. POSITION SHIFT Spindle stop posi¬ tion shift. DC Turn RV9 cloc'lcwise to such an extent as does not cause any overshoot when the spindle stops. Adjust RV12 when DC spindle servo unit is used. Standard adjusting value: 7 divisions. Adjust RV12 when AC spindle servo unit is used. Standard adjusting value: 7 divisions. After adjustments, cancel the test mode, and make sure that the LED7 (red) goes out. * - 61 i ORIEN¬ +15 CD A OV TATION ovdl 150ÿ H i 2 LEDI r 3 i ir 1 6 7 INDICATORS Fdl AllJUSTINO 'r*B lkI!AK SUMIXJVTJ tN-POSITJtN IN LEVH PERIOD FINE HDSITKN r 5 4 CN9— ' LOW ~ LED2ÿVy 8 TEST MODS ST1 (OV) A OFFSET |CD [(TEAKIEVfct AJ Applies to overall version number 03C and lower Applies to overall version number 04C and higher RV1 r®5 LF-lXÿVy LEDSÿÿI LED3 n iw LOV EFEI3NCE I /tp\ |(AMS VI/ lIT.AK LEVEL C C ®w-1 rtVG CQAIN D [®]€.TICW l H D J: E E DinECTICN hJ SH05 I F FKPJ RV|2 os 91102 SH03 I F INT.FIX inai HA IN AC Applies to overall version number 04C and higher SH04 © © (MSA )( LSA)(+RS«)(75)(MnCT)(*I5)(VCWnc)(VTNin) (NNQ) G 10 20 30 40 50 fiO 70 HO 90 UIECK TEININALS FANUC A20D-000D-003 i J 1 (INTO)(AKB)( SDRF) <*G )(TSA !)( TSA2 )(0 V) 100 110 120 130 140 1ÿ0 160 2) e. \ II made in JAPAN 3 4 I J J I 13 7 5 5 J L I TACT I G _ I SWITQI 1 CNA (INITIALIZE! 7 CHAIN I I L ElSma, T . UV11 [©fe,m I SWi I 6J l f©l nvg DUTTCrO 8 Overall .rsion number indication Fig. 7.3.2 Mounting positions of check terminals, variable resistors, setting pins and light-emitting diodes (LED) (PCB A20B-0008-0030) G 7.3.3 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in 2-step spindle speed for high speed 3 to 40 require the orientation G (A06B-6041-J122) , while MODEL MODEL 3 require orientation GS (A06B-6052-J122) , (PCB A20B-0008-0031) is used. This circuit is set and adjusted as follows. 1) Setting and adjustment of setting terminals (SH) Table 7.3.3 (a) shows the setting and functions of setting terminal (SH). Select these terminals by user. Terminal SH01 is provided for adjustment and testing at site. Set this SH01 terminal after turning on the power supply, and disconnect it after adjustment without fail. (Make sure that LED7 goes out). The MODEL 1/2/small Table 7.3.3 (a) Setting and functions of setting terminals (SH) Setting and functions of setting terminals (SH) (The double frame indicates standard setting) Setting (Note 1) SH 1-2 01 02 03 Remarks Function 2-3 (Note 2) o Sets the test model. o x Rotates the motor shaft end clockwise when the orientation command is given before operating the spindle after turning on the power supply. x o Rotates o x Orients in the direction the spindle was turning just before the orientation command was Set for adjustment only. SH03 setting takes precedence of SH02. This is effective only xjhen SH03: 1-2 are shorted. counterclockwise given. x o Orients the spindle counter¬ clockwise at all times. X x Orients the spindle clockwise at all times. - 63 - SH02 setting becomes effective. Setting (Note 1) Function SH 1-2 2-3 04 x x Sets the initial orientation speed to about 60 (spindle Since the position loop gain of spindle is position loop gain sec in general, the 5 sec initial speed is about 300 rpm without limita¬ tion. spindle 05 Remarks * of the . o x Limits the initial orientation speed to 1/3. x o Limits the initial orientation speed to 2/3. o x For DC spindle servo unit. x o For AC spindle servo unit. Note 1) o indicates short-circuit, while x indicates opening. Note 2) Method of setting the TEST MODE. (1) Turn on spindle orientation command. (2) Spindle orientation end signal (0RAR1, 2) is not sent. (3) The spindle turns at the initial orientation speed, while the SW1 (INITIALIZING BUTTON) is being depressed and the spindle stops at the fixed position when SW1 is released.) (4) Red LED7 lights in this mode. I 2) LED display contents Seven indicator lamps LED1 7 are mounted on spindle orientation control circuit G and GS PCB. The following table shows their display contents. LED display contents Lighting color LED Display contents 1 ORIENTATION (Orientation in progress) Green LOW Green 2 Description Lights when spindle orientation command is given (0RCM1 and 2 are shorted) . (Clutch (gear) LOW) Lights when clutch (gear) LOW signal is turned on (*CTH1 and 2 are shorted) 3 MS PEAK LEVEL Green (Magnetic flux detection signal peak value adjust¬ ing indicator) - 64 . This adjusting indicator lights when the peak value of the magnetic flux detection signal (MS) exceeds +10 V. LED display contents Lighting color Description LED Display contents 4 SLOWDOWN PERIOD (Low-speed rotation period adjusting indicator) Green Lights when the spindle approaches the stop position and enters the low speed rotation are a during spindle orientation motion. 5 IN POSITION FINE (In-position adjusting Green Lights when the magnetic signal (output) value is setting range of 0.1° as converted spindle angle. This LED5 may also light sensor is not positioned magnetizing element. indicator) 6 IN-POSITION TEST MODE a when the on the •-> Green Lights when the spindle is within +1° of the aimed adjusting position after completion of spindle orientation. The spindle orientation end signal (0RAR1 and 2 are shorted) is sent when this LED is lighting in a mode other than TEST mode. Red Lights when setting terminal SH01 pins are shorted. The orientation end signal is not sent in this mode even if the orientation motion is executed. (In-position in progress) 7 flux within the (Test mode in progress) 3) Setting of variable resistors Set the variable resistor scale as shown in the following table before starting adjustments. Asterisked items are readjusted during adjustment procedure described later. Set these items also as the preliminary setting. Setting and preparation of variable resistors Name of variable RV 1* 2* 5.0 5.0 3 4 5 6* 7* 8 9* © 5.0 5.0 © 5.0 10* II* 12DC 12 AC resistor Variable resistor scale position © © - 65 - 5.0 5.0 0 8.0 (T) Setting of RV3 and RV4 Set RV3 and RV4 according to the distance H between the rotation center line of magnetizing element and the center of the head face. H (mm) Scale position (2) *50 *55 *60 *65 *70 *80 *90 *100 *110 9. 5 7. 0 5. 0 4.0 3. 0 2. 5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 Setting of RV5 Set RV5 according to the spindle HIGH revolutions N when the spindle HM motor turns at the rated revolutions. NHM (rpm) Scale position (3) 40*45 6,000 'b <b 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 6.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 Setting of RV8 Set RV8 according to the spindle , H/L R Scale position a, 'b 9,000 9,500 10,000 11,000 12,000 3.0 2.5 2.5 HIGH/LOW reduction 2.0 gear ratio R H/L* *2. 2 *2.5 *2.8 *3. 2 *3.7 *4.5 *5.0 *6. 0 *7.0 2. 0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7. 0 8.0 8.0 9.0 4 •V 1.0 5 6 7 B 2 9 1 0 10 Variable resists! scale 4) Adjustment of variable resistors Adjust RV1 - 12, 12DC, and 12AC according to the following table. Adjust the offset and gain of spindle control circuit PCB before adjusting the orienta¬ When RV12 and RV13 of the spindle control circuit PCB are tion circuit. changed, the stop position may be deviated. - 66 - Table 7.3.3 (b) Adjustments of variable resistors Set the test mode for the following adjustments by shorting SH01 pins. Item 1 Name of variable resistor RV1 Item adjusted be to TS OFFSET Tachogenerator (Compenoffset sation for the difference of the slow down time in normal and reverse rotating direc¬ tion) . 2 RV2 MS PEAK LEVEL MS signal ampli¬ tude value. 3 RV3 Adjusting method Conditions (specification) Compare the slow down time during the orientation in normal and reverse directions after completion of this adjustments The standard setting value is 5 divisions. Adjust RV1 until the difference of the slow down time between normal and reverse rotation become shorter than 0.1 sec. Keep depressing SW1 Set VR2 to the posi¬ tion where LED3 (MS PEAK LEVEL) starts flickering. . (initializing button) . SLOWDOWN REFERENCE See 7.3.3 (3) 1 . See 7.3.3 (3) 1 . Slowdown speed reference . 4 RV4 AMS PEAK LEVEL AMS signal ampli¬ tude value. 5 RV5 SLOWDOWN TIME IN HIGH MODE Slowdown time in clutch (gear) high mode. 6 RV6 GAIN (H) Position loop gain. Set the clutch (gear) HIGH mode. Stop the spindle at the fixed position by depressing SWl once *CTH signal is OFF (option) . LED4 (SLOWDOWN PERIOD) should clearly light at a moment just before the spindle stops. . Same as specified above . Turn RV6 clockwise to such an extent as does not cause any overshoot when the spindle stops. 7 RV7 IN-POSITION (H) Spindle stop position (H) 8 RV8 . Same as specified above . LED 5 (IN-POS FINE) should light during lighting of LED6 (IN-POSITION) SLOWDOWN TIME IN LOW MODE Slowdown the in Set the clutch (gear) LOW mode. Stop the spindle at clutch (gear) low mode. the fixed position by depressing SWl *CTH signal once is turned on (closed) . . - 67 . LED ( SLOWDOWN PERIOD) should clearly light at a moment just before the spindle stops. (See item 5 in this table. ) Name o f Item variable resistor 9 10 11 12 13 RV9 RV10 RV11 Item GAIN (L) Position loop gain. Adjusting method (specification) Same as specified above Turn RV9 clockwise to such an extent as does not cause any overshoot when the spindle stops. IN-POSITION (L) Same as specified Spindle stop position (L) above. LED5 (IN-POS FINE) should light during lighting of LED6 (IN-POSITION) . . . POSITION SHIFT Spindle stop posi¬ tion shift. RV12 HIGH GAIN DC DC High gain. RV12 HIGH GAIN AC High gain. AC Conditions to be adjusted The spindle stop position can be finely adjusted within a range +1° the spindle angle. Adjust RV12 when. DC spindle servo unit is used. Standard adjusting value: 7 divisions. Adjust RV12 when AC spindle servo unit is used. Standard adjusting value: 7 divisions. After adjustments, cancel the test mode, and make sure that the LED7 (red) goes out. - 68 - A +150 & -15D i 2 r r 1 I 1 8 7 6 INDICATORS PCR ADJUSTING TEST MDE 'MS PEAK elXXMXJW iN-I'Oii if ItN IN ORIEN¬ LOW LEVEL PERIOD TOSITHN FINE TATION LED7 LIEI xfijUZrz'ifij LED3 1 1I CN9 i ' i 5 ' 3 RVI jOrrecr Isn[ © LEDJÿy LED5ÿ?; LEDiÿJ STI(oV) A r A1 B -1 J B [©lik [®)(E FENCE c LEVEL » C [©1Sptwi] [©]COVIN RVC D l@HS.TW. I o> I DinECTICN r 31102 3H03 I 2 3 It F 3 F INT.FDC F J: 1©]ÿ“ÿ] E VD H D SH05 RV12 DC AC inai ov IN Jg SH04 © © l ( MSA )( L3A) (+FVD) (7S ) (MDST ) (+IiJ) (VCMD2) ( V(MD3) (NNQ) ( INTX3)(A>£3)( SDRF) (AC )(T3A1)(T9A2)( 0 V) fiO 70 50 100 BO 1 10 1 20 140 1$0 160 2D 90 1 30 40 30 20 10 CHECK TEIMINAl-3 J L made in JAPAN FANUC A20B-0008-0031 2 JI 3 J L 4 5 _ _ ) | 3 I TACT 6 I CNA 13 7 _1 iI awi SWITOI I I I m L 7 I L HE™ T . [©&" (INITIALIZING DGITCN) 6 COVIN E 8 Overall version number indication Fig. 7.3.3 Mounting positions of check terminals, variable resistors, setting pins and light-emitting diodes (LED) (PCB A20B-0008-0031 ) G 7.3.4 Setting and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit in case of 3-step spindle speed change PCB A20B-0009-0520 is employed as spindle orientation control circuit D (A06B-604 1— J1 21) This paragraph describes the setting and adjusting methods of . this circuit. Note) Be careful since the maximum spindle revolution range is limited at each speed change step. Maximum spindle revolution range High speed 4000 Medium speed 1000 Low speed 250 - 8000 rpm 2000 rpm 677 rpm 1) Setting and functions of setting terminals (SH) same as in 7.3.2 2) LED display contents LED No. Symbols Lighting color Description LED1 ORIENTATION Green Lights when orientation command is input. LED2H GEAR/CLUTCH Green Lights when gear /clutch is set to high positions. LED2M Lights when gear/clutch is medium position. LED2L Lights when gear/clutch is set to low position. set to LED3 MS PEAK LEVEL Green Lights when the peak value of MS signal from magnetic sensor is higher than +10 V. LED4 SLOWDOWN PERIOD Green Lights during the period from the constant low speed just before completion of orientation to the arrival of magnetizing sensor at the sensor position. LED5 IN-POSITION FINE Green Lights when the spindle is positioned within +0.1° of the stop position after completion of orientation. LED 6 IN-POSITION Green Lights when the spindle is positioned within +1.0° of the stop position after completion of orientation. Orientation end signal is sent when this LED is lighting in a mode other than TEST mode. LED 7 TEST MODE Lights when setting terminal SH01 is shorted across 01 and 02. Red 70 3) Adjustments Observe the following procedure in the test mode after turning on the power supply. Item 1 Variable resistor RV1 Adjustment item Conditions Adjusting method TS OFFSET Tachogenerator (Compenoffset sation for the difference of the slow down time in normal and reverse rotating direc¬ tion) Compare the slow down time during the orientation in normal and reverse directions after completion of this adjustments The standard setting value is 5 divisions. Adjust RV1 until the difference of the slow down time between normal and reverse rotation become shorter than 0. 1 sec. MS PEAK LEVEL MS signal ampli¬ Keep depressing SW1 Set VR2 at the posi¬ tion where LED3 beging flickering. Check the distance from the spindle center to the sensor head. Set RV3 and RV4 according to (Note 1). LED4 should clearly light for a moment (about 0.2 sec) just before stopping. . 2 RV2 . tude value. 3 RV3 SLOWDOWN REFERENCE (Slowdown speed reference. ) 4 RV4 AMS PEAK LEVEL (AMS signal ampli¬ tude value.) 5 RV5 SLOWDOWN TIME Repeat turning on (HIGH) (Slowdown time) and off SW1 while LED2H (clutch (gear) HIGH) is lighting. 6 RV6 Turn RV6 clockwise GAIN (HIGH) (Position loop to such an extent as does not cause any gain) overshoot when the spindle stops. 7 RV7 IN-POSITION (H) (Spindle stop position adjust¬ ment) Same as above Adjust RV7 so that LED5 lights con¬ currently while LED6 is lighting. LEDS may flicker. 8 RV8 SLOWDOWN TIME Repeat turning on and off SWI, while LED2L (clutch (gear) LOW) is lighting. Same as in item 5 in this table. (LOW) (Slowdown time) 9 RV9 GAIN (LOW) (Position loop Same as in item 6 in this table. gain) - 71 Item Variable resistor Adjustment item 10 RV10 IN-POSITION (LOW) Conditions (Spindle stop position adjust¬ ment) Adjusting method Repeat turning on and off SW1, while LED2L (clutch (gear LOW) is lighting. Same as in item 7 in this table. 11 RV11 SLOWDOWN TIME (MEDIUM) (Slowdown time) Repeat turning on and off SW1 while LED2M (clutch (gear MEDIUM) is light¬ Same as in item 5 in this table. 12 RV13 GAIN (MEDIUM) (Position loop gain) ing. Same as in item 6 in 13 14 RV14 this table. IN-POSITION (MEDIUM) (Spindle stop position adjust¬ ment) RV11 Same as in item 7 in this table. POSITION SHIFT The spindle stop (Spindle stop position shift) position can be finely adjusted down to +1° angle . at spindle Set the key position of ATC arm to the keyway position of spindle. 15 RV15DC HIGH GAIN DC High gain Adjustment using DC spindle servo unit. Standard adjusting value: 0 division. 16 RV15AC HIGH GAIN AC High gain Adjustment using AC spindle servo unit. Standard adjusting value: 7 divisions. Reset the test mode after adjustments. Note 1) Adjust RV3 and RV4 according to the distance center to the sensor as follows. H (mm) RV3, 4 scale 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 9.5 6.5 4.5 3.0 2.2 1.5 1.0 0.5 Spindle (H) from the spindle ,7 3. 2 i .8 o 10 Variable resistor scale divisions .Magnetizing element Sensor H (mm) - 72 / n A { 1 5 ) ( »5 ) (OV) (-IS) IWSA) RVl S 1 2DQ'AC fe[|[©T©1 E A I mw CN9 (LSA)(*f«T»(ZSHMIlSTH*lS)tV(NDS!) Applies to overall version number 05B and higher. rORIEJi- -irTSA lrUS PEAK-,r3LCWDW TAkflPEAK JT 1REFERTMIÿ LEVEL WATIGNJLOFFSERJJJ4SX2L r i* RV3 RV 2 RV< LEDi ® RVl @3 ( WO) ( R/Tfl) (AMS ) (5DRF) (M3 ) (TSAI ) (TSA2 )(0 V) OOOO OO (>000 -OOOO OOOOOO 6 3 5 4 7 p \&\ Hi . "[ CEAJVOJ) H STI TCH) L M Ljli2 111 L£EC Ml LpW LED4 1 l. K?5 M'n lff» RV6 RVl 3 RV9 RVl 4 RVl 0 HI 11IS IJSS J*, m n m rir*-posiÿ 12 B LEDS flN-POSl-*] LEDG C RV7 (ÿUN) n m H[£•) % LED7 r ~ 8W 1 D 3101 TEST MCDE UJ H nos mar E I RVl 1 F II II G — A2 OB— 00 0 9 0 5 20/| 1 2 20 13 9402 SH04 MADE IN JAPAN SH03 3 4 J u 7 5 _ 14 B 1 CNA 7 8 j L \ Overall version number Fig. 7.3.4 Mounting positions of check terminals, variable resistors, setting pins, and light emitting diodes (LED) (PCB A20B-0009-0520) 9 SHIFT 7.3.5 Method of checking the spindle position loop gain spindle position loop gain can be checked according to the following procedure. Check it after adjusting the spindle orientation control circuit. The Procedure of checking the spindle position loop gain 1 Set the mode to TEST mode (LED7 ON) after shorting setting terminal SH01 pins . 2 Release setting terminal SH04 1-2 and 2-3 pins to release the speed limitation of orientation. 