APPENDIX clear clc R=8.314; T=270+273; k=(0.991e-2)*exp(-18330/(R*T)) Vo=1.335e4; Xa=0.95; P=5000; yco=0.1567; yh2=0.6991; ymeth=0; Pco=yco*P Ph2=yh2*P Pmeth=ymeth*P LogofK=(3921/T)-(7.971*log10(T))+(0.002499*T)-((2.953e-7)*T^2)+10.2 Keq=10^LogofK n=1.5; r_methanol=k*((Pco*Ph2)-((Pmeth/Keq)*(Pco*Ph2^0.5)^n))/3600 %V_reactor=(Vo/k)*(log(1/1-Xa)); FAO=14790.4247985271; W=FAO/(r_methanol)*Xa %Weight of Catalyst den_cat=1300; Vcatalyst=W/den_cat Vreactor=3*Vcatalyst CAO=FAO/Vo Scaled_volume=Vreactor*1 Scaled_CatVol=Scaled_volume/3 NewCatWeight=Scaled_CatVol*den_cat Hr=-4.5e4 mass_flo=165336.578900071; Cp=35.18; Tad=T+[((-Hr)*(FAO))/(mass_flo*Cp)]*Xa Vrpi=Scaled_volume/pi Vc=Vrpi/3 Diameter=nthroot(Vrpi,3) Lenght=4*Diameter Space_vel=Vo/Vrpi Space_time=1/Space_vel Bed_Length=4*NewCatWeight/(den_cat*pi*Diameter^3) radiusDome=Diameter/2 VolumeDome=0.667*pi*(radiusDome^3) TotalVolDome=VolumeDome*2 TotalVolReact=Vrpi+TotalVolDome clear; clc Feed = 2161 Ff=0.5544 Dd=0.9903 Ww=0.0103 D=((Feed*Ff)-(Feed*Ww))/(Dd-Ww) W=Feed-D disp ('Calculation of Minimum Ratio') disp ('Feed is at saturated liquid condition, therefore') q=1 Y_xy=0.8; X_int=0.55; Y_int=0.54; Rec_grad= (Dd-Y_xy)/(Dd-X_int) Rmin=Rec_grad/(1-Rec_grad) R=1.3*Rmin disp ('Calculation of Actual number of stages') Slope_Rec=R/(R+1) Rec_OL=['yrec=',num2str(Slope_Rec),'*xrec+',num2str(Y_int)]; disp(Rec_OL) Nstages_theo=8 Nstages_act=Nstages_theo-1 plate_eff=0.7; Ass1=['Assuming plate efficiency of ',num2str(plate_eff)]; disp(Ass1) Nstages=Nstages_act/plate_eff disp('Calculation of liquid and vapuor amounts in both sections') disp('Rectifying Section') Lo=D*R disp('Vn=Lo+D') Vn=Lo+D disp('Ln=Lo') Ln=Lo; Lm=Feed+Ln disp('Vm=Vn') Vm=Vn % disp ('Liquid density of rectifying section') rho_L1=791.7 disp ('vapour density of rectifying section') rho_V1=2.9 disp ('Liquid density of stripping section') rho_L2=943.3 disp ('vapour derho_L1nsity of stripping section') rho_V2=3.4 disp('CALCULATION OF COLUMN DIAMETER') disp('diameter of rectifying section') rho_rect=rho_V1/rho_L1; FLV_rec= (Ln/Vn)*(sqrt(rho_rect)) tray_spac=0.6; Ass2 =[' assuming tray spacing of ', num2str(tray_spac)]; disp (Ass2) disp('from Flooding velocity, sieve plate chart') K1_rec=9e-2 Floodvel_rec=K1_rec*sqrt((rho_L1-rho_V1)/rho_V1) disp('Dc- Column diameter,Ac- Column cross sectional area,Ad-Down comer area') disp('Aa-Active area, Ah-Holes area, An- Net area,Ua-Actual vapour velocity required through the column ') Ass3 = ['Assumming Ad=12% of Ac']; disp(Ass3) Flooding_rec=40; Ass4 = ['Assuming ', num2str(Flooding_rec),'% Flooding']; disp(Ass4) actFloodvel_rec=(Flooding_rec/100)*Floodvel_rec AvrgMolWt_rec=32*0.5552+18*0.4448 VapVel_rec=Vn*AvrgMolWt_rec/3600 An_rect=VapVel_rec/actFloodvel_rec disp('An=Ac-Ad') disp('An=0.88Ac') Ac_rect=An_rect/0.88 Dc=sqrt(4*Ac_rect/pi) Diameter_rec=['Therefore, the