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STRATEGY: RIL/2018/SEPT-001: THE ROPANI WE WANT (19/09/2019)
You will always give time for something you value in life – example body, family, business or money,
relationship with God and mankind, leisure - football, games, gym, etc.; similarly your job!
Source of information: - Cumulative previous reports, meetings, and consultative interviews with
subordinate staff in cause of duty-mandate formally and informally. Of most recent reference is
meetings and reports including but not limited to (kindly set time, reflect on):
“January – June 2018 Management Report High Lights,” dated July 7th 2018, Koboko
generated, copied to SMLT and Heads of Departments;
“Summary Operational Management Issues Pending Decision 2017 – 2018,” dated January
20th 2018, Supervisors desk, copied to SMLT and Heads of Departments;
“End of Year Meeting Held On 22/Dec/2017”, Kampala staff generated, chaired by
Admin/Finance Manager, where MD in attendance.
The Word says, “You will know them by their fruits…” This is a law, applicable everywhere in life. We
are called in various positions to produce lasting, measurable results. The quality of outcomes will
show who we are! To bear much fruit takes:- good seed, time, pruning, care, suitable or conducive
environment such as good soil, manures, water, sunshine, protection from destructive animals or
insects…, in order for the gardener to harvest good yields – some in hundreds, others in sixties and
thirties! Notice, it is a collective responsibility of all playing forces both internal and external to
ensure much fruit and harvest is produced and ensured.
In the same vein, a Company like ROPANI is expected to produce results - of which result must be
measurable, lasting and sustainable! One such result is Growth in resource-numeric, excellence,
capacity, consumer and partners’ satisfaction, sustainability, diversifying business investments,
strong internal systems, dynamic; motivated; disciplined and professional staff working as a team.
Consequently to achieve much more results (i.e. much fruits), a combination of factors is required.
Thus appraising RIL on SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunities and Threats) analysis in brief:
RIL has (We’ve) the Strength i.e. the Staff – young, active, ready to be built, dynamic, experienced,
know the job, enthusiastic, resilient despite challenges, capable of producing much results….., but
our internal systems are rather weak; which can be strengthened through strong functional internal
systems, working policies, regular meetings that must be implemented! Already, we have many
ideas buried in meetings, many not implemented! This is Management and Administration concern!
Furthermore, we’ve the Opportunities i.e. Business ventures, Systems (given activation), Trucks,
Workshop, Legality of operation, experience, exposure to major Partners, influence to Governments
in the Region, Reputation and Legacy 12 years in field, but few to mention…, which we can use to
neutralize the Threats. Some of the Threats include Competition, Liquidity ratios, Staff Turnovers!
Internal Systems basically are tools for smooth administration and management of any
organized Institution; enforced by leadership which is combination of Management and Administration.
Asking what is Management, Administration, Leadership and Tools?
Management – is dealing with people, different from administration. In managing, we find out what the
problem of that person is. It is all about people, learning to learn about people (the greatest resource in
any Government, Organization, Institution, Company or family). It is being interested to find their place
in life with you in your institution, helping them become their best in life in the domain of
responsibility, solving their problems in order to harvest the best results (fruits) from them!
Management invests in staff and in turn reaps big results and outcomes; it’s a process!
Administration – Unlike management, in administration you don’t deal with people directly, but you
deal with Systems, Processes and Procedures. You recognize and administer through set Systems,
Policies, Rules and Regulation. Administration ensures Internal Systems are in place and are functional
to enhance management. Example of Policies - Employment or Recruitment policy; Vehicle Policy;
Disposal policy; Procurement policy; Human Resource Manual or Personnel policy etc. Other systems
include Disciplinary session, Contract management, Staff Rules and Regulations, Finance have their
detailed internal controls – documentations, processes, as well as Procurement and Logistics, Stores,
etc. These altogether become administration tools, hence enhancing functional Internal Systems.
Consequently, leadership is all about influence. It is combination of managerial and administrative
skills. Although there are varied kinds and styles of leadership, the best practice is balancing authority
with humility. “Humility is not weakness but is power under control,” described one time, Head of UN
Sub Office, ARUA Mr. Tamba Komba. The Scripture also stresses, “God resists the proud but exalts
(gives grace to) the humble.” How true!
