UNIVERSAL ACCESS PLAN PHASE 2 – PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF A REGIONAL CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY CONTRACT NO. 2015/178 DATE: June 2016 Prepared for: Umgeni Water Prepared by: UWP Consulting (Pty) Ltd Contact Person : Vernon Perumal Contact Person : Sandra Munnik Tel: 033-341 1232 | Cell: 082 852 9308 vernon.perumal@umgeni.co.za Tel: 012-424 9707 | Cell: 082 822 8211 sandram@uwp.co.za In Association with: PROJECT NAME : UNIVERSAL ACCESS PLAN PHASE 2 – PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF A REGIONAL CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY REPORT / DOCUMENT TITLE: Bulk Water Master Plan Final Document Status: PROJECT NUMBER: 27811 Issue Date: 30 June 2016 Rev. No.: 7 Client’s Name: Umgeni Water Contact Person: Vernon Perumal Tel No.: Tel: 033-341 1232 | Cell: 082 852 9308 Email address: vernon.perumal@umgeni.co.za Prepared at / by: Office: Pretoria Division: Infrastructure Planning Verification Process: Name: Prepared for: Verification by Author: Checked by: Authorised by: Capacity: S Munnik Signature: Date: 30 June 2016 S Munnik Study Leader and Project Director 30 June 2016 S Munnik Study Leader and Project Director 15 June 2016 Quality Verification: This report / document has been prepared under the quality controls established by UWP Consulting’s Quality Management System which meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard That has been certified by DEKRA Certification under Certificate Number 20907782/1. Page i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. INTRODUCTION Umgeni Water initiated a study in 2014 to develop Universal Access Plans (Phase 1) for bulk water supply, for all District Municipalities in the KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN). The study culminated in a rudimentary report for each District Municipality that provides the water requirements and conceptual scheme areas and costing to provide access to bulk water supply, based on information at hand at the time. Umgeni Water, together with the Department of Water & Sanitation (DWS) and the KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) sought to improve on the existing studies and initiated the follow-up study: Universal Access Plan (UAP) Phase 2 – Progressive Development of a Regional Concept Plan, again for each District Municipality in the KZN, as well as the Alfred Nzo and OR Tambo District Municipalities within the Eastern Cape Province. Various Professional Service Providers (PSP’s) were appointed to conduct the studies based on Water Services Authority (WSA) status. The 2011 Census as well as updated Eskom Spot Building Count datasets could be applied for the improved studies. Furthermore, the DWS expressed the need to review and update their Reference Framework Geodatabase (2013) – especially the settlements and infrastructure components as part of the UAP Phase 2 study. The objectives of the UAP Phase 2 study were to review and update the UAP Phase 1 study reports in order to improve the following: The Phase 1 study focused on small, localised schemes for universal access in the near future, however these proposed schemes are not necessarily sustainable; The proposed schemes were largely designed in isolation and took little cognisance of other water planning studies and recommendations; Many of the Water Services Development Plans were being updated during the course of the Phase 1 study, and need to be incorporated into UAP Phase 2; The study didn’t go as far as Umgeni Water’s extended area into the Eastern Cape Province; and The footprints didn’t take cognisance of town planning type information that would give an indication of future demands. The UAP Phase 2 study aimed to improve on the above and to ensure a more aligned approach between the various PSP’s appointed for the different study areas. This report is the UAP Phase 2 report for the ORTambo District Municipality, Eastern cape Province and hence forth, information reflected relates to this WSA. B. DEMOGRAPHICS Census 2011 indicated that there is approximately 1,3 million people within 286 000 households (HH) residing within five Local Municipalities (LMs) located within ORTDM. The average number of people per HH is 4,6. The largest portion of the district population is concentrated in the western part of the district around the main urban centre, Mthatha. For the purpose of this study, the 2011 Census was used as base Page ii as it is available for the whole of South Africa and is also used by the municipalities for their planning and reporting purposes. The population figures were projected according to calculated growth rates from Statistics SA (growth profiles, migration and updated household surveys) as well as local knowledge of the study areas. The demographics from the 2011 Census (sub-place level, summarised per LM) and projected to 2035, are presented in Table B. Table B Demographics Summary: 2011 Census and 2035 (Projected) 2011 2035 Local Municipality Population Households Population Households Ngquza Hill 58 085 288 382 69 341 344 266 Port St Johns 33 525 159 992 37 941 181 086 Nyandeni 62 799 296 694 70 116 331 082 Mhlontlo 42 288 183 541 37 619 163 148 King Sabata Dalindyebo 108 394 466 260 127 323 547 454 Grand Total 305 090 1 394 868 342 341 1 567 035 The number of people and households are expected to increase by an estimated 0,6% per annum due to natural growth and migration. The Mhlontlo LM however is projected to have a negative population growth rate of 1,2% per annum. The Ngquza Hill LM is projected to have the highest population growth rate of 1,8% per annum. C. WATER SERVICE LEVELS AND WATER REQUIREMENTS The consumers in the ORTDM have access to water supply in various forms, ranging from no formal access (obtain water directly from natural water sources), to formal and high levels of service in the form of household connections and waterborne sanitation. The ORTDM has initiated several projects to improve access to water supply – both reticulated supply and bulk water services. The water requirements (in million m³ per annum) for the ORTDM are presented per Local Municipality within Table C below. These water requirements were calculated for consumers having formal water supply schemes and for consumers not yet supplied from a formal water supply scheme. The Methodology Section in this report explains the approach for the calculations to determine the theoretical water requirements and adjusted for water losses. Page iii Table C: Water Requirements (million m³ per annum), Per Local Municipality Local Municipality Households (2011) King Sabata Dalindyebo Water Requirements (Million m³/a) HH Below RDP (2011) 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 104 900 50 704 24,136 28,656 33,343 35,606 37,856 Mhlontlo 43 172 23 718 6,073 7,247 8,464 8,594 8,658 Ngquza Hill 55 930 44 793 7,220 10,729 14,375 15,745 17,087 Nyandeni 61 421 44 054 7,950 11,027 14,211 15,316 16,351 Port St Johns 31 562 24 077 4,204 5,978 7,813 8,441 9,035 296 985 187 346 49,583 63,637 78,205 83,702 88,988 TOTAL The King Sabata Dalindyebo LM has by far the highest water requirements due to the larger number of people residing in the area, large number of industries and expected future developments. The OR Tambo water schemes also supply water across district municipality borders. The breakdown of the supply per municipality including the municipalities under Alfred Nzo DM and Joe Gqabi DM that are supplied from OR Tambo schemes is detailed in Table D below. Table D: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Local Municipality District Municipality Households (2011) HH Below RDP (2011) 104 900 Mhlontlo Local Municipality 2015 2020 2025 2030 50 704 66,126 78,510 91,356 97,549 103,716 43 172 23 718 16,636 19,858 23,190 23,544 23,722 Ngquza Hill 55 930 44 793 19,785 29,392 39,378 43,139 46,813 Nyandeni 61 421 44 054 21,780 30,213 38,933 41,962 44,802 Port St Johns 31 562 24 077 11,518 16,379 21,406 23,125 24,754 296 985 187 346 135,845 174,351 214,263 229,318 243,.807 Matatiele 0,034 0,058 0,082 0,087 0,092 Umzimvubu 2,545 3,418 4,317 4,448 4,540 Ntabankulu 0,081 0,085 0,090 0,092 0,093 2,660 3,561 4,488 4,627 4,725 7,832 9,837 10,322 10,740 10,740 5,893 7,832 9,837 10,322 10,740 144,397 185,741 228,585 244,271 259,268 King Sabata Dalindyebo OR Tambo DM Sub-Total for OR Tambo DM Alfred Nzo DM Sub-Total for Alfred Nzo DM Joe Gqabi DM Water Requirements (Mℓ/d) Elundini 5,893 Sub-Total for Joe Gqabi DM TOTAL Page iv 2035 D. WATER CONSERVATION AND WATER DEMAND MANAGEMENT Water losses and unaccounted for water are a major concern in the ORTDM. The 2015/16 WSDP for the ORTDM reports that the status of non-revenue water within the WSA is 23%. The DM currently does not have a WC&DM strategy and a potential project has been identified to address this shortcoming. E. WATER RESOURCES The Mzimvubu to Keiskamma WMA is one of the few remaining water management areas with a positive water balance and huge water surplus. The water availability and potential water resource development of the Mzimvubu River was investigated in numerous studies, indicating the potential for further development and possible transfer of water across the basin boundaries, albeit at very high cost due to the deeply incised river valleys, necessitating very high pumping heads to reach water users. Recent groundwater studies indicate a significant potential for further groundwater development across the municipal area. There is currently only one major dam, the Mthatha Dam, and few small dams for domestic use within the OR Tambo DM area of jurisdiction. Most of the water supply for the towns and rural areas comes from stand-alone schemes using streams, springs and boreholes. A list of the relevant dams with information about yield and allocation is given in Table E below. Table E: Major dams for domestic supply in OR Tambo DM area (from Mzimvubu to Keiskamma (ISP; DWA, 2004) Capacity Dam Name Yield (Million m³/a) (million m³) Domestic Irrigation Other / Surplus Mthatha 228,0 19,0 0.0 0 Corana 0,71 0,34 0.0 0 Mabeleni 2,0 1,73 0.0 0 Mhlanga 1,53 0,78 0.0 0 2,6 N/av 0.0 0 234,84 21,85 Magwa Total F. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES AND WATER REQUIREMENTS The total volume of water required is compared to the existing proposed water supply interventions to determine shortfalls and the reasons thereof. This comparison is detailed in the Table F below. Table F: Water Requirements (Mm3 per annum) per WSIA WSS KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS Population (2015) 2035 Demand (Mm³ per annum) 399 625 33,94 Existing Resources Yield (Mm3 per annum) 147,54 Mthatha Dam Page v Proposed Additional under UAP Phase 2 (Mm³ per annum) - Total 145,54 Balance (Mm³ per annum) - Existing Resources Yield Population (2015) 2035 Demand (Mm³ per annum) 8 221 0,45 No data KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development 74 888 4,33 KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply 94 725 KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS WSS KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development (Mm3 per annum) Boreholes Proposed Additional under UAP Phase 2 (Mm³ per annum) Balance Total (Mm³ per annum) - No data No data* - No data* Mthatha Dam 5,31 No data* - No data* Mthatha Dam 37 487 2,12 No data - No data* MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS- 276 218 13,45 2 987 Umzimvub u River 60 No data NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS 291073 17,1 1,02 Xura River - 1,02 NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS 59 635 3,4 No data Msikaba River - No data NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS 56 450 3,01 No data* Mthatha River - No data* NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS 26 434 1,51 2 987 Mngazi River - No data - 0,995* Mthatha River NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS 57 928 3,16 0,995* Nzwakazi Dam, Mtyu & Mtakatye Rivers NYA004 WSIA: CibeniNtlambeni RWSS 93 041 4,98 2 987 Umzimvub u River - 2 987 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS 22 929 1,24 No data Mngazi River - No data PSJ002 WSIA: Port ST Johns Town Supply 6 597 0,64 0,36 Bulolo River - 0.28(made up through WCDM initiatives) 1 505 251 94,64 3 136,55 Grand Total- Boreholes To be supplied from the proposed Nxuzi Dam To be supplied from Mthatha River or Dam Umzimvubu River 3 134,84 *Figures are planned for extraction from Mthatha River system. ORTDM is planning for the construction of 3 Ntabelanga Dam on the Tsitsa River with a capacity of 60Mm . The yield of the dam has not been established at this stage. G. PLANNED AND IMPLEMENTATION PROJECTS The existing regional bulk projects were considered and evaluated to identify potential gaps within the existing project footprints to the extent that a total “wall-to-wall” bulk water services needs perspective is Page vi visualised and realised. This was done in the context to improve access to basic services but at the same time support economic growth and development and ensure sustainable services. The funding streams available for infrastructure development over the next three years within ORTDM amount to R 2,999 billion. However, the existing cost requirement for water services within ORTDM is R 16 billion and does not yet represent a wall to wall coverage of the total need. However, substantial planning studies have been conducted that were taken in consideration when the overall bulk supply intervention areas were determined. The extent of the proposed planning studies was extended to ultimately result in a wall to wall coverage. The existing bulk interventions currently in planning are tabled within Table G below. Table G: RBIG Water Supply Interventions currently in planning LM Project No Project Name Project Description Mthatha Regional WSS - Mthatha dam source Construction of Rosedale Water Treatment Plant, abstraction works and associated infrastructure ECR019 OR Tambo: Mthatha KSD Bulk Water Supply KSD: Mthatha KSD Water (30km radius). Includes Airport Corridor, Mqanduli Corridor, Mthatha Corridor, Nqadu Corridor, Libode Corridor, Ngeleni Corridor & Second Falls Corridor. N/DC15/0 54/W Mthatha Regional WSS - Borehole development Mhlontlo MIS 205342 Ngquza Hill King Sabata Dalindyebo ECR012 // E/ECDC1 5/002/W Total Cost Requirement FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 R 475 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R 1 732 681 700 R 319 000 000 R 300 000 000 R 340 283 877 Drilling of deep well boreholes in areas that cannot be accessed by the Mthatha Dam water R 994 383 000 R0 R0 R0 Sidwadweni Regional Water Supply Tsitsa River Source Development Construction of a 5Mℓ/day packaged WTP R 120 000 000 R0 R0 R0 ECR003 // F/ECDC1 5/003/W Ingquza Hill Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme Ingquza Hill Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme - phase 2 & 3 R 850 000 000 R 1 200 000 R0 R0 N/DC15/0 55/W Msikaba Regional Bulk Water Services Supply Msikaba River Source. Phase 1 Feasibility Study & Prelimanary Design R 850 000 000 R0 R0 R0 Ngquza Hill N/DC15/0 56/W Kwanyati Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme Kwanyathi Village and surrounding areas (is a sub-project of the Ingquza Hill Master Plan) R 1 200 000 000 R0 R0 R0 Nyandeni N/DC15/0 10/W Mdumbi Regional Water Supply Development of a Regional Scheme downstream of R 1 034 000 000 R0 R0 R0 King Sabata Dalindyebo King Sabata Dalindyebo Ngquza Hill Page vii LM Project No Project Name Project Description Total Cost Requirement FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 Second Falls to supply water up to Mdumbi & Coffee Bay areas R 7 256 064 700 R 320 200 000 R 300 000 000 R 340 283 877 The total MTEF 2015/18 RBIG allocation over the next three years shows a total allocation of approximately R 960,5 million. However, the total bulk requirement is R 7,2 billion. This would result in ORTDM taking at least 21 years to address their total bulk infrastructure needs. H. BULK WATER SUPPLY INTERVENTIONS CONSIDERED This study aims to ensure that the ORTDM can make provision for and plan to supply all consumers within its area of jurisdiction with at least basic water supply services. Not all consumers are currently supplied with formal schemes and part of the objectives of this study were to determine where these consumers are, what their water requirements are and the options that could be considered to ensure universal access to water supply up to 2035. Water Supply Intervention Areas (WSIAs) were identified during this process based on areas that can be served either by linkage to existing schemes or through planned scheme developments (planned projects). These WSIAs, number of applicable households, population and their water requirements are illustrated within Table H. Table H Conceptual Scheme Areas, Households and Water Requirements Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) WSIA Name Households (2015) Population (2015) 2015 KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS 2035 98 916 399 625 24,18 33,94 1 680 8 221 0.16 0.45 KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development 15 291 74 888 1.65 4.33 KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply 19 560 94 725 2.20 5.31 KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS 6 662 37 487 0.88 2.12 MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS 68 453 276 218 8,52 13,45 NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS 57 190 291 073 7,34 17,10 NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS 12 236 59 635 1,33 3,40 NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS 11 024 56 450 1,37 3,01 KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development Page viii Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) WSIA Name Households (2015) Population (2015) 2015 NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS 2035 6 475 26 434 0,96 1,51 NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS 12 035 57 928 1,29 3,16 NYA004 WSIA: CibeniNtlambeni RWSS 19 191 93 041 1,86 4,98 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS 4 394 22 929 0,45 1,24 PSJ002 WSIA: Port ST Johns Town Supply 2 353 6 597 0,50 0,64 335 460 1 505 251 52,71 94,63 Grand Total A total of 94,633 Million m³ per annum is required, with the Mthatha RWSS requiring the largest portion at 29,1% of the total water demand in ORTDM. A total estimate of R20 462 358 417 is required to eradicate the anticipated water services backlog by 2035. The base year cost requirement is 2015. The total cost requirement per WSIA is tabled below. Table I: Total Cost Requirement per WSIA WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL R 1 032 504 154 R 202 171 679 R 652 477 617 R 1 887 153 450 KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development R0 R 5 000 000 R0 R 5 000 000 KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development R 370 314 378 R 107 945 193 R 235 298 058 R 713 557 629 KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply R 809 539 768 R 214 794 196 R 512 010 054 R 1 536 344 018 KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS R 225 953 791 R 43 982 149 R 144 350 888 R 414 286 828 MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS- R 2 878 077 573 R 287 101 129 R 1 815 188 871 R 4 980 367 573 NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS R 2 747 632 229 R 605 601 012 R 1 733 008 304 R 5 086 241 545 NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS R 802 454 426 R 129 805 892 R 507 546 289 R 1 439 806 607 NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS R 632 925 926 R 101 500 284 R 400 743 334 R 1 135 169 544 Page ix WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS R 151 577 043 R 85 637 881 R 129 177 252 R 366 392 176 NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS R 488 695 332 R 76 472 431 R 309 878 059 R 875 045 822 NYA004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS R 992 614 337 R 161 354 861 R 627 347 032 R 1 781 316 230 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS R 65 217 749 R 13 915 574 R 37 543 673 R 116 676 995 PSJ002 WSIA: Port ST Johns Town Supply R 106 250 000 R 15 625 000 R 3 125 000 R 125 000 000 R 11 303 756 706 R 2 050 907 281 R 7 107 694 431 R 20 462 358 417 TOTAL The cost requirement for primary bulk is tabled below. The base year cost requirement is 2015. Table J: Primary Bulk Cost Requirement per WSIA WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) KSD001 Mthatha RWSS KSD002 Mthatha Regional Borehole Development KSD003 Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL R 640 830 316 R 100 572 504 R 403 723 099 R 1 145 125 919 R0 R 5 000 000 R0 R 5 000 000 Mqanduli Corridor Development R 330 427 676 R 37 678 950 R 208 169 436 R 576 276 061 KSD004 Lukwethu Water supply R 178 244 620 R 44 297 881 R 114 294 111 R 336 836 611 KSD005 Coffee Bay RWSS R 69 498 000 R 6 324 318 R 43 783 740 R 119 606 058 MHLO001 Umzimvubu RWSS R 2 603 641 038 R 239 434 529 R 1 640 293 854 R 4 483 369 421 NQH001 Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS R 1 259 910 263 R 199 002 637 R 793 743 466 R 2 252 656 367 NQH002 Msikaba BRWSS R 451 053 869 R 66 998 059 R 284 163 938 R 802 215 866 NYA001 Second Falls RWSS R 289 698 277 R 42 948 508 R 182 509 914 R 515 156 700 NYA002 Tombo RWSS R 29 088 467 R 3 817 825 R 18 325 734 R 51 232 026 Page x WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL NYA003 Ngqeleni RWSS R 149 724 325 R 20 454 429 R 94 326 325 R 264 505 078 NYA004 Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS R 110 781 600 R 10 081 126 R 69 792 408 R 190 655 134 PSJ001 Port St Johns RWSS R 20 968 800 R 1 908 161 R 11 427 996 R 34 304 957 PSJ002 Port ST Johns Town Supply R 106 250 000 R 15 625 000 R 3 125 000 R 125 000 000 R 6 240 117 251 R 794 143 927 R 3 867 679 021 R 10 901 940 198 Total I. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The ORTDM still faces a backlog in water supply – not only in providing all consumers within its area of jurisdiction with access to water supply according to its WSA duties, but also in ensuring sustainable water services of existing supply. There are an estimated 187 000 households not having access to some form of formalised water supply infrastructure, across the whole of ORTDM’s geographic extent. Furthermore, there are areas where the existing water supply infrastructure as well as water source, are insufficient to meet current and projected future water requirements. New developments and urbanisation put further strain on existing supplies and resources. The ORTDM relies mainly on grant funding programmes to fund their water supply projects. These funding programmes are mainly MIG and RBIG. Based on all the current funding streams available to the District Municipality over the MTEF period, it will take a minimum of ten years for the ORTDM to address their water supply requirements. The ORTDM has developed regional wall-to-wall bulk water plans to address their bulk water supply needs. Some of these studies are already funded through the RBIG funding programme whilst others are in the process to be prepared for implementation readiness and submission to the Eastern Cape Technical Assessment Committee (ECTAC). These projects are included within the latest council endorsed IDP and WSDP of the DM as well as included within the DWS’ Provincial Regional Bulk Master Plan dated March 2015. The implementation programme will depend on the availability of funds from National Treasury as well as the capacity of the Municipality to implement projects. All fourteen area interventions would be an implementation priority for the DM but the order would most likely be determined by the availability of funds or intervention programmes. The provision of water services remains the responsibility of the ORTDM as the WSA. The ORTDM should ensure that they meet all the requirements to take these interventions to implementation readiness. These planning studies are in various stages of readiness to lobby for grant funding and Umgeni Water could consider as a Regional Utility to assist the ORTDM to take this process further. The fourteen (14) proposed water supply intervention areas (WSIAs) are the appropriate solutions for bulk water supply development within ORTDM and are as follows: Page xi KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS; KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development; KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development; KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply; KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS; NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS; NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS; NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS; NYA004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS; NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS; NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS; PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS; PSJ002: WSIA: Port St Johns Town Supply; and MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS. A visual presentation of the split between the primary, secondary and tertiary bulk infrastructure is illustrated within the Figure 1: Bulk Infrastructure Requirements per WSIA below. Figure 1: Bulk Infrastructure Requirements per WSIA Page xii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background and Introduction.............................................................................................................................1 1.2 Purpose of the Report ........................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Specific targets of the Study...............................................................................................................................2 1.4 Information Sources ...........................................................................................................................................2 1.5 Study Process......................................................................................................................................................3 1.5.1 Stakeholder Engagement ...................................................................................................................................3 1.6 Water Requirements Model...............................................................................................................................4 1.7 DWS Reference Framework Geodatabase .........................................................................................................5 1.8 Reconciliation Report .........................................................................................................................................5 2. STUDY AREA................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Context ...............................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 Physical Characteristics of the Study Area .........................................................................................................6 2.3 Climate ...............................................................................................................................................................8 2.4 Topography, Geology and Soils ..........................................................................................................................8 2.5 Environmental ....................................................................................................................................................8 2.6 Institutional Arrangement for Water Supply......................................................................................................9 3. DEMOGRAPHICS..........................................................................................................12 3.1 Existing Population Distribution .......................................................................................................................12 3.2 Social and Economic Indicators ........................................................................................................................12 3.3 Population Growth Scenarios...........................................................................................................................13 3.4 Main Development Nodes................................................................................................................................13 3.4.1 Nodes................................................................................................................................................................13 3.4.2 Corridors ...........................................................................................................................................................14 4. WATER REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................15 4.1 Water Supply Service Level ..............................................................................................................................15 4.2 Water Losses and Demand Management ........................................................................................................17 4.3 Water Demand Model......................................................................................................................................17 4.3.1 Water Demand for OR Tambo District Municipality.........................................................................................18 4.3.2 Demand per Regional Water Scheme...............................................................................................................20 5. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................24 5.1 Water Resource Availability .............................................................................................................................24 5.2 King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality......................................................................................................25 5.2.1 Mthatha Town Water Supply Scheme ..............................................................................................................25 Page xiii 5.2.2 Rosedale Water Supply Scheme .......................................................................................................................26 5.2.3 Mthatha Peri-urban Water Supply Scheme......................................................................................................26 5.3 Nyandeni Municipality......................................................................................................................................28 5.3.1 Libode Town Water Supply...............................................................................................................................28 5.3.2 Corana Regional Water Supply.........................................................................................................................29 5.4 Mhlontlo Local Municipality.............................................................................................................................29 5.4.1 Qumbu Town Water Supply..............................................................................................................................29 5.4.2 Tsolo Town Water Supply Scheme....................................................................................................................29 5.4.3 Mjika Water Supply Scheme.............................................................................................................................30 5.5 Ngquza Hill Local Municipality..........................................................................................................................30 5.5.1 Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme .........................................................................................................30 5.5.2 Flagstaff Regional Water Supply Scheme.........................................................................................................30 5.5.3 Mkambati Weir Scheme ...................................................................................................................................30 5.5.4 Holy Cross Hospital Scheme (Taweni Village Scheme)......................................................................................31 5.5.5 Magwa Tea Estate Water Scheme ...................................................................................................................31 5.6 Nyandeni Local Municipality ............................................................................................................................31 5.6.1 Ngqeleni Town Water Supply ...........................................................................................................................31 5.6.2 Mhlanga Rural Water Supply Scheme ..............................................................................................................32 5.7 Port St Johns Local Municipality.......................................................................................................................32 5.7.1 Port St Johns Spatial Development Initiative (SDI) Water Supply Scheme .......................................................32 5.7.2 Umzimvubu 18 Villages WSS ............................................................................................................................33 6. BULK WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS CURRENTLY IN PLANNING ..........................................34 6.1 Regional Bulk Water Projects in Planning ........................................................................................................34 6.1.1 ECR012 // E/ECDC15/002/W: Mthatha Regional WSS -Mthatha dam source and ECR019: OR Tambo Mthatha KSD Bulk Water Supply ......................................................................................................................36 6.1.2 N/DC15/054/W: Mthatha Regional WSS - Borehole development ..................................................................37 6.1.3 MIS 205342 Sidwadweni Regional Water Supply.............................................................................................37 6.1.4 ECR003 // F/ECDC15/003/W: Ingquza Hill (IHLM) Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme.................................37 6.1.5 N/DC15/055/W: Msikaba Regional Bulk Water Services Supply......................................................................37 6.1.6 N/DC15/056/W: Kwanyati Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme .....................................................................37 6.1.7 N/DC15/010/W: Mdumbi Regional Water .......................................................................................................37 7. SYNOPSIS OF EXISTING AND COMMITTED SCHEMES ....................................................42 7.1 Gap Analysis .....................................................................................................................................................42 7.1.1 KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha regional Bulk Water Supply .......................................................................................42 7.1.2 KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development ...............................................................................43 7.1.3 KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development ..............................................................................................44 Page xiv 7.1.4 KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water Supply............................................................................................................45 7.1.5 KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay Regional Water Supply ...........................................................................................45 7.1.6 NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS....................................................................................................................46 7.1.7 NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS ............................................................................................................................47 7.1.8 NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS .........................................................................................................................47 7.1.9 NYA004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS ...........................................................................................................48 7.1.10 NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS .............................................................................................................49 7.1.11 NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS.......................................................................................................................50 7.1.12 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RBWSS ..................................................................................................................51 7.1.13 PSJ002 WSIA: Port St Johns Town Supply .........................................................................................................51 7.1.14 MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS.................................................................................................................52 7.2 Scheme Re-demarcation ..................................................................................................................................52 8. BULK WATER SUPPLY INTERVENTIONS CONSIDERED – RECONCILIATION ......................53 8.1 Proposed Wall-to-Wall Water Supply Intervention Areas................................................................................53 8.2 KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Bulk Water Supply.......................................................................................53 8.2.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................53 8.2.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................54 8.3 KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development...............................................................................59 8.3.1 Demand model Intervention.............................................................................................................................59 8.3.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................59 8.4 KSD003 WSIA: Mquanduli Corridor Development ...........................................................................................60 8.4.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................60 8.4.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................61 8.5 KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water Supply ...........................................................................................................63 8.5.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................63 8.5.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................64 8.6 KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS ......................................................................................................................65 8.6.1 Demand model Intervention.............................................................................................................................65 8.6.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................66 8.7 Mhlo001 WSIA: Umzimvubu Dam Development .............................................................................................67 8.7.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................67 8.7.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................69 8.8 NQH001 WSIA: NgquZa Hill RBWSS..................................................................................................................72 8.8.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................72 8.8.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................73 Page xv 8.9 NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba Bulk Regional Water Supply Scheme ........................................................................75 8.9.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................75 8.9.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................75 8.9.3 Water Resource Consideration .........................................................................................................................76 8.10 Nya001 WSIA: Second Falls Bulk Water Supply................................................................................................77 8.10.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................77 8.10.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................78 8.11 Nya002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS ............................................................................................................................79 8.11.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................79 8.11.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................80 8.12 Nya003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS .........................................................................................................................81 8.12.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................81 8.12.2 Water Demand .................................................................................................................................................81 8.12.3 Water Resource Consideration .........................................................................................................................81 8.12.4 Water Supply Infrastructure .............................................................................................................................81 8.12.5 Financial Requirement......................................................................................................................................82 8.12.6 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................82 8.13 Nya004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS............................................................................................................84 8.13.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................84 8.13.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................85 8.14 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS ....................................................................................................................86 8.14.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................86 8.14.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................87 8.15 PSJ002 WSIA: Port St Johns Town WSS ............................................................................................................87 8.15.1 Demand Model Intervention ............................................................................................................................87 8.15.2 Existing Proposed Infrastructure Intervention..................................................................................................88 9. SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................90 9.1 Total Water Demand per WSIA ........................................................................................................................90 9.2 Total Water Resources Required......................................................................................................................91 9.2.1 Mthatha Dam System.......................................................................................................................................92 9.3 Financial Requirements ....................................................................................................................................93 9.4 Funding Options ...............................................................................................................................................95 9.5 Implementation Programme ............................................................................................................................95 10. RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................97 10.1 Responsibilities.................................................................................................................................................97 Page xvi 10.2 Selection of Solutions .......................................................................................................................................97 10.3 Pertinent Legislation.........................................................................................................................................97 10.3.1 Municipal Structures Act ..................................................................................................................................98 10.3.2 Municipal Systems Act......................................................................................................................................98 10.3.3 Water Services Act............................................................................................................................................98 LIST OF ANNEXURES ANNEXURE A – Reference ANNEXURE B – Map Series LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Settlement or Town Categories and Water Use ............................................................................................4 Table 2.1: Topographical Profile .....................................................................................................................................8 Table 3.1: Census 2011 Population and Households....................................................................................................12 Table 4.1: Stats SA Census 2011 Water Supply Levels..................................................................................................15 Table 4.2: Settlement or Town Categories and Water Use ..........................................................................................17 Table 4.3: Water Requirements (Million M³ per annum), Per Local Municipality........................................................18 Table 4.4: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Local Municipality .................................................................................. 19 Table 4.5: Water Requirements (million m³ per annum), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIA.................................20 Table 4.6: Water Requirements (million m³ per annum), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIA.................................21 Table 4.7: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIAs ......................................................... 22 Table 5.1: Major dams for domestic supply in OR Tambo DM area (from Mzimvubu to Keiskamma (ISP; DWA, 2004) ......................................................................................................................................................................................24 Table 6.1: Grant Funding Streams ................................................................................................................................35 Table 6.2: RBIG Water Supply Interventions currently in planning ..............................................................................35 Table 6.3: ORT DM MIG Water Supply Projects............................................................................................................39 Table 7.1: Mthatha Regional Scheme Summary...........................................................................................................42 Table 7.2: Mthatha Regional Scheme Gap Analysis......................................................................................................43 Table 7.3: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development ..................................................................................................44 Table 7.4: Mqanduli Corridor Development.................................................................................................................44 Table 7.5: Lukwethu Regional Scheme Gap Analysis....................................................................................................45 Table 7.6: Coffee Bay Regional Scheme Gap Analysis ..................................................................................................46 Table 7.7: Second Falls RWSS Gap Analysis ..................................................................................................................46 Table 7.8: Tombo RWSS Gap Analysis ..........................................................................................................................47 Table 7.9: Ngqeleni RWSS Summary.............................................................................................................................47 Page xvii Table 7.10: Ngqeleni RWSS Gap Analysis .....................................................................................................................48 Table 7.11: Cibeni-Ntlambeni Regional Scheme Gap Analysis .....................................................................................49 Table 7.12: Ngquza Hill RWSS Summary.......................................................................................................................49 Table 7.13: Ngquza Hill RWSS Gap Analysis..................................................................................................................50 Table 7.14: Msikaba RWSS Gap Analysis ......................................................................................................................50 Table 7.15: Port St Johns RBWSS Scheme Gap Analysis ...............................................................................................51 Table 7.16: Port St Johns Town Scheme Gap Analysis..................................................................................................51 Table 7.17: Umzimvubu RWSS Gap Analysis ................................................................................................................52 Table 8.1: Allocation of Mthatha Dam Raw Water Yield ..............................................................................................53 Table 8.2: KSD001 Cost Requirement ...........................................................................................................................54 Table 8.3: Projected Demand as Per ORTDM Planning ................................................................................................55 Table 8.4: Allocation of Mthatha Dam Raw Water Yield ..............................................................................................55 Table 8.5: KSD001 Cost Requirement ...........................................................................................................................58 Table 8.6 Reservoirs proposed for the Mquanduli Corridor.........................................................................................62 Table 8.7: ORTDM Planning Demand Scenarios ...........................................................................................................72 Table 8.8: Demand Scenario .........................................................................................................................................73 Table 8.9: Estimated Water Demand............................................................................................................................78 Table 8.10: Estimated Water Demand..........................................................................................................................82 3 Table 9.1: Water Requirements (Mm per annum) per WSIA ......................................................................................90 3 Table 9.2: Water Requirements (Mm per annum) per WSIA ......................................................................................91 Table 9.3: Mthatha Dam Water Resource (Mℓ/d) per WSIA ........................................................................................ 