3 Measure spindle revolutions Ns (H) , Ns(L) rpm when SW1 (INITIALIZING button) is depressed (turned on) and the spindle clutch (gear) is set to HIGH (*CT *CTH1, 2: Open) and LOW (*CTH1, 2: Closed), respectively. 4 The spindle position loop gain can be obtained by the following formula. (sec_1) K (H or L) = N (H or L) 55 s P where K (H) : Position loop gain when the spindle is set to HIGH gear (clutch). K (L) : Position loop gain when the spindle is set to LOW gear (clutch). * - 74 t II. AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (380/415V AC INPUT) 1. OUTLINE This Section describes maintenance of the unit . 380/415V AC input type spindle servo 1.1 Configuration The AC380/415V AC spindle Model Name Model 30 Model 40 2. servo unit consists of the unit, PC board, and ROM. Specification DWG No. Unit DWG No. A06B-6054 -HO 30 A06B-6054 A06B-6054 -H040 A06B-6054 -C040 PCB DWG No. -C040 A20B-1001 -0620 ROM Specified DWG No. Classification A06B-6054 -C530 JUA A06B-6054 -C540 JUB DAILY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOL See item 2 in Chapter I in this manual. 3. INSTALLATION supply line, power line and signal line connections, refer to the A single-phase AC220V power supply line connection is added to this unit. The fan for AC spindle motor cooling employs a 3-phase motor. For a signal line soft start/stop cancel SOCN is added thereto. For power "Connection Diagram" in Appendix 1. 77 4. SETTING AND ADJUSTMENT 4.1 Setting on PCB For the location on the PCB, refer to the "Parts Location" in Appendix 6. Before turning power ON, check the following setting. Table 4.1 (a) Setting Setting terminal Setting at Contents shipment from factory Setting number SI S2 Machine ready signal (MRDY) Analog over¬ Used OFF o ON Used OFF 0] ON OFF Same as the o ON 0] Velocity command signal o ON 0]ON Not used OFF 0o-l Use of external analog voltage command Use of R01 - ON ON OFF OFF 0JON o |]J0N ON R12 commands Setting of velocity feedback ON Used above S5A S5B 0 o Not used S4 OFF ' ON o Not used ride S3 0— 1 S5A S5B 2000 rpm OFF OFF 3500 rpm ON OFF 4500 rpm OFF ON Not used ON ON amount to rated command S8 Delay time required until motor is de¬ energized 0 sec/option OFF 0 o 0.2 sec/ standard ON I 78 0]ON o ON (Note 1) Setting at Setting terminal number Sll Soft start/ shipment from factory Setting Contents 0.6 8 sec A o B 3.5 40 sec B 0 B A stop time constant switching (Adjust by RV20) o A Note 1) Insert a short bar without fail even when setting is turned off. RV19 of the spindle control circuit PCB have been Variable resistors RV1 adjusted at factory before shipment, and their adjustments are no longer necessary, in principle. However, the set values of variable resistors shown in Table 4.1 (b) are changeable as required. Readjust variable resistors shown in Table 4.1 (c) after turning on the power supply, if fine adjustment is required for offset, rotating speed, etc. 1) Variable resistors whose set values are changeable. Table 4.1 (b) Variable resistor number Use Standard adjustment at shipment from factory Setting change method RV3 Set speed arrival level Sends speed arrival signal when the motor speed reaches 85 - 115% of the command speed. See appendix 8. RV4 Speed detection level 3% of the maximum speed is detected See appendix 8. RV5 Torque limit value See appendix 8. RV20 Soft start/stop time constant adjust See appendix 8. (Note 1) . - 79 2) Variable resistors for fine adjustment of offset and rated speed. Table 4.1 (c) Variable resistor number Use Adjusting method RV1 Adjusts the velocity command voltage level. See appendix 8. RV2 Adjusts the velocity command voltage offset. See appendix 8. RV9 Finely adjusts the rated speed in normal rotation (SFR) See appendix 8. (Note 2) Rll Finely adjusts the rated speed in reverse rotation (SRV) See appendix 8. (Note 2) R13 Adjusts the offset when zero speed is commanded. See appendix 8. . . Note 1) For details, refer to the "PCB Adjustment" in Appendix 8 in this manual. Note 2) Adjust the number of revolution both in the forward direction (CCW) and the reverse direction (CW) , using RV9. - 80 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURE See item 3 in Chapter I in this manual. - 81 i III. DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (MODEL 3 ~ 22) 1. OUTLINE This is the manual that describes maintenance of digital AC spindle servo unit (MODEL 3 22). - 1.1 Configuration Digital AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT consists of unit part, printed circuit board, and ROM. Table 1.1 Element of configuration Name of AC spindle servo Specification of spindle servo unit Specification of unit part *Note *Note A06B-6055-H103#H500 A06B-6055-H203#H500 A06B-6055-H103 A06B-6055-H203 unit MODEL 3 6000rpm MODEL 6 A06B-6055-H106//H501 A06B-6055-H106 6000rpm A06B-6055-H206//H501 A06B-6055-H206 MODEL 8 A06B-6055-H108//H502 A06B-6055-H208//H502 A06B-6055-H108 A06B-6055-H208 4500rpm 6000rpm A06B-6055-H108//H503 A06B-6055-H208//H503 1 MODEL 12 4500rpm . A06B-6055-H112#H504 A06B-6055-H212//H504 MODEL 12 A06B-6055-H112#H505 A06B-6055-H212//H505 MODEL 8 6000rpm MODEL 15 A06B-6055-H115//H506 4500rpm A06B-6055-H215//H506 A06B-6055-H112 A06B-6055-H212 A06B-6055-H115 A06B-6055-H215 Specifi¬ cation of printed ROM circuit board Specifications Type A20B-1001 -0120 A06B-6055-H500 9600 A06B-6055-H501 9601 A06B-6055-H502 9602 A06B-6055-H503 9603 A06B-6055-H504 9604 A06B-6055-H505 9605 A06B-6055-H506 9606 A06B-6055-H507 9607 MODEL 15 A06B-6055-H115//H507 6000rpm A06B-6055-H215(/H507 MODEL 18 A06B-6055-H118//H508 A06B-6055-H218//H508 A06B-6055-H118 A06B-6055-H218 A06B-6055-H508 9608 4500rpm MODEL 22 A06B-6055-H122#H510 9610 A06B-6055-H222#H5 10 A06B-6055-H122 A06B-6055-H222 A06B-6055-H5 10 4500rpm High¬ speed MODEL 3 12000rpm A06B-6055-H103//H512 A06B-6055-H203//H512 A06B-6055-H103 A06B-6055-H203 A06B-6055-H5 12 9612 A06B-6055-H108//H513 A06B-6055-H208#H513 A06B-6055-H108 A06B-6055-H208 A06B-6055-H513 9613 High¬ speed MODEL 6 12000rpm Note) Upper: Lower: Internal ventilation type External radiation type - 85 t 2. DAIRY MAINTENANCE AND INSTRUMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE See this maintenance manual, item 2 in Chapter I. 3. INSTALLATION See this The same interface as for the conventional model is applied. maintenance manual, item 4 in Chapter I, for procedure of installation, wiring connection of power supply, and AC spindle motor connection. - 86 - 4. SETTING Setting and Setting is the same on the unit as for the . conventional model. setting been into changed parameter board has adjustment of the printed circuit the See volume, however. with from setting by short pin and adjustment following instructions for setting. 4.1 Method of Parameter Setting 4.2 Number and Contents of Parameter 4.3 Rank at Setting 4.1 Method of Parameter Setting Setting switch and display are configured on the printed circuit board as follows Check and change of setting for each mode can be made by operating this switch as shown in the next page. . Display oOOOQ O uu uu Setting switch HE o UP o 1) For checking present mode a) Number of rotation is shown (in five digits) on the display normally. Present mode number is indicated when "MODE" key is turned ON. Mode number is indicated in two digits as 2) For checking setting data a) Select the mode (parameter) following procedure. "F-XX". the data that needs be checked in the of "DOWN" b) Keep pressing four buttons "MODE", for more than one second. UP ’ c) Display is changed from blank 'Q 5 "DATA" key simultaneously SET to d) Turn OFF all the switches. e) Present mode is displayed when "MODE" key is ON. f) One mode is increased when key is ON with "MODE" key ON. g) More modes are continuously increased when key ON. h) One mode is subtracted when "DOWN" o key is kept ON with "MODE" key is ON with "MODE" key ON. 87 i) More modes are continuously increased when "DOWN" key is kept ON with "MODE" key ON. 0 j) Data is displayed (in four digits) 0.5 second later when "MODE" key is turned OFF. k) Rotation number display is made in about 10 seconds after data display is made . When all the switches are turned off, rotation number is displayed finally no what the mode may be. matter 3) For changing data a) Refer to the procedure shown in (b) to (i) to select the mode (parameter) to be changed. b) Data is displayed in about 0.5 second after "MODE" key is turned OFF. c) One data is increased when key is ON. up d) More data is continuously increased when e) One data is subtracted when "DOWN" key is kept ON. key is ON. f) More data is continuously increased when "DOWN" key is kept ON. g) Motor is controlled by the data displayed. h) Keep "DATA" key SET change ON for more than a second to replace by the data after . i) Display is changed from blank completion of change. for to j) Follow the procedure from a) for another data change. k) Rotation number display is made in about 10 seconds after all the switches are turned OFF. As for F-13, F-14, and F-30, rotation number display is made about two seconds later, however. 4.2 Number and Contents of Parameter 1) Display of motor revolution number Mode number Display data (five digits) Displays motor revolution number (rpm) F-00 2) Machine ready signal (MRDY) : Mode number F-01 Explanation: Contents of data Use/Non-use Display data (four digits) Contents of data 0, 1 (Standard setting: 0001 ... When machine ready signal (MRDY) is used When machine ready signal (MRDY) is not used - 88 - Data 1 0 1) 3) Use/Non-use of override function Mode number Display data (four digits) F-02 Contents of data 0, 1 (Standard setting: 0001 Explanation: 1) Data 1 ... When override function is used When override function is not used 0 4) Override range setting Mode number 0, 1 (Standard setting: 0001 F-03 Explanation: Caution: Contents of data Display data (four digits) Upper limit of override range = Upper limit of override range = - 1) Data 120% 100% — — 1 0 When velocity override is not used for the mode F02 setting data = 0, set "0" into the setting data. 5) Setting of kind of velocity command (External analog voltage, DA converter) Mode number Display data (four digits) F-04 Explanation: Contents of data 0, 1 (Standard setting: 0001 When external analog voltage is used When DA converter is used 0) Data 0 1 6) Setting of maximum revolution number Mode number Display data (four digits) Contents of data 0-3 (setting is performed with motor specifications.) F-05 Explanation: Standard specification - High-speed specification Setting data 5000 rpm - 10000 rpm 0 6000 rpm - 12000 rpm 1 - 15000 rpm 2 - 20000 rpm 3 - 89 - 7) Output limit pattern setting Display data (four digits) Mode number F-06 0-3 (Standard setting: 0000 Explanation: Contents of data No other function. A. Output conventional type units are equipped with this Select a proper pattern specified as follows. limiting is made only acceleration and at deceleration. Acceleration/deceleration is slowly made and operation is made with rated output at normal rotation. (Setting data: 1) (A similar function to soft start/stop) B. Acceleration/deceleration is made with maximum rated output, and output limiting is made at normal rotation. (Setting data: 2) C. Alteration of output specification is made for the machine with motor and amplifier of the identical specifications. (Setting data: 3) Setting data Contents Output limiting is not made. 0 Output limiting is made only at acceleration/deceleration. Output limiting is made at normal rotation, not at 1 acceleration/deceleration. 2 Output is limited for all operations. 3 Output limit pattern 1 Setting data = 1, 2, 3 Output Pm 1 1 0 096 (F - 0 7) f x Pm Pou t= 1 0 0 0 Nb Nm Number of rotations Output limit pattern 2 Setting data = 4, 5, 6 Output Pm 1 0 096 (F-07) x Pm Pou t= 1 0 0 0 0) Nb Nm Number of rotations 90 8) Setting of limit value at output limit Display data (four digits) Mode number 0 0100 F-07 Explanation: Contents of data - 100(Standard setting: 100) Set the value to be limited at 100% of maximum rated output (overload tolerance). It is effective at output limit set on the mode F-06. Output limit value = Maximum rated output x (Setting data) % 9) Delay time before cutting motor power supply 0 0005 F-08 Explanation: Contents of data Display data (four digits) Mode number - 255 (Standard setting: 5) Delay time from zero speed signal detection to motor power supply disconnection is set. Delay time = (Setting data) x 40 msec. 10) Use/Non-use of motor supply power shutting off by machine ready signal (MRDY) Mode number Display data (four digits) F-09 Explanation: Contents of data 0, 1 (Standard setting: 0000 0) frequent switching of electro-magnetic Only motor power supply is shut off while electro-magnetic contactor stays ON, when machine ready signal (MRDY) is turned OFF. It is used when contactor is expected. Data 1 0 ... When this function is used When this function is not used 11) Velocity deviation offset adjustment at forward rotation command (SFR) Mode number F-10 Explanation: Display data (four digits) Contents of data 0 0128 - 255(Standard setting: 128) This adjustment is made in order to stop motor at the time forward rotation command (SFR) and velocity command voltage, Add more data (UP) to 0V (zero rotation command) are given. stop the motor turning counterclockwise (CCW) relatively to its shaft. - 91 12) Velocity deviation offset adjustment at reverse rotation command (SRV) Mode number F-ll Explanation: Display data (four digits) 0128 Contents of data 0 - 255(Standard setting: 128) This adjustment is made in order to stop the motor at the time reverse rotation command (SRV) and velocity command voltage, OV (zero rotation command) are given. Add more data (UP) to stop the motor turning counterclockwise (CCW) relatively to its shaft. 13) Speed deviation offset adjustment at orientation command (ORCM) Mode number F-12 Explanation: Display data (four digits) 0128 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 28) Use this parameter for adjustment in case LED 06 IN-POSITION FINE can not be illuminated by adjustment volume on the orientation circuit at orientation. 14) Rotation number adjustment at forward rotation command (SFR) Mode number Display data (four digits) 0 F— 13 Explanation: Contents of data - 255 (Setting is based on specification.) motor Rotation number is adjusted as specified by the command when velocity command is input at forward rotation command (SFR). Increase more data (up) to increase rotation number. 15) Rotation number adjustment at reverse rotation command (SRV) Mode number Display data (four digits) 0 F-14 Explanation: Contents of data - 255 (Setting is based on specification.) motor Rotation number is adjusted as specified by the command when velocity command is input at reverse rotation command (SRV). Increase more data (up) to increase rotation number. 