Laboratory work No.: 16 INVESTIGATION OF THERMAL RADIATION AND MEASURING TEMPERATURE BY OPTICAL PYROMETER Purpose: to measure the temperature of an incandescent body and calculate the Stefan-Boltzmann constant Equipment: Pyrometer, heating lamp, voltmeter, ampermeter, power source. Table: Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 I,A 4,80 4,45 4,70 3,50 5,35 U,V 7,30 6,55 5,60 4,65 7,00 T,⁰C 1200 1120 1040 920 1340 Tr,K 1473 1393 1313 1193 1613 T,K 1504 1422 1338 1215 1649 Calculations performed according given table durring the experiment: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Tx1= 1473/1400*1429=1504 Tx2=1393/1400*1429=1422 Tx3=1313/1300*1325=1338 Tx4=1193/1200*1222=1215 Tx5=1613/1600*1636=1482 T0= 21⁰C =294 K (temperature of environment) Data given: S=7*10^(-5) m2 A=0,85 Counting Stefan-Boltzmann const.: By using the formula given σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 σ5 σ avg 1,15*10^(-8) 1,2*10^(-8) 1,38*10^(-8) 1,26*10^(-8) 0,85*10^(-8) 1,168*10^(-8) Conclusions As it is possible to see the received constant is quite a lot smaller than theoretical one. It is possible to conclude that the deviation of the value could be affected due to wrong indications of temperature. It was difficult to compare the intesity of the wires seen through the ocular as the overlapping wire parts were unclean and the image was not with sharp edges.