92 Table 9.4: Financial Requirements based on Demand Model Interventions................................................................93 Table 9.5: Primary Bulk Cost requirement per WSIA....................................................................................................94 ANNEXURE A – Reference...........................................................................................................................................100 ANNEXURE B – Map Series .........................................................................................................................................103 LIST OF DIAGRAMS Diagram 2.1: Land erosion ..............................................................................................................................................9 Diagram 2.2: Municipal Structure.................................................................................................................................10 Diagram 4.1: 2035 Demand Per LM – OR Tambo District.............................................................................................19 Diagram 4.2: 2035 Water Demand per LM...................................................................................................................20 Page xviii 1. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY This report is the Bulk Water Master Plan report for the study titled “Universal Access Plan Phase 2 – Towards the Progressive Development of Conceptual Bulk Water Master Plan for the OR Tambo District Municipality”, an appointment in the series of appointments made by Umgeni Water in February 2015. This section provides the background of the study, an introduction and description of the study objectives. 1.1 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION This study follows the first study titled ”Development of a Universal Access Plan (UAP) for Water Services for each of the District Municipalities in the KwaZulu-Natal Province”. The outcome of the 2014 UAP provided a fair amount of base information with regards to water supply in the Province. There was however a number of areas identified for improvement in order to proceed to a more detailed level of investigation. Since the release of the 2011 Census data in the latter half of 2013, Umgeni Water decided to review the Phase 1 UAP and furthermore extend the study area into the Eastern Cape Province, hence the inclusion of the OR Tambo and Alfred Nzo District Municipalities within the study area. This resulted in the Universal Access Plan Phase 2 study that commenced during 2015. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT Umgeni Water appointed UWP Consulting (Pty) Limited, in association with ZIYANDA Consulting cc, to review the Phase 1 UAP through the development of UAP – Phase 2, for the following areas: Amajuba District Municipality (ADM), in the KwaZulu-Natal province; Newcastle Local Municipality (NLM), in the KwaZulu-Natal province; Uthukela District Municipality (UDM), in the KwaZulu-Natal province; Alfred Nzo District Municipality (ANDM), in the Eastern Cape province; and OR Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM), in the Eastern Cape Province. The above municipalities were all allocated Water Services Authority (WSA) status for their respective areas of jurisdiction, except for the whole of the ADM. The ADM’s responsibilities as WSA exclude the area of Newcastle LM which itself is a WSA. The UAP Phase 2 aims to review and update the UAP Phase 1 study reports in order to improve the following shortcomings: The project focused on small, localised schemes for universal access in the near future, however these proposed schemes are not necessarily sustainable; The proposed schemes were largely designed in isolation and took little cognisance of other water planning studies and recommendations; Page 1 Many of the WSDP’s were being updated during the course of the project, and need to be incorporated into UAP planning; The project didn’t go as far as Umgeni Water’s extended area into the Eastern Cape; and The footprints didn’t take cognisance of town planning type information that would give an indication of future demands. The deliverables of the UAP Phase 2 study are divided into two phases: Phase 1: Development of an Interim Regional Bulk Scheme Report; and Phase 2: Reconnaissance into the Proposed Regional Bulk Schemes per Water Services Authority. Phase 1 includes the information review and development of a High Level Status Quo Assessment. Phase 2 includes the development of a demand model and needs development plan, culminating in a Reconnaissance Study report on bulk water supply. The UAP Phase 2 study information would be used to update the DWS Reference Framework (RF) geodatabase where possible. 1.3 SPECIFIC TARGETS OF THE STUDY This document is the second deliverable of the study, namely the needs analysis, culminating in a Regional Water Master Plan. This document was prepared for the OR Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM) that includes the following Local Municipalities: King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality; Mhlontlo Local Municipality; Ngquza Hill Local Municipality; Nyandeni Local Municipality; and Port St John Local Municipality. The following sections set the scene, provide the current and future water requirements and reconcile it with the available water sources to ensure universal bulk water supply access to all within the ORTDM. 1.4 INFORMATION SOURCES Information used in this study was obtained from current and existing technical reports, regional studies and inputs from knowledgeable municipal officials. It includes feasibility studies (where available), master plans and studies such as the 2011 All Towns Reconciliation Strategies prepared for this area. A number of meetings were held with the area managers and technical staff of the ORTDM to obtain their input and to ensure that the latest available specifications and information is applied for the purpose of this study. Page 2 Furthermore, existing spatial and non-spatial databases were used as reference such as the 2001 and 2011 Census and the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Reference Framework geodatabase. A reference list is provided in Annexure A. 1.5 STUDY PROCESS This study follows Phase 1 of the Development of a Universal Access Plan for Bulk Water Supply for Water Services Authorities in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Province, completed in 2014. Umgeni Water, together with the DWS and COGTA, identified the need to further the study to improve the planning capacity of not only the benefiting Water Services Authorities (WSA’s), but also for the DWS and COGTA – the supporting water services entities. This study – Phase 2 – aims to improve on the level of detail, taking into account current project and master planning, implementation of projects and recent updates on available water sources. Furthermore, the study again includes the whole of the KZN province, but has been extended into the Eastern Cape to include the Alfred Nzo and OR Tambo District Municipalities. The Professional Service Provider (PSP) teams appointed for the various study areas worked closely together with Umgeni Water, DWS and COGTA to ensure an aligned study approach. This included the utilisation of the 2011 Census as base data for the calculation of water requirements between 2011 and 2035. This study thus aims to update the DWS Reference Framework geodatabase, particularly the settlement footprint and bulk water supply infrastructure. 1.5.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT This study was presented to all WSA’s in the KZN Province during a WSDP workshop held by the DWS, in July 2015. The PSP’s subsequently engaged each WSA individually during inception meetings to introduce the study, its objectives and detailed approach. The first deliverable was a Status Quo report on demographics, bulk water supply infrastructure status quo, water requirements and institutional arrangements of the WSA’s. The Status Quo reports were also presented to each WSA and submitted to Umgeni Water. The Status Quo Report has now been followed by the development of a water requirements model, improvement of information available on existing and planned water supply infrastructure as well as available water sources and development of the water requirements model. During this process, further individual engagements were held with knowledgeable individuals from each WSA, particularly water scheme managers or supervisors. It included site visits to some of the supply areas. The result was the development of a Reconciliation Report – this report – to present the alignment of water requirements – for all areas in a WSA – with existing and planned infrastructure and available water sources in order to provide universal access to bulk water services. Page 3 The Draft Reconciliation Report was presented to each WSA to obtain comments and inputs, which were considered for the final study report submitted to Umgeni Water, DWS and COGTA. 1.6 WATER REQUIREMENTS MODEL It was agreed that all PSP teams would utilise the 2011 Census as base database for demographics and service levels to apply to the water requirements model. The water requirements were calculated for the period from 2011 to 2035, in five year increments, starting from 2015. Umgeni Water provided the calculated demographic growth rates, per Census sub-place for the KZN Province, which were incorporated into the model. The demographic growth rates for the Eastern Cape Province were obtained from the latest Municipal IDPs that was based on Census 2011. The PSP’s engaged with each WSA to determine the current and planned levels of service, which informed the potential development and service level growth for each settlement or town area. Furthermore, for the purpose of this study area – OR Tambo DM – the PSP utilised an approach also used in the All Towns Reconciliation Study for the DWS Northern Planning Region. In this approach three scenarios were identified to make provision for progressively higher levels of service in areas, depending on the settlement or town type (guided by the characteristic of the settlement or town). The water use categories applied for the various settlement or town categories are presented in Table 1.1: Settlement or Town Categories and Water Use. These categories were applied together with the service level scenarios and population growth rates, to determine the water requirements up to 2035. Table 1.1: Settlement or Town Categories and Water Use Category Household Income Per Annum Description Consumption (ℓ/c/d) 1 Very High Income; villas, large detached house, large luxury flats 2 Upper middle income: detached houses, large flats 3 Average Middle Income: 2 - 3 bedroom houses or flats with 1 or 2 WC, kitchen, and one bathroom, shower 4 Low middle Income: Small houses or flats with WC, one kitchen, one bathroom 5 Low income: flatlets, bedsits with kitchen & bathroom, informal household 6 No income & informal supplies with yard connections 7 Informal with no formal connection 70 8 Informal below 25 ℓ/c/d 12 >R1 228 000 410 R153 601 – R1 228 000 295 R38 401 – R153 600 228 R9 601– R38 400 170 R1 – R9 600 100 100 It was found that the theoretical model’s water requirements, which also made provision for water losses, aligned reasonably well with the actual water supply. Opportunities for WC/WDM could also be identified based on the expected water use and the actual water use. Page 4 1.7 DWS REFERENCE FRAMEWORK GEODATABASE The DWS Directorate: Water Services – Planning and Information – maintains a national database for water services planning. It is a spatial database, in a GIS format, that includes layers for settlements, water supply infrastructure, sanitation supply infrastructure, water resources and projects. This study aims to update the service levels for settlements based on feedback from each WSA. Furthermore, where possible, the bulk and reticulation infrastructure components in the geodatabase were also updated to include not only the latest existing, but also planned water supply infrastructure. 1.8 RECONCILIATION REPORT The final deliverable of this study is a Reconciliation Report – this report – to reconcile the water requirements, with available water sources, for all areas in a WSA. This includes the evaluation of existing capacities of infrastructure, potential extensions to new areas, or scheme development options for areas where linkage to existing schemes are not feasible. The potential costs for scheme development and timeframes were investigated and are presented in this report. Umgeni Water provided unit reference costs for infrastructure components that have been applied where possible. Information on available water sources were mainly obtained from existing DWS Reconciliation Strategies (larger systems and from the All Towns Studies). Where available, project-specific studies or technical reports were consulted to verify information on available water sources. Information on groundwater availability and quality is however not readily available to a sufficient level of detail. Page 5 2. STUDY AREA This section provides an overview of the study area, setting the scene and discusses the institutional arrangements for water supply. It also provides a brief overview of the demographics in the area and the development opportunities. 2.1 CONTEXT The OR Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM) is one of the six District Municipalities in the Eastern Cape Province. It is located in the eastern half of the Province with its eastern border being the Indian Ocean coastline of South Africa. To the north, it is bordered by the Alfred Nzo District Municipality, to the northwest, by the Joe Gqabi District Municipality, to the west, by the Chris Hani District Municipality, and to the southwest, by the Amathole District Municipality. The District includes within its borders five Local Municipalities, namely: Ngquza Hill Local Municipality; Port St Johns Local Municipality; Nyandeni Local Municipality; Mhlontlo Local Municipality; and King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality The District covers an area of 12 082km² and is divided administratively into the five (5) aforementioned Local Municipalities (LMs). Mthatha is the main centre, and the OR Tambo DM covers most of the Wild Coast and Pondoland. The district has a sub-tropical coastal belt, especially from Port St Johns northwards. It has some game reserves that have indigenous forests. The hills beyond the coast rise to high levels of up to 1 500 meters beyond Mthatha. The district has many rivers and is well-watered, with an average of 700mm of rainfall per year. Pondoland, being nearly the most fertile areas in South Africa, has warm temperatures and good soils with frost-free conditions. The other major towns in the district are Mqanduli, Port St. Johns, Qumbu, Lusikisiki, Ngceleni, Libode, Tsolo and Flagstaff. 2.2 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA Ngquza Hill Local Municipality The Ngquza Hill LM has a population of 278 496 people residing within 55 930 households (Source: Census 2011). After King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality and Nyandeni Municipality, the Ngquza Hill LM has the third largest population in the District with an average household size of 5 persons/household, a comparably high population density. The Ngquza Hill LM is characterized by limited coastal settlements and widely dispersed settlements 2 2 in traditional rural villages at approximately 120 persons/km in the LM of 2 328km . The municipal area is furthermore characterised by large forest areas in close proximity to the coastline, with a total of ten rivers flowing through it. The Mkambati Nature Reserve is situated within the coastal zone. The urban and peri-urban nodes of Lusikisiki and Flagstaff, linked by the R61 running south from Durban to Mbizana, are the primary economic hubs of the municipal area. The LM is believed to hold significant Tourism, Forestry, and Marine Aquaculture potential. Page 6 Port St Johns Local Municipality This municipality, in the heart of the former Transkei, is situated along the Indian Ocean coastline. Its most well-known settlement is the town of Port St Johns that is located at the mouth of the Umzimvubu River, approximately 90km east of Mthatha. The municipality has a strong tourism industry ascribed to the variety of hills, dunes, rivers, and the mountainous terrain that meet its picturesque beaches. In terms of settlement pattern, the municipal area is characterized by a 2 predominantly scattered rural settlement pattern over the municipal area of 1 225km at an average 2 density of 127 persons/km . Nearly 90% of all the dwellings in the municipality are located in traditional tribal settlements. Port St. Johns is the only real urban area, and is the regional economic centre and supply site for the nearby villages and communities. Topographically the area is characterised by a high-lying northern hinterland with undulating plains decreasing in a southern direction to a largely flat coastal belt. Eight prominent rivers traverse the hinterland from north-west to south-east creating prominent valleys, gorges and inaccessible ravines. Access to and from the various parts of the municipal area is made very difficult by this undulating topography. Nyandeni Local Municipality Nyandeni Local Municipality, like many of the other LMs within the District, is predominantly rural with widely dispersed traditional and village-type settlements. The main Municipal Office is located in one of these small settlements in the town of Libode, located approximately 30km from Mthatha, along the route to the popular tourist destination of Port St. Johns. While a comparatively small proportion of the population reside in formal dwellings, most of the inhabitants of the municipality still rely on subsistence agriculture in areas marked by communal tenure. The LM is regarded as having considerable agricultural potential, although there has been limited exploitation of this potential. In 2001, the LM had a population of 290 400 residing within 61 421 households with an average 2 household size of 4,73 persons/household. The area has an average density of 123 persons/km 2 spread over the municipal area of 2 354km . In terms of topography, the municipal area ranges in altitude from 1 200m above sea level in the north-western part to the low-lying coastal area in the south east. The municipality is drained by four (4) perennial rivers, the Mngazi, Mngazana, Mtata and Mnenu Rivers. As for vegetation, valley thicket occurs along the steep slopes of the periphery of the municipal area, while the coast is characterised by Coastal Bushveld and Grassland. The interior is marked mainly by Eastern Thorn Bushveld and Moist Upland Grassland. Mhlontlo Local Municipality The Mhlontlo LM is predominantly rural, hosts Tsolo and Qumbu as local service centres. These towns are located near the N2 that runs through the municipality from the southwest to the northeast. The majority of land is used for agricultural purposes and subsistence farming, notably for grazing, in areas marked by communal tenure. Mhlontlo population is estimated at 188 224 residing in approximately 43 172 households. The municipality has an average household size of 4,4 persons per household. The area boasts a number of tourist attractions including the Tsitsa Falls and Tina Falls, the Tina River ribbon and the Mabeleni Dam, which is famous for its trout fishing. 2.3.5 King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality (KSDLM) is home to Mthatha, the economic centre of the District and the host to both the Local and District Municipality’s Offices. Comprising four Page 7 amalgamated entities, KSDLM includes both Mthatha and Mqanduli urban and rural magisterial areas. The municipality has both an urban and a rural character, including a prominent national urban settlement and regional economic hub, as well as dispersed village-type rural settlements. 2 The average number of people per km is 157 and therefore hosts the highest number of people within the district i.e. 451 735 people residing within 104 900 households. Situated at the heart of the KSD LM, Mthatha is a major transport and regional service centre, dissected by the N2 running southwest to northeast through the town. As a gateway to a wide range of tourism offerings, Mthatha is a popular stop-over point on the way to tourist attractions like Coffee Bay and Hole-in-the-Wall in the KSDLM and Port St Johns and Mbotyi in neighbouring LMs. Linked to East London by the Kei Rail, the municipality is also an economic home to two of the other economic activities in the District, viz. Forestry and Agriculture. 2.3 CLIMATE The climate in the district varies with distance and elevation away from the warm Indian Ocean o o o current. Temperatures range from a mean minimum of 14,3 C – 19,8 C in January to 1,8 C – o o o o o 13,4 C in July to a mean maximum of 14,3 C – 25,3 C in January to 19,5 C – 21,4 C in July. Annual rainfall generally exceeds 800mm, but it decreases as one move inland with the least rain falling in the major river valleys. An appreciable amount of rain falls in the winter months in the coastal areas, but the inland areas generally receive more than 80% of their rain in the 6 months from October – March. 2.4 TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND SOILS The OR Tambo District is largely characterised by rolling and broken topography due to the large number of rivers and the drop in elevation from the foothills of the mountains in the north to sea level in the south. This terrain has tended to force settlements to grow along ridges, following the main access roads and pathways. Table 2.1: Topographical Profile below summarises the topographical character of the area. Table 2.1: Topographical Profile Topography type Percentage of total municipal area Mountainous Nil Rolling 92% Flat 2% Coastal 6% 2.5 ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental degradation, soil erosion in particular, is a major concern in the OR Tambo DM. The WSDP of 2015/16 depicted the total land area per local municipality as a percentage of the entire district as illustrated within Diagram 2.1: Land erosion. King Sabata Dalindyebo LM is the largest occupying 25% of the district’s area followed by Mhlontlo LM with 23%. The inner ring diagrams represent the environmental degradation per LM as a percentage of the LM’s total area. Mhlontlo LM has the largest degraded area with 29% of its surface eroded, followed by King Sabata Dalindyebo LM with 28%. Page 8 Diagram 2.1: Land erosion 2.6 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR WATER SUPPLY The OR Tambo District Municipality is the legislated Water Services Authority for its entire area of jurisdiction. In addition, following the initial Section 78 assessment, it has been fulfilling the Water Services Provision function through an “internal” mechanism. This internal mechanism involved the provision of water services through three (3) decentralised water services units (WSUs), each controlled by an appropriate manager. The OR Tambo District Municipality achieves this separation of powers by assigning each function to different Deputy Directors within the Infrastructure Directorate, as illustrated in the following organogram. Page 9 Diagram 2.2: Municipal Structure Director: Infrastructure Development Water Services Authority Function Deputy Director: Supplementary Services Deputy Director: Capital Projects Capital Budgets Project Planning Feasibility assessments Project implementation Project Management Water Services Provider Function Transport (on behalf of Comm Services) WSDP and Bylaws GIS Compliance monitoring Deputy Director: Operations and Maintenance O & M of water services Sanitation services Roads and works WSP Contracts The WSDP of 2015/16 stated that the current approved municipal structure still makes provision for three (3) WSUs and Water Services Teams within each of the Local Municipalities. The criteria adopted for defining the boundaries of the WSUs was that they should have: Similar geographical areas; Sharing of water resources boundaries; and Balancing of available resources (i.e. human resources). Given the above criteria, the decision was taken to create the following three Water Service units: WSU 1: King Sabata Dalindyebo and Nyandeni Municipalities; WSU 2: Port St Johns and Ngquza Hill Municipalities; and WSU 4: Mhlontlo Municipality. Page 10 Current Numbers Staff Level Management* Post Demand (Posts Required) Post Supply (Filled) Vacant % Vacant % Filled 9 3 6 67 33 Technical 128 64 64 50 50 Labour 469 140 329 70 30 Support 499 324 175 35 65 1 105 531 574 52 48 Total A total of 52% of the required Water Services posts are currently vacant. The Technical and Management levels are experiencing the highest vacancy levels followed by the Support Level and Labour Level. With only 48% of the total Water Services posts in the Municipality filled, it will be challenging for OR Tambo DM to fulfil its prescribed duties as the WSA and the WSP. Of particular concern are the substantial vacancies at Management and Technical Levels. Page 11 3. DEMOGRAPHICS 3.1 EXISTING POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Census 2011 indicated that there is approximately 1,3 million people within 286 000 households (HH) residing within five Local Municipalities (LMs) located within ORTDM. The average number of people per HH is 4,6. The details per LM are tabled within Table 3.1: Census 2011 Population and Households below. Table 3.1: Census 2011 Population and Households LM No LM Name No of People No of HH Persons per HH EC153 Ngquza Hill 278 496 56 179 4,96 EC154 Port St Johns 156 146 31 694 4,93 EC155 Nyandeni 290 400 61 594 4,71 EC156 Mhlontlo 188 224 43 383 4,34 EC157 King Sabata Dalindyebo 451 735 105 175 4,30 1 365 001 298 025 4,58 TOTAL The largest portion of the district population is concentrated in the western part of the district around the main urban centre, Mthatha. The King Sabata Dalindyebo (KSD) Municipality has the largest population in the district with 451 735 people and accounts for nearly 33% of the total district 2 population. It also has the highest population density of 157 persons/km . The next largest town in the district is Port St Johns, set on the eastern coast about 100 kilometres from Mthatha. In this 2 municipality, the density is 127 persons/km . In general, the last decade has witnessed sizeable migration from smaller to larger villages and towards villages located on the main roads in the district. The average household size according to Census 2001 was approximately 4,8 individuals per household as compared to the 4,6 persons per household in Census 2011. This is as a result of a higher growth in the number of households as compared to the growth in the population. 3.2 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS OR Tambo’s economy is made up of various industries. The GVA-R variable provides a sectoral breakdown, where each sector is measured in terms of its “value added” produced in the local economy. The greatest contributor towards the GVA of the local municipalities is the community sector (ranging from 48% for the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality to 63% for Nyandeni Local Municipality), with the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality community services contributing 33% or R 5,4 billion to the total Gross value added of the OR Tambo District Municipality. Relative to the other local municipalities, the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality also contributes more to the financial sector and trade sector of the OR Tambo District Municipality – R 2,4 billion (15%) and R 2,1 billion (13%) respectively. In 2011 OR Tambo District Municipality’s economy was dominated by the tertiary sector as a whole, which is primarily focused on community services. Community services accounted for half of the GVA with a 51,5% contribution to the total economic activity in OR Tambo District Municipality in 2011 that is the largest sector contribution to Page 12 economic activity. The community services consist of public administration (14,3%), education (23,4%), health and social work (9,2%) and other community services (4,6%). The trade sector at 18,5% is the second largest contributor to the economic activity. 3.3 POPULATION GROWTH SCENARIOS OR Tambo District Municipality housed 2,6% of the total South African population in 2011. Between 2001 and 2011 population growth averaged 0,53% per annum that is 0,93% lower than that of South Africa as a whole, but higher as the total provincial growth which is 0,19%. The only local municipality that had a decrease in population is the Mhlontlo Local Municipality, where the population decreased at an average annual rate of 0,76%. Key reasons for this are (1) migration from the district for economic reasons; (2) ill health and an increase in the mortality rate largely due to poverty; and (3) the high incidence of HIV/AIDS and TB in the district. The municipality with the highest population increase is the Ngquza Local Municipality at 0,90% average annual growth. The King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality too has a relatively high average annual increase of 0,82% - probably due to the in-migration to a more developed economy 3.4 MAIN DEVELOPMENT NODES The OR Tambo District Municipality SDF of 2010 identified proposed and existing development nodes and development corridors that will assist the development of the district. The details are as follows: 3.4.1 NODES The nodes are defined as follows: Primary Nodes (PN): These are high order centres providing educational facilities, administrative functions and highest level of access to shopping and social services in the district. Mthatha is the only primary node in the district. Secondary Nodes (SN): These are towns identified as having important local and district level development functions relating to commerce and tourism. Lusikisiki, and Port St. Johns are the secondary nodes of the district. Tertiary Nodes (TN): These towns are seen as lower order service centers where goods and services can be accessed by the local residents and residents of surrounding rural settlement areas. Libode, Mqanduli, Ngqeleni, Tsolo, Qumbu, Flagstaff and Mzamba fall within this category. Higher order Rural Nodes (HoRN): These are rural villages where higher order rural-level services are prioritized. Nkozo, Mbozisa, Baziya, Kwaaiman, Langeni, Mpeko, Mqekezweni, Gengqe, Meje, Sulenkama, Bomvini, Mfundisweni, isilindeni, Canzibe, Marubeni, Bambisana Mission and Isilimela are under this category. Tourism Nodes: these are settlements where the principal function has been identified as being related to the development of a viable and sustainable Coastal Tourism sector. Mzamba, Port St. Johns, Umtata Mouth, and Coffee Bay are primary tourism nodes. Mphalane, Mnyameni, Kwayimane, Sikombe, Mbotyi, Mngazana, Sihangwana, Lwandile, Presley Bay and Hole in the Wall are identified as the secondary tourism nodes. Page 13 3.4.2 CORRIDORS Corridors are defined as follows: Primary corridor (PC): High-density development on sections of this corridor. The main mobility route of goods and people through the district. East London/Mthatha-Kokstad N2, Railway Corridor are the primary corridors identified in the District. Mobility routes (MB): these routes carry passing traffic and provide access between local areas in the district and centers further afield. N2, R61, Ugie-Langeni Road, R394 and proposed N2 Toll Road are the mobility routes within the district. Special Routes-Tourism Focus (SP-TF): these relate to tourism destinations and links between tourism nodes and main mobility routes. Wild Coast Meander, Thunga Thunga Route, Mandela Route, R394- Mthatha via Mqanduli towards the coast fall under this category. Page 14 4. WATER REQUIREMENTS This section provides an overview of the water requirements as calculated using the demand model developed for the purpose of this study. A summary is provided firstly for the District and then for each of the Local Municipalities. The total number of households (HH) as obtained from the 2011 Census and the number of households below RDP standards are also provided. (Households below RDP standards include all households having water supply – any form – further than 200m from the household). Note that Water Supply Scheme (WSS) boundaries do not necessarily coincide with municipal boundaries. There are supply areas that traverse more than one Local Municipality. The water requirements reported on are per LM and if a WSS is split by a LM, the water requirements are reported based on this split. 4.1 WATER SUPPLY SERVICE LEVEL According to Census 2011, the extent of the water supply backlog within the OR Tambo District Municipality is 63% with the majority of the households that still have no access to any water supply infrastructure. The details per LM are tabled in Table 4.1: Stats SA Census 2011 Water Supply Levels as shown below. Table 4.1: Stats SA Census 2011 Water Supply Levels Water Supply Service Level Description Number of Households House Connection 26 376 Yard Connection 30 599 Communal Standpipe within 200m 53 704 Communal Standpipe within 200m 500m 21 019 Communal Standpipe within 500m 100m 8 726 Communal Standpipe within > 1 000m 5 817 % of Total Per LM Above RDP Standards At RDP Standards Below RDP Standard but with Infrastructure No Services No Services 12% 151 784 Sub-Total for OR Tambo 37% 51% 298 025 House Connection 2 057 Yard Connection 2 643 Communal Standpipe within 200m 6 686 Communal Standpipe within 200m 500m 3 351 Communal Standpipe within 500m 100m 1 429 Communal Standpipe within > 1 000m 1 140 Above RDP Standards At RDP Standards Below RDP Standard but with Infrastructure No Services No Services Above RDP Standards 11% 38 873 Sub-Total for Ngquza Hill 20% 69% 56 179 848 House Connection 1 515 Yard Connection Page 15 24% Water Supply Service Level At RDP Standards Below RDP Standard but with Infrastructure No Services Description Number of Households Communal Standpipe within 200m 5254 Communal Standpipe within 200m 500m 1591 Communal Standpipe within 500m 100m 856 Communal Standpipe within > 1 000m 925 No Services 11% 20 705 Sub-Total for Port St Johns % of Total Per LM 65% 31 694 House Connection 1 681 Yard Connection 2 255 Above RDP Standards At RDP Standards Below RDP Standard but with Infrastructure No Services Communal Standpipe within 200m 13 604 Communal Standpipe within 200m 500m 6 169 Communal Standpipe within 500m 100m 2 105 Communal Standpipe within > 1 000m 1 700 No Services 16% 34 080 Sub-Total for Nyandeni 28% 55% 61 594 House Connection 1 742 Yard Connection 3 962 Above RDP Standards At RDP Standards Below RDP Standard but with Infrastructure Communal Standpipe within 200m No Services 13 961 Communal Standpipe within 200m 500m 4 605 Communal Standpipe within 500m 100m 1 712 Communal Standpipe within > 1 000m No Services 16% 690 16 711 Sub-Total for Mhlontlo 45% 39% 43 383 House Connection 20 048 Yard Connection 20 224 Communal Standpipe within 200m 14 199 Above RDP Standards At RDP Standards Below RDP Standard but with Infrastructure No Services Communal Standpipe within 200m 500m 5 303 Communal Standpipe within 500m 100m 2 624 Communal Standpipe within > 1 000m 1 362 No Services 9% 41 415 Sub-Total for King Sabata Dalindyebo 52% 39% 105 175 The majority of the backlogs reside within Port St Johns (65%) and Ngquza Hill (69%) respectively. Page 16 4.2 WATER LOSSES AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT Water losses and unaccounted for water is a major concern in the DM. The 2015/16 WSDP for the ORTDM reports that the status of non-revenue water within the WSA is 23%. The DM currently does not have a WC&DM strategy and a potential project has been identified to address this shortcoming. 4.3 WATER DEMAND MODEL It was agreed that all PSP teams would utilise the 2011 Census as base database for demographics and service levels to apply to the water requirements model. The water requirements were calculated for the period from 2011 to 2035, in five year increments, starting from 2015. Umgeni Water provided the calculated demographic growth rates, per Census sub-place for the KZN Province, which were incorporated into the model. The PSP’s engaged with each WSA to determine the current and planned level of service, which informed the potential development and service level growth for each settlement or town area. Furthermore, for the purpose of this study area – ORTDM – the PSP utilised an approach also used in the All Towns Reconciliation Study for the DWS Northern Planning Region. In this approach three scenarios were identified to make provision for progressively higher levels of service in areas, depending on the settlement or town type (guided by the characteristic of the settlement or town). The water use categories applied for the various settlement or town categories are presented in Table 4.2: Settlement or Town Categories and Water Use. These categories were applied together with the service level scenarios and population growth rates, to determine the water requirements up to 2035. Table 4.2: Settlement or Town Categories and Water Use Category Household Income Per Annum Description >R1 228 000 Consumption (ℓ/c/d) 1 Very High Income; villas, large detached house, large luxury flats 2 Upper middle income: detached houses, large flats 3 Average Middle Income: 2 - 3 bedroom houses or flats with 1 or 2 WC, kitchen, and one bathroom, shower 4 Low middle Income: Small houses or flats with WC, one kitchen, one bathroom 5 Low income: flatlets, bedsits with kitchen & bathroom, informal household 6 No income & informal supplies with yard connections 7 Informal with no formal connection 70 8 Informal below 25 ℓ/c/d 12 R153 601 – R1 228 000 R38 401 – R153 600 R9 601– R38 400 R1 - R9 600 410 295 228 170 100 100 It was found that the theoretical model’s water requirements, which also made provision for water losses, aligned reasonably well with the actual water supply. Opportunities for WC/WDM could also be identified based on the expected water use and the actual water use. Page 17 4.3.1 WATER DEMAND FOR OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY The water requirements (in million m³ per annum and Mℓ/d) for the ORTDM are presented per Local Municipality within Table 4.3: Water Requirements (Million M³ per annum), Per Local Municipality and Table 4.4: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Local Municipality. These water requirements were calculated for consumers having formal water supply schemes and for consumers not yet supplied from a formal water supply scheme. The Methodology Section in this report explains the approach for the calculations to determine the theoretical water requirements and adjusted for water losses. Table 4.3: Water Requirements (Million M³ per annum), Per Local Municipality Local Municipality King Sabata Dalindyebo Households (2011) HH Below RDP (2011) Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 104 900 50 704 24,136 28,656 33,343 35,606 37,856 Mhlontlo 43 172 23 718 6,073 7,247 8,464 8,594 8,658 Ngquza Hill 55 930 44 793 7,220 10,729 14,375 15,745 17,087 Nyandeni 61 421 44 054 7,950 11,027 14,211 15,316 16,351 Port St Johns 31 562 24 077 4,204 5,978 7,813 8,441 9,035 296 985 187 346 49,583 63,637 78,205 83,702 88,988 TOTAL All of the LMs in the District, with the exception of King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality (KSDLM), are classified as Category B4-Municipalities, signifying a rural, mainly subsistence economy. Settlements in these municipalities are generally small and the incomes of their inhabitants low, which means very few opportunities for markets. SMME formation and LED initiatives. The KSDLM is classified as a Category B2-Municipality meaning it has a large core town (Mthatha) with considerable market and business activities and opportunities, surrounded by a reasonably productive agricultural area. Mthatha is a major transport and regional service centre, dissected by the N2 running southwest to northeast through the town. As a gateway to a wide range of tourism offerings, Mthatha is a popular stop-over point on the way to tourist attractions like Coffee Bay and Hole-in-the-Wall in the KSDLM and Port St Johns and Mbotyi in neighbouring LMs. Linked to East London by the Kei Rail, the municipality is also an economic home to two of the other economic activities in the District, viz. Forestry and Agriculture. The 2035 water requirements per LM are presented within Diagram 4.1: 2035 Demand Per LM – OR Tambo District in in the form of a pie chart, illustrating that the King Sabata Dalindyebo LM will be the largest water consumer in the ORTDM, requiring 42,5% of all water. Please note that the demand model exceeded the boundaries of the OR Tambo District Municipality due to the proposed Umzimvubu water resource development. The proposed Umzimvubu development’s footprint includes consumers from the Joe Gqabi and Alfred Nzo District Municipality. Page 18 Diagram 4.1: 2035 Demand Per LM – OR Tambo District The OR Tambo water schemes also supply water across district municipality borders. The breakdown of the supply per municipality including the municipalities under Alfred Nzo DM and Joe Gqabi DM that are supplied from OR Tambo schemes is detailed in Table 4.4: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Local Municipality. Table 4.4: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Local Municipality District Municipality Local Municipality King Sabata Dalindyebo Households (2011) Water Requirements (Mℓ/d) HH Below RDP (2011) 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 104 900 50 704 66,126 78,510 91,351 97,552 103,715 Mhlontlo 43 172 23 718 16,638 19,856 23,188 23,545 23,721 Ngquza Hill 55 930 44 793 19,781 29,395 39,382 43,138 46,815 Nyandeni 61 421 44 054 21,781 30,210 38,933 41,961 44,798 Port St Johns 31 562 24 077 11,517 16,378 21,406 23,126 24,755 296 985 187 346 135,844 174,349 214,260 229,321 243,804 Matatiele 0,034 0,058 0,082 0,087 0,092 Umzimvubu 2,545 3,418 4,317 4,448 4,540 Ntabankulu 0,081 0,085 0,090 0,092 0,093 Sub-Total for Alfred Nzo DM 2.660 3,561 4,488 4,627 4,725 Joe Gqabi DM 5,893 7,832 9,837 10,322 10,740 OR Tambo DM Sub-Total for OR Tambo DM Alfred Nzo DM Elundini Page 19 District Municipality Local Municipality Households (2011) Water Requirements (Mℓ/d) HH Below RDP (2011) 2015 Sub-Total for Joe Gqabi DM TOTAL 2020 2025 2030 2035 5,893 7,832 9,837 10,322 10,740 144,397 185,741 228,585 244,271 259,268 The 2035 water requirements per LM are presented in Diagram 4.2: 2035 Water Demand per LM in the form of a pie chart, illustrating that the King Sabata Dalindyebo LM will be the largest water consumer in requiring 40%% of the total demand. A total of 5,76% of the 2035 demand will be supplied to Matatiele, Umzimvubu, Ntabankulu and Elundini Municipalities that fall outside the OR Tambo DM boundary. Diagram 4.2: 2035 Water Demand per LM 4.3.2 DEMAND PER REGIONAL WATER SCHEME The water schemes in OR Tambo have been planned such that they supply water across the district municipality boundaries. The schemes that supply across the ORTDM boundaries are summarized within Table 4.5: Water Requirements (million m³ per annum), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIA below. Table 4.5: Water Requirements (million m³ per annum), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIA Water Scheme Name Umzimvubu RWSS Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) District Municipality Local Municipality Alfred Nzo DM Matatiele 0,012 0,021 0,030 0,032 0,034 Umzimvubu 0,929 1,247 1,576 1,624 1,657 Ntabankulu 0,030 0,031 0,033 0,034 0,034 2015 2020 Page 20 2025 2030 2035 Water Scheme Name Umzimvubu RWSS Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) District Municipality Local Municipality Joe Gqabi DM Elundini TOTAL 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2,151 2,859 3,590 3.768 3.920 3.122 4.158 5,229 5,457 5,645 The water requirements for ORTDM are presented in this section, per existing Water Supply Scheme (WSS) area and potential future Water Supply Intervention Area (WSIA) area for the entire DM, thus covering all consumers in the municipality. Table 4.6: Water Requirements (million m³ per annum), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIA represent the water requirements in million m³ per annum and Mℓ/d respectively. Table 4.6: Water Requirements (million m³ per annum), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIA Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) WSIA No WSIA Name Households (2015) Population (2015) 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 NYA004 CibeniNtlambeni RWSS 19 191 93 041 1,86 3,04 4,26 4,64 4,98 KSD005 Coffee Bay RWSS 6 662 37 487 0,88 1,33 1,79 1,96 2,12 KSD004 Lukwethu Water supply 19 560 94 725 2,20 3,32 4,48 4,90 5,31 KSD003 Mquandulu Corridor Development 15 291 74 888 1,65 2,63 3,65 3,99 4,33 NQH002 Msikaba BRWSS 12 236 59 635 1,33 2,07 2,84 3,12 3,40 KSD002 Mthatha Regional Borehole Development 1 680 8 221 0,16 0,27 0,38 0,42 0,45 KSD001 Mthatha RWSS 98 916 399 625 24,18 27,23 30,39 32,17 33,94 NYA003 Ngqeleni RWSS 12 035 57 928 1,29 2,00 2,73 2,95 3,16 NQH001 Ngquza Hill RBWSS 57 190 291 073 7,34 10,84 14,47 15,80 17,10 Page 21 Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) WSIA No WSIA Name Households (2015) Population (2015) 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 PSJ001 Port St Johns RWSS 4 394 22 929 0,45 0,75 1,06 1,15 1.24 PSJ002 Port St Johns Town Supply 2 353 6 597 0,50 0,55 0,59 0,62 0.64 NYA001 Second Falls RWSS 11 024 56 450 1,37 1,98 2,61 2,82 3,01 NYA002 Tombo RWSS 6 475 26 434 0,96 1,14 1,32 1,42 1,51 MHLO001 Umzimvubu RWSS 68 453 276 218 8,52 10,65 12,86 13,20 13,45 335 460 1 505 251 52.71 67,80 83,43 89,16 94,63 Total The demand per water supply scheme provided in Mℓ/day is detailed within Table 4.7: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIAs below. Table 4.7: Water Requirements (Mℓ/d), Per Existing WSS and Potential WSIAs Water Requirements (Mℓ/d) WSIA No WSIA Name Households (2015) Population (2015) 2015 KSD001 Mthatha RWSS KSD002 Mthatha Regional Borehole Development KSD003 2020 2025 2030 2035 98 916 399 625 66,25 74,61 83,26 88,14 92,99 1 680 8 221 0,43 0,73 1,04 1,14 1,24 Mqanduli Corridor Development 15 291 74 888 4,52 7,21 9,99 10,94 11,85 KSD004 Lukwethu Water supply 19 560 94 725 6,04 9,1 12,27 13,43 14,55 KSD005 Coffee Bay RWSS 6 662 37 487 2,41 3,63 4,91 5,36 5,8 MHLO001 Umzimvubu RWSS 68 453 276 218 23,35 29,19 35,23 36,17 36,84 NQH001 Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS 57 190 291 073 20,11 29,69 39,63 43,28 46,84 NQH002 Msikaba BRWSS 12 236 59 635 3,64 5,67 7,78 8,55 9,31 Page 22 Water Requirements (Mℓ/d) WSIA No WSIA Name Households (2015) Population (2015) 2015 NYA001 Second Falls RWSS NYA002 Tombo RWSS NYA003 2020 2025 2030 2035 11 024 56 450 3,76 5,43 7,16 7,72 8,25 6 475 26 434 2,64 3,13 3,63 3,9 4,15 Ngqeleni RWSS 12 035 57 928 3,54 5,48 7,48 8,09 8,65 NYA004 Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS 19 191 93 041 5,1 8,33 11,68 12,7 13,66 PSJ001 Port St Johns RWSS 4 394 22 929 1,23 2,05 2,9 3,15 3,39 PSJ002 Port ST Johns Town Supply 2 353 6 597 1,38 1,5 1,63 1,69 1,75 335 460 1 505 251 144.4 185,75 228,59 244,26 259,27 Grand Total The Mthatha RWSS supplying water only to the Local Municipalities within the OR Tambo DM has the highest current and projected 2035 demand. The projected 2035 demand amounts to 35,9% of the total demand from all the water schemes. Page 23 5. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY INFRASTRUCTURE This section provides an overview of the available water resources as well as the current surface water supplied schemes and the larger groundwater schemes (not for individual consumption) in the ORTDM. The figures illustrating the schemes are provided in Annexure B of this document. Population figures were provided based on the 2011 Census, but the current water supplied, were obtained and confirmed from officials and based on recent technical reports. The Water Supply Scheme (WSS) footprints were initially obtained from the DWS Reference Framework geodatabase (spatial database), but have been updated based on discussions with officials from the ORTDM. Only settlements or areas currently served by an existing scheme are reported on in this section. 5.1 WATER RESOURCE AVAILABILITY The Mzimvubu to Keiskamma WMA is one of the few remaining water management areas with a positive water balance and huge water surplus. The water availability and potential water resource development of the Mzimvubu River was investigated in numerous studies, indicating the potential for further development and possible transfer of water across the basin boundaries, albeit at very high cost due to the deeply incised river valleys, necessitating very high pumping heads to reach water users. Recent groundwater studies indicate a significant potential for further groundwater development across the municipal area. There is currently only one major dam, the Mthatha Dam, and few small dams for domestic use within the OR Tambo DM area of jurisdiction. Most of the water supply for the towns and rural areas comes from stand-alone schemes using streams, springs and boreholes. A list of the relevant dams with information about yield and allocation is given in Table 5.1: Major dams for domestic supply in OR Tambo DM area (from Mzimvubu to Keiskamma (ISP; DWA, 2004) below. Table 5.1: Major dams for domestic supply in OR Tambo DM area (from Mzimvubu to Keiskamma (ISP; DWA, 2004) Capacity Dam Name Yield (million m³/a) (million m³) Domestic Irrigation Other / Surplus Mthatha 228,0 19,0 0,0 0 Corana 0,71 0,34 0,0 0 Mabeleni 2,0 1,73 0,0 0 Mhlanga 1,53 0,78 0,0 0 2,6 N/av, 0,0 0 234,84 21,85 Magwa Total The existing water supply infrastructure is further discussed under this section per local municipality. Page 24 5.2 5.2.1 KING SABATA DALINDYEBO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY MTHATHA TOWN WATER SUPPLY SCHEME The Mthatha Town Water Supply Scheme that supplies the town of Mthatha and the surrounding peri-urban villages with water, receives its raw water from the Mthatha Dam. The Mthatha Dam is located about 6km north-west of the town centre and also has a pump station and balancing pond. 3 3 The dam has a 1 in 50 year yield of 145,5 million m per annum of which 21,9 million m per annum (60Mℓ/d) is allocated to Mthatha Town Water Supply for domestic and industrial usage. The rest is allocated to Eskom for hydropower generation. The hydropower stations are located at First and Second Falls of the Mthatha River. The water gravitates through two raw water pipelines (600mm dia and 800mm dia) from Mthatha Dam to the Thornhill Water Treatment Plant at a combined flow rate of 700 ℓ/s. When the level of the dam drops below a predetermined level the system is changed so that the 600mm line is used as the suction manifold to the pump station and the 800mm line is used as the delivery line that maintains the required flow to the Plant. The balancing pond is used as a backup in times of maintenance and repair to the pump station. Clear water is pumped through three pumping mains (2 x 600mm diameter to Fort Gale and 1 x 450mm diameter to Ncambedlana Low Level). Two booster pumps at Fort Gale pump water (through 450mm and 350mm dia) to the two reservoirs at Signal Hill. The 350mm diameter line acts as pumping and gravity line i.e. when not pumping; the line is used as a gravity line feeding the Fort Gale reservoirs. The Signal Hill reservoirs feed the peri-urban villages as well as the surrounding residential areas. Fort Gale reservoirs supply the CBD and the surrounding residential areas. Other residential areas like Northcrest and Norwood are supplied from the Ncambedlana High Level reservoir. Ncambedlana reservoir feeds Maydene Farm and the surrounding peri-urban villages (Lower Corana). The scheme has the following infrastructure: Thornhill Water Treatment Plant (60Mℓ/day) currently being upgraded in stages to an ultimate 150Mℓ/day; Pumpstations; Three clear water pumping mains (2 x 600mm diameter and 1 x 450mm diameter); Storage reservoirs (combined total capacity of 79,1Mℓ); Booster pump and gravity mains; and Reticulation network. The scheme also supplies the following rural or peri-urban schemes: Mpeko Water Supply Schemes at Mpeko from Signal Hill Reservoirs; Lower Corana Water Supply Scheme from Maydene Farm Reservoir; and Zimbane Water Supply Scheme from Zamukulungisa Reservoir. During the development of the Mthatha Water Master plan development a decision was taken to use the Mthatha River as a natural division for the supply zones for the two main Water Treatment Plant, Page 25 Thornhill and Rosedale. Rosedale WTP would supply the areas north of Mthatha River and the Thornhill WTP would supply all the areas south of the Mthatha River. ROSEDALE WATER SUPPLY SCHEME 5.2.2 The scheme has a package Water Treatment Plant and sources water from the Mthatha Dam and can be summarized as follows: Raw water submersible pump station 2 x 44,2 ℓ/s @ 75 kW; 2 No. 200 KVA transformers; 0,4km long 300mm diameter MPVC rising main; 150kℓ/h (3,0Mℓ/d) water purification package plant; Pump station (2 x 36,8ℓ/s @ 55kW) from waterworks to 3Mℓ reservoir; 2,1km long 250mm diameter mPVC rising main to 3Mℓ; 160mm diameter mPVC gravity main from reservoir to Ntilini; 3Mℓ reinforced concrete reservoir; Gravity mains from reservoir to villages (160mm, 110mm, 90mm diameter); Village reticulation of approximate total length of 25,31km with varying diameters of 90mm to 50mm; and 90 metered standpipes. The scheme supplies the villages of Rosedale, Highbury, Ncambele, Ntilini and Qelene. 