Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Nature-Based Solutions journal homepage: What are Nature-based solutions (NBS)? Setting core ideas for concept clarification Barbara Sowińska-Świerkosz a,∗, Joan García b a Department of Hydrobiology and Ecosystems Protections, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Dobrzańskiego 37, Lublin, 20-262, Poland Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, GEMMA-Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, c/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Building D1, Barcelona E-08034, Spain b a r t i c l e Key words: Conceptualisation Core ideas Nature-based solutions i n f o a b s t r a c t Although nature-based solutions (NBS) have been promoted as a key tool for solving diverse environmental and societal problems, the concept and its practical applications remain unclear. This ambiguity is linked to the fact that the NBS concept has emerged from the integration of multiple scientific fields. In addition, there has been a delay in establishing clear standards for NBS, hence a number of actions that today would be seen as complementary or related measures, are frequently branded as NBS. Thus, this paper paves the way to clarify NBS by identifying their core features and formulating criteria to exclude certain actions from the set of NBS. After reviewing 20 definitions of NBS, these actions are identified as interventions that: (1) are inspired and powered by nature; (2) address (societal) challenges or resolve problems; (3) provide multiple services/benefits, including biodiversity gain; and (4) are of high effectiveness and economic efficiency. The non-systematic review includes both peer-review research papers and relevant official reports, enabling the formulation of a set of criteria that exclude green/blue interventions from the set of NBS. These are: (1) lack of functioning ecosystems; (2) random actions; (3) post-implementation goal(s); (4) negative/no impact on biodiversity; (5) same benefits as grey infrastructure alone; (6) unfair distribution of benefits; (7) ‘copy-paste’ implementation approach; (8) top-down model of governance; (9) static management approach; (10) financial expenses disproportionate to benefits; and (11) ‘point scale’ approach. Ongoing and future practice will contribute to our understanding of the long-term operation of NBS as well as to the detection of synergies and trade-offs, thereby enabling us to better define this concept’s boundaries. 1. Introduction The concept of nature-based solutions (NBS) was first mentioned in 2008 by the World Bank [1]. The first research programme on NBS was launched in 2013 [2]. The concept emerged from the search for innovative solutions to manage natural systems in a way that can balance the benefits for both nature and society. In other words, by working with nature, rather than against it, human communities can develop and implement solutions towards a resilient, resource-efficient and green economy [3]. Over the past ten years, several attempts have been made to precisely define and clarify the term ‘NBS’. In 2015, NBS were for the first time officially defined by the European Commission [4] as ‘actions address environmental, social and economic challenges simultaneously by maximizing the benefits provided by nature (…) inspired by, supported by, or copied from nature’. Another commonly agreed definition was provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature [5] as ‘actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ∗ ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits’. The most recent EC report on NBS states that the ‘concept of naturebased solutions embodies new ways to approach socio-ecological adaptation and resilience, with equal reliance upon social, environmental and economic domains’ [6]. These definitions, however, are somewhat general and blurry and fail to clearly indicate which green and blue solutions should be regarded as NBS. As a result, there is a constant debate on the scope and types of interventions that can be classified as NBS [6,7]. Furthermore, the concept’s ambiguity has already been stressed by many researchers ([8–13]; United Nations Environmental Programme, [14]). Such ambiguity results first from the fact that any definition of NBS involves integrating multiple scientific fields and experts with different backgrounds think about NBS from the point of view of their own base discipline [15]. For example, Dorst et al. [16] claim that NBS should mostly address the sustainability challenges caused by processes of urbanization Corresponding author. E-mail address: (B. Sowińska-Świerkosz). Received 24 May 2021; Received in revised form 7 January 2022; Accepted 15 January 2022 Available online 17 January 2022 2772-4115/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( B. Sowińska-Świerkosz and J. García Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 and climate change. On the other side, Kabisch et al. [10] emphasize the positive contribution of NBS to biodiversity restoration. By contrast, Frantzeskaki et al. [17] view NBS in a solely socio-ecological context. There are however studies that emphasize the multi-functionality of NBS and their capacity to simultaneously address multiple societal challenges (e.g. [6,18]). Second, there is a noticeable tendency to mix existing related actions with the NBS concept, such as the management of green-blue infrastructure (GBI), conservation approaches, the implementation of ecological/environmental engineering projects and ecosystem-based management. Third, there has been a delay in establishing clear standards for NBS (e.g. the IUCN published its standards in 2020) as well as practical guidelines for their implementation (e.g. Dumitru and Wendling eds. in 2021). Consequently, prior to 2020 there was a noteworthy lack of specific, detailed criteria for NBS and, as a result, a number of actions that today would be regarded as measures complementary or related to NBS but that do not fulfil all the requisite criteria to truly be NBS, were branded as such. To clarify the NBS concept, the IUCN Global Standard [5] includes eight criteria by which to frame green/blue interventions as NBS actions. These criteria are built upon the concept’s