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Animal Husbandry, Forests, Population Study Material

Animal Husbandry in Urdu is called “Gallabani”. It is a Persian word which means
tending, rearing and domesticating animals.
Q.1. Define animal herding?
Ans. To rear animals for domestic or commercial use is called animal herding.
Q.2. What is unorganized herding?
Ans. It is extensive form herding on natural pastures at arid and semi-arid regions of
the world, e.g. mountains, deserts and plateaus. In such herding animals are not
treated properly. Such type of herding is done in under-developed countries of the
Q.3. Animals could be divided into how many types?
Ans. animal herding is divided into two ma types:
(i) Unorganized Herding (ii) Organized Herding
Q.4. How many types of sheep are found in the world?
Ans. There are three main types of sheep in the world:
i. Mixed or Asian sheep (for wool and meat) 40% of total wool.
ii. Merino sheep (for wool) 34% of total wool.
iii. British or Rambouillet (for meat wool).
Q.5. Define organized herding?
Ans. it is an advance type of herding in which animals are kept on scientific bases.
They are properly feed, watered and cured. This type of herding is done mostly in
the rich countries of the world
Q.6. Why Angora goat of Turkey is important?
Ans. The Angora goat of Turkey is famous for its hair which is used to make shawls
of high quality they are called Mohair.
Q.7. From which region animal herding was started?
Ans. Animal herding was started in the hilly areas, plateaus and desert regions of
the central Asian countries.
Q.8. Which region is at the top for organized herding in the world?
Ans. The continent of Australia is at the top in the organized herding. Here, Merino
sheep and the best quality cows are reared at the largest scale. It produced more than
20% of the total world sheep. Both Australia and New Zealand are important for this
type of herding.
Q.9. What are the objectives of animal herding?
Ans. Animals are reared for food, cultivation, transportation, wool, meat, milk and
recreation. Animals provide with 20% to 33% of human food.
Q.10. What is the share of animals in the total Agri-income?
Ans. About 28% of the total Agri-income comes from the animals while 50% in
developed countries In USA 53% of Agri-Income consist of animal’s sector.
Q.11. From where and when did organized/commercial herding start?
Ans. The organized or commercial herding was started after the industrial
revolution from Savannah and Temperate grasslands.
Q.12. Mention the suitable factors for the development of herding?
Ans. Factors required for the development of herding are:
Cool and moderate climate
Mode of transport
Natural pastures
Availability of markets
Q.13. Name the countries which are important for organized herding?
Ans. The important countries for organized herding are USA, Canada, Brazil,
Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Germany, France, UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Russia, Australia and New Zealand.
Q.14. Which was the first domesticated animal of the world?
Ans. The first domesticated animal was dog which was kept for hunting and
Q.1. What is natural vegetation?
Ans: Natural Vegetation is used for all those plants, bushes, trees, shrubs and herbs
that grow in a region in accordance with its own natural environment and climate
conditions without any human interference.
Q.2. Discuss the Economic Importance of Forests.
Ans: (i) Industrial Use
(ii) Fertility of Land
(iii) Protection from Floods
(iv) Increase in Earth’s Beauty
Q.3. Give an account of the evergreen forests found in various countries of the
Ans: These forests remain green and fresh through out the year. There is no
particular season for their growth and they do not shed their leaves in any season.
Q.4. Describe the regional distribution of dedicious forests.
Ans: The forests which shed their leaves in some particular seasons are known as
dedicious forests. Twelve percent of the world’s total forest area consist of dedicious
forests. These forests produce hard wood and wide leaves.
Q.5. Write down the names of Grasslands of South America.
Ans: Compos and Lianos grasslands are found in south America.
Q.6. Write Short Notes on the following:
(a) Steppe Grassland
(b) Pampas Grassland
(c) Prairie Grassland
(a) These grasslands stretch from Hungry in Europe to Manchuria in China. Animal
rearing is the main profession of these people who lead a nomadic life. Winters are
severe in this region, Mountains in Summer and plains in winter are used as
(b) The grasslands of Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay in South America are
known as Pampas Grasslands. Animal rearing and farming are the main profession
of the people. Land is fertile and flat in this region.
