Material Balance Material balances are the basis of process design. A material balance taken over complete process will determine the quantities of raw materials required and products produced. Balances over Individual process until set the process stream flows and compositions. The general conservation equation for any process can be written as; Material out = material in + accumulation For a steady state process the accumulation term is zero. If a chemical reaction is taking place a particular chemical species may be formed or consumed. But if there is no chemical reaction, the steady state balance reduces to: Material out = Material in A balance equation can be written for each separately identifiable species present, elements, compounds and for total material 4.1 basis 75000 Nm3/hr. of hydrogen gas produced (0.044 * 2) * 75000 = 6600 kg mol/hr. hydrogen produced 4.2 Refinery Off-Gases Required The reactions involved are as followed: CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2 ………………………… (4.1) C2H6 + 2H2 O 2 CO + 5H2 ………………………… (4.2) C3H8 + 3H2O 3 CO + 7H2 …………………………... (4.3) C4H10 + 4H2O 4 CO + 9H2 ……………………………. (4.4) CO + H2O CO2 + H2 …………………………………… (4.5) IF x kg mol / hr. of refinery off-gas be supplied then the H2 content as based on the refinery offgas composition is given by: = (3*0.9248 + 5*0.0169 + 7*0.0013) * X = 2.8121X Hence, 2.8121 X = 6600 kg mol/hr X = 2347 kg-mol / hr Hence, refinery off-gas required = 2347 kg-mol / hr. 4.3 Material Balance of Individual Equipment 4.3.1 Desulfurizer In the desulfurizer, there is removal of sulfur, since, the concentration of the sulfur being encountered is less than 3 ppm, we can neglect desulfurization. Input = 2347 kg-mol / hr of the refinery off-gas Output = 2347 kg-mol / hr of the refinery off-gas. Both the input and output have the same composition and this composition is seen in the table below for feed to the primary reformer. Table-2 refinery off-gas composition at reformer inlet component mol % mol wt kgmol/hr kg/hr CH4 78.81 16 1849 29584 C2H6 10.46 30 245.5 7365 C3H8 4.62 44 108.43 4770.92 C4H10 0.79 58 18.31 1061.98 C4H10 0.97 58 22.77 1320.66 C5H12 0.31 72 7.28 524.16 C5H12 0.27 72 6.34 456.48 C6H14 0.21 86 4.93 423.98 C7H16 0.1 100 2.35 235 CO2 2.59 44 60.79 2674.76 N2 0.61 28 14.32 400.96 H2O 0.26 18 6.1 109.8 H2S 0.001 34 0.02 0.68 TOTAL 100.001 660 2346.14 48928.38 4.3.2 Reformer: Total carbon in ROG = (0.7881*1) + (0.1046*2) + (0.0462*3) + (0.0079*4) + (0.0097*4) + (0.0031*5) + (0.0027*5) + (0.0021* 6) + (0.001*7) + (0.0259*1) = 1.2808 Here taking the steam to carbon mole ratio is 3:1 we have. Steam = 3 *1.2808*2346.14= 9014.808336kg mol / hr = 162266.55 Kg / hr Total feed to reformer = ROG + steam = 2346.14 + 9014.80833= 11360.94834 kgmol / hr For the methane reforming the following reaction take place CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2 --- (4.6) C2H6 + 2H2O 2CO + 