You’ are a leader within your domain of responsibility and chain of command. Therefore, every head of
department, unit or team is a leader, who must be accountable; and measurably noticed through a
system that allows consistency in information flow; or your results (fruits) won’t be noticed. Effective
Communication is critical, for it enhances flow of information for smooth running of Company.
2.1.2. Why Internal Systems? It is important for every Head of Department or leader’ to have
knowledge of functional internal systems, identifies and aligns them by Department or Institution at
large in order to ensure smooth running of the entire company.
2.1.3. Why Internal Systems not functional 100%, where is the challenge? Food for thought………!
2.1.4. THE ROPANI WE WANT: – Sustainably Competitive, ever growing profit margin, expanding
business sustainably, professional and motivated staff, tarrying on, determined, resilient, with
collaborative spirit and culture, driven by the Vision, Mission Statement, Strategic Objectives
and Core Values visa vi its current size, capacity, potentials, profiles, experiences, yet
overcoming pressing external market forces, withstanding competition and other factors, on
course, forward, prevailing strong and stable! It’s critical that, the staff must not only know but
understand and live to demonstrate ROPANI Vision, Mission Statement, Strategic Objectives (or
the Goals 2017 – 2022) and Values in their day to day business and career path while with RIL.
2.1.5. To accomplish sustainable growth in a competitive environment, ROPANI desires a vibrant and
functional Internal Systems. A working, vibrant and active Internal Systems ensures: Checks and balances in all transactions, Accountability, Quality Assurance Records keeping from which Information flow and Reports are generated consistently for
SMLT to aid decisions and strategic planning!
Strategy is Art and Science of using all forces of an Institution (organization or nation) to execute
approved plans as effectively as possible. Our Forces in this case include: Dynamic RIL Human
workforce, Money, Trucks, Tires, Spares, Tools, Lubricants, Fuel, Systems and Policies. Plan of
Strategy is a plan or a method of achieving a specific goal. Understanding our destiny as a
company is important and keeps us on course, determined, and focused no matter what! Measure growth rates, taking proactive (not reactive) care of green and red indicators in the
entire business chain is being in charge and control. We measure what we treasure! What gets
measured gets done. Without proper RECORDS, and timely information flow where it is due,
monitoring and measuring results is a hi-cup; hence negatively affects decisions of MD/SMLT. Performance Evaluations and /or Appraisals (Template circulated for SMLT review,
endorsement & roll out). This sharpens staff outcomes, ensures healthy competition, rewards
exceptional staff performance, checks indiscipline; analyses and bridges skills-gap, builds staff
capacity, encourages hard work, tool for remunerations uplift, and is a motivation strategy. Effective two-way communications, ensuring respect to Chain of Command, Discipline is inculcated deliberately and work ethics ensured henceforth. Staff Motivation Strategy (Numerous options at table pending discussion, approvals and
implementation: See previous minutes and proposal reports), aims to retain ‘good’ staff! Synchronized and focused Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Implementation. This is wanting
and critical for adoption if we want to run ROPANI in the most efficient, effective and
economic manner. We can if only the SLMT has the will to work as a team in practice. The above also ensures 3Es Usage of Resources (i.e. Efficient, Effective and Economic Utilization
of Resources – including Vehicles, Spares, Tires, Cash and Staff) to achieve best result outcomes
One of the characteristic indicators for a living thing is growth. Consequently, any business must
grow in size (resources, numerically, capacity, diversity) and functional structures and systems. It’s
very important that growth must be sustained jealously using active and functioning Internal
Systems that synchronizes, engages and runs all activities in a well-coordinated check and balance
to produce desired measurable results! Checks and Balances on SWOT, Risks, Growth challenges,
Where there is a will, there is a way! Yes, challenges are real but together we’ve come a long way
united and seen results: Congratulations to all staff and glory to God; hitherto given the dynamic
(changing) competitive world market, much more is still desired in order to yield much fruits, i.e.
sustainable and measurable results! We’ve the Strength and Opportunities to deploy to counter
act our Weaknesses and Threats!