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A. 畫出先⾏詞, 再選擇答案(可複選):
1. The woman (who, which, Ø) lives next door is a
2. My father works for a company (who, which,
that) makes furniture.
3. A dictionary is a book (whom, which, that) gives
you the meaning of words.
4. Do you know the person (who, whose, Ø) car is
5. An architect is someone (who, that, Ø) designs
6. What happened to the money (whom, which,
that) was on the table?
7. It’s the worst movie (which, that, Ø) I’ve ever
8. What’s the name of the horse (who, which, that)
won the race?
9. People (who, which, Ø) work in the shop can buy
our products at a discount.
10. This restaurant doesn’t have anything (what,
that, Ø) I want to try. [what根本不是關代,看得出題
B. 填充題 (填入who, whom, which, that, whose或是
Ø), 再畫出形容詞⼦句:
1. Do you like the dress ________ your mom bought
for you?
2. Where is the cheese ________ was in the fridge?
3. I don’t like the girl ________ sits next to me in
my English class.
4. The book is about a man and his donkey
________ lived in a village.
5. He showed me around the museum, ________
was very kind of him.
6. The police have found the man ________ car was
7. She's one of those people ________ love to be
the centre of attention.
C. 造句練習:
1. 少運動的⼈較容易得癌症。
2. 吸煙的⼈較容易得⼼⾎管疾病。
3. 科學家是研究⾃然科學的⼈。
4. 沒有批判性思考的⼈較容易受⼈操控。
5. 孩⼦們需要的是⼀個充滿愛與關懷的家庭。
1. who
2. which, that
3. which, that
4. whose
5. who, that
6. which, that
7. that, Ø (較常被省略) (因為有最⾼級worst所以不能
8. which, that
9. who
10. that, Ø
1. which/that/Ø (較常被省略)
2. which/that
3. who/that
4. that
5. which
6. whose
7. who/that(those~較常接who)
C. 這是許多回答⽅式的其中幾種,翻譯無唯⼀正確答
1. People who exercise less are more likely to get/
su er from cancer.
2. Smokers/People who smoke are more likely to
get/su er from heart disease. (假掰⼈可⽤
cardiovascular disease,就確定你不要拼錯)
3. A scientist is someone who studies natural
4. People who are weak in critical thinking (skills)
are more likely to be manipulated.
5. Children need a home that is full of love and
care. 或 Children need a home with love and care.