You’ve probably heard that you should hold strong eye contact before reading this book. But did that advice lead to an actual change? Learning that a particular behavior is attractive is only useful if you have a way to implement that behavior into your life. I’ve heard that I should eat more vegetables thousands of times, but knowing something is bene cial isn’t enough There is a wide gap between intellectually understanding a concept and implementing that concept into your life. That’s where this chapter comes in. There are three keys to turning the theory you learn into practical results 1. 2. 3. Spend 80% of your time taking action and only 20% learning theory. If you’re watching videos about how to attract women 10 hours per week without approaching any girls in the real world, the theory you’re consuming will become more of a burden than anything else. Write eld reports. When you think about your past interactions with women and what you could have done differently, the concepts you’re learning about gain gravity. It’s one thing to have an amorphous idea that you should be holding strong eye-contact. It’s another to think about to that girl who saw you nervously look away, and then she walked off. Field reports give you emotional leverage to enact the advice that you learn elsewhere. Practice at-home exercises. The key to making any change is awareness. If you read somewhere that you should speak with passion, you might try implementing that advice for the next day or two, but you’re most likely going to forget about the idea entirely within a week. When you do at-home exercises, you’re ensuring that you remain consciously aware of whatever it is you’re practicing. For example, when I made a habit of spending two minutes per day working on my body language, I started noticing throughout the day whenever I was slouching, and I would quickly adjust my posture. Just spending two minutes per day on something helped me improve my posture at all times. The same holds true for working on your eye contact, your vocal tonality, or anything else. If you just spend a few minutes on these exercises per day, they will make you more charismatic for your entire life. The Exercise The following exercises will help you communicate in a way that is extremely attractive to women. It’s not an exaggeration to say that simply holding intense eye contact with a woman can make her feel sexually aroused. These exercises are powerful, and they can radically change the way women react to you. However, there are two disclaimers you should be aware of . : . s You don’t need to practice these exercises to get laid. Yes, learning how to speak with passion, hold intense eye contact, and cultivate an effortless wit will improve your fi fi 1. attractiveness. However, I’ve met men who do amazingly well with women even though they speak with a monotone voice and have a posture that makes them look like The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Working on your nonverbal (and verbal) communication will bene t you, but doing these exercises is pointless if you’re not taking action in the real world. At-home exercises are supplemental, they can help improve the results you get when you approach women, but if you’re not taking action in the rst place, don’t practice these as a type of productive procrastination. 2. These exercises are only useful if you practice them repeatedly. Don’t expect noticeable results until you’ve done one of them ve times or more. To get the best effect, add the exercises you choose to do to your calendar, at least three days per week. Set a reminder on your Smartphone. And if you’re doing multiple exercises, do them back-to-back, so it’s easier to turn doing them into a habit. The exercises in this chapter fall into two categories: verbal and nonverbal. If you want to get better at thinking of interesting things to say when you’re talking to a girl, the free-association exercises will help you. If you want to improve your vocal tonality, eye contact, or body language, the nonverbal exercises will help you. Body Languag High-status body language is de ned by a willingness to take up space, unhesitant movement, expressive gesticulation, and animated facial expressions In contrast, when someone believes they have low status, their body language becomes closed(arms crossed, holding a drink against their chest), they touch their face and neck, and their gestures and facial expressions are reserved These differences are guidelines rather than hard rules (IE sometimes, a high-status person will put their hands in their pockets or cross their arms). Pay attention to your overall pattern of behavior rather than isolated examples of low status versus high-status body language. If you notice yourself in the above description of low-status body language, conscious practice can help you improve your nonverbal communication over tim The Exercise Take two minutes to walk around your house while exaggerating your body-language to look as con dent as possible. Spend at least some of this time looking in the mirror (to make sure your body language looks good). Your shoulders should look relaxed (not raised), your neck should be straight, and if it