principles as well as feedback from consultations with stakeholders and refer to the following aspects: (1) address societal challenges; (2) landscape scale of intervention; (3) biodiversity gain; (4) economic viability; (5) governance capability; (6) equitably balance trade-offs; (7) adaptive management; (8) mainstreamed within an appropriate jurisdictional context. Furthermore, the latest EC document on NBS [3] proposes five questions to define whether an action can or cannot be framed as NBS: (1) Does the NBS use nature/natural processes? (2) Does it provide/improve social benefits? (3) Does it provide/improve economic benefits? (4) Does it provide/improve environmental benefits? (5) Does it have a net benefit for biodiversity? Clear examples of actions that fulfil these requirements are flowering plants planted on green vertical walls in urban settings, which help significantly increase biodiversity and are also highly appreciated by people for aesthetic value. Such formulated questions pay central attention to the notion of ‘benefits’ and highlight environmental benefits in particular. The importance of biodiversity is also accentuated by the EC [4] and the IUCN Global Standard [5]. However, NBS should not only simultaneously provide multiple benefits. To effectively tackle urgent (and usually global) social and ecological challenges, they should also be economically efficient and be based on transparent models of governance [19,5,2]. Therefore, the list of questions could be enlarged to: (6) Is the solution cost- and resourceefficient or economically viable? ([5,20]); (7) What societal challenges can the NBS address? [6,5]; and (8) Is the NBS based on inclusive, transparent and empowering governance processes [5,7]? Such a practical perspective has already been presented by Albert et al. (2020), who lists three NBS criteria: challenge-orientation, ecosystem process utilization and practical viability. Sowińska-Świerkosz et al. [20] add further possible criteria: management capabilities and superposing of grey solutions. Taking into account the growing demand to implement NBS actions and assess their outcomes, there is a need to specify in detail their scope so as to avoid framing any green/blue actions as NBS. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to clarify the concept of NBS, by identifying their core features and formulating criteria that exclude certain actions from the set of these solutions. To this end, a systematic review of publications addressing the concept was performed. Subsequently, certainties and uncertainties related to each core idea behind NBS were identified. The higher level aim of this research was to formulate criteria that can be used to determine what is and is not NBS, according to the official guidelines (EC and IUCN) and the current state of knowledge. From a science (conceptual) perspective, such clarification will enable researchers to distinguish amongst NBS interventions and green or green-grey interventions in order to avoid abusing the NBS concept ([20] (a). From a research perspective, this article will provide a solid structure, ensuring comparability across studies [21,12]. From a policy/management perspective, the paper addresses the issue of providing decision makers with data on how to select solutions that can be framed as NBS [3,2]. 2. Methods The research consisted of three stages: (1) a systematic review of publications addressing the NBS concept, aimed at identifying definitions; (2) an extraction of the key words used in those definitions; (3) a non-systematic review of research papers, aimed at clarifying the NBS concept and identifying criteria that exclude specific actions from the set of NBS. First, in order to undertake the systematic review of publications addressing the NBS concept and to thereby obtain a comprehensive overview of studies that potentially hold information on their definition, on 30 January 2021, Scopus was searched for publications including the term ‘nature-based solution’ in their title, abstract and/or keywords. Of the 970 documents retrieved, the most relevant 200 were screened based on the following criteria: ‘definition/defined’; ‘is understood as’; ‘mean(s)’. After detecting duplicates (e.g. papers repeating another author’s definition) and unavailability (lack of definition of NBS), a total of 20 papers were found to provide a definition of NBS. Second, key words – understood as the central ideas and topics that define NBS – were extracted from the identified 20 definitions and were counted. Key words used in at least 10 definitions were used to build the main core ideas related to the NBS concept; 10 was regarded as a pragmatic way of proceeding because it is half of 20. An example of the method for extracting key words is presented in Fig. 1. In the third stage, certainties and uncertainties were determined based on a non-systematic review of research papers and the authors’ expert knowledge and experience regarding NBS. Readers should be aware that this method was therefore subjective. Certainly, other authors could have determined different certainties and uncertainties, an inherent limitation of this type of study. Thus, based on a review of literature, the present paper’s authors decided whether the scope of knowledge – as well as knowledge gaps on a given core idea related to the NBS concept – could be classified as ‘certainty’ or ‘uncertainty’. This non-systematic review includes both peer-reviewed research papers and relevant reports by the EC [4,19,3], the IUCN [22,23] and UNEP [14]. These reports were evaluated in order to take into consideration all types of studies that may hold information on NBS. 3. Results 3.1. Results of the systematic review Of the 200 papers screened, 64 were detailed analysed, of which 20 include a definition of NBS (Table 1). The in-depth analysis of definitions revealed that at the core of the NBS concept is an ‘action’/‘intervention’/‘solution’ term, surrounded by two types of key words related to (1) purpose of action (e.g. challenge’, ‘society’, ‘biodiversity’) and (2) style of action (e.g. ‘powered by nature’, ‘sustainable’, ‘efficient/effective’) (Fig. 2). As a result, the NBS concept refers to actions/interventions comprising four core ideas: (1) are inspired and powered by nature (used in 13 definitions); (2) address (societal) challenges or resolve problems (11 definitions); (3) provide multiple services/benefits, including biodiversity gain (11 definitions); (4) are of high effectiveness and economic efficiency (10 definitions). 