Hydrometallurgy, 29 ( 1992 ) 173-189 173 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Acidic dissolution of zinc ferrite F. Elgersma, G.F. Kamst, G.J. Witkamp and G.M. van Rosmalen Delft University of Technology, Laboratory for Process Equipment, Leeghwaterstraat 44, 2628 CA Delft, The Netherlands (Revised version accepted December l 0, 1991 ) ABSTRACT Elgersma, F., Kamst, G.F., Witkamp, G.J. and Van Rosmalen, G.M., 1992. Acidic dissolution of zinc ferrite. In: W.C. Cooper and D.B. Dreisinger (Editors), Hydrometallurgy, Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the Ernest Peters International Symposium. Hydrometallurgy, 29: 173-189. The dissolution of synthetic and industrial zinc ferrite was studied in HNOs, HCIO4 and H2504 solutions, at temperatures ranging from 75°C to 95°C and in the presence of an excess of Fe 2+, Fe 3+ or Zn 2÷ ions. The rate constant describing this dissolution process was obtained by using a surfacereaction controlled, shrinking core model, which yielded good results. The dissolution rate of zinc ferrite depends on the square root ofthe hydrogen ion activity in H2SO4 and HCIO4 solutions. The apparent activation energy for the dissolwtion equals 74 + 2 kJ/mol in H2504, 47 + 22 kJ/mol in HCIO4 and 37 + 16 kJ/moi in HNOs. The order of the rate constant was 0.6 in the Fe 2+ and - 0 . 5 in the Fe s+ concentration. The rate constant for the dissolution of industrial zinc ferrite was 20-50% lower than for synthetic zinc ferrite. The presence of 85 g/i Zn 2+ in the leach solution retarded the dissolution rate of zinc ferrite. A dissolution mechanism is proposed which qualitatively explains the results obtained. INTRODUCTION Hydrometallurgical zinc winning plants frequently use ZnS concentrates which contain up to 10% Fe. During roasting, iron combines with zinc to form the spinel ZnO'Fe203 (zinc ferrite). In order not to lose zinc incorporated in ZnO'Fe203, acidic leaching (pH 1, 90°C) is required to dissolve it. The dissolution yields a Zn/Fe solution from which iron has to be removed. This is mostly done by operating a jarosite, goethite or haematite process. This paper aims at studying the factors that affect the dissolution rate of ZnO'Fe203. Such information is useful for optimizing the current leaching process and is essential for the design of a simultaneous jarosite precipitation/zinc ferrite dissolution process, which may have considerable advanCorrespondence to: F. Elgersma. Delft University of Technology, Laboratory for Process Equipment, Leeghwaterstraat 44, 2628 CA Delft, The Netherlands. 0304-386X/92/$05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 174 E ELGERSMAETAL. tages compared to the current, subsequent, zinc ferrite dissolution-jarosite precipitation process. The dependence of the dissolution rate of ZnO.Fe203 o n the composition of the leach solution was studied because the solution composition influences the solution potential, which is one of the rate-determining factors in the dissolution process. The solution composition was varied by choosing different initial concentrations of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+. Furthermore, the dependency on the hydrogen activity was determined in H 2 S O 4 and HCIO4 leaching and the kinetics were determined, by varying the leach temperature between 75 °C and 95°C in HNO3, HCIOa and n 2 s o 4. The Z n 2+ and the HSO4- concentration were varied independently in order to study complexation effects in the leach solution, which indirectly affect the solution potential. Finally, the dissolution rates of synthetic and industrial ZnO. Fe203 were compared. Although earlier work [ 1-7 ] on the dissolution rate of ZnO.Fe203 has been published, no systematic study on the relationship between the solution composition and the dissolution rate, as provided in this paper, was available yet. EXPERIMENTAL Synthetic ZnO. F e 2 0 3 w a s prepared in a m o u n t s of 5 or 10 g by the following procedure: In deionized, distilled water, stoichiometric amounts of ZnSO4.7H20 (72 g/I) and FeSO4.7H20 (139 g/l) were dissolved at 75°C after addition of l wt% H2SO4. Upon mixing with a solution containing (NH4)~C~O4 in 10% excess at 90°C, ZnFe2(C204 ).