Specialization: Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices FPT University, Spring 2020 Content Facilitator Introduction Benefit from Coursera platform customized for FPT University About the specialization Syllabus in detail Student responsibilities Support from University Q&A Facilitator Introduction Name: Tran Binh Duong Contact: duongtb@fpt.edu.vn Working experience: 18 years working in Software Engineering Project Management experience: 14 years Facilitator’s roles & responsibilities: mentoring Q&A Benefit from Coursera platform customized for FPT University Industry Learning & Development Trends Multidisciplinary learning as much as you can (fully access to 3400+ paid courses in 11 domains and more 70 new courses each month) Can learn/re-learn from anywhere, anytime with your own learning speed for credit Get verified & university-branded certificates Offline and online support from facilitators Progress tracking & Analytics About the specialization Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices Specialization provides the fundamental knowledge and practices of project management Link to the specs: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/projectmanagement Included 3 courses and 1 capstone project: Course 1: Initiating and Planning Projects Course 2: Budgeting and Scheduling Projects Course 3: Managing Project Risks and Changes Capstone Project: Project Management Project Syllabus in detail Click here to open the file Some highlights: Milestone 1: Complete Course 1 by End of Tuesday of 3rd week Milestone 2: Complete Course 2 by End of Tuesday of 5th week Milestone 3: Complete Course 3 by End of Tuesday of 7th week Milestone 4: Complete Capstone Project by End of Friday of 10th week Get 0.25 points of bonus if student complete each milestone on time. The bonus will be added to the final mark with the maximum bonus of 1 point Student responsibilities Click here to open the file Some highlights: Login following the email sent to the student (Email subject: You’re invited to learn on Coursera!) Keep learning progress be on time to get bonus points (maximum bonus is 1 point to be added to final mark, no bonus if retaking any exam more than 2 times) Actively to solve concerns by using FAP (Ask mentor) Join into offline sessions MUST follow Coursera Code of Conduct Support from University Some highlights: Having mentors to monitor and control student’s learning progress Clear student’s concerns through some channels: Ask Mentor on FAP, Coursera forum, Offline sessions Q&A THANK YOU