3.2. Clarification of core ideas 3.2.1. Actions inspired and powered by nature The core idea of the NBS concept is ‘the use of nature’, as nature provides solutions to global challenges and should be treated as a remedy rather than an obstacle to human activities [3]. That is 2 B. Sowińska-Świerkosz and J. García Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 Fig. 1. Example of the method of key words extraction and core ideas formulation. why NBS have also been defined as green interventions [24], as actions that use green and/or blue infrastructure [8] and as measures that are supported by nature [25,26]. The ‘power of nature’ should be used to enhance ‘natural capital’ (EC 2020) and result in a net gain to biodiversity and ecosystem integrity [5]. NBS also require good engineering to be designed, made and maintained. The word ‘engineering’ is usually associated with concrete and high energy demands, but in the twenty-first century, engineering is not only based on ‘hard and extractive’ principles. Rather, it is additionally grounded on ecological/environmental aspects rooted in the use of plants and other organisms, and the incorporation or exploitation of natural processes concomitant with support for enhanced ecosystem integrity. Consequently, instead of framing NBS as alternatives to engineered solutions and as exclusive of grey infrastructure, emphasis should be placed on finding synergies between conventional and nature-based solutions [27]. The integration of blue-green elements as an aspect of engineered solutions is a key criterion of NBS, according to the IUCN Global Standard [5]. Regarding the scope and the type of human interventions, the EC [4] excludes only one possible intervention – the use of genetically modified organisms – thus permitting actions featuring a high level of human intervention in natural, restored and created ecosystems. In addition, NBS should not be framed as actions aimed at biomimicry – whereby strategies found in nature are imitated to solve challenges –because this process does not apply ‘living ecosystem(s)’ [28,4]. For this reason, Eggermont et al. [9] have divided NBS actions into three broad categories, which may penetrate in space (i.e. overlap or complement each other): (1) minimal or no intervention, close to the concept of nature protection; (2) management approaches that involve some intervention; (3) exten- sive and intrusive management of ecosystems, including the creation of new ones. From a practical point of view, however, discussion as to the level of intervention should focus on the evaluation of effectiveness criteria, answering two questions that refer to opposite levels of anthropogenic transformation: (1) whether the creation of an entirely new ecosystem by manipulating abiotic and biotic components will be effective, considering the three pillars of NBS (environmental, social and economic); and (2) whether it is possible to effectively solve all types of urgent global problems using no or minimal intervention and without grey infrastructure. Of course, there are examples of entirely ‘nature-based’ solutions in that no grey infrastructure is involved, for example aiming at biodiversity conservation and enhancement, but many global problems, including water management in cities, cannot be solved based solely on purely green solutions. In highly urbanized environments, there is usually a lack of space to implement entirely ‘nature-based’ solutions and thus traditional infrastructure must be implemented alongside green solutions. 3.2.2. Actions tackling challenge NBS address urgent and generally global challenges [4] and as stressed by the EC, and so there is little time for action [3]. Challenge– orientation refers to the contributions of NBS in alleviating well-defined environmental, societal and economic challenges. amongst these, Dumitru and Wendling [6] list climate resilience, water management, natural and climate hazards, green space management, biodiversity, air quality, place regeneration, knowledge and social capacity building for sustainable urban transformation, participatory planning and governance, social justice and social cohesion, health and well-being and new eco3 B. Sowińska-Świerkosz and J. García Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 Table 1 NBS definitions in chronological order in 20 papers extracted from a total search of 970 papers. ‘[…] the use of nature in tackling challenges such as climate change, food security, water resources, or disaster risk management, encompassing a wider definition of how to conserve and use biodiversity in a sustainable manner’ ([51]; p. 5) ‘Actions address environmental, social and economic challenges simultaneously by maximising the benefits provided by nature (…) inspired by, supported by, or copied from nature’ ([4]; p. 5). ‘Nature-based solutions are measures which are supported by nature and jointly benefit the environment, society and the economy. Because of these multiple benefits, they are more efficient and cost-effective than traditional methods’ ([26]; p. 461–462)∗ ‘NBS are living solutions inspired by, continuously supported by, and using nature. They are designed to address various environmental challenges in a resource efficient and adaptable manner and to provide simultaneously economic, social and environmental benefits’ ([52]; p.42) ‘Multifunctional green interventions delivering upon the social, environmental and economic pillars of suitable development’ ([24]; p. 265). ‘Conscious use of nature to help urban inhabitants address various environmental, social and economic challenges’ ([53]; p. 295). ‘ (…) a pure nature-based solution is a solution (to a certain issue) that is completely based on elements and direct inputs from nature, thus not managed by mankind nor containing any human/industrial element’ ([54]; p. 1187) ‘NBS is considered to be a broad definition covering the conserving, enhancing, and using of biodiversity by society in a sustainable