~ was formed. The precipitate was filtered, washed and subsequently dried for 3 h at l l0°C. It was calcined at 700°C for 20 h to yield ZnO. Fe.,O3. A sample of 0.25 g ZnO.Fe203 was leached for 2 h at 25°C in 50 ml of a solution, containing 20 g NH4C! and 600 ml 25% NHs per liter, for determining the residual ZnO content of the synthetic product [ 8 ]. Industrial ZnO. Fe203 was isolated from industrial calcine. This was formed in a 9.5 m diameter fluid bed roaster at 910°C using a ZnS concentrate containing about 52 wt% Zn and 8 wt% Fe. The isolation procedure included the dissolution of ZnO in 0.1 M H2SO4 at 20°C until no t~rther increase in the pH was measured. All chemicals used were analytically pure. The synthetic and the industrial ZnO.Fe203 were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to establish the crystal size and shape and by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to confirm the crystal structure. Kryptonporosimetry was applied to determine the specific surface area. The particle size distribution was determined using a Coulter Counter Multisizer. A sample of 0.1 g ZnO'Fe203 was leached for 15-30 min in l0 ml of 36% HCI at 25 °C. This "total" leach provided the total amount of zinc and iron in the product. For determination of the dissolution rate, 0.25 g or 0.5 g ZnO'Fe203 was 175 ACIDIC DISSOLUTION OF ZINC FERRITE leached by either HNO3, HCIO4 o r H 2 S O 4 at temperatures between 75 °C and 95°C in a 250 ml round-bottomed flask, stirred at 610 rpm. Each 3, 5, 10 or 15 min a liquid sample was taken and the zinc and iron contents of the solution were determined by AAS and/or ICP. I f F e 2+ had been added, the flask was operated under a N2 atmosphere. The flask was immersed in a thermostatically controlled water bath with a terr,perature accuracy of _ 0.2 ° C. The experiments lasted between 20 rain and 3 h. H 2 S O 4 w a s used as the leachant because this reflects industrial practice. HNO3 and HCIO4 w e r e used, in order to avoid complexation between the acid anion and Zn 2÷ and Fe 3+. Fe(NO3)3"9H20, ZnSO4"TH20, Zn (NO3)'6H20, FeCI2.4H20 and FeSO4.7tt20 were used as sources for Fe 3+, Zn 2+ and Fe 2+ ions, respectively. NaHSO4.H/O was added as a source of excess H S O 4 - ions in an H2SO4 leach solution. DATA ANALYSIS The conversion data for each experiment were characterized by a rate constant for dissolution obtained from a surface reaction controlled shrinking core model given by: l - ( l - x ) l / 3 = l /3kSo t (1) where: x = t h e conversion; k = t h e rate constant (g/m2.min); So=the specific surface area of the solids (m2/g) at t = 0 ; t = t h e time (min). In deriving eq. ( 1 ) the following assumptions were made: ( 1 ) the particles dissolve isomorphically; (2) the number of particles remain constant throughout the process; (3) the dissolution rate per unit surface area is constant, thus a constant driving force tbr the dissolution process is required. The conversion x is defined as the ratio of dissolved iron per gram ZnO. FeaO3 in a sample over dissolved iron per gram ZnO. Fe203 as obtained 0 ~is • s i lo 20 ~m ~'o Fig. !. A representative volume-based panicle size distribution of synthetic zinc ferrite. 