16) Setting of rotation number at velocity command voltage, 10 V Mode number Display data (four digits) 0 - Rated rotation number (Setting is based on motor specification. ) F-15 Explanation: Contents of data Make sure to have this setting when rotation adjustment of (14) and (15). Set the value which rotation number at velocity command voltage, 10 V is divided by 100. Rotation number (rpm) at velocity command voltage, 10V= (Setting data)xl00 - 92 - 17) Detection range of velocity arrival signal (SAR) Display data (four digits) Mode number 0 0015 F-16 Explanation: Contents of data - 100 (Standard setting: 15) Setting of detection range of velocity arrival signal is made. Speed arrival signal (SAR) is fed (ON) when motor revolution number reaches to +(set data)% of command rotation number. Detection range = Command rotation number x within +(Set data)% 18) Detection range of speed detection signal (SDT) Display data (four digits) Mode number 0 0003 F-17 Explanation: Contents of data - 100 (Standard setting: 3) Setting of detection range of speed detection signal (SDT) is made Speed detection signal (SDT) is fed (ON) when motor revolution number becomes less than the (set data)% of maximum number of revolution. . Detection range = Maximum number of revolution x less than the (Set data)% 19) Setting of torque limit value Display data (four digits) Mode number F- 18 0 0050 Explanation: Contents of data - 100 (Standard setting: 50) Setting of torque limit value at torque limit signal (TLMH) ON is made. Torque limit value = Maximum rated torque x (Set data)% 20) Setting of acceleration/deceleration Mode number F-19 Explanation: time Display data (four digits) 0010 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 10) This setting is made when acceleration time from maximum rotation number is more than five seconds. Set value = Acceleration time (Second) x 2 - 93 stop to 21) Limiting of regenerated power (adjustment of deceleration time) Mode number F-20 Explanation: Display data (four digits) 0060 Contents of data 0 - Adjust the deceleration time so that it is the same as acceleration time. Deceleration time is shortened when setting value is large. Deceleration time gets longer when it is small. Motor may make abnormal sounds if regenerated power is excessively large, as the regeneration limit circuit functions to change the waveform of the motor current. Make the setting smaller in such a case. 22) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P: Mode number F-21 Display data (four digits) 0050 0 F-22 Display data (four digits) 0050 HIGH gear (CTH = 1) Contents of data - 23) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P: Mode number 100 (Standard setting: 60) 255 (Standard setting: 50) LOW gear (CTH = 0) Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 50) 24) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P at orientation: (CTH = 1) Mode number F-23 Display data (four digits) 0100 Contents of data 0 - 255(Standard setting: 100) 25) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P at orientation: (CTH = 0) Mode number F-24 Display data (four digits) 0100 0 F-25 Display data (four digits) 0030 - 0 F-26 Display data (four digits) 0030 94 - HIGH gear (CTH = 1) - 255 (Standard setting: 30) LOW gear (CTH = 0) Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 100) Contents of data 27) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I: Mode number LOW gear Contents of data 26) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I: Mode number HIGH gear - 255 (Standard setting: 30) 28) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I at orientation: HIGH gear (CTH = 1) Mode number Display data (four digits) 0 0030 F-27 Contents of data - 255 (Standard setting: 30) 29) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I at orientation: LOW gear (CTH = 0) Mode number Display data (four digits) 0030 F-28 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 30) 30) Velocity detection offset Mode number Display data (four digits) F-29 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 255 (Adjustment at Shipping: about 128) 0128 Adjust it so that check terminal "TS3" is 0 mV, with the motor stopped. 31) Adjustment of revolution number display Mode number Display data (four digits) F-30 Explanation: Contents of data - 8191 (Adjustment at 0 Shipping: about 3990) 3990 It is setting for adjustment of display of motor revolution Make the setting smaller when more number is number. displayed than actual number of motor revolution. 32) Setting of rigid tap mode Mode number F-31 Display data (four digits) Contents of data 0-1 (Standard setting: 0000 0) Data Explanation: Torque limit signal (TLML) is used the same as for conventional type torque limit. 0 Torque limit signal (TLML) is used for improvement of response characteristics such as digit tapping function as a switch for motor voltage 1 .... 33) Setting of motor voltage at normal operation Mode number F-32 Display data (four digits) 0010 Contents of data 0 - 95 - 100 (Standard setting: 10) 34) Setting of motor voltage at orientation Display data (four digits) Mode number F-33 Contents of data 0010 0 - 100(Standard setting: 10) 35) Setting of motor voltage at rigid tap mode Display data (four digits) Mode number 0100 F-34 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 100(Standard setting: 100) This setting is effective when the set data of mode F-31 is 1! II 36) Setting of speed zero signal (SST) detection level Display data (four digits) Mode number 0075 F-35 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 75) It is setting for speed zero signal (SST) detection level. Speed zero signal is output when the number of revolution of motor becomes less than the (Set data/ 100)% of maximum number of revolution. Detection level = (max. number of revolution x (setting data/100)%} 4.3 Rank at Setting is already set at shipping for the application similar to the conventional kind. And therefore, the setting of A in the rank below usually needs to be confirmed or altered by machine manufacturers. Please have your own ranking at change of application conditions (change of rotation number and special setting) Please be sure not to change setting values. Parameter . Setting of rank A (necessary to be confirmed without fail) Rank Mode number A F-01 Setting of use/non-use of machine ready signal F-02 Setting of use/non-use F-03 Setting of override range F-04 Setting of kind of velocity commands (analog voltage, DA converter) Contents - 96 of override function - Setting of rank B (when rotation number is changed) Rank Mode number B F-13 Rotation number adjustment of forward rotation F-14 Rotation number adjustment of reverse rotation F-15 Rotation number at maximum velocity command voltage (10 V) Contents Setting of rank C (when special setting is made) Rank Mode number C F-16 Detection range of velocity arrival signal F-17 Detection level of velocity detection signal F-18 Setting of Torque limit value F-19 Setting of F-20 Limiting of regenerated power (adjustment of deceleration time) F-09 Use/non-use F-35 Speed zero signal detection level Contents acceleration/deceleration time of motor power supply shutting off by machine ready signal - 97 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURE See item 3 in Chapter I for troubleshooting and countermeasure depending on the condition of trouble when there is a trouble. Note that the following items have been changed. 1) Name of the display lamp for power ON is changed as LED1 from PIL. 2) Fuse (AF2, AF3) have been changed as fuse resistor (FR1, FR2) 3) Alarm display of four LEDs have been replaced by Direct display (AL-OO) with five digits and seven segments. 4) Alarm contents are as follows. . Alarm contents Alarm Alarm display Alarm contents output code AL-01 Motor is overheated. AL-02 Velocity deviation is excessive against command velocity because of overload, etc. No. 2 AL-03 Fuse F7 at DC link is blown. No. 3 AL-04 Fuse FI, F2, or F3 at AC input is blown. No. 4 AL-06 Velocity of motor is exceeded to the maximum rated speed. (Analog system detection) No. 6 AL-07 Velocity of motor is exceeded to the maximum rated speed. (Digital system detection) No. 7 AL-08 Power supply voltage is too high. No. 8 AL-09 Heat sink for power semiconductor is overheated. No. 9 AL-10 Voltage of +15 V power supply is abnormally low. No. 10 AL-11 Voltage at DC link is abnormally high. No. 11 AL-12 Current at DC link is too much. No. 12 AL-13 Data memories of the CPU are in abnormal condition. No. 13 AL-16 RAM in NVRAM is in abnormal condition. AL-17 ROM in NVRAM is in abnormal condition. AL-18 Sum check alarm of ROM. AL-19 Excessive alarm of U phase current detection circuit offset AL-20 Excessive alarm of V phase current detection circuit offset AL-21 Excessive alarm of velocity command circuit offset. (Thermostat operates) . . 0ÿ 0\k 0A QY - 98 - No. 1 Alarm Alarm display Alarm contents output code AL-22 Excessive alarm of velocity detection circuit offset. AL-23 Excessive alarm of ER circuit offset. AL-14 ROM is in abnormal condition. AL-15 Spindle selection control circuit is in abnormal condition. 99 No. 13 6. METHOD OF REPLACEMENT OF FUSE AND PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD Replace the two ROMs and NVRAM for parameter to new PCB, when change the PCB. After changing the PCB, perform the adjustment of F29 (speed offset) and set the adjustment data. See item 6 in Chapter I for other contents. 7.' SPINDLE ORIENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT See item 7 in Chapter I for maintenance and adjustment of spindle orientation control circuit. See appendix for information of other maintenance. - 100 - t IV. DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (MODEL IS, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH) 1. OUTLINE This material describes the maintenance of digital AC spindle servo unit model IS, 1.5S, 2S , 3S, 2H, and 2VH. 1.1 Configuration A digital AC spindle servo unit is composed of unit part, PCB part, and ROM. Name Model 1 8000 RPM Specification Unit specification PCB speci¬ fication A06B-6059-H001#H501 A06B-6059-H001 A16B-1100 ROM Drawing number Type A06B-6059-H501 9801 -0200 + Model 1.5S A06B-6059-H002//H508 A06B-6059-H002 8000 RPM A16B-1100 -0240 A06B-6059-H508 9808 Model 2S 8000 RPM A06B-6059-H002#H502 A06B-6059-H002 A06B-6059-H502 9802 Model 3S 6000 RPM A06B-6059-H003//H503 A06B-6059-H003 A06B-6059-H503 9803 Model 2H 15000 RPM A06B-6059-H002//H505 A06B-6059-H002 A06B-6059-H505 9805 Model 2VH 20000 RPM AO6B-6O59-HOO30H5O7 A06B-6059-H003 A06B-6059-H507 9807 103 2. DAILY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOL Refer to item 2 in Chapter I in this manual. 3. INSTALLATION The interface is the same as before. Relating to the installing procedures, power supply line connection and AC spindle motor connection, refer to the item 4 in Chapter I in this manual. 104 4. SETTING The setting on the unit is the same as conventional digital AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (MODEL 3-22). 4.1 Parameter Setting Method 4.2 Number and Content of Parameter 4.3 Setting Rank 4.4 Setting Method of Short Pin 4.5 Adjustment Method of Variable Resistor 4.1 Parameter Setting Method The setting switch and the display part are arranged on the PCB like the figure below. As shown on the following pages, the setting in the respective modes can be checked and changed by manipulating this switch. Display part 88888 Setting switch Sy MODE U P m \TAlD0WN o 1) To confirm the current mode a) The speed is usually displayed at the display part (Five digits). The The current mode number can be displayed when "MODE" is turned on. mode number is displayed as two digits of "F-XX". 2) To confirm the setting data a) Select the mode of data to be checked (parameter) in the following manner. b) Continuously turn 4 switches "MODE", "+ UP", " + DOWN" and "DATA SET" ON at the same time for more than one second. c) The display part changes from the blank to "FFFFF". d) Turned off all switches. e) The current mode is displayed when "MODE" is turned on. f) When "+ UP" is turned ON with "MODE" ON, the mode is incremented by 1 (F01 - F02) g) When "t UP" is continuously ON with "MODE" ON, the mode increases continuously (F35 - F34) h) When "+ DOWN" is turned ON with "MODE" ON, the mode is decremented by 1. i) When "+ DOWN" is continuously ON with "MODE" ON, the mode decrements continuously j) With "MODE" OFF, the data is displayed (4 digits) in approx. 0.5 second. k) Approx. 10 seconds after the data display is selected, the speed rpm display is selected. When all switches are turned OFF in any mode, the speed rpm is finally displayed. . . . 105 3) To alter the data a) Select the mode (parameter) to be changed according to the steps 2)-b) to 2)-i). b) Turn "MODE" OFF: The data is displayed in approx. 0.5 second. c) Turn "+ UP" ON: The data is incremented by 1. d) Turn " + UP" ON continuously: The data is incremented continuously. e) Turn " + DOWN" ON: The data is decremented by 1. f) Turn " + DOWN" ON continuously: The data is decremented continuously. g) The motor is controlled by using the displayed data. h) When replacing the data with the modified data, keep turning "DATA SET" ON for one second or more. i) The display part changes from the blank to "88888" and modification of the data completes. j) When changing the data once again, follow the steps from 3)-a) above. k) The speed is indicated automatically after about 10 sec. 4.2 Number and Content of Parameter 1) Motor speed indication Mode number Display data (Five digits) F-00 Contents of data The speed of the motor is displayed. (rpm) 2) Use/no use of the machine ready signal (MRDY) Mode number Display data (Five digits) F-01 0001 Explanation: Contents of data 0, 1 (Standard setting: 0) If the machine ready signal (MRDY) is used If the machine ready signal (MRDY) is not used: 1 0 3) Output limit pattern setting Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-06 0000 Explanation: Contents of data 0 to 6 (Standard setting: 0) This function is not available for a conventional type. In the following cases, please select a pattern which is appropriate respectively. A. When the output is limited only at acceleration and deceleration, the motor accelerates and decelerates slowly, and operates at the rated output during steady rotation (Setting data: 1 or 4) (function similar to soft start and stop) B. When the motor accelerates and decelerates at the maximum the rated output rotation (Setting data: and 106 output 2 or 5) - is limited during steady C. When the same motor and amplifier are used to operate the machine as a different output specification machine (Setting data: 3 or 6) Setting data Content Item Pattern 1 Patter 2 The output is not limited. 0 0 A Output is limited only at acceleration and deceleration. 1 4 B No output is limited at accelera¬ tion and deceleration but it is 2 5 3 6 limited during steady rotation. C The output is limited over all movements . (Output limit pattern 1): The setting data = 1, 2, 3 Output Catalog description value Pm 100% Pout _ [ F-07 ] 100 x Pm 0 Nm Nb Speed (Output limit pattern 2) : Output The setting data =4, 5, 6 Catalog description value Pm n 100% Pout 0 Nm Nb Speed 107 _ [F-07] x Pm 100 4) Limit value setting when the output is limited Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-07 0100 Explanation: Contents of data 0 to 100 (Standard setting: 100) With the maximum rated output (overload capacity) as 100%, set the limit value to a value to be limited. This preset value is available when the output is limited according to mode F-06 setting. Output limit value = Maximum rated output x (setting data) % 5) Delay time to motor power interception Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-08 0005 Explanation: 6) Use/no Contents of data 0 to 255 (Standard setting: 5) The delay time from 0 speed signal detection to the motor power interception is set. Delay time = (Setting data) x 40 msec use of the motor power interception by the machine ready signal (MRDY) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-09 0000 Explanation: Contents of data 0, 1 (Standard setting: 0) function is The used when it is that the presumed electromagnetic contactor is switched frequently. When the machine ready signal (MRDY) is turned OFF, only motor power is interrupted, and the electromagnetic contactor remains ON. 1 If this function is used If this function is not used: 0 7) Adjustment of speed error offset at the time of the forward rotation command (SFR) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-10 0128 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 128) The speed error offset is adjusted when stopping motor operation with the forward rotation command (SFR) and speed command voltage 0 V (zero rotation command) applied. Increase the data when stopping the motor rotating counterclockwise (CCW) , as viewed from the shaft. 108 8) Adjustment of speed error offset at the time of the reverse rotation command (SRV) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F— 11 0128 Explanation: 9) Adjustment of (ORCM) 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 128) The speed error offset is adjusted when stopping motor operation with the reverse rotation command (SRV) and speed command voltage 0 V (zero rotation command) applied. Increase the data when stopping the motor rotating CCW, as viewed from the shaft. the speed error offset at Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-12 0128 Explanation: Contents of data time of the orientation command Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 128) The parameter is used for adjustment when no adjustment is possible so that the LED of IN-POSITION FINE lights up at orientation, using the adjusting volume control on the orientation circuit. 10) F13 and F14 are not used. Please refer to item 4.5 for speed adjustment. 11) Speed adjustment when velocity command voltage is 10 V Mode number Display data (Four digits) Contents of data 0 F-15 - Rated speed (It is decided by motor specification) Explanation: When making velocity adjustments in para. 14) and 15) below, be Set the value of Speed rpm at sure to complete this setting. 