5.2.3 MTHATHA PERI-URBAN WATER SUPPLY SCHEME The Mthatha Peri-Urban water supply scheme consists of various independent water supply schemes. These schemes are located within a 30km radius from Mthatha. There are three different water sources used for these schemes, namely the Mabeleni, Mthatha and Corana Dams, Mhlahlane (Upper and Lower) and Upper Corana Water Supply Scheme. Upper and Lower Mhlahlane Waterworks: The scheme receives its water from a dam on the Mhlahlane River some 25km north east of Mthatha. Raw water gravitates from the dam to the Mhlahlane weir from where it is conveyed through a 1,35km gravity line to the Mhlahlane Water Treatment Plant. A 350mm diameter FC main conveys water (by means of gravity) from the treatment Plant to the villages and the Mthatha airport. The estimated capacity of the Water Treatment Plant, based on the size of the sedimentation tank 3 2 2 (56m² at a surface loading of 1,1 m /m /hr) and pressure sand filters (4,8m at a surface loading of 3 2 12,5m /m /hr) is approximately 1,5Mℓ/d. The existing Plant is however operating for periods at a time at close to 3Mℓ/d. Rosedale Package Plant: This 3Mℓ/d plant draws from Mthatha Dam and supplies a limited rural area to the immediate north of Mthatha. This will become redundant once the proposed Rosedale Water Treatment Plant is commissioned. Mpheko Scheme: The scheme is fed from the Thornhill WTP and serves about 25 769 people within 16 villages. Page 26 Mqanduli RWSS This scheme supplies water to the town of Mqanduli from a small weir on the Manqondo River. Raw water is pumped from the weir to a Water Treatment Plant situated in the town using a single 3 submersible pump and 160mm uPVC rising main with a capacity of 6ℓ/s (0,189 million m per annum). After treatment, the clear water is pumped to the clear water storage reservoirs situated on the edge of Mqanduli via a single pump and 75mm diameter rising main capable of supplying 4 ℓ/s 3 3 (0,126 million m per annum). The reservoirs have a combined capacity of 1,22Mℓ (1 220m ). Clear water gravitates to the town from the reservoirs. Qunu Bulk Water Supply Scheme (Ngaphezulu WSS) The Qunu Water Supply Scheme (WSS) consists of five independent water supply schemes that supply five villages with potable water. The scheme was designed for RDP standards (25 ℓ/c/d), and 3 has a total storage capacity of 1,7Mℓ (1 700m ). The five Qunu schemes were named according to the villages they serve and are as follows: Kotishini WSS (Kusigiba WSS): This scheme receives its water from a borehole equipped with a three-phase submersible electric pump. Water is pumped through a 75mm diameter uPVC 3 pipe to a 382kℓ (382m ) reservoir. Reticulation is by means of gravity uPVC and HDPE pipes ranging in size from 32 to 160mm in diameter and 11 standpipes. Lwalweni WSS: The scheme receives its water from a borehole equipped with two three phase submersible electrical pumps. Water is pumped through a 75mm diameter uPVC pipe 3 to a 483kℓ (483m ) reservoir. Reticulation is by means of gravity uPVC and HDPE pipes ranging in size from 32 to 75mm in diameter to 28 standpipes. Nkalane/Magubu WSS (Ngweni WSS): This scheme also receives its water from a borehole equipped with a three-phase submersible electrical pump that pumps water through a 110mm 3 diameter uPVC pipe to a 292kℓ (292m ) reservoir. There is also a three-phase multistage vertical pump that is used as a booster pump. It pumps water through a 75mm diameter uPVC 3 3 pipe to a 173kℓ (173m ) elevated steel tank. Another 10kℓ (10m ) tank is connected to this pumping main as an emergency back-up supply to Matyeni village. Reticulation is by means of gravity uPVC and HDPE pipes that range in size from 25 to 75mm in diameter. ThirtySeven (37) standpipes distribute water to consumers. Mandlaneni WSS: Mandlaneni WSS receives its water from an electrical borehole pump (three-phase submersible that pumps water through a 75mm diameter uPVC pipe to a 332kℓ 3 (322m ) steel reservoir. Water is then reticulated to 34 standpipes through a network of uPVC and HDPE pipelines ranging in size from 32 to 110mm in diameter. Kwadlomo/Mmangweni WSS: The scheme receives its water from a three-phase submersible electrical borehole pump. Water is pumped through a 75mm diameter uPVC rising main to a 3 3 55kℓ (55m ) elevated steel reservoir. There is also 50mm HDPE gravity main to a 15kℓ (15m ) elevated steel tank. Reticulation is by means of uPVC and HDPE gravity lines ranging in size from 32 to 50mm in diameter to 15 standpipes. Page 27 Xhugxwala Eyethu Water Scheme: The Xhugxwala Water Project supplies an area situated approximately 25km south of Mthatha on the west side of the N2 near Viedgesville. The scheme is divided into two sections as follows: 3 North: A new borehole is equipped with an electrical pump that supplies a new 90kℓ (90m ) reservoir. Water is distributed to seven standpipes. South: A new borehole is equipped with an electrical pump that supplies an existing 40kℓ 3 (40m ) reservoir. Reticulation supplies seven standpipes. Emtebe village Water Supply Scheme: The Emtebe Village Water Supply Scheme is situated approximately 15km south of Mthatha. The scheme consists of a borehole supply and spring supply. An existing borehole and windmill have been refurbished, as have the reservoir and reticulation. A perennial spring has been protected and 3 clear water pumped to a 40kℓ (40m ) reservoir. Coffee Bay RWSS The Coffee Bay RWSS comprises of the following infrastructure: A raw water intake works and rising pipeline from the Mthatha River; A Water Treatment Plant; A clear water pump station and rising main to Xonyeni Command Reservoir; Bulk gravity mains, village reservoirs and reticulation to six villages with a population of 4 394 in the southern part of Coffee Bay Administrative Area and part of Ngqeleni Administrative area; Booster Pump station; 1 x Command Reservoir (1Mℓ); 12 x Village Reservoirs; Break Pressure Tank; Rising Main; Bulk Gravity Mains; and Village Reticulation. 5.3 NYANDENI MUNICIPALITY 5.3.1 LIBODE TOWN WATER SUPPLY The Libode Town scheme receives its water from three boreholes that are supplemented by an additional 133kℓ/d from Mhlanga WSS. Both supplies feed into three reservoirs that are interlinked. The scheme supplies the town’s residential and commercial areas with potable water. The estimated population served by the scheme is 3 567. Water from the boreholes is chlorinated (by means of tablets system) before storage. This water is then distributed via a recently upgraded pipe network. The borehole scheme has the following infrastructure: 3 boreholes (equipped with electrical pumps – 580kℓ/d); 75mm diameter pumping mains (2 No.); Page 28 Chemical dosing room; 3 Reservoirs; and Reticulation mains. 5.3.2 CORANA REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY The Corana Regional Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) receives its water from Corana Dam that is situated about 27km north of Mthatha town. It forms part of the Mthatha Peri-Urban WSS that is described in 5.1.1. This scheme was originally commissioned in 1979 and has recently been upgraded to try and meet the current demand. The scheme supplies 18 villages (population of 39 400) with potable water at RDP standards. The scheme has the following infrastructure: 3 Water Treatment Plant (950m /day); Booster pump station (100m /day); Bulk rising and gravity mains (47km), Reticulation mains (102km); and 21 Reservoirs and 500 standpipes. 3 3 The assured yield of the Corana Dam is 0,336 million m per annum (1:50 year). Raw water 2 gravitates from the dam to the treatment Plant. Clarification is undertaken using two 36m up-flow clarifiers and filtration is achieved using pressure filters. The conveyance of the clear water is divided into an upper high-level zone (Upper Corana) supplying the northern villages using a pumped supply; and a low level zone (Lower Corana) supplying the southern villages under gravity. Villages supplied have service reservoirs supplied from branches off the main line. 5.4 5.4.1 MHLONTLO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY QUMBU TOWN WATER SUPPLY Qumbu Town receives its water from the Cengcane River about 20km away. Submersible pumps lift the raw water to a 100kℓ buffer reservoir, located approximately 200m uphill from the Water Treatment Plant. From the buffer reservoir, water gravitates into the various units of the Water Treatment Plant. There are two pump sets: one that pumps water to a 200kℓ reservoir and supplies the surrounding rural areas and another that pumps water to a 400kℓ reservoir for Qumbu Town. 5.4.2 TSOLO TOWN WATER SUPPLY SCHEME Tsolo Town has a population of approximately 11 000 people. Tsolo has been experiencing water shortages in the past few years, however the system has recently been upgraded. Fixing the weir and upgrading the Water Treatment Plant have significantly addressed the water conservation and demand management measures. There are a number of rural water supply schemes in Mhlontlo Municipality. Most notably are the several schemes that were constructed under the DWAF BoTT programme including: Gqukunga Water Supply Scheme; Caba Water Supply Scheme; and Qanda Water Supply Scheme. Page 29 5.4.3 MJIKA WATER SUPPLY SCHEME The Mjika Water Supply Scheme is divided into a number of sub-schemes according to water sources and the villages served. The scheme consists of four independent water supply schemes that supply an estimated projected population of 10 923 people (from nine villages) with potable water. These schemes were named according to the villages they serve and/or their water sources, namely Gungululu, Mahlubini, Qolombane and Upper Mjika. 5.5 5.5.1 NGQUZA HILL LOCAL MUNICIPALITY LUSIKISIKI REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY SCHEME The raw water is presently abstracted at a weir on the Xura River, located under the bridge on the main road between Lusikisiki and Flagstaff, some 7km northwest of Lusikisiki. All components of the 3 bulk supply infrastructure have design capacities of 2 760m /day (32ℓ/s gross). The water is pumped from the weir to the Water Treatment Plant through a raw water pump station located near the weir, through 650m long (ND 200mm) raw water pumping main. The pump station is equipped with two duty and one stand-by centrifugal pumps (combined capacity of 32ℓ/s and design head of 60m). The Water Treatment Plant is situated just off the main road (R61) to Flagstaff. The treatment process comprises chemical dosing, flocculation, sedimentation, slow sand filtration and chlorination. The slow sand filtration system consists of three duty and one standby filter bays designed for a maximum head loss of 1,5m and a total duty capacity of 32ℓ/s. The clear water pump station located within the Water Treatment Plant consists of two duty and one standby pumps, with a total design duty capacity of 32ℓ/s and pumping head of 80m. The clear water is conveyed by a 2 200m long, 200mm diameter AC rising main to the bulk storage reservoir 3 (Reservoir A, 1 400m ). This reservoir then gravity feeds a further bulk reservoir (Reservoir B, 3 3 1 000m ) and 24 service reservoirs, varying in size between 20 and 90m , supplying the rural villages. A number of bulk users, including the town, draw water directly from the bulk main between reservoirs A and B, even though this pipeline has a limited conveyance capacity. 5.5.2 FLAGSTAFF REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY SCHEME The scheme currently supplies the domestic and industrial requirements for the town of Flagstaff (300 houses) and the surrounding peri-urban areas. 3 The scheme obtains raw water from four boreholes (total yield of 0,1 x Mm per annum) and a 3 diversion weir (1:50 assured yield of 0,11 x Mm per annum) with a total available yield of about 0,21 3 x 106m /a. The raw water from the weir is pumped to the Water Treatment Plant consisting of a 3 settling tank and a pressure filter, with a capacity of 0,22 x 106m per annum. The clear surface water and the borehole water are mixed into two bulk reservoirs located at command position. The water is then distributed to the consumers by gravity. 5.5.3 MKAMBATI WEIR SCHEME The scheme supplies an existing clinic and staff (200 people) and the Main Camp at the nature reserve (44 beds). The Point cottages are situated near the coast and obtain water from a tank that is replenished using a mobile water cart filled up at the Main Camp. Page 30 The scheme is approximately 50 years old. The concrete weir is located on the Mkambati River and is approximately 10m long. The water is pumped at a rate of approximately 8ℓ/s from the weir to two 3 concrete reservoirs with a total capacity of 450m . One duty and one standby pump hosted in a masonry pump house are powered by Lister diesel engines. The water is distributed by gravity from the reservoirs to the consumer nodes. A separate small weir scheme, located about 7km north-east from the main camp supplies about 50 consumers in Gwe Gwe resort with water. 5.5.4 HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL SCHEME (TAWENI VILLAGE SCHEME) The Holy Cross Hospital is presently supplied from two small dams - Mcwesane Dam (storage 3 3 3 11 000m , yield 40 000m per annum) and Mketengeni Dam (storage 30 000m , yield 3 3 141 000 m per annum). The estimated capacity of the scheme is 0,18 x Mm per annum, supplying a total number of 1 500 people including patients and staff. The raw water is being pumped from both water sources into the Water Treatment Plant. The Plant 3 consist of sedimentation tank and slow sand filters with a capacity of 396m /d. A total bulk storage 3 capacity of 760m is available to the scheme. 5.5.5 MAGWA TEA ESTATE WATER SCHEME This scheme is supported by a Dam on the Mkozi River and a Water Treatment Plant which provides the domestic and industrial water requirements for the Magwa Tea Estate. Approximately 5 000 people are serviced by this scheme. 5.6 5.6.1 NYANDENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY NGQELENI TOWN WATER SUPPLY Ngqeleni Town is situated about 27km southeast of Mthatha and the Ngqeleni Water Supply dates back to as early as 1930 when the weir on the Ngqeleni stream was first constructed to supply the town with water. The scheme receives its water from three different sources (combined capacity of 449kℓ/day), an earth dam on Ngqeleni stream, a weir on Ngqeleni stream and two boreholes equipped with electrical pumps. Raw water gravitates from the storage dam to a Water Treatment Plant. Water from the weir and boreholes is pumped to the treatment Plant. The scheme provides approximately 6 179 people living in Ngqeleni Town with potable water. The scheme has the following infrastructure: Raw water storage dam; Weir and boreholes (2 No.); Raw water gravity line from the dam to waterworks (3,5 m, 90mm uPVC); Raw water pumping main from boreholes to waterworks (1,9km, 63mm steel and 1,6km, 63mm uPVC); Water Treatment Plant; Clear water reservoirs (300kℓ); and Distribution network. Page 31 The current capacity of the scheme is inadequate to cater for the current demand. 5.6.2 MHLANGA RURAL WATER SUPPLY SCHEME The Mhlanga Water Supply Scheme can be accessed either off the N2 road between Mthatha and Qumbu or off the R61 road between Mthatha and Port St Johns. The scheme provides 63 843 people of Mhlanga community (from 66 villages) and Libode Town with potable water and has the following infrastructure: Raw water dam; Raw water storage reservoir; Raw water pumpstation (3,5Mℓ /day); Raw water rising main (250mm diameter, 2,8km long); Water Treatment Plant (2,3Mℓ /day); Service reservoirs; Gravity bulk and reticulation mains; and Standpipes. Raw water is supplied via a gravity pipeline from Mhlanga Dam (with a dam capacity at full supply of 3 1,6 x Mm ) to the Mhlanga Pump Station. From the Mhlanga Pump Station, raw water is pumped 3 through a rising main into a 750m concrete raw water reservoir situated at the Mhlanga Water Treatment Plant. From the raw water reservoir, raw water gravitates to the 2,3Mℓ /day WTP. A flocculating agent (polyelectrolyte) is mixed into the raw water before it passes into two rapid gravity 3 sand filters. From the filters, clear water is gas chlorinated before entering the 750m clear water concrete reservoir. The treated bulk water gravity system consists of approximately 172km of pipeline, 68 reservoirs and 12 break pressure tanks. The sludge from the desludging sedimentation tanks and the backwashing filters is collected in a sludge lagoon and the settled water from the sludge lagoons is returned to the head of the Plant by a rising main. The Mhlanga Water Supply Scheme was originally commissioned in the nineties to supply the surrounding villages with potable water. This supply was based on 25ℓ/capita/day. The scheme has over the years been extended to include supply to the Peri-urban areas of Mthatha. This increased demand prompted the ORTDM to commission an upgrade of the Mhlahlane Water Treatment Plant (MWTP) in 1999. This upgrade met the demands at the time. More villages have since been added to the scheme yet some of the villages around Mhlahlane area are still without potable water. The inclusion of these villages in the scheme has been proposed. This however required a careful consideration of the water source and the capacity of the Mhlahlane WTP. An investigation carried out by GIBB in 2011 revealed that the Mhlahlane WTP is overloaded and struggling to meet the demands. This increase in water demand can be attributed to an increase in a number of informal settlements in the Peri-urban areas. To relieve Mhlahlane WTP from the increasing water demands it will be connected to supply from Thornhill Water Treatment Plant: 5.7 5.7.1 PORT ST JOHNS LOCAL MUNICIPALITY PORT ST JOHNS SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (SDI) WATER SUPPLY SCHEME The area served by this scheme is located to the west of the Umzimvubu River, to the south of the Mthatha - to Port St Johns Road (R61) and to the east of the watershed between the Mngazi and Page 32 Mngazanana rivers. The scheme receives raw water from the two Bulolo Dams and a weir, which 2 are situated on the Bulolo River. The second dam commands a catchment area of 3,2km and an 2 estimated capacity of 3000m³. The main Bulolo Dam has a catchment area of 6,8km and a capacity 2 of 255 000m³ and Bulolo Weir with a catchment area of 10,2km and capacity of 3 000m³. The yield, based on 1:50 year return period, of all existing dams in the system amounts to an estimated 0,36Mm³ per annum, or a fraction under 1 000m³/day made up of approximately 960m³/day from dams and 40m³/day from the weir. The bulk supply infrastructure is generally new and has a remaining life of 10 to 20 years, except for the older portions of the scheme, which have a remaining life of approximately 5 to 10 years. The bulk main into town leaks and requires remedial works, whilst the Bulolo Dams require riprap and other minor remedial works. The reticulation in the rural villages is new, whilst that in the town is in a good condition. Telemetry is required in order to improve the scheme’s operations and supply efficiency. The scheme was implemented in a number of phases and it consists of the following: River abstraction and two storage dams. To supplement the dam storage, off-channel from Mngazi River will be utilised in future; 250mm diameter raw water pumping main and Water Treatment Plant of 4Mℓ/day capacity; Clear water pumping main to a main reservoir, which services six villages via 32km of internal reticulation and 107 communal standpipes; A gravity main supplies the town of Port St Johns with about 50km of reticulation network; and the Silaka Nature Reserve via the old Water Treatment Plant converted to storage facilities; and 5.7.2 The total length of bulk mains is about 48km. UMZIMVUBU 18 VILLAGES WSS The Umzimvubu 18 Villages Water Supply Scheme is situated about 5km upstream of Port St Johns SDI Water Supply Scheme. The scheme is based on surface water abstraction from run-of-river flow in the Mngazi River. The scheme serves 18 villages under the administration areas of Tombo, Gomolo, Mawosheni and Swazini. The scheme was commissioned in 2000 and consists of the following: River abstraction from Mngazi River and raw water pumping main; Water Treatment Plant with a capacity of 2Mℓ/day; The two CURO model 65/80 LTF pumps powered by 65/75 kW 2 pole motors. This system has a capacity of 20ℓ/s; Clear water pumping main to a main reservoir of 340kℓ capacity. The rising main is 150mm diameter steel and is protected by a Bermad surge anticipating valve installed in the pump house; Gravity bulk mains of a total length of about 54km supplying 23 reservoirs; and About 55km of internal reticulation and 236 communal standpipes. Page 33 6. BULK WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS CURRENTLY IN PLANNING The existing funding grants for the municipal capital projects and operating subsidies for water services are mainly funded by the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) followed by the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) and the Municipal Water infrastructure Grant (MWIG). The main objective of MIG is to assist WSAs by providing grant funding in removing the backlog concerning basic municipal services to poor households. RBIG focusses on the infrastructure required to 1 2 3 connect or augment the water resource on a macro or sub regional scale (over vast distances ), with internal bulk and reticulation systems or any bulk supply infrastructure that may have a significant impact on water resources in terms of quantity and quality. The bulk infrastructure that would have a “significant impact on water resources” includes: Any bulk scheme that is designed for maximum demand of 5Mℓ/day or more Any waste Water Treatment Plant that discharges into a fresh water resource system Any Water Treatment Plant that is designed for a maximum demand of more than 2Mℓ/day. An Interim/Intermediate Water Supply Programme (IIWSP) was initiated in 2012 by the Minister of Water Affairs as a recognition of the plight of the many people without services, particularly in rural areas. The purpose of this programme was not to duplicate other existing programmes or initiatives but to supplement them were there are gaps and to also provide some short–term and quick win solutions. The programme also envisaged addressing functionality related problems and not only addressing new infrastructure requirements. This resulted in the establishment of the MWIG to fund the IIWSP. For the purpose of this study, the existing regional bulk projects were considered and evaluated to identify potential gaps within the existing project footprints to the extent that a total “wall-to-wall” bulk water services needs perspective is visualised and realised. This must be done in the context to improve access to basic services but at the same time support economic growth and development and ensure sustainable services. 6.1 REGIONAL BULK WATER PROJECTS IN PLANNING For the purpose of this study, the existing regional bulk projects were considered and evaluated to identify potential gaps within the existing project footprints to the extent that a total “wall-to-wall” bulk water services needs perspective is visualised and realised. This was done in the context to improve access to basic services but at the same time support economic growth and development and ensure sustainable services. The funding streams for infrastructure development over the next three years are tabled within Table 6.1: Grant Funding Streams overleaf. 1 “Macro” is defined as infrastructure serving extensive areas across multi-municipal boundaries 2 “Sub-regional” is defined as large regional bulk infrastructure serving numerous communities over a large area normally within a specific district or local municipal area 3 Over “vast distances” is considered as any distances greater than 5km Page 34 Table 6.1: Grant Funding Streams Grant Funding Programme No of Projects 23DM/MWIG 35 R 423 631 797 R 124 303 000 R 85 675 000 R 155 337 000 R 365 315 000 MIG 34 R 8 358 042 724 R 532 295 000 R 554 186 000 R 587 000 000 R 1 673 481 000 RBIG 8 R 7 256 064 700 R 320 200 000 R 300 000 000 R 340 283 877 R 960 483 877 R 16 037 739 221 R 976 798 000 R 939 861 000 R 1 082 620 877 R 2 999 279 877 Total Cost Requirement FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 Total MTEF The existing cost requirement for water services within ORTDM is R 16 billion rand and does not yet represent a wall to wall coverage of the total need. However, substantial planning studies have been conducted that were taken in consideration when the overall bulk supply intervention areas were determined. The extent of the proposed planning studies was extended to ultimately result in a wall to wall coverage. The existing bulk interventions currently in planning are tabled within Table 6.2: RBIG Water Supply Interventions currently in planning below. Table 6.2: RBIG Water Supply Interventions currently in planning LM King Sabata Dalindyeb o Project No ECR012 // E/ECDC15 /002/W Project Name Project Description Mthatha Regional WSS Mthatha dam source Construction of Rosedale Water Treatment Plant, abstraction works and associated infrastructure OR Tambo: Mthatha KSD Bulk Water Supply KSD: Mthatha KSD Water (30km radius). Includes Airport Corridor, Mqanduli Corridor, Mthatha Corridor, Nqadu Corridor, Libode Corridor, Ngeleni Corridor & Second Falls Corridor. Total Cost Requirement FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 R 475 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R 1 732 681 700 R 319 000 000 R 300 000 000 R 340 283 877 Mthatha Regional WSS Borehole development Drilling of deep well boreholes in areas that cannot be accessed by the Mthatha Dam water R 994 383 000 R0 R0 R0 MIS 205342 Sidwadweni Regional Water Supply Tsitsa River Source Development Construction of a 5Mℓ/day packaged WTP R 120 000 000 R0 R0 R0 Ngquza Hill ECR003 // F/ECDC15 /003/W Ingquza Hill Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme Ingquza Hill Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme - phase 2 &3 R 850 000 000 R 1 200 000 R0 R0 Ngquza N/DC15/0 Msikaba Msikaba River R 850 000 000 R0 R0 R0 King Sabata Dalindyeb o King Sabata Dalindyeb o Mhlontlo ECR019 N/DC15/0 54/W Page 35 Project No LM Hill 55/W Ngquza Hill N/DC15/0 56/W N/DC15/0 10/W Nyandeni Project Description Project Name Regional Bulk Water Services Supply Total Cost Requirement FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 Source. Phase 1 Feasibility Study & Prelimanary Design Kwanyati Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme Kwanyathi Village and surrounding areas (is a subproject of the Ingquza Hill Master Plan) R 1 200 000 000 R0 R0 R0 Mdumbi Regional Water Supply Development of a Regional Scheme downstream of Second Falls to supply water up to Mdumbi & Coffee Bay areas R 1 034 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R 7 256 064 700 R 320 200 000 R 300 000 000 R 340 283 877 The total MTEF 2015/18 over the next three years shows a total allocation of approximately R 960,5 million for regional bulk. However, the total bulk requirement is R 7,2 billion. This would result in ORTDM taking at least 21 years to address their total bulk infrastructure needs. The details of the projects are provided within the paragraphs hereafter. 6.1.1 ECR012 // E/ECDC15/002/W: MTHATHA REGIONAL WSS -MTHATHA DAM SOURCE AND ECR019: OR TAMBO - MTHATHA KSD BULK WATER SUPPLY This project is a result from the King Sabata Daliundyebo’s Presidential Intervention Project to stimulate economic growth in and around Mthatha by improving the level of services provided. The following elements would be included: Upgrading the delivery of raw water from Mthatha Dam to Thornhill Water Treatment Plant; Extending the capacity of the Thornhill Waterworks by 20Mℓ/d to 80Mℓ/d (current) and by a further 40Mℓ/d in the short-to-medium term; Upgrading the clear water pumping capacity to Mthatha town and Southern and Eastern surrounds out of Thornhill Waterworks; Constructing a new 25Mℓ/d waterworks (Rosedale), upgradable in 25Mℓ/d modules to 100Mℓ/d, to supply the areas to the North and West of Mthatha town; and FY 2017/18 Constructing a new system of bulk supply rising and gravity mains and reservoirs to transfer the clear water pumped out of the Thornhill and Rosedale Waterworks to the extended areas of supply along five corridors that will ultimately cover the whole of the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality: o Mqanduli Corridor (to the South) o Ngqeleni Corridor (to the SE) o Libode Corridor (to the East) o Nqadu Corridor (to the North) o Airport Corridor (to the West) Page 36 Various phases of these two projects are currently in progress (construction). 6.1.2 N/DC15/054/W: MTHATHA REGIONAL WSS - BOREHOLE DEVELOPMENT This project is not included within the current 3-year MTEF but has been included within the Provincial Regional Bulk Master plan of March 2015. The project will investigate the groundwater potential within five (5) wards to the west of King Sabata Dalindyebo, i.e. Wards 17,18,21, 22, and 27. This project is currently still in a planning phase. 6.1.3 MIS 205342 SIDWADWENI REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY The Sidwadeni project would be designed to provide bulk water to the south western parts of the Mhlontlo Local Municipality and will include the towns of Tsolo, Qumbu, and Mount Frere. Water will be sourced from the Tsitsa river from where it will be treated, distributed and stored within various reservoirs. However, this scheme has now been included within the Umzimvubu project that entails the development of the Ntabelanga dam as well as the Lalini Dam Hydropower scheme. The Tsitsa River system can be utilised for a multi-purpose use (i.e. the Ntabelanga Dam and the Lalini Dam) due to the high water resources availability in the catchment. The consumptive uses could sustainably include domestic water supply, irrigation and hydropower. 6.1.4 ECR003 // F/ECDC15/003/W: INGQUZA HILL (IHLM) REGIONAL BULK WATER SUPPLY SCHEME This project entails the development of a storage facility on the Mzintlavana River, Zalu Dam. It would include bulk storage that would allow the entire IHLM to be supplied under gravity via approximately 290km of Primary and Secondary bulk. This project is currently in a planning phase 6.1.5 N/DC15/055/W: MSIKABA REGIONAL BULK WATER SERVICES SUPPLY This project investigates the abstraction of water from the Msikiba river. The raw water will be abstracted from the water source and pumped into the off-channel storage, before gravitating to the proposed Water Treatment Plant. A clear water pump station would be constructed near the proposed Water Treatment Plant that would pump the treated water to the command reservoir. The pumps will be sized for the summer daily demand. The pump station will be equipped with at least two pumps, one duty and one standby pump. From the main storage reservoir, the water would gravitate to the planned five zonal reservoirs. A total of five zone concrete reservoirs, ranging from 350kℓ to 1.25Mℓ are also proposed. The proposed Plant entail the installation of approximately 220km of bulk supply pipelines, ranging from 50mm to 315mm in diameter. Twenty-eight (28) concrete service reservoirs, ranging from 30kℓ to 750kℓ are proposed. These reservoirs will be gravity fed from the zonal supply reservoirs. This project is currently still in the planning phase. 6.1.6 N/DC15/056/W: KWANYATI REGIONAL BULK WATER SUPPLY SCHEME This project investigates the augmentation of the water supply within 14 zonal areas from the surplus capacity from the new Zalu Dam and the upgraded Xura river Water Treatment Plant. 6.1.7 N/DC15/010/W: MDUMBI REGIONAL WATER This project involves the investigation to supply six (6) Wards, ward 22 up to ward 26 as well as ward 28 with secure water within the Nyandeni Local Municipality. It is proposed to supply the entire project area from the Rosedale Water Treatment Plant. The current offtake to the Ngqeleni Town Page 37 (Ngqeleni Corridor) from the proposed Libode Corridor (Lalini Reservoir) could be upgraded to 15km long pipeline that would transfer water to the proposed Command Reservoir from where it would be gravitated to all six wards. The aforementioned RBIG projects are supplemented by MIG projects to address the internal water reticulation. The following MIG projects are included within ORTDM’s 3 year MTEF funding plan and listed below. Page 38 Table 6.3: ORT DM MIG Water Supply Projects LM Project Number King Sabata Dalindyebo ECDC15/00 3/W Coffee Bay Water Supply Reticulation and Stand pipes in wards 23, 24 & 25 (phases 1,2 & 3) R 193 714 000 R 44 222 008 R 20 000 000 R0 R 64 222 008 King Sabata Dalindyebo MIS 204248 Thornhill Bulk Water Supply - Upgrade & Rehabilitation Upgrade of the raw water mains, pumpstation and WTP R 121 600 612 R0 R0 R0 R0 MIS 205189 Upper Mhlahalane Water Supply Augmentation Scheme Upgrade of Mhlahlane WTP, construction of reservoirs and related bulk infrastructure and extension to villages R 148 608 000 R 15 000 000 R0 R0 R 15 000 000 N/DC15/03 5/W Mthatha Regional WSS: Mqanduli Corridor (KSD PI) Construction of 10,4km DN400 gravity main & 13km DN250 pipelines (to KuGxwalibomvu & Mahlathini), 50kℓ reservoir at Kwamkhulu, 2Mℓ reservoir at KuGxwalibomvu, 3Mℓ reservoir @ Mahlathini & 12Mℓ @ Mqanduli. Pump stations at Zamukulungisa & Kwamkhulu R 210 234 530 R 136 757 025 R 48 386 032 R0 R 185 143 057 N/DC15/06 3/W Mthatha Regional WSS Water Supply to Lukwethu and surrounding villages Water Supply to Lukwethu and surrounding villages R 1 201 000 000 R 35 000 000 R 75 000 000 R 75 000 000 R 185 000 000 N/DC15/06 5/W Mthatha RWS Rosedale/Ngqeleni Corridor (KSD PI) Construction of 10Mℓ Maydene Reservoir. Construction of 3,8km of gravity mains from Maydene Reservoir to BNG R 32 188 786 R 28 245 373 R 10 000 000 R0 R 38 245 373 Mthatha Regional WSS: Airport Corridor (KSD PI) Construction of 400mm main from Area 1 to Fairfield reservoir. Construction of 10Mℓ Fairfield reservoir. Construction of 3,9km & 4,3km gravity mains from Signal Hill. Construction of 6Mℓ Area 6 reservoir. Construction of 5,3km R 143 153 335 R 92 035 178 R 44 549 956 R0 R 136 585 134 King Sabata Dalindyebo King Sabata Dalindyebo King Sabata Dalindyebo King Sabata Dalindyebo King Sabata Dalindyebo N/DC15/06 6/W Project Name and Description Total Cost Requirement Page 39 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 Total MTEF LM Project Number Project Name and Description Total Cost Requirement FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 Total MTEF gravity mains King Sabata Dalindyebo N/DC15/07 3/W Coffee Bay bulk WTP Coffee Bay bulk WTP Mhlontlo MIS 203262 Upper Culunca Regional Water Supply Mhlontlo N/DC15/03 1/W R 130 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R0 Upgrading of WTP and reticulation to additional villages R 45 000 000 R 2 100 000 R 22 000 000 R0 R 24 100 000 Mangxamfu Water Supply Scheme Extension to Mangxamfu Water Supply Scheme R 52 125 000 R 20 000 000 R 29 910 000 R0 R 49 910 000 R 437 586 863 R 25 700 000 R 97 500 000 R 113 174 875 R 236 374 875 Mhlontlo N/DC15/06 2/W Sidwadweni Regional Water Supply Extension of Sidwadweni to Tsolo Junction Water Supply (phase 1 & 2) and construction of a 5Mℓ/day packaged WTP Mhlontlo W/EC/8595 /11/13 Mvumelwano Water Supply Extension of Mvumelwano Water Supply - Phase 4 R 61 199 522 R0 R0 R0 R0 Ngquza Hill ECDC15/08 9/W/07/08 Flagstaff Regional Water Supply Scheme Supply of water from the Mzintlava River to 43 villages and Flagstaff town R 81 560 391 R 22 500 000 R 30 000 000 R 29 060 391 R 81 560 391 Ngquza Hill N/DC15/00 8/W Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Bulk pipeline and reticulation from Zalu dam R 450 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R0 Ngquza Hill N/DC15/00 9/W Rehabilitation and Upgrade on Hlabathi Water Schemes Hlabathi Water Schemes - Msikaba River as water source R 345 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R0 Ngquza Hill N/DC15/06 0/W Mfinizweni Water Supply Mfinizweni Water Supply R 28 378 217 R0 R0 R0 R0 Nyandeni N/DC15/01 4/W Ntsonyini Ngqowongweni Regional Water Supply Scheme Regional Water Scheme using the Mngazana River (Wards 6 & 18) R 750 000 000 R 44 570 240 R 130 000 000 R 200 000 000 R 374 570 240 Nyandeni N/DC15/01 6/W Upgrading of Cibeni Ntlambeni Regional Water Supply Upgrading of Cibeni - Ntlambeni Regional Water Supply Umzimvubu River Water Source (Feasibility Study) R 1 200 000 000 R 2 500 000 R 75 000 000 R 200 000 000 R 277 500 000 Nyandeni N/DC15/01 Upgrading of Upgrading of Mhlanganisweni R 450 000 000 R 2 750 000 R 65 000 000 R 150 000 000 R 217 750 000 Page 40 LM Project Number Project Name and Description Total Cost Requirement FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 Total MTEF 7/W Mhlanganisweni Water Supply Scheme Water Supply Scheme into a Regional Water Supply Scheme. Phase 1 (Feasibility Study) - Tsitsa river source Nyandeni N/DC15/02 0/W Thekwini Water Supply Scheme Phase 2 & 3 Thekwini Water Supply Scheme Phase 2 & 3 (Wards 14, 21, 22, 23 & 24) R 144 570 240 R0 R0 R0 R0 Nyandeni N/DC15/03 9/W Lwandile Regional Water Supply Scheme Upgrading of exsisting water supply R 450 000 000 R 2 750 000 R 65 000 000 R 150 000 000 R 217 750 000 Nyandeni N/DC15/06 4/W Completion of Ngqeleni Regional Water Supply Completion of Ngqeleni Regional Water Supply - 27 Villages R 100 000 000 R 25 300 000 R0 R0 R 25 300 000 Nyandeni W/EC/3818 /07/09 Mthatha RWS Rosedale/Ngqeleni Corridor (KSD PI) Construction of reticulation infrastructure in Dumasi and surrounding areas (Wards 13, 14 & 21) R 196 000 000 R 3 600 000 R 75 000 000 R 117 400 000 R 196 000 000 Nyandeni W/EC/8848 /11/14 Rosedale to Libode Water Supply Extension of Rosedale Water Supply to Libode and surrounding rurals (Wards 7,8,15,16,17,30) R 146 750 062 R 34 645 500 R 65 125 000 R 34 479 562 R 134 250 062 R 95 373 166 R 39 719 459 R 20 557 912 R0 R 60 277 371 Port St Johns N/DC15/01 8/W Port St Johns Regional Water Supply PSJ RWS - Phase 4 - construction of off-channel storage dam. Phase 5 - river abstraction works & mechanical & electrical installations Port St Johns N/DC15/04 6/W Upgrading of PSJ Town Supply Upgrading of PSJ Town Supply R 125 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R0 Port St Johns N/DC15/04 9/W Inguza Hill Regional Water Supply Scheme Regional Water Supply Scheme to areas bordering Ingquza Hill R 450 000 000 R0 R0 R0 R0 R 7 789 042 724 R 577 394 783 R 873 028 900 R 1 069 114 828 R 2 519 538 511 Page 41 7. SYNOPSIS OF EXISTING AND COMMITTED SCHEMES GAP ANALYSIS 7.1 A gap analysis has been undertaken for the water schemes in the OR Tambo DM. The gap analysis has taken into account current planning interventions by the WSA. In this regard, the entire OR Tambo District has been demarcated into regional water schemes in line with short and long term plans by the WSA. Fourteen (14) regional schemes have been identified as follows: KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS NYA004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS PSJ002: WSIA: Port St Johns Town Supply MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS The gap analysis for the 14 regional schemes is discussed under this section. 7.1.1 KSD001 WSIA: MTHATHA REGIONAL BULK WATER SUPPLY The Mthatha Regional WSS is composed of three water schemes namely Mthatha Town Water Supply Scheme, Mhlahlane WSS and Corana Regional Scheme. These schemes combined supply water to the Town of Mthatha and surrounding villages. The details of the schemes are summarised in the table below. Table 7.1: Mthatha Regional Scheme Summary Scheme Name Mthatha Town WSS Source Mthatha Dam Mhlahlane WSS Mabeleni Dam Corana Regional Scheme Corana Dam Other Schemes Boreholes Total Dam Capacity (Million m³) Dam Yield (Mm³/a) 253,7 145,5 1,7 0,336 253,7 147,536 Page 42 WTP Name Capacity (Mℓ/d) Thornhill WTP 60 Rosedale WTP 3 Mhlahlane WTP Corana WTP 1,7 0,95 65,65 The allocation of supply to Mthatha Town from the Mthatha Dam is 21,9 million m³ per annum. However, the registered abstraction given in the WARMS database is 13,5 million m³ per annum. and the balance of the water is allocated to Eskom for hydro-power generation. OR Tambo DM has planned projects to upgrade the capacity of the Mthatha Regional WSS as follows: Upgrade of Thornhill WTP by a total of 20Mℓ/day from 60Mℓ/d to 80Mℓ/day. The ugrade is currently under implementation; Upgrade of Rosedale WTP from 3Mℓ/d to 25Mℓ/d in order to supply Greater Mthatha areas north of Mthatha River, Libode, Nqadu and Ngqeleni Corridors. Bulk infrastructure extensions form the WTP to Libode is under construction; Upgrade of gravity raw water bulk pipeline from 600mm diameter to 1 200mm diameter; and Extension of Rosedale water supply footprint through phased construction of bulk and reticulation supply pipelines and command reservoirs. Phase 1 of this project is currently under implementation. The planned works of which some are currently under implementation have been combined with existing capacities so that a comparison may be made with the projected demand for 2035. This comparison is provided in the table below. Table 7.2: Mthatha Regional Scheme Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Desired 2035 Additional Requirements Dam Yield (Mm³/a) 145,5 - 145,5 33,94 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) 65,65 88,5 154,215 93,0 - Storage (Mℓ) 83,6 24 107,6 118,7 12,0 Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) 90,3 58,6 148,9 93,0 - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) 72,8 47,0 119,8 93,0 - According to the Reconciliation Strategy for Mthatha and Surrounding Village Structure Report dated June 2011, 21,9 million m³ per annum of water in Mthatha Dam is allocated to Mthatha Town for domestic and industrial use with the registered abstraction given in the WARMS database as 13,5 million m³ per annum. The actual allocations of water for consumption and hydro power generation need to be confirmed between DWS, Eskom and OR Tambo District Municipality for the projected future 2035 demand. Based on the capacities of existing and planned infrastructure, there appears to be no gaps in water supply requirements for the projected 2035 demand. The shortfall in bulk storage could be as a result of inaccurate information of the total storage available in the scheme area. 7.1.2 KSD002 WSIA: MTHATHA REGIONAL BOREHOLE DEVELOPMENT The area covered by this scheme is ward 17 under King Sabata Dalindyebo LM. The area is sparsely populated and OR Tambo plans to develop boreholes as a source of water supply. There is Page 43 no information on the status of existing infrastructure if any. However, the projected 2035 demand requirements are detailed in the table below. Table 7.3: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development Planned Additional Total Additional Requirements Criteria Existing Capacity Desired 2035 Borehole Yields (Mm³/a) No data No data No data 0,450 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 1,2 - Storage (Mℓ) No data No data No data 2,0 - Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 1,2 - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 1,2 - In the absence of planning information from ORTDM, geo-hydrological studies would be required to determine groundwater availability and quality thereof to enable proper infrastructure requirements determination. 7.1.3 KSD003 WSIA: MQANDULI CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT In terms of ORTDM planning, the Mqanduli Corridor would ultimately receive its potable water supply from the Zamukulungisa reservoir (Mthatha RWSS) where it is envisaged that 27Mℓ/d will be pumped to the 20Mℓ Viedgesville reservoir. The Viedgesville reservoir will feed the Mqanduli corridor as well as 5Mℓ/day to the 10Mℓ Qweqwe reservoir. The remaining 22Mℓ is the daily supply that shall be used to feed the Mqanduli Corridor. The Mqanduli Corridor Development covers water supply to wards 21, 22, 23, 27 and parts of 20 and 28 under the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality. The projected 2035 demand requirements are detailed within Table 7.4: Mqanduli Corridor Development below. Table 7.4: Mqanduli Corridor Development Planned Additional Existing Capacity Borehole Yields (Mm³/a) No data No data No data 4,33 - 60 20 80 11,9 - 1,22 14,75 15,97 17,6 2,03 *Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) - - - - - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) 0,35 20,4 20,75 11,9 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) Storage (Mℓ) Total Additional Requirements Criteria Desired 2035 This water treatment capacity has already been factored into the planned upgrade of the Thornhill WTP which is currently being upgraded to 80Mℓ/d and ultimatey to 120Mℓ/day. *The bulk raw water requirements have also been factored into the upgrade works of the 600mm diameter raw water AC pipeline to 1 200mm diameter. Page 44 Based on the capacities of existing and planned infrastructure, there appears to be no gaps in water supply requirements for the projected 2035 demand. 7.1.4 KSD004 WSIA: LUKWETHU WATER SUPPLY The Lukwethu WSS supplies water to Wards 18, 19, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32 & 35 under the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality covering a total of 249 villages. The source of water for the Lukwethu WSS comprises of protected and unprotected springs and 3 boreholes. According to the Scoping Report for Study Funding Application for the Proposed Lukwethu Regional Water Supply Scheme dated February 2015, a 20Mℓ storage reservoir, positioned around Viedgesville Area, will receive potable water from Thornhill WTP. The construction of the 20Mℓ storage tank is implemented as part of the bulk water infrastructure Presidential Intervention in the Mqanduli Corridor. This project is currently at feasibility study stage with a consultant having been appointed to undertake the required works. The gap analysis could thus be summarized as follows: Table 7.5: Lukwethu Regional Scheme Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity Mthatha Dam Yield (Mm3/a) Planned Additional Total Additional Requirements Desired 2035 145,5 - 145,5 5,31 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) 2,7 12,3 15,0 14,6 - Storage (Mℓ) 5,1 20,0 25,1 28,9 4,0 Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) - - - - - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) - 14,6 14,6 14,6 - The 20Mℓ storage reservoir proposed being the source of water would not able to store the desired 2035 water requirement of 28,9Mℓ/day for the Lukwethu RWSS . 7.1.5 KSD005 WSIA: COFFEE BAY REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY The Coffee Bay Regional WSS supplies water to Wards 24 and 25 of the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality, made up of Coffee Bay Town and surrounding 40 villages. The Coffee Bay RWSS comprises of the following infrastructure: A raw water intake works and rising pipeline from the Mthatha River. The yield of the river has not been established; A 2.7Mℓ/day Water Treatment Plant; A clear water pump station and rising main to 1Mℓ Xonyeni Command Reservoir; and Village Reticulation. The planned works, some of which are currently under implementation have been combined with existing capacities so that a comparison may be made with the projected 2035 demand. This comparison is provided in Table 7.6: Coffee Bay Regional Scheme Gap Analysis overleaf. Page 45 Table 7.6: Coffee Bay Regional Scheme Gap Analysis Criteria Mthatha River Yield (Mm3/a) Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Additional Requirements Desired 2035 - - - 2,12 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) 2,7 12,3 15,0 5,8 - Storage (Mℓ) 5,1 13,15 18,25 11,4 - Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) - 12,3 12,3 5,8 - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) - 12,3 12,3 5,8 - The registered abstraction from the Mthatha River downstream of the Mthatha Dam is 2,7Mℓ/d 3 (1,0 million m per annum). The yield of the Mthatha River towards the Indian Ocean needs to be verified to assess the sustainability of the scheme with a treatment capacity of 2,12Mm³ per annum. However, based on the capacities of existing and planned infrastructure, there appears to be no gaps in water supply requirements for the projected 2035 demand. 7.1.6 NYA001 WSIA: SECOND FALLS RWSS The Second Falls RWSS is intended to supply communities in Wards 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 under the Nyandeni Local Municipality. The communities currently obtain water from springs, boreholes and rivers. ORTDM is planning to provide infrastructure to supply the communities under the Second Falls RWSS footprint. The planned infrastructure capacity is compared with the projected 2035 demand. This comparison is provided in Table 7.7: Second Falls RWSS Gap Analysis below. Table 7.7: Second Falls RWSS Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Additional Requirements Desired 2035 Mthatha River Yield (Mm3/a) - - - 3,01 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) 0 - - 8,2 8,2 Storage (Mℓ) 0 19,9 19,9 12,5 - Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) 0 8,20 8,20 8,20 - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) 0 8,20 8,20 8,20 - The raw water source is the Second Falls site on the Mthatha River downstream of Mthatha Dam. 3 3 The yield of the Mthatha Dam is 145,5 million m /a with an allocation of 13,5 million m per annum allocated for domestic usage in Mthatha Town and surrounding villages. It is anticipated that the 3 Second Falls RWSS demand of 3,01 million m per annum can easily be met downstream of the second falls where Eskom undertakes hydro power generation (Eskom allocation being 132 million 3 m per annum). Page 46 7.1.7 NYA002 WSIA: TOMBO RWSS The Tombo RWSS supplies water to Wards 2, 4 and 5 under the Port St Johns LM. The 2,5Mℓ Tombo WTP feeds from 1 command reservoir to 23 village reservoirs through bulk pipelines. However, the Census 2011 data specifies the area covered by the scheme as having adequate formal access to water services. The projected 2035 demand infrastructure requirements are provided in the table below. Table 7.8: Tombo RWSS Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity River Yield (Mm3/a) Planned Additional Total Desired 2035 Additional Requirements No Data No Data No Data 1,51 - 2,5 - 2,5 4,1 1,6 Storage (Mℓ) No Data No Data No Data 8,0 - Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) No Data No Data No Data 4,1 - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) No Data No Data No Data 4,1 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) In order to meet the 2035 demand of 4,1Mℓ per day, the existing infrastructure needs to be augmented and it is proposed to increase the capacity of the WTP to 4,1Mℓ/day. 7.1.8 NYA003 WSIA: NGQELENI RWSS The scheme area covers the southern part of the Nyandeni LM extending from Libode up to the coast. The areas are predominantly rural with one main service centre namely the Ngqeleni Town. The Ngqeleni RWSS comprises of the following water schemes and infrastructure capacities: Table 7.9: Ngqeleni RWSS Summary Scheme Name Ngqeleni Town WSS Ngqeleni Rural WSS Source Dam Capacity (Million m³) Dam Yield (Mm³ per annum) Nzwakwazi Dam 0,103 Ngqeleni Weir 0,023 boreholes 0,038 Mtyu River Dam 0,831 WTP Name Ngqeleni WTP Capacity (Mm³ per annum) 0,197 0,197 Lutsheko WTP No data Mtakatye River Totals 0,995 0,197 The planned infrastructure capacity combined with the existing is compared with the projected 2035 demand. This comparison is provided within Table 7.10: Ngqeleni RWSS Gap Analysis overleaf. Page 47 Table 7.10: Ngqeleni RWSS Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Additional Requirements Desired 2035 Nzwakwazi Dam, Ngqeleni Weir & boreholes (Mm3/a) 0,164 0,164 3,16 2,996 Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) 0,540 0,540 8,7 8,16 Storage (Mℓ) 0,29 0,29 16,8 16,51 Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) 0,98 0,98 8,7 7,72 Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) 0,81 0,81 8,7 7,89 From the table above, it is noted that the existing infrastructure does not have adequate capacity to meet the 2035 demand. Of particular importance is the availability of raw water supplies, which are inadequate at present. ORTDM is undertaking feasibility studies into the supply of the Ngqeleni Water Scheme from the Mthatha Dam. This could be achieved through the extension of the Mthatha Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme with potable water supplied from the Rosedale WTP or from the Second Falls abstraction on the Mthatha River. 