column diamaeter of the rectifying section is ', num2str(Dc), 'm']; disp(Diameter_rec) disp('diameter of stripping section') rho_strip=rho_V2/rho_L2; FLV_strip= (Lm/Vn)*(sqrt(rho_strip)) tray_spac2=0.6; Ass5 =[' assuming tray spacing of ', num2str(tray_spac2)]; disp (Ass5) disp('from Flooding velocity, sieve plate chart') K1_strip=1.1e-1 Floodvel_strip=K1_strip*sqrt((rho_L2-rho_V2)/rho_V2) Ass6 = ['Assumming Ad=12% of Ac']; disp(Ass6) Flooding_strip=40; Ass7 = ['Assuming ', num2str(Flooding_strip),'% Flooding']; disp(Ass7) actFloodvel_strip=(Flooding_strip/100)*Floodvel_strip AvrgMolWt_rec=32*0.5552+18*0.4448 VapVel_strip=Vn*AvrgMolWt_rec/3600 An_strip=VapVel_strip/actFloodvel_strip disp('An=Ac-Ad') disp('An=0.88Ac') Ac_strip=An_strip/0.88 Dc_strip=sqrt(4*Ac_strip/pi) Diameter_strip=['Therefore, the column diamaeter of the rectifying section is ', num2str(Dc_strip), 'm']; disp(Diameter_strip) disp('Number of Holes in a tray at rectifying section') disp('Hole diameter is assumed 12mm') Aa_rect=Ac_rect-(0.12*2*Ac_rect) disp('Assume holes area is 10% of active area') disp('Total holes area in a tray') TrayHoleArea_rect=0.1*Aa_rect Ah_rect=pi*(0.012^2)/4 Nholes_rect=TrayHoleArea_rect/Ah_rect disp('Number of Holes in a tray at stripping section') disp('Hole diameter is assumed 12mm') Aa_strip=Ac_strip-(0.12*2*Ac_rect) disp('Assume holes area is 10% of active area') disp('Total holes area in a tray') TrayHoleArea_strip=0.1*Aa_strip Ah_strip=pi*(0.012^2)/4 Nholes_strip=TrayHoleArea_strip/Ah_strip disp('Flow pattern identification and down comer selection') LiqFlow_rect=((Ln/3600)*AvrgMolWt_rec)/993.4 disp('The flow pattern is Cross flow(single pass)') LiqFlow_strip=((Lm/3600)*AvrgMolWt_rec)/795.2 disp('The flow pattern is Cross flow(single pass)') disp('Calculation of height of the column ') plate_thickness=3; Ass8=['Assume thickness of plate ',num2str(plate_thickness),'mm']; disp(Ass8) liq_holdup=0.5; Ass9=['Assume ',num2str(liq_holdup),'m for liquid hold up and vapor disengagement']; disp(Ass9) Column_height= (Nstages-1)*0.6+liq_holdup+(plate_thickness/1000) disp('Feed Tray Location') Feed_Location=round(4/plate_eff); Ass10=['Feed tray location is the ', num2str(Feed_Location),'th tray']; disp(Ass10) %%Pressure drop Top_operating_pressure =101.3 h=100; Ass11=['let h=',num2str(h),'mm']; disp(h) delta_P=1000*9.81*100e-3 Total_delta_P = delta_P*Nstages Bottom_pressure=Top_operating_pressure+(Total_delta_P/1000) k= 1.7090e-04 Pco = 783.5000 Ph2 = 3.4955e+03 Pmeth = 0 LogofK = -3.1082 Keq = 7.7946e-04 r_methanol = 0.1300 W= 1.0808e+05 Vcatalyst = 83.1352 Vreactor = 249.4056 CAO = 1.1079 Scaled_volume = 249.4056 Scaled_CatVol = 83.1352 NewCatWeight = 1.0808e+05 Hr = -45000 Tad = 651.7056 Vrpi = 79.3883 Vc = 26.4628 Diameter = 4.2979 Lenght = 17.1914 Space_vel = 168.1609 Space_time = 0.0059 