176 F. ELGERSMA ET AL. Fig. 2. A representative SEM photograpii of a synthetic zinc ferrite particle (a) before and (b) acidic leaching. after during the "total leach". The zinc concentration is used for calculating the conversion in cases where iron ions were added. ACIDIC DISSOLUTION OF ZINC FERRITE 177 RESULTS Characterization of zinc ferrite Synthetic ZnO. Fe203 was prepared in small charges of 5 or I 0 g, in order to attain a 100% yield. The free ZnO content varied between 2.5 and 5 wt% and the free Fe203 content between 2 and 7 wt%. Thus, the purity of zinc ferrite samples was about 90 wt%. A typical volume-based particle size distribution of the synthetically obtained product is given in Fig. 1. No crystalline phases apart from zinc ferrite were detected. The specific surface area of the charges varied between 2 and 7 m2/g (accuracy _+2%). Figure 2 shows representative ZnO. Fe203 particles before and after leaching. In industrial samples, ZnO'Fe203, Zn2SiO4 and PbSO4 were detected as crystalline phases. Cd and Cu were detected chemically and are assumed to be present as CdO.Fe203 (0.4 wt%) and CuO'Fe203 ( 1.4 wt%). The resulting purity of ZnO.Fe203 is about 70%. A good particle size analysis could not be obtained because the industrial samples coagulated during the size analysis. Figure 3a, however, gives a representative view of industrial ZnO. Fe203, which consists of even smaller particles than partly leached synthetic ZnO. Fe203 (Fig. 3b). Applicability of the shrinking core model The shrinking core model adequately describes the dissolution process as long as the conversion increases with time. The model yields a straight line over the whole time range and the slope of this line yields the rate constant k. In Fig. 4a the measured conversion data are properly fitted by a conversion curve which is computed with the k value obtained from the shrinking core model in Fig. 4b. In Fig. 5a the conversion time plot for a typical experiment carried out in the presence of initially added Fe 3+, Fe 2+ or Zn 2+ is given. The shrinking core model no longer yields a straight line when the conversion becomes practically constant (Fig. 5b) and, therefore, the drawn straight line was used as the best fit for the period of progressing conversion. Table 1 shows the results of three experiments carried out to check the reproducibility (which was _+2.5% ) using three different charges. The rate constant is calculated assuming the significant internal surface area of ZnO. Fe203 to be fully wetted. This assumption was checked by comparing the results obtained with this method with results obtained by rotating disc experiments with a well-defined exposed surface area [ 3 ]. Since the deviation in the rate constant for two experiments performed under similar conditions was within 5%, this assumption is justified. Dependence of the rate constant on the temperature The dependence of the rate constant on the temperature was determined in 0.5 M H2SO4, 1 M HNO3 and 1 M HCIO4 from experiments performed at 178 F. ELGERSMAET AL. Fig. 3. A representative SEM photograph of industrial zinc ferrite (a) before leaching, compared to (b) synthetic zinc ferrite after leaching. temperatures between 75 ° and 95°C. The results are listed in Table 2. Plots of In k versus 1/ T are shown in Fig. 6. The apparent activation energies calculated from the slope of the drawn straight line equal 74_+2 kJ/mol for H2SO4, 47 _+22 kJ/mol for HCIO4 and 37 +_16 kJ/mol for HNO3. 179 ACIDIC DISSOLUTION OF ZINC FERRITE O.t, 1-II-X} 0.8 conversion 0 0 0 0 0.6 1/3 O O 0 0 0.2 OJ, 0.2 (a) 0.0 0.o 0 50 100 150 200 Ib) II 200 ' ' 150 ' s" time in minutes time in minutes Fig. 4. The measured conversion and the conversion predicted by (a) the shrinking core model and (b) the linear dependency of the model value with time. conversion (-1 (a) 1 ~ . / ~ ~ , , , ~ 0.8 0.6 0.6¸ 1-(1-Xl I/3 (b) O.l,, 0,2 - model 0,0 ,, o lo ' 2'o ' 3'o ' ~'o' s'o . 0 . . . 