manner, while also integrating social factors such as socio‐economic development and effective governance’ ([46]; p. 1)∗ ‘Actions that alleviate a well-defined societal challenge employ ecosystem processes of spatial, blue and green infrastructure networks, and are embedded within viable governance or business models for implementation’ ([8]; p.12) . ‘Nature-based solutions address these societal challenges through the delivery of ‘ecosystem services’ ([55]; p. 2) ‘Nature-based solutions as being powered by nature and restoring natural flows in cities, create novel ecosystems that require multi-actor collaborations for their design and sustainability’ ([33]; p.102). ‘Nature based solutions are innovative solutions, which are inspired from nature, and applied to contemporary societal problems such as climate change, overtourism, poverty alleviation, and so on’ ([56] et al. 2019; p. 1) ‘A promising means to address a number of societal challenges arising from climate change and urbanisation, with multiple social, environmental and economic co-benefits’ ([13]; p. 15)∗ ‘Actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits’ [5]∗ ‘The key characteristic of NBS is their capability to be multi-functional, which means the ability to simultaneously perform multiple functions to deliver a set of associated ecosystem services (ES)’ ([43]; p. 2) ‘Nature-based solutions (NBS) is a concept, defined as actions inspired by, supported by, or copied from nature that: (1) deploy various natural features and processes in a resource efficient and sustainable manner; (2) are adapted to local systems (…); and (3) face social, environmental, and economic challenges, leading to multiple benefits and supporting sustainable development and resilience.’ ([48]; p. 2)∗ ‘NBS can provide a range of ecosystem services beneficial for the urban biosphere such as regulation of micro-climates, flood prevention, water treatment, food provision, and more.’ ([57]; Abstract) ‘(…) NBS should be cost-effective, resource efficient and locally adapted. NBS are systemic interventions that bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes. They address either a specific problem (i.e., societal challenge) or multiple challenges and simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits, such as biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, resilience, human well-being etc. ([50]; p. 3)∗ ‘(…) NBS as a concept stresses the strategic, integrated use of natural ecosystems to support human wellbeing in a cost-effective way’ ([25]; p. 1)∗ ‘Nature-based solutions (NBS) are usually defined as complementary or alternative solutions to “grey infrastructures” (traditionally made with cement) aimed at conserving and regenerating the functionality of natural and semi-natural ecosystems.’ ([58]; p. 1) nomic opportunities and green jobs. NBS should also address at least one of the societal challenges defined by the IUCN [5]: climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk reduction, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, human health, socio-economic development, food security and water security. If required, other societal challenges may be added to this list. Nevertheless, climate-related challenges are the most commonly discussed in the existing literature on NBS, as climate effects may alter ecosystems and affect service provision [3]. In the context of cities, given that NBS promote green and blue infrastructure within urban structures, they have significant potential to decrease these places’ vulnerability and enhance their resilience to climate change [10]. To address this challenge, researchers (e.g. [29] et al. 2020; [17] et al. 2019; [30]) are assessing different types of NBS from the point of view of reducing temperature, decreasing the urban heat island (UHI) effect and contributing to carbon storage and emissions reduction. The second-most analysed challenge pertains to the development of sustainable cities. Many elements of green and blue spaces in urban areas, such as urban parks, forest, gardens and water – as well as green roofs and walls, which under certain circumstances may be considered NBS – can make a positive contribution to different sustainable development goals (31,32,7]). These goals inter alia include tackling poverty, good health and well-being, clean water, responsible consumption, life on land/below water and reduced inequalities in access to green areas ( The provision of solutions to defined challenges is connected to the scale of NBS; in other words, the NBS should be sufficiently large to be considered relevant [12,33–36]. The effects of an intervention’s implementation can embrace the micro, meso and macro levels [35], referring to local, regional, national, continental and/or global dimensions. To address global challenges, for example, large-scale initiatives such as ECCA30 (which aims to restore 350 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land by 2030) are needed [3]. Local problems such as degraded peatland ecosystems may be tackled by point or smallscale actions aimed at wetland restoration. Local and regional problems include flood and drought management, the well-being of specific citizen groups, health-related problems and participatory planning. However, it should be emphasized that problems that are considered local in one place may be deemed regional (or even higher in scale) elsewhere. Therefore, the level of disturbance causing the problem and the expected spatial thresholds of success should be determined a priori in order to ensure that a proposed solution responds to a given challenge [2]. The IUCN Global Standard [5] describes this criterion of NBS effectiveness as ‘Design of NBS is informed by scale’. Larger scale level considerations, however, can greatly contribute to the successful application and operation of NBS. Large scale informs the robustness and resilience of the solution, beyond its implementation and has more positive outcomes for biodiversity, human well-being and economy [5]. 