5H2 --- (4.7) C3H8 + 3H2O 3CO + 7H2 --- (4.8) C4H10 + 4H2O 4CO + 9H2 --- (4.9) CO + H2O CO2 + H2 --- (4.10) Assume: (1) 90% conversion of the first reaction. (2) 100% conversion of 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 reaction. (3) 65% conversion of reaction 4.10 From the reaction -1 CH4 consumed = 0.9 * 1849 = 1664.1 kg mol / hr CH4 unconverted = 1849 - 1664.1= 184.90 kg mol / hr H2O consumed = 1664.1 kg mol / hr H2 produced = 3*1664.1 = 4992.3kg mol / hr CO produced = 1664.1 kg mol / hr From the reaction-2 C2H6 consumed = 245.5kg mol / hr H2O Consumed = 2*245.5= 491 kg mol / hr CO produced = 491 kg mol / hr H2 produced = 5* 245.5= 1227.5 kg mol / hr From reaction -3 C3H8 consumed = 108.43kg mol / hr H2O consumed = 3*108.43= 325.29 kg mol / hr CO produced = 325.29 kg mol / hr H2 produced = 7 * 108.43 = 759.01 kg mol / hr From reaction -4 All components are zero in reaction-4 Total CO produced from the first four reactions 1664.1 +491 +325.29 +0 =2480.39 kg mol/hr Total H2 produced 4992.3+1227.5 +759.01 +0 = 6978.90 kg mol/hr Total H2O consumed = 1664.1 + 491+ 325.29 + 0 = 2480.39 kg mol / hr H2O remaining =9014.808336– 2480.39 = 8766.42 kg mol / hr N2 is used as an inert gas So, N2 Input = N2 Output=14.32 kg mol/ hr Table-3 Output of The Reformer component CH4 H2 N2 CO2 H2O CO TOTAL mol % 0.091762606 0.346350488 0.000710676 0.0030169 0.435061951 0.123097378 1 mol wt 16 2 28 44 18 28 136 kgmol/hr 1849 6978.9 14.32 60.79 8766.42 2480.39 20149.82 kg/hr 29584 13957.8 400.96 2674.76 157795.56 69450.92 273864 4.3.3 Shift Reactor: CO + H2O CO2 + H2…………………………. (4.11) CO inlet = 2480.39kg mol/hr. .CO consume = 0.65 * 2480.39= 1612.25 kg mol/hr. CO outlet = 2480.39–1612.25 = 868.14 kg mol/hr. H2O consumed = 1612.25 kg mol/ hr. H2O outlet =8766.42–1612.25 = 7154.17 kg mol/ hr H2 produced = 1612.25 kg mol/hr. CO2 produced =1612.25 kg mol/hr. Table-4 Output of Shift Reactor component CH4 H2 N2 CO2 H2O CO TOTAL mol % 0.141035978 0.122977423 0.001092285 0.122977423 0.545697869 0.066219023 1 mol wt 16 2 28 44 18 28 kgmol/hr 1849 1612.25 14.32 1612.25 7154.17 868.14 13110.13 4.3.4 CO2 Absorber The absorption of CO2 is done by MDEA solution. CO2 inlet = 1612.25kg mol/ hr Assume efficiency of CO2 absorber is 99%. CO2 outlet (remaining) = (0.01 *1612.25) = 16.12 kg mol/hr. kg/hr 29584 3224.5 400.96 70939 128775.06 24307.92 257231.44 4.3.5 Pressure Swing Adsorber Assume that 99.9% of CO, CO2 & CH4 are get adsorbed. Assume that 100% H2O & 0.5% H2 get adsorbed in PSA unit. CO outlet = 0.001 * 868.14= 0.868 kg mol/ hr. CO2 outlet = 0.001 * 16.12 = 0.016 kg mol/ hr. CH4 outlet = 0.001 * 1849= 1.849 kg mol/ hr. H2O outlet = 0 kg mol/ hr. H2 outlet = 0.995 * 1612.25= 1604.19 kg mol/ hr Table-5 outlet composition of PSA component CH4 H2 CO2 CO TOTAL mol % 0.001150646 0.998299234 9.95692E-06 0.000540163 1 mol wt 16 2 44 28 kgmol/hr 1.849 1604.19 0.016 0.868 1606.923 kg/hr 29.584 