10 V velocity command voltage/ 100. Speed rpm at 10 V velocity command voltage = (Setting data) x 100 12) Detection range of speed arrival signal (SAR) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-16 0015 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 15) The detection range of the speed arrival signal (SAR) is set. The speed arrival signal (SAR) is outputted when the motor speed reaches within + (Setting data) % of the command speed. Detection range = Command speed x + (Setting data) / 109 13) Detection range of speed detecting signal (SDT) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-17 0003 Contents of data 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 3) The detection range of the speed detecting signal (SDT) is set. The speed detecting signal (SDT) is outputted when the motor speed becomes (Setting data) % of a maximum speed or less. Detection range = Maximum speed x (Setting data) % Explanation: 14) Setting of torque limit value Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-18 0050 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 50) Torque limit value when the torque limit signal (TLMH) is turned ON is set. Torque limit value = Maximum ratings torque x (Setting data) % Explanation: 15) Setting of Contents of data acceleration/deceleration Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-19 0010 Explanation: time Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 10) Set this time when the acceleration time between the stop and the maximum speed rpm is longer than 5 seconds. Preset time = Acceleration time (sec) x 2 16) Limit of regenerative power (Adjustment of deceleration time) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-20 0060 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 60) The deceleration time is adjusted to become the same as the acceleration time. The deceleration time shortens when the setting is enlarged. The deceleration time lengthens when the setting is reduced. However, when the regenerative power is excessive, the regenerative limit circuit is actuated and the motor current waveform changes; therefore, abnormal noise may be produced In this case, from the motor. this abnormal noise is suppressed by reducing the setting. 110 17) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P:HIGH gear (CTH = 1) Mode number F-21 Display data (Four digits) 0020 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 20) 18) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P:L0W gear (CTH = 0) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-22 0020 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 20) 19) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P in orientation time: gear (CTH = 1) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-23 0040 Contents of data 0 - 40) 255 (Standard setting: 20) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P in orientation gear (CTH = 0) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-24 0040 HIGH time: LOW Contents of data 0 - 40) 255 (Standard setting: 21) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I:HIGH gear (CTH = 1) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-25 0010 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 10) 22) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I:LOW gear (CTH = 0) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-26 0010 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 10) 23) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I in orientation time: gear (CTH = 1) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-27 0010 Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 111 10) HIGH 24) Setting of velocity control phase compensation I in orientation time : LOW gear (CTH = 0) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-28 0010 25) F-29 is not used. Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: Please refer to item 4.5 for the speed 10) detection offset adjustment. 26) F-30 is not used. 27) Setting of rigid tap mode Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-31 0000 Explanation: Contents of data 0-1 (Standard setting: 0) The torque limit signal (TLML) is used to a conventional torque limit: 0 The torque limit signal (TLML) is used for motor voltage switching when improved transient response characteristics are required for rigid tapping operation, for example: 1 28) Setting of motor voltage when usually operated Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-32 0010 Contents of data 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 10) 29) Setting of motor voltage in orientation time Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-33 0010 Contents of data 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 10) 30) Setting of motor voltage in rigid tap mode Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-34 0100 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 100) This preset value is effective when mode F-31 setting data is 1. 112 31) Detection range of 0 speed signals (SST) Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-35 0075 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 255 (Standard setting: 75) The detection range of 0 speed signals (SST) is set. 0 speed signal (SST) is outputted when the speed of the motor becomes (The setting data/100)% of a maximum speed or less. The detection range = maximum speed x (The setting data/100)% 32) Detection range of load detection signal (LDT) • Mode number Display data (Four digits) F-36 0090 Explanation: Contents of data 0 - 100 (Standard setting: 90) This function transmits a load detection signal when the motor output exceeds the preset value % of the maximum output (120% of 30-minute rating) . 4.3 Setting Rank For the usual applications, the parameter is factory preset before shipment; therefore, the machine tool builder should normally check or modify only the rank A setting. When changing the operating conditions (change of speed rpm and special setting),- the machine tool builder should divide the rank for use. Please pay attention not to alter the setting value by mistake. Setting of rank A (It must be confirmed without fail) Rank Mode number A F-01 Content Setting of the use/no use of the machine ready signal Setting of rank B (special setting) Rank Mode number B F-16 Detection range of speed arrival signal F-17 Detection level of speed detecting signal F-35 Detection level of 0 speed signal F-18 Setting of torque limit value F-06 , 07 F-19 Content Setting of output limit Setting of acceleration and deceleration time 113 Rank Mode number Content g F-20 Limit of regenerative power (Adjustment of deceleration time) F-09 Setting of the use/no use of the interception of the motor power by the machine ready signal F-36 Setting of load detection level 4.4 Setting Method of Short Pin Name SI S2 S3 Control circuit mode changeover The setting is as shown on the right, depending on the speed rpm during the rating command (VCMD = 10 V) - - S4 S5 Setting before shipment Setting pin status Contents Test mode TEST Normal operation mode DRIVE Detector I Detector II Setting for gain switching » Setting 6000RPM D 8000RPM C 6000RPM 10000RPM 12000RPM B 8000RPM 10000RPM 15000RPM 20000RPM A 450RPM Detector I. Gear 256 teeth Detector II. Gear 128 teeth Normal operation mode OFF For gain switching ON 114 DRIVE according to each model OFF 4.5 Adjustment Method of Variable Resistor Name RVl Adjustment before shipment Contents Adjustment for each model Maximum speed adjustment in CWW direction RV2 Maximum speed adjustment in CW direction RV3 Offset adjustment of velocity detecting circuit Adjustment to 0 mV +1 mV, using TS3 with rotation command OFF. RV4 +5 V voltage adjustment Adjustment to +5 V +0.1 V. RV5 Gain adjustment when the gain is switched 50% RV6 Gain adjustment of velocity detecting circuit for low speeds Apply VCMD (velocity command voltage) 25 mV +2 mV to adjust the speed rpm for each model Model Adjusted value Maximum speed 1.5S, 3S, 6S 15+3 rpm 6000 rpm IS, 2S, 3 20+4 rpm 8000 rpm 2H 37.5 +8 rpm 15000 rpm 2VH 50 +10 rpm 20000 rpm 115 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURE When faults take place, refer to item 3 in Chapter I in this manual according to trouble conditions, and locate the cause and take proper corrective measures. At that time, it should be noted that the following item are modified. 1) Change from alarm display using 4 LED's to Alarm No. direct display (AL-XX) using 5-digit segments. 2) To reset the alarm, turn "MODE" and "DATA SET" ON at the same time. 3) The alarm contents are as shown in the table below. Content of alarm Alarm display Content of alarm AL-01 The motor or servo unit becomes overheating. (Thermostat action) AL-02 The speed deviates substantially from the speed command due to overload, for example, producing excessive speed error. AL-03 The electric discharge circuit part is abnormal. AL-04 to 05 (not used) AL-06 The speed of the motor exceeds maximum ratings. (Analog method detection) AL-07 The speed of the motor exceeds maximum ratings. (Digital method detection) AL-08 The power supply voltage is too high. (not used) AL-09 AL-10 The voltage of power supply (+15 V) abnormally decreases. AL-11 The voltage of DC link part is rising abnormally. AL-12 ' AL-13 to 15 AL-16 to 23 The current of DC link part flows excessively. (not used) An arithmetic circuit and a peripheral circuit part are abnormal. No display Abnormality is generated in ROM. 116 - 6. REPLACEMENT METHOD OF FUSE AND PCB When replacing PCB, re-mount 2 ROM's and NV RAM (parameter memory element) on a For other settings and speed rpm adjustment, for example, do this as needed. For others, refer to item 6 in Chapter I in this manual. new PCB. 7. SPINDLE ORIENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT Refer to item 7 in Chapter I in this manual for the maintenance of the spindle orientation control circuit and the adjustment. Please refer to the appendix for other maintenance. 117 APPENDIXES *ÿ APPENDIX 1 CONNECTION DIAGRAMS Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 1 1 1 1 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. 1 (f) Fig. 1 (g) Fig. 1 (h) Fig. 1 (i) Fig. 1 (j) Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection diagram of MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 diagram of MODEL 3 'v 22 diagram of MODEL 30, 40 diagram of AC spindle servo unit (380V/415VAC input) diagram of spindle orientation (with position coder employed) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation with position coder employed (when the synchronous feed is combined with a turning machine, machining center, etc.) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation using position coder (when the spindle orientation only is used with the machining center) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation using position coder (when the stop position is externally set) Connection diagram of spindle orientation (when magnetic sensor is used) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation using magnetic sensor) 121 AC spindle servo unit CNl K5 MR5 0LFH Magnetics cabinet control panel a CN3 K6 MR2 OLMH Q[ K7 SMI LMl Crimp style terminal (T 1 3> — No-fuse, breaker AC power I N3 NJ I 3 phase— 24 ov 4 8 0V s _Z. G .(*) i T1. R 1 O O-K I iPower I (transformer! o o 9(option) 6 S * K1 T I 9 ? I L- 9 O O-H I 1 T G Crimp style terminal I I J i I I L_ÿ 33 j I Fuse (5A) or 1 SARI R0 1 37 2 SAR2 R02 TT T 1B R0 3 ARST1 SST 1 TtT R0 4 37 R05 3H TB OM, CN2 CNl 20 T ARST2 SST2 21 £ 22 6 R08 _J 1 RO 9 •1 2 T CTM MRDY2 2T 25 9 ORCM1 TLM5 26 10 RIO ORCM2 TLM6 1I JJV 22. Ri OVRl A LMl 12 3 j ZB R 1 2 OVR2 ALM2 4 5' HE 13 SFR + 1 5 V OR 46 3 (J SRV DAI 31 47 ESP 1 DA2 4B 32 E ESP2 n OS M ov 9 OH 2 IT in PB TT D 4 T1 K4 MR-20LFH G G U U 11 V 5 1_9 20 SS a i? 1H K2 +5V >< \v T1 OM TB 2 SMI (screw terminal 3 LMl M3) 20 3ÿ 13 COM 7 18, 5 19 6 R S T G Crimp style terminal Power Y JL line U V Tw 6 5 RB RA 4 OV 9 8 SS OH 1 OH2 , Z Pin 350690- 7 V ,X W,Y V w U Fan motor cable a Housing 350782-1 G G Screw terminal M6 FMA FMB FMA FMB Screw AC Spindle motor terminal M4 V VV 11 17 ALB AL4 3 SDT 2 15 AL2 2 49 LL LMl IHI SMI CTH JH OM 14 ALl 1 To TV OHI 11 RB 16 15 SDT 1 CN2 z TLMH TLMH R06 ORAR1 OT T 39 23 RO 7 ORAR2 MRDY1 Ttr TT PA In RA Connector housing AC spindle motor 350720- 1 Socket connector 350609-1 Signcl 3 2 1 +5 V PD PA 4 I0 CN3 y ¥ T2 a T2-I K8 2 T 3— 1 2 Crimp style terminal Crimp style terminal Resistance unit 15H Standard ( lkW ) -(j) Thermostat wive () j No-fusc breaker K3 K9 To magnetic cabinet control panel Table 1 (a) Connection diagram of MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 AC spindle servo unit CN1 CN1 K5 MR50LFH Magnetic cabinet a CN3 control panel K6 MP2 0LMH a OM K7 SMI Crimp style lLMl terminal CT1—3) ro I R 3-phase T 1 i £ 1 I 6Power I o transformeri 24 0V _s Cj)(option) -Cj) \ T 4 8 0V G 6 * i O O R I SARI PA 0V 2 OH2 3 -i R0 2 3 :> R03 36 R0 4 37 R0 5 3H 2 SAR2 3 III ARST1 SSTl 20 4 ARST2 SST2 5 21 6 R06 OT 23 23 7 RO 7 ORAR2 MRDY1 o 21 K1 ( J T G 17 RB 26 10 28 12 OVR2 ALM2 29 +1 5 V n +5 V 20 SS 13 OR 30 1 -t DAI OS 15. SDT1 u r, V 1 OM W K2 7 \V G 2 1 PA +5V 6 5 4 RB RA OV 9 8 7 OH2 SS OH 1 ,Z U ,Y w W V ,X U V n 2 SMI terminal Screw LMI M3) terminal M5 U 20 X 7 13 V G 19 COM T1 W 12 3 18 5 G 4 FMA FMB 1 1 17 ALB DA2 16 AL4 32 16 E SDT2 15 II 14 AL2 8 AL1 10 Fuse holder 2 FMW R 1 FMV — G G terminal M6 FMA a K3 FMB Note 1 FMA FMB FMA FMB Screw terminal M4 AC Spindle motor FMU K3 FMV FMU FMV FMW FMU FMV FMW Note 2 FMW Screw terminal M4 S CN3 G terminal is earthed (screw terminal M6) FMU B 3 9 FMB Housing 350782-1 Pin 3 50 6 90 1 Screw terminal TB (screw- 48 OM U V 3 PD Crimp style ESP 1 18 a G ESP2 CTH connector MR-20LFH a i -j 19 AC spindle motor Socket K4 11 ai LMl a0 SMI ]D OH 1 4 18 47 49 Crimp style To PB Connector housing 350720-1 350689- 1 CN2 3 8 R08 CTM MRDY2 25 TT 9 ROD ORCM1 TLM5 SFR ASi SRV 15 RA 1B TLMH TLML 22 ORAR1 45 S terminal J R0 1 R12 6—i-cTo-h l l 4 breaker AC power 1 .1 R1 0 ORCM2 TLM6 •1 3 11 27 R1 1 OVR 1 A LMl No-fuse , UJ 1 42 I CN2 33 to T G cabinet Fig. 1 (b) Connection diagram of MODEL 3~22 Note 1) In case Model 3 to 15 Note 2) In case Model 18/22 AC spindle servo unit panel PA G 2 IS SAR2 RA OM K7 SMI TBl LMl Crimp style terminal I R 3-phase 2 4 0V S f 9 Power 6 I Q (option) Q O Of i 4 80V G 6I I l I R o 1 transform ! O OiL .1 R0 3 36 R0 4 s K1 37 R05 19 3 ARST1 SST1 25 4 21 5 ARST2 SST2 0RAR1 OT 39 23 7 22 6 R 07 0RAR2 MRDYl •1 0 ROB 33 24 T G Crimp style terminal ia in PB 17 25 15V +30 47 31 DAI ESP 1 DA2 ia u u G — V is + 5V 20 7 V HONDA V MR-20RM1 W SS 8 Crimp style terminal OR 14 OS X 7 19 COM 6 13 12 5 18 11 17 ALB 1G AL1 4 10 15 SDT 1 HONDA MR-201 Screw, terminal 20 K2 Gj 1 OM TB (screw 2 SMI terminal 3 LMl M3) 3 9 T6 E SDT 2 15 AL2 49 17 LMl CTH 18 OM 14 OC AL1 2 8 CN3 1 SUCN MIO U FMU FMV K3 FMW V connector : 5 12 19 K4 TB 11 RB AC spindle motor 35 OG09- 1 MR-20LFH 4 32 50 D OH 1 CTM MRDY2 SFR 8 SRV SMI OH 2 HOND. MR-50RM CN2 8 26 I0 •1.2. RIO ORCM2 TLMG 43 21 11 R1 1 OVR 1 A LMl 44 28 12 R 1 2 OVR2 ALM2 5 13 29 ESP 2 z n TLMH TLML 38 RO 6 RO 9 ORCMl TLM5 (Tl-3) I 35 Q[ MR20LMH AC power 0V SARI CN3 No-fusebreaker 1 1 34 R0 2 50LFH KG 14 ROI MR- Connector Housing 350720-1 Socket CN2 i CNl K5 Magnetic cabinet control aa CNl /J! lG 3 2 1 PB PA •f 5V G 5 RB RA B SS 4 OV 9 OH 2 W,Y G V W G Screw ter¬ minal M10 FMU FMU FMV FMW FMV FMU FMV FMW FMW K10 AC Screw Spindle motor terminal M4 Fan unit or n FMB Fuse holder R S T Fig. 1 (c) Connection diagram of MODEL 30, 40 OH 1 V ,X Gl.GS FMV FMW 350690- 1 7 U Screw terminal M4 ™JlT2 |FMA 350782- 1 Pin U ,Z T1 W Housing Fan motor AC spindle servo unit CN1 a CN1 K5 MR5 0LFH Magnetic cabinet control panel CN3 K6 MR20LMH Q[ OM SMI K7 TB LM1 Crimp style terminal • I I No-fusebreaker AC power 2 4 0V \ T 4 80V G 1 -phase 200V s 220A 220B R S' I S L O Of O o-w * Kl 16 19 R0 3 ARSTl 36 20. R04 ARST2 37 21 R0 5 TLMH 38 22 R06 ORAR1 39 23 R 07 ORAR2 •1 Q ROB 41 R0 9 24 SSTl 17 RB l8 6 OT 7 MRDY1 25 9 28 1 2 20 13 DAI OR 11 OS 47 31 ia 30 48 32 16 G E SDT2 220B OH 2 D 3 in OH 1 4 4-5V TB u u — MR-20RMI V 7 HONDA y 9 SDT1 17 CTH LM1 5Q SMI 18 OM K2 G Crimp style 2 SMI (screw >C terminal M3) HONDA MR- 201 7 U 19 COM 12 6 V W 18 5 G1.G5 11 4 3 2 14 AL1 1 OC SOCN CN3 FMU FMV Screw terminal Ml 0 13 1 7 ALB jo 16 AL4 9 15 AL2 8 \v to 3 2 1 PB PA +5V 6 5 RB 9 RA 8 4 OV 7 OH 2 ss OHl Housing 350782- 1 Pin 350690- 1 U,Z V ,X W,V G U V W G Screw ter¬ minal M 10 terminal TB 3 LM1 20 V W SS 1 OM : 6 13 20 K4 motor connector 5 12 19 AC spindle 350689- 1 MR-20LFH 8 +15V 220B 9 Socket HOND. MR-50RM CN2 CTM MRDY2 45 220A 0V 2 TLML ESP2 Crimp terminal 220A i PB 4 SFR 46 SRV 4 I PA 5 ESP 1 DA2 Crimp style terminal 14 SST2 T I .1 RA 3 ai O O-K 3-phase IS SAR2 35 Rl 2 OVR 2 ALM2 1 R 34 9 ORCM1 TLM5 10 26 42 R10 ORCM2 TLM6 27 11 43 R1 1 OVR 1 ALM1 (Tl-3) N? Ui ROI l SARI R0 2 Connector Housing 350720-1 CN2 33 K3 FMU FMV FMW FMV FMU FMV FMW Screw FMW FMW terminal M4 T1 Screw terminal M4 FMU T2 FMV FMW FMB IFMA K10 mm Fuse holder R S T2 FMU T G1 is connected with G2 on the terminal board