helps, you can imagine an invisible string pulling your body up from the center of your head. fi fi . . fi fi e : fi e fi While doing this practice, walk around, sit down, etc., all while focusing on having a con dent posture. The point is to spend two minutes while entirely concentrating your attention on having high-status body language. If you’re unsure what your body language should look like, study examples from lms and popular culture (like Brad Pitt in Troy or Fight Club and Daniel Craig in James Bond). Look at how these high-status men carry themselves and do your best to replicate aspects of this in your daily practice. Don’t attempt to be a copy of one particular person, simply nd points of inspiration from men who exude con dence in the way they carry themselves When working on your body language in this way, it is crucial to understand that you may get worse before you get better. Changing your body language can lead to a temporary increase in self-consciousness. “Is what I’m doing weird? Are people judging me?” But if you persist through the initial discomfort, the changes will become natural to you, and you will begin to notice people responding to you in an increasingly positive way When you do this exercise repeatedly, you’ll become more aware of what your body language is like throughout the day. You’ll notice that you’re often slouching or your shoulders are raised, etc. Because of this awareness, you’ll be able to correct your posture, until your old bad posture habits are replaced by new good posture habits. You can also improve your body language by lifting weights and doing Yoga. Exercising will not only make you more physically attractive, but it will also make you aware of your body language and teach you good posture Eye Contac Holding eye contact with someone creates pressure —when that pressure becomes too great, we look away. This pressure we experience is an emotional representation of our desire to show submission. That’s why holding strong eye contact is a powerful sign of high status. The power of eye contact cannot be overestimated, mastering this will create many opportunities with the women you meet. One scienti c study gave opposite-sex strangers the task of staring into each other’s eyes for four minutes straight. Afterward, the participants reported they experienced feelings of deep love for their partners in the study. In fact, two of these total strangers ended up getting married After holding deep eye-contact with a woman, I’ve heard comments like, “We shouldn’t be left in a room together,” and, “I haven’t felt butter ies like that in years.” Eye contact alone can turn a woman on. fi fi . . . fl fi fi . . t There are two factors that make eye contact attractive: duration and intensity Duration If you don’t hold eye-contact long enough, you will appear nervous, and therefore, low status. If, on the other hand, you hold eye-contact for too long, you will be unnervingly intense A great rule of thumb to make your eye-contact strong–but not creepy–is to hold eye contact until the girl looks away When she looks away, you can look away for a moment, too. By holding eye-contact slightly longer than she does, you’re ensuring that your eye contact will be strong, but not too strong Intensit The eyes act as a conduit for emotions. If you see fear in someone’s eyes, you will feel fear. If you see con dence in someone’s eyes, you will feel at ease. And most importantly, if you see desire in someone’s eyes, you will feel desire Eye-contact is only as powerful as the intention behind it. When I’m meeting an attractive woman’s gaze, there is clear sexual intent in my eyes – I feel it, she feels it. It might sound strange, but I’m basically thinking, “I want you.” as I hold eye-contact. This feeling of desire transfers from me to her This technique is so powerful because it’s subtle. You’re not saying that you like the girl, you’re remaking her feel it on a primal, subconscious level. Strong eye contact is an aphrodisiac; it’s probably the one adjustment you can make to your game that will have the biggest impact (in terms of creating attraction) So, how do you practice eye contact? Frankly, there’s no way to do this that isn’t a bit dorky. But I don’t care whether a practice is dorky, all that matters to me is whether it’s effective There is one exercise, in particular, that is powerful for improving your eye contact Stare at yourself while looking into the mirror, and do your best to avoid looking away. I know this sounds strange, but it’s effective. The purposes of this exercise are twofold: 1. To make holding strong eye-contact an automatic habit and 2. To make you more aware of your eye contact throughout the day . . : . . . . . . fi y By practicing holding eye contact with yourself, you teach yourself that it’s normal to hold intense eye contact with others. Even though you’re technically staring at yourself in the mirror, you’re training the same mental muscle when you do this exercise as when you are holding eye contact with a cute girl. The more comfortable you get at holding your own gaze, the more comfortable you’ll be making eye contact with women Secondly, practicing this exercise will cause you to become