3208.38 0.704 24.304 3262.972 ENERGY BALANCE 5.1 Energy Balance at Individual Equipment 5.1.1 Energy Balance at Steam Reformer Table-7 Inlet Gas Properties of Reformer component flowrate Kg/hr CH4 C2H6 C3H8 CO2 N2 29584 7365 4770.92 2674.76 400.96 cp at 475k (KJ/Kg.K 2.483 1.616 1.645 0.858 1.034 Qin= MCP∆T = {(29584*2.483) +(7365*1.616) +(4770.92*1.645) +(2674.76*0.858) +(400.96*1.034)} (475298) = 16977240.35kJ/hr Table-8 Outlet Gas Properties of Reformer component flowrate Kg/hr H2 N2 CO CO2 CH4 H2O 13957.8 400.96 69450.92 2674.76 29584 157795.56 cp at 698k (KJ/Kg.K 14.57 1.064 1.017 1.126 3.602 2.08 Qout= MCP∆T = {(13957.8*14.57) +(400.96*1.064) +(69450.92*1.017) +(2674.76*1.126) + (29584*3.602) +(157795.56*2.080)} (698-298) = 284884586.3kj/hr ∆Q= Qout-Qin = 267907346 kJ/hr. 5.1.2 Energy Balance at Steam Generator Q=MCP∆T where, T1=373k =>M=Q/CP∆T = (267907346)/ (38.73*75) T2=298k CP=38.73kJ/kmol.k = 92230.78 kgmol/hr. Export stream= (92230.78 -9014.808336) = 83215.97 kmol/hr. 5.1.3 Energy Balance at Shift Converter Table-9 Inlet Gas Properties of Shift Converter component H2 N2 CO CO2 CH4 H2O flowrate Kg/hr 13957.8 400.96 69450.92 2674.76 29584 157795.6 cp at 623k (KJ/Kg.K 7.197 7.008 7.276 11.311 12.546 8.677 Qin=MCP∆T = {(13957.8*7.197) +(400.96*7.008) +(69450.92*7.2) +(2674.76*11.311) +(29584*12.546) + (157795.6*8.677)} (623-298) = 773238783.4 kJ/h Table-10 Outlet Gas Properties of Shift Converter component flowrate Kg/hr H2 N2 CO CO2 CH4 H2O 3224.5 400.96 24307.92 70939 29584 128775.1 cp at 700k (KJ/Kg.K 7.035 7.351 7.451 11.489 11.88 8.951 Qout=MCP∆T = {(3224.5*7.035) + (400.96*7.351) + (24307.92*7.451) + (70939*11.489) + (29584*11.88) + (128775.1*8.951)} (700-298) = 1015408495 kJ/hr ∆Q= Qout-Qin = (1015408495-773238783.4) kJ/hr = 242169712 kJ/hr 5.1.4 Energy balance at CO2 Absorber Table-11 Inlet gas properties of CO2 Absorber component flowrate Kg/hr H2 N2 CO CO2 CH4 H2O 3224.5 400.96 24307.92 70939 29584 128775.1 cp at 366k (KJ/Kg.K 6.974 6.991 7.013 9.871 9.736 9.185 Qin=MCP∆T = {(3224.5*6.974) + (400.96*6.991) + (24307.92*7.013) + (70939*9.871) + (29584*9.736) + (128775.1*9.185)} (366-298) = 160944428.9 kJ/hr. Table-12 Outlet Gas Properties of CO2 Absorber component H2 N2 CO CO2 CH4 H2O flowrate Kg/hr 3224.5 400.96 24307.92 70939 29584 128775.1 cp at 466k (KJ/Kg.K 6.895 6.961 6.965 8.89 8.552 8.026 Qout= MCP∆T = {(3224.5*6.895) +(400.96*6.961) +(24307.92*6.965) +(70939*8.890) + (29584*8.552) +(128775.1*8.026)} (466-298) = 354736600.2 kJ/hr ∆Q= Qout-Qin = (354736600.2-160944428.9) = 193792171.3 kJ/hr. 5.1.5 Energy balance at PSA Table-13 Inlet gas properties of PSA component H2 N2 CO CO2 CH4 H2O flowrate Kg/hr 3224.5 400.96 24307.92 70939 29584 128775.1 cp at 373k (KJ/Kg.K 6.972 6.921 6.015 9.723 9.736 8.185 Qin= MCP∆T = {(3224.5*6.972) + (400.96*6.921) + (24307.92*6.015) + (70939*9.723) + (29584*9.736) + (128775.1*8.185)} (373-298) = 165244648.8 kJ/hr