7.1.9 NYA004 WSIA: CIBENI-NTLAMBENI RWSS The Cibeni/Ntlambela Regional Water Supply Scheme currently supplies water to 8 wards within the Port St Johns Local Municipality and 6 wards within the Nyandeni Local Municipality. These two local municipalities fall under the jurisdiction of the OR Tambo District Municipality. According to the Project Technical Report dated August 2014 and prepared by IQhawe Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd, the proposed scheme would be extended to provide water to a total of fourteen wards, namely, wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 16 of the Port St Johns Local Municipality and wards 2, 6, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Nyandeni Local Municipality. The project area is located in the Wild Coast region of the Eastern Cape, and is situated approximately 26km north-east Libode, towards Port St Johns. Only a few of the villages within the scheme area have some form of access to water supply infrastructure. The existing schemes do not meet the basic level of service required of rural water supply schemes and most of the communal standpipes are located far from many of the households, and supply is erratic, with some villages only receiving water for three or four days in three months. The source of water for the schemes is low-yield boreholes and unreliable springs. Most of the schemes have, as a result collapsed with some boreholes having dried up. There is an existing Water Treatment Plant, the Mngazana Water Treatment Plant, that supplies four (4) villages in ward 6 of Nyandeni LM. The capacity of the Plant is unknown. There are also a few service reservoirs most of which are undersized and are located in positions where they cannot provide sufficient pressure throughout the system. ORTDM has planned upgrade works for the scheme which include the following infrastructure: Abstraction and Water Treatment Plant on the banks of Umzimvubu River; A 11Mℓ command reservoir; Page 48 A total of 610km of bulk pipelines ranging from 50mm to 500mm diameter ; A number of service reservoirs with a total combined capacity of 7,4Mℓ; and Reticulation pipelines and standpipes. The planned infrastructure capacity is compared with the projected 2035 demand. This comparison is provided in Table 7.11: Cibeni-Ntlambeni Regional Scheme Gap Analysis below. Table 7.11: Cibeni-Ntlambeni Regional Scheme Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Umzimvubu River Yield (Mm3/a) *2 987 *Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) No data *11,0 Storage (Mℓ) No data Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) Desired 2035 Additional Requirements 4,98 - *11,0 13,7 2,7 18,4 18,4 27,4 9,0 No data *11,0 11,0 13,7 2,7 No data *11,0 11,0 13,7 2,7 *The yield of the Umzimvubu River is quoted from the Nqeleni Water Scheme Reconciliation Strategy Report. The waterworks is assumed to be 11Mℓ/d based on the proposed size of the command reservoir. Based on the aforementioned, there appears to be a shortfall in water supply requirements for the projected 2035 demand when compared with the ORTDM planned infrastructure. 7.1.10 NQH001 WSIA: NGQUSHWA HILL RBWSS The Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS is made up of the following water schemes: Table 7.12: Ngquza Hill RWSS Summary Scheme Name Source Dam Capacity (Million m³) Dam Yield (Mm³ per annum) KwaNyathi RWSS Nxuzi Dam Lusikisiki RWSS Xura River Weir 0,929 boreholes 0,091 boreholes 0,0000106 Flagstaff RWSS Weir No data No data WTP Name No data Lusikisiki WTP Capacity (Mℓ/d) No data 2,76 0,00001166 Totals 1,0200223 2,7 The planned infrastructure capacity combined with the existing is compared with the projected 2035 demand. This comparison is provided in Table 7.13: Ngquza Hill RWSS Gap Analysis overleaf. Page 49 Table 7.13: Ngquza Hill RWSS Gap Analysis Criteria Nxuzi Dam, Xura River Weir & boreholes (Mm3/a) Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Additional Requirements Desired 2035 1,020 1,020 17,10 16,08 2,76 2,76 46,8 44,04 2,4 2,4 68,7 66,3 Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) 2,76 2,76 46,8 44,04 Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) 2,76 2,76 46,8 44,04 Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) Storage (Mℓ) The ORTDM is planning the implementation of the KwaNyathi RWSS that would mitigate against the shortfall in infrastructure capacities. The scheme includes the construction of a new dam on the Nxuzi River just before it confluences with the Umzintlava River close to Tabankulu Town. 7.1.11 NQH002 WSIA: MSIKABA BRWSS The area covered by the Msikaba RBWSS is sparsely populated with very little habitation on the north east and western sides. These are the areas around Mkhambathi, Port Grosvenor in the east and Cutwini Village towards the southern end falling under wards 22, 23, 24, 25 and 28 of the Ngquswa Hill Local Municipality. The communities in the area obtain water supplies from springs and boreholes that are not reliable. There is one scheme under ward 20, the Magwa Tea Estate Water Scheme that supplies water to the tea estate and approximately 5 000 people in the area. The source of water for the scheme is a small dam on the Mkozi River. There is no detailed information on the yield of the dam and the capacities of existing infrastructure. The projected 2035 demand for the scheme area is provided in Table 7.14: Msikaba RWSS Gap Analysis below. Table 7.14: Msikaba RWSS Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Desired 2035 Additional Requirements Mkozi River Dam, (Mm3/a) No data No data No data 3,4 3,4 Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 9,3 9,3 Storage (Mℓ) No data No data No data 14,2 14,2 Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 9,3 9,3 Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 9,3 9,3 On the basis of the table above, it may be concluded that the Msikaba RWSS requires further investigations. OR Tambo DM is planning to roll out the Msikaba Regional Scheme to address the gaps as identified above. The proposed source of water will be the Msikaba River. Page 50 7.1.12 PSJ001 WSIA: PORT ST JOHNS RBWSS The area served by this scheme is located to the west of the Umzimvubu River, to the south of the Mthatha - to Port St Johns Road (R61) and to the east of the watershed between the Mngazi and Mngazanana rivers. The capacities of the infrastructure constituting the Port St Johns Water Scheme are compared with the projected 2035 demand. This comparison is provided in Table 7.15: Port St Johns RBWSS Scheme Gap Analysis below. Table 7.15: Port St Johns RBWSS Scheme Gap Analysis Criteria Mngazi River (Mm3/a) Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Desired 2035 Additional Requirements No data No data No data 1,24 1,24 2,0 - 2,0 3,4 1,4 0,34 - No data 6,80 4,86 Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) 2,0 - 2,0 3,4 1,4 Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) 2,0 - 2,0 3,4 1,4 Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) Storage (Mℓ) The yield of the Mngazi River needs to be established through a detailed hydrological study of the river to determine the possibility of increasing the draw off from the river. 7.1.13 PSJ002 WSIA: PORT ST JOHNS TOWN SUPPLY The water scheme supplies the Town of Port St Johns and surrounding villages. Raw water is supplied from the Bulolo River where a dam and a weir are sources for the town. The raw water is pumped to a 4Mℓ/day Water Treatment Plant after which it gravitates to the Port St Johns Town. The capacities of the infrastructure constituting the Port St Johns Town Water Scheme are compared with the projected 2035 demand. This comparison is provided in Table 7.16: Port St Johns Town Scheme Gap Analysisbelow. Table 7.16: Port St Johns Town Scheme Gap Analysis Criteria Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Desired 2035 Additional Requirements Bulolo Dam Yield (Mm3/a) 0,360 - 0,360 0,64 0,28 Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) 4,0 - 4,0 1,8 - No data 1,9 - Storage (Mℓ) No data Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) 5,1 - 5,1 1,8 - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) 4,1 - 4,1 1,8 - OR Tambo DM is planning to develop additional off channel storage to increase the availability of raw water resources for the scheme. The bulk main into town leaks and requires remedial works, whilst the Bulolo Dams require riprap and other minor remedial works. The yield of the river is 3 0,360 million m per annum and does not meet the projected 2035 water requirements. A water transfer from the nearby Umzimvubu River to Bulolo Dam could be considered. Page 51 7.1.14 MHLO001 WSIA: UMZIMVUBU RWSS The area served by this scheme includes municipal wards in Mhlontlo, Umzimvubu and Elundini Municipalities under ORTDM, ANDM and Joe Gqabi DM respectively. The projected 2035 demand requirements are provided in Table 7.17: Umzimvubu RWSS Gap Analysis below. Table 7.17: Umzimvubu RWSS Gap Analysis Criteria Ntabelanga Dam Yield(Mm3 per annum) Existing Capacity Planned Additional Total Desired 2035 Additional Requirements - *60Mm3 *60Mm3 13,45 - Water Treatment (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 36,8 - Storage (Mℓ) No data No data No data 51,0 - Bulk conveyance Raw Water (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 36,8 - Bulk conveyance Clear Water (Mℓ/d) No data No data No data 36,8 - The Tsitsa River system would be utilised for a multi-purpose use due to the high water resources availability in the catchment. The consumptive uses could sustainably include potable water supply, irrigation and hydropower. *According to ORTDM planning, the proposed Ntabelanga Dam on the Tsitsa River could supply the projected 2050 potable and irrigation water requirement of 3 60,2 million m per annum at a 98% assurance of supply from a relatively small impoundment of 3 60,0 million m (0,15 MAR). 7.2 SCHEME RE-DEMARCATION As previously stated, the ORTDM has embarked on the development of substantial regional water supply development plans to address their water supply need. Some areas were still excluded but through this process, wall-to-wall supply areas were determined by the most sustainable water resource and the extent of these water supply intervention areas (WSIAs) were not limited in all instances to Local Municipal Boundaries. Dam developments were proposed in some areas with specific reference to the Ntabalenga Dam that would supply water beyond ORTDM’s area of jurisdiction. Existing scheme infrastructure would be augmented or upgraded where possible to accommodate the increased supply volumes. All the existing proposed interventions were consolidated into the proposed water supply intervention areas. The proposed intervention areas will also fall within the ORTDM’s current water services provision and operational arrangements. Page 52 8. BULK WATER SUPPLY INTERVENTIONS CONSIDERED – RECONCILIATION PROPOSED WALL-TO-WALL WATER SUPPLY INTERVENTION AREAS 8.1 This section details the water supply reconciliation options for bulk water services within the ORTDM – considering exiting use and future supplies and water sources, per scheme area. It must be noted that the water supply intervention areas (WSIAs) were demarcated based on all the existing planning initiatives that are currently underway within the ORTDM. However, the demand model that was proposed to be used within this project will be used to test the viability of these existing proposed infrastructure developments. KSD001 WSIA: MTHATHA REGIONAL BULK WATER SUPPLY 8.2 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION 8.2.1 Water Demand and Projections The KSD001 WSIA includes the development of the Mthatha town and surrounds by constructing a new system of bulk supply rising and gravity mains and reservoirs to transfer the increased volume of water from the Mthatha dam. The water would be pumped out of the upgraded Thornhill and Rosedale Water Treatment Plant. According to ORTDM planning records, the bulk supply scheme components were designed and sized to meet the projected water demand for the period up to 2035, a 20-year design horizon. The resultant projected 2035 demand is 93Mℓ/d 3 (33,94 million m per annum). Water Resource Consideration The Mthatha Dam will be used as a sole source of raw water supply to the treatment Plant. This dam 3 3 has a capacity of 253,7 million m and a yield of 145,5 million m per annum. The current Water Use 3 Licence (WUL) dated April 2011 allows OR Tambo DM to abstract 55 080 000m per annum (equivalent to 150Mℓ/d) for both Thornhill and Rosedale WTPs. This allocation covers the combined upgraded capacity of Thornhill WTP 80Mℓ/Day and Phase 2 of Rosedale WTP (50Mℓ/Day). The abstraction is adequate to meet the 2035 demand projections for the Mthatha RWSS. The allocations for the water use in the Mthatha Dam is summarised in the table below. Table 8.1: Allocation of Mthatha Dam Raw Water Yield Allocation For Provision Of Potable Water Year Mm3 per annum Allocation For Hydro Power Mm3 per annum Mℓ/day TOTAL Mm3 per annum Mℓ/day Current 55,08 151 90,42 248 145,5 2033 55,08 151 90,42 248 145,5 80,3 220 65,2 179 145,5 Ultimate Water Supply Infrastructure The water supply infrastructure proposed includes the following: Upgrade of the Rosedale WTP from 30Mℓ/d to 50Mℓ/d; Page 53 Additional storage of 36Mℓ; 21km of primary bulk pipelines; 7km of secondary bulk pipelines; and 159km of tertiary pipelines. Financial Implication The bulk cost requirement for KSD001 WSIA is tabled below. Table 8.2: KSD001 Cost Requirement Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) (Base year cost requirement 2015) Primary Bulk Secondary Bulk Tertiary Bulk Total TOTAL R 640 830 316 R 100 572 504 R 403 723 099 R 1 145 125 919 R 70 683 235 R 9 584 651 R 44 530 438 R 124 798 323 R 320 990 603 R 92 014 524 R 204 224 080 R 617 229 207 R 1 032 504 154 R 202 171 679 R 652 477 617 R 1 887 153 450 The scheme development cost per household is R 19 078. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION 8.2.2 Water Demand and Projections The KSD001 WSIA includes the development of the Mthatha town and surrounds by constructing a new system of bulk supply rising and gravity mains and reservoirs to transfer the increased volume of water from the Mthatha dam. The water would be pumped out of the upgraded Thornhill and Rosedale Water Treatment Plant. According to ORTDM planning records, the bulk supply scheme components were designed and sized to meet the projected water demand for the period up to 2033, a 20 year design horizon. The annual population growth factor used was 1,5%. The projected water demands have been based on the following assumptions: 6 persons per household; A typical AADD of 220ℓ/c/d for towns, 100ℓ/c/d for small town communities & 125ℓ/c/d for Libode town communities, 90ℓ/c/d for peri-urban communities and 60ℓ/c/d for rural communities; A Summer Peak Factor of 1.2 x Annual Average Daily Demand; All villages that are fed from rising mains are given 48hr AADD storage; Water losses of 10% of AADD and Raw Water Source. The projected demand as per ORTDM planning is tabled overleaf. Page 54 Table 8.3: Projected Demand as Per ORTDM Planning Summer Peak Demand (Mℓ/d) Rural/Urban 2011 2013 2023 2033 2038 Airport Corridor @ 125 AADD 6,1 7 7,6 Ngqeleni Main Corridor @ 100 AADD 0,2 0,2 0,3 Ngqeleni Corridor Surrounds @ 90 AADD 2,3 2,7 2,9 Rural Ngqeleni Corridor @ 60 AADD 4,1 4,8 5,2 0 0 0 Nqadu Corridor Surrounds @ 90 AADD 0,9 1,1 1,2 Rural Nqadu Corridor @ 60 AADD 1,7 2 2,1 Libode Main Corridor @ 125 AADD 0,9 1 1,1 Libode Corridor Surrounds @ 90 AADD 5,4 6,2 6,7 Rural Libode Corridor @ 60 AADD 3,3 3,8 4,1 Mthatha BNG central 16 19 20 Nqadu Main Corridor @ 100 AADD Mthatha Existing Mthatha Peri Urban 31 32 37 43 46 13,5 14 16,2 18,8 20,2 6,5 6,7 7,7 9 10 6 6,2 7,2 8,3 9 1,3 1,6 1,9 110,3 128,5 138,3 Mthatha Informal Settlement Commercial / Institutional Strategic Links (airport, hosp, military) Total (Summer Peak Mℓ/d) 57 58,9 75% of rural population served by 2033 Water Resource Consideration The Mthatha Dam will be used as a sole source of raw water supply to the treatment Plant. This dam 3 3 has a capacity of 253,7 million m and a yield of 145,5 million m per annum. The current Water Use 3 Licence (WUL) dated April 2011 allows OR Tambo DM to abstract 55 080 000m per annum (equivalent to 150Mℓ/d) for both Thornhill and Rosedale. This allocation covers the combined upgraded capacity of Thornhill WTP 80Mℓ/d and Phase 2 of Rosedale WTP (50Mℓ/d). While the current Water Use Licence covers the Rosedale Phase 2 requirements, it will need adjustment in the long term for subsequent phases. Table 8.4: Allocation of Mthatha Dam Raw Water Yield Allocation For Provision Of Potable Water Year M m3 per annum Allocation For Hydro Power M m3 per annum Mℓ/d TOTAL M m3 per annum Mℓ/d Current 55,08 151 90,42 248 145,5 2033 55,08 151 90,42 248 145,5 80,3 220 65,2 179 145,5 Ultimate Page 55 Water Supply Infrastructure Thornhill Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Thornhill WTP has a number of regional reservoirs near its supply area. The current water supply from the Thornhill Water Treatment Plant is delivered in two directions, Fortgale to other regional reservoirs, and Ncambedlana (Northcrest) to other regional reservoirs. The raw water conveyance from the Mthatha Dam into Thornhill Water Treatment Plant is currently being upgraded to 120Mℓ/day. The new arrangement for the conveyance of water to the Thornhill WTP comprises: Refurbishing the emergency booster pump station; and Two new 800mm steel pipes in parallel for approximately 2/3 of the distance to the waterworks. These pipes are laid parallel to the existing 800mm diameter and 600mm diameter pipelines (to replace the two old pipelines which are to be decommissioned). A new 1 200mm steel pipe will be joined to the above two 800mm pipes for the remainder of the distance to the waterworks; Upgrade of the Thornhill Water Treatment Plant from 60Mℓ/d to 80Mℓ/d is the first phase, which is currently under construction and the second phase is an upgrade by 40Mℓ/d to 120Mℓ/d; Rehabilitation and upgrade of the existing raw water pipeline through the construction of a new DN1200 raw water steel pipe; Refurbishment of the existing DN800 steel pipe and the existing raw water pump station; and Construction of new 2No x DN800 raw water steel pipes. Rosedale Water Treatment Plant The Rosedale Water Treatment Plant would be designed for an ultimate treated water delivery capacity of 100Mℓ/d but constructed in 4 x 25Mℓ/d phases. The proposed infrastructure components are as follows: A new raw water pump station building, associated pumping and electrical control equipment next to the existing Thornhill WTP raw water pump station; A 2,2km 600mm diameter steel raw water rising main from the abovementioned pump station to the Rosedale WTP; Phase 1 of the proposed Rosedale WTP (50Mℓ/d) and all associated raw and clear water balancing reservoirs; A clear water pump station to the Rosedale Command Reservoir and Soyini Reservoir; A 1,7km 600mm diameter steel clear water Rising Main from the clear water pump station at the Rosedale WTP to the Rosedale Command Reservoir; A new dedicated 11kV overhead powerline from the Thornhill Substation to the Rosedale WTP via the current and future raw water pump stations. It would be sized for the ultimate power requirements; namely: o Thornhill & Rosedale raw water pump stations supplied directly from Mthatha Dam: 1MVA Page 56 Future Rosedale (Phases 2 to 4) raw water pump station drawing from the dam spillway o channel: 4MVA Rosedale WTP (ultimate 100Mℓ/d) and clear water pump stations: 6MVA o The WTP will ultimately supply all the existing Greater Mthatha areas to the North of the Mthatha River and also the Libode, Nqadu and Ngqeleni Corridors. Nqadu Corridor The Nqadu Corridor’s water would be supplied from the proposed 50Mℓ/d Rosedale waterworks and would require the construction of the following infrastructure components Two(2) new 300mm diameter pipelines from Rosedale reservoir to Soyini and to Gungululu and a 200mm diameter pipe to Nqadu; and A 2Mℓ reservoir at Soyini, a Nqadu Corridor 1Mℓ reservoir at Gungululu and a 3Mℓ reservoir at Nqadu. The pipes of the Nqadu Corridor range from 63mm HDPe pipes to 160 diameter mPVC pipes with a total length of approximately 20 750m. A total of four (4) reservoirs is proposed, 2 x 500kℓ , 1 x 250kℓ and 1 x 200kℓ reservoir. Airport Corridor The 400mm GRP bulk supply gravity main from Signal Hill to Fairfield Reservoir provides the ‘backbone’ for the Airport Corridor. It has been designed for a Year 2033 flow of 10Mℓ/d. The bulk pipelines proposed for the area are as follows: 3,8km of 900mm diameter rising main from Thornhill Water Treatment Plant to Signal Hill Reservoir; 2,4km of 250mm and 2,0km of 200mm diameter gravity mains from Maydene Reservoir to BNG Area 5; 4,3km of 400mm diameter gravity main from Signal Hill Reservoir to an offtake to BNG Area 1; 5,8km of 400mm diameter gravity main from BNG Area 1 to Fairfield Reservoir; 1,9km of 400mm diameter then 3,7km of 300mm diameter gravity main from Fairfield Reservoir to Kaplan village; 2,4km and 1,9km of 250mm diameter offtakes from Kaplan gravity main to Sheshegu village and Link Reservoir; 1,3km of 300mm diameter connection to KD Matanzima Airport off the Signal Hill to Fairfield main; 2,0km of 200mm diameter connection to 14SAI Military Base off the Signal Hill to Fairfield main; 3,9km of 300mm diameter gravity main from Signal Hill to a future reservoir in BNG Area 6; 3,0km of 300mm diameter gravity main from Zamukulungisa reservoir to BNG Area 7; 1,0km of 200mm diameter gravity main from Vulindlela Heights to BNG Area 8; 1,4km of 200mm diameter gravity main from Zimbane Reservoir to BNG Area 8; and Page 57 3,0km of 300mm diameter gravity main from Zamukulungisa reservoir to BNG Area 7. Libode Corridor The Libode towns and surrounding villages would receive their water from the proposed upgraded Rosedale WTP and depend on the completion of the following proposed main bulk infrastructure components: Constructing a new 50Mℓ/d waterworks (Rosedale); Construction of a 400mm diameter line to Lalini; Construction of a 1Mℓ exchange reservoir and pump station at Lalini; Construction of a 400mm diameter rising mains to 10Mℓ Misty Mount Reservoir; Construction of 300mm GRP gravity mains to 10Mℓ Megacon reservoir and 300mm GRP to 1Mℓ Mandlovini reservoir; and Construction of 200mm GRP gravity main to 1Mℓ Enjiveni reservoir; and Construction of Misty Mount, Megacon, Mandlovini and Enjiveni reservoirs. The proposed rising mains and proposed gravity mains would be sized as follows: 13,8km of 300mm diameter 14km of 250mm diameter 11km of 200mm diameter The storage is sized for a 48hr AADD (Pumped storage requirements). The reservoir specifications are as follows: 1 x 3Mℓ, 4 x 1Mℓ, 3 x 500kℓ, 2 x 200kℓ and 1 x100kℓ Financial Implication The bulk cost requirement for KSD001 WSIA is tabled below. Table 8.5: KSD001 Cost Requirement Item (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Total (Construction) (Fees, Geotech, (Inc Contingenicies, EIA, Disb Etc) Escalation, VAT) Thornhill WTP & Raw Water Pipeline R 192 524 112.00 R 30 803 858.00 R 223 327 970.00 Rosedale WTP & Abstraction & Raw Pipeline R 387 023 616.00 R 61 923 779.00 R 448 947 395.00 Thornhill Pumpstation, Signal Hill Pipeline & Reservoir R 164 873 209.00 R 26 379 713.00 R 191 252 922.00 Primary Bulk R 744 420 937.00 R 119 107 350.00 R 863 528 287.00 R 97 454 564.00 R 15 592 730.00 R 113 047 294.00 Airport Corridor & Assoc Outer Bngs R 237 872 390.00 R 38 059 582.00 R 275 931 973.00 Libode Corridor R 278 250 516.00 R 44 520 083.00 R 322 770 599.00 Nqadu Corridor R 77 281 056.00 R 12 364 969.00 R 89 646 025.00 Mthatha Central Bngs & Pipe Refurbishment Page 58 Item (Base year cost requirement 2015) Secondary Bulk Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Total (Construction) (Fees, Geotech, (Inc Contingenicies, EIA, Disb Etc) Escalation, VAT) R 690 858 526.00 R 110 537 364.00 Total R 801 395 891.00 R 1 664 924 178.00 The scheme development cost per household is R 16 832. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. 8.3 KSD002 WSIA: MTHATHA REGIONAL BOREHOLE DEVELOPMENT DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION 8.3.1 Water Demand The KSD002 WSIA project will investigate the groundwater potential within five (5) wards to the west of King Sabata Dalindyebo, i.e. Wards 17,18,21, 22, and 27. This project is currently still in a planning phase. The estimated 2035 demand projections for the project footprint are 0,35Mm³ per annum (0.95Mℓ/d). Water Resource Consideration The sparse population nature of the villages in the area makes ground water supply the most ideal source of water for the community. The ORTDM is planning a borehole development project for the area. Water Supply Infrastructure The envisaged infrastructure for the project includes inter alia the following: Boreholes equipped with motorised borehole pumps; Localised command reservoirs; Bulk and reticulation pipelines; and Water to be accessed from standpipes. Financial Requirements The cost estimate for the Mthatha Borehole Development Scheme is R 5 000 000. This estimate is for the undertaking of detailed investigations of ground water resources in the water scheme footprint. Currently, the water must be sourced from newly drilled boreholes from where up to approximately 10km bulk pipelines need to be constructed. The cost per HH is R 2 976. 8.3.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The KSD002 WSIA project will investigate the groundwater potential within five (5) wards to the west of King Sabata Dalindyebo, i.e. Wards 17,18,21, 22, and 27. This project is currently still in a planning phase. The estimated 2035 demand projections for the project footprint are 0,35Mm³ per annum (0.95Mℓ/d). Page 59 Water Resource Consideration The sparse population nature of the villages in the area makes ground water supply the most ideal source of water for the community. The ORTDM is planning a borehole development project for the area. Water Supply Infrastructure The envisaged infrastructure for the project includes inter alia the following: Boreholes equipped with motorised borehole pumps; Localised command reservoirs; Bulk and reticulation pipelines; and Water to be accessed from standpipes. Financial Requirements The cost estimate for the Mthatha Borehole Development Scheme is R 1 000 000. This estimate is for the undertaking of detailed investigations of ground water resources in the water scheme footprint. The scheme development cost per household is R 595. Currently, the water must be sourced from newly drilled boreholes from where up to approximately 10km bulk pipelines need to be constructed. 8.4 8.4.1 KSD003 WSIA: MQUANDULI CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand The demand of this area was based on the location of the village from the main collector roads. Household demand is assumed to be a minimum of 100ℓ/c/d in the rural and peri-urban and 170ℓ/c/d in the existing town areas. The villages covered under this project have a potential of being periurban in the years to come. A summer peak factor of 1,2 and distribution losses of 10% have been included for sizing of the infrastructure. Water Resource Consideration The Mquanduli Corridor would ultimately receive potable water from the Mthatha RWSS. Potable water supplies will be delivered to Zamukulungisa reservoir where it is envisaged that 27Mℓ/d will be pumped to the 20Mℓ Viedgesville reservoir. The Viedgesville reservoir will feed the Mqanduli corridor as well as 5Mℓ/day to the 10Mℓ Qweqwe reservoir. The remaining 22Mℓ is the daily supply that shall be used to feed the Mqanduli Corridor. Water Supply Infrastructure The Mqanduli Corridor depends on the completion of the following main bulk Infrastructure projects some of which are currently under construction and estimated to be completed by the end of 2016: Phase 2 upgrade of the Thornhill WTP by 40Mℓ/d from 80Mℓ/d to an ultimate capacity of 120Mℓ/d; Additional storage of 17Mℓ; 39km of primary bulk pipelines; Page 60 339km of secondary bulk pipelines; and 2,5km of tertiary pipelines. Financial Requirements The bulk cost requirement for KSD003 WSIA is tabled below. Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Est Cost (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) (Base year cost requirement 2015) Primary Bulk Secondary Bulk Tertiary Bulk Total TOTAL R 330 427 676 R 37 678 950 R 208 169 436 R 576 276 061 R 35 398 164 R 69 369 964 R 22 300 844 R 127 068 972 R 4 488 537 R 896 279 R 4 827 778 R 10 212 595 R 370 314 378 R 107 945 193 R 235 298 058 R 713 557 628 The scheme development cost per household is R 46 665. EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION 8.4.2 Water Demand The demand of this area was based on the location of the village from the main collector roads. Household demand is assumed to 100ℓ/c/d in peri-urban and 125ℓ/c/d in the existing town areas. The villages covered under this project have a potential of being peri-urban in the years to come. A summer peak factor of 1,2 and distribution losses of 10% have been included for sizing of the infrastructure. Water Resource Consideration The Mqanduli Corridor would ultimately receive potable water from the Zamukulungisa reservoir where it is envisages that 27Mℓ/d will be pumped to the 20Mℓ Viedgesville reservoir. The Viedgesville reservoir will feed the Mqanduli corridor as well as 5Mℓ/day to the 10Mℓ Qweqwe reservoir. The remaining 22Mℓ is the daily supply that shall be used to feed the Mqanduli Corridor. Water Supply Infrastructure The Mqanduli Corridor depends on the completion of the following Main Bulk Infrastructure projects that is currently under construction and estimated to be completed by the end of 2016: Phase 2 upgrade of the Thornhill WTP (40Mℓ/d); 600mm diameter Pipeline to, and additional storage at, Zamukulungisa as the first stage of the Mqanduli Corridor infrastructure; Construction of 600mm diameter steel pipe from Zamukulungisa to Viedgesville reservoir; Construction of 500mm diameter steel pipe to Mqanduli and the rest of the GRP pipes in the area; The 20Mℓ/d Viedgesville reservoir; and The 10Mℓ/d Mqanduli reservoir. Page 61 The secondary bulk would tee off from the main bulk 500mm diameter steel pipe and would range from 50mm HDPe pipes to 400mm diameter GRP pipes with a total length of approximately 117 655m. The proposed storage reservoirs sized for a 48hr AADD are as follows: Table 8.6 Reservoirs proposed for the Mquanduli Corridor Reservoir size No of Reservoirs 6Mℓ 1 3Mℓ 1 2Mℓ 2 1.5Mℓ 6 1Mℓ 4 500kℓ 11 250kℓ 1 200kℓ 6 150kℓ 5 100kℓ 7 50kℓ 2 Financial Requirements The bulk cost requirement for KSD003 WSIA is tabled below. Primary Bulk Zamukulungisa Gravity Main R 39 978 714 Mqanduli CRS Gravity main R 107 729 361 Viedgesville Reservoir R 38 713 397 Refurbishment at Mqanduli WTP R 14 292 422 Secondary and Tertiary Bulk R 4 684 733 Viedgesville rising main R 51 302 636 Signal Hill Rising Main R 45 660 899 Zamukulungisa Pumpstation R 2 735 788 Kwamkhulu Pumpstarion R 256 448 Kwamkhulu gravity main R 29 433 993 KuGxwalibomvu village gravity main R 5 744 436 Kwamkhulu rising main R 3 245 606 Mqanduli CRS gravity main R 1 738 718 Mqanduli CRS Reservoir R 24 619 013 Kwamkhulu Reservoir R 2 082 358 Mahlathini Reservoir R 8 349 948 KuGxwalibomvu Reservoir R 3 262 019 Total A: R 200 713 894 R 183 116 595 Add Contingencies (10%) R 20 071 389 R 18 311 660 Add CPA (8%) R 17 662 823 R 16 114 260 R 238 448 106 R 217 542 515 R 35 526 359 R 32 411 637 Sub Total 1 Add Fees Page 62 Primary Bulk Sub Total 2 R 273 974 465 R 249 954 152 R 38 356 425 R 34 993 581 R 312 330 890 R 284 947 733 Add VAT (14%) Grand Total Secondary and Tertiary Bulk R 597 278 623 The scheme development cost per household is R 35 704. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. 8.5 KSD004 WSIA: LUKWETHU WATER SUPPLY DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION 8.5.1 Water Demand The current and future water demand was calculated based on the population figures using a daily 3 consumption of 100ℓ/c/dfor the future demand (2035). The total of 14 550m /day (14.55Mℓ/d) has been estimated for 2035. Water Resource Consideration A 20Mℓ storage tank would store treated water from the Mthatha Dam and would be located around Viedgesville Area. The construction of the proposed storage is planned and it will serve as a supply (command) reservoir to the project area. Water Supply Infrastructure The following infrastructure is proposed for the Lukwethu Water Scheme: Additional storage of 9Mℓ; 53km of primary bulk pipelines; 196km of secondary bulk pipelines; and 73km of tertiary pipelines. Approximately 320km of pipelines of steel, uPVC and HDPE will be constructed under the project. Financial Requirement The bulk cost requirement for KSD004 WSIA is tabled below. (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL Primary Bulk R 178 244 620 R 44 297 881 R 114 294 111 R 336 836 611 Secondary Bulk R 483 922 104 R 128 176 967 R 304 870 925 R 916 969 996 Tertiary Bulk R 147 373 044 R 42 319 349 R 92 845 018 R 282 537 411 Total R 809 539 768 R 214 794 196 R 512 010 054 R 1 536 344 018 Page 63 The scheme development cost per household is R 78 545. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least approximately 8 years to complete. 8.5.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The current and future water demand was calculated based on the population figures using a daily consumption of 60ℓ/c/d for the future demand (2041). The summer demand was calculated at 20% 3 and water losses at 10%. A total of 653,11m /day (0,65Mℓ) has been estimated. Water Resource Consideration A 20Mℓ storage tank would store treated water from the Mthatha Dam and would be located around Viedgesville Area. The construction of the proposed storage is planned and it will serve as a supply (command) reservoir to the project area. Water Supply Infrastructure Approximately 720km of bulk pipelines (modified PVC) and steel pipes will be constructed. HDPE pipes were recommended for use in reticulation pipes Financial Requirement The bulk cost requirement for KSD004 WSIA is tabled below. ITEMS Preliminary & General Balancing (service) Tanks Command Reservoir Bulk Main Primary Bulk Secondary and Tertiary Bulk R 57 329 661 R 5 400 000 R 600 000 R 1 200 000 Secondary Mains R 188 026 857 Reticulation Mains R 316 858 740 Pump Station R 950 000 Eskom Connection R 3 000 000 Fittings and other Sub Total A Contigencies (10%) Sub Total B R 59 411 014 R 64 529 661 R 568 246 611 R 6 452 966 R 56 824 661 R 70 982 627 R 625 071 272 Professional Fees R 97 116 446 EIA R 2 913 493 Survey R 4 855 822 Geohydrological Investigation SUB TOTAL C 14% VAT GRAND TOTAL R 70 982 627 R 729 957 033 R 9 937 568 R 102 193 985 R 80 920 195 R 832 151 018 R 913 071 213 Page 64 The scheme development cost per household is R 46 685. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least three years to complete. KSD005 WSIA: COFFEE BAY RWSS 8.6 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION 8.6.1 Water Demand According to the Coffee Bay Water Scheme Design Report dated 20 January 2015, the original design brief was based on water usage of 60 ℓ/c/d for bulk infrastructure and 25 ℓ/c/d for reticulation. However, this was revised to 125ℓ/c/d for bulk infrastructure and 60ℓ/c/d for reticulation. For this UAP Phase 2, the total demand for the water scheme has been estimated based on a minimum of 3 100ℓ/c/d resulting in an estimated demand of 5,8Mℓ/d (2,12million m per annum). Water Resource Consideration The current water source is the Mthatha River Abstraction Plant and Coffee Bay Water Treatment Plant. There is sufficient water available for abstraction. This was captured in the approved water abstraction permit for 2 700kℓ/d. The Coffee Bay Water Treatment Plant may require upgrading to meet the future demands of the Coffee Bay and Hole-in-the-Wall Development Nodes. A new wateruse licence would also be required. The Coffee Bay WTP was upgraded from 900kℓ/day of potable water to 2 700kℓ/d with the plant operating 24hrs/d. After losses from de-sludging and backwashing the current output from the Plant is ± 2 550kℓ/day. This capacity will not meet the demand up to the year 2035. Water Supply Infrastructure Potable water is pumped from the existing Coffee Bay Water Treatment Plant to the existing Xonyeni Reservoir. Water would then be pumped to three 2Mℓ Command Reservoirs from where water would then be distributed by means of Bulk Gravity Pipelines and Bulk Reservoirs. The following infrastructure is proposed for the Coffee Bay Water Scheme: 14Mℓ of storage reservoirs 56km of secondary bulk pipelines Financial Requirement The cost estimate for infrastructure is tabled below. (Base year cost requirement 2015) Primary Bulk Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Est Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL R 69 498 000 R 6 324 318 R 43 783 740 R 119 606 058 Secondary Bulk R 156 455 791 R 37 657 831 R 100 567 148 R 294 680 770 Total R 225 953 791 R 43 982 149 R 144 350 888 R 414 286 828 The scheme development cost per household is R 62 196. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Page 65 8.6.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The original design brief was based on water usage of 60ℓ/c/d for bulk infrastructure and 25ℓ/c/d for reticulation. However, this was revised to 125ℓ/c/d for bulk infrastructure and 60ℓ/c/d for reticulation. Water Resource Consideration The current water source is the Mthatha River Abstraction Plant and Coffee Bay Water Treatment Plant. There is sufficient water available for abstraction. This was captured in the approved water abstraction permit for 2 700kℓ/d. The Coffee Bay Water Treatment Plant may require upgrading to meet the future demands of the Coffee Bay and Hole-in-the-Wall Development Nodes. A new wateruse licence would also be required. The Coffee Bay WTP was upgraded from 900kℓ/day of potable water to 2 700kℓ/d with the plant operating 24hrs/d. After losses from de-sludging and backwashing the current output from the Plant is ± 2 550kℓ/day. This increased capacity would meet the demand up to the year 2026 at 25ℓ/c/d Water Supply Infrastructure Potable water is pumped from the existing Coffee Bay Water Treatment Plant to the existing Xonyeni Reservoir. Water would then be pumped to three 2Mℓ Command Reservoirs from where water would then be distributed by means of Bulk Gravity Pipelines and Bulk Reservoirs. The total length of rising mains to be installed as part of this project is approximately 11,52km, consisting of varying pipeline diameters and classes suitably designed for operating and surge pressures. The total lengths of bulk gravity pipelines to be installed is approximately 27,38km, consisting of varying pipe diameters and classes ranging from 90mm diameters to 250mm diameters. Bulk Gravity Mains will be fitted with Flow/Level control valves to control both inflow rates and levels of Reservoirs. Village reticulation is supplied from both the Bulk Reservoirs and Command reservoirs, suitably positioned at elevations enabling gravity supply. The reticulation networks consist of varying pipe diameters and classes ranging from 50mm HDPE to 315mm uPVC with a total length of approximately 258,35km. Financial Requirement The final cost requirement is tabled below. Description Amount Preliminary and General R 31,127,768 Bulk Rising Mains R 17,378,916 Bulk Gravity Mains R 25,762,737 Bulk Reservoirs R 27,499,624 Village Reticulations R 78,154,923 Booster Pump Stations R 1,327,032 Sub Total R 181,251,000 Contingencies R 12,602,323 Page 66 Description Amount CPA R 41,550,120 Sub Total R 235,403,443 Add 14% Value-Added Tax (Vat) R 32,956,482 Total Construction Cost R 268,359,925 The scheme development cost per household is R 40 282. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. 8.7 MHLO001 WSIA: UMZIMVUBU DAM DEVELOPMENT DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION 8.7.1 Water Demand The design criteria used for the development of the scheme were: Domestic water requirement – rural: 60 litres per capita per day (ℓ/c/d) Domestic water requirement – urban: 125ℓ/c/d Allowance for transmission losses: 10% Allowance for Water Treatment Plant losses: 5% Summer peak factor for bulk water supply: 1,2 x Annual Average Daily Demand (AADD) Bulk water transfer pipelines peak factor: 1,2 (20 hours pumping per day) Population growth rate 1% per annum. Based on the above design criteria and the fact that the project will extend across three DMs, the 3 3 proposed water demand for the total area is 63 000 Mm per annum in 2020 and 85 000 Mm per annum in 2050. The total average daily water requirement for domestic purposes in the year 2050 is 3 expected to be 32,4 million m per annum. Water Resource Consideration The Tsitsa River system would be utilised for a multi-purpose use due to the high water resources availability in the catchment. The consumptive uses could sustainably include, inter alia: Potable water supply; Irrigation; and Hydropower. Two dam sites are planned and are as follows: The Ntabelanga Dam that could supply the projected 2050 potable and irrigation water 3 requirement of 60,2 million m per annum at a 98% assurance of supply from a relatively small 3 impoundment of 60,0 million m (0,15 MAR); Page 67 The Lalini Dam that would provide additional balancing storage volume and consistent downstream flow releases to generate significant hydropower for supply into the national grid. Water Supply Infrastructure The proposed Ntabelanga Dam has the following characteristics: Full Supply Level (FSL): 947.3 m.a.s.l. Non-Overspill Crest Level – right flank (NOCL): 953.9 m.a.s.l. Minimum bed level in river at dam: 886.7 m.a.s.l. Crest width: 6m Minimum operating level (MOL): 918.00 m.a.s.l. Emergency drawdown minimum outlet level: 907.00 m.a.s.l. Maximum dam wall height to NOC: 66.1m Wall crest length (incl. spillway): 407m Spillway crest length: 150m Gross stored volume at FSL: 490 million m³ Mean Annual Runoff at dam: 415 million m³ Storage below MOL (V50 sedimentation): 37 million m³ Surface area of lake behind dam: 31,5km Backwater reach upstream of dam: 15,5km 2 A Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with capacity to supply the above water requirement would be constructed close to the Ntabelanga Dam, and would be supplied with raw water by a gravity pipeline fed from multiple draw-offs at the dam outlet works. Treated water will be transferred from the clear water pumping stations PS1 and PS3 at the Water Treatment Plant to four primary command reservoirs. Treated water will then be delivered to the projected 726 616 consumers predominantly by gravity via the secondary bulk conveyance pipelines and command reservoirs that feed the tertiary lines to villages and urban centres such as Tsolo and Mount Frere. The bulk infrastructure required for the scheme is split operationally into four supply zones and again into primary, secondary and tertiary infrastructure. The primary infrastructure consists of the Water Treatment Plant (supplied with raw water from the Ntabelanga Dam), potable water pumping stations from the treatment Plant to transfer water to primary command reservoirs, and the bulk water pipelines delivering from this primary storage to the downstream bulk water infrastructure. From the Water Treatment Plant (WTP), treated water would be pumped from pumping station 1 (PS1) via a rising main going north to primary command reservoir 1 which would then gravity feed the bulk water distribution system. A pumping station (PS2) would lift water from primary command reservoir 1 to primary command reservoir 2 which is located at a higher elevation. From this reservoir, water would be gravity fed to the bulk water supply system in the higher elevations of the Tsitsa valley watershed, as well as supplying some of the neighbouring DM settlements over the watershed and reaching to the southern outskirts of the town of Mount Frere. This is designated as supply Zone 2. Similarly on the southern side of the river, potable water would be pumped from pumping station PS3 at the WTP to primary command reservoir 3 from where gravity fed bulk mains would transfer water to the settlements in Zone 3. Page 68 A pumping station (PS4) at primary command reservoir 3 would pump water in a westerly direction to the higher lying primary command reservoir 4, which would also deliver water by gravity in the direction of Maclear, and to settlements in the Tsitsa River valley adjacent to the flooded area of impoundment once the dam is constructed. Secondary infrastructure links these primary command reservoirs to the secondary command storage reservoirs, which then, via the tertiary lines, feed the village reservoirs located at the settlements. The design approach is to assume the need to construct a new village reservoir at each settlement, but some of the secondary command reservoirs are existing, albeit that some of these storage facilities would need to be expanded to meet minimum storage requirements. The secondary bulk water distribution system consists of the main bulk pipelines fed by gravity from the above primary command reservoirs 1, 2, 3 and 4. The secondary systems transfer water in bulk to secondary command reservoirs, which form the second level of strategic storage. In keeping with the planning being undertaken by the DMs, these secondary system command storage sites generally coincide with sites of existing reservoirs that are located at strategic high points, Financial Requirement The total cost for the dam development is estimated at R4,98 billlion. The scheme development cost per household is R18 031. Due to the size of the project, DWS has indicated that the estimated completion date is 2022. Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) (Base year cost requirement 2015) Primary Bulk Secondary Bulk Tertiary Bulk Total TOTAL R 2 603 641 038 R 239 434 529 R 1 640 293 854 R 4 483 369 421 R 64 372 991 R 5 825 756 R 40 554 984 R 110 753 731 R 210 063 545 R 41 840 844 R 134 340 033 R 386 244 422 R 2 878 077 573 R 287 101 129 R 1 815 188 871 R 4 980 367 573 The scheme development cost per household is R 72 756. EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION 8.7.2 Water Demand The design criteria used for the development of the scheme were: Domestic water requirement – rural: 60 litres per capita per day (ℓ/c/d) Domestic water requirement – urban: 125ℓ/c/d Allowance for transmission losses: 10% Allowance for Water Treatment Plant losses: 5% Summer peak factor for bulk water supply: 1,2 x Annual Average Daily Demand (AADD) Bulk water transfer pipelines peak factor: 1,2 (20 hours pumping per day) Population growth rate 1% per annum. Page 69 Based on the above design criteria and the fact that the project will extend across three DMs, the 3 3 proposed water demand for the total area is 63 000Mm per annum in 2020 and 85 000Mm per annum in 2050. The total average daily water requirement for domestic purposes in the year 2050 is 3 expected to be 32.4 million m per annum. Water Resource Consideration The Tsitsa River system would be utilised for a multi-purpose use due to the high water resources availability in the catchment. The consumptive uses could sustainably include, inter alia: Potable water supply; Irrigation; and Hydropower. Two dam sites are planned and are as follows: The Ntabelanga Dam that could supply the projected 2050 potable and irrigation water 3 requirement of 60,2 million m per annum at a 98% assurance of supply from a relatively small 3 impoundment of 60,0 million m (0.15 MAR); The Lalini Dam that would provide additional balancing storage volume and consistent downstream flow releases to generate significant hydropower for supply into the national grid. Water Supply Infrastructure The proposed Ntabelanga Dam has the following characteristics: Full Supply Level (FSL): 947.3 m.a.s.l. Non-Overspill Crest Level – right flank (NOCL): 953.9 m.a.s.l. Minimum bed level in river at dam: 886.7 m.a.s.l. Crest width: 6m Minimum operating level (MOL): 918.00 m.a.s.l. Emergency drawdown minimum outlet level: 907.00 m.a.s.l. Maximum dam wall height to NOC: 66.1m Wall crest length (incl. spillway): 407m Spillway crest length: 150m Gross stored volume at FSL: 490 million m³ Mean Annual Runoff at dam: 415 million m³ Storage below MOL (V50 sedimentation): 37 million m³ Surface area of lake behind dam: 31,5km² Backwater reach upstream of dam: 15,5km A Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with capacity to supply the above water requirement would be constructed close to the Ntabelanga Dam, and would be supplied with raw water by a gravity pipeline fed from multiple draw-offs at the dam outlet works. Treated water will be transferred from the clear water pumping stations PS1 and PS3 at the Water Treatment Plant to four primary command reservoirs. Treated water will then be delivered to the projected 726 616 consumers Page 70 predominantly by gravity via the secondary bulk conveyance pipelines and command reservoirsthat feed the tertiary lines to villages and urban centres such as Tsolo and Mount Frere. The bulk infrastructure required for the scheme is split operationally into four supply zones and again into primary, secondary and tertiary infrastructure. The primary infrastructure consists of the Water Treatment Plant (supplied with raw water from the Ntabelanga Dam), potable water pumping stations from the treatment Plant to transfer water to primary command reservoirs, and the bulk water pipelines delivering from this primary storage to the downstream bulk water infrastructure. From the Water Treatment Plant (WTP), treated water would be pumped from pumping station 1 (PS1) via a rising main going north to primary command reservoir 1 which would then gravity feed the bulk water distribution system. A pumping station (PS2) would lift water from primary command reservoir 1 to primary command reservoir 2 which is located at a higher elevation. From this reservoir, water would be gravity fed to the bulk water supply system in the higher elevations of the Tsitsa valley watershed, as well as supplying some of the neighbouring DM settlements over the watershed and reaching to the southern outskirts of the town of Mount Frere. This is designated as supply Zone 2. Similarly on the southern side of the river, potable water would be pumped from pumping station PS3 at the WTP to primary command reservoir 3 from where gravity fed bulk mains would transfer water to the settlements in Zone 3. A pumping station (PS4) at primary command reservoir 3 would pump water in a westerly direction to the higher lying primary command reservoir 4, which would also deliver water by gravity in the direction of Maclear, and to settlements in the Tsitsa River valley adjacent to the flooded area of impoundment once the dam is constructed. Secondary infrastructure links these primary command reservoirs to the secondary command storage reservoirs, which then, via the tertiary lines, feed the village reservoirs located at the settlements. The design approach is to assume the need to construct a new village reservoir at each settlement, but some of the secondary command reservoirs are existing, albeit that some of these storage facilities would need to be expanded to meet minimum storage requirements. The secondary bulk water distribution system consists of the main bulk pipelines fed by gravity from the above primary command reservoirs 1, 2, 3 and 4. The secondary systems transfer water in bulk to secondary command reservoirs, which form the second level of strategic storage. In keeping with the planning being undertaken by the DMs, these secondary system command storage sites generally coincide with sites of existing reservoirs that are located at strategic high points, Pipelines range in size from 50mm diameter to 900mm diameter. The materials chosen for pipelines are High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) for the smallest pipelines, Polyvinylchloride (PVC) for the range from 75mm to 355mm, and steel pipelines for all high pressure, above ground, pumping applications, and for sizes greater than 355mm. 3 3 The proposed reservoirs range in capacity from 10m to 750m in the respective secondary and 3 tertiary systems with the command reservoirs in the primary system being in the order of 2 500m to 3 33 000m . The proposed reservoir construction materials range from pressed steel tanks for capacities less than 500m³, modular pre-fabricated systems for the medium sized reservoirs, and 3 conventional reinforced concrete reservoirs for the capacities greater than 2 000m . Page 71 Financial Requirement The total cost for the dam development is estimated at R 12,3 billlion. The scheme development cost per household is R 179 685. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete although the DWS has indicated that the estimated completion date is 2022. Item Cost Primary Bulk Ntanelanga Dam and associated works R 1 846 000 000 Ntabelanga WTP R 1 027 000 000 Bulk Rising Mains R 581 511 498 Lalini Dam and hydro power scheme R 3 686 000 000 Primary Total R 7 140 511 498 Secondary Bulk Bulk Distribution R 3 664 488 502 Secondary Total R 3 664 488 502 Ntabelanga irrigation R 975 000 000 Other R 550 000 000 Reticulation Total R 1 525 000 000 Total R 12 330 000 000 The scheme development cost per household is R 179 685. 8.8 NQH001 WSIA: NGQUZA HILL RBWSS 8.8.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand According to ORTDM planning, water demand was derived with the assumption that the water consumption would start at 25ℓ/c/d gradually increase over the 30-year planning horizon to eventually reach 75ℓ/c/d. This scenario leads to an ultimate demand of 19,02Mℓ/d. A population growth of 0% was used. The water demand is shown in Table 8.8: Demand Scenario below. Table 8.7: ORTDM Planning Demand Scenarios Zone Year 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Zone 1 1,56 1,63 1,81 2,09 2,54 3,09 3,91 Zone 2 1,49 1,56 1,73 2,00 2,43 2,96 3,74 Zone 3 1,21 1,26 1,40 1,62 1,97 2,39 3,02 Zone 4 1,44 1,51 1,68 1,94 2,36 2,87 3,62 Zone 5 1,88 1,97 2,19 2,52 3,07 3,74 4,72 TOTAL DEMAND (Mℓ/d) 7,58 7,93 8,82 10,17 12,37 15,05 19,02 Page 72 In terms of this UAP Phase 2 Reconciliation Strategy Report the projected 2035 demand is 46,8Mℓ/d which is more than double the ORTDM projected demand. The cause of the variance is mainly due to the use of a 0% population growth rate and the lower per capita demand by ORTDM. Water Resources Considered The two major rivers flowing through this catchment are the Mzintlavana and its tributary the Mbandana River. A possible resource development site is the Mzintlavana Dam. With a proposed 610m long, 30m high dam wall with a Full Supply Level (FSL) of 900m this site is ideally positioned to supply the whole of the Ngquza hill. Water Supply Infrastructure Water would be sourced from a new dam to be constructed on the Nxuzi River, about 2km upstream of the confluence with the Mzintlava River as well as from the surplus capacity from the new Zalu River Dam and the upgraded Water Treatment Plant adjacent to Xura River. This regional scheme would involve treatment at a new WTP before pumping through a bulk distribution network to secondary bulk reservoirs in various supply zones envisaged. The project proposed 14 supply zones. The bulk supply would arrive in each zone through a bulk pipeline from the new Regional Reservoir located at Lutshampuphu. Financial Implication The proposed cost is R 5,1 billion broken down in detail in the table hereunder. (Base year cost requirement 2015) Primary Bulk Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL R 1 259 910 263 R 199 002 637 R 793 743 466 R 2 252 656 367 Secondary Bulk R 597 196 169 R 140 167 011 R 376 233 586 R 1 113 596 766 Tertiary Bulk R 890 525 797 R 266 431 363 R 563 031 252 R 1 719 988 412 R 2 747 632 229 R 605 601 012 R 1 733 008 304 R 5 086 241 545 Total The scheme development cost per household is R 88 935. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least ten years to complete. 8.8.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The demand was derived with the assumption that the water consumption would start at 25ℓ/c/d gradually increase over the 30 year planning horizon to eventually reach 75ℓ/c/d. This scenario leads to an ultimate demand of 19,02Mℓ/d. A population growth of 0% was used. The water demand is shown in Table 8.8: Demand Scenario below. Table 8.8: Demand Scenario Year Zone 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Zone 1 1,56 1,63 1,81 2,09 2,54 3,09 3,91 Zone 2 1,49 1,56 1,73 2,00 2,43 2,96 3,74 Page 73 Year Zone 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Zone 3 1,21 1,26 1,40 1,62 1,97 2,39 3,02 Zone 4 1,44 1,51 1,68 1,94 2,36 2,87 3,62 Zone 5 1,88 1,97 2,19 2,52 3,07 3,74 4,72 TOTAL DEMAND (Mℓ/d) 7,58 7,93 8,82 10,17 12,37 15,05 19,02 Water Resources Considered The two major rivers flowing through this catchment are the Mzintlavana and its tributary the Mbandana River. A possible resource development site is the Mzintlavana Dam. With a proposed 610m long, 30m high dam wall with a Full Supply Level (FSL) of 900m this site is ideally positioned to supply the whole of the Ngquza hill. Water Supply Infrastructure Water would be sourced from a new dam to be constructed on the Nxuzi River, about 2km upstream of the confluence with the Mzintlava River as well as from the surplus capacity from the new Zalu River Dam and the upgraded Water Treatment Plant adjacent to Xura River. This regional scheme would involve treatment at a new WTP before pumping through a bulk distribution network to secondary bulk reservoirs in various supply zones envisaged. The project proposed 14 supply zones. The bulk supply would arrive in each zone through a bulk pipeline from the new Regional Reservoir located at Lutshampuphu. Financial Implication The proposed cost is tabled below. Item Cost Primary Bulk Raw Water Abstraction and Storage Dam R 70 000 000 Mzintlava WTP R 45 000 000 Bulk Rising Mains R 22 775 000 Bulk Storage R 36 927 223 Bulk Pump Stations R 14 000 000 Primary Total R 188 702 223 Secondary Bulk Bulk Distribution Storage R 27 695 417 Bulk Distribution Network R 115 625 000 Crossings R 4 825 000 Secondary Total R 148 145 417 Reticulation R 283 900 000 Consumer Standpipes R 12 000 000 Reticulation Total R 295 900 000 Total R 632 747 640 Page 74 The scheme development cost per household is R 11 064. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. 8.9 NQH002 WSIA: MSIKABA BULK REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY SCHEME 8.9.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand The capacity of the proposed sources must be sufficient to supply the long-term demand, and should therefore be able to supply 100ℓ/c/d of the present population, with a minimum of 48-hour 3 storage capacity. The projected 2035 water requirements are 3,4 million m per annum. Water Resource Consideration The Msikaba River has been identified as the most preferred source. Water Supply Infrastructure Raw water from the Msikaba river would be treated within the Thombo WTP. Raw water and clear water reservoirs would be constructed near the treatment plant. Command reservoirs would be strategically placed to gravity feed zone storage reservoirs at different zones. A 4Mℓ command concrete reservoir is envisaged to be used. Water would be pumped from the source into the main storage reservoir, from which it would gravitate to the five zonal reservoirs. Approximately 290km of bulk supply pipelines, ranging from 50mm to 315mm in diameter would be installed. Financial implication The total estimated project cost is R1,4 billion as detailed in the table below. (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL Primary Bulk R 451 053 869 R 66 998 059 R 284 163 938 R 802 215 866 Secondary Bulk R 351 400 557 R 62 807 833 R 223 382 351 R 637 590 740 R0 R0 0 0 R 802 454 426 R 129 805 892 R 507 546 289 R 1 439 806 607 Tertiary Bulk Total The scheme development cost per household is R 117 669. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. 8.9.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The capacity of the proposed sources must be sufficient to supply the long-term demand, and should therefore be able to supply 60ℓ/c/d of the present population, with a minimum of 48-hour storage capacity. Allowance will be made for water losses that should be allowable at 10%, summer peak demands and downtime. The estimated summer peak demand for the proposed scheme is 4,8Mℓ/day. A population growth of 0% was used. Page 75 8.9.3 WATER RESOURCE CONSIDERATION The Msikaba River has been identified as the most preferred source. Water Supply Infrastructure Raw water from the Msikaba river would be treated within the Thombo WTP. Raw water and clear water reservoirs would be constructed near the treatment plant. Command reservoirs would be strategically placed to gravity feed zone storage reservoirs at different zones. A 4Mℓ command concrete reservoir is envisaged to be used. Water would be pumped from the source into the main storage reservoir, from which it would gravitate to the five zonal reservoirs. A total of five (5) concrete reservoirs, ranging from 350kℓ to 1,25Mℓ are proposed in five supply zones. Approximately 220km of bulk supply pipelines, ranging from 50mm to 315mm in diameter would be installed. The bulk supply pipelines will be designed to convey the summer daily demand. Twenty-eight (28) concrete service reservoirs, ranging from 30kℓ to 750kℓ are proposed. These reservoirs will be gravity fed from zonal supply reservoirs. Financial Implication The total estimated project cost is R 606 330 000 and detailed below. Item Amount P&Gs @ 10% Contingencies @ 10% Estimated Amount Primary Main Source Development R 35 999 250.00 R 39 599 175.00 R 3 959 917.50 R 43 559 092.50 Bulk Supply Primary R 25 200 000.00 R 27 720 000.00 R 2 772 000.00 R 30 492 000.00 Command Reservoirs R 15 994 382.00 R 17 593 820.20 R 1 759 382.02 R 19 353 202.22 Raw water abstraction Off-channel storage WTP upgrade R 93 404 294.72 Secondary Main Zone Command Reservoirs R 69 938 391.00 R 76 932 230.10 R 7 693 223.01 R 84 625 453.11 R 8 044 666.00 R 8 849 132.60 R 884 913.26 R 9 734 045.86 R 94 359 498.97 Tertiary Main R 46 140 549.00 R 50 754 603.90 R 5 075 460.39 R 55 830 064.29 Village Reservoirs R 11 908 840.00 R 13 099 724.00 R 1 309 972.40 R 14 409 696.40 R 70 239 760.69 Village Internal Reticulation R 93 975 000.00 R 103 372 500.00 R 10 337 250.00 R 113 709 750.00 Access Roads R 35 700 000.00 R 39 270 000.00 R 43 197 000.00 R 47 516 700.00 Professional Fees R 112 638 243.87 R 112 638 243.87 Total A R 531 868 248.25 Grand Total R 606 329 803.01 The scheme development cost per household is R 49 553. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Page 76 8.10 NYA001 WSIA: SECOND FALLS BULK WATER SUPPLY 8.10.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand The water demand of this area for all the villages was calculated at an AADD of 100ℓ/c/d. The 3 resultant demand from the supply area is 8,2Mℓ/d (3,01 million m per annum). Water Resource Consideration The source of raw water supplies shall be the Mthatha River. There will be an abstraction point below the Eskom Hydropower station at Second Falls Abstraction Point. This abstraction will enable approximately 8,5Mℓ/d to be abstracted from the Mthatha River. The water will then be pumped to a new 9Mℓ/d capacity Water Treatment Plant that would be situated close to the Eskom Hydropower station. Water Supply Infrastructure From the Second Falls WTP, 9Mℓ/d will be pumped to a 3Mℓ command reservoir at Kundlunkulu at an elevation of 660 m.a.s.l from where it will be distributed to the Second Falls villages. The infrastructure to be provided will included the following: River abstraction works on the Mthatha River 9Mℓ/d Water Treatment Plant Storage reservoirs with a combined capacity of 13Mℓ 85km of primary bulk pipelines 140km of secondary bulk pipelines The pipes of the Second Falls Corridor will range from 50mm HDPE pipes to 300mm diameter. The storage for the Second Falls Corridor is sized for a 48hr AADD (pumped storage requirements). All the villages shall be provided with 48hr storage, although not necessarily in the local reservoir, they are balanced with other storages along their route. Financial Requirements The proposed cost for this development is R 1 135 billion. A feasibility study for the project is currently underway and has been budgeted to the value of R8 milllion. The scheme development cost per household is R 49 553. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Page 77 (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL Primary Bulk R 289 698 277 R 42 948 508 R 182 509 914 R 515 156 700 Secondary Bulk R 343 227 649 R 58 551 776 R 218 233 419 R 620 012 845 R0 R0 R0 R0 R 632 925 926 R 101 500 284 R 400 743 334 R 1 135 169 544 Tertiary Bulk Total The scheme development cost per household is R 102 972. 8.10.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The demand was based on the location of the village from the main collector roads. Potential urbanized areas were identified and given the ultimate AADD of 100ℓ/c/d. Villages that are close to towns or have easy access to the main roads were seen as places that will potentially develop to peri-urban villages, were given an AADD of 90ℓ/c/d. Villages that are far from the main roads and towns are rural and given 60ℓ/c/d AADD. The demand analysis for this project assumed 60ℓ/c/d with an increase of 1% over a 30-year planning horizon. The projected ultimate 30-year Annual Average Daily Demand (AADD) is assumed to be approximately 7Mℓ/d.. The demands are summarized in Table 8.9: Estimated Water Demand. Table 8.9: Estimated Water Demand Demand : 60/ℓc/d with 1% Growth & 20% Losses (AADD) (Mℓ/d) Year 2014 2019 2024 2029 2034 2039 2044 Ward 22 1,19 1,25 1,32 1,38 1,45 1,53 1,61 Ward 23 0,94 0,99 1,04 1,09 1,15 1,21 1,27 Ward 24 0,77 0,81 0,85 0,89 0,94 0,98 1,03 Ward 25 0,59 0,62 0,65 0,69 0,72 0,76 0,80 Ward 26 0,77 0,80 0,85 0,89 0,93 0,98 1,03 Ward 28 0,85 0,90 0,94 0,99 1,04 1,10 1,16 Total Demand 5,11 5,37 5,65 5,93 6,23 6,56 6,90 Water Resource Consideration There will be an abstraction point below the Eskom Hydropower station at Second Falls Abstraction Point. This abstraction will enable approximately 6Mℓ/d to be abstracted from the Mthatha River. The water will be pumped to a new 6Mℓ/d capacity Water Treatment Plant that would be situated close to the Eskom Hydropower works. Water Supply Infrastructure From the Second Falls WTP, 6Mℓ/d will be pumped to a 3Mℓ command reservoir at Kundlunkulu at an elevation of 660 masl from where it will be distributed to the Second Falls villages. The pipes of the Second Falls Corridor range from 50mm HDPe pipes to 400mm diameter GRP pipes with a total length of approximately 90km. The storage for the Second Falls Corridor is sized for a 48hr AADD Page 78 (pumped storage requirements). All the villages are provided with 48hr storage, although not necessarily in the local reservoir, they are balanced with other storages along their route. The local storage is sized for a minimum of 24hrs and based on standard reservoir sizes the reservoirs at times have an additional storage that adds towards the required 48hr storage. Reservoirs that have water being pumped to them have been given a local 48hr storage and the exchange reservoirs keep an additional 4hr pumping storage for the pumping exchange storage. Financial Requirements The proposed cost for this development is R 1 034 billion. A feasibility study is currently underway to the value of R8 milllion. The scheme development cost per household is R 49 553. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Secondary Bulk Item Cost Pipe Lines (90km) R 106 128 521.08 Reservoirs (23) R 97 757 441.16 Pump Stations R 2 795 000.00 R 206 680 962.24 P&G @ 15% R 31 002 144.33 R 237 683 106.57 Contingencies @ 10% R 23 768 310.66 Sub Total R 261 451 417.23 Escalation 2 8% R 20 916 113.38 Professional fees R 35 652 465.98 Sub Total R 318 019 996.59 Vat @ 14% R 44 522 799.52 Total R 362 542 796.11 8.11 NYA002 WSIA: TOMBO RWSS 8.11.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand The original scheme was designed for a basic supply of 60ℓ/c/d. Bulk supply pipelines was designed for the summer daily demand of 75ℓ/c/d. Allowance was made for water losses, summer peak demands and downtime. However, the demand model used in this study indicated that the 2035 water demand would be 4,1Mℓ/d and is based on a scheme design capacity of a basic supply of 100ℓ/c/d. Water Resource Consideration The main raw water source is the Mzimvubu river from where the water is treated at the existing 2,5Mℓ Tombo WTP. Page 79 Water Supply Infrastructure The existing Tombo WTP would need to be upgraded to 5Mℓ/day to meet the 2035 water demand, an increase of 2,5Mℓ/d. Water would be stored at a command reservoir from where it will be distributed to the service reservoirs. The upgrade of infrastructure includes the following: Upgrade of the WTP by an additional 2Mℓ/d; Construction of storage reservoirs with a combined capacity of 6Mℓ; and Construction of approximately 6km of primary bulk pipelines and 80km of secondary and tertiary pipelines. Financial Requirements The cost estimate for the required upgrade works to meet the 2035 demand amounts to R 366,4 million and is detailed in the table below. Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) (Base year cost requirement 2015) Primary Bulk Secondary Bulk Tertiary Bulk Total TOTAL R 29 088 467 R 3 817 825 R 18 325 734 R 51 232 026 R 109 940 664 R 18 980 534 R 69 262 619 R 198 183 817 R 12 547 911 R 62 839 522 R 41 588 899 R 116 976 332 R 151 577 043 R 85 637 881 R 129 177 252 R 366 392 175 The scheme development cost per household is R 56 585. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least eight years to complete. 8.11.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The original scheme was designed for a basic supply of 60 ℓ/c/d. Bulk supply pipelines was designed for the summer daily demand of 75ℓ/c/d. Allowance was made for water losses, summer peak demands and downtime. However, the demand model used in this study indicated that the 2035 water demand would be 3,2Mℓ/d and is based on a scheme design capacity of a basic supply of 100ℓ/c/d. Water Resource Consideration The main water source is the Mzimvubu river from where the water is treated by the existing 2,5Mℓ Tombo WTP. Water Supply Infrastructure The existing Tombo WTP would need to be eventually upgraded to 3,5Mℓ/d to meet the 2035 water demand, an increase of 1Mℓ/d. Water would be stored within one (1) 2Mℓ/d command reservoir from where it will be distributed to 23 service reservoirs ranging from 100kℓ to 500kℓ. The proposed bulk supply pipelines of 88km would range from 50mm to 500mm in diameter. Page 80 Financial Requirements The cost estimate for the required upgrade works to meet the 2035 demand amounts to R72.2 million and is tabled overleaf. Corridor Tombo RWSS Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Total (Construction) (Fees, Geotech, (Inc Contingencies, EIA, Disb Etc) Escalation, VAT) R 37 907 058 R 34 341 267 R 72 248 325 The scheme development cost per household is R 11 158. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. 8.12 NYA003 WSIA: NGQELENI RWSS 8.12.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION 8.12.2 WATER DEMAND According to ORTDM planning, the demand analysis was carried out with the assumption of 60ℓ/c/d with an increase of 1% over a 20-year planning horizon. The projected ultimate 20-year (2024) Annual Average Daily Demand (AADD) is assumed to be 2,75Mℓ/d. In terms of this UAP Phase 2, the projected 2035 demand based on a minimum per capita demand of 100 litres is 8,65Mℓ/d. 8.12.3 WATER RESOURCE CONSIDERATION Water would be sourced from two different sources, e.g. the Lalini reservoir and the Second Falls Abstraction. Both are fed from the Mthatha river. In the case of the Second Falls Abstraction, a water use application for 6Mℓ/d is currently under consideration along the Mthatha River downstream of the Second Falls Eskom Power Station to supply a wider area, possibly including wards 13, 14 and 21 and other parts of Nyandeni Local Municipality too. Water will be pumped from the Lalini reservoir (7,4Mℓ capacity) to the 500kℓ Mdoni reservoir. From the Mdoni reservoir water would be pumped to the 10Mℓ Polini reservoir from where it will continue to gravitate to the Ngqeleni reservoir. The corridor of Ngqeleni would be fed from the reservoirs and tee off from the gravity line. 8.12.4 WATER SUPPLY INFRASTRUCTURE The current Eskom Second Falls abstraction works would be the water source. Water would be abstracted from the Mthatha River downstream of the Eskom weir. Water will be treated close to the abstraction point (elevation 530m) and then pumped for about 3 700m over a 300m head to a Command Reservoir at elevation 850m. The infrastructure to be provided will thus include the construction of an abstraction facility, treatment Plant and storage and pump station at Second Falls. From this point it will be necessary to pump water to a Command Reservoir at elevation 850m. From the Command Reservoir it will be possible to gravitate to distribution reservoirs in each ward including. Page 81 8.12.5 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT The proposed scheme development cost is R 875 045 822 broken down as detailed in the table overleaf. (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL Primary Bulk R 149 724 325 R 20 454 429 R 94 326 325 R 264 505 078 Secondary Bulk R 331 911 173 R 54 790 171 R 209 104 039 R 595 805 383 R 7 059 834 R 1 227 832 R 6 447 695 R 14 735 361 R 488 695 332 R 76 472 431 R 309 878 059 R 875 045 822 Tertiary Bulk Total The scheme development cost per household is R 72 708. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least nine years to complete 8.12.6 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The demand analysis was carried out with the assumption of 60ℓ/c/d with an increase of 1% over a 30-year planning horizon. The projected ultimate 30-year Annual Average Daily Demand (AADD) is assumed to be 3Mℓ/d. The demands are summarized in Table 8.10: Estimated Water Demand below. Table 8.10: Estimated Water Demand Demand : 60ℓ/c/d with 1% Growth & 20% Losses (AADD) (Mℓ/d) Year 2014 2019 2024 2029 2034 2039 2044 Nyandeni Villages Ward 13 0,71 0,74 0,78 0,82 0,86 0,91 0,95 Ward 14 1,00 1,05 1,11 1,16 1,22 1,28 1,35 Ward 21 0,55 0,58 0,61 0,64 0,67 0,71 0,74 Total Demand 2,26 2,37 2,50 2,62 2,75 2,90 3,04 Water Resource Consideration Water would be sourced from two different sources, e.g. the Lalini reservoir and the Second Falls Abstraction. Both are fed from the Mthatha river. In the case of the Second Falls Abstraction, a water use application for 6Mℓ/d is currently under consideration along the Mthatha River downstream of the Second Falls Eskom Power Station to supply a wider area, possibly including wards 13, 14 and 21 and other parts of Nyandeni Local Municipality too. Water will be pumped from the Lalini reservoir (7,4Mℓ capacity) to the 500kℓ Mdoni reservoir. From the Mdoni reservoir water would be pumped to the 10Mℓ Polini reservoir from where it will continue to gravitate to the Ngqeleni reservoir. The corridor of Ngqeleni would be fed from the reservoirs and tee off from the gravity line. Page 82 Water Supply Infrastructure The current Eskom Second Falls abstraction works would be the water source. Water would be abstracted from the Mthatha River downstream of the Eskom weir. Water will be treated close to the abstraction point (elevation 530m) and then pumped for about 3 700m over a 300m head to a Command Reservoir at elevation 850m. It will also include the construction of an abstraction facility, treatment Plant and storage and pump station at Second Falls at elevation. From this point it will be necessary to pump water to a Command Reservoir (24 hrs storage) at elevation 850m. From the Command Reservoir it will be possible to gravitate to distribution reservoirs in each ward including Ward 14 and 21 Reservoirs. This option can also supplement supply to the Ngqeleni Corridor. The Ngqeleni Corridor depends on the completion of the following Main Bulk Infrastructure projects: Constructing a new 50Mℓ/d waterworks (Rosedale); Construction of a 400mm diameter line to Lalini; Construction of a 1Mℓ exchange reservoir and pump station at Lalini; Construction of two 300mm diameter rising mains to Mdoni and Polini; Construction of a 300mm diameter gravity main to Ngqeleni; and Construction of Mdoni (500kℓ), Polini (10Mℓ) and Ngqeleni (Mℓ) Reservoirs. The pipes of the Ngqeleni Corridor range from 63mm HDPe pipes to 250mm diameter GRP pipes with a total length of approximately 33km. The storage for the Ngqeleni Corridor is sized for a 48hr AADD (Pumped storage requirements). All the villages are provided with 48hr storage, although not necessarily in the local reservoir, they are balanced with other storages along their route. Approximately 9 reservoirs are planned. Financial Requirement The proposed scheme development cost is R 431 456 336. The scheme development cost per household is R 35 850. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Secondary Bulk Item Amount Pipe Lines (90km) R 18 232 451.89 Reservoirs (23) R 41 468 537.32 Pump Stations R 935 000.00 R 60 635 989.21 P&G @ 15% R 9 095 398.38 R 69 731 387.59 Contingencies @ 10% R 6 973 138.76 Sub Total R 76 704 526.35 Escalation 2 8% R 6 136 362.11 Professional fees R 10 459 708.14 Sub Total R 93 300 596.60 Vat @ 14% R 13 062 083.52 Total R 106 362 680.12 Page 83 8.13 NYA004 WSIA: CIBENI-NTLAMBENI RWSS 8.13.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand The demand analysis was carried out with the assumption of 100ℓ/c/d and the resultant 2035 3 demand is 13,7Mℓ/d (4,98 million m per annum). This is an increase of 168% over a 20-year period when compared to the 5,1Mℓ/d 2015 demand. Water Resource Consideration The source would be the Mzimvubu River which is has not been largely utilized for water supply 3 purposes. The yield of the river is quoted as 2 987Mm per annum. Water Supply Infrastructure A command reservoir will be positioned strategically to gravity feed zonal storage reservoirs, which will in turn supply different zones. Water will be pumped from the treatment plant into the main command reservoir, from which it will gravitate to the zonal reservoirs. The proposed infrastructure includes the following: Abstraction works on the Mzimvubu River; A 14Mℓ/d Mngazana WTP upgrade; Storage reservoirs with a combined capacity of 28Mℓ; Secondary bulk pipelines; and Tertiary pipelines with a combined capacity of 292km. Financial requirement The proposed project cost is estimated at R 1 770 billion and tabled below. (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL Primary Bulk R 110 781 600 R 10 081 126 R 69 792 408 R 190 655 134 Secondary Bulk R 292 340 560 R 40 652 279 R 184 174 553 R 517 167 392 Tertiary Bulk R 589 492 177 R 110 621 456 R 373 380 071 R 1 073 493 704 Total R 992 614 337 R 161 354 861 R 627 347 032 R 1 781 316 230 The scheme development cost per household is R 92 820. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least ten years to complete. Page 84 8.13.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The demand analysis was carried out with the assumption of 60ℓ/c/d with an increase of 1% over a 30-year planning horizon. The projected summer peak demand for the proposed scheme is 14,08Mℓ/d. Water Resource Consideration The source would be the Mzimvubu River which is has not been largely utilized for water supply 3 purposes. The yield of the river is quoted as 2 987Mm per annum. Water Supply Infrastructure A command reservoir will be positioned strategically to gravity feed zonal storage reservoirs, which will in turn supply different zones. Water will be pumped from the treatment plant into the main command reservoir, from which it will gravitate to the zonal reservoirs. Ten (10) zone concrete reservoirs, ranging from 500kℓ to 1,65Mℓ are proposed in ten supply zones. The proposed works would require the installation of approximately 610km of bulk supply pipelines, ranging from 50mm to 500mm in diameter. The bulk supply pipelines would be designed to convey the summer daily demand. 160 concrete service reservoirs, ranging from 30kℓ to 500kℓ are proposed. These reservoirs will be gravity feed from zonal reservoirs. Financial requirement The proposed project cost is estimated at R 1 246 million and tabled below. Item Amount P&Gs @ 10% Contingencies @ 10% Estimated Amount Primary Main R 15 994 382.00 R 17 593 820.20 R 1 759 382.02 R 19 353 202.22 R 168 363 262.69 R 185 199 588.96 R 18 519 958.90 R 203 719 547.85 R 15 654 486.00 R 17 219 934.60 R 1 721 993.46 R 18 941 928.06 R 171 186 091.00 R 188 304 700.10 R 18 830 470.01 R 207 135 170.11 R 50 340 946.00 R 55 375 040.60 R 5 537 504.06 R 60 912 544.66 Village Internal Reticulation R 208 851 250.00 R 229 736 375.00 R 22 973 637.50 R 252 710 012.50 Access Roads R 184 800 000.00 R 203 280 000.00 R 20 328 000.00 R 223 608 000.00 Professional Fees R 106 815 202.49 Command Reservoirs Secondary Main Zone Command Reservoirs Tertiary Main Village Reservoirs R 106 815 202.49 Total excl VAT R 1 093 195 607.89 Grand Total R 1 246 242 993.00 The scheme development cost per household is R 64 939. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Page 85 8.14 PSJ001 WSIA: PORT ST JOHNS RWSS 8.14.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand The scheme will supply mainly rural communities hence the demand is not expected to exceed 100ℓ/c/d. Water Resource Consideration The scheme is based on surface water abstraction from run-of-river flow in the Mngazi River. The scheme serves 17 villages under the administration areas of Tombo, Gomolo, Mawosheni and Swazini. Water Supply Infrastructure The scheme was commissioned in 2000 and consisted of the following: River abstraction from Mngazi River and raw water pumping main; Water Treatment Plant with a capacity of 2Mℓ/d; The two CURO model 65/80 LTF pumps powered by 65/75kW 2 pole motors. This system has a capacity of 20ℓ/s; Clear water pumping main to a main reservoir of 340kℓ capacity. The rising main is 150mm diameter steel and is protected by a Bermad surge anticipating valve installed in the pump house; Gravity bulk mains of a total length of about 54km supplying 23 reservoirs; and About 55km of internal reticulation and 236 communal standpipes. The upgrade works required to meet the projected 2035 demand include upgrading of the abstraction works, Water Treatment Plant and storage reservoirs with construction of reticulation/tertiary pipelines. Financial Requirement The cost estimate to upgrade the works to meet the 2035 demand amounts to R 116,7 million and is tabled below. (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) TOTAL Primary Bulk R 20 968 800 R 1 908 161 R 11 427 996 R 34 304 957 Secondary Bulk R 15 029 533 R 1 367 688 R 8 191 096 R 24 588 317 Tertiary Bulk R 29 219 415 R 10 639 725 R 17 924 581 R 57 783 722 Total R 65 217 749 R 13 915 574 R 37 543 673 R 116 676 995 The scheme development cost per household is R 26 553. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Page 86 8.14.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The scheme will supply mainly rural communities hence the demand is not expected to exceed 100ℓ/c/d. Water Resource Consideration The scheme is based on surface water abstraction from run-of-river flow in the Mngazi River. The scheme serves 18 villages under the administration areas of Tombo, Gomolo, Mawosheni and Swazini. Water Supply Infrastructure The scheme was commissioned in 2000 and consisted of the following: River abstraction from Mngazi River and raw water pumping main; Water Treatment Plant with a capacity of 2Mℓ/d; The two CURO model 65/80 LTF pumps powered by 65/75kW 2 pole motors. This system has a capacity of 20ℓ/s; Clear water pumping main to a main reservoir of 340kℓ capacity. The rising main is 150mm diameter steel and is protected by a Bermad surge anticipating valve installed in the pump house; Gravity bulk mains of a total length of about 54km supplying 23 reservoirs; and About 55km of internal reticulation and 236 communal standpipes. Financial Requirement The cost estimate to upgrade the works to meet the 2035 demand amounts to R97,5 million and is tabled below. Corridor (Base year cost requirement 2015) Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Total (Construction) (Fees, Geotech, (Inc Contingenicies, EIA, Disb Etc) Escalation, VAT) Port St Johns RWSS R 68 746 017 R 28 796 232 R 97 542 249 The scheme development cost per household is R 22 199. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. 8.15 PSJ002 WSIA: PORT ST JOHNS TOWN WSS 8.15.1 DEMAND MODEL INTERVENTION Water Demand 3 The projected 2035 demand is 0,64Mm per annum (1,8Mℓ/d). This demand will exceed the yield of 3 3 0.360Mm per annum (1,0Mℓ/d) on the Bulolo River. This demand shortfall of 0,28Mm per annum (0,8Mℓ/d) could be managed by implementing water conservation and demand management initiatives due to the relatively small magnitude of the shortfall. Page 87 Water Resource Consideration The area served by this scheme is located to the west of the Umzimvubu River, to the south of the Mthatha - to Port St Johns Road (R61) and to the east of the watershed between the Mngazi and Mngazanana rivers. The scheme receives raw water from the two Bulolo Dams and a weir, which 2 are situated on the Bulolo River. The second dam commands a catchment area of 3,2km and an 2 estimated capacity of 3 000m³. The main Bulolo Dam has a catchment area of 6,8km and a 2 capacity of 255 000m³ and Bulolo Weir with a catchment area of 10,2km and capacity of 3 000m³. The yield, based on 1:50 year return period, of all existing dams in the system amounts to an estimated 0,36Mm³ per annum, or a fraction under 1 000m³/d made up of approximately 960m³/d from dams and 40m³/d from the weir. Water Supply Infrastructure The bulk supply infrastructure is generally new and has a remaining life of 10 to 20 years, except for the older portions of the scheme, which have a remaining life of approximately 5 to 10 years. The bulk main into town leaks and requires remedial works, whilst the Bulolo Dams require riprap and other minor remedial works. The reticulation in the rural villages is new, whilst that in the town is in a good condition. Telemetry is required in order to improve the scheme’s operations and supply efficiency. The scheme has been implemented in number of phases and it consists of the following infrastructure: River abstraction and two storage dams. To supplement the dam storage, off-channel from Mngazi River will be utilised in future; 250mm diameter raw water pumping main and Water Treatment Plant of 4Mℓ/d capacity; Clear water pumping main to a main reservoir, which services six villages via 32km of internal reticulation and 107 communal standpipes; A gravity main supply the town of Port St Johns with about 50km of reticulation network and the Silaka Nature Reserve via the old Water Treatment Plant converted to storage facilities; and The total length of bulk mains is approximately 48km. Financial Requirement The bulk main into town leaks and requires remedial works, whilst the Bulolo Dams require riprap and other minor remedial works. There are therefore no bulk water supply infrastructure interventions required except for O&M related interventions. ORTDM has estimated the required maintenance works at R125 000 000. (Base year cost requirement 2015) The scheme cost per household is R 53 123. 8.15.2 EXISTING PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION Water Demand The projected 2035 demand will exceed the yield of the available raw water resources by 3 0,19Mm per annum (0,52Mℓ/d). This demand shortfall could be managed by implementing water conservation and demand management initiatives. Water Resource Consideration The area served by this scheme is located to the west of the Umzimvubu River, to the south of the Mthatha - to Port St Johns Road (R61) and to the east of the watershed between the Mngazi and Page 88 Mngazanana rivers. The scheme receives raw water from the two Bulolo Dams and a weir, which 2 are situated on the Bulolo River. The second dam commands a catchment area of 3,2km and an 2 estimated capacity of 3 000m³. The main Bulolo Dam has a catchment area of 6,8km and a 2 capacity of 255 000m³ and Bulolo Weir with a catchment area of 10,2km and capacity of 3 000m³. The yield, based on 1:50 year return period, of all existing dams in the system amounts to an estimated 0,36Mm³ per annum, or a fraction under 1 000m³/d made up of approximately 960m³/d from dams and 40m³/d from the weir. Water Supply Infrastructure The bulk supply infrastructure is generally new and has a remaining life of 10 to 20 years, except for the older portions of the scheme, which have a remaining life of approximately 5 to 10 years. The bulk main into town leaks and requires remedial works, whilst the Bulolo Dams require riprap and other minor remedial works. The reticulation in the rural villages is new, whilst that in the town is in a good condition. Telemetry is required in order to improve the scheme’s operations and supply efficiency. The scheme was been implemented in number of phases and it consists of the following: River abstraction and two storage dams. To supplement the dam storage, off-channel from Mngazi River will be utilised in future; 250mm diameter raw water pumping main and Water Treatment Plant of 4Mℓ/d capacity; Clear water pumping main to a main reservoir, which services six villages via 32km of internal reticulation and 107 communal standpipes; A gravity main supply the town of Port St Johns with about 50km of reticulation network and the Silaka Nature Reserve via the old Water Treatment Plant converted to storage facilities; and The total length of bulk mains is approximately 48km. Financial Requirement The bulk main into town leaks and requires remedial works, whilst the Bulolo Dams require riprap and other minor remedial works. The estimate for the envisaged works is R 125 000 000. The scheme development cost per household is R 53 124. Due to the size of the project, it will take at least seven years to complete. Page 89 9. SUMMARY 9.1 TOTAL WATER DEMAND PER WSIA Based on the demand model, the demand per water supply intervention area is summarized in detail 3 within Table 9.1: Water Requirements (Mm per annum) per WSIA below. 3 Table 9.1: Water Requirements (Mm per annum) per WSIA Water Requirements (Million m³ per annum) WSIA Name Households (2015) Population (2015) 2015 KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS 2035 98 916 399 625 24,18 33,94 1 680 8 221 0,16 0,45 KSD003 WSIA: Mquandulu Corridor Development 15 291 74 888 1,65 4,33 KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply 19 560 94 725 2,20 5,31 6 662 37 487 0,88 2,12 MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS 68 453 276 218 8,52 13,45 NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS 57 190 291 073 7,34 17,10 NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS 12 236 59 635 1,33 3,40 NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS 11 024 56 450 1,37 3,01 6 475 26 434 0,96 1,51 NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS 12 035 57 928 1,29 3,16 NYA004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS 19 191 93 041 1,86 4,98 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS 4 394 22 929 0,45 1,24 PSJ002 WSIA: Port ST Johns Town Supply 2 353 6 597 0,50 0,64 335 460 1 505 251 52,71 94,63 KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS Grand Total Page 90 A total of 94,633 Million m³ per annum is required with the Mthatha RWSS requiring the largest portion at 35,9% of the total water demand in ORTDM. 9.2 TOTAL WATER RESOURCES REQUIRED The total volume of water required is compared to the existing proposed water supply interventions to determine shortfalls and the reasons thereof. This comparison is detailed in the Table 9.2: Water 3 Requirements (Mm per annum) per WSIA below. 3 Table 9.2: Water Requirements (Mm per annum) per WSIA WSS KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS Population (2015) 2035 Demand (Mm3 per annum) Existing Resources Yield (Mm3 per annum) Balance Proposed Additional under UAP Phase 2 (Mm3/a) Total (Mm³ per annum) 399 625 33,94 147,54* Mthatha Dam - 145,54 KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development 8 221 0,45 No data Boreholes - No data KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development 74 888 4,33 No data* - No data* Mthatha Dam KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply 94 725 5,31 No data* - No data* Mthatha Dam KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS 37 487 2,12 No data - No data* MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS 276 218 13,45 2 987 Umzimvubu River 60 No data NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS 291073 17,1 1,02 Xura River - 1,02 NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS 59 635 3,4 No data Msikaba River - No data NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls 56 450 3,01 No data* Mthatha River - No data* Mthatha River Page 91 - Boreholes - To be supplied from the proposed Nxuzi Dam Population (2015) WSS 2035 Demand (Mm3 per annum) Existing Resources Yield Balance Proposed Additional under UAP Phase 2 (Mm3/a) (Mm3 per annum) Total (Mm³ per annum) RWSS NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS 26 434 1,51 2 987 Mngazi River - No data - 0,995* NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS 57 928 3,16 0,995* Nzwakazi Dam, Mtyu & Mtakatye Rivers NYA004 WSIA: CibeniNtlambeni RWSS 93 041 4,98 2 987 Umzimvubu River - 2 987 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS 22 929 1,24 No data Mngazi River - No data - 0,28(ma de up through WCDM initiatives ) PSJ002 WSIA: Port ST Johns Town Supply 6 597 0,64 0,36 Grand Total- 1 505 251 94,64 3136,55 Bulolo River To be supplied from Mthatha River or Dam Umzimvubu River 3134,84 *Figures are planned for extraction from Mthatha River system. ORTDM is planning for the 3. construction of Ntabelanga Dam on the Tsitsa River with a capacity of 60Mm The yield of the dam has not been established at this stage. 9.2.1 MTHATHA DAM SYSTEM The Mthatha Dam is planned a source of water for a number of the regional water scheme. This results in the Mthatha RWSS having the highest current and projected demand. The availability of water resources in Mthatha Dam for these schemes is analysed in the table below. Table 9.3: Mthatha Dam Water Resource (Mℓ/d) per WSIA WSS Households (2015) Population (2015) 2035 Demand (Mm3 per annum) KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply 19 560 94 725 5,31 KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development 15 291 74 888 4,33 Page 92 Households (2015) WSS Population (2015) 2035 Demand (Mm3 per annum) KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS 98 916 399 625 33,94 NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS 12 035 57 928 3,16 Total 46,74 3 The yield of the Mthatha Dam is 145,5 million m per annum. The current Water Use Licence (WUL) 3 dated April 2011 allows OR Tambo DM to abstract 55.080 million m /a (equivalent to 150Mℓ/d) for both Thornhill and Rosedale WTPs. This allocation covers the combined upgraded capacity of Thornhill WTP to 80Mℓ/d and Phase 2 of Rosedale WTP to 50Mℓ/d. The abstraction allocation is adequate to meet the 2035 demand projections for the Mthatha RWSS. The balance of the water is used for hydro electrical power generation by Eskom. NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS will also obtain water from Mthatha River downstream of the dam and downstream of the Second Falls post hydro electrical power generation by Eskom. It is 3 thus envisaged that the 2035 demand of 2,3055Mm per annum should be met without problems. 9.3 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS The financial requirements for the provision of the infrastructure to eradicate the water supply backlog based on the demand model intervention by 2035 is summarised in the table below. Table 9.4: Financial Requirements based on Demand Model Interventions Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) TOTAL R 1 032 504 154 R 202 171 679 R 652 477 617 R 1 887 153 450 KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development R0 R 5 000 000 R0 R 5 000 000 KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development R 370 314 378 R 107 945 193 R 235 298 058 R 713 557 629 KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply R 809 539 768 R 214 794 196 R 512 010 054 R 1 536 344 018 R 225 953 791 R 43 982 149 R 144 350 888 R 414 286 828 MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS- R 2 878 077 573 R 287 101 129 R 1 815 188 871 R 4 980 367 573 NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS R 2 747 632 229 R 605 601 012 R 1 733 008 304 R 5 086 241 545 R 802 454 426 R 129 805 892 R 507 546 289 R 1 439 806 607 R 632 925 926 R 101 500 284 R 400 743 334 R 1 135 169 544 KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS Page 93 Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) TOTAL R 151 577 043 R 85 637 881 R 129 177 252 R 366 392 176 R 488 695 332 R 76 472 431 R 309 878 059 R 875 045 822 R 992 614 337 R 161 354 861 R 627 347 032 R 1 781 316 230 PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS R 65 217 749 R 13 915 574 R 37 543 673 R 116 676 995 PSJ002 WSIA: Port ST Johns Town Supply R 106 250 000 R 15 625 000 R 3 125 000 R 125 000 000 R 11 303 756 706 R 2 050 907 281 R 7 107 694 431 R 20 462 358 417 NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS NYA004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS TOTAL A total estimate of R20 462 358 417 is required to eradicate the anticipated water services backlog by 2035. The primary bulk cost requirement comprises of 53,3% (R 10, 9 billion) of the total cost. The detail per WSIA for primary bulk is tabled within Table 9.5: Primary Bulk Cost requirement per WSIA below. Table 9.5: Primary Bulk Cost requirement per WSIA Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) KSD001 Mthatha RWSS KSD002 Mthatha Regional Borehole Development KSD003 TOTAL R 640 830 316 R 100 572 504 R 403 723 099 R 1 145 125 919 R0 R 5 000 000 R0 R 5 000 000 Mqanduli Corridor Development R 330 427 676 R 37 678 950 R 208 169 436 R 576 276 061 KSD004 Lukwethu Water supply R 178 244 620 R 44 297 881 R 114 294 111 R 336 836 611 KSD005 Coffee Bay RWSS R 69 498 000 R 6 324 318 R 43 783 740 R 119 606 058 MHLO001 Umzimvubu RWSS R 2 603 641 038 R 239 434 529 R 1 640 293 854 R 4 483 369 421 NQH001 Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS R 1 259 910 263 R 199 002 637 R 793 743 466 R 2 252 656 367 NQH002 Msikaba BRWSS R 451 053 869 R 66 998 059 R 284 163 938 R 802 215 866 NYA001 Second Falls RWSS R 289 698 277 R 42 948 508 R 182 509 914 R 515 156 700 NYA002 Tombo RWSS R 29 088 467 R 3 817 825 R 18 325 734 R 51 232 026 NYA003 Ngqeleni RWSS R 149 724 325 R 20 454 429 R 94 326 325 R 264 505 078 NYA004 Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS R 110 781 600 R 10 081 126 R 69 792 408 R 190 655 134 PSJ001 Port St Johns RWSS R 20 968 800 R 1 908 161 R 11 427 996 R 34 304 957 PSJ002 Port ST Johns Town R 106 250 000 R 15 625 000 R 3 125 000 R 125 000 000 Page 94 Direct Est Cost Indirect Est Cost Additional Costs (Construction) (Fees, Geotech & survey) (EIA, ISD, Contingencies etc) WSIA (Base year cost requirement 2015) TOTAL Supply R 6 240 117 251 R 794 143 927 R 3 867 679 021 R 10 901 940 198 The distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary bulk is illustrated within Figure 2: Bulk Infrastructure Requirements per WSIA below. Figure 2: Bulk Infrastructure Requirements per WSIA 9.4 FUNDING OPTIONS The ORTDM relies mainly on grant funding programmes to fund their water supply projects. These funding programmes are mainly MIG and RBIG. Based on all the current funding streams available to the District Municipality over the MTEF period, it will take a minimum of ten years for the ORTDM to address their water supply requirements. Another funding option that the ORTDM could consider is loan funding through the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA). Special submissions to National Treasury could also be considered to create an awareness of the DM’s planning and implementation readiness. 9.5 IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMME The ORTDM has developed regional wall-to-wall bulk water plans to address their bulk water supply needs. Some of these studies are already funded through the RBIG funding programme whilst Page 95 others are in the process to be prepared for implementation readiness and submission to the Eastern Cape Technical Assessment Committee (ECTAC). These projects are included within the latest council endorsed IDP and WSDP of the DM as well as included within the DWS’ Provincial Regional Bulk Master Plan dated March 2015. The implementation programme will depend on the availability of funds from National Treasury as well as the capacity of the Municipality to implement projects. All fourteen (14) area interventions would be an implementation priority for the DM but the order would most likely be determined by the availability of funds or intervention programmes. Page 96 10. RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 RESPONSIBILITIES The provision of water services remains the responsibility of the ORTDM as the WSA. The ORTDM should ensure that they meet all the requirements to take these interventions to implementation readiness. These planning studies are in various stages of readiness to lobby for grant funding and Umgeni Water could consider as a Regional Utility to assist the ORTDM to take this process further. 10.2 SELECTION OF SOLUTIONS The fourteen (14) proposed water supply intervention areas (WSIAs) are the appropriate solutions for bulk water supply development within ORTDM and are as follows: KSD001 WSIA: Mthatha RWSS; KSD002 WSIA: Mthatha Regional Borehole Development; KSD003 WSIA: Mqanduli Corridor Development; KSD004 WSIA: Lukwethu Water supply; KSD005 WSIA: Coffee Bay RWSS; NYA001 WSIA: Second Falls RWSS; NYA002 WSIA: Tombo RWSS; NYA003 WSIA: Ngqeleni RWSS; NYA004 WSIA: Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS; NQH001 WSIA: Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS; NQH002 WSIA: Msikaba BRWSS; PSJ001 WSIA: Port St Johns RWSS; PSJ002: WSIA: Port St Johns Town Supply; and MHLO001 WSIA: Umzimvubu RWSS. 10.3 PERTINENT LEGISLATION Various Acts of Parliament make provision for existing or planned institutional structures for management of water resources and water and sanitation services. These are: Current Acts of Parliament: National Water, Water Services, Municipal Structures, Municipal Systems, Division of Revenue Acts; and Existing and proposed policy documents such as The White Paper on Water Services, the Local Government White Paper and the White Paper on Municipal Service Partnerships. These Acts deal with the management of water resources and the provision of water services. Provision for the bodies listed below is made in these acts: Page 97 The Catchment Management Agencies (CMA’s) which will be established throughout South Africa over the next three years; Water User Associations comprising co-operative associations of individual water users at a restricted local level; National Government; Water Service Authorities comprising District Municipalities or Local Municipalities; Water Boards; Water Service Providers; Provincial Government; and Advisory Committees. 10.3.1 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURES ACT The Municipal Structures Act (117 of 1997), which was subsequently amended by the Municipal Structure Amendment Act (33 of 2000), addresses the basis for establishing municipalities (Category A,B & C) and stipulates that Category A and C ( Metropolitan and District) municipalities are WSA’s and the Category B (local) municipalities can only be WSA’s if authorised by the Minister of DPLG. 10.3.2 MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT The Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) legislates internal systems and addresses the differences between the authority and the provider functions as well as alternative mechanisms for providing municipal services. 