:V6Ru":I''#;lffi1ffffwo MR'SULEATIKU t: -RECTOR: MR. GANI A. OGUNDAHUN-SI (Human Nutrition), B.sc(Asric Bio chem & Nutrition),M.sc. 'ieursv'r/'r!!'vv' \"- "-' MNIFST, M'Ed' re MNSN' 1s1. +234 8033187524 e-Mail:gani2dpointl@gmail.com o*'M-....................... *M- RUGIPO/S!d//SM l4OlVaL.LlS4 -;f!t:i^i|'.^')n^ti.#i#;fli'Y) e-Mail:registiar@rugipo'edu'ng atikusules9@gmail'com a*e:- Dear Sir/Madam LETTER OF INTRODUCTION OF THE SIUDINT WORK SEEKING FLACEMENT FOR STUDENTS INDUSTRIAL EXPERTENCE SCHEME (SIWES) with The bearer, Mr/Miss Matriculation "" in the Department Number Ruf us Giwa of PolYtechnic, Owo, has expressedwillingnesstohaveilis/herfour(lr)m3nthslncustrialWorkExperienceSchemeinyourestablishment ': with effect from ...."..... ' io ''""' the required experience' We are ccnfident that your organlzatiorr will prcviie hirn/trer in ensuring that SIwES continues to we trust that we carr always count on youl'suppcrt now airtl in the future for the country' play its expected role in procucing the neecie.'i quaiitv tecirnical manpower through Please, complete the attachedform and :e;tci it'i.lack Thank ycu. i -", 'rt,' ., lhe bearer. .1 tl RUFUS GIWA POLYTECHNIC, OWO P.M;B. ttitg, owo, oNDO STATE, NIGERIA STUDENTS IHDUSTBIAI WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME (SlWESl Offer of Place of SIWES Attachment IWES YEAR:.'tr"'t*t""'r" rr""'d lflobe comPleted bYthe EmPtaYerl ,..,..............'" 1. Name of Student,i.,............. 2. Department ....................:.....,..... .,'...,r....'...i .,.,,..,.....rr,.r .,....,rr...,,..r...'.........'.,.. 3. Matriculation No: 4. Student's Phone No: ........,.,' 5. How many shallthe establishment be ahle to accept from our institution, indlcate as . shown below e.g. Mass Communication 2- AgricTech:.,,.,.,.,....,...... Building Tech..,...,...,..',., l*utrltlon & Dletedl*.....,.... Agric Engr.Tech:,..,,,..,.. Etectrtcal Engr, Tech:,,,,,.. Computer Engr, Tech:..,.,.. Computer Science:..;..,,,,,,., Science Lab,.Tech:..'...i..,.. Quantity Surveylngj,...,..,,, Estate Management;.,..."" , llrban & Feg. ?b**rry1:.....,. Hospttallty MgtTech:,,.,,',, Mechanical Engn Tech:,....," Maths& Sfid{*#g5.',,.....,.. Crap, Sait A PestTech:..'.,,,..' ArchttecturalTech:,,...,,,,.,,. Food Sclerrr frdt."....... Anlmol Health & Prad:...,.,*, Att 8t tnd. }esign,".,,,,....,..... Ltbrary Sclerrce.'...,......'.... Soctat Development:,,.,.,.,...' Forestry&Wood Tech:,.,....., Fisheries&Aquargtture Tech:.,,..,., Moss Cam:.,.,.,,...'.' ' 6, Availability of accommodation for the student? Yes/Irlo, if yes, how many? 7. 8. Full name of Training Officer: r,..,..r.,..,.,......'.'....,r......................,...r.r, Name and Address of Establishment: ,a.. ta.ti..at..ll. r a a.aa l. ta... t tatt lrt.t t r. t.t r r. t.. a., r.r...t. t " "t r "'l ,r..rt.r'...*.rt'.,..r.r..'....t..'.........;.......'.''"""r"r"t't"' Telephone No:...,..."..., Signature/Sta.mp & date of the Establishment ' 'I