20 /,0 6o time in minutes time in minutes Fig. 5. The dissolution grade ofzinc ferrite in 2 M HCIO4at 90°C in the presence of (a) 20 g/i Fe 3+ and (b) the corresponding shrinking core model value. TABLE 1 Zinc ferrite dissolution experiments I: reproducibility of the results Temperature ( °C ) Acid Acid strength ( mol/! ) Added ions Rate constant (g/m'-. rain ) 90 90 90 H2SO4 0.5 0.5 0.5 - 0.0128 0.0133 0.0127 H2SO4 H2504 180 F. ELGERSMA ET AL. TABI,E 2 Zinc ferrite dissolution experiments II: dependence on the temperature Temperature (°C) Acid Acid strength (mol/l) 75 80 85 90 95 80 85 90 95 75 80 90 95 H2SO 4 H2SO 4 H2SO 4 H2SO 4 H2SO 4 HNO3 HNOa HNO3 HNO3 HCIO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -3 Added ions Rate constant (g/m2.min) 0.0043 0.0065 0.0091 0.0133 0.0174 0.0011 0.0013 0.0013 0.0020 0.O004O 0.00095 0.00091 0.00123 tn k -5 H2S04 • -'7 .q 0.0030 1/T (l/K) Fig. 6. The Arrhenius plot for the dissolution of zinc ferrite in 0.5 M sulfuric acid, 1 M nitric acid and 1 M perchloric acid. Dependence o f the rate constant on the H + and H S 0 4 - ion activity The dependence of the rate constant on the H + activity was determined for dissolution in H 2 S O 4 and HCIO4 solutions, from the experiments described in Table 3. The H + ion activity was calculated using Pitzer's method [ 9 ]. The required data were obtained from [ l 0 ]. The dissolution of Fe and Zn ions during the experiment was neglected in the calculation of the activity coefficients. Fig. 7 shows the plots of log k as a function of log [H + ] obtained. For both acids, an order of 0.50 in the H + activity was found. The activity cal- 181 ACIDIC DISSOLUTION OF ZINC FERRITE TABLE 3 Zinc ferrite dissolution experiments !11: dependence on H ÷ activity Temperature (° C ) Acid 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 85 85 85 85 H2SO4 H2SO4 H2SO4 H2SO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 H2SO4 H2SO4 H2SO4 H2SO4 Acid strength ( mol/! ) Added ion (g/!) Rate constant (g/m2. min ) 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 24.3 48.6 72.9 145.8 0.0078 0.0 i 28 0.0172 0.0249 0.0004 0.0006 0.0009 0.0015 0.01 i 6 0.01 ! 3 0.0112 0.0109 HSO~ HSO~ HSO~ HSO~" TABLE 4 Zinc ferrite dissolution experiments IV: dependence on the Fe 3+ concentration Temperature Acid (° C ) 85 85 85 85 90 t)0 90 90 90 H2SO4 H2SO4 H,SO4 1-12SO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 I-ICIO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 Acid strength ( mol/! ) Added ion Rate constant (g/i) (g/m2. min ) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.8 3.9 5.5 6.4 2.0 4.5 10.0 15.0 20.0 Fe 3÷ Fe ~÷ Fe ~÷ Fe a÷ Fe ~+ Fe 3÷ Fe ~+ Fe "~+ Fe 3+ 0.0076 0.0067 0.0066 0.0052 0.0015 0.0017 0.0013 0.00095 0.00080 culations showed that the SO4 2- activity was, surprisingly, independent of the H E S O 4 concentration. Four experiments were carried out where NaHSO4.HzO was added, in concentrations ranging from 0.25 to 1.5 M. The addition caused an increase in the rate constant of about 20%, compared to a similar experiment without HSO4- addition. Dependence o f the rate constant on the Fe 3+ concentration The dependence of the rate constant on the Fe 3+ concentration was established for H2SO4 and HCIO4 solutions from the experiments listed in Table 4. The results of the experiments are shown in Fig. 8a, where log k versus the initial Fe 3+ concentration in log(ppm) is plotted. In 0.5 M H2SO4, the order 182 F. ELGERSMA ET AL. -2.8 log k -).C -3.2 {z) -3.4 -0.8 -1./,, • ' ' _~.l,' ' ' 6 ' ' ' log all+ Io9 k -1.6-1.8 -2.0 -2.2 (b) .o',e-d,6-o',~,-o,2 o o~ o~, Inq i,i * Fig. 7. The order of the rate constant for zinc fcrrite dissolution in the hydrogen activity (a) in HCIO., at 90°C and (b) in aaso4 at 90°C. in the Fe 3+ concentration equals -0.5+_0.2. in 2 M HCIO4, the order is -0.50_+0.06. For calculating the order in 2 M HCIO4, the results from the experiment with 2 g/I Fe 3+ were not used. Dependence o f the rate constant on the Fe z + concentration The dependence of the rate constant on the Fe 2+ concentration was determined for dissolution in H2SO4 and HCIO4 solutiens (Table 5). Six experiments were carried out with initial Fe 2+ concentrations between 0 and 800 ppm in a 0.5 M H 2 5 0 4 solution. The rate constants did not differ significantly. The addition of 4 g/l Fe 2+ as FeSO4"7H20, however, increased the rate constant by 80% compared to a similar experiment in the absence of Fe 2+. ACIDIC DISSOLUTION OF ZINC FERRITE -2.0 183 tog k (a) 0 0 -3.2 3.0 tog -1.0 si0 EFe3, tog k (b) t 0 -1.5 -25 3.: ' 316 ' , , ~.0 ---4-- , , tog --, ........ T 4.,4. CFe2+ Fig. 8. The orderof the rateconstant for ZnO.Fe203 dissolution for (a) Fe3+ concentrationand (b) Fe2+ concentration in 2 M HCIO4at 90°C and 0.5 M H2SO4at 85°C. Four experiments were carried out to determine the influence of the FeCI2.4H20 addition on the rate constant in 2 M HCIO4. The results are shown in Fig. 8b, where log k is plotted against the initial Fe 2+ concentration in log (ppm). The order of the rate constant in the Fe 2÷ concentration equals 0.62 _+0.25, if the results are fitted with a straight line. Dependence o f the rate constant on the Zn 2+ concentration The rate constant was measured in a 1.8 M H2504 solution in the presence of 1.3MZn 2+, added either as Zn(NO3)2 or as ZnSO4. Table 6 shows that, in the presence of NO3-, the addition of 85 g / l Z n 2 + decreases the rate constant 184 F. ELGERSMAETAL. TABLE 5 Zinc ferrite dissolution experiments V: dependence on the Fe z+ concentration Temperature (-C) Acid Acid strength (mol/l) Added ion (g/l) Rate constant (g/m-'.min) 85 85 85 85 85 85 90 90 90 90 H2504 H2504 H2SO4 H2SO4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.073 Fe 2+ 0.164 Fe -'+ 0.240 Fe -'+ 0.421 Fe 2+ 0.806 Fe -'+ 4.0 Fe -'+ !.8 Fe -'+ 3.9 Fe-"+ 8.9 Fe-"+ ! 7.6 Fe-"+ 0.0080 0.0072 0.0066 0.0075 0.0076 0.0166 0.0104 0.0102 0.0148 0.0455 H2SO4 H.,SO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 HCIO4 TABLE 6 Zinc ferrite dissolution experiments Vl: dependence on the Zn-' ÷ concentration "i'cmpcrature ( ~(') Acid Acid strength (mol/l) Added ion (g/l) Rate constant (g/m2,min) 00 ~)() ~)() H:SO4 H:SO,~ H:SO,~ 1.8 1.8 1,8 85 Zn-' ÷ 85 Zn ~'÷ 0.0243" 0.0109 !' 0.0140" " Estimated value, "Zinc nitrate was used as zinc source, ' Zinc sulfate was used as zinc source, by 55%. In the presence of an equivalent amount of SO42- the rate constant reduces by 42%. D(['ferences between synthetic and industrial zinc ferrite In a 4 M HCIO4 solution the rate constant of industrial ZnO.Fe203 was about 80% of that of synthetic ZnO. Fe203, as follows from Table 7. In a 0.5 M H 2 5 0 4 solution, the ratio of the rate constants was about 0.5. Thus, the rate constant for the dissolution of industrial ZnO.Fe,O~ is lower than for synthetic ZnO. Fe203 which is leached under similar conditions. Since the purity of industrial ZnO'Fe203 is only about 70%, part of the specific surface should be regarded as "non-active", which partly explains the difference. An attempt to measure the dissolution kinetics of synthetic ZnO.Fe203 in an industrial hot acid leach solution was not successful. This was because the increase in zinc or iron concentration, upon leaching, could not be measured 185 ACIDIC DISSOLUTION OF ZINC FERRITE TABLE 7 Zinc ferrite dissolution experiments VII: comparison with industrial ferrite Temperature ( °C ) Acid Acid strength ( mol/! ) Ferrite type Rate constant (g/m 2.min ) 80 80 90 90 HCIOa HCIO4 H2SO4 4.0 4°0 0.5 0.5 synthetic industrial synthetic industrial 0.0026 0.0021 0.0133 0.0066 H2SO4 against the high background values of the iron ( 10 g/l) and zinc ( > 40 g/l) concentration in the solution. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS It is still unknown whether the dissolution kinetics of ZnO. Fe203 in acidic media can be fully explained by the dissolution mechanism proposed for haematite by Warren and Devuyst [ 11 ], as suggested by Lu and Muir [2 ]. In this mechanism two options for desorption are distinguished: Step 1: surface hydroxylation I--sFe~lO + H20~b-sFe~ll (OH)2 (2 ) Step 2: surface protonation t--sFelll-OH + H30 + ~-*[--sFelIIOH2 + + H20 (3 ) Step 3a: direct desorption I--~FeIIIOH+ ~1--~+ FeIIIOH~,.