10.3.3 WATER SERVICES ACT The Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) states that each WSA must for its area of jurisdiction, prepare a Water Services Development Plan (WSDP). Whilst the WSDP is a legal requirement, the real value in preparing the WSDP lies in the need to plan for Water Services (Water Supply and Sanitation Provision) whereby key targets are set over the next five years. At least six WSDP key focus areas need to be addressed during the planning process. These are: Basic Service: Water supply, sanitation, free basic water supply and free basic sanitation; Higher Levels of Service: Water supply, sanitation, associated needs and economic development; Water Resources: Appropriate choice, demand and water conservation management, water resource protection and integrated water resource management; Environmental Issues: Health, natural and social environment; Effective Management: planning, organisational or institutional aspects, management, financial and regulatory aspects; and Transfers: Infrastructure related transfers. Water services development planning must also be done as part of the IDP process (section 12 (1) (a)) and the WSDP must be incorporated into the IDP (section 15 (5)). Page 98 Water Services Authorities must report on the implementation of its WSDP every year i.e. annual performance reporting (section 18). Water Services Authorities must also comply with applicable regulations including Regulation No. R. 509, Government Gazette No. 22355, 8 June 2001 which requires the inclusion of a Water Services Audit as part of the annual performance report. The Department must monitor the performance of every water services authority to ensure its compliance with every applicable water services development plan… section 62 (1) (c). The Minister may- issue guidelines to water services institutions on performing their functions in terms of this Act section 73 (1) (h). The Minister must ensure that there is a national information system on water services….to monitor the performance of water services institutions. section 68 (b) (i). The Minister may require any …water services institution…to furnish information to be included in the national information system. section 68 (a). Based on the above, the preparation of a WSDP is a legal requirement. Page 99 ANNEXURE A – REFERENCE Page 100 Reference List DWS (2011) Support to the Implementation and Maintenance of Reconciliation Strategies for Towns in the Southern Region, 2011 DWS (2014) Reference Framework Geo database, December 2014 Statistics SA Census 2011 WSDP 2015/16 OR Tambo WSDP executive Summary, July 2015 IDP OR Tambo District Municipality IDP 2015 2016 Financial Year, June 2015 DWS Option Analysis Feasibility Study for the Mzimvubu Project, October 2014 – Jeffares and Green Rosedale Extension To Libode Water Supply (Phase 3a&B) Business Plan, November 2013 GIBB King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality Bulk Water Infrastructure Presidential Intervention Masterplan Report, Mthatha Corridor Bulk Water Supply Scheme, September 2013 – Amatola Water, Gibb King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality Bulk Water Infrastructure Presidential Intervention Technical Report & Business Plan: Mqanduli Corridor, February 2014 - Amatola Water, Gibb King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality Bulk Water Infrastructure Presidential Intervention Technical Report & Business Plan: Mthatha Central And Airport Corridor, February 2014Amatola Water, Gibb King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality Bulk Water Infrastructure Presidential Intervention Masterplan Implementation: Mthatha Central & Airport Corridor Detailed Design Report, September 2013- Amatola Water, Gibb Thornhill Bulk Water Supply Upgrade And Rehabilitation: Technical Report, August 2011Umgeni Water, Gibb Thornhill Bulk Water Supply Thornhill Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Preliminary Design Report, January 2012 - Gibb Technical Report: The Upgrading Of The Cibeni/Ntlambela Regional Water Supply Scheme: Umzimvubu River Source, August 2014 - IQhawe Consulting Engineers Technical Report: The Extension Of The Mhlanganisweni Regional Water Supply Scheme, August 2014 - IQhawe Consulting Engineers Technical Report: Msikaba Water Supply Scheme: Msikaba River Source, March 2015 - IQhawe Consulting Engineers Contract No AW-PROC/114 Coffee Bay Regional Water Supply Scheme – Extension to Ward 23 & 24Draft Design Report, January 2015 - Amatola Water / OR Tambo District Municipality Lukwethu Water Supply And Surrounding Villages - ORTDM SCMU 13-13/14 Scoping Report For Study Funding Application For The Proposed Lukwethu Regional Water Supply Scheme, February 2015 - FLUX GOADEX JV King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality PI Bulk Water Infrastructure Presidential Intervention: Secondary Bulk Masterplan Report, April 2015 - Gibb Scoping Report For Funding Application To Undertake Implementation Ready Study For The Proposed Kwanyathi Regional Water Supply Scheme – ORTDM SCMU 13-13/14 – April 2015Szoko Consulting King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality PI Bulk Water Infrastructure Presidential Intervention: Secondary Bulk Masterplan Report, April 2015 – Amatola Water, Gibb Dumasi Regional Water Supply Scheme, Scoping Report And Funding Application For A Detailed Feasibility Study To Supply 3 Wards In The Nyandeni Local Municipality, April 2015 Ziinzame Consulting Engineers Page 101 Qaukeni (Ingquza Hill) Local Municipality Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme Infrastructure Master Plan Reconnaissance Study Final Report, April 2009 – Umgeni Water, Makhaotse, Narasimulu and Associates Sidwadeni Executive Summary, December 2015 - Aurecon Page 102 ANNEXURE B – MAP SERIES Page 103 Map Series Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6.1 Figure 6.1.1 Figure 6.1.2 Figure 6.1.3 Figure 6.1.4 Figure 6.1.5 Figure 6.2. Figure 6.2.1 Figure 6.3 Figure 6.3.1 Figure 6.3.2 Figure 6.4 Figure 6.4.1 Figure 6.4.2 Figure 6.4.3 Figure 6.4.4 Figure 6.5 Figure 6.5.1 Figure 6.5.2 Figure 7 Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 Figure 7.3 Figure 7.4 Figure 7.5 Figure 8 Figure 8.1 Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3 Figure 8.4 Figure 8.5 Figure 8.6 Figure 8.7 Figure 8.8 Figure 8.9 Figure 8.10 Figure 8.11 Figure 8.12 Figure 8.13 Figure 8.14 Study Area Population Distribution Water Supply Backlog Status Surface Water Groundwater Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – King Sabata Dalindyebo Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – KSD001 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – KSD002 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – KSD003 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – KSD004 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – KSD005 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Mhlontlo Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Mhlo001 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Ngquza Hill Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – NQH001 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – NQH002 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Nyandeni Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Nya001 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Nya002 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Nya003 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Nya004 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – Port St Johns Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – PSJ001 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components – PSJ002 Projects –OR Tambo Projects – King Sabata Dalindyebo Projects – Mhlontlo Projects – Ngquza Hill Projects – Nyandeni Projects –Port St Johns Bulk Project Interventions –Alfred Nzo Bulk Project Interventions – KSD001 Bulk Project Interventions – KSD002 Bulk Project Interventions – KSD003 Bulk Project Interventions – KSD004 Bulk Project Interventions – KSD005 Bulk Project Interventions – Mhlo001 Bulk Project Interventions – NQH001 Bulk Project Interventions – NQH002 Bulk Project Interventions – Nya001 Bulk Project Interventions – Nya002 Bulk Project Interventions – Nya003 Bulk Project Interventions – Nya004 Bulk Project Interventions – PSJ001 Bulk Project Interventions – PSJ002 Page 104 · 5 Umzimvubu 23 Legend 4 11 4 17 7 26 3 Ezingoleni 6 15 District Municipality Boundaries 27 9 Local Municipality Boundaries 1 22 13 16 17 18 7 15 16 20 31 16 12 11 R61 30 10 22 6 Alfred Nzo R56 11 14 8 5 30 8 4 22 23 9 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 28 25 Elundini Main Roads Mbizana 7 Ntabankulu National Roads 21 31 25 20 N1 20 12 9 18 29 17 19 19 19 21 Census Main Places 13 8 10 R396 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 18 9 14 21 3 Provinical Boundaries 7 8 Joe Gqabi 17 Flagstaff 6 23 10 LOCALITY: 15 16 15 24 16 29 3 2 6 13 Qumbu 7 12 17 25 11 5 27 396 Mhlontlo 2 24 5 28 14 26 1 3 1 12 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 9 25 4 10 8 6 18 13 7 3 Ngquza Hill 24 1 18 1 2 Tsolo 17 16 15 20 26 1 5 14 17 19 3 N2 20 Lusikisiki 4 20 19 5 23 21 14 2 4 Engcobo O.R. Ta m b o 31 CLIENT: 22 27 15 13 2 10 16 16 8 10 19 8 7 12 11 13 9 16 Libode 12 6 Mthatha 34 11 15 14 7 5 18 12 4 30 3 10 18 6 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 6 9 8 15 11 Port St Johns Nyandeni Port St Johns 7 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 1 30 29 5 4 33 13 17 21 31 CONSULTANTS: 3 17 2 17 19 35 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 24 32 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 14 King Sabata Dalindyebo 5 16 4 1 29 28 26 22 18 PROJECT TITLE 20 Mqanduli 28 19 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 23 3 25 Mbhashe 27 23 5 26 6 20 22 Ngqeleni MAP TITLE: 21 25 General Orientation Study Area 24 7 31 17 4 8 DATE COMPLETED: 13 Amathole 1 21 9 12 2016/05/25 18 26 14 2 28 15 MAP NO.: 19 10 5 0 10 Kilometers 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160524_F1_2_GenlStudyArea.mxd DC15 Figure 1 · 5 Umzimvubu 23 Legend 4 11 4 17 7 26 3 Ezingoleni 6 15 District Municipality Boundaries 27 9 Local Municipality Boundaries 1 22 13 16 17 18 7 15 16 20 31 16 12 11 R61 30 19 10 22 6 Alfred Nzo R56 11 14 8 5 30 8 4 22 23 9 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 28 25 Elundini Main Roads Mbizana 7 Ntabankulu National Roads 21 31 25 20 N1 20 12 9 18 29 17 19 19 21 Census Main Places 13 8 10 R396 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 18 9 14 21 3 Provinical Boundaries 7 8 Joe Gqabi 17 Flagstaff 6 23 10 LOCALITY: 15 16 15 24 16 29 3 2 6 13 Qumbu 7 12 17 25 11 5 27 396 Mhlontlo 2 24 5 28 14 26 1 3 1 12 9 25 4 10 8 18 13 7 3 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 6 Ngquza Hill 24 1 18 1 2 Tsolo 17 16 15 20 26 1 5 14 17 3 20 Lusikisiki 4 N2 19 20 19 5 23 21 14 2 4 Engcobo O.R. Ta m b o 31 CLIENT: 22 27 15 13 2 10 16 7 13 9 12 16 Libode 11 12 34 16 8 10 19 8 8 11 6 15 Mthatha 14 5 18 12 30 3 2 10 18 Nyandeni 7 1 4 30 29 5 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Port St Johns 4 21 33 17 13 31 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 6 9 9 15 11 Port St Johns CONSULTANTS: 3 Ngqeleni 17 2 17 19 35 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 24 32 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 14 King Sabata Dalindyebo 5 16 4 1 29 28 26 22 18 PROJECT TITLE 20 Mqanduli 28 19 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 23 3 25 Mbhashe 27 23 5 26 6 Population Distribution 22 20 21 0 - 200 people 25 MAP TITLE: General Orientation Population Distribution 201 - 500 people 501 - 1 000 people 24 7 31 17 1 001 - 5 000 people 4 8 13 5 001- 10 000 people Amathole 1 21 9 12 2016/05/25 10 001 and more people 18 26 14 2 28 DATE COMPLETED: Data Source: 2011 Census 15 MAP NO.: 19 10 5 0 10 Kilometers 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160524_F2_PopDistribution.mxd DC15 Figure 2 · Legend 5 Umzimvubu 23 4 11 4 17 7 26 3 Ezingoleni 6 15 District Municipality Boundaries 27 9 Local Municipality Boundaries 1 22 13 16 17 18 7 15 16 20 31 16 12 11 R61 30 19 10 22 6 Alfred Nzo R56 11 14 8 5 30 8 4 22 23 9 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 28 25 Elundini Main Roads Mbizana 7 Ntabankulu National Roads 21 31 25 20 N1 20 12 9 18 29 17 19 19 21 Census Main Places 13 8 10 R396 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 18 9 14 21 3 Provinical Boundaries 7 8 Joe Gqabi 17 Flagstaff 6 23 10 LOCALITY: 15 16 15 24 16 29 3 2 6 13 Qumbu 7 12 17 25 11 5 27 396 Mhlontlo 2 24 5 28 14 26 1 3 1 12 9 25 4 10 8 18 13 7 3 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 6 Ngquza Hill 24 1 18 1 2 Tsolo 17 16 15 20 26 1 5 14 17 3 20 Lusikisiki 4 N2 19 20 19 5 23 21 14 2 4 Engcobo O.R. Ta m b o 31 CLIENT: 22 27 15 13 2 10 16 7 13 9 12 16 Libode 11 12 34 16 8 10 19 8 8 11 6 15 Mthatha 14 5 18 12 30 3 2 10 18 Nyandeni 7 1 4 30 29 5 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Port St Johns 4 21 33 17 13 31 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 6 9 9 15 11 Port St Johns CONSULTANTS: 3 Ngqeleni 17 2 17 19 35 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 24 32 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 14 King Sabata Dalindyebo 5 16 4 1 29 28 26 22 18 PROJECT TITLE 20 Mqanduli 28 19 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 23 3 25 Mbhashe 27 23 5 26 Water Supply Backlog Status 6 Adequate Supply at/above RDP 22 20 21 25 MAP TITLE: Up to 25% Below RDP Standards Water Supply Backlog Status Up to 50% Below RDP Standards 24 7 31 17 Up to 75% Below RDP Standards 4 8 DATE COMPLETED: 13 Up to 100% Below RDP Standards Amathole 1 21 9 12 18 2016/05/25 Source: Census 2011 26 14 2 28 15 MAP NO.: 19 10 5 0 10 Kilometers 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160524_F3_WaterSupplyBacklogStatus.mxd DC15 Figure 3 16 uz Mv T33H i 30 ts Ngcothi u ku nqa a Mn ga a 16 7 11 u 1 r Cic 4 30 S ik 31 ha sh 17 33 T20D nt Ce un Xo n 17 an a at h e e M p o DATE COMPLETED: a 13 Amathole h Nc na 14 a i T13D 28 15 Ntlon T90A a Surface Water Resources 24 u lu mba B ra T80C T80A a bu B MAP TITLE: T80B ma ak 12 b r 22 go Xor a 21 N N Ngqeleni 21 ul e m O.R. Ta m b o Duty w qa a u 25 1 9 26 23 8 uMan g athi 25 u T13C 2 T20G n ya Mu ny OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan M 27 bi du m twa 7 PROJECT TITLE 20 u ng q T13B T12G Mt akat 23 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Mqanduli 20 6 4 28 Ng q B ho Mbhashe za na T70D T20E T20F Q 2 ye a za M un 3 CONSULTANTS: M g 1 ne u e u M T70G 22 n 19 29 28 p 5 31 T70F 26 King Sabata Dalindyebo 18 lo 24 14 T13A 5 Port St Johns 17 21 35 32 16 4 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 3 19 13 uli T11H 5 7 ny e 29 T20C ora am Mg n a Mb T11C c Port St Johns 4 ob en i 17 X ong T70C e 3 m n q 7 5 se 30 C Ta b a 9 10 12 g T11G 6 6 i co DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: uf 6 18 n a 8 a 14 16 a ob on ny e Mthatha G 11 Mn t gw T70B 15 u Libode af 9 12 15 ra 12 11 13 34 18 T60K 8 n a th a r T70E M T20A 2 a an th CLIENT: zi Co 10 10 Ng q u nge M T11F 16 fane Mp a T60H g 15 T36B 8 lo 19 z in tsh a M 13 ko Mziza nw a e be ra Nc a m Mn yo 4 T70A a na Qel a Ty l kat a h zi 4 T20B hl ng a eM a 21 14 we T36A ni 31 it M Ru z e Nyandeni ng yo l la n e 2 Engcobo M or N2 5 22 20 Lusikisiki i Mh 19 T60J 19 27 23 M 16 14 17 3 lambu 15 20 5 l Kwa ek o Bh Nqa ule nc N g co h X T35M 1 a T60G 24 lo h lo z 26 Tsolo T11D 2 18 17 18 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 25 u d n ga 20 1 M os Nc ke e 3 ko a Xo n x Um i T35L 7 T35H KuN gin T60F 13 n be D a Qw a b r u l me n i Si ko m 8 6 4 T33K 10 e a sik a ran Xu q G aq 9 LOCALITY: T60D 28 26 11 i u Ngquza Hill 12 hlane n 27 1 ol Mp a M ya t M ten M 14 K T60C DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 24 29 T60E 7 12 ulumb 25 10 11 3 T34K 16 Quaternary Catchments 23 a 28 n lunc a Cu T32H 1 1 M am h w ooi T35G t a a 3 ala V60H e 15 9 Flagstaff a T35K 24 5 Secondary Rivers M e n s 6 Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers we t 8 4 17 Qumbu tb Ga e r g Ntl ak wan 5 5 Inx l 22 2 i Ty Hl o we 14 17 2 T60A z ib i Ng c a T60B S 15 T35J Mtatha Dam 11 16 T35E Main Roads e i 8 National Roads 20 21 25 Gq N1 n si ce 6 13 T34J Census Main Places 29 17 t 22 va 7 Ntabankulu T33J Alfred Nzo M 6 tl Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 i 19 9 20 23 Elundini C ab ez 12 M t Mhlontlo 13 30 31 a iT Po n d ob 19 10 Local Municipality Boundaries Mbizana 8 10 District Municipality Boundaries T40E ni k w 18 R61 14 Mv u m vu l 31 16 25 18 21 396 Ne 15 n Mzi a r 19 T35F 7 i b a ith w T32F b c Provinical Boundaries 6 ni M a Hl a 17 18 21 20 R396 T35C T40D l Gw a a 26 1 n qu 7 T35D Lude ke Lo T34H Tsil 3 9 Ezingoleni 13 T sit sa T35B 9 12 xa Nx a Qhan R56 en 11 16 nk L ittl e Po t 3 27 a om o 7 e T35A 15 an a T32G 8 bazi T40C Legend 5 T un gw e T34G 17 t Tsi tsa na T31J T33G 22 a 4 N qab Joe Gqabi 4 T32E nd Q w id l a n T34F 11 Mb a Umzimvubu 23 Ca · T34E T13E 2016/05/26 18 26 y an e MAP NO.: 19 T80D 10 5 0 10 Kilometers 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160524_F4_Surfacewater.mxd DC15 Figure 4 · T34E 11 T34F Joe Gqabi T35A T31J T33G 15 T32E T34G 4 T32G 7 11 Mhlontlo 20 16 T34H T33H 31 16 R61 14 30 19 10 Alfred Nzo Groundwater Aquifer Class: Minor T60A 22 11 14 5 30 8 4 6 23 15 9 6 23 17 Flagstaff 15 25 10 3 T34K Qumbu T60C T60E 7 12 5 27 T60D 28 T35J 2 T35K 24 5 14 26 1 3 T35G 1 LOCALITY: 29 11 2 T35E 396 24 16 T32H 16 17 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 28 25 T34J Main Roads 21 T60B 8 6 13 Elundini 12 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 1 9 25 4 T33K 10 8 6 T60F 18 13 T35L 7 3 T35H Tsolo T35M 1 15 14 17 19 27 Nyandeni 21 4 14 4 T20B T70A 13 10 10 T60J CLIENT: 22 15 T36B 8 2 16 T60H 19 T36A 31 20 Lusikisiki 5 19 23 16 20 5 20 T20A Ngquza Hill 2 3 2 T60G 18 N2 T11D 24 1 17 26 T70E T60K 8 16 7 12 11 11 T11F 13 9 T70B Libode 12 Mthatha 34 11 12 7 5 31 Engcobo T70C 30 3 Port St Johns 7 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 1 4 30 T11G 3 29 5 4 T20C 17 T11C 33 13 24 T20D T70F 14 T11H 19 CONSULTANTS: 1 2 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 26 32 King Sabata Dalindyebo 16 Port St Johns 17 21 35 17 4 10 15 6 14 5 6 9 8 15 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 16 6 18 18 National Roads 20 12 7 Ntabankulu T33J N1 31 25 20 22 29 17 19 R56 T35B Census Main Places 13 8 9 18 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 18 15 10 21 Local Municipality Boundaries Mbizana 1 T32F District Municipality Boundaries T40E 9 19 T35F Provinical Boundaries 6 9 12 17 18 R396 3 26 13 21 T35C T40D 7 4 3 27 7 T35D Ezingoleni T40C 17 8 22 16 Legend 5 Umzimvubu 23 T20E Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 28 29 PROJECT TITLE 23 22 28 18 T70D T70G 20 5 Mqanduli T13A OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 19 T20F 3 T20G 25 Mbhashe 20 T13B 6 T12G 7 27 23 26 25 O.R. Ta m b o 22 Ngqeleni MAP TITLE: T80B 21 T80A T80C Intergranular and fractured > 5.0 l/s T13C 31 Groundwater Yield (l/s) 24 17 4 8 Amathole 1 21 12 2 9 T90A DATE COMPLETED: Intergranular and fractured 0.5 - 2.0 l/s 28 15 18 26 14 T13D Intergranular and fractured 0.0 - 0.1 l/s Intergranular and fractured 0.1 - 0.5 l/s 13 Gorundwater Resources T13E Intergranular and fractured 2.0 - 5.0 l/s MAP NO.: 19 T80D 2016/05/25 10 5 0 10 Kilometers 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160524_F5_Groundwater.mxd DC15 Figure 5 · Legend 5 27 Elundini 2 Provinical Boundaries 4 District Municipality Boundaries Mhlontlo Chris Hani 4 Local Municipality Boundaries 31 GRIBDELE 16 Khambi Upper Ncise MPAFANA Mtata Dam MATSHONGWE -B Gaduka LIXENI -D Ezigadini Main Roads Gxididi Elalini - D 10 Mdeni - C 16 8 Kwamhaga 10 MANYOSINI MAQWATINI Existing All Town Strategy Water Supply Areas GXIDIDI Cwecwe 7 ROSEDALE MATSHONGWE Driel Dam GXIDIDI 34 National Roads 2 HALLBAY DILISHE 19 Census Main Places N1 LUXENI LWANDLANA -K LWANDLANA MPOLOMPO O.R. Ta m b o LUCINGWENI Khambi PHESHEY KWETABASE Noziyongwana Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 NGQWALA MANDLENI Impindweni Dams & Dam Names NCISE MAYIBE 13 LURASINI ROSS MISSION Noziyongwana DUKATHOLE BAZIYA FOREST KWANDUNGWANA Mode east MBOZISA JADA SAWMILL ZWELITSHA 15 TABASE MISSION UMTATA DAM NYOKA WAQU BAZIYA MISSION Jojweni -V Sgubudu - C EHALINI Ntabeliza XHONGORA 29 LOWER CENTULI SIXHOTYENI MATHAMBO XHONGORA OLD PAYNE NEW PAYNE QWEQWE 33 UPPER QWEQWE Ntabeliza -B NTABELIZA BACK NEW PAYNE TYUMBU ORANGE GROOVE MAZIZINI 17 13 MAWELENI 21 Qweqwe 31 XHONGORA KHWENXURA NTSHELE NQWATHI 17 Chaba -C MANYISANE Chaba - A Emaga Xhongora -C CABA PHAHLA DLAKATWENI MKHONQENI NGQWATHI MAQADINI NQWATHI Khwenxura XHWILI MAQHINEBENI JIXINI VIEDGESVILLE QOLWENI UPPER QUNU BITYI TYELEBANA GUNJANA - F MABHELENI Gunjana -G ZINGCUKA TAFENI Mgwali MASHALENI JOJWENI CHANTI Silevini MANTSHAYI TANTSEKA Sakhela - A CHEGCWANA SAKHELA MTENTU MANGWENI NDIBELA DALINDYEBO GATYANA MZINYA Tyalara -B MPHANDELI Tyalara GENGQE GOTYIBENI GENQE KHOHLO MNQANDA JOJWENI Ntlebane LWANDLANA ENGQELENI MBIZANA TSHONTI Ngqeleni 22 BIJOLO GOMATA KHOVUTHI MAHLATHINI LUTHUBENI KWAJALI ³ ± EMAMPANDLENI GWATYU Water Pumpstations KROZA KRAKRA EGQUBENI Scheme Supply Area ] \ W TW Kwe Nxuro ESIDIKIDINI Kwe Nxura MAHLUNGULU BACELA KINGS FARM NTSITSHANA TUTWINI Silevini EMAZIZINI NCEKANA MJIKWENI KHARA LONDISO XHORANA Water Supply Backlog Status Ekhohlo -B MAQANYENI Lower Nenga KHOTYANA ENENGA Mathokazini -A Emaqanyeni ELALINI Mahusheni ENYANDENI MAFUSINI Lower Nenga KWANQENYA THUNGWANE NQAYIYA Ngqawa MZULWINI - 17 Mzongwaneni QHOGI COFFEE BAY Bunene -A KWAKIZI NZULWINI - 17 17 EMMANGWENI MAP TITLE: RHINI MTUMBANE NCALAMBENI Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: King Sabata Dalindyebo NZULWINI TALIMOFU Silevini 13 KHOHLO NDAMZI FUNISWAYO THUNGWANA NZWAKAZI OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan ESIZINDENI Khohlo -E MAHLUNGULU EMASAMENI FUTYE GAWU NZULWINI KWAKHAKANA KHANYAYO Jali - A FUTYE CHELESI KHALALO 4 Ekhohlo -A DINGA DINGADA Mbhashe RHARA Engcwanguba THWALIKHULU JALI 24 MATIYANE THUNGWANE XHORANA LOWER TYOLO PROJECT TITLE Dotyeni MANANGENI NTANDELA Ncobo 7 NENGA TWUNGWANA EMAQOMENI QADINI Water Bulk Pipeline HAJI LUCWECWE THUNGWANA Reticulation Line Dinga -B KWA KHAWULA ZIHAGU SIKHOBENI MHLABENI MNCWASA KHOVUTHI MATANZI XHORA MVEZO Water Treatment Works Upper Gunqwana XHORANA XHORANA EXOLWENI EMAQATYENI EMALANGENI GONYA NTSITSHANA MHLABUBOMKANISE EMIJIKWENI MABHEHANA BELUNGWINI KOMKULU 21 MBIZANA NTSITSHANA KWAAIMAN ESIKOBENI PS 25 NGOJINI BIJOLO EMANYOSINI Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MLAWU WILLOW MHLANGUKA BLACK ROCK STORE MTHONJANA 8 Adequate: Formal Amathole TYHOLO MTHONJANA MADINDI SIKOLOKOTHA HOLE IN THE WALL EMPINDWENI bhash e Below: Infra & O&M Needs DATE COMPLETED: 28 M Below: Infra Needs 2016/05/24 26 Below: Water Resources Xora 1 Below: No Services Formal 19 18 14 2 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 26 MNQANDE JOJWENI NTSILEKANE UWATYU GQUBENI KHOHLO DARABE 20 Reservoirs QUBENI MANTSHILIBENI KWANCANA KWALINI CONSULTANTS: NGCENDUNA MANGQOBE KHOHLO MANCAM THWABE Nyalara Infrastructure NTANDELA EZITHENJINI Silevini ZIKHOVA BOM BOM a hath Mt SAWUTINI SIGINQINI ENKALWENI ENKALWENI 6 LOWER QUNQU JOJWENI GENGQE SITEBE NEW REST KWA PHAHLA GOGOZAYO Manyisana 25 MJELWENI LUBISANE EFAM ZIBHODLA CACADU GANGXO BUMBANE KWANTSOME MBOZISA MAHLAMVU PHANBI KWENTABA MGQUMO DUMRANA TYHALARA MTENTU MLAMBO CORANA LOWER NQUNQU MFAMZI GENGQE OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MLAWU NGCANASENI MADLAKA MAMFENGWINI 5 UPPER NTLANGAZA TYAWARA NGWENI 23 TALA CORANA HLOPHE BUWA 27 PHAZIMA NGQUNGQU EMAKHUMSHENI NGWENI NGCENGANA NDIBELA Blekana -C BOMVU Sakhela -C Sakhela - D LOWER NGQWARA 23 MAQOMENI SANKOBE Blekana -D SAKHELA Sakhele NGQUNCIE NGCEJANA MQANDULI TOWN MALOZA Blekane MAWUTINI Mquanduli ZWELAKHE MSANA MPINDWENI Ntlangaza -A ZANCI ZWELITSHA NGWEVANA EMPA NGQUNGE RHUNE Ntlangaza -B NGQUMANE 28 MAGUBU MTENTU A NQENCU Mqanduli QUNU DINDALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: ZANCI XALANGA MATYENI CEGCWANA Rhune 20 22 Qingqolo BLEKANA KOMKHULU MADADIYELE KWA DLOMO Qunu village KHENCEZAZO NDAKANA MACOSA MADONSI NGCENDESE MPOLASA EMANDLOVINI LOWER NGQWARA Qingqolo Village MPUNZANA NKALANE BITYI PHINGILILI Upper Gunqwana QUNU Nkamasana MOYENI RHUNI Kwa-NDABA MAVUNAWENI CEZU 28 Qingqolo QHINGQOLO Mcobotini - C MAMPINGENI MOKOLWENI SIGWALINI Qingqolo BLEKANA Madwaleni - A QUNU FOREST QUNU 18 Sqikini HLABATSHANE Nqanda -B Ncanaseni TAMSANQA SIGIBA MADONSI Mpikwana -A NTIMANUWENI Kungcolo KWANXELE N2 MPIKWANA GXWALIBOMVU 19 JULUKUQU Gxwalibomvu - C MSANA Madwaleni -B LUXOLWENI TAFENI CEZU NGCOTYENI 14 GOSO Sawulana -B NDLUNKULU BALIZULU Silevini CLIENT: DOBE HLABATSHANE MAXESIBENI XHWILI NQWATHI Nkamasana Upper Ngqwarha NTUWE Nyibeni B 16 Upper Ngqwara Upper Ngqwarha B NEW TOWN MQHEKEZWENI XHWILI -E NYIBENI MATYENENGQINA LUKWETHU NGIZA Jixini GQAQHALA NGCWALA MACIBINI MANZOTHENI XHWILI -A MQHEKEZWENI -A Nyibeni BHAKALENI JIXINI MAGOMBE Langeni -B 29 THAFENI MBASHE NGQUQA QOKOLWENI QOKOLWENI XHUXWALA XHWILI MQHEKEZWENI NDUNGWANA NDUNDUMENI JIXINI Zimbane Zimbane SAWUTINI MOYENI MAWENI Qokolweni MAQHINGENI MARHUDULWINI Mqhekezweni - C NQWATHI 24 MANDLANENI MTEBE MAGA 26 Zimbane XHUGXWALA 32 KHONQENI -A BHIYAFU 19 35 LOWA MAMFENENI KUNQWATI Jixini ESIDWADWENI ZIMBANE King Sabata Dalindyebo MADORHWANENI KHONQENI LUXOMO CHIBINI KWADRATASHE Centuli -C UPPER CENTULE MBUQE KUNENE LUTHUTHU NTLEKISENI XHONGORA KWA-SABE KHONQENI MAZIZANI DATASHE CENTULI ESIKHOBENI Kwa-Phahla RHELEGWINI T U EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee Nyandeni AMENDU MABHELENI Bhaziya KHONONGWANA NDAKWANA ESKOM BHONGWENI 30 Qweqwe NTABELIZA MAQWAMBI QELANI MPEKO-NTABENI IKWEZI 4 MBOZWANA Baziya GUBEVU SILVERTONE Nkamasana SIKHOBENI SIGUBUDWENI MMANGWENI 17 MPHEKO PLANTATION 30 1 2 SOUTHERNWOOD SHELL HOTEL LOCALITY: 18 3 MPEKO GUBENU Upper Emaqo Tabase - B Sigubudweni -A BEKE Baziya OLD LINDILE MPEKO UPPER TABASE Upper Tabase -A 12 MBUQE 7 MYEZO PARK Lindile Dumrhane SGUBUDU SGUBUDU BHONGA LWANDLANA 5 NEW LINDILE BAZIYA Baziya 14 NTABENI XHOKASHE Baziya -A Mthatha 6 R61 Baziya -C 15 9 MTSHOBO DUMRANA SIXUZULU 8 11 CHRIS HANI TSHEMESE NGOSWANA SIQIKINI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation PAYNE Tabase MAMPINGENI Emajwareni FAIRFIELD Kaplani LANDS END Dlomo NORTHCREST DECOLIGNY NCISE Ngqunge -B MBOZISA JOJWENI 11 Noziyongwana TRACOR Secondary Rivers Libode HIGHBURY DECOLIGNY CICIRA MDENI MARHAMBENI 18 12 Umtata Primary Rivers 6 LINK K.D MATANZIMA AIRPORT TYENI Engcobo 9 NTSHABENI NGCENDERHA LUGXOGXO Noziyongwana 15 MAP NO.: 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers 9 12 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_1_ATCandXSchemeInfra_KSD.mxd DC15 Figure 6.1 Legend 2 UMZ001 Provinical Boundaries 3 Qumbu R56 Ntabankulu District Municipality Boundaries NTB001 6 13 15 Local Municipality Boundaries 12 16 Qumbu Local WSS 17 2 Alfred Nzo Ndasana Local WSS J o e Inxu Gqabi 396 14 Proposed Laleni Dam 6 Mdeni Local WSS Mangweni Local WSS 8 Mhlontlo Nkamasana CHIBINI Tsolo Mangondo Nkamasana Mqobiso - A WSS LOWER MJIKA 15 MANYOSINI 4 MNGCELENI NOMABETSHE Manyosini Local WSS MAQWATINI TYENI BAZIYA FOREST NYOKA WAQU BAZIYA MISSION SIXUZULU Baziya BEKE Baziya - C Bayiza Baziya East Local -A WSS BHONGA BAZIYA Baziya West Local WSS Ngqunge - B MAMPINGENI JOJWENI SIQIKINI MDENI Mode TABASE MISSION east Tabase MBOZISA MBOZISA ZWELITSHA NGOSWANA MTSHOBO Upper Tabase -A SGUBUDU Baziya LWANDLANA NDAKWANA MAQWAMBI MMANGWENI Ntabeliza Jojweni - V Bhaziya Ntabeliza -B 17 NTABENI Umtata Municipal Regional WSS MPEKO GUBENU SIKHOBENI SIGUBUDWENI Sikobeni Local WSS 31 12 CHRIS HANI PARK HOMES NKULULEKWENI OLD Lindile LINDILE LOWER CENTULI King Sabata Dalindyebo 33 11 MDLANKOMO EMPANGANI MAGCAKINI - A 7 PLANTATION GQABHATA 9 12 R61 N2 MAWELENI 16 MSINTSI DIDI NTENDELE Nkamasana MAQHINGENI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: MKHANKATHO MBIZA MARHEWINI Port St Johns 6 Lutshheko Nyandeni Local WSS Nkawukazi NTHAPANE 7 NJEZWENI CONSULTANTS: 13 ESKOM Mthatha Regional WSS BACK 29 1 MAZIZINI MABHELENI ORANGE GROOVE LUTHUTHU Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 17 3 Ngqeleni Local WSS Ngqeleni QWEQWE NTSHELE KSD004 Lujecweni WSS PROJECT TITLE 2 Nya002 24 17 19 thath a M 35 KSD002 Qhaka Regional WSS O.R. Ta m b o 32 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Nya004 Nya003 AMENDU 21 Qweqwe OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY NKAWUKAZI LANGENI ZIMPUNGENI 3 4 NEW PAYNE OLD PAYNE 8 30 2 BHONGWENI 2 Libode Regional WSS 18 Nciphizeni 7 NKANGA NTABANTSIMBI MAQHINGENI JAMANI DALAGUBA Nkamasana MPENDLE Langeni NGOBOZI CLIENT: NGCAPHE Kuzithathele Kuzithathele Bakaleni NKONKONI Nkamasana COMPOUND Nkamasana KWANOMZAMO UPPER LIBODE NGQWANGI MISTY 9 CORANA 15 TOWN BUMBANE MOUNT DRAYINI KWANDANYA Libode ZITENENI Moyeni LUKHUNI 16 EMOYENI MAGCAKINI MAMFENGWINI MDINA MHLABENI Ncambedlana TYUMBU UPPER QWEQWE MPHANGALA TYARA NGOLO 5 30 Qweqwe MARHUBENI 8 Mthatha NORWOOD Emdeni EMDENI QWEMPU MAKHOTYANA GXULU NEW SHELL HOTEL LINDILE QELANI MPEKO-NTABENI MPHEKO PLANTATION MARUBENI Noziyongwana NOXOLONDE DININKOSI Silevini Noziyongwana RANNY NGCOBO/RAINY MAFUSINI SIBANGWENI Noziyongwana 14 CICIRA 11 UMTATA DAM MPEKO UPPER TABASE Dumrhane MAQANYENI NTSHELE DUNGU Nyandeni MNCALI NGCOBO Corana Regional WSS HIGHBURY Impindweni Emajwareni LINK NTSHABENI Kaplani LANDS END Rainy LUTHOLI Sibangweni/Lutholi LUKHANYISWENI 13 GXIDIDI NCISE Dlomo Local WSS Tabase Gubevu Local WSS NTABELIZA MBOZWANA MATHAMBO NTABELIZA 10 FAIRFIELD DECOLIGNY DECOLIGNY Umtata MARHAMBENI DUMRANA Upper Tabase Emaqo - B Sigubudweni - A Baziya K.D MATANZIMA AIRPORT 31 MZONDENI Lukhuni - A Lukhuni BUNGU MARHUBENI Corhana NONTSHWABU Cwecwe Mdeni - C ROSEDALE TSHEMESE SGUBUDU Sgubudu -C Mtata Dam MATSHONGWE NGCENDERHA LURASINI ROSS MISSION Silevini Nkamasana MHLANGA NYANDENI GREAT PLACE GUNYENI Gxididi MATSHONGWE - B XHOKASHE XHONGORA EHALINI Mhlahlane Regional WSS Kwa-GEBANE LURASINI INDUSTRIAL CHOPHETYENI LOWER GUNGULULU GXIDIDI Elalini - D Kwamhaga Ezigadini DUKATHOLE KWANDUNGWANA JADA SAWMILL 18 LUGXOGXO MAYIBE Silevini LURHASINI 10 NCISE Mahibeni Local WSS Noziyongwana LUCINGWENI DILISHE DIKELA 27 TSONGENI Khambi LWANDLANA -K MANDLENI DIKELA MTHOMBO LUTHUBENI Mrhotshozweni Local WSS MRHOTSHOZWENI Noziyongwana MPAFANA 19 LUTUBENI EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee Nkamasana GONGO 4 17 u Mzim v ub NJULUKA Mthombe 18 Mgaqweni -A EZINKUMBINI NGQWALA HALLBAY Gaduka TAFENI NXUKHWEBE NQADU Noziyongwana Khambi LUXENI LIXENI -D Upper Gunqwana ZANDUKWANE Nkamasana NYEMBEZI GRIBDELE NGOLO Qeza Nkanini WSS Boycy - B ZENZELE 16 COZA HLANGENE MNGWNVBENI MATYEBA Noziyongwana KuSOMPA WATERFALL MFABANTU PHESHEY KWETABASE Upper Ncise LWANDLANA 34 MTHOMBE NGAVUNGAVU Phezukwamawa MHLANGANISWENI DOKODELA MPUKUMBINI 2 Engcobo 3 THEMBENI 5 LOWER MJIKA MJOBENI MAGOQOZA MADWALENI MHLAHLANE KSD001 Nkamasana NDUNGUNYENI PHOCANI NJAPHANTSI LOCALITY: 2 Mangcwanguleni Nkamasana HLANGANI XABANA NOMBODLELANA 26 ESIQIKINI Ndungunyeni -A Noziyongwana TIKITIKI UPPER MJIKA 20 MAHOYANA MANZIMABI Duka Local WSS EMANXIWENI 1 Bomvini NQH001 QHOLWENI MQANDANTO 1 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Ngquza Hill KWAYALELA NGCOLORHA ZIBUNGU Secondary Rivers Mpindweni -I 5 Tsolo Town Local WSS NCITSHANE Driel Dam 10 7 CHEKA 3 Primary Rivers iTs itsa 3 1 Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names 11 9 Elundini MPOLOMPO National Roads 1 Mhlo001 Noziyongwana N1 Main Roads 1 LANGENI Census Main Places a 24 5 Chris Hani lav M z int Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 5 T h in a · Kimbili Local WSS Proposed Ntabalanga Dam OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 14 1 16 18 Mandlaneni B Local WSS s he Mb ha 19 5 Mbhashe Amathole Mg wali 20 Maqomeni B Local WSS Kusigiba Local WSS Ngweni Local WSS Nya001 Sigwalini Local WSS Hamsini - A Local WSS 27 Mqanduli Local WSS T U 20 WSS PS Below: Infra & O&M Needs 23 KSD003 Mpoza Local Adequate: Formal 22 Mqanduli 28 Mgqumo Local WSS Water Supply Backlog Status 26 29 23 ] \ W TW 26 5.5 2.75 0 5.5 Kilometers Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: King Sabata Dalindyebo - Reservoirs Water Pumpstations Scheme Supply Area Below: Infra Needs Below: Water Resources 22 MAP TITLE: Infrastructure ³ ± Ngaphezulu Local WSS 4 28 25 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line Below: No Services Formal KSD001 Mthatha RWSS MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline 6 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_1_1_ATCandXSchemeInfra_KSD_KSD001.mxd DC15 Figure 6.1.1 · Legend Bayiza East Local WSS 17 Provinical Boundaries s Mbha District Municipality Boundaries 31 he Local Municipality Boundaries Mhlahlane Regional WSS Baziya West Local WSS Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places N1 National Roads KSD001 R61 Main Roads Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam GUBEVU Primary Rivers Sikobeni Local WSS KHONONGWANA Secondary Rivers XHONGORA DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation LOCALITY: X ong ora MANYISANE NQWATHI Chaba -A CABA Chaba -C PHAHLA Xhongora -C King Sabata Dalindyebo 17 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee KWA-SABE MKHONQENI Kwa-Phahla MADORHWANENI KHONQENI RHELEGWINI DLAKATWENI NGQWATHI KSD002 MAZIZANI O.R. Ta m b o CLIENT: MAQADINI KHONQENI KHONQENI -A 16 NQWATHI LUXOMO DATASHE BHIYAFU CHIBINI Xuk a KWADRATASHE MAMFENENI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: MAGA LOWA Chris Hani KUNQWATI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MARHUDULWINI NQWATHI CONSULTANTS: NDUNGWANA Engcobo NDUNDUMENI Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 KSD004 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Mbhashe PROJECT TITLE MBASHE BHAKALENI MAP TITLE: Water Supply Backlog Status 18 Adequate: Formal Below: Infra & O&M Needs Below: Infra Needs T U Reservoirs Water Pumpstations PS Scheme Supply Area ] \ W TW Below: Water Resources Mt en t u 1 0.5 0 1 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: King Sabata Dalindyebo - Infrastructure ³ ± NGQUQA OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan KSD002 Mthatha Regional Borehole Dev DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_1_2_ATCandXSchemeInfra_KSD_KSD002.mxd DC15 Figure 6.1.2 a Z Cen · KSD002 tuli im b ne Nya003 Legend Nya003 32 M Provinical Boundaries dum bi District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries 14 18 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places wara q Ng Ngaphezulu Local WSS Maqomeni B Local WSS Ku N National Roads n ku 19 N1 z im Sigwalini Local WSS 26 29 Kusigiba Local WSS O.R. Ta m b o Main Roads b ini 23 Nyandeni Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam Primary Rivers 22 Secondary Rivers KSD004 Mandlaneni B Local WSS Lwalweni Local WSS ntu Mqanduli m an e N2 n un a Mp a Mgqumo Local WSS King Sabata Dalindyebo Ng qu Mte Nya001 M that ha Mquanduli 28 MQANDULI TOWN ZWELITSHA z Ngweni Local WSS PHAZIMA NGQUNGQU MAQOMENI Blekana -D UPPER NTLANGAZA NGCANASENI EMAKHUMSHENI KWANTSOME KWA PHAHLA MADLAKA LOWER NQUNQU MJELWENI JOJWENI SIGINQINI JOJWENI MAHLAMVU PHANBI KWENTABA SAWUTINI g q ngqu u LUBISANE NTANDELA EZITHENJINI ZIBHODLA CACADU MAMFENGWINI GATYANA GENGQE LOWER QUNQU EFAM Manyisana Silevini MANGQOBE MANTSHILIBENI GOGOZAYO KHOHLO u DARABE BOM BOM GENGQE GENGQE MANCAM Ng o DARABE BIJOLO THWABE ya m n NTSILEKANE TSHONTI WILLOW CLIENT: LUTHUBENI KSD003 Ngqeleni MBIZANA LWANDLANA 22 a ENGQELENI 20 MAHLATHINI MNQANDA KHOHLO KWALINI GOTYIBENI GENQE MPHANDELI 27 JOJWENI KWANCANA ENKALWENI n Qu EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MBOZISA N MFAMZI GENGQE MLAWU MLAMBO CORANA SANKOBE HLOPHE ZIKHOVA TALA CORANA MALOZA Blekana -C LOCALITY: MPINDWENI Ntlangaza - A LOWER NGQWARA Mqanduli Local WSS NGWEVANA ZWELAKHE 23 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation ESIKOBENI BIJOLO GOMATA KHOVUTHI NTSITSHANA Mbozisa Local WSS KWAJALI KOMKULU NTSITSHANA 7 EMANYOSINI MHLABUBOMKANISE Bule m bu KROZA UWATYU MBIZANA EGQUBENI EMIJIKWENI GWATYU GWATYU XHORA Upper Gunqwana XHORANA MNCWASA XHORANA SIKHOBENI EMAMPANDLENI Kwe Nxuro ESIDIKIDINI MVEZO MAHLUNGULU EMAQOMENI TUTWINI na Xora JALI Duty w THUNGWANE MAHLUNGULU Ngqawa Silevini 21 MJIKWENI THUNGWANA Xora Ncobo OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY KHANYAYO Jali - A QADINI NCEKANA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Mbhashe THUNGWANE LOWER TYOLO RHARA KSD005 XHORANA TWUNGWANA Kwe Nxura THUNGWANA a 25 NTSITSHANA LUCWECWE XHORANA KINGS FARM BACELA KWA KHAWULA ZIHAGU MATANZI KRAKRA EXOLWENI KHOVUTHI Dinga -B HAJI CONSULTANTS: EMASAMENI LONDISO EMMANGWENI 17 Mn c FUTYE KHARA CHELESI KHALALO NZWAKAZI FUTYE w as a Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NCALAMBENI Mpa Xor a ko Silevini Amathole ba Bu m lu Mbha s h 8 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 13 e PROJECT TITLE TYHOLO MADINDI OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 28 18 MAP TITLE: 26 Water Supply Backlog Status Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: King Sabata Dalindyebo - Infrastructure N cih an Ntlo nya Below: Infra & O&M Needs 19 Below: Infra Needs Nqabara ] \ W TW Below: Water Resources 14 1.5 0 Water Pumpstations PS ne 3 Reservoirs T U Adequate: Formal 15 12 ³ ± a 3 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Scheme Supply Area KSD003 Mqanduli Corridor Dev DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_1_3_ATCandXSchemeInfra_KSD_KSD003.mxd DC15 Figure 6.1.3 · Chris Hani C Legend ici 9 8 11 Tabase Local WSS 34 gq u N 6 Owen 5 14 Nya003 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Corana Regional WSS nge 15 30 C or a na ra Local Municipality Boundaries 12 Mthatha R61 3 Census Main Places 2 Umtata Municipal Regional WSS Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 7 Mhlahlane Regional e WSS as Ta b Bayiza East Local WSS 1 N1 National Roads Main Roads 4 KSD001 30 Baziya West Local WSS Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names 29 17 Gubevu Local WSS i Primary Rivers n Si kobe Driel Dam Mthatha Regional WSS C um Secondary Rivers n g ce 13 SIXHOTYENI 33 e Sikobeni Local WSS M bh a s h Xo n gor a Nyandeni 31 Cen tu XHONGORA Emaga li ESIKHOBENI ZIMBANE NTLEKISENI Khwenxura Jixini ZIMBANE UPPER CENTULE MBUQE LOCALITY: KUNENE Centuli -C 17 Nya003 KHWENXURA CENTULI XHONGORA ESIDWADWENI 35 MAQHINEBENI Mthath a Zimbane XHWILI Mten tu KSD002 JIXINI XHUGXWALA MANDLANENI ban e Zi m MTEBE 32 MAQHINGENI 16 Xuka VIEDGESVILLE Mqhekezweni - C MQHEKEZWENI MQHEKEZWENI - A XHWILI - A MQHEKEZWENI Nyibeni NEW TOWN NYIBENI Nkamasana Nyibeni B XHWILI -E Silevini NGCOTYENI Nkamasana 18 TYELEBANA MOKOLWENI GUNJANA -F RHUNI BITYI Kwa-NDABA Lwalweni Local WSS KWA DLOMO NQENCU EMPA NGQUNGE MSANA Ngweni Local WSS NGCEJANA NGQUNCIE CHEGCWANA MANTSHAYI TANTSEKA gq XALANGA pun za M n NGCENGANA Ng ar a Mqanduli NGQUMANE m 28 Ntlangaza -B ZANCI JOJWENI ZANCI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Mqanduli Local WSS CHANTI Sakhele SAKHELA Sakhela Sakhela -D -A Sakhela -C Silevini MAWUTINI BLEKANA KOMKHULU QUNU MAGUBU Sigwalini Local WSS ZANCI MACOSA MADADIYELE N2 CLIENT: Qingqolo Qingqolo Village MPOLASA EMANDLOVINI LOWER NGQWARA MPUNZANA QUNU FOREST QUNU Qunu village DINDALA QHINGQOLO NDAKANA a RHUNE MASHALENI NKALANE MATYENI Mgqumo Local WSS Mcobotini -C e an CEGCWANA MTENTU A MAVUNAWENI CEZU u NGCENDESE Rhune Mgwali Upper Gunqwana QUNU ZINGCUKA BLEKANA TAMSANQA Nya001 Qingqolo KHENCEZAZO N Gunjana -G TAFENI Sqikini 22 qw PHINGILILI Kungcolo SIGWALINI Qingqolo MAMPINGENI Mandlaneni B Local WSS MADONSI MOYENI MABHELENI Nqanda Madwaleni - A - B Ncanaseni NTIMANUWENI SIGIBA MADONSI Mpikwana - A HLABATSHANE Madwaleni - B CEZU BITYI GXWALIBOMVU DOBE GOSO Sawulana -B LUXOLWENI Kusigiba Local WSS HLABATSHANE NDLUNKULU KWANXELE Maqomeni B Local WSS NGCWALA MAXESIBENI TAFENI KSD004 MPIKWANA MSANA 19 JULUKUQU Gxwalibomvu -C JIXINI 26 Langeni -B MANZOTHENI Upper Ngqwarha Upper Ngqwara NTUWE UPPER QUNU QOLWENI Nkamasana Upper Ngqwarha B BALIZULU Ngaphezulu Local WSS NQWATHI EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee NGIZA GQAQHALA Upper Ngqwara MATYENENGQINA 14 MAGOMBE 29 LUKWETHU XHWILI MACIBINI XHUXWALA XHWILI THAFENI Engcobo JIXINI Jixini QOKOLWENI QOKOLWENI SAWUTINI MOYENI MAWENI Qokolweni Zimbane Zimbane O.R. Ta m b o DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Blekane OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY BOMVU SAKHELA NGWENI u MTENTU NDIBELA NDIBELA King Sabata Dalindyebo NGWENI DUMRANA DALINDYEBO CONSULTANTS: g q ngqu u N MANGWENI BUWA Qun TYAWARA MGQUMO Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 BUMBANE TYHALARA GANGXO MTENTU NEW REST Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 27 23 SITEBE ENKALWENI 6 Tyalara -B B ule m MZINYA Tyalara 20 22 b u Nyalara Ngqeleni Mbozisa Local WSS KSD003 N g o ny am M nc a wa sa PROJECT TITLE OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Amathole Mbhashe MAP TITLE: Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: King Sabata Dalindyebo - Xora n a tyw a Adequate: Formal 21 Below: Infra & O&M Needs 7 Xora 4 8 3.5 1.75 13 a Nci h an yu M un 0 Reservoirs Water Pumpstations PS KSD004 Lukwethu Water Supply Scheme Supply Area Below: Infra Needs Xora Below: Water Resources 3.5 Kilometers T U Below: No Services Formal 26 ] \ W TW DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 17 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line 28 MAP NO.: Waterl uBulk Pipeline mb a Du Water Supply Backlog Status Mbhash e ³ ± Infrastructure Bu Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_1_4_ATCandXSchemeInfra_KSD_KSD004.mxd DC15 Figure 6.1.4 Provinical Boundaries Mth t District Municipality Boundaries ha Meveni - A Local WSS a Local Municipality Boundaries QUBENI qu · Legend Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 g un N gq Census Main Places 25 N1 GQUBENI NGCENDUNA National Roads 27 Main Roads Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names GOSO Nya001 KHOHLO 26 Driel Dam Ntlebane MNQANDE Primary Rivers Nyandeni Secondary Rivers MLAWU DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation KSD003 Mbozisa Local WSS BELUNGWINI JOJWENI LOCALITY: EMAQATYENI GONYA MABHEHANA bi KWAAIMAN Mdum NGOJINI EMALANGENI MABHEHANA NENGA Dotyeni MHLABENI DINGA EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MANANGENI O . R . MATIYANE Ta m b o Engcwanguba NTANDELA NZULWINI KWAKHAKANA Ekhohlo -A King Sabata Dalindyebo Ekhohlo -B ESIZINDENI Mathokazini -A GAWU Khohlo -E MAQANYENI KHOHLO KSD005 CLIENT: ENENGA NDAMZI FUNISWAYO Mahusheni Lower Nenga THWALIKHULU KHOTYANA Coffee Bay Local WSS Emaqanyeni Lower Nenga MAFUSINI ELALINI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: ENYANDENI MZULWINI - 17 COFFEE BAY QHOGI KWANQENYA 24 Mzongwaneni DINGADA a Bul u m b OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY NZULWINI - 17 NQAYIYA KWAKIZI 17 Mn cw Bunene -A RHINI CONSULTANTS: asa MTUMBANE Mpako 28 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NZULWINI TALIMOFU BLACK ROCK STORE MHLANGUKA Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 MTHONJANA PROJECT TITLE Mbhashe Amathole OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan EMPINDWENI MTHONJANA HOLE IN THE WALL SIKOLOKOTHA MAP TITLE: Adequate: Formal 19 Below: Infra & O&M Needs T U Reservoirs ³ ± Water Supply Backlog Status Water Pumpstations PS 18 Below: Infra Needs Scheme Supply Area ] \ W TW Below: Water Resources 1.5 0.75 0 1.5 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: King Sabata Dalindyebo - Infrastructure KSD005 Coffee Bay RWSS DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_1_5_ATCandXSchemeInfra_KSD_KSD005.mxd DC15 Figure 6.1.5 · Joe Gqabi Legend 8 ira K in 7 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries 15 27 Hayiheke Khubusi Local Municipality Boundaries 9 HAYIBEKE Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Phelandaba 14 22 Khubusi 16 Census Main Places N1 Noziyongwana GQWESA 17 12 Upper Magxeni Ilundeni ETHWA 7 EZIMBENYWINI 20 MBEZA GWADANA 16 Mdabukweni Existing All Town Strategy Water Supply Areas 13 Noziyongwana Qhanqu QOTIRA MALADINI 11 18 Makelweni Mdabukweni Mukuleni Lower Magxeni Mbeza Umzimvubu Driel Dam MCUBAKAZI MAQHUBINI NYANDENI Luqolwenu National Roads Main Roads MJIKELWENI Tyemnyama Dams & Dam Names MAGONTSINI Luqolweni Primary Rivers 19 21 SIVIVANENI NTABODULI Gwadane Maqwathini Ngele SKWAYINI NDAKENI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation KAMASTONE TSILITWA NYANISWENI Sixhotyeni SANGQU 25 Mpedle UPPER LWANDLANA MDENI Lower Lwandlana MAFUSINI Kwandoyi BELEKENCE Sulenkama NGCOTHI 6 SIGUBUDWINI Sulenkama Tyhuname MAQANYENI 7 GURHA 18 Noziyongwana Khunkutha KOMKHULU Cengcani MTHOZELA MDENI Ntabankulu i SITHANGAMENI 22 LUXENI NGELE -C Kimbili 2 GUNQWANE MAHLUNGUU NOZITYANA MAQANYENI DEBEZA 17 Diphini -B Mpesheni Mafusini NGQAKAQENI Lluqolwenl MPETSHENI Elundini 4 MJIKWA Mangwaneni - CC Langeni - BB CULUNCA MISSION KWA DELA LOWER NGCOLOKINI MADYIMBA NKONKWENI 16 Upper Gunqwana MBINDA SIKOBENI 2 13 Gubeni -A a Upper Gunqwana Ntsheleni in Th QUMBU QUMBU TOWN MANXIWENI BOMVINI MBOBO MATYHAMINI BALASI NXOTWE CLIENT: 12 MPINDWENI NEWSTEAD NXOTWE NTSHELENI MPINDWENI Upper Gunqwana BALASI 3 MDYOBE GABAZI LUQOLWENI LOWER TYIRHA 24 Nyanisweni Qumbu NDZEBE NTSHONGWENI Silevini MARHAMBENI LOWER TYIRA 396 Ncumbe UPPER NGCOLOKINI SENKUNZI MBENZA BHUWA 15 BAJODINA LOWER TYIRA Esikolweni -D BUWA NGXAKOLO LOWER CHULUNCA MISSION 6 Mambalwini NYOKANA Upper Gunqwana NGQONGO DEBEZA 17 GQUNU MAVUNDLENI Upper Gunqwana MIDDLE TYIRA BHUBESI TSOLO ZILANDANA 23 NGQONGQWENI Proposed Ntabalanga Dam 25 Kumadukuda MHLANGALA Lower Ngcolokili BLACK HILL MABHOLOMPA Detyana TOLENI N2 MAHLUNGULU Thambekenr EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MFUNDISWENI XABANE Upper Gunqwana KOMKHULU CABA Kwatshane 5 TOLENI MNGQUNYANA MZUZANTO DETYANA Mafusini Maplotini BHEJA MPINDWENI NGXABAXHA GQUKUNQA Ngqakaweni 3 SITISHINI MACHIBINI KRANCOLO Krancolo MAGQAGQENI Alfred Nzo KIMBILI Nozityana 1 NKOMPOLWENI NGXOTHO MTHOZELO Dumaneni 1 ESITHALENI 20 MANGXAMFU NGONYAMENI DUMBA Gubeni -B BOMVINI LOWER TYIRA MPOZA In xu NCALUKENI NDAKENI NDZEBE 2 NO 9 BUHLUNGWANA 14 LUQOLWENI ERAYINI MALONGWE MNGA FAMENI NTIBANE FARMS XENI ENKAMENI Balasi -C MDIBANISWENI Ntshiqo NOMHALA MAJABA Mhlabati -B NTSHINTSHI -A KUKUMEHLO Nkamasana BHAKANENI ESINGENI -F 1 ZINGCUKA DANDALAZILE ST. CUTHBERTS MAQAKAMBENI ESINGENI NOGQADASI - EE ESINGWENI Mhlabeni -E Endwe B NGWEMNYAMA MMANGWENI GANDANA MAGCAKINI NQUBUSINI UPPER LOTANA MBENI 11 MANZANA 9 Lower Lotina BHAYI EGOLIDENI NDIMANGA GONGO Tsolo Upper Gunqwana TSOLO TOWN TYENI CINGO Ngquza Hill 1 Nkamasana MBHONGWENI Nkamasana MAYALULENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Endwe A MDENI QANDA NOZIYONGWANA GODZI 3 MAMPINGENI Nkamasana Nkamasana BHUNGENI MABULULU KRATYENI Tsolo NTYWENKA 6 GOTSI JOJWENI MADADENI UPPER LOTANA MBINJA GWALI MAGONKONE MBUTHO QHOLWENI LABRY JENEE Nkamasana QUTHUBENI Tshisani -A GOQWANA TIKITIKI Nkamasana NTENDELESHE MQANDANTO 26 Nkamasana Mangondo 1 5 EZINTUTYANENI ESIBHALWENI NCITSHANE Nkamasana EMANXIWENI XABANA Mhlontlo UPPER MJIKA LOWER MJIKA MAGOQOZA MADWALENI MNGWNVBENI NKANINI Water Bulk Pipeline NQADU LOWER MJIKA 27 NQADU NOMABETSHE NYEMBEZI 31 MRHOTSHOZWENI ZENZELE h Mt h a Port St Johns Water Supply Backlog Status O.R. Ta m b o MNGCELENI ZWELITSHA NGQWALA Adequate: Formal LOWER EGOTYIBENI GUNGULULU MAP TITLE: Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Mhlontlo Below: Infra & O&M Needs TSONGENI t a LANGENI LURASINI INDUSTRIAL Noziyongwana MFABANTU MATYEBA Noziyongwana 19 Reticulation Line Nyandeni 2 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Water Treatment Works Nkamasana NOMBODLELANA MPUKUMBINI W TW MHLAKULO Nkamasana 5 MHLAHLANE ] \ Sidani WATERFALL PROJECT TITLE Scheme Supply Area 4 Nkanini Boycy -B NJAPHANTSI 20 Water Pumpstations 3 HLANGENE 4 HLANGANI Reservoirs Nkamasana KILILI PHOCANI 18 T U PS TSHISANE CHEKA ZIBUNGU Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Infrastructure Tsolo CEKA Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 2 CINGO NTABELANGA Noziyongwana CONSULTANTS: Noziyongwana QUTHUBENI Engcobo DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Mncetvana Proposed Laleni Dam LABRY Bele - B MDENI 1 LALENI CINGO XOKONXA Ntibane i Nkamasana Nkamasana BULEMBU FARM EMDIBANISWENI Tsit sa MBOKOTWANE 7 NTSHIQO MTHONYAMENI EZIMBELENI MFABANTU Nkamasana MMANGWENI Nkamasana 8 MANKA MANKA LUQOLWENI Mnga - B MPOZA MADIBA TINA FALLS SHAWBURY MKHOTSHOZWENI GUNQWANE GONGQWANA MPOZA ZIWELITSHA NGCOLOSI 12 3 NGWEMNYAMA GREATER HONONO MALONGWE GQEYANA a DUMBA NEUSTAD EDRAYINI Nkamasana GQEYANA NDAKANA intl Nkamasana KUHLEKE MAGQUBENI NDAMANGA LOWER KROZA XIBENI LOWER MALEPELEPE MAGUTYWA Mz NDASANA UPPER MALEPELEPE 5 1 10 MJIKWENI BIJO MVANE MVUMELWANO UPPER KROZA ³ ± o Mo GQILI KWANDOYI Mangcuseni Sizindeni va Ngqwaneni NCOTHI KWA-NGOTHI LOCALITY: NGXANGXASINI TSHOLA 21 R56 Mzimvu b u SITHALENI MKHWEZWENI R396 9 10 NOBAMBA 19 MANGWENI Nyango Secondary Rivers NONYIKILA Below: Infra Needs 16 15 34 King Sabata Dalindyebo 8 2 Mtata Dam 10 Below: Water Resources 10 16 8 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 6 Below: No Services Formal MAP NO.: 11 13 12 9 R61 Mthatha 7 5.5 Libode 2.75 0 5.5 Kilometers 15 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_2_ATCandXSchemeInfra_Mhlontlo.mxd DC15 Figure 6.2 · 11 24 Legend 21 Proposed Mkemane Dam Matatiele Greater Kokstad Ndumndum Area Water Supply Provinical Boundaries Sisonke District Municipality Boundaries MAT001 14 Local Municipality Boundaries 22 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 10 NTB001 10 Census Main Places 24 N1 16 National Roads 15 2 6 ne Main Roads Proposed Nkanji Dam e ny a 9 Mv 13 ir Kin a 12 Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam 3 Primary Rivers 11 5 Secondary Rivers 14 23 8 Ntenetyana Dam DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 4 R396 7 27 Mt Ayliff Town Local Wss 8 Senqu 15 Umzimvubu HAYIBEKE Hayiheke MANGWENI NTABODULI SITHALENI NDAKENI SANGQU Sixhotyeni MKHWEZWENI KWA-NGOTHI TSHOLA Mpedle Sizindeni Kwandoyi M ooi Khunkutha 19 21 10 KOMKHULU LUXENI Tabankulu Local Wss 25 NGXANGXASINI u Mzimvu b 6 Sulenkama Local WSS Kimbili Local WSS GUNQWANE Tyhuname NGCOTHI GQILI GURHA MTHOZELA Kimbili 2 MDENI 20 NKOMPOLWENI ESITHALENI CLIENT: Ntabankulu MAGQAGQENI N2 SIGUBUDWINI GQILI SITHANGAMENI 7 25 MAFUSINI Noziyongwana 5 MAQANYENI KRANCOLO 8 4 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 3 5 2 hin va ntla I nxu Mz MVANE CONSULTANTS: 1 3 T si t sa 2 Sakhisizwe ESIBHALWENI 20 O.R. T a m b o Mhlontlo Chris Hani 2 Nkamasana Mhlahlane Regional WSS 13 34 19 15 Manyosini Local WSS King Sabata Dalindyebo OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 18 2 17 5 Water Supply Backlog Status Nyandeni Nkanini WSS Lower Mjika Local WSS 27 Adequate: Formal 4 4 31 16 Libode Regional Below: Infra WSS & O&M Needs Below: Infra Needs Port St T U ReservoirsJohns Water Pumpstations PS Scheme Supply Area ] \ W TW Below: Water Resources Mtata Dam 10 7 10 3.5 0 9 13 11 7 Kilometers8 Below: No Services Formal 16 7 Nya003 Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Mhlontlo - Infrastructure t Mt h ah a NQH001 MAP TITLE: Nkanini Sidani NKANINI MHLAKULO Sidani Corana Regional WSS Engcobo PROJECT TITLE 1 3 Local WSS Mqobiso - A WSS Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Ngquza Hill ³ ± 1 1 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY i a 17 9 Lower Lwandlana Sulenkama SITISHINI Dumaneni 1 MTHOZELO TOLENI Cengcani MAHLUNGUU NGXOTHO NOZITYANA KIMBILI BHEJA NGELE Nozityana 1 MACHIBINI MPINDWENI Upper 23 -C MZUZANTO 13 DETYANA DEBEZA Krancolo Gunqwana MFUNDISWENI MNGQUNYANA Diphini Mafusini MAHLUNGULU 17 Mangwaneni - CC BHUBESI Ngqakaweni - B NGXABAXHA Kumadukuda GQUNU CABA Detyana NGQAKAQENI Kwatshane KOMKHULU LOWER Mambalwini XABANE MJIKWA TSOLO CULUNCA Mpesheni MHLANGALA BLACK HILL NGCOLOKINI Langeni BB Maplotini MABHOLOMPA MISSION Lower MAVUNDLENI MPETSHENI NGQONGO Mafusini BHUWA ZILANDANA Ngcolokili Upper MADYIMBA KWA DELA NYOKANA Gunqwana 12 MARHAMBENI NKONKWENI Proposed Thambekenr Ncumbe Ntabalanga UPPER NGCOLOKINI Silevini BUWA MIDDLE 15 NGXAKOLO DEBEZA Dam NGQONGQWENI TYIRA LOWER MBINDA MDYOBE Upper Gunqwana TYIRA SIKOBENI Nyanisweni MPINDWENI MBENZA BAJODINA Esikolweni - D T NTSHELENI LUQOLWENI GABAZI Qumbu Gubeni Upper 6 Ntsheleni -A LOWER TYIRA SENKUNZI QUMBU Gunqwana LOWER CHULUNCA MISSION NDZEBE MPINDWENI BOMVINI BALASI QUMBU TOWN BOMVINI MANXIWENI MBOBO NTSHONGWENI 16 LOWER TYIRHA Upper NGONYAMENI Qumbu 396 NEWSTEAD DUMBA 24 11 NXOTWE Gunqwana MATYHAMINI Local WSS MANGXAMFU BALASI MPOZA 9 LOWER MADIBA Gubeni - B NDZEBE MVUMELWANO NDAKENI TYIRA NDAKANA NCALUKENI MJIKWENI BUHLUNGWANA Mhlo001 UPPER Ndasana DUMBA MPOZA TINA MALEPELEPE LUQOLWENI 14 ERAYINI NO 9 NDAMANGA Local WSS FALLS NGWEMNYAMA XIBENI 5 BIJO EDRAYINI NEUSTAD SHAWBURY MAGUTYWA NDASANA LOWER KROZA 10 Nkamasana EZIMBELENI MKHOTSHOZWENI ZIWELITSHA MALONGWE MANKA FAMENI Proposed Mncetvana GONGQWANA MPOZA GREATER Laleni Dam Nkamasana Nkamasana NGCOLOSI 12 MANZANA 6 MAMPINGENI KUHLEKE MBOKOTWANE HONONO LUQOLWENI GUNQWANE Endwe B NTIBANE FARMS Mnga - B i LALENI NGWEMNYAMA MALONGWE 7 GQEYANA MDIBANISWENI 1 NTSHINTSHI MNGA MBENI Endwe A MAGCAKINI BULEMBU NQUBUSINI GANDANA -A MMANGWENI MFABANTU MANKA MAGQUBENI Ntshiqo FARM Nkamasana BHAYI Lower 8 EGOLIDENI XENI Nkamasana Lotina NOMHALA Bele LABRY EMDIBANISWENI CINGO Nkamasana MDENI MTHONYAMENI Balasi - C -B Upper NTSHIQO MABULULU DANDALAZILE Ntibane QANDA NDIMANGA ENKAMENI MAJABA Gunqwana MBHONGWENI GONGO UPPER GODZI TSOLO BHUNGENI KRATYENI NOGQADASI LOTANA Nkamasana CINGO Tsolo TOWN Nkamasana Tsolo MMANGWENI