3.2.3. Actions providing multiple benefits NBS have been described as solutions that, by working with nature and taking advantage of natural capital, benefit both natural ecosystems and the people who depend on them [3]. As a result, they produce services which can be divided into three general types: social, environmental and economic. Indeed, according to the IUCN [5], an intervention that is unequivocally an NBS should at the same time safeguard biodiversity and society, with human well-being a primary objective. With regard to the societal dimension, it has been demonstrated that NBS can improve mental and physical health by reducing the incidence of depression and the number of heat-related deaths ([37]; Kabisch et al. 2017). In urban areas, this positive impact is mainly produced by the GBI inherent to NBS [7]. Moreover, open green areas facilitate social cohesion and community support, as they constitute meeting places ac4 B. Sowińska-Świerkosz and J. García Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 Fig. 2. Schematic representation on the process used in this study for retrieval of core ideas behind NBS definition. On the left the key words extracted from NBS definitions (size of the key word is proportional to the number or reflects the number of its uses); on the right the core ideas of NBS. cessible to every citizen [33,10]. Furthermore, health and well-being benefits are not limited to small-scale urban NBS actions; wilderness and protected areas can also help improve people’s physical and mental condition through the healing effects of greenery [38]. Examples of the environmental benefits of NBS include promoting biodiversity, creating new habitats, reducing flood risk, mitigating water runoff and enhancing water resilience [39,13,3]. NBS also positively affect the economic dimension through creating green jobs and business opportunities and reducing water and energy costs ([4,20]a). Regarding uncertainties, it is known that both synergies (the increase of one service causes the increase of another service) and trade-offs (the increase of one service causes the decrease of another service) exist between the benefits provided by NBS [4,18,35,3]. However it is still difficult to detect such dependencies at the present state of the art of NBS, due to three main factors: (1) the complexity of the relationships between different benefits and NBS pillars [2]; (2) a lack of systematic analysis of the synergies and trade-offs between different categories of impacts of NBS [40,10]; and (3) the impossibility of detecting all the possible advantages and disadvantages of any intervention a priori [12]. As a result, despite the existence of some examples of synergies and trade-offs, there is a shortage of practical approaches and tools for their evaluation in relation to their character and strength as well as changes over time [2,27,33,35,39,41–44]. So far, most of the detected negative inputs of green actions – such as exposure to allergenic pollen, increase in mosquitos and inequalities in access to green areas – are of a general nature [18,39]. Therefore, they may be highlighted in reference to actions that have little in common with NBS. economically viable and also ensures the long-term operation of the infrastructure adopted. In addition, these guidelines state that in order to identify the most effective and affordable NBS solution available, alternative solutions must be considered (e.g. grey and hybrid solutions). As can be seen from this list, there are four main dimensions of NBS effectiveness. The first dimension pertains to management and governance capabilities, meaning the existence of flexible and transparent governance models that can facilitate adaptive management and involve stakeholders (Albert et al. 2020; [5,7,10,33,36,44,46,47]). Moreover, effective models of NBS management should enable the participation of different actors, including citizens, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and researchers from different disciplines. NBS therefore integrate not only technical and scientific knowledge, but local and traditional knowledge as well [3]. Second, locally adapted solutions must reflect local environmental, social and policy conditions and requirements [33,5,48,46]. Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of a solution, a ‘case-by-case’ rather than a ‘copy-paste’ approach should be adopted. The third dimension refers to economic efficiency [4,12,17,44,49,50]. The cost of a solution’s implementation, management, monitoring and maintenance over a certain period of time should not exceed its potential environmental and social benefits [4]. Moreover, economic viability means the promotion of renewable sources of energy and, for example, the use of rainwater or treated water instead of drinking water to irrigate and maintain NBS [2]. The fourth dimension pertains to the issue of producing services and has already been discussed in the previous section. Few studies and practical guides have evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of NBS, including Dumitru et al. [40], Dumitru and Wendling [6], EC [[4], 2020, [15]a], IUCN [5,23], Kabisch et al. [10], Raymond et al. [35], Science for Environment Policy [3] and SowińskaŚwierkosz and García [2]. Despite this general lack of relevant research, most NBS specialists suggest the use of performance and multi-metric indicators as the best tools for evaluation, because they help assess the performance of solutions, increase the measurability of effects and enable the systematic evaluation of NBS projects [10,35]. They also facilitate the simultaneous assessment of multiple benefits [3]. Another very significant reason for the use of specific, defined indicators is that they allow meta-analyses of diverse types of NBS actions across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This is what enables the scientific community to build a coherent evidence base and promotes both the mainstreaming of the concept and the availability of financing instruments [6]. 