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Software Licensing & Copyright Revision Exercise

Student Name_____________________________Grade______
1. Use the words in bold to fill in the blanks (open source, license,
systems, freeware, proprietary, copyrights, shareware, piracy,
(a) ____________________is the crime you commit when you
unlawfully copy and redistribute software.
(b) The rights that protect the people that create software are called
(c) A code or number that one should buy to use protected software is a
software ___________________________________
(d) ____________________________ software is proprietary software
that is given free of charge for people to use.
(e) All ________________________software is owned by companies,
protected and only can be used when you buy a licence.
(f) _________________________software allows its users to change,
copy and redistribute the software.
(g) The software that is allowed to use free of charge for a trial period (for
example 30 days) and one is required to buy a key afterwards is
known as __________________________________________
2. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
(a) Android is an example of proprietary software _______________
(b) The law allows that we share distribute proprietary software to our
friends as long as we do not make profit_________________
(c) It is against the law to share licences for software
3. Write the following acronyms in full
(a) CD ______________________________________
(b) DVD_____________________________________
(c) USB_____________________________________
(d) PC______________________________________
(e) SD card__________________________________