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Streetlights for Animals: Invention & Civilization's Legacy

Gomera, Carlo Magno B.
How is your invention similar to or different form existing tools or technologies in terms of function?
This invention is different from the others, since most of the inventors are focusing on human or
focusing on the problem that the environment has, which totally great. But the good thing about this
invention that I wanted would help the animals who’s living on the Forest near to road or city, so I would
install a streetlight so they can cross the road safely, always remember that animals are also part of
Tourism, they have a huge part when it comes to Tourism Industry, we can get something to them, so
they should as well. The function of the technology for this invention is of course would light the road or
the street with signal at the same time, it can detect if there is animal who will cross the road, so the
vehicle would notify that they need to slow down.
Why is there a need for this invention? How will this invention make the world a better place to live
As what I said to my answer above, that we need make sure that were not only protecting the People
and the environment, but also the other living things such as the animals, we all know for a fact that
animals especially those endangered species play a big role to our Tourism Industry, so I believe that this
is a perfect time for pay back them, So in that way we could help the animals to stay longer here in the
world, so the future generation could still witness the beauty of the animals that we have today
Give 5 inventions from the past civilizations that are still used these days.
While we are encouraged to use less paper or at least recycle
it due to environmental concerns, Americans still use more
than 2 trillion trees a year for paper and other products made
of wood. Papermaking has been a practice since at least A.D.
105 , according to some Chinese records. But recent
archeological evidence dates papermaking to two centuries
earlier. However, although not made from wood per se, you
can go back in time even further. Ancient Egyptians found a
way of writing on papyrus paper around 3000 B.C.
Alarm clocks
Most people’s alarm clocks today are on their phones. Until a
decade ago, they were mechanical with the first models
invented in 1787 by Levi Hutchins. But people had found ways
to wake up long before this. Famous Greek philosopher Plato
is said to have designed the first water alarm clock in 427 B.C.
It consisted of two parts. Water dripped from one to another
through an outflow funnel for a specifically calculated time.
When the second part became full, the water quickly escaped
toward the next closed part and forced the contained air to
come out whistling through a tube, thus making nose and
waking people up.
Julian calendar
The Roman calendar was based on the phases of the Moon
and was simply too complicated to follow. The Julian
calendar, suggested by Julius Caesar, replaced it in 45 B.C. The
year was divided into 12 months, which each have 30 or 31
days. Also called the Old Style calendar, the Julian calendar is
still used by some Eastern Orthodox Churches to determine
liturgical dates and holidays such as Easter.
The compass is one of the most important tools in the
history of navigation. While people in urban areas are not
very likely to carry one in their bags, it is very helpful for
hikers and other adventurers going into the wild. Many
historians think that China’s Han Dynasty, around 200
B.C., gave the magnetic compass to the West. They were
first to develop a sophisticated compass. The needle was
an iron spoon that was magnetized with ore, making it
point south or north.
Door locks
The very first locks were technically knots made from
ropes. Eventually people created locks made from wood
and metal. The first types were documented in ancient
Egypt some 6,000 years ago. A pin tumbler lock, made
from wood, was attached to the door. A horizontal bolt,
which could be opened with pins, slid into the post. The
key was large, also made from wood, and looked like a