(c) The temperature lands lying between 45 to 65 degrees of latitude on north and
south are known as Prairie grasslands.
Q.7. Where are the world’s largest equatorial forests situated?
Ans: The Congo River Basin in Africa, Amazon River Basin in South America and
the Island of East Indies in Asia are the world’s largest Equatorial forests.
Q.8. In which countries of the world are the evergreen forests found? Mention five
such countries.
Ans: California, Central Chile, Germany, Sweden, Finland
Q.9. In which countries of the world are the dedicious forests found? Write names
of important countries.
Ans: Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Burma, India, Vietnam
Q.10. Write down the names of the notable trees of the Equatorial Evergreen
Ans: Mahogany, Deodar, Rosewood, Coconut, Teak, Coffee.
Q.11. Give an account of the temperature of the dedicious forests.
Ans: These forests are found in the northern and central parts of Europe. In
Northern America, they are found in the valley of River St. Lawrence. While in
South America, they are situated in Southern Chile.
Q.12. Write a note on the Mediterranean evergreen forests.
Ans: These forests are located in the area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. They
are also found in California in the United States, Central Chile in South America and
in South Western Australia.
Q.1 What is population?
Ans. The total number of people lives permanently in an area or a country is called
Q.2. Describe the distribution of population with reference to density?
Ans. The number of people lives permanently per square kilometer or mile in any
area or country is called population density.
Q.3. Which is the largest continent of the world according to Population/ most
Populous continent of the world?
Ans. Asia is the largest continent of the world according to population. It has about
61% of the total world population and density is 127 persons per square kilometer.
Q.4. Which is the smallest continent of the world according to population?
Ans. Australia is the smallest continent according to population which has only 0.5%
of the world population with density 4 persons per Square kilometer.
Q.5. How much area of the world is un-population/ Uninhabited areas?
Ans. About 40% of the world areas is un-habitant due to the highest mountains,
Snow covered grounds and deserts which have sever climate.
Q.6. What is closed population?
Ans. The population which has no immigration and emigration at all. The change
comes in population naturally.
Q.7. What is population Census?
Ans. The demographic survey of an area or country after every 10 years is known as
population census.
Q.8. What does population explosion/ overpopulation mean?
Ans. The rapid growth in population at the largest scale is known as population
explosion/ overpopulation.
Q.9. What is population pressure?
Ans. The tension between limited resources and un-limited population is called
population pressure.
Q.10. What is migration?
Ans. To Settle down in any other area or country on permanent or temporary basis
after leaving parental area or country is called migration.
Q.11. Which continent of the world is un-population?
Ans. Antarctica is the unpopulated continent of the world. It is a vast snow-covered
area, having severe climate, which is unsuitable for settlement.
Q.12. How much world population is living in China and India?
Ans. About 37% of world population is living in China and India. From which
19.62% in China and 17.24% in India.
Q.13. Which country is at the top in population?
Ans. China is at the top in population. It has about 20% (19.62%) of the world
population with density 139 persons per square kilometer.
Q.14. When will world population become 8 million?
Ans. The world population is increasing at the rate of 1.2% annually. It will be 8
billion in 2025 if the percent rate of incensement remained.
Q.15. Write a note on the very densely populated areas.
Ans: Very densely populated areas are those where 151 people live in one square
kilometer. Such regions are found in Asia and Europe.
Q.16. What do you understand by the term densely populated areas?
Ans: These are such areas where the density of population is 101 to 150 person per
square kilometer. They include Eastern and south-western regions of America,
Eastern parts of Europe and Asia.
Q.17. What is meant by less densely populated areas?
Ans: Less densely populated areas are those where the density of population is 51 to
100 persons per square kilometer.
Q.18. Discuss the five factors affecting the distribution of population.
Ans: Climate, Industries, Social Conditions, Vegetation, Medical Facilities, Means of
Transportation, Mineral Resources etc.