more aware of your eye contact. Throughout the day, you’ll notice when you look away from someone too early, and this awareness will lead you to hold stronger eye contact over time. You can also use this exercise to practice altering the intensity at which you hold eye contact. Because you can see yourself in the mirror, you’ll know exactly what your gaze looks like, and you can experiment with making it more intense, friendly, etc I have found that doing this does, in-fact, have a substantial impact on the way you use eye contact in the real world and can help you create intensity and sexual tension in your interactions with women. Vocal Tonalit The tonality of your voice can communicate that you are a con dent, high-status guy. It can also reveal that you are insecure and feel unworthy of the girl you’re talking to. The sound of your voice re ects how you feel about yourself—it can either be a powerful asset or a terrible liability What makes a voice attractive More than anything, it’s the emotions it projects: dominance, positivity, passion, and enthusiasm are all attractive in a voice, whereas submissiveness, apathy, sadness, and reactiveness are all unattractive Here is a speci c breakdown of the qualities of an attractive voice Breaking rapport Men often speak in a voice that rises in pitch towards the end of sentences when interacting with attractive women; this is called seeking rapport. This mode of speaking is very reactive, you’re making your voice extra friendly to try to make yourself likable When you speak in a seeking rapport tonality, you’re sub-communicating that you see yourself as having lower status than the person you’re interacting with : . fi . . . ? y : fl . fi . . If your vocal pitch remains the same throughout your sentences, you’re speaking in neutral rapport. Neutral rapport isn’t inherently unattractive, but it risks sounding monotone, which is unengaging If your vocal pitch goes down towards the end of your sentences, you’re speaking in breaking rapport. This is attractive to women because it indicates that you’re not reacting to the girl: you’re asserting yourself without hesitation Passion A lot of men speak without injecting any emotion into their voice. This makes them sound robotic. Put simply, an emotionless voice is like noise, whereas a passionate voice is like music. Attracting women is all about sharing emotions, and your voice is one of the most powerful tools you have to do that with Pauses Pauses build tension. If you speak without pauses it will quickly feel like you’re trying to bulldoze over the other person instead of having a real conversation involving two people which will make the other person feel uncomfortable. (Did you notice why that sentence was hard to read? Pauses can also get the girl to invest more in her interaction with you. If you hold a pause for a few seconds, she will feel an urge to ll in the silence by asking you a question. In general, the more the girl invests in the conversation, the less she’ll feel like you’re a guy trying to get in her pants, and the more she’ll feel like she’s the one pursuing you Varied tonality and rhythm When someone speaks with a monotone voice, we tune out because it feels like we’re reading binary Speaking with a variety of tones will make you much more engaging. A new tonality perks up our attention because it’s unexpected—it adds variety and richness to your conversation Varying the rate of your speaking between slow and fast will also make your voice more interesting to listen to. Rhythm is especially useful for emphasizing important points (by speaking slower). Also, if you generally talk too fast, you’ll make women feel that you’re nervous. If this is the case, slowing your voice down will make you substantially more attractive . . . . : fi . : : : . ) A Deep Voice If your voice is deep, everything you say will have masculine energy to it. You don’t need a deep voice to attract women, but it’s advantageous (like being tall or good looking) Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch are two of the male actors that women nd the most sexually attractive. Isn’t that strange? Neither of them has the most traditionally attractive facial features, nor are they particularly muscular. But they do both have something in common: powerful, deep voices. A deep voice by itself can turn a woman on, so it’s de nitely worth putting in effort to deepen your voice To practice deepening your voice, you can follow the advice in this article: https:// Changing Your Voic Our voice develops over the course of many years. Because of this, we become comfortable with our voice, and attempting to change it can be stressful, it’ slike swimming against the current Despite this, changing your voice is worth the effort: vocal tonality is one of the most potent ways we signal whether we have high or low status Fortunately, anyone can improve their vocal tonality But changing your tonality is dif cult. We don’t hear our voice the way other people hear it And realistically, you can’t change your vocal tonality until you know what you’re doing wrong. There’s a simple solution to this predicament: record audio of yourself interacting with women That might