3.2.4. Actions with a certain level of effectiveness and efficiency According to the first comprehensive EC publication on NBS [4], effective solutions should be ‘locally adapted’, ‘resource-efficient’ and ‘systematically verified’. The EC’s latest publication (CBD [45]) regards NBS as effective when they are ‘technically feasible’, ‘politically desirable’, ‘socially acceptable’, ‘economically viable’ and ‘beneficial’. SowińskaŚwierkosz and García [2] add to this list the following criteria: ‘stakeholders’ involvement’, ‘adaptation to local environmental conditions’, ‘long-time performance’ and ‘relevant size to address a given challenge’. The ECLIPSE report emphasizes that multiple types of benefits (environmental, social, economic) need to be delivered for NBS to be effective [35]. The IUCN Global Standard [5] underscores that NBS should effectively address at least one societal challenge in a manner that is 5 B. Sowińska-Świerkosz and J. García Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 4. Formulation of exclusion criteria these elements need to be re-shaped or modernized to resolve, reduce or detect problem(s) a priori. Taking into account uncertainties with regard to different core ideas related to the NBS concept, this discussion section aims to formulate criteria that exclude green/blue interventions from the NBS set. Such criteria can be divided into hard (which are crucial for viewing any action as an NBS) and soft (which relate to deeming NBS effective and efficient actions). Such an approach was adopted because despite the existence of the IUCN Global Standard for NBS (2020), ongoing and future practice is necessary to fully understand the long-term operation of NBS as well as to detect synergies and trade-offs, which contribute to our understanding of specific boundaries with regard to these solutions’ effectiveness. 4.2.2. Negative/no impact on biodiversity Given that the current biodiversity crisis not only affects wild species but also human well-being, NBS must either maintain or enhance biodiversity. Actions without this quality cannot be classified as NBS [4,5]. Green actions based on ‘copying’ existing ecosystems to surrounding areas do not fulfil the requirements posed to NBS (e.g. the enlargement of a forest area by implementing monoculture tree plantations). Biodiversity enhancement requires an understanding of the baseline conditions at different levels as well as an assessment of the landscape-scale factors affecting the integrity and the structure of the NBS ([20]a). The NBS concept not only excludes solutions that do not provide biodiversity gain, but also those that do not clearly and measurably set and monitor biodiversity conservation outcomes. For each NBS, the type of target may differ; for example, the target could be the percentage of the ecosystem area restored or the return of a species. Ideally, an NBS should maintain biodiversity over the long term and across a vast area by linking conservation efforts with an agreement between stakeholders and policy actions [5]. 4.1. Actions inspired and powered by nature 4.1.1. Lack of functioning ecosystems ‘Inspired by nature’ is a necessary but not sole condition for framing an action as an NBS, because otherwise any biological (or natural) process could be described as such. Therefore, innovative interventions that effectively resolve societal and ecological problems cannot be referred to as NBS simply because they are inspired by nature. Clear examples here are NBS that use wind, wave or solar power, or consist of materials and structures that are modelled on biological processes but are not directly based on functioning ecosystems [5]. Therefore, biomimicry should not be framed as NBS, because the aspect of applying ‘living ecosystem(s)’ and in the process gaining benefits is missing. 4.3. Actions providing multiple benefits 4.3.1. Same benefits as grey infrastructure alone Any criterion solely based on the degree of an anthropogenic intervention is not decisive in including or excluding a given solution in or from the NBS frame. Purely green interventions, hybrid green-blue-grey interventions (e.g. green roofs and walls) and solutions that use biochemical processes (such as phytoremediation and phytostabilisation) can also be regarded as NBS [9], provided that their primary objective is to deliver additional benefits beyond what can be achieved via engineered infrastructure alone [6]. Therefore, to realize the aim of identifying the most effective and affordable NBS solution possible, the benefits provided by alternative purely grey solutions must be considered [2]. Of course, existing grey interventions can constitute the basis of implementing NBS via their ecological enrichment and or/modernization. Moreover, synergies may occur between existing types of grey infrastructure and NBS, hence the latter can be perceived as an amplifier of the role of traditional solutions. Further distinguishing NBS from other green solutions are potential synergies with diverse sectors, such as agriculture, forestry and health, which produce additional benefits over that which can be provided by grey infrastructure alone [5]. 4.1.2. Random actions To be deemed an NBS, green and hybrid actions must be deliberate, with clearly defined goals, partners, beneficiary groups and management systems. For example, artistic actions and events that take place in a city’s open spaces, such as external live plant installations, should not be framed as NBS. This is because even though plants can constitute ‘building materials’ and increase ecological and social benefits, such actions lack well-structured management systems, analyses of stakeholders’ views, assessments of potential outcomes and quality controls in their design. Their character is artistic (and usually educational as well), without deeper consideration of societal challenges, meaning that they are not integral to the planning and implementation of society’s responses to these issues. Furthermore, actions that do not consider the social, economic and environmental conditions before the intervention should not be framed as NBS. Without such diagnoses, clear and transparent targets or milestones cannot be formulated, such as the number of people to benefit or the water-saving costs to achieve [2]. As a result, it is not possible in the long term to monitor such random interventions and assess their outcomes. 