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Paramecium Responses to Stimuli Lab Exercise

Myrabelle B. Lopez
Zoo 120.1-AB
The Responses of Paramecium to Various Stimuli
Their motion favors
the cathode side or
the negatively
charged electrode
over the other.
(electrical current)
GEOTAXIS (gravity)
They are situated
more on the
uppermost layer of
the obtained sample
and only a few are
found in the middle
and bottom.
Larger number of the
organism are
perceived in the
uncovered section.
Characterized by
erratic movements
which may be an
attempt to avoid the
Its motion is directed
towards the
introduced stimuli as
it is surrounding the
thread dipped in a
solution of acetic
What Mediates the
-They are positively
-Influence of
depolarization and
hyperpolarization of its
cell membrane.
-Upward swimming
-Buoyancy and
-Better access of food in
lighter illumination.
-Hypersensitivity when
stimulated by light.
-Tactile response to
avoid being preyed on.
-Its senses are
stimulated by the
familiar weak acids
being released by its
Guide Questions
1. Do the Paramecium show any signs of being electrically charged? If so, do they
carry a positive or a negative charge? Explain.
Yes, it showed signs of being positively charged as it prefers the cathode side
over the anode. Its cells manifest a strong negative galvanotaxis due to its ciliary
motion that is controlled by the shifts in membrane potential and ion concentration
(Machemer & de Peyer, 1977). When an electrical current stimulus is introduced, it
modifies the membrane potential which in turn, changes the ciliary movements
and affects the cell motion. The cilia on the anode side beat more frequently
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causing ciliary augmentation (Kamada ,1931) whereas those in the cathodal end
beat in the same intensity but in the opposite direction resulting in ciliary reversal
(Ludloff,1895). This phenomenon causes asymmetry in the ciliary beatings which is
enough to generate a rotational force to orient the cell towards the cathode. From
this, a torque is generated due to the interaction between the negative membrane
potential (~30 mV) and potential gradient distribution in the medium (Ogawa et
al.,2006). Since the cell is forced to swim toward the cathode, it can be inferred
that the depolarization occurs and causes the voltage dependent Ca 2+ channels
(VDCCs) to be activated and since the intracellular concentration of Ca 2+ ions is
extremely low, it further flows into the cell of the Paramecium causing further
activation making it positively charged (Naitoh & Kaneko, 1972).
2. In which portions of the upright test tube do Paramecium tend to aggregate.
Explain. What is geotaxis? Are the Paramecium positively or negatively geotactic?
It is apparent that the Paramecia tend to aggregate in the top layer of the
test tube which is congruent with the findings in the study of Kanda (1914) wherein
a similar setup of suspending a culture of Paramecia in a vertical test tube resulted
in the upward motion of the said specimen. The mentioned experiment is a method
devised to observe the impact of gravity to the said protozoan termed as geotaxis
or as defined by Temmerman et al. (2013) is the “intriguing phenotype that induces
a preference of movement away from or towards the source of gravity.” With the
acquired results, it can be deduced that a Paramecium is negatively geotactic as its
motion opposes that of gravity. Several studies offer various explanations behind
this observed response which are all tested using different setups. Based on the
findings of Roberts (2010), the preferential upward swimming pattern and
orientation of Paramecium is the primary reason behind its upward trajectories.
Roberts also suggested that the mentioned specimen has developed gravikinesis
through the interaction of its ciliary propulsion system enabling it to effectively
orient itself upward.
3. Is there any other factor which may account for the observed aggregation of
Paramecia in the test tube? Enumerate.
When subjected to changes in orientation in relation to gravity, this organism
actively alters its swimming speed in order to fight sedimentation as a means of
seeking favorable conditions (Guevorkian & Valles, 2006). Another factor that may
have contributed to the said observation is the concept that the regulation of the
swimming speed is primarily related to the buoyancy of the cell and that the
anterior end of the Paramecium is heavier than that of the posterior thereby
producing a weak effect of the pull of gravity (Kanda, 1914).
