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Successful Knowledge Management (KM) Initiatives

Successful KM initiatives
David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
22nd May 2007
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Begin with the end in mind
• To discuss some of the things you need to do
to ensure the success of your KM initiatives
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
The Success of KM
• KM has failed to live up to expectations
• If KM is to be successful
– we must shake off its “tarnished” image
– and focus on action and results
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Things to do
Questions to ask
Demonstrate the value of KM
Demonstrate the value of KM
Economy is tough
Cost cutting in organizations
KM can mean “Kill me”
CKOs laid off
Challenge is to demonstrate the value of KM
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Demonstrate the value of KM
1) To senior management
in terms of business value
2) To the people in the organization
in terms of what is in it for them
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Focus on business results
• Business managers are looking for tools and
disciplines that produce RESULTS!
cut costs
improve efficiency
improve quality
increase sales
improve customer retention
solve problems
increase innovation
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Focus on what's in it for them
Everyone is different
Personal development
Doing a better job
Achieving things
Creativity & Innovation
Leading edge
Easier job
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Get buy-in
• Through communication!
• One person at a time!
• You need to improve your
communication skills!
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
You don’t do KM
You don’t do KM
• You don’t do KM
• You solve business problems
• Focus on business outcomes not on activity
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Focus on the operational
Focus on the operational
• Although KM is fundamentally strategic –
focus on the short term operational outcomes
• Not the longer term strategic ones
• You need quick wins to ensure you are not
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Don’t talk in jargon
Stop using jargon
• Knowledge Management is an oxymoron
• It’s a poor title - its just a label - KAY-EM
• Avoid KM jargon!
• Simply talk in business terms
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Don’t talk philosophy
• Don’t try to define knowledge
• Don’t try to distinguish data, information and
• No one will ever agree
• You will turn everyone off!
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Stop trying to do things to people!
How do we make them share their
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
The Question!
How do we make
them share?
• Assumes US and THEM
• Assumes THEY need to be MADE to share
• Assumes we know better
• A better way to phrase the question
How do we better work together?
Sally, I’d like to talk
to you about how
you could improve
your knowledge
Sally, I’d like to talk
with you about how
we could better
work together.
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Work with People – don’t do things to
Many of the familiar principles of
Quality management amount to an
elaboration of this simple truth:
an innovative, healthy organization
requires that we work with people
rather than do things to them.
Alfie Kohn
How do we better work together?
Many of the familiar principles of Quality
management amount to an elaboration of this
simple truth: an innovative, healthy organization
requires that we work with people rather than do
things to them.
Alfie Kohn
How do you
make them
How do we
better work
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Dave Snowden’s 3 rules of KM
• Knowledge will only ever be volunteered it can
not be conscripted
• We only know what we know when we need to
know it
• We always know more than we can tell and we
will always tell more than we can write down
If you ask someone, or a body for
specific knowledge in the context of
a real need it will never be refused. If
you ask them to give you your
knowledge on the basis that you
may need it in the future, then you
will never receive it.
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Focus on the individual knowledge
The Individual
No amount of money or
technology or coercion or rewards
will make KM initiatives a success
if people do not buy into it!
People need to understand the importance
of KM and drive it themselves.
They need to be intrinsically motivated.
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
the knowledge worker
• If everyone is a knowledge worker then it is
no longer a useful label!
A Knowledge
worker is
someone who
gets to decide
what she does
each morning.
Tom Stewart
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
The Knowledge Worker
Knowledge workers are those people who have
taken responsibility for their work lives.
They continually strive to better understand the
changing world around them and modify their
work practices and behaviors to better meet
their personal and organizational objectives.
No one tells them what to do. They do not take
“No” for an answer.
They are self motivated.
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Do not reward
Here is what Alfie Kohn has to say
about rewards
For Best Results Forget the
To the best of my knowledge,
no controlled scientific study
has ever found a long-term
enhancement of the quality of
work as a result of any reward
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Do not reward
Rewards punish
Rewards rupture relations
Rewards ignore reasons
Rewards deter risk taking
Rewards undermine interest
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Alfie Kohn
• Pay people well
• Pay people fairly
• Then do everything possible to
take money (rewards) off
people’s minds
Incentives, bonuses, pay-for-performanceplans and other reward systems violate
this last principle by their very nature!
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Bob Buckman
Our approach to KM is far more than
stick or carrot.
We say, "Knowledge Sharing is your
job. Do it!"
As a reward you may keep your job.
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Focus on understanding
Focus on understanding
For all our knowledge, we have no idea what we're
talking about.
We don't understand what's going on in our business,
our market, and our world.
KM shouldn’t be about helping us to know more. It
should be about helping us to understand.
So, how do we understand things? It's through
stories that we understand how the world works.
David Weinberger
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Focus on decision making
Focus on decision making
• KM should not be so much about doing things more
efficiently but doing radical new things
• Its should be more about doing the right thing badly
than the wrong thing well!
• In times of rapid change best practice can be
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Focus on action
Focus on action
I think "knowledge management" is a bullshit issue. Let me tell
you why. I can give you perfect information, I can give you
perfect knowledge and it won't change your behavior one iota.
People choose not to change their behavior because the culture
and the imperatives of the organization make it too difficult to
act upon the knowledge.
Knowledge is not the power. Power is power. The ability to act on
knowledge is power. Most people in most organizations do not
have the ability to act on the knowledge they possess.
Michael Schrage
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
Demonstrate value
Get buy-in
Don’t do KM
Focus on operational
Avoid jargon
Stop doing things to people
Focus on the individual
Do nor reward
Focus on understanding, decision making & action
Gurteen Knowledge 2007
David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1252 812 878
Email: david.gurteen@gurteen.com
Gurteen Knowledge 2007