ESINGENI 3 MAQAKAMBENI ZINGCUKA MAYALULENI Tsolo Town - EE Noziyongwana MADADENI MDENI BHAKANENI ESINGENI ST. CUTHBERTS GOTSI Local WSS UPPER LOTANA - F ESINGWENI CINGO TYENI Tsolo GWALI MBUTHO Tsolo MBINJA QUTHUBENI NTYWENKA JOJWENI CEKA NTABELANGA MAGONKONE Nkamasana JENEE KSD001 QUTHUBENI LABRY Nkamasana 26 1 Nkamasana NTENDELESHE 5 GOQWANA Tshisani - A Nkamasana Nkamasana KILILI Duka TSHISANE 22 14 Kubhonxa Local WSS NYANISWENI UPPER LWANDLANA EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 18 16 SKWAYINI 19 TSILITWA KAMASTONE 12 18 NOBAMBA Ngele BELEKENCE Sulenkama NCOTHI Ngqwaneni 3 MBEZA Tyemnyama Mdabukweni Upper Mukuleni EZIMBENYWINI Magxeni Luqolweni Mbeza Luqolwenu MAGONTSINI MALADINI MCUBAKAZI GWADANA Qhanqu 21 MAQHUBINI NYANDENI Gwadane NONYIKILA Maqwathini QOTIRA Luqolwenu Nyango Joe Gqabi 17 MJIKELWENI Makelweni GQWESA 7 Elundini 15 13 Phelandaba Noziyongwana 4 9 22 Khubusi 16 ETHWA Alfred Nzo LOCALITY: UMZ001 20 R56 Mnceba Regional Wss 2 Mhlo001 Umzimvubu RWSS 13 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Nya004 Reticulation8Line MAP NO.: 6 Water Bulk Pipeline 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_2_1_ATCandXSchemeInfra_Mhlontlo_Mhlo001.mxd DC15 Figure 6.2.1 · Mt a vuna m 16 12 8 15 Legend 9 Provinical Boundaries 13 Noziyongwana 30 13 Proposed Mzintlavana Dam 14 BHUNGENI Lwandlana -H LWANDLANA District Municipality Boundaries 17 29 MAGQABESI Local Municipality Boundaries 20 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Kwa-BHALA ELHIBINI 12 Census Main Places 21 10 N1 25 MATHE GQINA 9 Main Roads 31 19 KUGQARHU 7 NGQELEMANE Existing All Town Strategy Water Supply Areas DIBANDLELA BALA XOPOZO 8 Driel Dam Luthulini LUTHULINI JINGIXENI DUKUZA National Roads JACA RWANTSANA 10 Luthulini 6 22 Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers XOPOZO LUTHULINI 11 MDUDWA Secondary Rivers DEBESE Mbizana LUTHULINI NCUNGENI Upper Gunqwana 5 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Sigcau MKHUMBI MHLANGA ub u a tlav 30 LUJECWENI Upper Gunqwana 8 MATALENI LOCALITY: THWASI NGQANDULO Noziyongwana NDAKENI Noziyongwana Zadungeni Noziyongwana in THWASI Mz 4 NDIMAKUDE FLAGSTAFF TOWN GABAJANI Flagstaff 6 28 SABELO BHALASI NDAKENI Upper Gunqwana Mkumeni - B LOWER MZENGE FAMA 9 J.B. 16 TAWUKA Ndakeni MNGENI LUQHOQWENI SIGUBUDWINI MPHUMAZE MTHWAKU MANGQUZU NDAKENI Baleni 10 NZONDENI MQWANGQWENI MKETENGENI NO 9 A LUDIWANE 15 TAMZI BUMAZI EQHOQHWENI 7 29 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MDUMAZULU LUQHOQHWENI 3 BISI 2 NQWABENI KWANYATHI MTSHAYELO SICWENZA MQANGQWINI MANQILO Hlwahlwazi SIKITINI MABALENGWE Alfred Nzo MATSHISI KwaCoka MTSHAYELO TAWENI KHIMBILI R61 MDUMAZULU MKHETENGENI HLWAHLWAZI MBADANGO NGQUZA COKA MAXAXIBENI MCELU MQWANGQWENI MANTLANE DUPHU MXHOZWENI GUQA LWANDLANA 11 Mhlontlo 5 HALA Nkamasana MHLUMBA LITLAPHELE Upper Gunqwana BHODWENI 11 SICHONTWENI COKA WOODLANDS NGQUZA MTSHAYELO KHANYAYO MARHAMZI DANGWANA 27 NKOZO Nkamasana Happy Valley Noziyongwana Nkamasana QHAMANGWENI RHAMSI GAGENI 1 SIKHULU TSHONYA KHALAMFAZI ESIKHULU MANTLANENI Thi n a MARAMZENI BUHLANYANGA KWA - CELE KWACELE MROSHANENI Mkhamela -C ETYENI DUKADA DIKI LUMAYINI RHAMSI DOLOPINI 12 MFINIZWENI MANGWENI MDLAMBULO GOXOZA KWASILANGWE LUMAYENI GQIBENI Ndakeni -M EMAQATYENI MHLOPHEKAZI SIKHULU NGCANGCA MANGWENI MFINIZWENI KWATHAHLE Maramsini BABANI THAKANELO XHURANA DIDI Lusikisiki - B NGQANDULWANA NYEMBEZINI LUQUMBINI 13 NGQANDULWANA LUQUBENI NTONTELA iTsitsa MAVALELENI UPPER MKATA Qebedu MRHOTSHOZWENI 24 KWA BHALA 1 2 NTLELE XHAMA Makhwalweni -D MALANGENI KWAMBHAYI BAZANA PALMARTONE MACHIBINI NGQUBUNGWENI Proposed Zalu Dam NDIMBANENI MPISI NTLANGWINI NKUNZIMBINI 17 MAGUNGULULU Esidwadweni - A 15 Kwabela GOODHOPE MTSHISO 14 20 LAMBASI MZIMTSHA FAHLA 20 MBILA NQAQHUMBE 21 DUBANA Makhwalini - B NGOBOZANA Ntontela - D NIKWE GOBOZANA 19 KWA NDENGANE Ngquza Hill EMBOLENI LAMBASI MKHOSE GOSO Dubana B Port Grosvenor NEW TOWN MZIZANGWA EZIBELENI CABEKWANA MCOBOTINI Nkamasana 27 Reservoirs Water Pumpstations 23 Scheme Supply Area Magwa Tea Plantation MZIZWANGWA MCOBOTHINI MZIMHLE INDUSTRIAL Goso - B DUBHANA Silevini MAGWA TEA ESTATE Nyandeni T U PS KWANYUSWA NTSIMBINI 19 Mhlanga Dam ] \ MAGWA TEA PLANTATION CUTWINI W TW Magwa Tea Plantation 15 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line PROJECT TITLE OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Water Bulk Pipeline THEMBENI Port St Johns Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Infrastructure MAZIZI TEA PLANTATION UNITY PARK MZINTLAVA Thembukazi -B 22 Magwa Dam THEMBUKAZI NTONTELA NTANZI MTSHAYAZAFE Lusikisiki NYOSANI CONSULTANTS: MSIKABA LAMBASI Lambasi -F Mgezwa MMANGWENI Khonjwayo -B MGEZWA MDIKAZI 17 TEMBHUKAZI MKHAMBATHI IAMBASI LAMBASI KANANA KOMANI MTSHISO KWANDENGANE LAMBASI Nkamasana 16 Silevini Noziyongwana OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY PHUMLO KWA-DICK NTSIMBINI MBENYANE Nkamasana Kwa-BHUMBUTA THUNGWANA NGXABANE MAKHWALINI MAKHWALENI MSIKANA KHONJWAYO 18 NTLEMBINI MAKHWALWENI NTONTELA MSIKANA LIYOSE ELUXOLWENI MAVALENENI MKHAMBATHI THAHLA THELAWAYEKA MATHEKO MAKHWALWENI BHUQA MKHAMELA MAWUSHENI 18 QAWUKENI XHURANA MFINIZWENI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: THAHLA MSIKANA Nkamasana QAWUKENI GREAT PLACE MVIMVANE PHUMLO PUMLO TSHONYA Kwa-BUSHULA MFINIZWENI NTONTELA MKHAMELA MSIKABA KWAGCUDA CIKOLO 5 25 MSIKABE MARHAMSINI LALENI KUQHASA NDLANGASI MKHAMELA MFINIZWENI KWAGCUDA NTONTELA NOBHADULE XHORHANA 4 KROSHASI RHAMSI SIKEZINI QEBEDU MPOHLENI KHANYAYO MDLAMBULO Mkhamela NGXAMBANI TSHONYA NYUKHWENI Mthentu MHLWAZINI LOWER HLABATHI UPPER HLABATHI SIPHEZINI Mfinezweni CLIENT: NGWENYENI HLABATHI GORHA MFINIZWENI BISANA PATARI CHIBINI MBOZISA DOLOPINI Noziyongwana BUKASE Nkamasana LUSIKISIKI MTHENTU KHANYAYO CELE MAKRAMZENI SAWULANA KWA KHANYAYO Kwa Cele MAKRAMZENI MARHAMZENI MDUMAZULU MDLAMBULO 26 KWABHALA KHANYAYO NDZAKA LITLAPHELE NTSIKENI SIDABEKWENI LUBALA NKOZO STORE GXUME 3 BHUKAZI 25 SICAMBENI 28 BODWENI Lufankomo KHANYAYO KHANYAYO MANQILO Dangwane MNEKETSHA KHANYAYO TAWENI ³ ± Mzi mv KWABALA MTSHEKELWENI Ntabankulu 14 14 GWEXINTABA MAGWA Water Supply Backlog Status LUDAKA 16 MBOTYI MBOTYI MBOTYI GOSO MBOTYI Adequate: Formal MBOTYI 13 Below: Infra & O&M Needs 2 8 MAP TITLE: Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Ngquza Hill MBOTYI Below: Infra Needs 6 12 Below: Water Resources 11 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Below: No Services Formal 16 10 MAP NO.: 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers 6 18 9 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_3_ATCandXSchemeInfra_NquzwaHill.mxd DC15 Figure 6.3 · Legend 12 Umzimvubu 15 8 11 30 9 13 Provinical Boundaries 13 Proposed Mzintlavana Dam 14 Lwandlana -H MAGQABESI BHUNGENI 20 12 Census Main Places MATHE 9 31 NGQELEMANE XOPOZO 8 Luthulini DUKUZA 6 DUKUZA 10 Gunqwana a tlav 8 13 Flagstaff Town MHLANGA Local WSS NGQANDULO Mz Baleni NDAKENI FAMA NDAKENI 5 BISI KWANYATHI SIKITINI NQWABENI GUQA LWANDLANA MHLUMBA MNEKETSHA BHUKAZI BHUKAZI DANGWANA Nkamasana 3 SAWULANA GAGENI GXUME SIKHULU 1 a in Th ESIKHULU MFINIZWENI MPOHLENI NTONTELA KUQHASA NDLANGASI NTONTELA 1 BHUQA NTLELE XHAMA NTLEMBINI MAGUNGULULU MFINIZWENI LUDONGA Thembukazi - B Libode Regional WSS NDLELENGANA KWA NGCOVA KSD001 KWA NGCOLA 27 MHLABENI NGOBOZANA Lusikisiki Dubana B GOBOZANA MZINTLAVA Magwa Tea Plantation local WSS KWANYUSWA UNITY PARK MCOBOTINI JAMBENI A MZINTLAVA KOMANI KWAGANGATA KwaZULU KWA BHALA ENKWEZA NYAZI Noziyongwana GOQWANA 13 15 23 PROJECT TITLE 22 Mhlanga Dam OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 14 MTHAMBALALA KHWANENI ENTSENGENI XHAKA GCOBANI NTONGWANE MATHANE 12 MAP TITLE: NTSHAMATHE GOQWANA 8 BUCHELE EMANALENI Port St Johns EMPOZA 16 EDUKULWENI Nya004 Libode Regional WSS MANTUSINI Water Supply Backlog Status FATYINI Machibini 11 MANALENI Adequate: Formal NONJONJO Silevini Tyityane Below: Infra & O&M Needs PSJ001 16 Infrastructure T U Reservoirs Water Pumpstations PS MANTENKU Scheme Supply Area Below: Infra Needs 30 ] \ W TW Nya003 7 18 Nya004 Machibini 6 9 6 Lutshheko Local WSS Qhaka Regional WSS Nya002 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za R61 NTSHWABULO Luqhoqhweni GOQWANA GOQWANA 15 Magwa Dam NIKWE DUBANA GANGATA MZINTLAVA A Nkamasana GANGATHA DUBHANA Upper MCOBOTHINI KWAGANGATHA Tafutu KWA - GANGATHA EMAXEXEBENI 7 MDIKAZI 19 21 UPPER NTAFUFU BHALA 2 MMANGWENI NTSIMBINI CONSULTANTS: NQAQHUMBE Local WSS MBOKAZI NYATHI GUGWINI 8 20 MBILA KWANYATI Nyathi Nyandeni KOMANI NYOSANA MNQEZU Lusikisiki Regional WSS 15 14 KWA - NYATHI KWA JAMA SIHLITHO BOMVINI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 16 PALMARTONE NYOSANI EMANANGENI NQH002 PHUMLO 17 KANANA JAMBINI B Nkamasana DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: BAZANA NGXABANE MTHIMDE 19 KWA - NGCOLA 24 QAWUKENI Silevini ZALU HEIGHTS CIKADE KWA NCOYA ETYENI O.R. Ta m b o MKHUZAZA NGCOYA MKUZAZA NTONTELA Nkamasana TSHONYA Ngquza Hill KWA-DICK LUGQALWENI MPALA NTONTELA Esidwadweni LUTSHAYA MAZANGWENI -A Kwabela GOODHOPE NDAYINI Noziyongwana BAKALENI MTSHISO Makhwalini KWA Lutshaya -B - GQESA 17 LUZUPHU -C LUTSHAYA Ntontela THEMBUKAZI -D ESINGENI GOQWANA KWA NGCOLA TEMBHUKAZI Nkamasana MAKHWALENI QAWUKENI GREAT PLACE XHURANA Proposed Zalu Dam NDIMBANENI Noziyongwana 3 NOBHADULE MVIMVANE NTSIMBINI CLIENT: DUKADA GQIBENI NYEMBEZINI KWA BHALA PALMARTONE Noziyongwana MRHOTSHOZWENI MTHIMDE UPPER HLABATHI 25 Qebedu KWAMBHAYI 18 MAVALENENI MACHIBINI 20 ELUXOLWENI Tshaya MBOZISENI MACHIBINI HLABATHI CELE 26 18 DIDI 13 MFINIZWENI LUQUBENI GOXOZA DIKI NQH001 Kwa-BUSHULA MBENYANE 5 BUHLANYANGA GORHA XHURANA LUQUMBINI MAVALELENI Makhwalweni -D MAKHWALWENI NGQUBUNGWENI MAKHWALINI iTsitsa TSHONYA SIPHEZINI CHIBINI MBOZISA TSHONYA UPPER MKATA NGQANDULWANA MAKHWALWENI KWABHALA SIKEZINI LALENI MFINIZWENI KWAGCUDA KWAGCUDA CIKOLO Mfinezweni XHORHANA 2 MARHAMZENI RHAMSI 12 MHLOPHEKAZI QEBEDU MFINIZWENI NGCANGCA EMAQATYENI Ndakeni -M 1 10 MARHAMZI 27 SIDABEKWENI LUMAYINI MANGWENI 28 MTSHAYELO LITLAPHELE Noziyongwana MFINIZWENI NYUKHWENI TAWENI MAKRAMZENI 4 MANTLANENI MDUMAZULU WOODLANDS QHAMANGWENI LUMAYENI KHALAMFAZI 11 Libode LUBALA NKOZO STORE NKOZO BUKASE BISANA LITLAPHELE MANQILO NTSIKENI Mhlo001 Noziyongwana TAWENI MXHOZWENI Upper 11 Gunqwana Dangwane BODWENI BHODWENI Nkamasana EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MDUMAZULU MBADANGO DUPHU Lufankomo 29 MKHETENGENI MQWANGQWENI KHIMBILI 15 MDUMAZULU MTSHAYELO Hlwahlwazi HLWAHLWAZI MAXAXIBENI MCELU MANTLANE MANQILO 25 TAMZI EQHOQHWENI LUQHOQHWENI SICWENZA TAWUKA MKETENGENI NO 9 A NZONDENI BUMAZI MANGQUZU 10 MQANGQWINI MABALENGWE LUQHOQWENI MPHUMAZE MQWANGQWENI 3 16 J.B. Upper Gunqwana SIGUBUDWINI MTHWAKU LOWER MZENGE 9 7 Happy Valley LOCALITY: NDIMAKUDE SABELO BHALASI LUDIWANE Nkamasana THWASI NDAKENI Ndakeni 12 HALA DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 30 LUJECWENI Noziyongwana THWASI Flagstaff MNGENI Mhlontlo Secondary Rivers NCUNGENI MTSHEKELWENI Noziyongwana Mkumeni FLAGSTAFF TOWN GABAJANI - B 6 2 Primary Rivers Zadungeni in 4 Tsolo Driel Dam 14 Sigcau KWABALA MATALENI 4 22 Mbizana 11 MDUDWA LUTHULINI MKHUMBI Upper Ntabankulu Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names 28 JINGIXENI XOPOZO 5 25 BALA DEBESE Alfred Nzo 17 Luthulini Main Roads DIBANDLELA Ngqeleni Town Local WSS LUTHULINI National Roads 19 KUGQARHU GQINA 7 ³ ± 25 N1 JACA RWANTSANA Mzimvu b u 20 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 ELHIBINI Kwa-BHALA 10 District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries LWANDLANA 19 17 10 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers Below: Water Resources Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Ngquza Hill NQH001 Ngqushwa Hill RWSS DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_3_1_ATCandXSchemeInfra_NquzwaHill_NQH001.mxd DC15 Figure 6.3.1 M t Legend sh wa n · t en a NQH001 Provinical Boundaries 29 MATSHISI NGQUZA u lum be District Municipality Boundaries en n ya m i M KwaCoka MTSHAYELO K COKA M KHANYAYO SICHONTWENI COKA 11 KHANYAYO 28 Msik O.R. Ta m b o N1 Mbizana National Roads Main Roads 25 ab Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names KHANYAYO KHANYAYO KHANYAYO Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places SICAMBENI NGQUZA Local Municipality Boundaries te n t u a Driel Dam 27 KWA KHANYAYO MDUMAZULU NDZAKA KHANYAYO KHANYAYO Kwa Cele PATARI Primary Rivers Sikomb e MDLAMBULO Secondary Rivers LUSIKISIKI MTHENTU MHLWAZINI NGWENYENI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Mthentu DOLOPINI DOLOPINI 26 LOWER HLABATHI MARAMZENI KWA CELE KWASILANGWE ETYENI RHAMSI 12 NGXAMBANI MDLAMBULO LOCALITY: KWACELE MROSHANENI Ngquza Hill MDLAMBULO KHANYAYO Mkhamela - C SIKHULU KROSHASI Mkhamela RHAMSI KWATHAHLE Maramsini BABANI MKHAMELA 25 THAKANELO EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MSIKABE MARHAMSINI THAHLA MSIKABA PHUMLO PUMLO MKHAMELA Lusikisiki -B MAWUSHENI MKHAMELA MSIKANA Nkamasana 18 24 MKHAMBATHI THAHLA THELAWAYEKA MSIKANA 16 MALANGENI LIYOSE K wa Dla m bu MATHEKO MSIKANA KHONJWAYO MSIKANA MPISI Kwa-BHUMBUTA THUNGWANA 17 CLIENT: NQH002 ra Xu an a the ko X ur MKHAMBATHI NKUNZIMBINI eM a NTLANGWINI IAMBASI LAMBASI MZIMTSHA KWANDENGANE LAMBASI Nkamasana KWANDENGANE LAMBASI MSIKABA LAMBASI Khonjwayo -B KWA NDENGANE MGEZWA 15 FAHLA Lusikisiki DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Lambasi -F Mgezwa MTSHAYAZAFE NTANZI R61 EMBOLENI Lusikisiki Regional WSS 14 Magwa Dam 20 M zi MAZIZI TEA PLANTATION za MKHOSE ng wa l ohlozi OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY LAMBASI Mh 19 Port Grosvenor CONSULTANTS: NEW TOWN MZIZANGWA GOSO 23 MAGWA TEA PLANTATION CABEKWANA EZIBELENI 21 22 Goso - B Silevini MAGWA TEA ESTATE MZIMHLE INDUSTRIAL Magwa Tea Plantation CUTWINI PROJECT TITLE Mhlanga Dam OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 15 THEMBENI 14 Mk i oz GWEXINTABA Upper Tafutu Local WSS MBOTYI MAGWA MBOTYI LUDAKA GOSO MBOTYI MAP TITLE: MBOTYI MBOTYI MBOTYI Water Supply Backlog Status Port St Johns Adequate: Formal MBOTYI Below: Infra & O&M Needs Infrastructure T U Reservoirs ³ ± Mz va intla Water Pumpstations PS Scheme Supply Area fuf nta M Below: Infra Needs ] \ W TW PSJ001 10 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MZIZWANGWA u 7 15 10 Below: Water Resources 11 3 1.5 0 3 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Ngquza Hill NQH002 Msikaba BRWSS DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_3_2_ATCandXSchemeInfra_NquzwaHill_NQH002.mxd DC15 Figure 6.3.2 · 8 Legend Ngquza Hill 1 Provinical Boundaries hina T Mpindweni -I 13 District Municipality Boundaries Nkamasana 1 CHIBINI 396 7 Bomvini KWAYALELA 3 6 ESIQIKINI 1 Tsolo MANZIMABI Mhlontlo iTsitsa 3 MAHOYANA NGCOLORHA Local Municipality Boundaries Proposed Zalu Dam 2 Census Main Places Upper Gunqwana MTHOMBE Nkamasana NGAVUNGAVU Ndungunyeni -A Nkamasana KuSOMPA NGOLO TAFENI Main Roads 17 DOKODELA LUTUBENI 19 Nkamasana 4 DIKELA Nkamasana LUTHUBENI Kwa-GEBANE 4 CHOPHETYENI NYANDENI GREAT PLACE Corhana LURHASINI MARUBENI Silevini NTSHELE DUNGU 15 Noziyongwana Emdeni QWEMPU EMDENI Noziyongwana Lukhuni Bakaleni NKONKONI MAQHINGENI NGCAPHE NKANGA NGCOBO/RAINY ZIBUNGU Silevini TYARA NOXOLONDE Zibungu -A MPHANGALA MDLANKOMO NGCOBO MALALANE MAFUSINI EMOYENI MNCALI EMPANGANI JAMANI 9 THUNGWINI LUTHOLI 7 MAGCAKINI - A MHLABENI LUKHANYISWENI Nkamasana COMPOUND CHIBENI Nkamasana DIDI MPUTSHANE BUMBANE Nkamasana MBIZA EMASAMENI 18 MCHONKCO NDULINI PLANTATION Kuzithathele NTLAZA MARHEWINI Kwa-NDANYA Kuzithathele 9 8 ZIMPUNGENI Nciphizeni 14 5 Owen NGOBOZI 6 MFABANTU BHUKWINI MHLANJENI CLIENT: MHLANJENI 30 MFABANTU TAWENI R61 NTSONYINI NJEZWENI NTSONYINI NO 2 2 1 LUTSHEKO NO 1 NGAVU-NGAVU 4 NO 10 KWACHUNU 29 MTHOJENI DUMASI MNCANE BHANTINI MAGOZENI MTHONJENI POWULINI NGQELENI TOWN 21 Engwakazi MAZIZINI 3 OLD BUNTING MBANGE NOKUPHILA STORE ZINDUNENI MAMPONDOMISENI KATINI GODINI MNYAMENI 19 BHANTINI BUTHONGWENI MALUNGENI MANGWANENI NOXOVA MAQEBEVU Nomcamba -B LOWER GODINI KUMANDENI 20 ZAKA 14 22 MTHOKWANA 1 Silevini MAGCAKINI LUJIZWENI 1 SIZINDENI LUJIZWENI 2 Silevini 1 SIGUBUDU EGOLI MFUNDWENI 28 LUJIZWENI 3 NGONQELWENI MPOZA NTIBANE LUJIZWENI N0 4 HAMSINI Reservoirs Water Pumpstations MAGANGANE MAYALWENI NGONYAMENI T U Nkanunu MGOJWENI NTSUNDWANE 23 PS BHUCULA Nkanunu BOMVANA GANGENI CANZIBE SIZANA Mazizini -B VINITSHI KWA MADIBA BOMVANA MDZWINI ] \ JANGE W TW NTENGU NOMADOLO 28 MKHUNDLU MTHWEBULA SIZANI NKANTINI KWA MADIBA MPENDLE Reticulation Line Silevini MZONYANA MZONYANE NOMBOSO EMATYENI MGAWUZA NJIVENI Kwanduli -A 20 25 MAMOLWENI NTSIMBINI ENTSIMBINI Mthatha Water Bulk Pipeline Silevini NGOJINI THEKWINI Water Supply Backlog Status LWANDILE Lwandile -B EZINCUKUTHWINI MAP TITLE: Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Nyandeni Adequate: Formal Mamolweni -B ENYANDENI 27 GOSO 23 26 Below: Infra & O&M Needs Silevini MEVENI SGUDLWINI Below: Infra Needs NGCOBO 22 SIDABADABENI NGONGO Ndungungeni ESIKHULULWENI Below: Water Resources Ngqeleni MANKOSI 25 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Lutsheni Below: No Services Formal 24 21 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Water Treatment Works LUCINGWENI MPHIMBO HAMSINI Emanangeni -B PROJECT TITLE Scheme Supply Area WENI/NTIBANE NQANDA QHINGQOLO Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Infrastructure MVILO NTSHINTSHANI MPUNDWENI NTSUNDWANE DIKENI Mqanduli SAZINGE Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Machibini KWAZULU LOWER MDUMBE SCHOOL Silevini MPINDWENI 19 Egoli - B MHLAKOTSHANE NGONYAMENI MTOKWANE STORE LUJIZWENI 5 MTHOKWANA 2 SAZINGA EMBOLENI SIDANDA MALUNGENI MATSHAYI CONSULTANTS: NTSHINGENI NOTHINTSILA NQANDA A 26 EZINDUNENI B NOMCAMBA FAMA - D MQANGQWENI NO 3 King Sabata Dalindyebo 2 THONTI BUTHONGWENI 24 NQAQHENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MHLONGWANA NCAMBEDLANA MQANGQWENI 32 CWELE DANGENI MANDILENI MAGCAKANI Emqwenqo MANGWANENI 35 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: LUDAKA DUMASI MAFUSINI Port St Johns 4 MAMPONDOMISENI Sinwandweni NTSAKA 29 5 GUQA MHLAHLANE MATOLWENI MANDLOVINI BANDLA 17 MHLAHLANE EMPISI N2 MDUMAZULU MAMPONDOMISENI MNGAZANA BHOLOTWA SIXHOLOSINI 13 MATAMZIMA NO 11 MANTANJENI NDINDIMENI 31 Mapondomiseni ENQWAKUNQWAKU SKANSINI 33 MDUMAZULU MQHAPHETSHU BUNTINGVILLE NTILINI NODUSHE NGQONUWENI Lujecweni 30 10 NTSONYINI NGOTINI MASAMENI ZULU Lujecweni NTHAPANE 3 9 7 BHUKWINI Nkawukazi GQABHATA NGOJINI MABHELENI KWAMXHOSA MAKHWETSHUBENI TSHISABANTU LANGENI 7 Khuleka 15 NKAWUKAZI 12 6 ESIKHALWENI MAQANYENI NGXOKWENI MTYU Langeni Ncipezweni 6 ENJIVENI Kwamxhosa MASAMENI NGOJINI NTLANGWINI ENJIVENI Mputshane KHULEKA QHANKQU MPENDLE GXULU Mthatha 16 NOTIKANE MAKHUZENI NGXOKWENI 11 u ub CIBENI GORHA MKHANKATHO MAQHINGENI Libode KWANDANYA 11 NGOLO ZITENENI LIBODE TOWN v im 12 ³ ± Ncambedlana 12 Mz NTENDELE DRAYINI UPPER CORANA EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee Nkamasana KWANOMZAMO 13 NGOLO 11 Cibeni -A CIBINI MSINTSI MISTY MOUNT NGQWANGI Moyeni 8 Mevana -B 16 8 13 MAHAHANI LUKHUNI NGCONGCO MAQHINGENI DALAGUBA MAGCAKINI 2 Bomvini NTABANTSIMBI MAMFENGWINI DININKOSI NONTSHWABU 34 SIZA CUMNIE MDINA 10 LOCALITY: Silevini LUKHUNI Lukhuni MAKHOTYANA DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Lukhuni Lukhuni -A BUNGU 31 RANNY 14 27 MARHUBENI Nyandeni Rainy MZONDENI O.R. Ta m b o MHLANGA GUNYENI Sibangweni/Lutholi Secondary Rivers Silevini EZINKUMBINI Nyandeni 2 SIBANGWENI Primary Rivers Silevini ZANDUKWANE 10 Dams & Dam Names 19 Qeza Mtata Dam Driel Dam Port St Johns DIKELA MTHOMBO NXUKHWEBE 16 Existing All Town Strategy Water Supply Areas Mthombe GONGO COZA MAQANYENI National Roads NJULUKA MHLANGANISWENI THEMBENI 5 N1 14 20 Mgaqweni -A MJOBENI Phezukwamawa Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 17 Mangcwanguleni NDUNGUNYENI Noziyongwana 26 18 5 TSHANI MAP NO.: 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_4_ATCandXSchemeInfra_Nyandeni.mxd DC15 Figure 6.4 · Legend 3 Ngqeleni Local WSS Provinical Boundaries Lutshheko Local WSS 13 21 17 District Municipality Boundaries Lujecweni WSS Ngqeleni ce Cumng Mfadaleni WWS Local Municipality Boundaries Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 MBANGE a na Census Main Places gw Sin GODINI BHANTINI an N1 National Roads Main Roads 1 Nya003 19 BUTHONGWENI n enu M MALUNGENI NCAMBEDLANA Nya003 Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam BUTHONGWENI 24 Primary Rivers Secondary Rivers Port St Johns FAMA - D LOWER GODINI KUMANDENI LOCALITY: Nya004 14 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation MHLAKOTSHANE ZAKA SIDANDA MAGCAKINI SIZINDENI MATSHAYI KWAZULU NGONYAMENI MPUNDWENI MTOKWANE STORE KSD004 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee SIGUBUDU MGOJWENI LUJIZWENI 3 DIKENI 26 28 MFUNDWENI MTHOKWANA 2 MTHOKWANA 1 Sigwalini Local WSS zi KuN n ku NGONYAMENI mbi n i LUJIZWENI N0 4 Nyandeni MAYALWENI Mpoza Local WSS 22 Silevini MPINDWENI M takatye MPOZA NTIBANE 20 HAMSINI BOMVANA Hamsini - A Local WSS CLIENT: CANZIBE Md u m b NQANDA WENI/NTIBANE i QHINGQOLO Nya001 BOMVANA SIZANA KWA MADIBA HAMSINI Mazizini -B NTENGU NOMADOLO MKHUNDLU 23 MPHIMBO MTHWEBULA KWA MADIBA KWA MADIBA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Emanangeni -B MPENDLE MZONYANA SIZANI NKANTINI MZONYANE NOMBOSO 22 EMATYENI MAMOLWENI NGOJINI Kwanduli -A THEKWINI NTSIMBINI 25 ENTSIMBINI Ng LWANDILE ngqu qu Infrastructure ³ ± PS KSD003 W TW Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za ENYANDENI 26 Reservoirs Silevini Water Pumpstations OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan SGUDLWINI Ndungungeni Meveni - A Local WSS NGONGO Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line PROJECT TITLE MEVENI Scheme Supply Area ] \ NGCOBO SIDABADABENI Mbozisa Local WSS Water Bulk Pipeline ESIKHULULWENI MAP TITLE: Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Nyandeni - Lutsheni KSD005 Water Supply Backlog Status MANKOSI 24 Adequate: Formal Nya001 Second Falls RWSS TSHANI 25 Below: Infra & O&M Needs o Below: Infra Needs p nc w M Below: Water Resources Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Mamolweni - B EZINCUKUTHWINI 27 T U CONSULTANTS: Lwandile -B tha ha Mt King Sabata Dalindyebo OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MGAWUZA NJIVENI M ak DATE COMPLETED: Coffee Bay Local WSS as a 2016/05/24 MAP NO.: Below: No ServicesMbhashe Formal 2 1 0 2 Kilometers 17 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_4_1_ATCandXSchemeInfra_Nyandeni_Nya001.mxd DC15 Figure 6.4.1 · Legend 9 Qhaka Regional WSS Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places N1 AHAGA M PSJ001 National Roads bu zimvu 7 Main Roads Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam Primary Rivers PSJ002 Secondary Rivers 6 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Mgxabakazi DUMASI LOCALITY: RELA TOMBO (AA) CAGUBA Machibini R61 KWANTSILA 19 ng az i DUMASI ENKONXENI M EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 5 Port St Johns Regional WSS PSJ002 TOMBO 4 Port St Johns Nya004 BHOLANI Port St Johns MABHULWINI SICAMBENI BUTO 3 CLIENT: VUKANDLULE Chwebeni Mthalala CHWEBENI Nya002 MTHALALA MNGAZI MAHLATINI Mngazi River Bungalows WSS Lujecweni WSS DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Mfadaleni WWS LUGASWENI NKWILINI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY CODESA CONSULTANTS: M n ga z MASAMENI Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 a an Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MADAKENI 2 MAGCAKINI NGCANDA PROJECT TITLE OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan SIHLANJENI Si n w ang a an MAWOTSHENI MAP TITLE: GOMOLO Water Supply Backlog Status Adequate: Formal ISILIMELA NJELA Below: Infra & O&M Needs Infrastructure T U Reservoirs ³ ± Nyandeni Water Pumpstations PS Scheme Supply Area Below: Infra Needs ] \ W TW Below: Water Resources 1 1 0.5 0 1 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Nyandeni Nya002 Tombo RWSS DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_4_2_ATCandXSchemeInfra_Nyandeni_Nya002.mxd DC15 Figure 6.4.2 · Legend Corana Regional WSS 2 Libode Regional WSS 10 KSD001 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Libode Regional WSS 8 10 Local Municipality Boundaries 16 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places 13 Libode Regional WSS 11 N2 9 N1 National Roads Main Roads Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam 7 Libode 30 MCHONKCO Mngaz NDULINI Primary Rivers i Secondary Rivers Coran a Mg Mthatha NTLAZA NGXOKWENI MASAMENI Kwa-NDANYA DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation KHULEKA 9 8 w enyan a Lutshheko Local WSS Kwamxhosa Khuleka Mputshane QHANKQU ENJIVENI KWAMXHOSA LOCALITY: 6 ENJIVENI MAKHWETSHUBENI MAQANYENI MTYU MFABANTU 7 NGXOKWENI KWAMXHOSA Mngazana 15 R61 MABHELENI 7 NGOTINI 18 BHUKWINI TSHISABANTU BHUKWINI MASAMENI 12 ZULU MHLANJENI MFABANTU 3 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MHLANJENI Lujecweni 4 Lujecweni 2 NGAVU-NGAVU LUTSHEKO NO 1 Mthatha Regional WSS SKANSINI 29 NTILINI 1 MQHAPHETSHU nye gam M KWACHUNU NO 10 NO 11 ENQWAKUNQWAKU Nyandeni BUNTINGVILLE Nya003 NDINDIMENI BHOLOTWA CLIENT: MNGAZANA MATAMZIMA MANTANJENI ng C um 3 DUMASI ce MNCANE 17 POWULINI SIXHOLOSINI 13 Sinwandweni 35 Zim b 21 MATOLWENI MANDLOVINI Engwakazi DUMASI MAZIZINI NGQELENI TOWN MAGCAKANI EMPISI an e Nya004 BHANTINI Ngqeleni DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Ngqeleni Local WSS MAFUSINI NTSAKA Port St Johns MANGWANENI Emqwenqo MQANGQWENI bi um Md 19 MANGWANENI 24 Mn NQAQHENI King Sabata Dalindyebo CONSULTANTS: e nu NOKUPHILA STORE OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 1 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MQANGQWENI NO 3 NQANDA A 14 PROJECT TITLE LUJIZWENI 1 MALUNGENI LUJIZWENI 2 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan KSD004 Silevini Nya001 Mt ha th a LUJIZWENI 5 LOWER MDUMBE SCHOOL MAP TITLE: Water Supply Backlog nzimbin i Sigwalini Local WSS Ku N k u 29 28 22 Adequate: Mpoza Local WSS 23 Formal Below: Infra & O&M Needs 27 Infrastructure T U Reservoirs Water Pumpstations PS Below: Infra Needs Ng ] \ W TW ar a Below: Water Resources 2.5 1.25 0 2.5 Kilometers 25 KSD003 Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Nyandeni Nya003 Ngqeleni RWSS 20 Scheme Supply Area Hamsini - A Local WSS KSD003 qw M takatye Status ³ ± 26 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline KSD003 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_4_3_ATCandXSchemeInfra_Nyandeni_Nya003.mxd DC15 Figure 6.4.3 e Libode Regional WSS Port St Johns 27 8 Mzintl Mkata TYENI ava · Ruz Upper Tafutu Local WSS eMhla ng a 31 Lusikisiki Regional WSS Legend Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Lukhuni Local Municipality Boundaries GANGATHA Lukhuni Nkamasana SIZA CUMNIE 14 15 Kwa Majola NQH001 SIPHUSIPHU n Ty MAQHINGENI ar a Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 MAJOLA Census Main Places fu 4 M ZIBUNGU fu ta 11 N1 National Roads Silevini Main Roads MVUKAZI KSD001 MEVANA MALALANE Zibungu -A 2 MAHAHANI ZIPHONDO 16 THUNGWINI Primary Rivers Luthengele -A Nkamasana NGCONGCO Cibeni -A Mevana -B Driel Dam Lwandlana - F SIQHOZAMENI LUKHUNI Secondary Rivers NGCOSE MDENI CIBINI MACHIBI 12 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation LUTALWENI RAWUTINI LOCALITY: QHOBOSHENDLINI CIBENI MPUTSHANE 7 TSHAKUDE NGXONGWENI 16 GORHA CHIBENI NOTIKANE MAKHUZENI Libode MAGCAKENI QUKUSWAYO M ngazi LUPAPASI gw PSJ001 LUPAPASI 9 en Cum CHABASE MVUME M n gce EMASAMENI Lutshheko Local WSS yana NGOJINI 6 NTLANGWINI 7 LUPHAPHASI ESIKHALWENI EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee SWAZINI MANTUSINI EMANTUSINI 15 6 SWAZINI MBABALANE NGOJINI KSD001 Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names MHLOTSHENI Bomvini 8 13 NTLANJANA 10 NTSONYINI 18 PHAPHASI BIZANA MANZIBOMVU 29 MAGOMBENI DANGWANA Mngaz n a 30 TAWENI NTSONYINI Nyandeni a u mv Mz i NTSIMBINI R61 BUTHULO bu NTSONYINI NO 2 NODUSHE Mapondomiseni NGQONUWENI MAMPONDOMISENI Silevini MDUMAZULU M mnye ga MAMPONDOMISENI Qhaka Regional WSS LUDALAZI MDUMAZULU NDIMAKUDE BANDLA MTHONJENI MHLAHLANE MHLAHLANE GUQA MAGOZENI MTHOJENI 5 Port St Johns Regional WSS PSJ002 Port St Johns 4 MBENENGENI LUDALASI MAMPONDOMISENI Ngqeleni Local WSS CLIENT: Nya004 Nya003 LUDAKA 17 3 21 OLD BUNTING Ngqeleni BHUNGENI ELUTECWENI CWELE DANGENI Lujecweni WSS DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Nya002 MFADALENI ZINDUNENI MAMPONDOMISENI KATINI MANCU MANDILENI Mfadaleni WWS MNYAMENI m Md u OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 19 NOXOVA THONTI MHLONGWANA NOXOVA 24 Mne n u b i 2 MAQEBEVU Nomcamba NOMCAMBA -B CONSULTANTS: CWELE EZINDUNENI B S EGOGOGO NODUVA 20 14 Silevini Egoli -B LUFIFINI SAZINGE LUGONGQOZO Machibini PROJECT TITLE MPOTSHOTSHO 1 TSWELENI K uN ku NTSHINTSHANI n zim b ini PHAHLAKAZI MAGANGANE KWAGINQI Nya001 M takaty e Mpoza Local WSS 22 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan MVILO NTSUNDWANE EGOLI 28 REBHU NGONQELWENI Nkanunu KWAGINGQI NTSUNDWANE Hamsini A Local WSS MAP TITLE: BHUCULA LUTATWENI Nkanunu Water Supply Backlog Status GANGENI Infrastructure KSD003 King Sabata Dalindyebo ung N gq Adequate: Formal JANGE Below: Infra & O&M Needs LUCINGWENI 23 T U Reservoirs ³ ± MDZWINI VINITSHI tha Mtha Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NOCUZO SAZINGA EMBOLENI an a MVELELO NTSHINGENI NOTHINTSILA gw n ina Water Pumpstations PS Scheme Supply Area 27 Below: Infra Needs Silevini 26 ] \ W TW Below: Water Resources Silevini 25 3 1.5 0 3 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Nyandeni Nya004 Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_4_4_ATCandXSchemeInfra_Nyandeni_Nya004.mxd DC15 Figure 6.4.4 qu a 18 ts h an in 24 Provinical Boundaries z 13 M Mhlontlo Thina District Municipality Boundaries 1 18 Noziyongwana ra na Local Municipality Boundaries i ka Proposed Zalu Dam MAZANGWENI eM ba 17 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 ra Xu Tshaya 2 Xu MTHIMDE MBOZISENI e h ko at Ms · Legend iTsits a Census Main Places 16 LUGQALWENI LUTSHAYA MPALA MTHIMDE BAKALENI Noziyongwana 5 20 ZALU HEIGHTS KWA NGCOLA KWA GQESA PALMARTONE 20 NDAYINI LUTSHAYA N1 Ngquza Hill National Roads Main Roads 15 Existing All Town Strategy Water Supply Areas 17 Lutshaya -C LUZUPHU Lusikisiki a Mk a t Ruze ESINGENI Mzi ntla M NYOSANA NDLELENGANA ziz KWA JAMA Nkamasana KWA NYATHI LUDONGA Mh 19 JAMBINI B ohlozi l MKHUZAZA M ko ngw a a MKUZAZA Driel Dam Magwa Dam 14 a v GOQWANA Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers zi Secondary Rivers NGCOYA JAMBENI A CIKADE MHLABENI SIHLITHO BOMVINI B Nkamasana y EMANANGENI ETYENI GANGATA MZINTLAVA A LOCALITY: 22 GANGATHA MNQEZU 27 GUGWINI 4 MZINTLAVA ni KWA NGCOLA KWA NGCOLA 23 21 e gw on KWANYATI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 19 hit KWA NCOYA KWA NGCOVA TYENI KWANYATI MBOKAZI Nyathi Mhlanga Dam KWA GANGATHA MBOKAZI ETYENI KOMANI KWAGANGATHA NYATHI KwaZULU UPPER NTAFUFU GOQWANA EMAXEXEBENI GANGATHA KWAGANGATA BHALA 14 15 Nkamasana Kwa Majola Luqhoqhweni UPPER NTAFUFU GOQWANA MAJOLA NTSHWABULO MTHAMBALALA GCOBANI SIPHUSIPHU XHAKA GOQWANA EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee ENTSENGENI KWA BHALA NTONGWANE ENKWEZA MVUKAZI KHWANENI NYAZI Noziyongwana MEVANA NDAYINI 13 NTLANJANA MATHANE GOQWANA MHLOTSHENI NTSHAMATHE 8 ZIPHONDO Lwandlana -F Luthengele -A NTAFUFU GOQWANA EMPOZA EMANALENI KWANDAYINI ENGCENGA Nkamasana NTAFUFU MGUGWANA 16 LUSIBENI NGCOSE MDENI KWAGINGQI LUTALWENI LOWER NTAFUFU TAFUFU NONJONJO THALA Port St Johns 16 MAGCAKENI QUKUSWAYO Silevini MSWAKAZI 6 SWAZINI Machibini MALONGWANA RETREAT 9 7 Silevini Lugaqweni Shangillar MANTUSINI BOLANI 10 KWALIWANA PHAPHASI Silevini FAIRVIEW SWAZINI LUPHAPHASI 18 NTUFUFU HOLIDAY RESORT NTLANJENI EMANTUSINI 15 MTAMBALALA FIRESTATION MAFUSINI MBABALANE CLIENT: MANTENKU LOWER NTAFUFU GEMVANE GQUBENI LUPAPASI i az ng w 6 MTHAMBALALA MTHAMBALALA CHABASE LUPAPASI Nyandeni GUTSHENI Tyityane MVUME M Machibini 11 THALENI NGXONGWENI QHOBOSHENDLINI e ny a FATYINI KHALENI TSHAKUDE na MANTUSINI EDUKULWENI 12 Mg af nt MANALENI MACHIBI RAWUTINI BUCHELE u fu SIQHOZAMENI M 2 DEDENI MKANZINI BIZANA MANZIBOMVU NOMNQOYI MAGOMBENI AHAGA DANGWANA BOKLENI ISINUKA NOQHEKWANA u BUTHULO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Mz b vu im Mnga z a R61 MPANTU NDWALANE NTSIMBINI na DUMASI RELA Silevini Mgxabakazi TOMBO (AA) KWANTSILA CAGUBA LUDALAZI Silevini 5 NDIMAKUDE 4 MBENENGENI Port St Johns CONSULTANTS: BHOLANI LUDALASI SICAMBENI BUTO VUKANDLULE 17 3 LYDO COTTAGES Chwebeni MABHULWINI MNGAZI na LUGASWENI wa T U Reservoirs Water Pumpstations g MANCU CODESA na n i S 24 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Infrastructure MTHALALA ³ ± Mthalala MAHLATINI MFADALENI Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 CHWEBENI BHUNGENI ELUTECWENI Agate Terrace MILITARY BASE TOMBO 21 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Machibini DUMASI ENKONXENI PS NKWILINI 19 MASAMENI e u Mn n MAGCAKINI NGCANDA CWELE Scheme Supply Area MADAKENI 2 ] \ SIHLANJENI W TW Water Treatment Works EGOGOGO NODUVA Reticulation Line MAWOTSHENI GOMOLO MVELELO OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Water Bulk Pipeline ISILIMELA NOCUZO PROJECT TITLE NJELA LUFIFINI tye Mtaka LUGONGQOZO Water Supply Backlog Status MPOTSHOTSHO 1 MAP TITLE: TSWELENI Adequate: Formal PHAHLAKAZI Below: Infra & O&M Needs REBHU 28 KWAGINQI Below: Infra Needs KWAGINGQI 23 20 Below: Water Resources LUTATWENI DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Below: No Services Formal mbi u Md Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Port St Johns MAP NO.: 25 4 2 0 4 Kilometers 26 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_5_ATCandXSchemeInfra_PortStJohns.mxd DC15 Figure 6.5 · 23 Upper Tafutu Local WSS NQH001 Magwa Tea Plantation local WSS 15 Legend Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries UPPER NTAFUFU Local Municipality Boundaries Upper Tafutu Local WSS Census Main Places N1 Ngquza Hill 13 wa M Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam Mzi zang NTAFUFU National Roads Main Roads NDAYINI 16 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 NQH002 Primary Rivers Secondary Rivers zi n tla va DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Mntafufu KWANDAYINI ENGCENGA LOCALITY: NTAFUFU KWAGINGQI MGUGWANA LUSIBENI 12 LOWER NTAFUFU EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 THALA KHALENI THALENI TAFUFU R61 MTHAMBALALA GUTSHENI MTHAMBALALA Port St Johns LOWER NTAFUFU GEMVANE MTAMBALALA FIRESTATION Nya004 CLIENT: NTUFUFU HOLIDAY RESORT MSWAKAZI MAFUSINI GQUBENI PSJ001 9 Silevini 6 NTLANJENI MALONGWANA RETREAT DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Lugaqweni FAIRVIEW BOLANI KWALIWANA 10 Shangillar Silevini DEDENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY NOMNQOYI CONSULTANTS: MKANZINI Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 BOKLENI Mz u imvub Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NOQHEKWANA NDWALANE PROJECT TITLE ISINUKA OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Qhaka Regional WSS Mn zi Nya002 ga Agate Terrace Port St Johns MAP TITLE: Silevini 5 Water Supply Backlog Status Port St Johns Regional WSS Adequate: Formal Below: Infra & O&M Needs T U Reservoirs Water Pumpstations PS Scheme Supply Area Below: Infra Needs ] \ W TW 4 Below: Water Resources 1.5 0.75 0 1.5 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Port St Johns - Infrastructure ³ ± PSJ002 PSJ001 Port St Johns RWSS DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_5_1_ATCandXSchemeInfra_PSJ_PSJ001.mxd DC15 Figure 6.5.1 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places N1 National Roads Main Roads Mzimvubu Proposed Water Supply Intervention Area Dams & Dam Names Driel Dam Primary Rivers MPANTU Secondary Rivers DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation R61 LOCALITY: EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 6 Port St Johns CLIENT: PSJ002 Port St Johns Regional WSS DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Port STJohns MILITARY BASE PSJ TOWN Port St Johns OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY CONSULTANTS: Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za PROJECT TITLE MOLIVA OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Nya002 LYDO COTTAGES MAP TITLE: Water Supply Backlog Status Adequate: Formal Below: Infra & O&M Needs T U Reservoirs Water Pumpstations PS Scheme Supply Area Below: Infra Needs ] \ W TW Below: Water Resources 0.5 0.25 0 0.5 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal Existing Scheme Areas and Infrastructure Components: Port St Johns - Infrastructure ³ ± · Legend PSJ001 PSJ002 Port St Johns Town Supply DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/24 Water Treatment Works Reticulation Line MAP NO.: Water Bulk Pipeline Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F6_5_2_ATCandXSchemeInfra_PSJ_PSJ002.mxd DC15 Figure 6.5.2 · 4 11 4 17 7 26 3 9 13 17 15 16 20 R61 8 16 12 11 7 31 Proposed Mzintlavana Dam 30 9 19 20 MIS 203262 10 11 14 8 ZEC095 22 5 30 8 4 23 9 17 Proposed Ntabalanga Dam Flagstaff 6 23 12 10 15 2 7 ECDC15/089/W/07/08 N/DC15/031/W 13 Qumbu 25 11 5 27 396 24 5 14 26 1 MIS 205342 ZEC101 Proposed Laleni Dam 3 12 10 25 4 ECR003 // F/ECDC15/003/W 7 18 13 18 6 ECR003 // F/ECDC15/003/W 20 26 1 N/DC15/062/W 5 N/DC15/017/W 4 N2 Lusikisiki ZEC088 19 4 16 10 Mtata Dam 10 MIS 205189 15 ZEC080 9 Libode ECR019 8 Owen 14 12 30 3 N/DC15/014/W 30 10 ZEC079 Nyandeni DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 6 9 7 W/EC/3818/07/09 1 Port St Johns 16 6 18 15 5 4 ZEC078 W/EC/8848/11/14 Mthatha 11 MIS 205189 Port St Johns 29 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 5 17 4 33 13 17 21 31 24 17 CONSULTANTS: 3 N/DC15/064/W 2 King Sabata Dalindyebo 19 35 ZEC078 ZEC109 N/DC15/054/W ZEC077 3 28 20 N/DC15/010/W N/DC15/035/W 23DM/MWIG N/DC15/039/W 27 23 Ngqeleni ACIP 25 Water Supply Backlog Status 21 25 N/DC15/073/W ECDC15/003/W Adequate: Formal 17 13 Below: Water Resources Amathole 1 21 9 12 28 15 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/23 Below: No Services Formal 18 26 14 2 Projects and Interventions Below: Infra Needs 4 8 MAP TITLE: Below: Infra & O&M Needs 24 7 31 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Own-Muni 26 N/DC15/054/W 6 PROJECT TITLE Other 22 N/DC15/054/W Mbhashe MIG 20 Mqanduli ZEC106 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za RBIG 23 22 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Projects & Interventions 28 18 19 N/DC15/016/W Project Origin 26 29 1 N/DC15/065/W 14 32 N/DC15/063/W 5 N/DC15/018/W 12 11 13 12 18 16 13 7 N/DC15/066/W CLIENT: 11 8 16 8 23 15 2 34 22 Mhlanga Dam O.R. Ta m b o 31 20 Magwa Dam 21 14 27 Engcobo 15 19 5 2 16 14 17 3 20 19 N/DC15/055/W 17 Proposed Zalu Dam N/DC15/056/W 2 Tsolo Ngquza Hill 24 1 1 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 9 8 3 28 Mhlontlo 2 LOCALITY: 15 29 3 17 24 16 16 6 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 28 25 Elundini Main Roads 22 6 Alfred Nzo R56 National Roads 20 Mbizana ZEC091 7 Ntabankulu N1 21 31 25 18 29 17 12 19 21 Census Main Places 13 19 10 R396 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 18 9 14 21 4 Local Municipality Boundaries 1 18 1 District Municipality Boundaries 27 22 5 Ezingoleni 6 15 16 3 Provinical Boundaries 7 8 Joe Gqabi Legend 5 Ntenetyana Dam Umzimvubu 23 MAP NO.: 19 10 5 0 10 Kilometers 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F7_Projects.mxd DC15 Figure 7 · 2 Elundini 4 Provinical Boundaries Mhlontlo Local Municipality Boundaries NGQWALA Engcobo O.R. Ta m b o LUCINGWENI Khambi PHESHEY KWETABASE GRIBDELE Upper Ncise LWANDLANA -K LWANDLANA 34 MPOLOMPO 19 Khambi Khambi HALLBAY MIS MANDLENI 205189 15 JADA SAWMILL LINK MDENI NGOSWANA TABASE MISSION Mode east MAMPINGENI BEKE WAQU BAZIYA MISSION MMANGWENI LWANDLANA Baziya EHALINI Ntabeliza XHONGORA Baziya Bhaziya Baziya NTABELIZA Ntabeliza -B GUBEVU KHONONGWANA XHONGORA NDAKWANA Jojweni Upper - V Tabase -A Emaqo MIS 205189 SIKHOBENI MBOZWANA 31 17 DLAKATWENI NGQWATHI LUXOMO CHIBINI MAGA MAMFENENI LOWA NDUNGWANA NDUNDUMENI NGQUQA 16 MBASHE NQWATHI BHAKALENI Nkamasana N/DC15/063/W KHONQENI -A BHIYAFU MARHUDULWINI KUNQWATI NQWATHI XHWILI MBUQE KHONQENI MAQADINI NQWATHI DATASHE XHONGORA UPPER CENTULE PHAHLA KWA-SABE MKHONQENI MADORHWANENI KHONQENI MAZIZANI NYIBENI Nyibeni B King Sabata Dalindyebo MATYENENGQINA XHWILI -E 28 Gxwalibomvu -C MSANA GXWALIBOMVU NGCOTYENI Silevini QOLWENI MPIKWANA TYELEBANA RHUNI MOKOLWENI Gunjana -G MABHELENI MOYENI PHINGILILI ZINGCUKA NQENCU Rhune MASHALENI QUNU Nkamasana GUNJANA -F TAFENI MTENTU A CEGCWANA QUNU KWA DLOMO Project Origin MPUNZANA Sakhele MANTSHAYI Sakhela -D 20 14 DOBE HLABATSHANE Sqikini Sqikini KWANXELE ZWELAKHE SAKHELA Blekana Sakhela Blekane -D -C Blekana BOMVU -C 28 22 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: MPINDWENI Mqanduli KOMKHULU ZWELITSHA Mquanduli MQANDULI TOWN NGWEVANA CHANTI Silevini CLIENT: NGIZA GQAQHALA Langeni -B LUXOLWENI MALOZA QUNU NGIZA MAGOMBE JIXINI QOKOLWENI NDLUNKULU MAXESIBENI Upper Ngqwara JIXINI ZEC109 Qokolweni MANZOTHENI 24 JIXINI MAWENI Ntlangaza -B JOJWENI ZANCI LOWER NGQWARA NGQUNGQU SANKOBE MAQOMENI NGCANASENI 23 Ntlangaza -A TALA CORANA MLAMBO MLAWU UPPER CORANA NTLANGAZA EMAKHUMSHENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY PHAZIMA ZANCI KWA KWANTSOME - PHAHLA MBOZISA JOJWENI MADLAKA SIGINQINI JOJWENI BUWA MJELWENI LOWER NDIBELA LUBISANE GENGQE PHANBI CACADU NQUNQU MGQUMO MAHLAMVU SAWUTINI KWENTABA TYAWARA QUBENI MAMFENGWINI DALINDYEBO TYHALARA DUMRANA ZIBHODLA MANGWENI Silevini N/DC15/054/W EZITHENJINI NTANDELA NGCENDUNA EFAM NDIBELA BUMBANE GQUBENI 26 LOWER 27 MANGQOBE KHOHLO GATYANA GENGQE GOGOZAYO Manyisana MTENTU MANTSHILIBENI 23 QUNQU BOM GANGXO KHOHLO ZIKHOVA GENGQE - BOM MTENTU KWANCANA Ntlebane GENGQE SITEBE ENKALWENI MNQANDE NEW REST MNQANDA DARABE 25 GOTYIBENI ENKALWENI KHOHLO JOJWENI KWALINI MPHANDELI BIJOLO GENQE WILLOW MLAWU Tyalara LWANDLANA DARABE Tyalara 22 MZINYA ENGQELENI THWABE LUTHUBENI BELUNGWINI -B 20 JOJWENI NTSILEKANE EMAQATYENI TSHONTI GONYA NTSITSHANA MANCAM MABHEHANA MBIZANA Nyalara KWAJALI KHOVUTHI KWAAIMAN MAHLATHINI BIJOLO NGOJINI GOMATA EMALANGENI ESIKOBENI NTSITSHANA MABHEHANA NENGA Dotyeni N/DC15/054/W KOMKULU KROZA NTSITSHANA MANANGENI DINGA MHLABUBOMKANISE MATIYANE Dinga EMANYOSINI MBIZANA UWATYU Upper HAJI EMIJIKWENI GWATYU -B XHORANA MHLABENI Ekhohlo Gunqwana GWATYU XHORANA Engcwanguba EGQUBENI MNCWASA KHOVUTHI KWA NTSITSHANA -A EMAMPANDLENI NTANDELA XHORA KHAWULA ESIZINDENI Khohlo SIKHOBENI ZIHAGU XHORANA GAWU Ekhohlo MATANZI NZULWINI KRAKRA KWAKHAKANA -E LUCWECWE BACELA KINGS N/DC15/073/W Mathokazini -B EXOLWENI KHOHLO MAHLUNGULU FARM MAQANYENI XHORANA -A TWUNGWANA ENENGA EMAQOMENI Kwe MVEZO ESIDIKIDINI NDAMZI FUNISWAYO Mahusheni THUNGWANE Kwe Nxuro TUTWINI Lower THUNGWANE Lower Nxura THWALIKHULU LOWER KHOTYANA Nenga Nenga KHANYAYO 13 TYOLO JALI ENYANDENI Emaqanyeni THUNGWANA MAHLUNGULU QADINI MAFUSINI ECDC15/003/W ELALINI Jali - A MZULWINI THUNGWANE 21 - 17 COFFEE Ngqawa 24 Silevini KWANQENYA THUNGWANA Mzongwaneni QHOGI MJIKWENI BAY RHARA EMASAMENI Ncobo DINGADA 7 EMAZIZINI NZWAKAZI KWAKIZI NCEKANA 17 NQAYIYA LONDISO RHINI EMMANGWENI KHARA Bunene - A NZULWINI MTUMBANE FUTYE EMASAMENI - 17 KHALALO NZULWINI CHELESI NZWAKAZI NCALAMBENI TALIMOFU BLACK Silevini MTHONJANA MHLANGUKA ROCK 8 STORE SAKHELA NGWENI NGWENI HLOPHE 25 Ngqeleni RBIG MIG MTEBE NGCWALA Upper Ngqwara 19 GOSO HLABATSHANE Sawulana SIGWALINI Ncanaseni -B NTIMANUWENI Qingqolo Madwaleni Kungcolo -A CEZU TAMSANQA BLEKANA Qingqolo 29 Mcobotini Qingqolo SIGIBA KHENCEZAZO NDAKANA -C MAMPINGENI MAVUNAWENI MPOLASA EMANDLOVINI MPUNZANA LOWER CEZU NGQWARA N/DC15/035/W ZEC106 MACOSA ZANCI BLEKANA MPUNZANA MPUNZANA 17 26 Jixini Zimbane MANDLANENI QOKOLWENI Zimbane MAQHINGENI Zimbane NTUWE MAGUBU MTENTU 6 MATYENI NGQUNGE MAWUTINI NKALANE XALANGA Qunu 19 village EMPA NGCENGANA NGQUNCIE NGCEJANA CHEGCWANA TANTSEKA QUNU FOREST Upper Gunqwana MADONSI BITYI NGCENDESE RHUNE MSANA Projects & Interventions UPPER QUNU MADONSI BITYI 18 Kwa-NDABA 5 JULUKUQU Mpikwana -A EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee Nyandeni ESIDWADWENI ZIMBANE TAFENI N2 Nkamasana N/DC15/065/W KUNENE XHUXWALA BALIZULU NEW TOWN LUKWETHU 21 TYUMBU 35 MAQHINEBENI XHUGXWALA XHWILI 29 ORANGE GROOVE NTLEKISENI Khwenxura 32 SAWUTINI MOYENI MQHEKEZWENI XHWILI XHWILI -A BACK ESKOM KHWENXURA NTSHELE MACIBINI N/DC15/054/W Nyibeni 1 13 ZIMBANE VIEDGESVILLE Mqhekezweni -C MQHEKEZWENI MQHEKEZWENI -A THAFENI 3 SILVERTONE 4 BHONGWENI LUTHUTHU CENTULI 30 QWEQWE MAWELENI MAWELENI ESIKHOBENI XHONGORA MBUQE 2 SOUTHERNWOOD SHELL HOTEL 30 12 7 NEW PAYNE AMENDU NEW PAYNE Qweqwe MABHELENI MAZIZINI LOWER CENTULI NQWATHI RHELEGWINI KWADRATASHE Qweqwe UPPER QWEQWE LOWER CENTULI SIXHOTYENI Emaga Xhongora -C MPEKO-NTABENI MPHEKO PLANTATION GUBENU OLD PAYNE QELANI 18 LOCALITY: Mthatha 6 IKWEZI XHONGORA Chaba - A CABA Chaba -C OLD LINDILE Lindile NEW LINDILE MPEKO DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 15 ECR019 MYEZO PARK MPEKO MAQWAMBI MANYISANE PARK HOMES 9 8 NCAMBEDLANA FARMS NORWOOD MPINDWENI 5 33 17 CHRIS PAYNE HANI 14 UPPER TABASE Upper Tabase -B Sigubudweni SIGUBUDWENI -A NTABELIZA MMANGWENI NGQWARA TRACOR NTABENI Dumrhane SGUBUDU SGUBUDU BHONGA Sgubudu -C Kaplani DUMRANA MTSHOBO XHOKASHE MATHAMBO Baziya Baziya Baziya -A BAZIYA NORTHCREST Noziyongwana TSHEMESE SIQIKINI SIXUZULU NYOKA UMTATA 11 DAM 6 11 12 DECOLIGNY CICIRA DECOLIGNY Dlomo Tabase Ngqunge -B NCISE LANDS END Libode Emajwareni Umtata FAIRFIELD 7 HIGHBURY N/DC15/066/W K.D MATANZIMA AIRPORT ROSS MISSION 9 NTSHABENI Noziyongwana R61 MBOZISA ZWELITSHA JOJWENI GXIDIDI 13 NCISE LURASINI NGCENDERHA DUKATHOLE 18 Main Roads 16 8 Impindweni Noziyongwana TYENI MBOZISA KWANDUNGWANA Mbhashe Other 23DM/MWIG ACIP Own-Muni Water4 Supply Backlog Status Adequate: Formal Amathole Below: Infra & O&M Needs EMPINDWENI TYHOLO MTHONJANA SIKOLOKOTHA MADINDI Below: Infra Needs HOLE IN THE WALL CONSULTANTS: Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za PROJECT TITLE OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan MAP TITLE: Projects and Interventions: King Sabata Dalindyebo DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/23 28 9 Below: Water Resources Below: No Services Formal National Roads 10 GXIDIDI ROSEDALE LUGXOGXO BAZIYA FOREST Census Main Places N1 MATSHONGWE MANYOSINI MAQWATINI MAQWATINI MAYIBE Elalini - D Cwecwe Mdeni 10 -C Kwamhaga Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Gxididi LIXENI Ezigadini MATSHONGWE - D -B DILISHE 2 Khambi LUXENI Gaduka MANYOSINI MPAFANA 2 District Municipality Boundaries 4 31 16 Noziyongwana 1 Legend 27 18 19 14 MAP NO.: 26 5 12 2.5 0 5 Kilometers 15 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F7_1_ProjectsKSD.mxd DC15 Figure 7.1 · Legend Provinical Boundaries 15 District Municipality Boundaries 27 9 Hayiheke Khubusi HAYIBEKE Local Municipality Boundaries 14 Phelandaba Khubusi Phelandaba 22 16 Noziyongwana MJIKELWENI Tyemnyama Upper Magxeni Mdabukweni EZIMBENYWINI Luqolwenu Qhanqu 21 Lower Magxeni Luqolweni Luqolwenu NTABODULI MALADINI N1 12 GQWESA Mukuleni MBEZA Mukuleni Ilundeni 20 7 Census Main Places Ntabankulu 17 Noziyongwana Main Roads 13 16 Umzimvubu MAQHUBINI QOTIRA GWADANA National Roads 11 18 Mbeza MAGONTSINI Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 19 21 SIVIVANENI Ngele Gwadane TSILITWA NDAKENI MANGWENI MKHWEZWENI Sixhotyeni SITHALENI 25 UPPER LWANDLANA Kwandoyi Mangcuseni Ngqwaneni Sizindeni Sulenkama BELEKENCE KWANDOYI MAQANYENI Lower Lwandlana GUNQWANE 22 Dumaneni 1 LUXENI MAQANYENI GQUKUNQA KRANCOLO Krancolo Mafusini Kwatshane MTHOZELO KIMBILI Nozityana 1 Kimbili 2 CABA MPETSHENI Elundini ZILANDANA MIDDLE TYIRA 17 Upper Gunqwana NGQONGO MDYOBE NGXAKOLO Nyanisweni GABAZI SIKOBENI LOWER TYIRHA BALASI LOWER TYIRA Nkamasana GUNQWANE KUHLEKE ZIWELITSHA 6 3 MALONGWE GQEYANA GQEYANA MANKA GONGQWANA MPOZA NDAKENI MPINDWENI NDAKANA NDASANA LUQOLWENI 11 NGWEMNYAMA NGWEMNYAMA BHAYI MAGCAKINI NQUBUSINI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Endwe B GANDANA Endwe A EGOLIDENI Lower Lotina MBHONGWENI Nkamasana MDENI GONGO Upper Gunqwana Nkamasana Projects & Interventions 18 Project Origin TIKITIKI PHOCANI Mhlontlo GOQWANA EZINTUTYANENI MQANDANTO NCITSHANE XABANA Nkamasana Nkamasana MAGOQOZA KILILI HLANGENE MNGWNVBENI HLANGANI LOWER MJIKA MADWALENI NJAPHANTSI Nkamasana 5 NOMBODLELANA MPUKUMBINI 2 Nkamasana NKANINI Noziyongwana 4 Other Sidani 23DM/MWIG Nyandeni NOMABETSHE ZWELITSHA ZENZELE NGQWALA MRHOTSHOZWENI 27 ACIP MAP TITLE: Own-Muni LURASINI INDUSTRIAL 8 O.R. Ta m b o NQADU MATYEBA OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan MIG Sidani MHLAKULO 4 MFABANTU NYEMBEZI RBIG NQADU LOWER MJIKA PROJECT TITLE 5 3 Nkanini WATERFALL UPPER MJIKA 1 TSHISANE Tshisani -A MNGCELENI 31 Water Supply Backlog Status LANGENI Below: Infra & O&M Needs Noziyongwana LANGENI DATE COMPLETED: 2 Below: Infra Needs King Sabata Dalindyebo 15 Projects and Interventions: Mhlontlo Adequate: Formal 16 LOWER EGOTYIBENI GUNGULULU TSONGENI Noziyongwana Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 2 MBUTHO 26 CHEKA CONSULTANTS: Ngquza Hill Nkamasana Nkamasana CINGO Mangondo ZIBUNGU 19 1 MANZANA 9 LALENI LABRY Nkamasana DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 1 10 GWALI MAGONKONE QHOLWENI CEKA Engcobo DUMBA NGWEMNYAMA MKHOTSHOZWENI Mncetvana FAMENI Nkamasana MBINJA Nkamasana JENEE Nkamasana QUTHUBENI 3 MPOZA MAMPINGENI Nkamasana NTABELANGA QUTHUBENI TINA FALLS NDAMANGA SHAWBURY NEUSTAD GREATER HONONO EZIMBELENI Nkamasana MVANE BUHLUNGWANA LOWER KROZA Nkamasana BOMVINI MPOZA UPPER KROZA MANKA CLIENT: Gubeni -A BOMVINI MADIBA NTIBANE MFABANTU MBOKOTWANE FARMS Nkamasana MMANGWENI Mnga - B Mhlabati CINGO Nkamasana EMDIBANISWENI MAJABA NTSHIQO -B NTSHINTSHI 8 MBENI MDIBANISWENI A UPPER NOMHALA BULEMBU Balasi NDIMANGA Ntshiqo MTHONYAMENI XOKONXA Mhlabeni LOTANA FARM Nkamasana -C Ntibane KUKUMEHLO XENI -E ENKAMENI ZEC101 LABRY QANDA Nkamasana Bele - B NOZIYONGWANA MMANGWENI GODZI BHUNGENI MABULULU KRATYENI ZINGCUKA QANDA DANDALAZILE 7 MDENI Tsolo MAQAKAMBENI Nkamasana Tsolo ESINGENI NOGQADASI Noziyongwana TYENI TSOLO CINGO UPPER ST. - EE ESINGWENI MAYALULENI GOTSI TOWN 1 BHAKANENI LOTANA CUTHBERTS ESINGENI Tsolo NTYWENKA -F JOJWENI MADADENI MHLAHLANE MANGXAMFU MBOBO Gubeni NGONYAMENI -B NEWSTEAD MVUMELWANO NCALUKENI MJIKWENI 14 Ntsheleni N/DC15/031/W Upper MANXIWENI Upper Gunqwana Gunqwana DUMBA 24 BIJO EDRAYINI UPPER ERAYINI MALEPELEPE LOWER XIBENI MALEPELEPE MAGUTYWA MIS MALONGWE MAGUTYWA 205342 N/DC15/062/W NTSHELENI MPINDWENI 15 QUMBU QUMBU TOWN BALASI NO 9 NTENDELESHE 2 MPINDWENI MBINDA MATYHAMINI NDZEBE BHUWA 12 NXOTWE 5 BUWA Ncumbe NXOTWE 1 3 Mambalwini Silevini Upper Gunqwana UPPER NGCOLOKINI SENKUNZI LOWER TYIRA 16 NDZEBE MNGA TSOLO BHUBESI NYOKANA MHLANGALA LUQOLWENI NTSHONGWENI MAGQUBENI 25 MJIKWA Kumadukuda 13 LOWER CHULUNCA MISSION 396 XABANE Mangwaneni - CC GQUNU EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 4 MARHAMBENI BAJODINA LOWER TYIRA MBENZA Esikolweni -D Upper Gunqwana Upper Gunqwana KWA DELA DEBEZA 6 MZUZANTO TOLENI ZEC095 MFUNDISWENI 17 LOWER NGCOLOKINI NKONKWENI NGQONGQWENI TOLENI MNGQUNYANA MPINDWENI BLACK HILL 5 BHEJA N2 CULUNCA MISSION Thambekenr SITISHINI MAGQAGQENI Alfred Nzo NGXOTHO NGELE -C MIS 203262 Diphini KOMKHULU -B Langeni - BB MABHOLOMPA MADYIMBA NKOMPOLWENI MAHLUNGULU DETYANA Detyana Mpesheni SITHANGAMENI MAHLUNGUU NOZITYANA DEBEZA NGXABAXHA MACHIBINI GURHA GQILI Cengcani MTHOZELA ESITHALENI 20 Noziyongwana 23 6 MAFUSINI SIGUBUDWINI GQILI Sulenkama Tyhuname Khunkutha LUQOLWENI LOCALITY: NGXANGXASINI NGCOTHI KOMKHULU Maplotini 7 SANGQU TSHOLA MDENI Ngqakaweni Kwatshane Mafusini NGQAKAQENI Lluqolwenl DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation NYANISWENI KWA-NGOTHI 3 NOBAMBA KAMASTONE Mpedle NCOTHI 9 10 SKWAYINI 19 Nyango Nyango R56 18 NONYIKILA Maqwathini 10 9 10 16 8 13 11 34 12 5 2.5 0 7 5 Kilometers Below: Water Resources6 Below: No Services Formal 15 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F7_2_ProjectsMhlontlo.mxd 2016/05/23 MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 7.2 · M t amvuna 16 12 15 8 Provinical Boundaries 13 13 Noziyongwana Proposed Mzintlavana Dam 14 BHUNGENI Lwandlana - H LWANDLANA 17 30 District Municipality Boundaries 29 MAGQABESI Local Municipality Boundaries 20 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Kwa-BHALA 10 9 12 31 ELHIBINI ZEC091 25 N1 MATHE JACA GQINA XOPOZO 10 XOPOZO 22 JINGIXENI Luthulini DUKUZA LUTHULINI DUKUZA 11 MDUDWA MDUDWA DEBESE Sigcau 8 MKHUMBI KWABALA Upper MTSHEKELWENI Gunqwana MHLANGA Upper Gunqwana MATALENI Ntabankulu 8 Mz in a tlav 4 u bu Mzim v NCUNGENI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 9 30 LUJECWENI Noziyongwana Upper Gunqwana THWASI Mkumeni -B Zadungeni LOCALITY: THWASI NGQANDULO Noziyongwana Noziyongwana 10 NDAKENI 6 28 NDIMAKUDE FLAGSTAFF TOWN Upper Gunqwana SABELO BHALASI 16 NDAKENI FAMA LOWER MZENGE J.B. GABAJANI LUQHOQWENI SIGUBUDWINI Baleni TAWUKA MPHUMAZE MNGENI Baleni NDAKENI MTHWAKU LUDIWANE SIKITINI Alfred Nzo NQWABENI MQANGQWINI NQWABENI MAXAXIBENI MHLUMBA TAWENI