4. At which half of the petri dish are Paramecium most numerous?
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Most number of the said protozoan is situated in the uncovered portion of the
petri dish which is exposed to the light.
5. What is phototaxis? Are the Paramecium negatively or positively phototactic?
In the broadest sense, phototaxis is the reaction of an organism with respect
to light stimulation and it may either result in positive or negative displacement
(Access Science Editors, 2016). From the generated response of the Paramecium as
viewed in the video, it is apparent that it is positively phototactic. In his study,
Okumura (1963), discovered that when stimulated by light after being adapted to a
dark and shaded region, changes in a Paramecium’s ciliary beating direction
occurred as its photo response is evoked when the ordinary illumination of light was
not present. In turn, even when the light source applied is weak, their ciliary activity
and swimming velocity recovered.
6. Could this taxis be demonstrated with the tube in a vertical position? Explain.
No, this setup will not effectively demonstrate how the Paramecium would
react as it is an experimental design that would only show the effect of gravity and
not light. With this, the expected result is that they would favor swimming upwards.
Furthermore, subjecting these protozoans to a horizontal position shows the
necessary transition to test positive and negative phototactic response with 1.5 W
m-2, an excess from the 30 W m-2 required to reverse the upward swimming due to
the two different stimuli present when in a vertical position (Grell,1973).
7. Distinguish taxis from a tropism.
Both taxis and tropism refer to directional response but applies only in
specific organisms. Taxis describes how an animal orients itself when a stimulus is
introduced which may take the form of a change in its position or movement
(Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.). On the other hand, tropism mainly refers on how
plants and other sessile organisms react to external stimuli which can either be
towards or away from the stimuli such as light and gravity (Mead,2008).
8. What is thigmotaxis? Describe what happens when the Paramecium bumps
As defined by Patricelli (2010), thigmotaxis is the directed motion towards or
away from a contact or touch. From the video, erratic movements of Paramecia
were shown as an attempt to avoid and escape the obstacle that it encountered.
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9. What is chemotaxis? Does the acid solution cause a positive or negative response
in the Paramecia?
Chemotaxis is the response generated by an organism from a chemical
stimulus. The used chemical stimuli, acetic acid solution rendered a positive
response to the Paramecium as its motion is directed towards it. This obtained
findings is also mentioned in the study of Nakatani (1968) as the said organism can
release filamentous trichocysts, one that is used to deter preys, but for this
purpose, it is utilized to also cling to an object to stabilize its position that helps in
its optimal ingestion of food.
10. Discuss the implications of the results observed.
For this experiment, Paramecium, a widely-studied ciliate was subjected to
various stimuli. Despite being a unicellular organism, it is capable of having
mechanosensitive organs allowing it to produce a response similar with other higher
order organisms. The results showed a Paramecium’s positive response towards
electrical current, light, and chemical. From this, it can be deduced that it is
positively charged and its movement towards cathode is related to the influence of
depolarization and hyperpolarization of its cell membrane, thereby affecting its
ciliary movements. Its response towards light shows that it prefers moving rather
than being stagnant to an environment devoid of illumination, which may be one of
their employed mechanism to have better access for food. Being attracted to weak
acids serves as an indicator of food since in the natural setting, they usually prey for
microbes that produce weak acid. On the other hand, negative responses for gravity
and contact implies their natural preference to inhabit the surface and as explained
by various studies, buoyancy and its upward swimming motion mainly contributes
to the observed response. Its tactile response demonstrates its mechanism to avoid
any barrier which mirrors their natural avoidance to being a prey to other
11. How do organisms with less complex systems such as those in protozoans are
able to respond to stimuli compared to higher forms of organisms?
Although they have simple anatomical and physiological aspects, they are
equipped with the necessary organelles that enable them to generate a response
that would most likely result in a higher chance of survival and engage in efforts
that maximizes the presence of favorable conditions. Like every other organism,
these simple protozoans are designed to have innate behaviors and learned
behaviors that contributes to their ability to thrive.
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Access Science Editors. (2016). Phototaxis. AccessScience. doi:10.1036/10978542.br0505161
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