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Teaching Credo: Jessa A. Bitancur's Philosophy

Jessa A. Bitancur
BSED Science 4-B
My Teaching Credo
Teaching is one of the most difficult, but also one of the most rewarding and vital
careers available. Every day, teachers are entrusted with raising, molding, guiding, and
educating the next generation. Throughout your career as a teacher, you will have the
opportunity to have a significant impact on hundreds or perhaps thousands of children.
It's a big responsibility, but it can also be a lot of fun.
Growing up where half of my life spends it with a teacher inside the four corners of
the classroom to mold me as a successful and effective citizen in the future. I remember
when I was young, I truly admire my teachers like every time they asked me what do you
want when you grow up? It’s a cliché line but I usually say that I want to be a teacher.
Now that it’s not that far towards my dream, my goal is to make a difference in children’s
lives. I know that it takes a lot of effort to become a teacher. All the required classes,
practicums, and time invested merely to become a teacher are demanding, but the
thought of being able to help even one person transforms everything. To be a light in
someone's life and lend a hand, all it takes is one person. One individual can make a
difference in a child’s life— and those are teachers. To encourage them to give their best,
to teach them when no one else will, and are always willing to listen.
Moreover, this is my philosophy when I became one in no time, I want my students
to have a spontaneous learning, ask all the things they want to know as of the moment
and little by little let them explore the answers as you guide them with the things that still
confused them. I will be a teacher who is not too technical when it comes to the output
but rather let them enjoy and learn along the process as to how they come up with such
results. I want them to learn inside and outside of the classroom. An environment where
they can express themselves freely of the things that are learned in the book or internet
and applications in real- life.
Also, the most memorable thing happened to me and contributed a lot to the
anticipation I have right now is when we were assigned in the field to teach young children
in a foundation during our NSTP days. I had so much fun teaching this young kid assigned
to me. She is smart and expresses herself well. He handed me a letter when it was our
last day saying thank you and wishing me luck to become her teacher someday and
stated that she wanted to become a teacher also.
After college, I will be a teacher, a counselor, and a friend to a lot of students. I think
of what is to come. Even if it's in a tiny classroom I will still have the anticipation and
passion of the path I chose, hopefully I can be the change the world needs.