4.3.2. Unfair distribution of benefits Through viewing the NBS concept as a dynamic system of service provisioning that offers multiple benefits directed to different users simultaneously, solutions that exclusively benefit the environment or society should not be treated as NBS. For a solution to be deemed an NBS, it is necessary to provide simultaneous benefits to the environment and human well-being. In addition, NBS should be based on solutions that ensure synergies and do not lead to significant trade-offs [2], in relation to temporal, spatial and reversibility dimensions [5]. In other words, NBS should make the best possible use of resources and limit trade-offs and at the same time ensure the fair distribution of benefits and costs [3]. Therefore, NBS should not frame actions that benefit only one of the main three pillars of NBS by treating the environment, society or the economy as superior, while belittling the others. Besides, it is not NBS that benefit all three pillars but is directed to maximizing the provision of one benefit for each dimension. Such an approach almost certainly reduces the quality and the quantity of other benefits [5]. Nevertheless, it is not just the type of solution that can ensure the fair distribution of benefits; even more important is the design, localization, planning and management of the solution. The regeneration of a brownfield site to an urban park with green infrastructure for water drainage and urban agriculture wedges in which only residents have permits to enter might 4.2. Actions tackling challenges 4.2.1. Post-implementation goal(s) The challenge–orientation of NBS means that they are directed to provide solutions to problem(s) detected a priori. This aspect is crucial for distinguishing between NBS and other green interventions [8]. For example, GBI is a fairly similar concept to NBS and under certain circumstances the two terms can be regarded as synonymous ([20]a). The biggest difference pertains to the contrasting meanings of the terms ‘infrastructure’ and ‘solution’, as the former refers to the structures needed for a society or enterprise to operate and the latter to solving the problem(s) encountered [12]. Moreover, the challenges to be tackled should be detected before an action is taken and constitute the main reason behind the implementation of a new NBS [3]. Of course, historical elements of GBI can also be framed as NBS [7]. Taking into account the present level of ecological problems, however, historical gardens and parks are not enough to address the challenges faced today [5]. Instead, 6 B. Sowińska-Świerkosz and J. García Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 be understood as NBS, but the designed and managed approach is far from the concept under analysis. occurring at the landscape/seascape scale as well as to factors that will only emerge in the future. Such factors are unforeseen, but are likely to either hinder or favour the operation of a given solution. Therefore, any intervention that is carried out in a rigidly embedded framework, without the possibility of introducing changes flexibly and relatively quickly, should not be considered an effective NBS. Effective interventions require that established guidelines be regularly reviewed, based on selfverification or second-part verification and new social, economic and ecological evidence [5]. To this end, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (SMART) targets should be used as appropriate, as they are important for ensuring accountability and informing adaptive management. Moreover, it is crucial that transparent and accessible documentation record the key steps of NBS decision-making procedures, in order to increase accountability and provide a strong basis for recourse in the case of a dispute or disagreement. Specific attention should be paid to the stakeholders who were involved in decision making and the role they played. This is particularly important where extreme inequality persists, so that processes can be adapted to encourage meaningful and effective participation. 4.4. Actions with a certain level of effectiveness and efficiency 4.4.1. ‘Copy-paste’ implementation approach NBS effectiveness is very context-specific, being contingent on a variety of aspects, such as the societal challenges being addressed, geographical zone, ecosystem type(s), landscape/seascape characteristics, the socio-economic-cultural system and the composition of stakeholder groups [5]. Soil characteristics, local biodiversity, drought and stress tolerance are examples of context-specific aspects only in reference to environmental features [46,36]. Plant selection appropriate for a given location may not be adequate in other places, even if they share the same geographical context. Furthermore, NBS affect certain groups of local people, whose opinions and needs vary significantly, even if the ecological conditions are similar. Local expertise is important but may not be ‘sufficient’ as a criterion for deploying NBS in developing contexts. Therefore, solutions that cannot be operated and updated by local people are not NBS, as is especially the case in developing countries where residents generally have low incomes. Another key dimension of context-specific aspects of NBS refers to governance process, which may hinder or favour the implementation of a given solution type. Therefore, an NBS should not be framed as a solution that is based on a previous successful solution, without having first adapted it to local conditions. Of course, it is recommended that strategies be replicated provided that adaptive management is applied first [5]. 4.4.4. Financial expenses disproportionate to benefits Ideal NBS are green/blue solutions that are cost-effective. This does not imply that solutions that require immense financial costs to be spent on protection, such as the conservation of coastal marshes, should not be framed as NBS. Rather, it is important that the implementation and management costs be reasonable. Finding a balance between costs and benefits and adaptively managing trade-offs throughout the NBS life cycle are crucial to distinguishing NBS from other green and blue solutions. Based on the evidence-based review of potential approaches, this means that the most effective methods are applied to avoid a solution’s ‘economic failure’. Therefore, a solution that requires the constant replacement of plants instead of using perennial or drought-resistant plants, or that needs technical infrastructure to undergo continuous repairs, should not be considered an effective NBS [2]. Furthermore, the costs of an NBS should be comparable or lower than those of other possible solutions applied to resolve the same societal challenge(s) [5]. This is achieved not only through the thoughtful selection of building materials and the use of innovative solutions that save water and energy, but also through the integration of management actions with financial institutions and incentive structures. With regard to this exclusion criterion, we must also remember that the benefits of implementing NBS may be both material and non-material, thus both economic and non-economic methods of assessment must be incorporated to fully assess the balance between costs and benefits. 