Uploaded by Amari Winny

Chemistry Lab Safety Quiz

CHEM 2582L
Lab Safety Quiz 7
What should be done if someone has excess reagents leftover after completing lab? (CSLO 1)
notify lab partner
B. notify instructor and pour down sink
*C. notify instructor and dispose in waste container
D. none of the above
2. What should be done if someone breaks round bottom flask in the fume hood? (CSLO 1)
A. notify lab partner and clean up
B. run outside and clean up later
*C. notify instructor and clean up as directed
D. none of the above
3. What should be done if someone gets bleach into their eyes? (CSLO 1)
*A. remove gloves and rinse eyes for 10-15 minutes at eye wash station
B. only change gloves and go outside lab
C. notify lab partner and go outside lab
D. none of the above
4. Which of the following must be done after shaking a separatory funnel? (CSLO 1)
A. place into ring stand
B. notify lab partner and place on lab station
*C. vent
D. none of the above
Which of the following is not a drying agent? (CSLO 1)
A. magnesium sulfate
*B. sodium chloride
C. calcium chloride
D. none of the above