Respondents as to Physical and Mental Well-Being – Challenges Encountered Indicator 2nd Year Students 4th Year Students Composite Rank WM VI WM VI WM VI 1. Experiences headache, backache, neck pain, and shoulder pain while having online classes. 3.43 HE 3.33 HE 3.38 HE 2 2. Experiences digital eye strain due to longer periods of device usage. 3.47 HE 3.33 HE 3.40 HE 1 3. Feels nervous, anxious, or on edge whenever attending synchronous classes. 2.97 E 3.10 E 3.04 E 4 4. Feels tired, has little energy, or has little interest in doing academic work online. 3.47 HE 3.13 E 3.30 HE 3 5. Feels sad or hopeless whenever he cannot understand or keep up with the lessons. 3.10 E 2.83 E 2.97 E 5 3.29 HE 3.14 E 3.22 E Overall Weighted Mean As presented in Table 11, the 2nd year and 4th year Marketing students as to their physical and mental well-being were rated Encountered with an overall composite weighted mean of 3.29. Three (3) items were rated Highly specifically: Experiences digital eye strain due to longer periods of device usage with a composite weighted mean of 3.40 as rank 1; Experiences headache, backache, neck pain, and shoulder pain while having online classes with a composite weighted mean of 3.38; and Feels tired, has little energy or has little interest in doing academic work online with a composite weighted mean of 3.30. Item 3 – Feels nervous, anxious, or on edge whenever attending synchronous classes – has a composite weighted mean of 3.04 and was rated Encountered. Followed by item 5 – Feeling sad or hopeless whenever he cannot understand or keep up with the lessons – which was also rated as Encountered with a composite weighted mean of 2.97. Moreover, the respondents’ assessment as to physical and mental well-being are as follows: 2nd year marketing students rated Highly Encountered with an overall weighted mean of 3.29; 4th year marketing students rated Encountered with an overall weighted mean of 3.14. This presents that the 2nd and 4th year marketing students experience digital eye strain due to longer periods of device usage. The result is in line with an article by Morella and France-Presse (2021) in which parents expressed their views on the negative impact of Covid-19 on the students’ physical and mental health development. Respondents as to Work-Life Balance – Challenges Encountered Indicator 2nd Year Students 4th Year Students Composite Rank WM VI WM VI WM VI 1. Overworks himself to quickly finish his school works 3.17 E 3.10 E 3.14 E 1 2. Gets easily distracted from studying by devices such as television or mobile phone. 3.10 E 3.10 E 3.10 E 2 3. Studies and bring school works while on a vacation. 2.77 E 2.77 E 2.77 E 4 4. Finds it difficult to detach self from school works because the mobile phone is used for both studying and leisure. 3.13 E 2.97 E 3.05 E 3 5. Becomes so busy that he cannot take time for himself. 2.77 E 2.73 E 2.75 E 5 2.98 E 2.93 E 2.96 E Overall Weighted Mean As shown in Table 15, the work-life balance of 2nd year Marketing students in the new normal was rated Encountered with a composite weighted mean of 2.96. Item no. 1 states that students overwork themselves to quickly finish their work was ranked 1st with a composite weighted mean of 3.14 and was rated Encountered. Students getting easily distracted from studying by devices such as television or mobile phone is ranked 2nd with a composite weighted mean of 3.10 and was rated Encountered. This is followed by students finding it difficult to detach themselves from schoolwork because the mobile phone is used for both studying and leisure at rank 3 rated Encountered with a composite weighted mean of 3.05. Item no. 3 – studies and brings schoolwork while on a vacation – is at rank 4 and was rated Encountered with a composite weighted mean of 2.77. Lastly, rated as Encountered and 5th in the ranking is item 5 with a composite weighted mean of 2.75, which states that students become so busy that they cannot take time for themselves. Furthermore, the respondents’ assessment as to work-life balance are as follows: 2nd year marketing students rated Encountered with an overall weighted mean of 2.98; 4th year marketing students rated Encountered with an overall weighted mean of 3.93. The result shows that the respondents overwork themselves in order to finish their tasks quickly. This is relative to the findings of Pinar (2021) who identified that students were mostly overwhelmed by the pile of tasks and activities, and they experience difficulties in balancing their academic and non-academic activities.