+ (4) Step 3b: anion adsorption and subsequent desorption b-~FeUlOH2 + + X- ~l--s FelllOH2 X (5) I--sFelllOH2 X ~b--s+ FeUlOH2X 2+ (6) Dependence o f the rate constant on the H + and HSO4- activity The order of the rate constant in the H + activity equals 0.50 in both the HCIO4 and H2SO4solutions. This is in accordance with a theoretical relationship for the acidic dissolution of a metal hydroxide derived by Vermilyea [ 12 ]. This relation may only be applied when H + is the only complexing agent on the particle surface. Since metal oxides at pH values below that corresponding to the zero point of charge (ZnO.Fe203, pHzpc= 3.5 [ 13 ] ) are hydroxylated (step 1 in the model), the same relationship may also be applied for describing the acidic dissolution of metal oxides: 186 F. ELGERSMA ET AL. ( { n _ k T n _ C } ~ '~+z+~/~'~+l+-°~-z-~ r = n +k + \ {--'ffg-~r-;~ } (7) where:C=the H + concentration (tool/l); a + and t~- =the electrochemical transfer coefficients (which are usually equal to 0.5 [ 14 ] ); n = the number ofions/cme; z=the charge number of H +; kr ÷ and kr- =constants; r=the dissolution rate (mol/l.cm 2 ). With z+ = 1 for H ÷ and z_ = - 1 for the transferred electron, it becomes clear that the dissolution rate depends upon the square root of the H + concentration. Additions of 0.25-1.5 M HSO4- to 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions all increase the rate constant for dissolution by 20%; probably as a consequence of the excess of HSO4- already present. The dependence of the rate constant on the potential of the solution The presence of F e 2 + and Fe 3+ directly influences the potential of the solution and, thereby, the dissolvtion rate of ZnO. Fe2Oa, which is determined by the potential difference between the surface of the particles and the bulk of the solution. The reductive dissolution, here in the presence of Fe 2+ in solution, has been described by Lieser [ 15] for the dissolution of anhydrous Fe2(SO4)3. The rate-determining step was the reduction of a Fe a+ ion in the surface layer by a hydrogen atom, which, it is claimed, is formed in the double layer due to the oxidation of a dissolved Fe 2+ ion. If Fe 2+ is present in the leach solution, in the absence of other reductants it becomes the ion determining the solution potential. The lower solution potential, due to the presence of Fe 2÷, increases the direct desorption rate (step 3a in the model), because Fe 3+ desorbs more easily from the surface layer, after being indirectly reduced by dissolved Fe 2+. Upon entering the solution the valency of the desorbed species becomes determined by the solution potential. Nil and Hisamatsu [ 7 ] presented the dependence of the rate constan~t for ZnO. Fe203 dissolution, on the addition of 0-1 g/l Fe 2+ as FeSO4.7H20 to a 9 wt% H2SO4 solution at 50°C. The order of the rate constant in the Fe 2+ concentration was 0.5. Our results, however, show that, at 85°C in a 0.5 M H2SO4solution, the addition of0-1 g/l Fe 2÷ did not change the rate constant, as is shown in Table 5. This is probably due to the fact that, at higher temperatures, the dissolution proceeds so much faster that a small decrease in solution potential, due to a small Fe 2+ addition, is no longer significant. In 2 M HCIO4 at 90°C using FeCl2.4H20 the order of the dependency on the Fe 2+ concentration equals 0.62 _+0.25. It is, however, questionable whether a linear fit is applicable. In the presence of Cl- and Fe 2+ the direct desorption rate is increased by the presence of Fe 2+, but indirect desorption via CI- ad- ACIDIC DISSOLUTION OF ZINC FERRITE 187 sorption (step 3b in the model) may also occur. Since FeCI2.4H20 was used as the Fe 2+ source, both the Cl- concentration and the Fe 2+ concentration increased. This probably caused the deviation from the straight line. Further research on the separate influence of Fe 2+ is, therefore, still