sound like an awkward thing to do, but you can actually record audio with almost no risk of getting caught Simply wear earbuds with a mic and rest them over your shirt. Use the voice recorder app on your phone to pick up the audio of your conversations (or you can download one, I use Easyvoicerecorder) Once you’ve got some audio of your interactions, listen to it, and analyze what you’re doing well and what you could improve on In addition to recording yourself interacting with others, you can also record yourself at home talking about your day for a couple of minutes (or you can choose any topic like philosophy or a TV show you like and start talking about it). . . . fi . fi fi . . e fi . . . . . Make your voice as engaging as you possibly can by trying to embody the qualities of an attractive voice you just learned about(it’s okay to exaggerate it at rst), and then analyze the recording Notice how your tonality is coming across: is it overly friendly? Confrontational? Monotone? Look for anything that could be improved about your tonality. Maybe you could use more pauses, perhaps you could speak with more emotion, or it’s possible you could vary the rhythm more Listening to your recorded voice will give you emotional leverage to make a real change. You might, for example, notice that you’re coming across as quiet and shy. That’s actually a good thing. When you know your voice is timid, you will be viscerally motivated to add more assertiveness and masculinity to your voice The Power Of Free Associatio Free association is at the heart of a good conversation. Any witty remark you’ve made was nothing more than free-association. And if you’ve ever had a conversation that ended up being surprisingly meaningful, it got there through a process of free-associating ideas Free association is a skill you can practice. In fact, it’s something that comedians often do to improve their ability to come up with new ideas Let’s take an example of how free-association works When a girl tells me her name is Ashley, my mind automaticall creates a list of associations. It looks something like this Ashley = Attractive / Wealthy / Generic / White / Ashley Benson I can then say something based off any of those associations, for example Attractive “Ashley? That’s a classic hot girl name. I’m not sure if it ts you. Generic Me: “I’ve never met an Ashley before. Her: “Really? Me: “No, I’m messing with you, I’ve met tons of Ashley’s. . : ” . n y ” fi : : . . ” : ” : : . Ashley Benson “Ashley? Like the actress Ashley Benson. Would you say you’re a Pretty Little Liar? Wealthy “Most of the Ashley’s I’ve met were rich. But you look like you’re th exception. White “That’s the ultimate white girl name. You must be from Scottsdale.” (Scottsdale is the rich white part of my city. Even from just hearing a girl’s name, you can use free association to start building an engaging, emotionally charged conversation Of course, just knowing that free association is powerful won’t do much to change your life I do two exercises every single day that have allowed me to effortlessly generate interesting things to say when I’m interacting with women. If you spend two minutes a day practicing each of these, your conversation skills will skyrocket Exercise 1: Free-Associate Sentence For this exercise, complete a sentence out-loud, then create a new sentence using a word from the previous sentence (You can also do this silently in your head ) Example • • • • The universe has existed for billions of years I am 25 years old today, that’s halfway to 50 Half of marriages end in divorce Marriage is known to be a cultural universal which is strange because I read that monogamy isn’t natural • Reading good books is one of the best ways to improve your life. If you’re not improving, you’re slowly getting worse Practicing this exercise will help you to make creative connections naturally in all of your conversations Exercise 2: Chain of Association In this exercise, you’re associating singular words instead of sentences. Additionally, you are speci cally thinking of words that have an emotional charge . . ” e . . s : . . . . . s . ) . ” : : : fi Doing this exercise might look something like this Love – Sex – Virgin – Mormon – Cult – Manipulation – Salesmen – Annoying – Amy Schumer – Gross – Taco Bell – Obesity – America – Freedom Men often struggle with women because their conversations are too agreeable and logical. These men might have a friendly conversation with a girl, but they don’t challenge or excite her. A safe conversation will never offend a girl, but it will also never turn her on Guidelines For The Chain of Association Your goal when doing this exercise is to associate words that provoke a strong emotional reaction. (That emotion can be either negative or positive. While you’re doing the exercise, don’t overthink it. Not every word you associate has to be controversial or shocking; it’s okay if some of the words you think of are relatively bland This exercise will teach your mind to make connections that are outside the boring, logical, safe topics that most guys rely on when talking to women. . . . s ) . As you practice this, your conversations with women will become increasingly impactful