MXHOZWENI BHODWENI MANQILO 11 Nkamasana Mhlontlo MNEKETSHA Lufankomo Upper Gunqwana LWANDLANA BHUKAZI HALA LUBALA Nkamasana Happy GXUME Valley SAWULANA GAGENI Nkamasana ECR003 // SIKHULU F/ECDC15/003/W Noziyongwana NTONTELA NYUKHWENI CIKOLO 4 MANGWENI MFINIZWENI MFINIZWENI KWAGCUDA KWAGCUDA MFINIZWENI NGQANDULWANA BHUQA XHAMA MAKHWALINI NTONTELA NTLEMBINI KWA BHALA Nkamasana NTSIMBINI 16 NDIMBANENI KOMANI Silevini KOMANI N/DC15/055/W N/DC15/056/W Nkamasana NTLANGWINI Thembukazi -B 19 KANANA 15 NQAQHUMBE MDIKAZI MZIMTSHA KWA NDENGANE NTANZI Lambasi -F LAMBASI MKHOSE Projects & Interventions Port Grosvenor MAZIZI TEA PLANTATION Project Origin NEW TOWN RBIG 23 Silevini DUBHANA Goso -B MIG Other CUTWINI Mhlanga Dam 23DM/MWIG Port St Johns 15 THEMBENI 14 MBOTYI MAGWA 16 GOSO 13 MBOTYI MBOTYI MBOTYI Own-Muni MBOTYI Water Supply Backlog Status MBOTYI 2 8 Below: Infra & O&M Needs 6 MAP TITLE: Projects and Interventions: Ngquza Hill DATE COMPLETED: Below: Infra Needs 11 Below: Water Resources 16 10 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Adequate: Formal MBOTYI 12 PROJECT TITLE ACIP GWEXINTABA GWEXINTABA LUDAKA Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za EMBOLENI MAGWA TEA CABEKWANA PLANTATION MZIZWANGWA EZIBELENI Magwa Tea 22 Plantation MCOBOTHINI CONSULTANTS: LAMBASI Khonjwayo -B FAHLA Mgezwa MTSHAYAZAFE Magwa 20 LUSIKISIKI Dam TOWN NIKWE GOBOZANA DUBANA KWANYUSWA Dubana B 19 UNITY MZINTLAVA PARK NTSIMBINI GOSO GOSO MZIZANGWA MCOBOTINI Nkamasana KWANDENGANE MSIKABA LAMBASI KWANDENGANE LAMBASI 21 27 LAMBASI IAMBASI NKUNZIMBINI NGOBOZANA NTONTELA OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MKHAMBATHI MGEZWA NYOSANI MKHAMBATHI THAHLA PHUMLO MMANGWENI MBILA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: THAHLA THAHLA MKHAMELA 14 20 Nyandeni MKHAMELA MSIKANA MSIKANA Kwa-BHUMBUTA MPISI THUNGWANA KHONJWAYO ECR003 // F/ECDC15/003/W 25 MSIKANA BAZANA 17 KHANYAYO MDLAMBULO KWATHAHLE THELAWAYEKA MSIKANA LIYOSE MATHEKO NGXABANE KWA-DICK MDLAMBULO MKHAMELA 24 MALANGENI QAWUKENI PALMARTONE KROSHASI MAWUSHENI MVIMVANE KWA BHALA MRHOTSHOZWENI Proposed Zalu Dam PHUMLO 18 CLIENT: Ngquza Hill Mkhamela ETYENI - C SIKHULU MSIKABE Lusikisiki MSIKABA -B MSIKABA MARHAMSINI PUMLO QAWUKENI GREAT TSHONYA PLACE NYEMBEZINI XHURANA 13 MACHIBINI LOWER HLABATHI KWACELE KWA CELE GQIBENI BABANI THAKANELO Kwa-BUSHULA Qebedu NGQUBUNGWENI MAGUNGULULU Kwabela MTSHISO Esidwadweni Noziyongwana -A GOODHOPE MTSHISO 17 DUKADA RHAMSI Maramsini DIDI LUSIKISIKI MDLAMBULO NGWENYENI Mthentu MHLWAZINI HLABATHI UPPER HLABATHI GOXOZA RHAMSI NOBHADULE XHORHANA XHURANA MBENYANE Makhwalini -B TEMBHUKAZI THEMBUKAZI Ntontela -D MAKHWALENI DIKI TSHONYA SIKEZINI MFINIZWENI MFINIZWENI UPPER MKATA MFINIZWENI MAVALELENI MFINIZWENI MAKHWALWENI ELUXOLWENI LUQUBENI MFINIZWENI MAVALENENI MAKHWALWENI 18 Makhwalweni KWAMBHAYI -D MAKHWALWENI MACHIBINI 2 MARAMZENI DOLOPINI BUHLANYANGA NGXAMBANI NTONTELA 1 NTONTELA NTLELE LUMAYINI R61 LALENI LUQUMBINI KWAGCUDA NGQANDULWANA NTONTELA DOLOPINI CHIBINI 26 GORHA MFINIZWENI KUQHASA NDLANGASI iTsitsa Ndakeni - M NGCANGCA Ndakeni - MNdakeni -M Noziyongwana TSHONYA TSHONYA KWA MDUMAZULU KHANYAYO Kwa Cele CELE PATARI MTHENTU MHLWAZINI MAKRAMZENI MBOZISA 25 KHANYAYO SICAMBENI KHANYAYO KWASILANGWE MFINIZWENI MFINIZWENI MHLOPHEKAZI QEBEDU KHALAMFAZI MANGWENI EMAQATYENI MPOHLENI SIPHEZINI 3 MANTLANENI KHANYAYO NDZAKA KHANYAYO MAKRAMZENI LITLAPHELE 12 LUMAYENI Mfinezweni MFINIZWENI KHANYAYO NGQUZA MARHAMZI MAKRAMZENI MARHAMZENI QHAMANGWENI BUKASE MFINIZWENI BISANA MTSHAYELO RHAMSI NKOZO STORE ESIKHULU Thi n a NKOZO KHANYAYO 27 KWABHALA O.R. Ta m b o KHANYAYO KHANYAYO SICHONTWENI WOODLANDS Dangwane NTSIKENI BODWENI DANGWANA SIDABEKWENI BHUKAZI Nkamasana 28 COKA LITLAPHELE GUQA 11 Nkamasana MANQILO KHIMBILI MQWANGQWENI DUPHU EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 29 MDUMAZULU MTSHAYELO MDUMAZULU MDUMAZULU KwaCoka Hlwahlwazi MKHETENGENI NGQUZA MATSHISI NGQUZA MDUMAZULU HLWAHLWAZI TAWENI MTSHAYELO COKA MBADANGO MANTLANE MCELU 15 TAMZI EQHOQHWENI LUQHOQHWENI SICWENZA BISI KWANYATHI MABALENGWE TAMZI MKETENGENI NO 9 A NZONDENI BUMAZI 7 ECDC15/089/W/07/08 5 MANGQUZU MQWANGQWENI 3 2 Mbizana 14 LUTHULINI 5 ZEC088 Main Roads 19 DIBANDLELA BALA NGQELEMANE Luthulini LUTHULINI 6 5 National Roads KUGQARHU 7 1 Census Main Places 21 MATHE RWANTSANA 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers Below: No Services Formal 6 18 Legend 9 9 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F7_3_ProjectsNquzwaHill.mxd 2016/05/23 MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 7.3 · 11 Ntabankulu 9 Legend 4 Ngquza Hill 10 8 Mpindweni -I 396 Provinical Boundaries 18 District Municipality Boundaries 13 7 1 3 1 18 5 CHIBINI Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Bomvini KWAYALELA 6 1 Local Municipality Boundaries Nkamasana Census Main Places 2 17 Tsolo N1 ESIQIKINI ESIQIKINI NGCOLORHA MAHOYANA National Roads Mangcwanguleni MANZIMABI Main Roads NDUNGUNYENI Ndungunyeni Nkamasana -A Noziyongwana 26 Mhlontlo 20 MTHOMBE NGAVUNGAVU Nkamasana 3 Lusikisiki TAFENI DOKODELA LUTUBENI GONGO N/DC15/017/W 4 THEMBENI COZA NJULUKA Mthombe Nkamasana 19 DIKELA MTHOMBO DIKELA EZINKUMBINI 4 Lukhuni MARHUBENI MARUBENI NYANDENI GREAT PLACE 31 MAKHOTYANA Emdeni EMDENI QWEMPU MARHUBENI Nyandeni Rainy Noziyongwana NGCOBO/RAINY NOXOLONDE TYARA Silevini 13 13 MHLABENI SIBANGWENI MAQHINGENI MISTY MOUNT Nkamasana BUMBANE UPPER CORANA NGOLO KWANDANYA 11 NGOLO 11 34 8 9 12 Ncipezweni 6 14 Lujecweni NGOBOZI 7 5 3 2 4 GXULU KWACHUNU 30 29 SKANSINI NTILINI BUNTINGVILLE NDINDIMENI MANTANJENI 33 13 31 NO 1 ENQWAKUNQWAKU NO 11 BHOLOTWA MATAMZIMA W/EC/3818/07/09 MAFUSINI NTSAKA 21 MAGCAKANI MBANGE 32 MQANGQWENI NO 3 18 MTHOKWANA 1 26 DIKENI MTHOKWANA 2 29 Project Origin RBIG Other 19 QHINGQOLO NOXOVA Mqanduli ZAKA NGONYAMENI SIGUBUDU 28 SIZANI Emanangeni -B MAGANGANE Nkanunu PROJECT TITLE BHUCULA NTSUNDWANE WENI/NTIBANE NTENGU KWA MADIBA KWA MADIBA KWA MADIBA OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan MDZWINI JANGE LUCINGWENI MPHIMBO MTHWEBULA Silevini LUCINGWENI Silevini MZONYANA MPENDLE NOMBOSO GANGENI VINITSHI 25 MZONYANE NKANTINI EMATYENI N/DC15/010/W NJIVENI MGAWUZA NGOJINI LWANDILE Lwandile -B NTSIMBINI ENTSIMBINI MAMOLWENI N/DC15/039/W ENYANDENI 26 27 GOSO Adequate: Formal 20 NGONQELWENI Nkanunu EZINCUKUTHWINI 23 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MVILO NTSUNDWANE MPOZA Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 1 EGOLI HAMSINI MKHUNDLU Kwanduli -A Water Supply Backlog Status SAZINGE NTSHINTSHANI HAMSINI BOMVANA NOMADOLO SIZANA THEKWINI Own-Muni SAZINGA NTIBANE BOMVANA CONSULTANTS: NTSHINGENI EMBOLENI SIDANDA Silevini Egoli -B MAGCAKINI Machibini MPUNDWENI KWAZULU MAYALWENI 23DM/MWIG ACIP EZINDUNENI B NOTHINTSILA MFUNDWENI CANZIBE Mazizini -B OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 2 MAQEBEVU NOMCAMBA Nomcamba -B MHLAKOTSHANE NQANDA 28 MHLONGWANA LOWER GODINI FAMA - D KUMANDENI BOMVANA MIG N/DC15/064/W ZINDUNENI KATINI MNYAMENI LOWER LUJIZWENI 3 MDUMBE SCHOOL 23 MGOJWENI MPINDWENI CWELE 19 THONTI BUTHONGWENI Silevini LUJIZWENI N0 4 DANGENI BHANTINI NOXOVA 24 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 3 NGONYAMENI 22 Silevini 4 GUQA OLD BUNTING SIZINDENI LUJIZWENI 5 MTOKWANE STORE Projects & Interventions 5 BANDLA MHLAHLANE BUTHONGWENI 14 MATSHAYI Port St Johns 17 MAGOZENI MAMPONDOMISENI MANDILENI LUJIZWENI 1 NQANDA A MALUNGENI LUJIZWENI 2 King Sabata Dalindyebo CLIENT: R61 LUDAKA ZEC078 NQAQHENI 10 NGQONUWENI ZEC078 MAZIZINI GODINI MALUNGENI NCAMBEDLANA NOKUPHILA MANGWANENI STORE MDUMAZULU MTHONJENI MAMPONDOMISENI MTHOJENI LUDAKA NGQELENI TOWN Emqwenqo MANGWANENI MQANGQWENI 35 6 9 BHANTINI Engwakazi MANGWANENI Port St Johns NOTIKANE EMASAMENI MAMPONDOMISENI MDUMAZULU MHLAHLANE MNGAZANA MNCANE POWULINI SIXHOLOSINI DUMASI Sinwandweni MAMPONDOMISENI MAMPONDOMISENI LUTSHEKO MQHAPHETSHU NO 10 DUMASI EMPISI MATOLWENI N2 MHLANJENI NJEZWENI NGAVU-NGAVU Lujecweni 1 16 CHIBENI Nyandeni MFABANTU TSHISABANTU MFABANTU ZULU CIBENI GORHA NDULINI MAKHUZENI NGOJINI KHULEKA ENJIVENI 18 Mputshane NGOJINI NTLANGWINI 7 Khuleka ENJIVENI MAQANYENI ESIKHALWENI KWAMXHOSA MAKHWETSHUBENI MABHELENI NGXOKWENI KWAMXHOSA NTSONYINI NGOTINI BHUKWINI TAWENI BHUKWINI NTSONYINI MASAMENI N/DC15/014/W MHLANJENI NTSONYINI NO 2 Mapondomiseni NODUSHE MTYU Nkawukazi NTHAPANE Lujecweni 12 NGXOKWENI QHANKQU ZIMPUNGENI EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee Cibeni 6 -A CIBINI MPUTSHANE MKHANKATHO MBIZA MASAMENI MPENDLE NKAWUKAZI Langeni GQABHATA Nciphizeni Nkamasana NTLAZA Kwa-NDANYA 30 Kuzithathele THUNGWINI MAQHINGENI MARHEWINI DRAYINI Kuzithathele 11 DIDI 15 LIBODE TOWN Libode MCHONKCO Ncambedlana Mthatha 7 8 MAHAHANI Mevana -B MSINTSI NTENDELE Nkamasana NGQWANGI 9 12 W/EC/8848/11/14 MAGCAKINI -A 2 NGCONGCO Nkamasana LUTHOLI LUKHANYISWENI Moyeni SIBANGWENI MALALANE Zibungu -A LUKHUNI NTABANTSIMBI JAMANI DALAGUBA MAGCAKINI NONTSHWABU 10 ZIBUNGU Bomvini EMPANGANI MAMFENGWINI 8 DININKOSI SIZA N/DC15/016/W 16 EMOYENI MAQANYENI 10 16 CUMNIE 15 MAQHINGENI NKANGA NGCAPHE MPHANGALA MDLANKOMO NGCOBO MAFUSINI 14 Bakaleni MDINA LOCALITY: Silevini Noziyongwana Lukhuni NKONKONI RANNY MNCALI BUNGU NTSHELE DUNGU Silevini Lukhuni -A Lukhuni Noziyongwana MHLANGA CHOPHETYENI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 27 Kwa-GEBANE 20 Silevini Silevini Nkamasana MZONDENI 2 19 Qeza NXUKHWEBE NXUKHWEBE LUTHUBENI ZANDUKWANE GUNYENI Corhana LURHASINI 17 Mgaqweni -A MHLANGANISWENI Phezukwamawa 5 KuSOMPA NGOLO MJOBENI 14 Upper Gunqwana MAP TITLE: Mamolweni -B Projects and Interventions: Nyandeni Silevini MEVENI SGUDLWINI Ndungungeni NGCOBO NGONGO SIDABADABENI 22 Below: Infra & O&M Needs Ngqeleni ESIKHULULWENI Below: Infra 21 Needs 24 25 DATE COMPLETED: Lutsheni MANKOSI Below: Water Resources O.R. T a m Below: b o No Services Formal 2016/05/23 TSHANI MAP NO.: 13 17 Mbhashe 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F7_4_ProjectsNyandeni.mxd DC15 Figure 7.4 · Legend 18 24 13 Provinical Boundaries Mhlontlo 1 18 District Municipality Boundaries Noziyongwana 20 Local Municipality Boundaries MTHIMDE MBOZISENI 17 2 Tshaya Noziyongwana N1 BAKALENI ZALU HEIGHTS NDAYINI 17 KWA NGCOLA LUTSHAYA Lutshaya -C Main Roads LUZUPHU ESINGENI 14 Ngquza Hill 20 NYOSANA Lusikisiki MKUZAZA NDLELENGANA LUDONGA KWA NCOYA KWA NGCOLA SIHLITHO JAMBENI A 19 BOMVINI KWANYATI Nyathi 13 KWA GANGATHA UPPER NTAFUFU EMAXEXEBENI KwaZULU NYATHI Nkamasana Kwa Majola SIPHUSIPHU LOCALITY: KWAGANGATHA TYENI GANGATHA 22 GANGATHA MZINTLAVA A MBOKAZI MBOKAZI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 21 GANGATA MNQEZU ETYENI GUGWINI 23 MZINTLAVA KWANYATI EMANANGENI 27 4 19 JAMBINI B KWA NYATHI MKHUZAZA Nkamasana CIKADE MHLABENI Nkamasana NGCOYA KWA NGCOLA KWA JAMA Nkamasana MKHUZAZA KWA - NGCOVA National Roads 15 GOQWANA ETYENI PALMARTONE MPALA MTHIMDE 5 KWA GQESA Census Main Places LUGQALWENI LUTSHAYA Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 16 MAZANGWENI 8 KOMANI 14 KWAGANGATA GOQWANA 15 Luqhoqhweni BHALA UPPER NTAFUFU GOQWANA MAJOLA MTHAMBALALA NTSHWABULO GCOBANI XHAKA GOQWANA NYAZI ENKWEZA Noziyongwana KWA BHALA EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee KHWANENI ENTSENGENI NTONGWANE MVUKAZI MEVANA NDAYINI NTLANJANA 2 ZEC080 SIQHOZAMENI ZIPHONDO 16 Lwandlana -F NTSHAMATHE EMPOZA Luthengele -A NTAFUFU EMANALENI KWANDAYINI ENGCENGA Nkamasana NGCOSE MATHANE GOQWANA GOQWANA MHLOTSHENI BUCHELE NTAFUFU KWAGINGQI MANTUSINI MGUGWANA FATYINI LUSIBENI MANALENI MDENI MACHIBI 12 EDUKULWENI 11 LUTALWENI QHOBOSHENDLINI RAWUTINI NGXONGWENI MAGCAKENI QUKUSWAYO MANTENKU Silevini MAFUSINI MBABALANE RETREAT FAIRVIEW Lugaqweni SWAZINI MANTUSINI 15 18 SWAZINI KWALIWANA Silevini 10 Shangillar DEDENI NOMNQOYI BIZANA PHAPHASI MALONGWANA BOLANI ZEC079 EMANTUSINI Silevini NTLANJENI 6 LUPHAPHASI 6 Machibini MTAMBALALA FIRESTATION MSWAKAZI GQUBENI LUPAPASI Nyandeni CLIENT: MTHAMBALALA LOWER NTAFUFU GEMVANE 9 NONJONJO Machibini KHALENI THALENI MTHAMBALALA GUTSHENI CHABASE LUPAPASI MVUME THALA N/DC15/018/W Tyityane Port St Johns 16 TSHAKUDE LOWER NTAFUFU TAFUFU MKANZINI MANZIBOMVU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: NOMNQOYI BOKLENI MAGOMBENI R61 NOQHEKWANA 7 MPANTU BUTHULO DANGWANA NDWALANE NTSIMBINI ISINUKA AHAGA Mgxabakazi DUMASI RELA Silevini Agate Terrace TOMBO (AA) KWANTSILA CAGUBA Machibini DUMASI NDIMAKUDE ENKONXENI 5 MILITARY BASE LUDALAZI 4 TOMBO LUDALASI MABHULWINI 3 RBIG Chwebeni MTHALALA MAHLATINI CHWEBENI LUGASWENI MANCU Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MNGAZI NKWILINI CODESA PROJECT TITLE 19 CWELE MIG MASAMENI OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan MADAKENI 2 MAGCAKINI NGCANDA Other SIHLANJENI 23DM/MWIG MAWOTSHENI EGOGOGO NODUVA ACIP MVELELO ISILIMELA NOCUZO Own-Muni Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 VUKANDLULE MFADALENI Project Origin 24 SICAMBENI Mthalala BHUNGENI ELUTECWENI Projects & Interventions CONSULTANTS: LYDO COTTAGES BUTO 17 MOLIVA Port St Johns BHOLANI MBENENGENI 21 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY PSJ TOWN Silevini GOMOLO LUFIFINI NJELA MAP TITLE: LUGONGQOZO Water Supply Backlog Status 1 ZEC077 MPOTSHOTSHO Projects and Interventions: Port St Johns TSWELENI Adequate: Formal 28 REBHU PHAHLAKAZI KWAGINQI Below: Infra & O&M Needs 23 Below: Infra Needs KWAGINGQI DATE COMPLETED: 20 Below: Water Resources Below: No 25Services Formal 2016/05/23 LUTATWENI MAP NO.: 4 2 0 4 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160523_F7_5_ProjectsPSJ.mxd DC15 Figure 7.5 · Joe Gqabi Legend Proposed Mkemane Dam Matatiele Greater Kokstad MAT001 Ugu Provinical Boundaries Sisonke District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries UMuziwabantu Alfred Nzo Census Main Places Gilbert Eyles Ludeke Dam Umzimvubu Senqu N1 National Roads Main Roads Ezingoleni Ntenetyana Dam UMZ001 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Proposed Nkanji Dam Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas Driel Dam NTB001 Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers Secondary Rivers DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Mbizana Proposed Mzintlavana Dam LOCALITY: Elundini MBZ001 Ntabankulu Mhlo001 Flagstaff EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee Proposed Ntabalanga Dam Qumbu Mhlontlo Ngquza Hill Proposed Laleni Dam CLIENT: NQH001 Tsolo Chris Sakhisizwe H a n i NQH002 Proposed Zalu Dam Lusikisiki Mhlanga Dam O.R. Ta m b o Mtata Dam Magwa Dam DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Port St Johns KSD001 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Libode PSJ001 CONSULTANTS: Mthatha Nya003 Nya004 Nyandeni Engcobo KSD002 Conceptual Bullk Water Supply Intervention Areas PSJ002 Nya002 Port St Johns Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za KSD001 King Sabata Dalindyebo KSD002 PROJECT TITLE KSD003 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan KSD004 KSD004 KSD005 Mqanduli Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Nya001 Mhlo001 NQH001 NQH002 MAP TITLE: Nya001 Ngqeleni KSD003 Mbhashe KSD005 Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions Nya002 Water Supply Backlog Status Nya003 Adequate: Formal Nya004 Below: Infra & O&M Needs DATE COMPLETED: PSJ001 Below: Infra Needs Amathole Mnquma 2016/05/20 PSJ002 Below: Water Resources Below: No Services Formal MAP NO.: 10 5 0 10 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160314_F8_BulkInterventions.mxd DC15 Figure 8 · 2 Ntabankulu Qumbu 17 Legend UMZ001 12 16 NTB001 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries I n xu Local Municipality Boundaries 3 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 24 5 UMZ001 14 Census Main Places 1 hin a Proposed Laleni Dam 1 6 N1 T 11 National Roads Main Roads 1 9 Mhlo001 Elundini Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas 10 396 iTs itsa 8 Driel Dam Primary Rivers Mpindweni -I 7 Mhlontlo 1 Bomvini 5 KWAYALELA Secondary Rivers Ngquza Hill Nkamasana 1 CHIBINI 3 Dams & Dam Names DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation NQH001 MAHOYANA O.R. Ta m b o ESIQIKINI QHOLWENI Noziyongwana MQANDANTO ZIBUNGU Nkamasana 18 MTHOMBE XABANA LOWER MJIKA HLANGENE WATERFALL Boycy - B LOWER MJIKA NOMBODLELANA MPUKUMBINI NGQWALA LANGENI Khambi PHESHEY KWETABASE Upper Ncise HALLBAY Noziyongwana 34 MPOLOMPO LWANDLANA MANYOSINI MPAFANA 15 MAQWATINI King Sabata Dalindyebo Noziyongwana TYENI Mode east Ngqunge -B Upper SGUBUDU Tabase Sgubudu -A -C BHONGA SGUBUDU Jojweni - V Emaqo Sigubudweni - A Ntabeliza EHALINI Baziya LWANDLANA NDAKWANA MMANGWENI Bhaziya ROSS MISSION FAIRFIELD Dlomo NTABENI Upper Tabase - B 14 6 5 SIKHOBENI MYEZO PARK MBOZWANA Baziya LOWER CENTULI Ntabeliza - B NTABELIZA 33 Qweqwe UPPER QWEQWE 31 ESKOM DIDI Libode MAQHINGENI COMPOUND Nkamasana MKHANKATHO MBIZA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: LIBODE TOWN MARHEWINI 6 Nyandeni MPENDLE NKAWUKAZI ZIMPUNGENI 18 LANGENI Port St Johns 30 NJEZWENI 13 CONSULTANTS: BACK 21 Nya003 Nya004 ORANGE GROOVE Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 17 NTSHELE Ngqeleni PROJECT TITLE 19 thath a Nya002 M 35 KSD002 24 32 Primary Secondary Reservoirs ³ ± Water Pumpstations PS ] \ W TW 1 28 Nya001 26 KSD001 Mthatha RWSS 29 22 Mb Proposed: 18 20 27 DATE COMPLETED: sh ha Primary e Secondary Mqanduli 19 # * Water Treatment Works wa li Mg Tertiary Reservoirs 6 Mbhashe MAP TITLE: Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: KSD004 Water Treatment Works ! . OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 14 Tertiary T U Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 3 MABHELENI 17 Existing: 16 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY QWEQWE LUTHUTHU Infrastructure 7 15 29 MAZIZINI MAWELENI KWANOMZAMO Nkamasana PLANTATION TYUMBU AMENDU MSINTSI Nkamasana NTENDELE Nkamasana MISTY MOUNT BUMBANE KWANDANYA NEW PAYNE Qweqwe NTABELIZA SIGUBUDWENI Lujecweni NTHAPANE 2 BHONGWENI OLD PAYNE 16 MAQHINGENI JAMANI 1 30 QELANI DALAGUBA Nkawukazi NGOBOZI Nkamasana 2 NTABANTSIMBI Kuzithathele Langeni CLIENT: NKANGA EMPANGANI 7 UPPER CORANA GQABHATA 12 4 NEW LINDILE MPEKO-NTABENI MPHEKO PLANTATION DRAYINI NGOLO 3 Lindile MPEKO EMOYENI MAGCAKINI - A NGQWANGI GXULU 7 NGCAPHE 9 MHLABENI Ncipezweni Nciphizeni PAYNE OLD LINDILE GUBENU XHONGORA MATHAMBO MAQWAMBI CHRIS HANI MDINA MPHANGALA MDLANKOMO MAMFENGWINI 11 LUKHANYISWENI Moyeni Mthatha 9 Dumrhane MPEKO 8 Bakaleni NKONKONI KSD001 8 Ncambedlana Kuzithathele DECOLIGNY LUKHUNI EMDENI QWEMPU MAGCAKINI MAFUSINI 11 TSHEMESE UPPER TABASE NGCOBO/RAINY NGCOBO MNCALI NGOLO Emajwareni Noziyongwana LANDS END Tabase DUMRANA SIBANGWENI 12 DECOLIGNY MARHUBENI Noziyongwana TYARA HIGHBURY CICIRA Umtata Kaplani NCISE MARHAMBENI TABASE MISSION MTSHOBO BAZIYA Baziya - C BAZIYA MISSION Baziya BEKE 17 R61 DUKATHOLE LINK Nyandeni RANNY DININKOSI ROSEDALE XHOKASHE Baziya - A WAQU K.D MATANZIMA Noziyongwana AIRPORT MDENI MAMPINGENI NTSHABENI MARUBENI NOXOLONDE Sibangweni/Lutholi LUTHOLI 13 NCISE MAKHOTYANA NYANDENI GREAT PLACE Rainy NONTSHWABU Mdeni - C GXIDIDI Cwecwe 10 NGCENDERHA JOJWENI SIXUZULU Elalini -D 8 Noziyongwana Emdeni Impindweni LUGXOGXO NGOSWANA Mtata Dam Kwamhaga Lukhuni Silevini CHOPHETYENI Corhana MAQANYENI MATSHONGWE LURASINI KWANDUNGWANA JADA MBOZISA SAWMILL MBOZISA ZWELITSHA NYOKA LIXENI MATSHONGWE -D -B Gaduka Ezigadini DILISHE MZONDENI Lukhuni -A NTSHELE DUNGU GUNYENI 10 Gxididi Nkamasana BUNGU MARHUBENI LOWER GUNGULULU Khambi LUXENI MANDLENI MAYIBE BAZIYA FOREST SIQIKINI LWANDLANA -K GRIBDELE Silevini Kwa-GEBANE MHLANGA LURHASINI Qeza Silevini LURASINI INDUSTRIAL EGOTYIBENI EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee DIKELA EZINKUMBINI TSONGENI Noziyongwana Noziyongwana DIKELA MTHOMBO NXUKHWEBE NOMABETSHE NQADU MNGCELENI ZENZELE ZWELITSHA LUCINGWENI 16 Nkamasana ZANDUKWANE 31 NGQWALA MRHOTSHOZWENI 27 4 Noziyongwana NYEMBEZI Engcobo LUTUBENI LUTHUBENI MATYEBA 19 NJULUKA Mthombe N2 NQADU MFABANTU bu Mzim v u TAFENI GONGO 4 Nkamasana 5 Mgaqweni - A Upper Gunqwana KuSOMPA NGOLO Phezukwamawa MHLANGANISWENI DOKODELA COZA MNGWNVBENI MADWALENI NJAPHANTSI MHLAHLANE 3 THEMBENI HLANGANI UPPER MJIKA NGAVUNGAVU MJOBENI Nkamasana MAGOQOZA EMANXIWENI NCITSHANE 2 Ndungunyeni - A TIKITIKI PHOCANI CHEKA LOCALITY: NDUNGUNYENI MANZIMABI Nkamasana 26 Mangondo 2 Mangcwanguleni NGCOLORHA Tsolo 28 KSD003 2016/05/20 23 23 MAP NO.: 26 20 22 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers 25 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_1_BulkInterventionsKSD001.mxd DC15 Figure 8.1 · Legend 17 Provinical Boundaries 31 District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places N1 National Roads KSD001 R61 Main Roads Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas GUBEVU Driel Dam Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers KHONONGWANA Mbh a sh e Secondary Rivers XHONGORA DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Xon g ora LOCALITY: MANYISANE NQWATHI Chaba -A CABA Chaba -C PHAHLA Xhongora -C EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee KWA-SABE 17 MKHONQENI Kwa-Phahla MADORHWANENI KHONQENI RHELEGWINI DLAKATWENI NGQWATHI KSD002 MAZIZANI King Sabata Dalindyebo CLIENT: MAQADINI KHONQENI 16 KHONQENI -A X u ka NQWATHI LUXOMO DATASHE BHIYAFU CHIBINI KWADRATASHE MAMFENENI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: MAGA LOWA Engcobo KUNQWATI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MARHUDULWINI NQWATHI CONSULTANTS: NDUNGWANA NDUNDUMENI Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 KSD004 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Mbhashe PROJECT TITLE MBASHE OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Infrastructure Existing: NGQUQA BHAKALENI Primary Secondary Reservoirs ³ ± Tertiary T U Water Pumpstations PS ] \ W TW MAP TITLE: Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: Water Treatment Works KSD002 Mthatha Regional Borehole Dev 18 Proposed: DATE COMPLETED: Primary Secondary Tertiary ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works O.R. Ta m b o u M te n t 1 2016/05/20 MAP NO.: 0.5 0 1 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\27811_160314_F8_2_BulkInterventionsKSD002.mxd DC15 Figure 8.2 Cen Zi m e ban Legend Nya003 M um b · tuli d 32 KSD002 Provinical Boundaries i District Municipality Boundaries Nya003 Local Municipality Boundaries 14 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places wara q Ng N1 ku Ku N National Roads Main Roads n z im b ini Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas 23 26 29 Driel Dam Nyandeni Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers 22 KSD004 18 King Sabata Dalindyebo DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Ng m qu Mqanduli an e N2 z un Mp M th Mquanduli 28 an a 19 ZWELITSHA NGWEVANA MQANDULI TOWN ZWELAKHE LOWER NGQWARA PHAZIMA NGQUNGQU MAQOMENI UPPER NTLANGAZA NGCANASENI EMAKHUMSHENI KWANTSOME KWA PHAHLA MADLAKA LOWER NQUNQU MJELWENI JOJWENI SIGINQINI JOJWENI MAHLAMVU PHANBI KWENTABA SAWUTINI g q ngqu u LUBISANE CACADU ZIKHOVA u BOM BOM MANTSHILIBENI GENGQE DARABE MANCAM Ng o ya m n NTSILEKANE 20 ESIKOBENI BIJOLO EMANYOSINI MBIZANA EMIJIKWENI SIKHOBENI b Bu le m KINGS FARM EXOLWENI Kwe Nxuro MAHLUNGULU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: XHORANA THUNGWANE LOWER TYOLO Xora THUNGWANE MAHLUNGULU Ngqawa Silevini 21 MJIKWENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY KHANYAYO Jali - A QADINI THUNGWANA Xora Ncobo Mp a na JALI wa NCEKANA KSD005 TWUNGWANA TUTWINI EMAQOMENI THUNGWANA RHARA 25 NTSITSHANA LUCWECWE XHORANA BACELA Kwe Nxura KWA KHAWULA ZIHAGU MATANZI Dinga -B HAJI MNCWASA KHOVUTHI u XHORA EMAMPANDLENI ESIDIKIDINI Upper Gunqwana XHORANA KRAKRA Dut y KWAJALI KOMKULU MHLABUBOMKANISE XHORANA GWATYU MVEZO GOMATA KHOVUTHI NTSITSHANA NTSITSHANA KROZA UWATYU EGQUBENI GWATYU CLIENT: LUTHUBENI KSD003 Ngqeleni TSHONTI WILLOW ko 7 MAHLATHINI LWANDLANA 22 a ENGQELENI BIJOLO MNQANDA KHOHLO KWALINI GOTYIBENI GENQE 27 JOJWENI KWANCANA THWABE O.R. Ta m b o MANGQOBE KHOHLO ENKALWENI MPHANDELI MBIZANA Silevini EFAM GENGQE GENGQE n Qu LOWER QUNQU GOGOZAYO Manyisana NTANDELA EZITHENJINI ZIBHODLA MAMFENGWINI GATYANA EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MBOZISA N MFAMZI GENGQE MLAWU MLAMBO CORANA SANKOBE HLOPHE 23 TALA CORANA Blekana -D Blekana -C LOCALITY: MPINDWENI atha Ntlangaza - A MALOZA M t e ntu Secondary Rivers Nya001 CONSULTANTS: EMASAMENI LONDISO EMMANGWENI 17 FUTYE CHELESI KHARA KHALALO FUTYE NZWAKAZI Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NCALAMBENI Silevini ba Bu m lu Mbha s h 8 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 13 e Amathole TYHOLO wa M nc MADINDI sa Mbhashe Infrastructure Existing: Primary PROJECT TITLE OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 28 Secondary 18 T U Reservoirs ³ ± Tertiary Water Pumpstations PS cih a Water Treatment Works KSD003 Mqanduli Corridor Dev an W TW Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: X or N ] \ MAP TITLE: 26 a 15 12 Proposed: ony Nt l Primary DATE COMPLETED: 19 a ne Secondary Tertiary ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works 2016/05/23 Nqabara MAP NO.: 16 3 1.5 0 3 Kilometers 14 10 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_3_BulkInterventionsKSD003.mxd DC15 Figure 8.3 · Nya003 11 34 15 8 District Municipality Boundaries nge ra gq u N Provinical Boundaries 9 ci Ci Local Municipality Boundaries 6 Owen 5 14 12 se Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 7 Mthatha a Ta b Legend C or ana Engcobo 3 Census Main Places 2 KSD001 N1 R61 National Roads 4 Main Roads 30 Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas 29 17 Driel Dam 1 i Sik oben bh Cu Primary Rivers m g ce n M Dams & Dam Names Secondary Rivers a sh e 13 SIXHOTYENI 33 Nyandeni 31 Xo n gor a XHONGORA KHWENXURA Emaga XHONGORA 17 ZIMBANE Khwenxura Jixini ZIMBANE UPPER CENTULE MBUQE NTLEKISENI Centuli -C C ent uli LOCALITY: KUNENE CENTULI ESIKHOBENI ESIDWADWENI 35 MAQHINEBENI Mthat h a Zimbane 16 JIXINI XHUGXWALA VIEDGESVILLE THAFENI Nkamasana Silevini Upper Ngqwarha B TAFENI Upper Gunqwana QUNU MADONSI Nkamasana MOKOLWENI GUNJANA -F RHUNI MOYENI MABHELENI BITYI PHINGILILI Kwa-NDABA QUNU NKALANE MASHALENI CLIENT: MPOLASA EMANDLOVINI Nya001 Qingqolo Village ZANCI MACOSA BLEKANA KWA DLOMO N2 MATYENI gq XALANGA QUNU un za Mp MAGUBU m Ntlangaza -B Mqanduli NGQUMANE e an MTENTU A QHINGQOLO MADADIYELE 19 RHUNE LOWER NGQWARA n ZANCI a 5 Qingqolo KOMKHULU CEGCWANA Rhune Sqikini Qingqolo MPUNZANA QUNU FOREST u Qunu village SIGWALINI 22 Mcobotini -C NDAKANA NGCENDESE ZINGCUKA Qingqolo BLEKANA TAMSANQA MAVUNAWENI CEZU N Gunjana -G TAFENI Nqanda Madwaleni - A - B Ncanaseni NTIMANUWENI MAMPINGENI Mpikwana - A TYELEBANA HLABATSHANE Madwaleni - B KHENCEZAZO u MADONSI DOBE GOSO Sawulana -B SIGIBA KSD004 18 GQAQHALA NGCWALA HLABATSHANE Kungcolo JULUKUQU MPIKWANA ZANCI JOJWENI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: EMPA DINDALA NQENCU NGQUNGE CHANTI MSANA Sakhela -D Silevini MAWUTINI a li NGCEJANA M gw a Ng w ra Upper LUXOLWENI Ngqwarha KWANXELE NTUWE BITYI GXWALIBOMVU 26 NDLUNKULU UPPER QUNU Qun EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee NGIZA MAXESIBENI 28 QOLWENI 14 MAGOMBE JIXINI Langeni -B CEZU NGCOTYENI Gxwalibomvu -C MSANA MANZOTHENI Upper Ngqwara BALIZULU XHWILI -E Zimbane NEW TOWN NQWATHI NYIBENI JIXINI Jixini 29 MATYENENGQINA LUKWETHU MAWENI Qokolweni QOKOLWENI MACIBINI XHUXWALA XHWILI XHWILI XHWILI - A MQHEKEZWENI Nyibeni Nyibeni B MTEBE QOKOLWENI MQHEKEZWENI MQHEKEZWENI - A Nkamasana Zimbane MAQHINGENI SAWUTINI MOYENI Mqhekezweni -C MANDLANENI ban e Zi m 32 q uka XHWILI Mten tu X KSD002 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Nya003 CHEGCWANA MANTSHAYI TANTSEKA SAKHELA Sakhela -A Sakhela Sakhele -C NGQUNCIE NGCENGANA Blekane OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY BOMVU SAKHELA NGWENI MTENTU NDIBELA BUWA King Sabata Dalindyebo TYAWARA NGWENI NDIBELA DUMRANA DALINDYEBO Ng q MANGWENI CONSULTANTS: un MGQUMO g qu Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 BUMBANE TYHALARA GANGXO MTENTU NEW REST Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 27 23 SITEBE ENKALWENI 6 Tyalara -B B ule m MZINYA Tyalara 20 Infrastructure ny M n w c a a Secondary Water Pumpstations sa Mbhashe MAP TITLE: Xora n Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: a Reservoirs ³ ± Tertiary 4 T U OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan g am Primary Ngqeleni o Existing: KSD003 N O.R. Ta m b o PROJECT TITLE 22 b u Nyalara W TW Water Treatment Works Proposed: Primary tyw a Mbhash e KSD004 Lukwethu Water Supply 13 21 DATE COMPLETED: 7 Secondary Tertiary # * Munyu Reservoirs Water Treatment Works 8 2016/05/20 17 Xora a Nci h a n ! . Xora 28 3.5 26 1.75 0 3.5 Kilometers mb a u ] \ Du PS Bu l Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_4_BulkInterventionsKSD004.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.4 · Legend Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries qu QUBENI Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 g un N gq Mdumbi Census Main Places 25 N1 GQUBENI NGCENDUNA National Roads 27 t ha Main Roads t ha M GOSO Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas Nya001 KHOHLO 26 Driel Dam Ntlebane MNQANDE Dams & Dam Names Nyandeni Primary Rivers Secondary Rivers MLAWU DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation KSD003 BELUNGWINI JOJWENI LOCALITY: EMAQATYENI GONYA MABHEHANA KWAAIMAN NGOJINI EMALANGENI MABHEHANA NENGA Dotyeni MHLABENI DINGA EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MANANGENI MATIYANE Engcwanguba NTANDELA Ekhohlo -A NZULWINI KWAKHAKANA King Sabata Dalindyebo GAWU Ekhohlo -B ESIZINDENI Khohlo -E MAQANYENI Mathokazini - A KHOHLO KSD005 CLIENT: ENENGA NDAMZI FUNISWAYO Mahusheni Lower Nenga Lower Nenga THWALIKHULU KHOTYANA Emaqanyeni MAFUSINI ELALINI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: ENYANDENI MZULWINI - 17 COFFEE BAY QHOGI KWANQENYA 24 Mzongwaneni DINGADA a Bul u m b OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY NZULWINI - 17 NQAYIYA KWAKIZI 17 Mn cw Bunene -A RHINI CONSULTANTS: a sa MTUMBANE Mpako 28 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NZULWINI TALIMOFU BLACK ROCK STORE MHLANGUKA Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 MTHONJANA PROJECT TITLE Infrastructure Existing: Mbhashe OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan EMPINDWENI Primary MTHONJANA HOLE IN THE WALL Secondary SIKOLOKOTHA Reservoirs ³ ± Tertiary T U Water Pumpstations PS ] \ W TW MAP TITLE: Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: KSD005 Coffee Bay RWSS Water Treatment Works 19 Proposed: DATE COMPLETED: Primary 18 Secondary 2016/05/20 Tertiary ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works MAP NO.: 1.5 0.75 0 1.5 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_5_BulkInterventionsKSD005.mxd DC15 Figure 8.5 · 11 Legend 21 LL ee ss oo tt hh oo Proposed Mkemane Dam Matatiele Provinical Boundaries Sisonke 24 14 K Kw w aa ZZ uu ll uu -- N N aa tt aa ll 22 District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries Greater Kokstad 10 10 24 16 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Alfred Nzo Census Main Places N1 National Roads 15 Proposed Nkanji Dam 9 Mv r Kini a ne 12 Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas 3 eny a 13 Main Roads 2 6 Driel Dam Dams & Dam Names 11 Primary Rivers 5 14 Secondary Rivers 23 8 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 8 Ntenetyana Dam R396 4 LOCALITY: Umzimvubu Senqu 7 15 27 9 15 22 16 17 12 R56 7 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 11 18 13 16 20 14 19 21 10 19 4 Mzimvu b 25 Elundini 9 u 6 21 7 ooi CLIENT: Ntabankulu 20 18 N2 M 5 8 22 4 Mhlo001 3 25 17 23 Proposed Ntabalanga Dam DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: 3 T M a 13 15 17 z intla v 2 a h in 6 12 16 396 nxu 5 I 2 CONSULTANTS: Mhlontlo 24 5 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 14 1 3 Proposed Laleni Dam Existing: Primary Secondary Chris Hani 26 1 ³ ± Water Pumpstations PS ] \ W TW OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan KSD001 5 17 3 Sakhisizwe Reservoirs 18 2 1 Tertiary T U NQH001 6 1 Infrastructure PROJECT TITLE 1 7 3 1 Ngquza Hill 10 iTs itsa 8 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za 11 9 Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 MAP TITLE: 4 20 5 Nyandeni Water Treatment Works 2 Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: Port St Johns 27 4 Mhlo001 Umzimvubu RWSS Proposed: 13 Primary Mt h ah a Engcobo t Secondary Tertiary 13 ! . # * Nya004 2 Reservoirs 19 Water Treatment Works O.R. Ta m b o 31 16 15 34 King Sabata Dalindyebo Mtata Dam 10 10 9 8 7 13 11 12 16 7.5 Nya003 3.75 0 6 8 DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/25 MAP NO.: 7.5 Kilometers 16 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_6_BulkInterventionsMhlo001.mxd DC15 Figure 8.6 · Umzimvubu 15 8 11 Legend 30 9 13 Provinical Boundaries 13 Proposed Mzintlavana Dam 14 Lwandlana -H LWANDLANA 19 17 District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries MAGQABESI 20 BHUNGENI 12 Census Main Places MATHE 9 25 31 NGQELEMANE DUKUZA BALA Ntabankulu Sigcau KWABALA NCUNGENI LUJECWENI MHLANGA NGQANDULO GABAJANI Noziyongwana THWASI NDAKENI FAMA tlava in Mz Nkamasana DUPHU GUQA MHLUMBA BHODWENI MNEKETSHA Lufankomo BHUKAZI BHUKAZI Nkamasana 3 NKOZO STORE NKOZO SAWULANA GAGENI GXUME SIKHULU 1 NGCANGCA Ndakeni -M 1 MPOHLENI 10 NTONTELA KUQHASA NDLANGASI iTsitsa BHUQA NTLELE MAGUNGULULU MBENYANE MAKHWALINI Noziyongwana Kwabela MTSHISO GOODHOPE 5 THEMBUKAZI 3 Nkamasana MAKHWALENI KSD001 Existing: Primary MACHIBINI Nkamasana ³ ± ] \ W TW MZINTLAVA ENKWEZA NYAZI 13 Noziyongwana GOQWANA Libode PROJECT TITLE 22 Mhlanga Dam KWAGANGATHA KOMANI OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan 14 15 NTSHWABULO Luqhoqhweni ENTSENGENI XHAKA MTHAMBALALA GCOBANI KHWANENI NTONGWANE MATHANE 12 MAP TITLE: Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: BUCHELE Port St Johns EDUKULWENI MANTUSINI FATYINI NQH001 Ngqushwa Hill RBWSS Machibini 11 MANALENI NONJONJO Silevini Tyityane Primary MCOBOTHINI DUBHANA GOQWANA 16 Proposed: 23 NTSHAMATHE EMANALENI 8 Nya004 Nkamasana MZINTLAVA A KWAGANGATA GOQWANA GOQWANA UNITY PARK MCOBOTINI PSJ001 16 DATE COMPLETED: MANTENKU Secondary 30 Tertiary Nya003 ! . Reservoirs # * 15 Water Treatment Works Machibini 6 9 7 Nya004 10 Nya002 2016/05/20 MAP NO.: 6 18 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za Dubana B JAMBENI A UPPER NTAFUFU KWA BHALA DUBANA NTSIMBINI EMAXEXEBENI Water Treatment 7 Works Lusikisiki KWA GANGATHA KwaZULU Magwa Dam NIKWE KWANYUSWA 19 MZINTLAVA EMPOZA Water Pumpstations GOBOZANA GANGATA GANGATHA MBOKAZI NYATHI GUGWINI CONSULTANTS: NQAQHUMBE 21 JAMBINI B KWANYATI MNQEZU Tertiary PS 20 MDIKAZI MMANGWENI NYOSANI KWA JAMA BOMVINI KWA - SIHLITHO NYATHI MHLABENI BHALA 2 15 NYOSANA EMANANGENI O.R. Ta m b o MBILA NGOBOZANA Nyathi Reservoirs KANANA PALMARTONE 19 OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 16 Silevini GOQWANA Nkamasana DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: NQH002 PHUMLO 17 KOMANI ZALU HEIGHTS 24 BAZANA 14 LUZUPHU MKHUZAZA TSHONYA KWA-DICK NDAYINI LUTSHAYA Ngquza Hill QAWUKENI GREAT PLACE NGXABANE MTHIMDE Secondary T U NOBHADULE QAWUKENI PALMARTONE LUGQALWENI MPALA MAZANGWENI CLIENT: DUKADA 25 Proposed Zalu Dam MACHIBINI CELE UPPER HLABATHI 18 DIDI XHURANA KWA BHALA NTSIMBINI MTHIMDE 20 HLABATHI 26 GQIBENI 13 NDIMBANENI NGCOYA MKUZAZA KWA NCOYA CIKADE KWA - NGCOVA KWA - NGCOLA Nyandeni GOXOZA DIKI MVIMVANE Noziyongwana KWAMBHAYI 18 ESINGENI NDLELENGANA KWA NGCOLA BUHLANYANGA Noziyongwana NYEMBEZINI Kwa-BUSHULA MRHOTSHOZWENI MFINIZWENI MAVALELENI Lutshaya -C TEMBHUKAZI 27 CHIBINI MBOZISA NQH001 Qebedu BAKALENI Thembukazi - B NTONTELA LUDONGA MAKRAMZENI KWABHALA SIKEZINI MFINIZWENI LUTSHAYA KWA GQESA KWA - NGCOLA R61 LUQUMBINI MBOZISENI 17 MARHAMZENI RHAMSI TSHONYA SIPHEZINI LALENI Tshaya Esidwadweni Noziyongwana -A Makhwalini -B Ntontela -D Mfinezweni MARHAMZI 27 SIDABEKWENI GORHA XHURANA XHORHANA ELUXOLWENI ETYENI Infrastructure 4 EMAQATYENI MAKHWALWENI Makhwalweni - D NGQUBUNGWENI 28 MTSHAYELO TSHONYA MHLOPHEKAZI QEBEDU MFINIZWENI MFINIZWENI NTLEMBINI NTONTELA MANGWENI UPPER MKATA NGQANDULWANA MFINIZWENI XHAMA 4 TAWENI MFINIZWENI NTONTELA MAKHWALWENI MAVALENENI 2 MDUMAZULU LITLAPHELE LUMAYINI KWAGCUDA KWAGCUDA CIKOLO NTONTELA 1 LUMAYENI KHALAMFAZI NYUKHWENI EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MTSHAYELO WOODLANDS DANGWANA BISANA ESIKHULU MANTLANENI LITLAPHELE MANQILO LUBALA MFINIZWENI 11 TAWENI QHAMANGWENI BUKASE in Th a MKHETENGENI KHIMBILI MXHOZWENI Upper 11 Gunqwana Dangwane BODWENI 12 Noziyongwana Nkamasana TAMZI MDUMAZULU 29 Hlwahlwazi NTSIKENI Mhlo001 Happy Valley 15 MBADANGO LWANDLANA HALA MANQILO HLWAHLWAZI MQWANGQWENI MAXAXIBENI MANTLANE SICWENZA NQWABENI 25 EQHOQHWENI LUQHOQHWENI MQANGQWINI MABALENGWE MCELU Mhlontlo BISI KWANYATHI SIKITINI 13 BUMAZI MANGQUZU MQWANGQWENI NDAKENI TAWUKA MKETENGENI NO 9 A NZONDENI 10 7 3 LUQHOQWENI MPHUMAZE LUDIWANE 5 16 J.B. Upper Gunqwana SIGUBUDWINI MTHWAKU LOWER MZENGE 9 Ndakeni 12 LOCALITY: NDIMAKUDE SABELO BHALASI Flagstaff MNGENI THWASI NDAKENI 6 FLAGSTAFF TOWN Mkumeni - B 2 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation 30 MATALENI Zadungeni Baleni Secondary Rivers 14 MTSHEKELWENI Noziyongwana 8 4 Tsolo Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers Mbizana UMZ001 Upper Gunqwana Driel Dam 11 MDUDWA LUTHULINI MKHUMBI 5 22 MBZ001 XOPOZO DEBESE NTB001 17 10 Luthulini Luthulini Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas 28 JINGIXENI DUKUZA 6 Main Roads DIBANDLELA XOPOZO LUTHULINI National Roads 19 KUGQARHU GQINA 7 8 25 N1 JACA RWANTSANA Mzimvu b u 20 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 ELHIBINI Kwa-BHALA 10 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers 5 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_7_BulkInterventionsNQH001.mxd DC15 Figure 8.7 · Mte h NQH001 na wa n ts Provinical Boundaries 29 y Mn KwaCoka MTSHAYELO am e KHANYAYO SICHONTWENI 11 KHANYAYO 28 Msik Local Municipality Boundaries K Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 i n COKA COKA u lumb NGQUZA NGQUZA e u MATSHISI Mte nt District Municipality Boundaries O.R. Ta m b o SICAMBENI ab NGQUZA MBZ001 Main Roads Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas KHANYAYO a Mbizana 27 NDZAKA KHANYAYO KHANYAYO MDLAMBULO National Roads 25 KHANYAYO KHANYAYO Census Main Places N1 Driel Dam Dams & Dam Names KWA KHANYAYO MDUMAZULU Primary Rivers Sikomb e Kwa Cele Secondary Rivers LUSIKISIKI PATARI MTHENTU MHLWAZINI DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation NGWENYENI Mthentu DOLOPINI DOLOPINI 26 LOWER HLABATHI MARAMZENI KWA CELE KWASILANGWE ETYENI RHAMSI 12 NGXAMBANI MDLAMBULO LOCALITY: KWACELE MROSHANENI MDLAMBULO Ngquza Hill KHANYAYO Mkhamela - C SIKHULU KROSHASI Mkhamela RHAMSI KWATHAHLE Maramsini BABANI MKHAMELA 25 THAKANELO EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MSIKABE MARHAMSINI THAHLA MKHAMELA Lusikisiki - B MSIKABA PHUMLO PUMLO MAWUSHENI MKHAMELA MSIKANA Nkamasana 18 24 MSIKANA MALANGENI LIYOSE K wa Dla m bu MATHEKO MSIKANA KHONJWAYO MKHAMBATHI THAHLA THELAWAYEKA 16 MSIKANA MPISI Kwa-BHUMBUTA THUNGWANA CLIENT: NQH002 ra Xu an a the ko X ur MKHAMBATHI 17 NKUNZIMBINI eM a NTLANGWINI IAMBASI LAMBASI MZIMTSHA KWANDENGANE LAMBASI Nkamasana KWANDENGANE LAMBASI Khonjwayo -B MSIKABA LAMBASI KWA NDENGANE MGEZWA 15 FAHLA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Lambasi -F Mgezwa MTSHAYAZAFE NTANZI Lusikisiki R61 14 EMBOLENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY LAMBASI M zi MAZIZI TEA PLANTATION za MKHOSE ng wa l ohlozi 22 Magwa Dam 20 Mh 19 Port Grosvenor CONSULTANTS: NEW TOWN MZIZANGWA GOSO 23 CABEKWANA Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 MAGWA TEA PLANTATION EZIBELENI 21 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MZIZWANGWA Goso - B Silevini MAGWA TEA ESTATE MZIMHLE INDUSTRIAL Magwa Tea Plantation CUTWINI PROJECT TITLE Mhlanga Dam 15 Infrastructure Existing: THEMBENI 14 GWEXINTABA MBOTYI va GOSO MBOTYI MBOTYI Tertiary T U Reservoirs ³ ± LUDAKA intla Water Pumpstations MBOTYI PS MBOTYI ] \ Port St Johns W TW 1.5 0 Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: Water Treatment Works Primary Secondary fu afu NQH002 Msikaba BRWSS DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/20 Tertiary 10 3 MAP TITLE: Proposed: MBOTYI PSJ001 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Secondary MBOTYI MAGWA Mz Primary Mk i oz Mnt 7 Legend 15 11 3 Kilometers ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_8_BulkInterventionsNQH002.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.8 · Legend 21 Provinical Boundaries 13 Nya003 District Municipality Boundaries 17 Local Municipality Boundaries Ngqeleni Cu ngc e m MBANGE Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 wa na GODINI Census Main Places g Sin an BHANTINI N1 National Roads Main Roads 1 Nya003 19 BUTHONGWENI Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas M u ne n MALUNGENI Driel Dam NCAMBEDLANA BUTHONGWENI 24 Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers Secondary Rivers Port St Johns FAMA - D LOWER GODINI KUMANDENI LOCALITY: Nya004 14 DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation MHLAKOTSHANE ZAKA SIDANDA MAGCAKINI SIZINDENI MATSHAYI KWAZULU NGONYAMENI MPUNDWENI MTOKWANE STORE KSD004 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee SIGUBUDU LUJIZWENI 3 DIKENI 28 MFUNDWENI MGOJWENI MTHOKWANA 2 MTHOKWANA 1 KuN n ku NGONYAMENI mbi n i zi 26 22 Silevini LUJIZWENI N0 4 M takatye MPOZA Nyandeni MAYALWENI NTIBANE 20 MPINDWENI HAMSINI BOMVANA CLIENT: QHINGQOLO WENI/NTIBANE CANZIBE NQANDA Nya001 BOMVANA SIZANA KWA MADIBA 25 HAMSINI Mazizini -B NTENGU NOMADOLO MKHUNDLU 23 MPHIMBO MTHWEBULA KWA MADIBA KWA MADIBA Emanangeni -B MPENDLE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: MZONYANA SIZANI NKANTINI MZONYANE NOMBOSO 22 EMATYENI MAMOLWENI NGOJINI Md THEKWINI um b NTSIMBINI ENTSIMBINI LWANDILE ngqu qu Ng CONSULTANTS: i Kwanduli -A OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MGAWUZA NJIVENI Lwandile -B Mthatha King Sabata Dalindyebo Mamolweni - B Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za EZINCUKUTHWINI KSD003 ENYANDENI 27 26 Silevini PROJECT TITLE MEVENI Ndungungeni Existing: NGONGO Primary NGCOBO Secondary SIDABADABENI Tertiary Reservoirs ³ ± ESIKHULULWENI T U Water Pumpstations ] \ W TW OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan SGUDLWINI Infrastructure PS Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: MANKOSI 24 Water Treatment Works Nya001 Second Falls RWSS M n 25 TSHANI w asa c Proposed: MAP TITLE: Lutsheni KSD005 Primary DATE COMPLETED: 2016/05/20 o Secondary p Tertiary ak M ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works Mbhashe Amathole 2 1 0 2 Kilometers 17 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_9_BulkInterventionsNya001.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.9 · Legend 9 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places M zim vubu AHAGA PSJ001 N1 National Roads Main Roads Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas 7 Driel Dam R61 Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers Secondary Rivers 6 Mgxabakazi DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation DUMASI RELA LOCALITY: TOMBO (AA) PSJ002 CAGUBA Machibini KWANTSILA 19 ng az i DUMASI M ENKONXENI 5 EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee TOMBO 4 Port St Johns BHOLANI Port St Johns MABHULWINI SICAMBENI BUTO Nya004 3 VUKANDLULE CLIENT: Chwebeni Mthalala CHWEBENI Nya002 MTHALALA MNGAZI MAHLATINI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: LUGASWENI NKWILINI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY CODESA M ng a MASAMENI na za CONSULTANTS: MADAKENI 2 MAGCAKINI Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NGCANDA SIHLANJENI a gw an Si n PROJECT TITLE na Infrastructure OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan MAWOTSHENI Existing: Primary Secondary Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 GOMOLO Reservoirs ³ ± Tertiary T U Water Pumpstations PS ] \ W TW MAP TITLE: ISILIMELA Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: NJELA Water Treatment Works Nya002 Tombo RWSS Proposed: Primary DATE COMPLETED: Secondary Tertiary ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works 2016/05/20 1 1 0.5 0 1 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_10_BulkInterventionsNya002.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.10 · Legend 2 10 Provinical Boundaries KSD001 District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries 8 10 16 Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 13 Census Main Places 11 N1 N2 National Roads Main Roads Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas 9 Driel Dam 7 Libode 30 MCHONKCO Mnga z NDULINI Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers i Coran a Mthatha NTLAZA MASAMENI Kwa-NDANYA DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation KHULEKA NGXOKWENI 8 a Mg Secondary Rivers w enyan Mputshane Nya003 QHANKQU Kwamxhosa Khuleka ENJIVENI KWAMXHOSA LOCALITY: 6 ENJIVENI MAKHWETSHUBENI MAQANYENI 15 NGXOKWENI 9 MFABANTU 7 Mngazana MTYU KWAMXHOSA R61 MABHELENI 7 NGOTINI 18 BHUKWINI TSHISABANTU BHUKWINI MASAMENI 12 ZULU MHLANJENI MFABANTU EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee MHLANJENI 3 Lujecweni 4 1 2 Lujecweni NGAVU-NGAVU LUTSHEKO NO 1 SKANSINI 29 NTILINI MQHAPHETSHU nye gam M KWACHUNU NO 10 NO 11 ENQWAKUNQWAKU Nyandeni BUNTINGVILLE NDINDIMENI BHOLOTWA CLIENT: MNGAZANA MATAMZIMA MANTANJENI 3 ng C um DUMASI ce MNCANE 17 POWULINI SIXHOLOSINI 13 Sinwandweni 21 Engwakazi EMPISI an e MATOLWENI Ngqeleni DUMASI MANDLOVINI MAZIZINI NGQELENI TOWN MAGCAKANI MAFUSINI NTSAKA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: akatye Mt Zim b 35 Nya004 BHANTINI Port St Johns MANGWANENI Emqwenqo OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY u MQANGQWENI i mb MANGWANENI 1 Mn u Md 19 en NOKUPHILA STORE CONSULTANTS: 24 NQAQHENI King Sabata Dalindyebo Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za MQANGQWENI NO 3 Mth ath a Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 NQANDA A 14 Infrastructure Existing: PROJECT TITLE LUJIZWENI 1 MALUNGENI LUJIZWENI 2 OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan KSD004 Silevini Primary LUJIZWENI 5 Nya001 Secondary LOWER MDUMBE SCHOOL Tertiary Reservoirs T U 26 PS ] \ Ku N k Water Treatment Works W TW MAP TITLE: Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: 23 u ³ ± 29 Water Pumpstations 28 nzimbin i Nya003 Ngqeleni RWSS 22 Proposed: Primary Secondary 20 27 DATE COMPLETED: KSD003 2016/05/20 Ng q wTertiary ar a ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works KSD003 2.5 1.25 0 2.5 Kilometers 25 KSD003 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_11_BulkInterventionsNya003.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.11 ng it yo Bh Legend Mzint lav e Ngquza Hill i n Ruze w a · eM NQH001 O.R. Ta m b o 31 27 h la n ga Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Mkata TYENI Local Municipality Boundaries Lukhuni Lukhuni SIZA CUMNIE Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Nkamasana GANGATHA 4 14 15 Kwa Majola Census Main Places 8 MAJOLA N1 NQH001 SIPHUSIPHU uf af Mn t MAQHINGENI ZIBUNGU u National Roads 11 Main Roads Silevini T yara Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas MVUKAZI KSD001 Lwandlana - F SIQHOZAMENI M ZIPHONDO n a zi Driel Dam Dams & Dam Names Luthengele -A Primary Rivers NGCONGCO THUNGWINI Secondary Rivers Cibeni -A Mevana -B 16 8 MAHAHANI LUKHUNI Bomvini g 13 NTLANJANA MHLOTSHENI 2 9 MEVANA MALALANE Zibungu -A Nkamasana NGCOSE DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation MDENI MACHIBI CIBINI Port St Johns LUTALWENI RAWUTINI 12 LOCALITY: QHOBOSHENDLINI CIBENI MPUTSHANE TSHAKUDE CHIBENI Libode MAGCAKENI QUKUSWAYO NOTIKANE MAKHUZENI NGXONGWENI 16 GORHA 7 LUPAPASI EMASAMENI M w e ny a PSJ001 LUPAPASI a g n Nyandeni CHABASE MVUME NGOJINI MBABALANE NGOJINI 6 NTLANGWINI 7 SWAZINI 9 MANTUSINI ESIKHALWENI 6 LUPHAPHASI EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee SWAZINI EMANTUSINI 10 15 C u mn 18 gc e PHAPHASI 29 BIZANA MANZIBOMVU NTSONYINI MAGOMBENI DANGWANA TAWENI Mngaz n a 30 17 NTSONYINI a mv Mz i NTSIMBINI R61 BUTHULO u ub NTSONYINI NO 2 NODUSHE NGQONUWENI Silevini MDUMAZULU M Nya003 CLIENT: Nya004 Mapondomiseni nye gam MAMPONDOMISENI LUDALAZI MDUMAZULU MHLAHLANE MTHOJENI NDIMAKUDE BANDLA MTHONJENI PSJ002 Port St Johns GUQA MHLAHLANE MAGOZENI MAMPONDOMISENI 5 4 MBENENGENI LUDALASI LUDAKA 3 21 OLD BUNTING DANGENI BHUNGENI ELUTECWENI CWELE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Nya002 MFADALENI MAMPONDOMISENI MANDILENI Ngqeleni ZINDUNENI KATINI MANCU MNYAMENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY THONTI 24 MHLONGWANA NOXOVA Mne n u um Md 19 NOXOVA bi 2 MAQEBEVU Nomcamba NOMCAMBA -B CONSULTANTS: CWELE EZINDUNENI B EGOGOGO NODUVA MVELELO NTSHINGENI NOTHINTSILA 20 14 Silevini Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NOCUZO SAZINGA EMBOLENI Egoli -B LUFIFINI SAZINGE LUGONGQOZO Machibini MPOTSHOTSHO PROJECT TITLE 1 K uN ku Infrastructure n zim b ini 28 EGOLI MVILO NTSHINTSHANI NTSUNDWANE MAGANGANE TSWELENI KWAGINQI Mtakat ye Nya001 Nkanunu OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan PHAHLAKAZI Existing: Primary Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 REBHU NGONQELWENI KWAGINGQI Secondary 22 NTSUNDWANE Tertiary BHUCULA LUTATWENI T U Reservoirs ³ ± Nkanunu Water Pumpstations PS ] \ W TW GANGENI VINITSHI MAP TITLE: Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: MDZWINI JANGE Water Treatment Works Mthat ha Proposed: 23 Nya004 Cibeni-Ntlambeni RWSS LUCINGWENI 27 Primary Silevini 26 Secondary DATE COMPLETED: Silevini 2016/05/20 KSD003 Tertiary Reservoirs u Water Treatment Works gqu ! . # * q ng 25 3.5 1.75 0 3.5 Kilometers N Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_12_BulkInterventionsNya004.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.12 8 · Legend 23 NQH001 15 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Nya004 UPPER NTAFUFU Local Municipality Boundaries NQH002 2 Ngquza Hill N1 Ward Boundaries & Numbers Census Main Places National Roads Main Roads 13 Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas NDAYINI a Driel Dam gw Mziz an Dams & Dam Names Primary Rivers M 16 NTAFUFU zi ntlav a Secondary Rivers DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation Mntafufu KWANDAYINI ENGCENGA NTAFUFU LOCALITY: KWAGINGQI MGUGWANA LUSIBENI 12 11 LOWER NTAFUFU EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee THALA KHALENI THALENI TAFUFU R61 Port St Johns MTHAMBALALA GUTSHENI MTHAMBALALA LOWER NTAFUFU GEMVANE Nya004 CLIENT: NTUFUFU HOLIDAY RESORT MTAMBALALA FIRESTATION MSWAKAZI MAFUSINI GQUBENI PSJ001 Silevini 6 NTLANJENI MALONGWANA RETREAT DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Lugaqweni FAIRVIEW BOLANI KWALIWANA 10 Shangillar Silevini DEDENI OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY NOMNQOYI MKANZINI 9 CONSULTANTS: BOKLENI im Mz vubu Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za NOQHEKWANA NDWALANE PROJECT TITLE ISINUKA OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Infrastructure Existing: Mng a zi Primary Secondary Tertiary T U Reservoirs ³ ± PSJ002 Water Pumpstations P S3 ] \ W TW Agate Terrace MAP TITLE: Silevini Nya002 Water Treatment Works Port St Johns Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: 5 PSJ001 Port St Johns RWSS Proposed: Primary Secondary DATE COMPLETED: 4 2016/05/20 Tertiary ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works 1.5 0.75 0 1.5 Kilometers 2 Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_13_BulkInterventionsPSJ001.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.13 · Legend PSJ001 Provinical Boundaries District Municipality Boundaries Local Municipality Boundaries Ward Boundaries & Numbers 2 Census Main Places N1 National Roads Main Roads Conceptual Water Supply Intervention Areas Mzimvubu Driel Dam Dams & Dam Names MPANTU Primary Rivers Secondary Rivers DWS: Dept. of Water & Sanitation R61 LOCALITY: EE aa ss tt ee rr nn C C aa pp ee 6 Port St Johns CLIENT: PSJ002 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: Port STJohns MILITARY BASE PSJ TOWN Port St Johns OR TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY CONSULTANTS: Project No.: 27811 UWP Consulting PO Box 25549, Monument Park Pretoria, 0105 Tel: + 27 (0) 12 424 9700 Fax: + 27 (0) 12 460 4071 Email: pretoria@uwp.co.za PROJECT TITLE MOLIVA OR Tambo DM: Universal Access Plan Phase 2 - Progressive Development of a Regional Water Supply Master Plan Infrastructure Existing: Primary Secondary Reservoirs ³ ± Tertiary T U Water Pumpstations PS ] \ W TW Nya002 LYDO COTTAGES MAP TITLE: Conceptual Bulk Water Supply Interventions: Water Treatment Works PSJ002 Port St Johns Town Supply Proposed: Primary DATE COMPLETED: Secondary 2016/05/20 Tertiary ! . Reservoirs # * Water Treatment Works 0.55 0.275 0 0.55 Kilometers Document Path: W:\Work\27811_002_ORTUAP_II\GIS\MapProjects\ReconMapSeries\May2016\27811_160519_F8_14_BulkInterventionsPSJ002.mxd MAP NO.: DC15 Figure 8.14