Excercise 1 Expain and Plot Free electron bands in 2D square lattice in First Brillouin zone – Plot along k directions (see figure below for notation), G-K, G-M and M-G See link: http://lampx.tugraz.at/~hadley/ss2/fermisurface/2d_fermisurface/2dsquare.php M G Your plot should roughly look like below fig. You can follow the same units as shown in the example of 1D in the next page X Below is an example for a 1D lattice 1D example a Real Space 2p/a Reciprocal Space -2p/a p/a -p/a BZ I used lattice constant a = p Å 2p/a 1 D example: Repeated Zone Scheme: I used Mathematica to Plot 1 D example: In First Brillouin Zone: I used Mathematica to Plot Graphene Given the real space (Direct space) primitive vectors for Graphene a) Calculate the reciprocal lattice vectors (b1 and b2). For the purpose of calculation, you can use a3={0,0,1}- unit vector along the z direction. b) Draw the first Brillouin zone (the shaded region in the figure and find the K and M points ( note G= {0,0}. ). You should get G– K distance to be 1.705 inv. angs and G–M distance to be1.477 inv. angs c) From the tight binding model one gets the energy versus momentum dispersion for the pi and pi* band to be Assume t=3 and plot the electronic band structure of the pi and pi* bands along various symmetry lines. You should obtain (see next page) Let us orient the sample again same as above. What is the minimum photon energy required to see the pi band at the fermi level. Note the fermilevel has zero binding energy. The important thing to think about here is we not only need to binding energy but also see if you can get to the right parallel momentum. Let us say that by some means, we create a flat band at the fermilevel (blue line)- By flat band i mean, the energy of the band does not vary with k. (it resembles a core level). What is the minimum photon energy required to see the flat band at the fermi level. Use as before the work function to tbe 4.5eV Excercise 4: Write atleast 2 question, that you would like to know from what you have learned. These can be quite general questions or very specific questions. Some examples : 1. How can I understand from the band structure various material properties - you can even be quite specific- – why different materials have different electrical properties, optical properties, or …... Do I need more information than just band structure. 2. Ponders over the Bloch’s theorem and ask yourself some questions 3. What is for example difference between various waves, electron waves, lattice vibrations, electromagnetic waves-all these are waves and do they have respective band structre and what they tell. That is try to connect between various courses you have learned. Apart from whatever questions you ask-try to make a guess of the answer.