T1 220V Fig. 1 (d) Connection diagram of AC spindle servo unit (380V/415V AC input) u Fan unit or Fan motor AC Spindle motor MR-50RMA (*Nl\ NC or magnetic sequence control Spindle servo unit CN 1 5n I9 I7 48 \ K.5 32 n 7 18 MR-5 0LFII 45 16 LM1 BSP 2 ES P 1 SR V SFR SMI 30 DA 2 l)A 1 15 1 fi 13 12 11 •1 0 39 38 37 3 fi 35 34 33 R11 Rl 0 RO 9 RO 8 RO 7 RO 6 R05 R04 RO 3 R02 RO 1 29 31 CTM SDT2 S DT 1 OM II Rl 2 f- l 5 14 13 12 OS OR A LM 2 MR 20LMH To magnetic sequence control To NC I CNC K8 ]r CN A, CNn 25 24 23 20 21 22 19 11 09 10 08 07 06 ALM2 TIM6 TIM5 V1RDY2 MRDY 1 OT 04 05 03 02 01 TLML SST 2 S ST 1 SAR2 SARI ] 19 18 OO tPB PD 13 12 MR-20LFH CN A CNC Orientation control circuit 20 f l 2N 06 17 16 15 14 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 PA PA *SC SC OL H1 2 HI 1 H1 0 HO 9 HO 8 HO 7 * ( 05 + 511 + 511 10 09 08 NZX i IB HA 1 NZZ 07 to 2 fi CN 9 CNR J4 27 28 V OVR 1 OVR1 ORCM2 ORCM1 CTM ORAR2 ORAR1 TLMH ARST2 ARST1 08 04 03 02 01 +-5H OH OH OH 01 09 10 11 13 12 02 03 04 05 06 07 HOG 1105 HO 4 HO 3 HO 2 HO 1 J I MR - 2 ORMA ( CNA , D ) £ Machine tool side To manual pulse generator Gear or belt Spindle motor i To proximity switch for near zero point i i Position coder Note 1) Signal cable K8 applies to spindle orientation B, BS. Note 2) Cable J4 is used when the lathe position coder or the synchronous feed position coder for machining center is used concurrently. Fig. 1 (e) Connection diagram of spindle orientation (with position coder employed) \ Tool Spindle i i Directly coupled or timing belt I | CN A | Orientation control circuit A/D, AS/DS 1 IHLiiiA =6 5 o (09) +5 V I Open I HB -6- (01)(02)(03)1 OM T • (04)(05 )( 0 6 T0 1 4 +5V g 511 OL DO =D 6 IP O Manual pulse generator A + 511 — - l 2N J +5V power is supplied from NC Proximity switch for near zero point (10) To NC via connector O NZX CNB (ID NZZ 2: — ‘1 --1 Ct=—I 1-Wr-Q- I 9 107) | Open i | ioo o ov ==ÿ <S (20) +12N oo -f IT 1) When manual pulse generator and proximity switch for near zero point arc not used, HA — HD, NZX, NZZ and +12N need not be connected. (Note 2) Shield grounding AS/DS type applies to model 1/2/small model 3. -=$ MOV ) i ll( I 5 V ) 4,000 rpm 6,000 rpm position coder signal input i (16) PA (17) <f (1ÿ— <J) (19) (14) (15) O PA i 1 A ( PA ) -6 N ( PA ) * PB c( PU) Position coder * 4— PB K( * PU ) SC A B( SC) *SC A P(*so Fig. 1 (f) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation with position coder employed (when synchronous feed is combined with turning machine and machining centers etc) 127 Orientation control circuit +5 V +SV is supplied by spindle servo unit [+5 V Q 5H I (® CNA * I )(02)(03 (04)(05)(06 4) ( 20 OG OV y UH +5H -A ___ K ( OV) Lower Ulan 400 mA A H (+5V ) A 00 Position coder ( 16 ) A A( PA) (17) -6 4=PA N(*PA) A PB C ( PB ) *PB R ( PB ) SC B( SC ) 0 Short circuit X 4000 rpm, 6000 rpm position coder signal input ( 18 ) ( 19 ) (14) (15) A PA *sc * — c-- ,\J P(*SC) Note) The cable length should be shorter than 20 m between the servo unit and the position coder. Fig. 1 (g) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation using position coder (when spindle orientation only is used for machining centers) I 128 - I I Orientation control circuit CNA +5 V (0 1 ) ( 0 2 )( 0 3 ) I + V OH K (0V) + 5H H ( +5 V ) 5 5H ( 0 4 )( 05)(06 ) (20) Position coder 00 ioo Lower than 400 mA <p ov 4000 rpm, 6000 rpm position coder signal input ( 16 ) PA — —f- (17) I (IB) PB (19) A( PA ) -6 N ( *PA ) -A C( PB ) 1 *PB R ( *PB ) i { 14 ) -A SC (15) *SC B ( SC ) P(*so V CBN is relayed or +5V power is supplied from NC in case of synchronous feed control. | CNC ) ( 07 ) -6- 2U HO 2 2 (05)1 H03 4 V 04 ) 8 (06) Stop position command signal HO 1 Magnetic sequence 2 1 control circuit 2* 2ÿ Converter circuit 4 096 '360° LMlk HO 5 ( C J) ( 20 ) Q 16 H0 6 32 HO 7 64 2° H0 8 1 28 27 l 19 ) -a ( 1 A H0 9 2 56 (17)1 HI 0 512 H ) V 23 204 8 -18 0“ 1 024 - 9 0“ 5I2 -4 5° 34 1 ”30° i (16)1 HI 1 1024 HI 2 2048 2* 2® 2 io 2" l 1 4 ) 1 OL ? Stop position command Fig. 1 (h) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation using position coder (when the stop position is externally set) 129 Spindle servo unit MR- 5 0 KM A CN NC or magnetic sequence control <s> MR-50LFH 50 49 VSM1 I.M 1 i \ 47 48 46 45 44 43 '12 4l 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 SFR SFH R 11 HI 0 R09 R08 R0 7 R0 6 R05 R04 R0 3 R0 2 R0 1.. i ESP2 BSP1 SRV 31 32 17 18 (Til OM 15 16 29 DA 2 DAI E / 30 SDT2 S l)T 1 4 1 5V 14 13 OS OR 26 27 28 25 23 21 21 19 20 22 OVR 2 OVH1 ORCM2 ORCM1 CTM ORAK2 ORAR 1 TLNH AKST2 ARST1 12 10 11 09 08 07 ALM2 A LM 1 TLM6 TLM5 MRDY2 MR1)Y1 06 OT 05 03 04 TI,ML SST2 02 01 SST 1 SAR2 SARI CN9 4 r Orientation control circuit i MR- 20RMA CNA I LO O I MR \ / 19 20 ov + 1 5V OO 13 07 17 18 12 06 10 04 14 15 LSB LS A MSB I1 05 16 03 MSA 08 09 02 01 i 2 0 LFH _I Machine tool side 3 Gear or belt Spindle motor i = t Tool i Magnetizing element <E> Fig. 1 (i) [Spindle Metal plug socket Q Amplifier Connection diagram of spindle orientation (when magnetic sensor is used) Magnetic sensor t Orientation control circuit Metal connector | CN A | I U 4) IIS as MSA A -0 MSB L> -A LS A 15-A LS B •fR J20 (Note) OG F Magnetic sensor amplifier 1 ifi_ + 1 5 V 1?_A ov — -p* R A ET c B The cable length should be shorter than 20m between the servo unit and the magnetic sensor amplifier. Fig. 1 (j) Detailed connection diagram of spindle orientation (when magnetic sensor is used) 131 APPENDIX 2 CABLE ENTRANCE DIAGRAM 3) MODEL 8, 12 cable entrance 1) MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 cable entrance diagram (A06B-6052-H001,H002 ,H003) 2) MODEL 3, 6 cable entrance diagram (A06B-6044-H103 , 106) diagram (A06B-6044-H108.H112) To regenerative resistor unit I f I I 2 1 T2 Control circuit I At 6B-I 100-0080 / <ta$ I 2 T3 PCB Control circuit 2 AI6B-1100 -00 9 0 -2 I I CN1 T1 I U) ro RSICGUVW CHI TU CN2 CN3 I- '-JT dmW ' nSTGGUVW I z Cf/3 CN2 TO -4 t£=J [E=3 I . g g a CN1 CN3 I CN2 TB EE3 J i Regenerative resistor unit 0 J2. To magnetic control panel or NC To AC motor To AC To magnetic motor control panel or NC ‘ To AC To magnetic 3’phasc AC Power cable motor control power supply To AC motor panel or NC To magnetic control panel or NC 220 V D0S AST 3-phase AC power supply © I aw 200V o u v Power cable wfo"® 5 — !VIBI Pan motor To AC motor I 4) MODEL 8, 12, 15 cable entrance diagram (A06B-6044-H009 , H010, H011, H023) 5) MODEL 18, 22 cable entrance diagram 6) MODEL 30, 40 cable entrance diagram [I i PCB 9 PCB PCB ii CN 1 I [I CN2 CN3 123 U> U> magnetic motor CN! magnetic yj 725v $ av /I T1 /_© 0 0 T2 Of V/VtyQ T, 1 220V To magnetic control panel or NC To AC control panel or NC % F F Hi V HP 1 32 3 motor 2DOV vwmi ulfvy nil . 5 S3W T, f 3-phnsc AC Power cable Fan motor To AC motor Power Fan motor cable To AC motor motor (in case of model 40) b.W Power Fan, cable iH2lor To AC motor 3-phase AC power supply To AC A run © — sa I "U power supply 3-phasc AC power supply CN3 CN2 TD To control panel or NC SI® CN3 <f=) To AC To I CN1 CN2 TB To fan motor for cooling the unit radiator APPENDIX 3 CABLE SPECIFICATIONS The cable specifications are as shown below. Prepare cables by users. 1) Power line and motive power line for respective motor models FANUC Use Symbol Specifications specification No. For MODEL 1 (Lower than 5 KVA) K1 K2 Cabtyre cable JIS C 3312 4 conductors I T 37/0.26 1 2.0(4 (2.0mm3) Crimp style Crimp style terminals T2-4 terminals T2-4 For MODEL 2 (Lower than 7 KVA) Cabtyre cable J1S C 3312 4 conductors K1 K2 i f 45/0.32 (3.5mm3) Crimp style terminals T5.5-4 For MODEL 3 (Lower than 12 KVA) 4Z 1 4.00 Crimp style terminals T5.5-4 Cabtyre cable JIS C 3312 4 conductors K1 K2 A02B-0008-K853 7 m long i T 70/0.32 1 6.5 0 (5.5mm3) 15.5 0 Crimp style terminals Crimp style terminals T5.5-6 T5.5-6 For MODEL 6 (Lower than 16 KVA) Cabtyre cable JIS C 3312 K1 K2 A02B-0008-K854 7 m long 4 conductors 1 50/0.45 (8mnt3) Crimp style 20 4Crimp style terminals 8-6 terminals 8-6 For MODEL 8, 12 (Lower than 25 KVA) Cabtyre cable JIS C 3312 4 conductors K1 88/0.45 K2 (14mnt3) Crimp style terminals 14-6 (K2. Motive power line) 14-8 (Kl: Power line) - 134 - A06B-6044-K017 7 m long T 24 0 Crimp style terminals 14-6 A06B-6044-K018 7 m long FANUC Use Symbol For MODEL 15 (Lower than 30 KVA) K1 K2 Heat-proof vinyl cabtyrc cable 4 cores A06B-6044-K019 7 m long i O 7/20/0.45 Crimp style 30 0 (22mm2) terminals 22-8 For MODEL 18 (Lower than 38 KVA) specification No. Specifications R22-6S Heat-proof vinyl K1 K2 A06B-6044-K020 7 m long cabtyre cable 4 cores | o- T Crimp style terminals 38-8 terminals 38-8 K1 4 cores -o 7/34/0.45 (38mm2) Crimp style 38 0 terminals Heat-proof cable for 600 VAC Single wire (a) x 3 line and (b) x 1 line K1 K2 Crimp style terminals 38-8 38-8 and power source cable for MODEL 30 A06B-6044-K021 7 m long Heat-proof vinyl cabtyre cable K2 a Power cable -O 34.1 0 7/27/0.45 (30mm2) Crimp style For MODEL 22 (Lower than 45 KVA) Crimp style terminals (a) Conductor 7/34/0.45 (38mm2) Crimp terminal T38-10 © (b) Conductor 7/20/0.45 (22mm2) Crimp terminal T38-10 © 135 Use Symbol Power cable K1 and power source cable for MODEL 40 K2 FANUC specification No. Specifications Heat-proof cable for 600 VAC Single wire (a) x 3 lines and (b) x 1 line (a) Conductor 19/20/0.45 (50mm2) Crimp terminal T60-10 © C© (b) Conductor 7/20/0.45 (22mm2) Crimp terminal T38-10 © 136 I 2) Common line The following cables are common to each model. FANUC Use specification Specifications Symbol No. Spindle servo unit K3 (cooling fan) K4 servo unit Attached connector Spindle servo unit option connector CN2 of spindle motor D / (for signal) I 4-paired cable Housing 350720-1 Contact MR-20 LFH made by Honda Tsushin Co. K5 shield braided conductor CN1 D Power CN3 magnetic control (for signal) A06B-6044-K024 Spindle servo unit connector, (basic) D MR-20 LMH made by Honda Tsushin Co. K7 7 m long 100 T Shielded 4-paired cable 0.3 mm5 Vinyl cabtyre cable JIS C 3312, 3 cores i AC spindle servo unit (for meter) 30/0.18 Crimp style A06B-6044-K023 7 m long Braided shield vinyl cable 50 conductors x 0.2mm5 (7/0.18) made by Sanyo Denko MR-50 LFH made by Honda Tsushin Co. K6 350689-1 Power magnetic control 12.5 0 Spindle servo unit servo unit Speedmeter load meter PVC sheath connector (basic) Power magnetic control (for signal) A06B-6044-K200 7 m long » Shielded motor Spindle terminals T2-5 (2mm5) Less than 10 0 AC spindle Spindle servo unit Crimp style 37/0.26 terminals T2-5 18,22,30,40) Motor side < t 10.5 0 Crimp style (Except Model A06B-6044-K022 7 m long Vinyl cabtyre cable JIS C 3312, 2 conductors > AC spindle motor Spindle Spindle servo unit side (0.75mm5) terminal T o 9.2 0 Crimp style terminal T14 Tl-4 137 3) Others (line used in some models) Use For motor cooling fan (for MODEL 18,22,30,40) Symbol K3 FANUC specification No Specifications . Vinyl cabtyre cable JIS C 3312, 3 cores Conductor Outer cover 37/0.26 (2mm3) PVC 010 tÿ5» I 10.00 Crimp style Crimp style terminal terminal T2-4 T2-4 Resistor unit K8 > AC spindle servo unit Crimp style terminal T5.5-4 Resistor unit Power magnetic control (for thermostat ) Vinyl cabtyre cable JIS C 3312, 2 cores i 12.00 Crimp style 45/0.32 terminal T5.5-4 (3.5mm3) K9 Vinyl cabtyre cable JIS C 3312, 2 cores > i T > Crimp style terminal 30/0.18 (0.75mm3) Tl-4 138 - 8.8 0 < Crimp style terminal Tl-4 5? APPENDIX 4 MAIN CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4.1 Main Circuit Spindle control circuit (PCB) CN1 SUI lull CN1 To magnetic control panel or NC To motor * To motor CN2 RI: Rtt RID ROT RM ROT nos RM R04 Raj mu CN3 u r» ss Rat RA PA ) ai aii SOT JZJT os OR IcN 3 [ ] CN4 jCN2[] S“ {TB| II il 4G IK ALU AIM TUI t 1 In I1 t il zx X _ P.C.B _ SC sx sc IS II CN5 II ruu JJ ulT PY 3 1 PY > UR nT OT mi SSI L 3 II I IlAjthot 1 [I SIT I AX I AU All AU an an ov TB CN6 1 1C JX i it tt il ISC ISC BE IB it IK IW1 SW| i 1C 71 71 1C It AC II SE •war CN7 _l_ 10_ OU utt CD4 CW CDl CDI ICN4 II 11 II IS ISA ISt l«B IE 4B 4C II 1 J JOT JOT CD, CD4 VD, vn, vni VD4 OLI CN5 | 1 I SE IB CN6 > [ JC ~ t | IE II OH X T SU Lit I 1 IE IB 1C CN7 siv SW1 SW2 A1 21 I TE S_i J CD3 19 ci UZ TM1 I Z1 m, MCC Fl WMCC - IA)<? (2) DM1 CMWV-JI (1) R AC power j" o-j( ' 200/220V s j i 50/60Hz T ! o-j. 1 G SIC (2) DB MCC rrt"Lc C2 — TM1 3C i§? IE 3E TM1 5C iSJ 5E L_A (0 (2) OLI CD 4 CD2 I CDI TR1 TM 1 2C TM 1 40 + 2E zzz Cl VD2 i) MODEL 1,2, small MODEL 3 o-enp-o -- GC GE -H (P.G T1 1 -a |U (I) AC 7CD3' I|°I >V~( SP‘ndle j|jvV_ÿmoto TM1 cgicgi&i DM } CDI cwinrÿo CD2 CD4 w To CN2 TM H “1 iiA _, ( i ) ACR (2) n -5==3 —-,d-o-rnrÿ-o <3) <i> rT2)lA£=5-o-ana-o- _ _ Regenerative discharge resistor l i 1C LJ CN1 To magnetic control panel or NC CN1 ) CM cm ,CN3[] CN4 Spindle control circuit (PCB) ill "7 iV'Ii ~ CN2 u IT u ss PB RB RA PA Ml, « IH CN3 IT it ROI R04 ROI ROI ROI li'l ) All AL2 ALA AU LAcl TB[] P.C.B 1C il | II ~Ta~ » I 1 « I 2C 2K SC IK SC 3K 1C il II 4K J 1 TB l« il II II l«C ISC t£ 10 1C II 200 IK SW2 SWI CN5 II 4 i CN4 sw T » l 7i 7C U 4E 4B 6B bC it i l I l T tc IIA OU SU LU l ucc l I 14 CD4 CD7 CD1 CDI CN5 il l) 1*A 1*0 110 2E 2B IB «T IE II CN6 JC 1C > i IE IB 1C CN7 SWI v 1 MC C 2*ra c 7E CN7 il 100 100 CD! CDS VDI VDl VD2 VtM OLI OL1 SW2 I ov Dili an CN6 jcN2[] To meter II I not *» OVB OVR DR DR OR OR TUi DA: DAI IJV i Icnikvi IÿIARI IARII II bn I m I I 1 11 l ID | j « | II I I I 4 5DT SOT OS OH ALMI ALMTU4 TUI UR UR ul nT [TU4 SST S3T SAJI 5aK IL 2 J DY1 DYI 2 I1 6 I I 2 E II To motor non R07 SRV SFT1 Ri: RlI RIO RW ' TF Taa_ r&a j MCC F7 (1) O o -O CM (2) (1) (5) (6) R4 12) 0“\-0 FAN VDl I -6TMl TM2 4S TM3 ic O ai I MCC CRM F4b9 (2) AC power 200/220V 50/60 Hz __ '2) I T I I I A IE w 5E (1) D OL2 o--o42) P. G 6 Regenerative control circuit I2)0L1 CD2 ii) o ns ID R6 CD4 F3® (1) To CN2 TH ID F2(zi 200T T1 ®icm 12) t-O IU I (1) I 4-0 IV I (2) I 4-0 I'V i <a> i V \ 2005 tif DM TM 1 TM 2 TM 3 + 7777 + 20 F6 Tip A 2E O- MCC -O ca) O (4) VD2 ii) MODEL 3 22 10J 5® 4E GE 41 AC spindle motor r—1-0 IG F" [ÿ[1 13 FAN I fiC Note) F4a has been added since September 1982. v 3! -6- (2) ASA ° O—L SK iS? IE O-wsHhO i i 6-> (1) nr-_l Hi o-r sI (A) F5 OÿMCC I ! 1-0 FMA I U6LI FMD _ IT Oil I LU I CN1 _ Spindle control circuit (PCB) CN1 t ™ ‘f Ri: R11 RIO RW )l In I ' 'I II panel ts 003 ROT R06 RW RIM ttOJ RflJ R0| cu|cni|*f .CN 3 os OR 11 10 ALX rui MR UR S |pYI|PVt * |mi nT OI IL 6K 13 II 4K 4G IC » » 2K SC IK 1 3K JG 1C 1 1 ) sut n sw i) n __ G 1 Ir t 10 TS 1C 71 IE '(I I * 1C JE 1 41 «T IVA 1 TTT ou OI LU cm 11 II 11 10 IRA IRI IW 4E 41 K CN5 l« * IE 1 31 t 1 J JC 2E IB IT l 1 IE II IC CN7 CN6 (4) MCC -o CM (2) (II Ft R3 FAN VDI fEO TM1 ,2 mnJ iSf ®MCC IE F2 -cr-Cpÿ ... (1) <ZItI31 _ (2) (i) ® 200T — '«> 0L2 3E 5E control circuit (3) 113 2Q0S DM ::: rr THI r.G T1 R1 C D ?.[ s CDtt TM3 ,4 2C TM7 , 8 TMU.10 4C fiC To CN2 TH2 ID (2) °C1' 555 (4) (2) -o-TJUÿ-o F3 TM9.10 Regenerative o-wvji-6 SK 12) 200R TMS , 6 1C lUT (A r— O- I II II (3) (I) 200/220V s 1 °~ 50/60 Hz TI1 0 , t£ 11 MCC o MCC 12) „! IRC IRC 11 L_„_ HIp F5Y6 Mi RI i> SW1 6 (21 ti 200 700 CDS CD6 vni VD3 VD3 VD4 0L1 OU UCC CTU CD1 CD! Z4 I TB i« 11 CN7 i 4>* 1 g AL1 All KL4 Alfl an an ov CN5 n I 5T SST" SAA IAF I |I I II 300 IK IWJ SWI ICN4 AC power PA RA CN6 I* jcN2[] { TB| P.C.B fcC Tui TU4 I |i| [ ] CN4 II To meter n AJ JV ’ To motor |T IT To magnetic , cocontrol CN3 CN2 w — O R2 W-l [o]u AC spindle motor 1 TcM-r iV o !vv WHD xrr [=E[1FAN -o FMA + a zr + -o | FMB 2E 4E 4-0 MCC ' VD2 (G) (5) I iii) MODEL 30,40 - 6E j FMU FMV ~ I FMW APPENDIX 5 MOUNTING LAYOUT OF SPINDLE SERVO UNIT PARTS (OTHER THAN PCB) 1) MODEL 1, 2, small MODEL 3 (A06B-6052-H001, -H002, -H003) T2 Electrolytic capacitor Transistor Cl © TR1 G DM1 Diode module AC reactor ACR Transistor module TM1 TF MCC Magnetic 7 contacter 7 2_ T1 Fan (Semiconductor module) Control power transformer Z1: Surge absorber A50L-2001-0155/20D431 1 Fl cS) PCB A16B-1100-0090~92 230V\ 200V Fl : Control power transformer input fuse £ Control power transformer tap selector switch A60L-0001-0031/15A I 142 - I 2) Spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor models 3 and 6 (A06B-6044-C008) F4a, b: Control transformer input fuse A60L-0001-0031/5A _ F5, F6: Regenerative control circuit fuse A60L-0001-0036/PC1-20 O/ / :S't 1 Z 4 O r © Control power transformer TF (below the fuse mounting II board) e|« © f®; v © / © © T“* -p FAN i FAN: Fan motor A90L-0001-0099/A (rear side of board) F4 F5 \FG C4 / Radiation fin Electrolytic capacitor s, (Each semiconductor module) -o F7: DClink fuse A60L-0001-0147 C5 Magnetic contactor F7 — MCC Upper metal plate ;!