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Project Management Specialization Intro

Introduction to Project Management
Principles and Practices
FPT University, Spring 2020
 Facilitator Introduction
 Benefit from Coursera platform customized for FPT University
 About the specialization
 Syllabus in detail
 Student responsibilities
 Support from University
 Q&A
Facilitator Introduction
 Name: Tran Binh Duong
 Contact: duongtb@fpt.edu.vn
 Working experience: 18 years working in Software Engineering
 Project Management experience: 14 years
 Facilitator’s roles & responsibilities: mentoring
 Q&A
Benefit from Coursera platform
customized for FPT University
 Industry Learning & Development Trends
 Multidisciplinary learning as much as you can (fully access to 3400+ paid
courses in 11 domains and more 70 new courses each month)
 Can learn/re-learn from anywhere, anytime with your own learning speed
for credit
 Get verified & university-branded certificates
 Offline and online support from facilitators
 Progress tracking & Analytics
About the specialization
 Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices Specialization
provides the fundamental knowledge and practices of project
 Link to the specs: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/projectmanagement
 Included 3 courses and 1 capstone project:
 Course 1: Initiating and Planning Projects
 Course 2: Budgeting and Scheduling Projects
 Course 3: Managing Project Risks and Changes
 Capstone Project: Project Management Project
Syllabus in detail
 Click here to open the file
 Some highlights:
 Milestone 1: Complete Course 1 by End of Tuesday of 3rd week
 Milestone 2: Complete Course 2 by End of Tuesday of 5th week
 Milestone 3: Complete Course 3 by End of Tuesday of 7th week
 Milestone 4: Complete Capstone Project by End of Friday of 10th week
 Get 0.25 points of bonus if student complete each milestone on time. The bonus
will be added to the final mark with the maximum bonus of 1 point
Student responsibilities
 Click here to open the file
 Some highlights:
 Login following the email sent to the student (Email subject: You’re invited to
learn on Coursera!)
 Keep learning progress be on time to get bonus points (maximum bonus is 1 point
to be added to final mark, no bonus if retaking any exam more than 2 times)
 Actively to solve concerns by using FAP (Ask mentor)
 Join into offline sessions
 MUST follow Coursera Code of Conduct
Support from University
 Some highlights:
 Having mentors to monitor and control student’s learning progress
 Clear student’s concerns through some channels: Ask Mentor on FAP, Coursera
forum, Offline sessions