Bed_Length = 1.3333 radiusDome = 2.1489 VolumeDome = 20.7942 TotalVolDome = 41.5884 TotalVolReact = 120.9767 >> >> Feed = 2161 Ff = 0.5544 Dd = 0.9903 Ww = 0.0103 D= 1.1998e+03 W= 961.2040 Calculation of Minimum Ratio Feed is at saturated liquid condition, therefore q= 1 Rec_grad = 0.4322 Rmin = 0.7612 R= 0.9896 Calculation of Actual number of stages Slope_Rec = 0.4974 yrec=0.49738*xrec+0.54 Nstages_theo = 8 Nstages_act = 7 Assuming plate efficiency of 0.7 Nstages = 10 Calculation of liquid and vapuor amounts in both sections Rectifying Section Lo = 1.1873e+03 Vn=Lo+D Vn = 2.3871e+03 Ln=Lo Lm = 3.3483e+03 Vm=Vn Vm = 2.3871e+03 Liquid density of rectifying section rho_L1 = 791.7000 vapour density of rectifying section rho_V1 = 2.9000 Liquid density of stripping section rho_L2 = 943.3000 vapour derho_L1nsity of stripping section rho_V2 = 3.4000 CALCULATION OF COLUMN DIAMETER diameter of rectifying section FLV_rec = 0.0301 assuming tray spacing of 0.6 from Flooding velocity, sieve plate chart K1_rec = 0.0900 Floodvel_rec = 1.4843 Dc- Column diameter,Ac- Column cross sectional area,Ad-Down comer area Aa-Active area, Ah-Holes area, An- Net area,Ua-Actual vapour velocity required through the column Assumming Ad=12% of Ac Assuming 40% Flooding actFloodvel_rec = 0.5937 AvrgMolWt_rec = 25.7728 VapVel_rec = 17.0893 An_rect = 28.7830 An=Ac-Ad An=0.88Ac Ac_rect = 32.7080 Dc = 6.4533 Therefore, the column diamaeter of the rectifying section is 6.4533m diameter of stripping section FLV_strip = 0.0842 assuming tray spacing of 0.6 from Flooding velocity, sieve plate chart K1_strip = 0.1100 Floodvel_strip = 1.8289 Assumming Ad=12% of Ac Assuming 40% Flooding actFloodvel_strip = 0.7316 AvrgMolWt_rec = 25.7728 VapVel_strip = 17.0893 An_strip = 23.3598 An=Ac-Ad An=0.88Ac Ac_strip = 26.5453 Dc_strip = 5.8136 Therefore, the column diameter of the rectifying section is 5.8136m Number of Holes in a tray at rectifying section Hole diameter is assumed 12mm Aa_rect = 24.8581 Assume holes area is 10% of active area Total holes area in a tray TrayHoleArea_rect = 2.4858 Ah_rect = 1.1310e-04 Nholes_rect = 2.1979e+04 Number of Holes in a tray at stripping section Hole diameter is assumed 12mm Aa_strip = 18.6953 Assume holes area is 10% of active area Total holes area in a tray TrayHoleArea_strip = 1.8695 Ah_strip = 1.1310e-04 Nholes_strip = 1.6530e+04 Flow pattern identification and down comer selection LiqFlow_rect = 0.0086 The flow pattern is Cross flow(single pass) LiqFlow_strip = 0.0301 The flow pattern is Cross flow(single pass) Calculation of height of the column Assume thickness of plate 3mm Assume 0.5m for liquid hold up and vapor disengagement Column_height = 5.9030 Feed Tray Location Feed tray location is the 6th tray >> Top_operating_pressure = 101.3000 100 delta_P = 981 Total_delta_P = 9810 Bottom_pressure = 111.1100