Flights Over Water – References and Information • • • • • • • • • • CAR 175A – Restrictions on IFR Flights single engine aircraft CAR 258 – flights over water AIP ENR 1.1 – 63. Flights over water ERSA SP-1 – Bass Strait Crossings CAO 82.3 – Conditions AOC RPT less than High Capacity CAO 20.11 - Emergency & life saving equipment CASA 113/09 – Direction – Flights over water CASA 113/09 – Minute CASA 113/09 – SFR CASA ASETPA - Certificate • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1/03/2017 Cessna 208 Caravan – Certification basis and MTOW Cessna 208B Caravan – Certification basis and MTOW Cessna 208B – Seating Certification SKYTRANS – AOC Cessna Caravans Cessna C208/B – Glide Range Chart Pilatus PC-12 – Glide Range Chart TBM-700 (900) – Glide Range Chart Emails – Eastern Region Draft Direction – Flights over water Legal Opinion ICAO Annex 6 Part 1, 5.4.1 ICAO An6Pt1 – Appendix 3 – Additional Requirements ICAO An6Pt1 – Attachment G – Additional Guidance 1 CAR 175A – IFR Single Engine CAR 175A allows IFR flight in S/E aircraft By operations: • PVT • AWK • CHTR (Cargo Only) and • RPT & CHTR (Pax) if: • Operator is approved by CASA to conduct the operation and • Aircraft is ASETPA (approved) Does not specify limits to where flights can be operated. IFR approval. 1/03/2017 INDEX 2 CAR 258 – Flights over water CAR 258(1) says an aircraft must not be flown fly over water at a distance that if an engine fails you cannot make ‘land’. However; CAR258(3)(a) says you can if you do so IAW directions issued by CASA. 113/09 is that direction. (but that direction has some ‘holes’ in it.) RPT was not omitted, it was deliberately not included. 1/03/2017 INDEX 3 AIP ENR 1.1 – 63 Flights over water ENR 1.1 63.1 appears to readers to describe alleviation to CAR258. 113/09 empowers 63.2 for S/E aircraft but does not do so for non-performing M/E aircraft. (In other words, nonperf M/E have to make land) (ergo: 63.2 is not fully correct) 63.3 in incorrect in that 119/03 does not cover freight CHTR Note1: No mention of RPT (never envisaged being approved) 1/03/2017 INDEX 4 ERSA SP-1 This is the rule that preceded 113/09. The distances between exceed the glide capability of S/E Just because AIP says you must take this route, does not alleviate the requirements of CAR258 re glide. 1/03/2017 INDEX 5 CAO 82.3 – Low Cap RPT CAO 82.3 RPT Other than High Capacity 82.3(6) certification & Perf The requirements for CAO 20.7.2 performance are turned off by approvals under CAR175 (ASETPA Approval) 1/03/2017 INDEX 6 CAO 20.11 1/03/2017 INDEX 7 CASA 113/09 GW Note: Does not authorise ‘cargo only charter’. 1/03/2017 INDEX 8 CASA 113/09 Minute 1/03/2017 INDEX 9 CASA 113/09 SFR 1/03/2017 INDEX 10 1/03/2017 INDEX 11 GW Note: This does not address (is silent on) the classification of the operations considered. 1/03/2017 INDEX 12 ASETPA 1/03/2017 INDEX 13 C208 Certification & MTOW 1/03/2017 INDEX 14 C208B Certification & MTOW 1/03/2017 INDEX 15 C208B Certification Seating • US FAA – Max 9 Passengers (+1 or 2 crew) • International NAAs – Up to 14 Seats (including crew 1 or 2) 1/03/2017 INDEX 16 Registered C208s for Skytrans 1/03/2017 INDEX 17 1/03/2017 INDEX 18 PC-12 1/03/2017 INDEX 19 TBM-700 (900) 1/03/2017 INDEX 20 GW Note: The approach should be: RPT not allowed, Charter under certain conditions. Just because Charter can do it, does NOT mean that RPT should be able. 1/03/2017 INDEX 21 1/03/2017 INDEX 22 Legal Opinion 1/03/2017 INDEX 23 ICAO – Annex 6 Part 1 5.4.1 - Requirements GW Note: Annex 6 Part 1 is Air transport (no distinction between Charter and RPT, they have the same requirements under ICAO). 