•!. Z 1 — 3 i n 0 ©_ n 220V TI © 200V \ X — FI F3: AC input fuse A60L-0001-01 27/25FH75 (A60L-0001-0148) - 143 - Control power transformer tap selector switch A *1. Z1 ~ Z3, Z4: Surge absorber A50L-2001-006 2/441-1 2 3) MODEL 3, 6 (A06B-6044-H103, H106, H203, H206) FAN: Fan motor A90L-0001-0191 (for model 3) A90L-0001-0099/A (for model 6) a 5 _i Radiation fin •R M 1 (Each semiconductor module) R M 2 AC reactor Magnatic contacter Electrolytic capacitor C4 ACR MCC Control power transformer TF F4a, b: Control power transformer input fuse A60L-0001-0031/5A Zl~4 Surge absorber Control power transformer tap selector switch A50L-2001-0155/20D431 n |© © Ta M FI F2 F3 220V i#ff -=2 200V F 7 Terminal with fuse holder (It is mounted above MCC, TF) ® ® ®® ® ®® ® ® ®® 0 r F7: DC link fuse A60L-0001-0127/25FH75 F5, 6: Regenerative control circuit fuse F 1~3: AC input fuse A60L-0001-0147 i A60L-0001-0197./PC1F-20 144 I 4) Spindle servo unit for AC spindle motor models 8 and 12 (A06B-6044-C009, C010) F4a, b: Control transformer input fuse A60L-0001-0031/5A F5, F6: Regenerative control circuit fuse A60L-000 1-0036/PC1-30 0 *1. Z 4 N Control power transformer TF (below the fuse mounting board) — j ® if® © O EHi «=»- ©He -P J: FAN i cl- FAN: Fan motor A90L-0001-0099/ A (rear side of board) C4 Radiation fin Electrolytic capacitor (Each semiconductor module) C5 C6 F7: DC link fuse A60L-0001-0145 Magnetic contactor F7 MC C [I 7r o AC reactor AC R R5 mi. zi-3 R7 R6 fi »• Fl ~ F3: AC input fuse A60L-0001-0145 (Model 8) A60L-0001-0149 (Model 12) Ti F3 M lol © ollQllelleljellQ © 0||0||0||©[le||e o © T1 220V I (fi) s w k_A 20DV A *1. Zl - 3, Z4: Surge absorber A50L-2001-0062/44 1-12 145 Control power transformer tap selector switch 5) MODEL 8, 12 (A06B-6044-H108 , H112, H208, H212) FAN: Fan motor A90L-0001-0099/A s R M *'X Radiation fin (Each semiconductor module) 1 R M 2 AC reactor Magnetic contactcr ACR C4 MCC Electrolytic capacitor Control power transformer C5 TF F4a, b: Control power transformer input fuse A60L-0001-003I/5A A !QQI @@@ © © © FI F2 Z1 ~ 4: Surge absorber Terminal with fuse holder (It is mounted above MCC, TF and C5) 220V F5 F7: DC link fuse A60L-0001-0145 (For model 8) A60L-0001-0149 (For model 12) © ® ® 0 O - 3: AC input fuse A60L-0001-0145 I F7 © 200V © ® ® ® FI F6 ISW F3 ® A50L-2001-0155/20D431 Control power transformer tap selector switch O; F5, 6. Regenerative control circuit fuse A60L-0001-0197/PC1F-30 - 146 - t 6) MODEL 15 (A06B-6044-H011) F4a, b: Control transformer input fuse A60L-0001-0031/5A F5. F6: Regenerative control circuit fuse A60L-0Q01-0197/PCfF*30 :lr 1- Z 4 Control power transformer TF (below the fuse mounting boad) c— o/7 0 ppj4®F klr / t e , e**\, i e ' i t N.' s. •" Fwr /'"s N e S • FAN: Fan motor IMl ,1b — r 5 r A9DL-0001-0099/A c,~ if/ -Ti F AN i C1- !ÿ r'a C4 Radiation Fin (Each semiconductor module) Electrolytic capacitor C5 \ C6 Magnetic contactor F7: DC link fuse — A60L-0001-0149 MC C F7 e o Cement resistor AC reactor 5S? 1- Z 1~~3 ACR Rt R7 R6 (o '0 V Gr 0 [r i a w 2 20 V 72] 73] E===3 © FI ~ F3: AC input fuse A60L-0001-0149 G G e *1. Z1 L- ® (§) — Q 0 <S> -J T1 T2 3, Z4: Surge absorber A50L-2001-0062/44M2 147 200 V Control power transformer tap selector switch 7) MODEL 18, 22 (A06B-6044-H016, H017) FAN: Fan motor A90L-0001-0099/A / o irp-3 / o 7 i C*-_“ FAN RM1 H U 1 Radiation fin (Each semiconductor module) F7: DC link fuse A60L-0001-0149 (Model 18) A60L-0001-0163 (Model 22) R U 2 \J°L F7 i°r Magnetic contactor AC reactor A C R MC C - 5: Surge absorber A50L-2001-0155/20D431 Zl F5, 6: Regenerative control circuit fuse A60L-0001-0197/PC2F-40 (Model 18) A60L-0001-0197/PC2F-50 (Model 22) TF \ FS m r G !il G © o FI ~ 3: AC input fuse A60L-0001-0149 (Model 18) A60L-0001-0163 (Model 22) [51 s) . FG © 4 u 2D0V 4 bSW B r- O O O L O 8 Fq= = B| G Wi ©no Control power transformer tap selector switch T2 T1 o o F4a, b Control power transformer input fuse A60L-0001-0031/5A I - 148 I 8) MODEL 30 (A06B-6044-H130) FAN: Fan motor A90L-0001-0096/C 0 Control power transformer | TF FAN RM2 f 0 RM3 RM1 Radiation fin Electrolytic capacity Ft R3 ! Q=D ACRÿj Cl )( C3 ©0 MCC Q=D n Magnetic contactor AC reactor Fl~3: AC input fuse F4 : DC link fuse Zl~3: Surge absorber A60L-0001-0183/225A A50L-2001-0155/20D431 Z4: Surge absorber A50L-2001-0062/441-12 Z1 Z2Z3 OOP O ram R1 R2 ©1 Ft F3 F7B9 5 F5, 6: Control power transformer input fuse 6ÿ F7~9: Fan motor input fuse A60L-0001-0031/5A G1 R S T G2 U V W FMUMMA. 230 Tl . S’ Control power transformer tap selection switch - 149 - 9) MODEL 40 FAN: Fan motor A90L-O0QI-0Q96/C I FAN I <0 Control power. transformer TF | RM2 || RM3~| 0 RM 1 Radiation fin (Each semicondustor module) R3 F4: DC link-fuse A60L-0001-0183/260A R1 Ft R2 Magnetic contactor Cl Y C4 C2 Y C5 C3 Y C6 MCC Electrolytic capacitor AC reactor ACR wv F5, 6 : Control power transformer input fuse F7~9: Fan motor input fuse A60L-0001-0Q31/5A _ Fl~3: AC input fuse A60L-0001-0183/260A F7.B.9.5.6 V — Gl Ft IF2 F3 — am] T2 |VMV[Mu|v[wl[TTTn L— J —- J FMI.V.W.A.H SWF f svw <S> <3 1 60/ 230/ 50Hz 200’ Power frequency selection switch i 150 Control power transformer tap selection switch I APPENDIX 6 MOUNTING LAYOUT OF SPINDLE CONTROL CIRCUIT PCB a) MODEL 1, 2, small MODEL 3 i) A16B-1100-0080 © Drawing number AI6B-1100-008D CH29-: Modified drawing No. Edition ] [ /\ RC N 5 @ 0V rCLK © +3V © +1 5 V -CH32 -CH25 -SLP CH34C " — Variable resistors (RV1 19) Setting terminal (SI ~9, SI 5) 5 R£ © ©CH2 2 © ©CH24 © ©CH26 © © CH3 3 © 24V CH30CH3I- [ffl] [] — Check terminal (CH1~42, etc.) ROM ©-] 5V C N G C © CH 4 0 ©CH39 ©CH38 ©CH42 ©0V ©CH37 ©CH3G ©CH35 ©CH4 1 © [ÿRVn © PIL ARARM ,8 4 2 1. @[§]RV7 O00OO C N 9 -© ©[©1 RV5 ~© © [©] RV 1 2 0V © © CHI 5 [g]RV14 S8 -0® |©[Q]RV3 S©f©lRV4 4 -m©® ss -ge© -0®H <&H] S 7 SG (Upper) 0- R2-25 Receiver DA converter (CCD or CBI is selectable) Receiver Input side resistor Receiver RIB contact 0V when RV 1 0 RV1 1 B CH4 sis rOV -ARS -CHI 7 -CHI 8 -CH 8 RV1 1A ®m RV9B CCD CH6 |[S]RV9A ©[Q] RV8 -CH7 -CH5 “CH 3 -CH2 -CHI -© <3[Q] RV 1 9 -© © [fflRVlB 'D © — Rl 0 - R2 contactor closed RV 1 3 s9 CBI External side -CH2 8 -CH21 -CHI 1 -CHI 0 CHI 4 CH9 CHI 2 CHI 9 CH20 CH13- N +24V I-CH23 CNI Control signal connector SW S3 S 2 -ffl©ÿ RV2 SI S 4 -ÿ©[©] RV 1 TB OV SM LM CN2 CN3 \ Alarm data signal connector /Alarm reset/ Motor signal connector Terminal board for speedometer and load meter / 151 ii) A16B-1100-009CK92 Check terminal r—i Ivxl'" Drawing number Variable resistors Edition / / n A1 6B- II00-009 D/l R[ ] / Fuse Modified drawing No. Power section 5 FG C N RVl 5 5 d HEAT SI NIC CD3 AF1 o c Alarm fuse DC link current detector N FF 6 « I I 1FF |FD d RV25D C I lFB N 4 I IfC Transformer © CT © 1 9B © 1 9A T1 Fuse resistor PR 1 CZh FR2 o Relay RL 230V Fuse FI 200V RV25A CD 1 CD2 U phase V phase current current detector detectoi CD 4 DC link voltage detector RV25B Switch sw CRV CRU Control power transformer input fuse I 1f* —— © ©— © © © VDC 0V I DC Control power transformer tap selection switch ) 152 d RV2 5C I b) MODEL 3ÿ22 •— . .. ., R A C 4 , Check terminals (CHI ~ 32, etc.) ® Variable resistors (RVl - 19) Q — Setting terminals (SI - 7) Notes . n . .. r, H r FA Transformer Power supply heat sink T1 RV15 m 00B © 19 B RV 17 CT © m CH32 CN7 FDQ LT Alarm fuse AFl AF2AF3 © a FBO FCQ © 19 A n © CH31 © CH30 © CH2 9 Transformer CH2 8 -15 © OV © © © +5 |) © +1 5 FH n ROM CH 2 5 0© CH2 6 CH2 3 ©© CH24 CH2 1 ©© CH2 2 CHI 9 e© CH20 CHI 7 ©© CHI 8 © +24 © CLK 3 f- CHI CHI 4 © ARS © SLP D 0 -a - CHI 5 - CHI 6 — a m Pilot alarm code ffi <3 RV5 CHI 2 - £ RV4 RV3 CHI 1 - D D ISAMP2 ISAMP1 Relay © © © SL C N 9 Indulatcd amplifier g]RV14 © —PIT.© Q©€>© AT .ARM a RV6 Display LED cs Version FG CN6 T2 - RV1 3 S 6 L- RVl 2 RL DQS7 — £n 0S5 CN5 RVl 1 gjRVIO S10 RV9 I]RV8 RVl 6 LT CHI 0 CH 9 -J S8 S9 n Drawing number Receiver Pull up resistcr in input side (Upper) + 24V R1-R24 ) irrr (Under) External connection side OV when contactor dosed JH1 i ..01 Alarm reset switch i i i CN 1 t Control signal connector DA converter (alternative) Receiver CN4 )> C B I [ peep 1*11111 !?«3B552Sg=| • * •i i rii CH8 OV © CH7 © © RVl RV2 OtjQQm \ | si,32,a.Ta4 [£1£] CN 3 RVl8 RV19 CHlCH2{g[<g © © © © CN 2 7 CH3-CH4 CH5CH6 1 OV SM LM TB \ Alarm data signal connector LT J 1 Terminal board for speedometer and load meter Motor signal connector . r 153 c) MODEL 30, 40 Notes! terminals — Check -~32, Variable resistors terminals ~ Q— (CHI (RV1 0 { [(13 (SI Setting etc.) 19) 7) -i — n FA Transformer FBQ Power supply heat sink T1 m BBS Alarm fuse FDQ LJ AFl AF2AF3 © RV 17 © CH3 2 m ARS SLP © o )> FH ROM . CHI 3 - CHI 5 r CHI 6 [ -0 Relay R9 RV 1 0 Gt RV 9 © is RV5 V4 CH 12- 3 R CH1 1 - 3 RV3 CHI 0 CH 9 J D 0 RL — C N 9 S8 ISAMP1 - RV1 3 3 DQS7 3 n S 6 - RV 1 2 L RV1 1 3 Qs 5 PIL ALAÿfel RV6 Display LED Indulated amplifier g]RV14 RV7 Pilot alarm code Version CH 2 5 ©© CH 2 6 CH 2 3 ©© CH24 CH21 ©© CH2 2 CHI 9©© CH20 CHI 7 ©e CHI 8 -f CHI 4 cc f| FG CN6 T2 © +24 © n Transformer © OV © +5 © +1 5 CLK 19B © CT © 19 A © CH31 © CH30 © CH2 9 © CH2 8 © -1 5 © CN5 0 S10 RV16 LJ m $9 Drawing RV20 m number (Upper) +2 4 V R1-R24 D (Under) External connection side OV when contactor closed CN7 FC[] RV 1 5 n Sll D © CH8 © OV Receiver Pull up rcsistcr in input side | | | | If I iii DA converter (alternative) Receiver SpfiSlIIIi. 'Sllmu Hr . CN 1 /Ii ii i i i i i i i i Alarm reset switch Control signal connector r © CH7 CN4 |)CB1 t) RVl RV2 \ I E333 CCD DqDn 31.32,03,34 RV18 RV19 CHlCH2ÿ|g ©-ÿ © © © © CN 3 CN 2 7 1 1 _ I LT OV SM LM TB \ Alarm data signal connector CH3 CH4 CH5CH6 Terminal board for speedometer and load meter Motor signal connector - 154 - CL. > n cn > N> o co 3 CL H* (D i 1 S. s S’ 8 “n g § I 1ÿ •v co o o ‘V (D I te o I o cn § 3 5? n 2: w j-t to o rt o U) Ol f 0 D H CO a CO > n n *) CH31 , CH26 CH30 , CH24 9 a Ln U1 I OV CHI CH2 CH 13 O O O o o o P3 O O 2 Drr o 5P o2 CO r to o z > CO 03 n CO --NiOpOroC-ÿÿr to to mu -4 CD o <w M *-**-» l£) "3 to O O CO n S 11 S 5A S5B 2 CD CH29.CH22 5 C/3 to I o cr P p o X to MB to H-* CN6 CN7 o oo o o to a VQ PP b cr CL a. CN5 D3 u [S < n •— PP CN4 P K O o co to o oo ID cn CO to -4 to h-* OM tn < CO O O O O O O o co -3 P CN12 PP CNll -l>Ln < PP H* a C rt X) (D z to < rt co Pd to CO O > o oooooooo oooooooooo <=jpj c 3 H* o O CO 2o CN 8 P e) Digital AC spindle servo unit (MODEL 3 to 22) Power supply unit / / + Heat sink a o D ° 11| + u go TO FC LT 5 FD Alarm fuse 002 001 m@ i Number Drawing number -Q _ 0> 0ÿ5 z FG go°i DisPlay fl Os' 6 Lr Oo °§ H N Q DA convertor, one choice out of two fCBll n °cim oa Setting switch [ of version FE 02 [ROM] {’ROM| 0© n, £ £ CQ ~O § BBBBB FA Fuse 1° §i° sN° go CM 5 °°&. °J °IE Lr OSS go OS j> CCD | J>o °S lo Handing resistor at receiver input Receiver Receiver |o o n g Og SO 0£ CM-I SO Check terminal CN1 LT OV SM LM CN3 CN2 Connector for control signal Connector for alarm contents signal X Terminal block for speed meter and load meter Connector for motor signal _ A% ! .S - 156 ITB~I - I f) Digital AC spindle servo unit (MODEL IS, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH) F3A ROM 001 ROM 002 o SI QF3E DPIL 0 Display part Drawing No. and Edition No. Setting QF3G NVRAM switch RV1 CN9 I IRV2 I 1RV3 CN5 F2 ERO VCMDO OCLK1 TSAO OSL1P DS2 -15 © OTS3/ ;pgpÿ QJ\ pss , DTDCO RV5 LMO O SMQ Oj-JRV6 0V© O IU S4 TS2 VDC iwo Orv PAPO 0+15 +24 0 _ CN1 OPBP ORB ORA OPB OPA ODAZ CN4 CN2 157 C/£ APPENDIX 7 MAJOR PARTS LIST ASQI. l)-a) Fuse and surge absorber (MODEL 3ÿ22) MODEL MODEL Itern Symbol 1 F1ÿ3 3/6 -,2? Ooo { MODEL 8 © joj MODEL 12 Name A06B-6044-H007 A06B-6044-H103 A06B-6044-H009 A06B-6044-H108 A06B-6044-H010 A06B-6044-H112 HI 06 H008 Fuse A60L-0001-0127 A60L-0001-0147 A60L-0001-0145 MODEL 15 A60L-0001-0149 A60L-0001-0145 MODEL 18 A60L-0001-0149 MODEL 22 A60L-0001-0163 /25FH75 A60L-0001-0131/5A 2 F4a ,b Fuse 3 F5 ,6 Fuse A60L-0001-0197/PC1F-30 A60L-000l-0 1 97 /PC 1F-20 A60L-0001-0197 A60L-0001-0197 /PC2F-40 4 F7 Fuse A60L-0001-0147 A60L-0001-0127 A60L-0001-0145 A60L-0001-0149 /PC2F-50 A60L-0001-0163 /25FH75 I Ln OO 5 Zl*v4 A50L-2001-0062 A50L-2001-0155 A50L-2001-0062 A50L-2001-0155 A50L-200 1-0062 A50L-2001-0155 A50L-2001-0062 Surge /441-12 /20D431 /20D431 /441-12 absorber / 4 4 1—12 /20D431 / 44 1—12 6 AFi Alarm fuse A60L-0001-0046/3.2 (3.2A) 7 AF2 , 3 Alarm fuse A60L-0001-0075/3.2 8 Fa-h Fuse for A50L-2001-0155/20D431 (3.2AS) A60L-0001-0175 (0.3A) PCB 1 * * l)-b) Fuse and surge absorber (MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3) l)-c) Fuse and surge absorber (MODEL 30/40) MODEL Item MODEL MODEL 1 Symbol MODEL 2 Small MODEL 3 Item Symbol Name Name MODEL 30 MODEL 40 1 FI Fuse A60L-0001-0031/5A 1 F1A,4 Fuse A60L-0001-0183 2 Zl Surge absorber A50L-2001-0155/20D431 2 F5ÿ9 Fuse A60L-0001-003 1/5A 3 AFI Alarm fuse A60L-0001-0046/3. 2 (3.2A) 3 AFI Alarm fuse A60L-0001-0046/3. 2 (3.2A) 4 Fa-g Fuse for PCB A60L-0001-0175 (0.3A) 4 AF2, 3 Alarm fuse A60L-0001-0075/3. 2 C3.2AS) 5 ZK3 Surge absorber A50L-200I-0155/20D431 6 Z4 Surge absorber A50L-2001-0 162/44 1-12 7 Fa-h Fuse on PCB A60L-0001-0175 (0.3A) A60L-0001-0183 /225A /260A } f 2)-a) Main parts (MODEL 3ÿ22) Itern 1 Symbol (Note) P.C.B. MODEL MODEL 3 MODEL 6 MODEL 8 MODEL 12 MODEL 15 MODEL 18 MODEL 22 A20B-0009-0533 A20B-1000-0693 A20B-0009-0534 A20B-0009-0538 A20B-0009-0539 Name PCB A20B-0009-0530 A20B-1000-0690 J10' A20B-0009-0531 A20B-1000-0691 - Jll A20B-0009-0532 A20B-1000-0692 J02 J03 ROM Memory element 3 TM (1-12) Transistor module A50L-000 1-0096 /A 4 SM (1-3) Thyrister module A50L-5000-0029/30 5 DM (1-3) Diode module A50L-2001-0138 6 D Diode A50L-2001-0103/12JH11 Diode A50L-2001-0103/12JG11 Diode A50L-2001-0097/U06G A50L-0001-0109 A50L-000 1-0096 A50L-0001-0109 J06 J05 J04 2 /A A50L-5000-0029/50 A50L-5000-0029/80 A50L-2001-0 168 A50L-2001-0146 (1-3) I 7 D (4-6) Ln 8 D (7,8) I 9 10 C (1-3) Capacitor MCC Magnetic A42L-0001-0103 A58L-0001-0092 /A A58L-0001-0094 /200V 1A1B A58L-0001-0146 A58L-0001-0165 A58L-0001-0166 contactor A80L-0001-0276 11 TF Transformer 12 FAN Fan motor A90L-0001-019 1 13 TH Thermostat A57L-0001-005 1 A57L-0001-0051 A57L-0001-0051 A57L-0001-005 1 /B100 /B90 /B100 /B95 A5 7 L-0001-0052 A57L-000 1-0052 /B150 /B150 A81L-0001-0076 A81L-0001-0075 14 ACR AC reactor 15 SW Toggle switch A90L-0001-0099/A A8 1L-0001-0077 A5 7 L-0001-0048 /A A57L-0001-0028 A57L-0001-0046/150 A81L-0001-0080 A81L-0001-0063 A56L-000 1-0030 A50L-0001-0048 /2A Note) Parts number in parenthesis are different depends on unit model. Refer to the parts mounting label in the unit for the details. A5 7 L-000 1-0046/90 2)-b) Main parts (MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3) 2)-c) Main parts (MODEL 30, 40) MODEL Item MODEL MODEL 1 Symbol MODEL 2 Small MODEL 3 Symbol Item Name I 1 P.C.B. PCB I 2 P.C.B. PCB II 3 ROM Memory element 4 TM1 Transistor module A16B-1100-0090 J21 A 1 6B- 1100-009 1 J22 TR1 Transistor A50L-0001-0I26 6 DM1 Diode module A50L-2001-0138 7 Cl Capacitor A42L-0001-0142 8 MCC Magnetic A58L-0001-0207 contactor 9 10 1 • MODEL 30 A20B- 1000-0700 MODEL 40 A20B-1000-0701 P.C.B PCB ROM Memory element Transistor module A50L-0001-0116 A50L-5000-0033 J07 A16B-1 100-0092 2 J23 3 TM (1-22) 4 SM Thyristor (1-3) module 5 DM (1-3) Diode module 6 D (1-16) Diode A50L-2001-0103/12JH11 7 D 0-15) Diode A50L-2001-0103/12JG11 8 MCC Magnetic A58L-0001-0133 A58L-000 1-0159 contactor /200V /200V J08 A50L-0001-0125 5 O I A16B-1100-0080 Name TF Transformer A80L-0001-0486 ACR AC reactor A81L-0001-0083/3 A50L-2001-0171 9 TF Transformer A80L-0001-0276 10 FAN Fan motor A90L-0001-0096/C 11 TH Thermostat A57L-000 1-0028 12 ACR AC reactor 13 SW Toggle switch A81L-0001-0078 A81L-0001-0079 A57L-000 1-0048 /A APPENDIX 8 PCB ADJUSTMENTS 1) MODEL 3 to 22 The following table shows the adjustment of PCB in each AC spindle servo unit. Don't change RV 7, 8,/4ÿ19, 25AÿD variable resistors, since these parts have already been adjusted by FANUC at the time of delivery. Adjustment items Measuring terminals Standard Adjusting methods No. Symbol 1 RV1 Velocity command voltage level CH13-0V See subsection 1). 2 RV2 Velocity command voltage offset CH13-0V See subsection 1). 3 RV3 Speed arrival detec¬ tion level CH10-0V See subsection 4). 4 RV4 Speed detection level CH9-0V See subsection 5). 5 RV5 Torque limitation level 6 RV6 Regenerative power limitation 7 RV7 VF conversion level (1) CH23-0V 200 +2 kHz when voltage is 10 V between LM and OM. 8 RV8 Speed detection CH18-0V 1.38 +0.03 V at forward rotation of motor in 45 rpm. Number of See subsection 2). setting See subsection 6). 