4.4.2. Top-down model of governance Green interventions that are not specifically designed to address issues identified through a transparent process that actively involves all the stakeholders affected should not be classified as NBS. It is essential to ensure active, broad and transparent participation, regardless of a person’s gender, age and social, economic and cultural background [18,3]. Therefore, for public NBS financed with public resources, a decisionmaking approach – in which national or local authorities decide what types of green actions should be applied and where to do so, without consulting local communities – does not fit with the NBS approach. Examples of such non-NBS can include the creation of national reserves or buffer zones around high-value areas, which may be necessary and effective, but do not necessarily involve consultation with stakeholders. Of course, it is not possible to obtain full agreement amongst all the parties involved, but some form of consensus, even if it is obtained via the application of redress mechanisms, must be reached to frame an implemented solution as an NBS. Otherwise, the governance process will be based on limited, narrow perspectives, which risk amplifying social and/or economic inequalities amongst the groups of people affected [5]. Besides, negotiations processes may result that local communities will understand long-term positive implications of the NBS interventions, and thus accepted proposed solution. In sum, NBS are not solutions that lack social acceptance and as a result risk failing implementation, even if their conservation objectives are fully realized [7]. 4.5.5. ‘Point scale’ approach Even if ‘point scale’ interventions such as infiltration planters and tree boxes may be framed as NBS, they should take into account the interactions that occur across different social and ecological scales within a landscape or seascape [5]. This is the only way to avoid spatial conflicts, duplications of actions and project failure. A given NBS project may affect both the socio-ecological ‘space’ of the applicable area and its surroundings, even where the latter are not directly subjected to the action in question. Therefore, we should not call as effective NBS actions that do not monitor solutions performance at landscape scale as such approach would hinder the capture of all impacts of a given intervention ([20]a). Besides, monitoring and understanding of how NBS performance and impacts evolve with time, provides insights into their respective potential for up-scaling is required [6]. Solutions that are managed in isolation (i.e. without goods and services being assessed at the landscape scale) and that are focused on a narrow group of stakeholders (e.g. the inhabitants of the area undergoing the action) should not be framed as NBS. Cumulative impacts amongst sites and the inclusion of multiple stakeholders are features distinguishing NBS from other green solutions [5]. 4.4.3. Static management approach Ideally, NBS should be based on the theory of change, iterative learning and an adaptive management approach [5]. The results of any green or blue intervention, especially innovative ones or those being applied for the first time in relation to a given set of conditions, are likely to be unintended, unforeseen and sometimes undesirable. To prove successful, a management approach should be flexible enough to apply the knowledge learnt at one stage of NBS functioning in subsequent stages, through introducing changes to the methods and procedures adopted. The application of day-to-day management rather than static management determines whether a given green/blue intervention can be framed as a successful NBS [3]. Adaptive management also includes the possibility that an area under the action will be subjected to external factors 7 B. Sowińska-Świerkosz and J. García Nature-Based Solutions 2 (2022) 100009 5. Conclusion [13] S. Sarabi, et al., Key enablers of and barriers to the uptake and implementation of nature-based solutions in urban settings: a review, Resources 2019 (2019) 121. 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Taking into account the growing demand to implement NBS actions and assess their outcomes, this paper has contributed to the existing literature by specifying in detail these solutions’ scope so as not to frame any green/blue actions as NBS. Such strict limits concerning what are and are not NBS are mainly derived from the IUCN Global Standard [5]. They are necessary to provide decision makers with data on how to select solutions that can be framed as NBS in order to avoid abusing this concept. Ongoing and future practice is required to increase our understanding of the long-term operation of NBS as well as to detect synergies and trade-offs, thereby enabling us to better define the concept’s boundaries. Declaration of Competing Interest We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome. We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us. We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with this work and that there are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we have followed the regulations of our institutions concerning intellectual property. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their questions and suggestions, which have allowed us to improve the quality of the final manuscript. The Editor in Chief Laura Wendling also provided an enormous number of comments, fuelling an in-depth discussion of several sections of the manuscript. 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