MODULE 1 ISABEL SIEH – 13-year-old Filipino Programmer • • • COMPUTER PROGRAM - is a set of instructions that you write to tell a computer what to do. PROGRAMMER - a person who writes computer programs PROGRAMMING - is the action or process of writing computer programs. LEVELS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES 1. MACHINE LEVEL LANGUAGE - consists of a set of instructions that are in the binary form 0 or 1. a. The only language that is ever actually executed by a computer b. Composed of instructions encoded as strings of 0's and 1's. c. Never written and rarely read directly by programmers 2. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE - contains mnemonic commands such as mov, add, sub, etc. a. 1-1: One assembly language instruction corresponds to one machine language instruction b. The Assembler (a program) translates assembly code into machine code. 3. HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE - consists of English-like statements that are easy to understand. a. Assembly language is still tedious to work in so most work done in HLL. b. Translated into machine language by a Compiler (sometimes an intermediate language). c. One-to-many: One HLL statement translates into several or several dozens of machine instructions. Compiler The language processor that reads the complete source program written in high level language as a whole in one go and translates it into an equivalent program in machine language. Assembler The Assembler is used to translate the program written in Assembly language into machine code. Interpreter The translation of single statement of source program into machine code is done by language processor and executes it immediately before moving on to the next line. The C# Programming Language • C# was developed as an object-oriented and component-oriented language • It exists as part of the Visual Studio .NET package • C# (like Java) is modeled after the C++ programming language • Pointers are not used in C# • C# does NOT require the use of object destructors, forward declarations, or #include files • It has the ability to pass by reference • Multiple inheritance is not allowed in C# Flowchart MODULE 2 Use of symbols and phrases to designate the logic of how a problem is solved. A common method for defining the logical steps of flow within a program by using a series of symbols to identify the basic Input, Process, and Output (IPO’s) function within a program. Basic Symbols in Flowcharting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Terminal Preparation/ Initialization Input / Output Processing Decision On Page Connector Off Page Connector Flowlines Operators Commonly Used in Flowcharting • Arithmetic Operators 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulo Division • Relational/Comparison Operators