3 divisions circuit setting 9 RV9 Forward motor speed adjustment motor revolutions 10 RV10 CH17-0V Speed detection offset Lower than +1 V when the spindle stops 11 RV11 Reverse motion speed Number of adjustment motor . See subsection 2). revolutions 12 RV12 Velocity loop gain 13 RV13 Velocity loop offset MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3 MODEL 3ÿ12 MODEL 15ÿ22 MODEL 30, 40 3 divisions Number of spindle revolutions ... A16B-1100-0080 , See subsection 3). A16B-1100-0090ÿ0092 ... A20B-1000-0690'v0693, A20B-0009-0530 ... . .. A20B-1000-0700 , 0701 A20B-0009-0534'U)539 161 v 0533 No . Standard setting Measuring terminals Symbol Adjustment items 14 RV14 Load meter amplitude adjustment LM-OM 10 + 0.1 V at acceleration 15 RV15 +5 V voltage adjust¬ +5V-0V 5 +0.05 V Adjusting methods ment 4 divisions 16 RV16 Regenerative voltage limitation level 17 RV17 VF conversion level (2) CH32-0V RA offset adjustment CH5-0V 18 RV18 24.5 kHz at input AC 200 V The rate of ON time at CH7 waveform to be 50%. 19 RV19 RB offset adjustment CH6-0V The rate of ON time at CH8 waveform to be 50%. 20 RV20 Soft start/stop time 0 divisions constant adjustment CH13-0V The time constant can be selected by setting of short pin Sll. Short A side of Sll 0. 6ÿ8 sec. Short B side of Sll 3.5ÿ40 sec. Check waveform of acceleration or deceleration at CHI 3 (VCMD). ... ... 21 RV25A . Current/voltage detector offset adjustment CRU, CRV IDC, VDC-0V -D (Note) How lo read the variable resistor scale 4 5 6 onoV7 3 2 1 0 9 10 162 - 0 +2.5 mV when spindle stop 1) Velocity command voltage (RV1,RV2) When the velocity command voltage is 10 V, the motor rotates at the rated speed . Item Measuring terminal Offset CH13-0V Give velocity command voltage 0 V (equivalent to S00) after setting the motor to be ready for operation. Adjust RV2 while alternately giving the forward rota¬ tion and reverse rotation commands, until the voltage remains unchanged at measuring terminal. (Note) Level CH13-0V Give the rated rotation command 10 V to the motor, and adjust RV1 until the measuring terminal voltage becomes +10 V +0.05 V when the spindle forward rotation command Adjusting procedure is sent. Note) If the voltage at CH13 is +5.0 mV when the spindle rotates forward and +5.0 mV +1.0 mV when the spindle rotates reversely, the offset error becomes +1.0 mV when the velocity command voltage directions are inverted. Voltage + X Before adjustment After X < adjustment Forward rotation +8mV --Reverse rotation Forward rotation X — +5 mV / Reverse rotation +2mV 0 2) Rotation speed adjustment (RV9, RV11) The number of spindle revolutions can be finely adjusted according to the following procedure. Measure the number of spindle revolutions directly by using a stroboscope or a tachometer. Item Measuring terminal Adjusting procedure Number of forward revolu¬ tions Spindle Give the specified motor rotation command voltage. Adjust RV9 so that the motor rotates at the specified speed when the forward rotation (SFR) command is given. Number of reverse revolu¬ tions Spindle Adjust RV11 so that the motor rotates at the specified speed when the reverse rotation (SRV) command is given. 163 - Note 1) In MODEL 1/2/small MODEL 3, adjust RV9A, 9B during forward rotation or RV11A, 11B during reverse rotation according to the above procedure. Note 2) The forward rotation means that the AC spindle motor rotates counter¬ clockwise as viewed from the motor shaft direction and this forward rotation (SFR) does not always correspond to the forward rotation of the machine tool spindle. . Motor forward rotation (SFR) direction 3) Velocity offset (RV13) Adjust RV13 after completion of the previous adjustments so that the spindle does not rotate at low speed when the velocity command voltage 0 V is given. Item Velocity offset Measuring terminal Spindle (or motor) Adjusting procedure Adjust RV13 so that the spindle does not rotate when the velocity command voltage 0 V and either forward or reverse rotation command are given. 4) Speed arrival detection level (RV3) The speed arrival detection level can be set according to the following The coordinate indicates percentage to the rated revolutions of graph. motor. 50 45 40 I ~ 35 I 30 s I£ 25 20 15 I 10 Standard setting 15% I- " I 5 I I 0 0 1 1 x 4 I I 2 3 X i x 5 6 7 1 8 i 9 RV3 scale divisions Note) Now to read the variable resistor scale divisions. 3 *1.6 7 o 2 1 o 8 9 0 10 164 - 10 t 5) Speed detection level (RV4) The coordinate indicates percentage to the rated revolutions of the motor. This signal is used as a check signal when the clutch or gear is changed. 80 70 60 *JJ 50 f 40 6) T3 •2 £ 30 20 10 0 Standard setting 3% 1 0 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 6 5 RV4 scale divisions _L 7 8 9 10 6) Torque limitation level (RV5) The coordinate indicates percentage to the 30-minute rated torque. 60 When TLMH signal is turned on; o I 50 "c a 40 rA 30 1 When TLML signal is turned on; O i a c 20 o I 10 U- o 0 ± 1 2 Standard setting 3 i i 4 5 [ TLML i 6 RV5 scale divisions 165 TLMH 18% 10% i ± ± 7 8 9 10 7) Soft start/stop time constant In casE S 11:B In case S11:A / 10 / / / / / / 9 / 40 8 < 7 a 8 .52 30 6 C/D c/D s 1 5 5 4 S f S g 20 § a o CJ H 3 H 10 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RV 20 scale division Note) Soft start/stop time constant shows rising and falling time when set velocity command voltage (VCMD) 0V to 10V or 10V to OV. Refer to next Figure. 10V t 0V I Tr Tf Tr = Tf. Soft start/stop time constant i 166 2) PCB for POT name 380/415 VAC input Object of adjustment type scale Observation terminals Standard Adjustment standard RV1 Voltage command voltage lebel 5.0 CH13 10 V +0.02 V at the rated velocity command of SFR RV2 Voltage command voltage offset 5.0 CHI 3 Voltage difference = +1 mV at zero velocity command of SFR and SRV RV3 Speed arrival detection level 1.5 V 3.0 CH10 Variable from 0.5 to 5.0 V at rated velocity of SFR and SRV RV4 Speed detection 0.3 V 1.0 CH9 Variable from 0.15 Torque limiting Output value torque 5ÿ25% A specified torque L of max torque, H -*ÿ 10ÿ50% level RV5 to 6.7 V CH23 200 kHz +2 kHz PPS for 10.0 V between LM-OM Low velocity detection level CHI 8 -1.38V +0.03 V at velocity command of 45 rpm for CHI 7 RV9 Velocity detection level Motor speed Is rpm of rated velocity at rated velocity command of SFR RV10 Velocity detection offset CHI 7 +5 mV when spindle stops RV12 Velocity loop gain Motor rotation Be sure not to have over RV7 ER VF conversion ratio RV8 7.0 5.0 shoot and hunting at high speed RV13 Velocity offset Motor rotation Be sure not to rotate at zero command of SFR RV14 Calibration of max. amplitude LM-OM 10 V +0.1 V at deceleration at acceleration (no torque limit) RV17 VF conversion ratio of input voltage 7.0 CH32 38 k +0.6 kpps at 380 VAC of input voltage RV18 RA offset compensation 5.0 CH5 Specifics with CN2 RV19 RB offset 5.0 CH6 Ditto 0.0 CH13 Variable from 0.6 to 8 sec at S11=A or from 3.5 to 40 sec at S11=B when V. command is 10 V CN7/CH8 duty to 50% compensation RV20 Ramp time of velocity command 167 APPENDIX 9 CHECKING METHOD FOR PCB 1. CHECK TERMINAL For the mounting positions of check terminals, see mounting layout of parts in PCB in Appendix 6. A20B-1000-0690ÿ0693 a) MODEL 3ÿ12 15ÿ22 MODEL A20B-0009-0530MJ593 MODEL 30, 40 A20B-1000-0700, 0701 ... ... ... Name of Name of terminal signal CHI DA2 CH2 DAI Remarks Signal data Analog command voltage 0 D/A 0 converter output - 10. 0V 10. 0V voltage CH3 PA Pulse generator output A-phase CH4 PB Pulse generator output B-phase PA leads PB by 90° in CW rotation CH5 RA A-phase reference voltage PA DC +25mV CH6 RB B-phase reference voltage PB DC +25mV CH7 PSA A-phase squre wave Duty 50% (at constant speed) +10% CH8 PSB B-phase square wave Duty 50% (at constant speed) +10% PSA leads PSB by 90° in CW rotation CH9 SDTRF Speed detection level Variable over a range of 0.14 - 7.4V by RV4 CH10 SARRF Speed arrival level CH11 BUZY Acceleration/ Variable over a range of 0.5 5.0V by RV3 ii deceleration in progress "0,(- - ii I +10. 0V © "1" level during acc. /dec. ; CCW, © ; CW CH13 VCMD Velocity command voltage 0 CHI 4 RVP Reverse rotation speed level Pulse width 3.2 s generated during reverse rotation only Pulse width 3.2 s generated during forward rotation only CH15 FWP Forward rotation speed level CH16 OV PCB 0V 168 - Name of Name of terminal signal CH17 TS1 Remarks Signal data output -8V at 6000 rpm in CCW (forward) rotation Velocity feedback F/V CH18 TS2 Low speed detection signal -1.38 +0. 03V at 45 rpm in CCW (forward) rotation CH20 TSA Velocity feedback signal +10V at rated rotation speed and (-) in CCW rotation. CH21 LTRF Output torque Output = limitation voltage CH22 CRU —( . C|V | 1 8) / 10 CH21 + x maximum output Current/V U-phase current detection signal M3. 6 M8 Ml 2 M15 M18 M22 M30 M40 16.7 25A 35. 750A 50A 62.! 52. 1104.2 A A A A A - 0V is 10V, CH23 ERP VF conversion output 200 kHz when L 0.4ys width CH24 CRV V-phase current detection signal See CH22 CH25 TRWF Triangular wave signal CH26 CRW W-phase current detection signal See CH22 CLK CLK Clock signal 312.5 kHz, 200 ns typ. +24 24V +24V power voltage +15 15V +15V power voltage +5 5V +5V power voltage +5V jfl% (already adjusted by RV15) 0V 0V PCB 0V Same as the 0V and CHI 6 -15 -15V -15V power voltage -15V +4% CH28 ER Error voltage 0 CH29 UCM U-phase command voltage CH30 VCM V-phase command voltage CH31 WCM W-phase command voltage CH32 24VP 24 V VFC output 19A 19A AC 19V input voltage 169 MM'U - lOVp-p 10V For PCB control power supply Name of terminal Name of signal Signal data Remarks CT CT OV For PCB control power supply 19B 19B AC 19V input voltage For PCB control power supply SLP SLP Slip frequency Pulse width: 3.2ys b) MODEL 1 /2/small MODEL 3 Name of terminal Name of signal CHI DA2 CH2 DAI Signal data Remarks Analog command voltage 0 D/A 0 converter output - 10. OV 10. OV voltage CH3 PA Pulse generator output A-phase CH4 PB Pulse generator output B-phase PA leads PB by 90° in CW rotation CH5 RA A-phase reference voltage PA DC +25mV CH6 RB B-phase reference voltage PB DC +25mV CH7 PSA A-phase square wave Duty 50% (at constant speed) +10% CH8 PSB B-phase square wave Duty 50% (at constant speed) +10% PSA leads PSB by 90° in CW rotation CH9 SDTRF Speed detection level Variable over a range of 0.14 7.4V by RV4 CH10 SARRF Speed arrival level Variable over a range of 0.5 5.0V by RV 3 CHI1 BUZY Acceleration/ "O'1- - J © © CH 13 VCMD Velocity command voltage 0 CHI 4 RVP Reverse rotation speed level Pulse width 3.2 s generated during reverse rotation only Forward rotation speed level Pulse width 3.2 s generated during forward rotation only CH15 FWP - 170 - +10. 0V - "1" level during acc. /dec. »f deceleration in progress - ; CCW, ; CW Name of Name of terminal signal CHI 7 TS1 Remarks Signal data Velocity feedback F/V output CH18 TS2 -8V at 6000 rpm in CCW (forward) rotation signal -1.38 +0. 03V at 45 rpm in CCW (forward) rotation Low speed detection CH20 TSA Velocity feedback signal +10V at rated rotation speed and T-) in CCW rotation. CH21 LTRF Output torque Output = limitation voltage CH22 CRU — ( C [ V CH21| + . 1 8) / 10 x maximum output U-phase current detection signal Current /IV M2 Ml 6.43A 12.86A M3 12.86A - CH23 ERP VF conversion output 200 kHz when L,, width CH24 CRV V-phase current detection signal See CH22 CH25 TRWF Triangular wave signal CH26 CRW W-phase current detection signal See CH22 CLK CLK Clock signal 312.5 kHz, 200 ns typ. +24 24V +24V power voltage +15 15V +15V power voltage +5 5V +5V power voltage +5V +1% (already adjusted by RV15) 0V 0V PCB 0V Same as the 0V and CHI 6 -15 -15V -15V power voltage -15V +4% CH28 ER Error voltage 0 CH29 UCM U-phase command voltage CH30 VCM V-phase command voltage CH31 WCM W-phase command voltage CH32 24VP 24V VFC output 19A 19A AC 19V input voltage For PCB control power supply CT CT 0V For PCB control power supply 171 MAO - 0V is 10V, 0.4ps 10Vp-p 10V Name of Name of terminal signal Signal data Remarks 19B 19B AC 19V input voltage For PCB control power supply SLP SLP Slip frequency Pulse width: CH33 VDCA DC link voltage detection signal 95V/1V CH34 IDCA D1 link current detection signal 10.6A/1V (model 2/3), 5.3A/1V (model 1) CH35 *INA A-phase driver control signal CH36 *INB B-phase driver control signal CH37 *INC C-phase driver control signal CH38 *IND D-phase driver control signal CH39 *INE E-phase driver control signal CH40 *INF F-phase driver control signal CH4 1 *REG Regenerative circuit 3.2ps driver control signal CH42 *LMT Over current /overvoltage Driver circuit is turned off at limit 56.25A or 420V. CRU CRU U-phase current detection 0.54V +7 % at 50A CRV CRV V-phase current detection 0.54V +7% at 50A IDC IDC DC link current detection signal VDC VDC DC link voltage 172 - c) 380 V/415 Name of terminal VAC input type Name of Remarks Signal data signal - 10 V when external velocity command is given. CHI DA2 Velocity command voltage input Is 0 CH2 DAI DA conversion output Is changeable by convertor input 10 V. bit command of 0 voltage CH3 PA Pulse generator A-phase Advances 90° against PB by CW rotation for Vp-p = 0.36 - 0. (5 V/2 +5%) +0.2 Vtyp. CH4 PB Pulse generator B-phase Delays 90° against PA by CW rotation for Vp-p = 0.36 - 0.5 V. (5 V/2 +5%) +0.2 Vtyp. CH5 RA A-phase reference voltage DC part of PA. (2.5 V +0.25 V) CH6 RB B-phase reference voltage DC part of PB. (2.5 V +0.25 V) CH7 PSA A-phase rectangular Pulse width duty 1/2, 256 pulses/1 motor rotation. wave CH8 CH9 PSB SDTRF wave Pulse width duty 1/2, 256 pulses/1 motor rotation. Velocity detection reference voltage Is variable in the range of 0.14 7.4 V/RV4. Standard setting is B-phase rectangular - 0.3 V. CH10 CHI 1 SARRF BUZY - Velocity arrival reference voltage Is variable in the range of 0.5 Adjustable velocity 45 sec typ. level "1" from the step change of more than 1.4 V of 5.0 V/RV3 for velocity command of 10 V. (Standard: 1.5 V) signal velocity command. CH12 TEST C-short terminal for integration Is short-circuited at both ends of condensor C68 when connected to (0 V) terminal. CH13 VCMD Velocity command voltage For positive, motor is forward (CCW) and for negative, reverse (CW) Rated velocity command is . +10 V. CHI 4 RVP Reverse velocity pulse 173 Occurs at reverse (CW) with pulse width 3.2 ps and 1024 pulses/ 1 motor rotation. Name of terminal Name of signal Signal data Remarks CH15 FWP Forward velocity pulse Occurs at forward (CCW) with pulse width 3.2 ys and 1024 pulses/ 1 motor rotation. CH17 TA1 Velocity FVC output Is 10 V for forward 6000 rpm. CH18 TS2 Low speed detection signal Is -1.38 +0.03 V for forward 45 rpm. CHI 9 VLER Velocity deviation compensating signal Negative voltage for CCW and positive for CW. CH20 TSA Velocity detection signal +10 V (for CCW) at rated rotation speed CH21 LTRF Torque limiting reference voltage Limited output = C C x max. output, (-8.2 V) CH22 CRU U-phase current detection signal CURRENT = . | VCH-? L |+1.8) / 10] RCD CH23 ERP CH24 CRV VCH22ÿ6 X RCDÿA M40, M30 3 mfi Error VF conversion output 200 kHz and pulse width for CH28 (ER). V-phase current Refer to CH22. ys detection signal CH25 TRWF Triangular wave for PWM reference 1.50025 kHz, 10 Vpp typ. CH26 CRW W-phase current detection signal Refer to CH22. CH28 ER Error (or weakening) 0 - 10 V (max. output at 10 V) voltage . CH29 IUCMD U-phase command voltage Sine-wave CH30 IVCMD V-phase command voltage Lags 120° against CH29 (UCM) for CCW. CH3 1 IWCMD W-phase command voltage Lags 240° against CH29 (UCM) for CCW. CH32 *IVP Input voltage FVC output Is 38 kHz for input line voltage 380 V. Slip pulse Pulse width 3.2 ys. SLP SLP - 174 - Name of terminal Name of signal Remarks Signal data ARS ARS Alarm reset terminal Is this tei'minal is command to (0) terminal alarm is ignored and "ENABLE" is set. CLK CLK Clock signal 312.5 kHz and pulse width 200 ns. +24 24 V +24 V voltage source +20 V +0.2 V. +15 15 V +15 V voltage source +15 V +0.15 V. +5 5 V +5 V voltage source +5 V +0.05 V. 0 V 0 V P.C.B. reference voltage -15 -15 V -15 V voltage source 175 -15 V +0.15 V. 2. CHECK TERMINAL DATA CONFIRMATION METHOD Terminal Voltage check by a circuit tester or the like, or frequency check by a counter or the like CHI 0 - +10V by velocity command voltage input CH2 0 - +10V by velocity command Waveform check during stop CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 Waveform check during low-speed rotation acceleration/ deceleration See (2) CH9 0.3V by standard adjustment CH10 1.5V (standard) when velocity command voltage is 10V CHI 1 CH13 Waveform check during See (3) - 0 +10V by velocity command voltage input CH14 CHI 5 See (2) CHI 7 CH18 +1.38 +0.03V at motor rotation +4.5 rpm See (3) CHI 9 CH20 0 - +10V by rotation speed CH28 CH2 1 Standard -8.2V (during low-speed rotation) CH22 CH24 CH26 CH29 CH30 CH3 1 CH23 See (2) SLP 176 - Terminal Voltage check by a circuit tester or the like, or frequency check by a counter or the like CH25 Waveform check during stop Waveform check during Waveform check during low-speed acceleration/ rotation deceleration See (1) CLK At AC 200V input, +24 +24.7 +1V +15 +15.0 +0. 45V +5 + -15 -15.0 +0. 45V 19A CT 19B CH32 5.0 +0. 