1/03/2017 INDEX 24 ICAO – Annex 6 Part 1 Appendix 3 - Requirements 1/03/2017 INDEX 25 ICAO – Annex 6 Part 1 Appendix 3 - Requirements 1/03/2017 INDEX 26 ICAO – Annex 6 Part 1 Attachment G - Guidance 1/03/2017 INDEX 27 ICAO – Annex 6 Part 1 Attachment G - Guidance 1/03/2017 INDEX 28 AOCM 1/03/2017 INDEX 29 1/03/2017 INDEX 30 • • • • Operator Approvals (AOC) Operations Approvals – OPS MANUALS Can it be approved – in law Should it be approved – AOCM etc. 1/03/2017 INDEX 31 AIRCRAFT CONDITIONS Legislation MultiEngine (Non-perf) Single Engine ASETPA Single Engine non-ASET Over Land Over Water Day Night Weather EMER Equip CAR175A IFR by S/E Not Applicable to M/E CHTR (Pax) RPT Both Require: operator & operations approved by CASA. PVT AWK CHTR (F) Does not impose a limit Does not impose a limit Does not specify Does not specify Allows for flight under IFR, including IMC. Does not impose weather limits Does not specify CAR258 Flight Over Water Non-perf M/E must be able to reach ‘land’ *Unless IAW Direction Must be able to reach ‘land’ *Unless IAW Direction Must be able to reach ‘land’ *Unless IAW Direction Not Applicable to over-land operations Limits apply to S/E and nonperf M/E Does not consider or specify Does not consider or specify Does not consider or specify Does not specify CASA 113/09 *Direction: Flight Over Water Not Applicable to M/E CHTR (Pax) RPT Within 25NM of ‘land area suitable for EMER landing’ PVT AWK CHTR (F) Not Applicable to over-land operations Provides alleviation to CAR258. S/E PVT & AWK: Unlimited dist. CHTR(Pax): Max dist 25NM to EMER ldg. RPT and CHTR(F): no alleviation. (glide to land required) Does not consider or specify Does not consider or specify Does not consider or specify Requires 1 life jacket per occupant when outside glide to ‘land’ Comments / Summary Non-perf M/E must comply with CAR258. i.e. be within glide of ‘land’. Over-water outside glide to EMER landing ignores altitude/dist relationship. PVT and AWK unlimited. NO Legislative limits on overland RPT or CHTR(pax) ASETPA. (Other than implied through operation/ operator approval) No consideration of sea surface state and temperature, SAR facilities and capacity, No Legislative limits on Night operations No Legislative limits on IMC cloud ceiling and visibility enroute for EMER landing. CAO 20.11 (5.1) Requires 1 life jacket per occupant when outside glide range to EMER landing. No alleviation under 113/09 1/03/2017 INDEX (5.2) Life Rafts - does not envisage S/E CHTR(Pax) or S/E RPT. 5.2.2 allows CASA to 32 direct carriage. AIRCRAFT CONDITIONS NonLegislative Documents MultiEngine (Non-perf) Single Engine ASETPA Single Engine Over Land Over Water Day Night Weather EMER Equip AIP ENR 1.1 63 Flight over water CHTR (F)# CHTR (Pax)25NM# CHTR (Pax)25NM PVT AWK CHTR (F)# Not Applicable to over-land operations Differs from Instrument 113/09 in distances . Other conditions are same. Does not impose limits Does not impose limits Does not impose limits Points to CAO 20.11 RPT require ASETPA Safety distance = 15min cruise + glide to 1000’ Refers to Landing. (Ditching??) No limit imposed No limit imposed No limit imposed No limit imposed # different from Legislation AOCM (New) Flight Over Water Comments / Summary 1/03/2017 INDEX Notassessed (Silent on RPT) # different from Legislation AOCM approves RPT on over water Operations despite no legislative head of power. 33