Uploaded by Craig Dixon

Dinner on a Dime: Food Lab Assignment

Oftentimes we associate things that are ‘cheap’ as being not good, or poor in quality.
But, is cheap always a bad thing?
Definitely not! In fact, some of the “cheapest” foods at the grocery store are fruits and
vegetables, which are both good tasting and good for you. By understanding what
grocery items fall into the “more affordable” vs. “more expensive” categories, you can
learn to plan some truly delicious, and healthy, meals for less than a few dollars. To
help sort out the general costs of food items we can look at foods in Canada’s Food
1. Vegetables and Fruits = least expensive
2. Grains = moderately inexpensive
3. Dairy = fairly expensive
4. Meats= most expensive.
Fortunately for our wallets, Canada’s Food Guide suggests that most of our diet consist
of Vegetables and Fruit, followed by Grains, while the recommended portions of Dairy
and Protein are much less.
PART 1:­ Creating a Weekly Food Plan­
You have a budget of $200 for the week (7 days). Think about what you will eat for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Come up with a meal plan for the whole week.
You will also be having a dinner party on Friday with 4 of your friends. Shop around to
find the best deals to make sure you stay under budget. In the chart attached fill in what
you will eat for each meal and the price of each food item (you do not need to include
Things to think about…
❏ Have you created a balanced food plan?
❏ Does it include vegetables, fruit, whole grains and proteins (plant-based protein)?
❏ Are you changing things up or eating the same thing everyday?
❏Did you plan extra food for your friday dinner party?
PART 2:­ Plan The DInner Party
In groups of 4 or 5 you will be hosting a dinner party for another group. Research and
choose a recipe you will use for your dinner party.
Things to think about…
❏ How is this healthy?
Things to remember:
1. Tie hair back and put on an apron.
2. Wash hands with warm water and soap, then dry with paper towel. Approximately 20
seconds - be sure to get between your fingers.
3. Delegate Responsibilities within your kitchen group & know your role(s).
4. Locate kitchen tools and food products you will need.
5. Read and follow instructions/recipe carefully- You don't want to miss a step and
compromise your group's final product!
6. Always practice kitchen safety when working in the labs:
- Safe knife handling & cutting (i.e. carry knife point-down, use the "bear claw" grip
when cutting)
- Do not leave sharp knives in the sink - wash blade off immediately
- Turning pot handles inward when using the stovetop
- Do not turn a burner on without anything on top
- Check the oven before pre-heating
- Ensure meats are cooked properly, depending on type, to avoid getting sick
7. All dishes must be washed, dried and put away before the end of class.
8. All countertops must be sprayed (vinegar/water solution) and wiped down after use.
9. Aprons should be hung up (if not too dirty), or put in the washer if needing to be
10. Always remember to shut off stovetops and ovens when finished.
PART 3: Take a picture of your finished product and post it in the comment section of
the assignment.
Part 4: Peer Assessment
Suggested Websites for Meal Ideas
* Remember ­ Your selected recipe should take no more than 45 minutes to
_1_or_less_pe r_serving?slide=1#leaderboardad
1. Cheap Dinner Recipes for $1 or Less Per Serving
2. 15 Dinners under $1.50
3. 20 Healthy Dinner Recipes Under $3
4. 10 Delicious Low Cost Suppers
5. Top 10 Budget Casseroles
6. Cheap and Easy Anytime Casseroles
Total Price
1) Fill out the table with what you are going to eat for each meal along with the price.
2) Find the total price for each day of the week.
3) What is your total budget for the week?
4) Did you stay under $200? If you had to reduce your budget to $150 what could you change to make your budget
more affordable.