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Maternity Concept Map

Mini Concept Map
Patient Demographics (age, ht., wt., gestation, allergies, medical history, medical
o Jackson Smith: he is a 6 month old infant. He was not receiving the proper amount of
nutrition so he was not thriving like other infants in the same stage of life. Jackson was
interacting well with his mother. He was engaging in eye cobtact, babbling with her,
smiling, and he was comforted when his mother held him. His mother was providing care
and stability in comfort. He is 5.31 kg (11.68 lbs), height of 22 inches, no known
allergies, he was born premature under 31 weeks vaginally with a weight of 7lbs 7.9 oz,
and he has been diagnosed with failure to thrive.
Labs. Tests, procedures- list abnormal results with evidence of why abnormal
o Weight is 13 lbs, he should’ve gained anywhere between 3-7 oz per week since birth
Medications- evidence for the use of this medication for the patient
o Famotidine: ordered 40mg/5ml (8mg/mL), the administered dose is 2.56mg – this drug
can be used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and conditions that cause
excessive stomach acid.
o Influenza vaccine 2020-2021 (6-35 months)(PF)(Fluzone Quad Pediactric): ordered
0.25mL dose to be administered intramuscularly prior to discharge.
Care Plan:
Physiological integrity- assessment data: Premature birth (under 31 weeks), not able to transfer
rattle from hand to hand, not able to roll over on own.
#1 - Nursing Diagnosis (problem r/t etiology AEB assessment data)
o Risk for developmental delay
#2 – 4 nursing interventions related to the diagnosis that is an evidence-based practice
1. Interact and speak with patient. Help to encourage Jackson to recognize own name, babble,
and interact back.
2. Allow patient to have tummy time. This helps to ensure he can learn to turn himself over on
his own.
3. Excite patient with rattle and hand it to him. This helps encourage hand to hand movement
with objects.
4. Excite patient with items that catches his attention, this allows him to play with hand to hand
with different type of objects.
#3 - Short term goal: Jackson will demonstrate 2 developmentally appropriate skills by 1500
o Met, not met, partially met: met
#4 - Long term goal: Jackson will meet all developmentally appropriate skills by correct age
o Met, not met, partially met: partially met
Safe Care Environment- Assessment Data: Mother is feeling deprived and having conflicting
needs. Mother has financial hardship. Mother also seems distanant or detached and having a hard
time coping.
#2 Nursing diagnosis- (problem r/t etiology AEB assessment data)
Role strain, caregiver r/t detached emotional feelings aeb poor coping methods.
4 nursing interventions related to the diagnosis that is an evidence-based practice
1. Teach the mother coping skills. This will help her to better deal with her circumstances so she
doesn’t take it out on Jackson.
2. Allow the mother and child to spend as much time together as possible during their stay. This
is to ensure the mom gets a lot of one on one time while being somewhere with adequate help.
3. Show the mother different ways to bond with her child. Being able to bond with your child
allows you to have a closer conncetion to the child.
4. Allow the mom to talk with a social worker to help her with any personal needs, that way she
can get some help and have a smaller load to deal with.
Short term goal: Mother will become closer with child by 1800
Met, not met, partially met: met
Long term goal: Mom will become more attached to the child over the next 2 months
Met, not met, partially met: partially met
Health Promotion- Assessment data: Jackson has a weak suck when feeding, Patient is not
recieveing adequate amount of intake, mom has not been stimulating him before feedings.
#3 Nursing diagnosis- (problem r/t etiology AEB assessment data)
Knowledge deficit of caretaker r/t patient not thriving aeb improper feeding
4 nursing interventions related to the diagnosis that is an evidence-based practice
1. Help teach mom to use finger or nipple of a bottle and stimulate under and around Jackson’s
mouth. This helps produce the sucking reflex.
2. Teach parent how to provoke a rooting reflex by rubbing on the cheeks prior to feedings, this
can help by allowing him to latch onto a bottle more easily.
3. Help mom learn how to use a slower flowing nipple to make feedings a lot easier for him. A
slower flow will help to encourage the sucking reflex.
4. Teach mom to comfort baby during feedings, this will help the bonding between the two
allowing patient to enjoy feeding time.
Short term goal: Mom will be able to show a tequnique that produces a sucking reflex by 1400
Met, not met, partially met: met
Long term goal: Mom will be able to successfully produce a sucking reflex for all future
Met, not met, partially met: partially met
Psychological Assessment: Low weight, appears small and thin for age, low weight, and
#4 Nursing diagnosis- (problem r/t etiology AEB assessment data)
o Imbalanced nutrititon less than body requirements r/t reluctance to eat aeb loss of weight
4 nursing interventions related to the diagnosis that is an evidence-based practice
1. Strict intake and output. Measure and evaluate intake and output to help providers have a clear
picture if he is getting adequate intake compared to output.
2. Schedule feedings of 4-6 oz every 4 hours. Consistenet and regular feedings helps Jackson
both gain and maintain weight.
3. Supplemental NG feedings. Supplemental feedings ensure that he is receiving correct amount
of nutrition and to increase caloric intake.
4. Wake patient around the clock to ensure he is not missing a feeding to main proper nutrition.
Short term goal: Jackson will gain 0.44 lbs per day
Met, not met, partially met: met
Long term goal: Patient will gain and maintain proper weight for age
Met, not met, partially met: partially met