to be done. No experiments have been reported in the literature in which ZnO'Fe203 was dissolved in the presence of Fe 3+. The above results show that the order of the rate constant in the Fe 3+ concentration equals -0.5. No activities for the Fe-'+ or Fe 3+ addition experiments were calculated because no appropriate data for Pitzer's models were available. Our experimental results, are in reasonable agreemerit with a theoretically derived equation, presented by Gorichev and Kipriyanov [ 16 ], for the dependency of the rate constant for the dissolution of magnetite (Fe304) on the Fe 2+/Fe 3+ concentration: 0 5 0.5 --0 5 k = k o a f-i + a Fe2 + a Fe3"; (8) The model of Gorichev and Kipriyanov [ 16 ] contains the same rate-determining step as the model by Lieser [ 15 ] and additionally includes the influence of the presence of Fe 3+ for determining the solution potential. The solution potential is indirectly influenced by the presence of Zn2+, SO 4- or CI-. Zn 2 + ions compete with Fe 3+ ions for complex formation with SO4::-. The decelerating influence of Zn 2+ can be understood by assuming that the free Fe 3+ concentration increases, and thereby the solution potential, causing a reduction of the dissolution rate. Both SO42- and Cl- play a similar role. By complexation of Fe 3+ with either Cl- or SO42-, the free Fe 3+ concentration decreases, which decreases the solution potential. The complexation stimulates desorption via anion adsorption (step 3b). This explains the considerably lower leaching rate in HNO3 and HCIO4 solutions, when no complexation is expected, compared to the rate in H2SO4 and HCi solutions. Surprisingly, the apparent activation energies of the dissolution in H2SO4 (74-+ 2 kJ/mol) and HCI (83 kJ/mol [ 4 ] ) are higher than the corresponding values in HNO3 (37_ 16 kJ/mol) and HCIO4 (47_+22 kJ/mol), which fact points at a less favorable reaction path. For this apparent discrepancy no explanation is currently available. The reason for the large degree of uncertainty in the values for the activation energy in HNO3 and HCIO4 is unknown. Thus, further research is required in order to obtain these data with a higher accuracy. Despite the limited accuracy, the experiments clearly show the significant difference in activation energy for the dissolution of zinc ferrite in H2SO4, compared to the values in HNO3 and HCIO4. CONSEQUENCES FOR INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE The above results indicate that high Fe 3+ concentrations decelerate the dissolution of ZnO.Fe:O3~ However, by dissolving ZnO.Fe203, Fe 3+ is released. 188 F. ELGERSMAETAL. It is, therefore, desirable to introduce a sink for Fe 3+. A suitable sink for Fe 3+ is jarosite (NHaFe3 (SO4)2 ( O H ) 6 . By simultaneously dissolving Z n O ' F e 2 0 3 and precipitating jarosite, the dissolution of zinc ferrite will not be retarded by the presence of Fe 3+. Meanwhile, the precipitation of jarosite is taking place under controlled conditions because the supersaturation for the precipitation is determined by the dissolution of Fe 3+ from ZnO'Fe203. This is beneficial for the produced crystal size and shape and, consequently, improves the filterability of the solids. A better filterability reduces the zinc losses in the jarosite residue. Experiments where this simultaneous conversion is studied will be reported in a subsequent paper. ACKNOWLEDGEM ENTS The Dutch Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and the Environment is acknowledged for sponsoring this reseach. F. van der Ham is thanked for his contribution to this study. REFERENCES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I() I! Pi.illenberg, R., Hydromet,~ilurgische Verarbeitung eisenreicher Zinkkonzentrate nach tllcrnlischer Teilreduktion des R6stgutes. Ph.D. Thesis, Rhein-Westf~ilische Technische Hochscl~ulc, Aachen, Germany ( 1981 ). 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