05V AC 19V at AC200V between 19A and AC19V at AC200V between 19B and 24kHz input CT input CT at AC200V input 1) Waveform at stopping Check Remarks Waveform terminal CLK Typ •"2 00ns 2.4V or more Ov Typ 3.2/JS CH25 Ov 10 Vp—p 333/is 177 2) Waveform during low speed Condition: Motor rpm. 45M000 rpm Spindle reverse rotation command signal SRV ON Check terminal Waveform CH3 CH4 CH3 / Remarks CH4 i Vp-p about 25V 03 6~ 0.5V 0v CH5 CH6 2.5 ± 05 V 0 CH7 CH8 +5V CH7 .1 +5V r CHB 0 CHI 4 CH15 CH14 When spindle rotation direction is reverse, waveform appears at CH15 and not appears at CH14. CHI 5 If spindle rotation direction is reverse, phase of CH24 and CH26 are replaced. CH22 CH24 Set the ON/OFF duty of CH7 and CH8 waveform 1 to 1 by RV18 and RV19 at 1000 rpm. \/\ CH26 - 178 - Check terminal Remarks Waveform CH29 Ov CH30 Ov Ov CH31 + 5V CH23 Ov SLP If spindle rotation direction is reverse, phase of CH30 and CH31 are replaced. Frequency is in proportion to spindle rotation. When unit and motor is normal, Sine-wave appears at check point. Pulse number are changed in proportion to voltage of CH28 terminal. + 5V Ov 3) Waveform during acceleration/deceleration Conditions: Motor revolutions 0 -»ÿ 1000 rpm 0 rpm Spindle reverse rotation command signal (SRV) OFF Check terminal Remarks Waveform ov CH13 ov -2.2 V 1000 rpm +2.2V CH20 ov CHI 1 “fI OV About 1 0 sec. About 10 sec. L 1000 rpm +1.33V CHI 7 0V +14V ‘ A CH18 ov ON \ 179 OFF Check terminal Waveform CHI 9 Remarks + 14V jiTi I -14V CH28 ov 3. -|ÿ+10V J I \+5-6V DIGITAL AC SPINDLE (Model 3 to 22) 3.1 Check Terminal Table 9.3.1 Check terminal (digital spindle) Name of Signal data terminal Remarks 0 - +10 V Analog command voltage 0 - +10 V PA Pulse generator output A-phase PA leads PB by 90° in CW rotation PB Pulse generator output B-phase PB leads PA by rotation RA A-phase reference voltage +2.5 V RB B-phase reference voltage +2.5 V PAP A-phase square wave Duty = 50% PBP B-phase square wave Duty = 50% PAS A-phase signal Waveform of the signal PA 10 times amplified when based on RA PBS B-phase signal Waveform of the signal PB 10 times amplified when based on PR TS1F Forward rotation speed detection signal +0.82 V at 6000 rpm in CCW Reverse rotation speed detection +0.82 V at 6000 rpm in CW (reverse) rotation DAI D/A DA2 TS1R converter output voltage signal 180 90° in CW (forward) rotation Name of Remarks Signal data terminal at 22.5 rpm in CW (forward) rotation TS2 Low speed detection signal +1.4 V TS3 Velocity pulse F/V signal -4.65V -6.15 V at 6000 rpm in CCW (forward) rotation VCMD Velocity command voltage 0 FWP Forward rotation speed pulse Pulse width 3.2 ps generated during forward rotation only RVP Reverse rotation speed pulse Pulse width 3.2 ps generated during reverse rotation only ER Error voltage -4.2 V CLK1 Clock signal 2.5 MHz, Duty = 50% SLIP Slip pulse VDC DC link voltage signal ADIN AC converter input signal IU U phase current signal - - +10 V, +: CCW - -: CW +4.8 V Signal devided by 100 of DC link voltage Model 3/6 Value of 22 IV V phase current signal IW W phase current signal +24 +24 V +15 +15 V +15 V +5 +5 V +5 V -15 -15 V -15 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 8 12 15/18 22 83 33 48 67 current Unit: 181 A/V 3.2 Waveform at Check Terminal Check terminal Waveform PA PB Remarks i l PA Vp-p About 2.5 V PB 0.36 -0.5 V 0 RA 2.5 ± 0.2 V RB 0 +5 V PAP 0V +5 V PAP PBP PBF 0V PAS PAS 2.5 V PBS 0V PBS 3.6 V5.0 V FWP When spindle rotation direction is forward. The waveform appears at RVP and not appears at FWP in reverse rotation. FWP RVP RVP 182 ( Check terminal Remarks Waveform 0V VCMD -10 V +10 V TSA 0V +0.8 V 0V TS1R +14 V TS2 0V +5.0 V TS3 0V +4.8 V / ER 0V -4.2 V IU 0V IV 0V IW 0V 2.5 MHz 200ns CLK1 1 200ns 4V OV — 400ns 183 4. DIGITAL AC SPINDLE (Model IS, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH) 4.1 Check Terminal Table Check terminal Signal data Remarks - +10 DA2 Analog speed command voltage 0 PA Pulse generator output phase A 90° leading from PB at CW rotation PB Pulse generator output phase B 90° leading from PA at CW rotation RA Phase A reference voltage +2.5 V RB Phase B reference voltage +2.5 V PAP Phase A square wave Duty = 50% PBP Phase B square wave Duty = 50% TSA Speed detecting signal +10 V at rated maximum speed V rpm TS2 Low speed detecting signal TS3 Speed pulse VCMD Velocity command voltage 0 = +10 V, +: CCW, FWP Forward rotation speed pulse Pulse width = 3.2 ys , produced only at forward rotation RVP Reverse rotation speed pulse Pulse width = 3.2 ys, produced only at reverse rotation ER Error voltage -4.2 V CLK1 Clock signal 2.5 MHz, Duty = 50% SLIP Slip pulse VDC DC link voltage signal signal of DC link voltage DTDC DC voltage of input AC voltage 1/100 F/V Adjusted by RV6 according to the model signal -4.65 - 6.15 V at CCW (forward rotation) 6000 rpm - CW +4.8 V 1/100 184 signal of DC voltage of input AC voltage Check terminal Remarks Signal data IU Phase U current signal IV Phase V current signal IW Phase W current signal +24 +24 V +2 A V +15 +15 V +15 V +5 +5 V +5 V -15 -15 V -15 V OV 0 V 0 V SM Signal for speedmeter Rated maximum speed +10 V LM Signal for load meter +10 V at maximum output Current value 22.2 4.2 Waveform of Check Terminal Check terminal PB PA L i L PA Vp-p About 2.5 V PB Remarks Waveform T 0.36 - 0.5 V 0 RA 2.5 ± 0.2 V RB 0 +5 V PAP PAP 0V +5 V PBP PBP 0V 185 A/V Check terminal Waveform Remarks 0V VCMD -10 V +10 V TSA 0V +14 V TS2 0V +5.0 V TS3 0V w i - +4.8 V \ / ER 0V -4.2 V * ' IU 0V IV 0V IW 0V 2.5 MHz 200ns 1 200ns 4V CLK1 0V — 400ns VI I i - 186 - APPENDIX 10 MAGNETIC SENSOR SIGNALS CHECKING METHOD 1. APPLICATION This document applies to the following check procedure by observing output signals of the magnetic sensor (specification: A57L-0001-0037) employed for magnetic sensor system spindle orientation. Check item Item 1 2 Whether magnetizer, magnetic sensor head, and magnetic sensor amplifier are defective or not. Whether magnetizer and magnetic sensor head are properly mounted or not; 3 2. Whether magnetic sensor signal cables are properly connected without any connection failure and short-circuit. CHECK PROCEDURE 1) Preparation (T) Rotate the spindle at about 120rpm. Select the counterclockwise rotating direction as viewed from the AC spindle motor shaft (in such a direction as the voltage at check terminal CH13 (VCMD) of AC spindle control circuit PCB becomes positive (+) to CH16 (OV)). Note) MODEL 1, 2, small MODEL 3 A16B-1100-0080, -0090ÿ0092 A20B-1000-06 90ÿ0693 MODEL 3M2 MODEL 15ÿ22 A20B-0009-05 34ÿ0539 MODEL 30, 40 A20B- 1000-0700ÿ0701 (2) Check the peak voltage and offset voltage levels of the following signal waveforms at the check terminals of the orientation circuit (drawing: A20B-0008-0030ÿ1 or A20B-0009-0520) using an oscilloscope. The names of check terminals and signal contents are common, irrespective of the kinds of orientation circuit. ... ... ... ... Check terminal Signal name Symbol No. CHI Magnetic sensor output singal A MSA CH2 Magnetic sensor output signal B LSA Prove common terminal (0V) 187 _ --_ 2) Decision method 1 Examples of normal waveforms and their criteria are as shown below. If a trouble occurred, refer to the causes and remedy shown in the following table. — [Normal waveform] U* Spindle T _ L_! CHI — I [MSA] i I i_ I -J I I I . CH2 I t [LSA] I < I I Rotation-ÿ I ! _L i [Definition of symbol] j MSA Vol V_ -U-- 4 Vp2 1 -t- . trr JV/DIV. LSA Vo2 Vp3 -r - f,TO) J | ! — OV -f 0.1 SEC/DIV. -*T (Criteria table) Item Criteria (normal, if these conditions are satisfied.) Offset voltage Peak voltage 2 V , olv2 3V < V plv2 < 0.5V 10V Remedy to be observed when the above criteria are not satisfied. Item Symptoms Causes Remedy 1 Offset voltage of a. Magnetic sensor head Replace defective or magnetic sensor either or both signals parts. amplifier is is high. Offset voltage defective. is normal. Peak voltage of either signal only is low. 2 Waveform of either signal does not appear, or waveform of both signals don't appear. a. Magnetic sensor head, amplifier, or magnetic sensor amplifier is connectors Offset voltage is normal, but the entire peak voltage is low. parts. defective. b. Poor connection or short-circuit of cables or 3 a. Replace -defective - parts. . a. Mounting gap of the magnetic sensor head and the magnetizer is wider than specified. 188 b. Repair defective Readjust the gap. Item 4 Symptoms Causes Remedy Offset voltage and peak voltage levels are normal, but waveforms are different from specified ones. Observe the following procedure according to waveforms Obser¬ vation wareform a. Magnetic sensor head is not mounted CHI MSA A V -+T CH2 LSA CHI MSA CHI CH2 LSA properly. b. Wrong cable connection. a. Magnetizer is not properly mounted. A X7 -»T CH2 LSA MSA . b. Wrong cable connection. /\ V n -*T a. Magnetizer and magnetic sensor head are not properly mounted . b. Wrong cable connection. a. Reverse the pin groove direction of the magnetic sensor head. b. Replace LSA and LSB with each other. a. Reverse the direction of the reference hole of magnetizer. b. Replace MSA and MSB with each other. Replace LSA and LSB with each other. a. Reverse the mounting directions of both magnetizer and magnetic sensor head. b. Replace MSA and MSB with each other. Reference) For normal mounting methods and connection methods of signal cables of the magnetizer and magnetic sensor head, refer to 7.3.1 in text and appendix 1 "Connections". 189 - APPENDIX 11. PARAMETER LIST FOR DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT 1) MODEL 3 to 22 Mode Standard setting Contents F-00 Display of rotation number of motor F-01 Use/non-use of machine ready signal (MRDY) Use 1 1 Non-use: 1 F-02 F-03 Use/non-use of override function Setting of override range Use 1 Non-use 1 120% : 1 1 > 1 100% : 0 F-04 Setting of velocity command voltage Use of external analog command: 0 Use of DA converter F-05 F-06 High speed specification Setting - 5000 rpm - 10000 rpm 0 - 6000 rpm - 12000 rpm 1 15000 rpm 2 - 20000 rpm 3 Pattern setting of output limit Setting No output limiting made 0 Output limit is made only at acceleration /deceleration 1 Output limit is made only at normal rotation, not at acceleration /deceleration 2 Output limit is made for all operations 3 Setting of limit value at Based on the motor specifi¬ cation 0 Contents F-07 : 1 Setting of maximum rotation number Standard specification 0 Rated maximum output is 100 output limit 190 - 100 Data Mode Standard setting Contents F-08 Setting of delay time before shut-off of motor power Delay time = (Set value) x 40 msec. F-09 Use/non-use of shut-off of motor power by machine ready signal (MRDY) 5 : 1 Use 0 Non-use: 0 F-10 Velocity deviation offset adjustment at forward rotation command (SFR) 128 F-ll Velocity deviation offset adjustment at reverse rotation command (SRV) 128 F-12 Velocity deviation offset adjustment at orientation command (OCR) 128 F-13 Rotation number adjustment at forward rotation F-14 Rotation number adjustment at reverse rotation F-15 Rotation number at velocity command voltage, 10 V Rotation number = (Set value) x 100 rpm F-16 Detection range of velocity arrival signal Detection range = Within +(£>et value) % of command rotation number F- 17 Detection level of velocity detection signal Detection range = Less than (Set value) % of maximum rotation number F-18 Setting of torque limit value Torque limit value = Less than (Set value) % of maximum Based on the motor specifi¬ cation 15 3 50 output acceleration/deceleration F-19 Setting of time needed for Time = (Set value) sec. F-20 Setting Limiting of regenerated power (Adjustment of deceleration time), range F-21 Setting of velocity control phase compensation P: HIGH gear (CTH = 1) Setting of velocity control phase compensation P: LOW gear (CTH = 0) F-22 _ 100 10 60 50 50 F-23 Setting of velocity control phase compensation P at orientation: HIGH gear 100 F-24 Setting of velocity control phase compensation P at orientation: LOW gear 100 191 Data Mode Standard setting Contents F-25 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I: HIGH gear (CTH = 1) 30 F-26 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I: LOW gear (CTH = 0) 30 F-27 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I at orientation: HIGH gear 30 F-28 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I at orientation: LOW gear 30 F-29 Adjustment of velocity detection offset (adjusted at shipping) F-30 Adjustment of rotation number display (adjusted shipping) at Approx. 128 Approx. 3990 F-31 Setting of rigid tap mode F-32 Setting of normal motor voltage 10 F-33 Setting of motor voltage at orientation 10 F-34 Setting of motor voltage at rigid tap mode F-35 Setting of speed zero signal detection level detection level = less than {max. number of revolution x (Setting data/100)%} 0 192 100 75 Data 2) MODEL IS, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH Standard setting Contents Mode F-00 Speed indication of motor F-01 The use/no use of the machine ready signal (MRDY) : 1 No use: 0 Use 1 F-01 to Not used F-05 F-06 0 Pattern setting of output limit Setting Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Contents The output is not limited The output is limited only at acceleration and deceleration No output is limited at acceleration and decele¬ ration but it is limited only during steady 0 0 1 4 2 5 3 6 _ rotation _ The output is limited over all movements F-07 Limit value setting when the output is limited F-08 Setting of delay time to motor power interruption Delay time = (Setting value) x 40 msec F-09 Use or no use of motor power interruption by machine ready signal MRDY 100 Maximum rated output is made 100 5 : 1 No use: 0 Use 0 F-10 Speed error offset adjustment at the time of the forward rotation command (SFR) 128 F— 11 Speed error offset adjustment at the time of the reverse rotation command (SRV) 128 F-12 Speed error offset adjustment at the time of the orientation command (ORCM) 128 F-13 Not used (The speed rpm should be adjusted, using RV1 and 2 in reference with item 4.5.) to F-14 F-15 Speed rpm at 10 V speed command voltage (Speed rpm = (preset value) x 100 rpm) 193 - Data Mode Standard setting Contents F-16 Detection range of speed arrival signal: Detection range = within +(preset value)% of command speed rpm F-17 Detection level of speed detecting signal: Detection range = Less than (preset value) % of maximum 15 3 speed F-18 Setting of torque limit value: Torque limit value = Less than (preset value)% of maximum output 50 F-19 Setting of time for acceleration/deceleration Time = (Setting value) sec. 10 F-20 Limit of regenerative power (Adjustment of deceleration time) F-21 Setting of velocity control phase compensation P: HIGH gear (CTH = 1) 20 F-22 Setting of velocity control phase compensation P: LOW gear (CTH = 0) 20 F-23 Setting of velocity control phase compensation P is orientation time: HIGH gear 40 F-24 Setting of. velocity control phase compensation P in orientation time LOW gear 40 F-25 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I: HIGH gear (CTH = 1) 10 F-26 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I: LOW gear (CTH = 0) 10 F-27 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I in orientation time: HIGH gear F-28 Setting of velocity control phase compensation I in orientation time: LOW gear F-29 F-30 Not used (The adjustment of the speed detection offset is explained in item 4.5. Please adjust by RV3) F-3 1 Setting of rigid tap mode F-3 2 Setting of usual motor voltage 10 F-33 Setting of motor voltage in orientation time 10 F-34 Setting of motor voltage of rigid tap mode Setting = Q range 60 100 . 10 10 0 - 194 - 100 Data Mode F-35 F-36 Standard setting Contents 0 speed signal detection level: Detection range = Less than (Preset value/100)% of maximum speed 75 Load detection signal level: 90 Detection range = Less than (Preset value/100)% of maximum output 195 Data J Revision Record FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (B-53425E) 05 04 1, ’84 11, ’83 Adding of small type servo unit (A06B-6044-H108, HI 12) for motor MODEL 8 and 12. All contents are changed. 09 3, ’87 Adding of Digital AC spindle servo unit MODEL IS, •1.5S.2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH. Adding of •servo unit. 380V/415V AC input type AC spindle •Adding parameter F 35 03 8, ’82 All contents are changed. 08 11, ’86 Adding of check terminal table and waveform at •check terminal for digital spindle. •Adding digital AC spindle servo unit. 02 01 Edition 11, ’81 Correction of errata 07 9, ’81 Date Contents 8, ’86 06 6, ’85 Edition Date Adding the contents of AC spindle motor •model 1, 2, 30, 40. Adding the contents of AC spindle servo •unit model 1, 2, small model 3, 30, 40. Contents ! !