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DC Motors: Principles, Types, and Applications

What are DC Motors?
DC motors are configured in many types and sizes, including brushless,
servo, and gearmotor types. A motor consists of a rotor and a permanent
magnetic field stator. The magnetic field is maintained using either
permanent magnets or electromagnetic windings. DC motors are most
commonly used in variable speed and torque applications.
Brushed DC motors have built-in commutation, meaning that as the motor
rotates, mechanical brushes automatically commutate coils on the rotor.
Brushless DC motors use an external power drive to allow commutation of
the coils on the stator. Brush-type motors are used when cost is a priority,
while brushless motors are selected fulfill specific requirements, such as
maintenance-free operation, high speeds, and hazardous environments
where sparking could be dangerous.
Motion and controls covers a wide range of components that in some way are
used to generate and/or control motion. Areas within this category include
bearings and bushings, clutches and brakes, controls and drives, drive
components, encoders and resolvers, Integrated motion control, limit switches,
linear actuators, linear and rotary motion components, linear position sensing,
motors (both AC and DC motors), orientation position sensing, pneumatics and
pneumatic components, positioning stages, slides and guides, power
transmission (mechanical), seals, slip rings, solenoids, springs.
Motors are the devices that provide the actual speed and torque in a drive
system. This family includes AC motor types (single and multiphase motors,
universal, servo motors, induction, synchronous, and gear motor) and DC
motors (brushless, servo motor, and gear motor) as well as linear, stepper and
air motors, and motor contactors and starters.
D. C. Motor
Applications in rolling mills,
traction, overhead cranes
Principle of Operation
When a current carrying
conductor is placed in a magnetic
field, it experiences a mechanical
force whose direction is given by
Fleming’s left hand rule.
When the coil is powered, a magnetic
field is generated around the
armature. The left side of the
armature is pushed away from the left
magnet and drawn toward the right,
causing rotation.
The armature continues to rotate
When the armature becomes horizontally
aligned, the commutator reverses the direction
of current through the coil, reversing the
magnetic field. The process then repeats.
Constructionally, D.C. Generator and D.C. motor have no
basic difference
+ Armature carrying current
- Armature carrying current
Back EMF
Shunt Field
When the motor armature rotates, the conductors cut the flux. So,
according to laws of electromagnetic induction, EMF is induced
in them whose direction, according to Fleming’s Right Hand Rule is
in opposition to the applied voltage. So, it is referred to as
Back EMF Eb.
So, V has to drive Ia against Eb.
I would like to acknowledge and extend my
heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who
have made the completion of this assignment
Our teacher,Ms Maslinda for her vital
encouragement and support.
My father,Hamidon Bin Awang for his
understanding and assistance. Thanks for
lending me your precious engineering book that
consist the collection of the topics for this
My brother,Helmi Bin Hamidon for the constant
reminders and much needed motivation.
My mom,Azizah Bte Abd Ghani for the help,
inspiration and love she extended.
All my batch members in third semester
And to Allah , who made all things possible.
I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my committee
chair, Professor Godfrey-Sykes Irvine, who has the attitude and
the substance of a genius: he continually and convincingly
conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to research and
scholarship, and an excitement in regard to teaching. Without
his guidance and persistent help this dissertation would not have
been possible.
I would like to thank my committee members, Professor M.
Chaphaga Tridactyla and Professor Marmaduke Orange, whose
work demonstrated to me that concern for global affairs
supported by an “engagement” in comparative literature and
modern technology should always transcend academia and
provide a quest for our times.
In addition, a thank you to Professor V. Milicic of Western
University, who introduced me to Linguistics, and whose
enthusiasm for the “underlying structures” had lasting effect.
I thank the University of Chicago Press for permission to include
copyrighted photographs as part of my thesis/dissertation. I also
thank Springer Verlag for permission to include Chapter Five of
my dissertation, which was originally published in Linguistics
Journal. Financial support was provided by the University of
California, Irvine, NSF Grant DEB-8227052 and a MacArthur
predoctoral fellowship in International Peace and Security
granted by the Social Science Research Council.
E b  V  I a R a  Brush Drops
Neglecting Brush Drops (since small)
E b  V  Ia R a
φZN  P 
Eb 
  volt
60  A 
Voltage Equation of a Motor
Shunt Field
E b  V  Ia R a
V  Eb  I a R a
VI a  Eb I a  I a R a
VIa = Electrical Input to the
EbIa = Electrical Equivalent of
Mechanical Power
developed in Armature
Ia2Ra=Armature Copper Loss
Armature Torque (Ta)
If Ta be the torque developed by the armature of a motor
running at N rps
Power developed =
Ta  2πN Watt
Electrical Power converted into Mechanical Power in the Armature
= EbIa Watt
 Ta  2πN  Eb I a
Ta  2πN  ZN   I a
 A
Ta 
φZI a  
Again, E b  φZN   volt
N m
or , Ta  0.159 φZI a   N  m
or , Ta  I a
Series Motor
Ta  I a
Series Field
  Ia
 Ta  I a
Shunt Motor
Shunt Field
Ta  I a
 is almost constant
 Ta  I a
Shaft Torque (Tsh)
Whole of Armature torque Ta is not available for useful work.
A percentage of it is required for supplying iron and friction losses
In the motor.
Tsh is the shaft or useful torque.
output  Tsh  2N Watt
Ta-Tsh is the lost torque
Speed of a D.C. Motor
E b  V  Ia R a
ZN  P 
   V  Ia R a
60  A 
V  I a R a  60 A 
N 
 rpm
 ZP 
E b  60 A 
or , N 
  ZP 
N k
N 
This chapter presented the operating principles and characteristics of
direct-current motors. The following information provides a summary of
the main subjects for review.
The main PRINCIPLE OF A DC MOTOR is that current flow through the
armature coil causes the armature to act as a magnet. The armature
poles are attracted to field poles of opposite polarity, causing the
armature to rotate.
The CONSTRUCTION of a dc motor is almost identical to that of a dc
generator, both physically and electrically. In fact, most dc generators can
be made to act as dc motors, and vice versa.
COMMUTATION IN A DC MOTOR is the process of reversing armature
current at the moment when unlike poles of the armature and field are
facing each other, thereby reversing the polarity of the armature field.
Like poles of the armature and field then repel each other, causing
armature rotation to continue.
generated in a dc motor as armature coils cut
the field flux. This emf opposes the applied
voltage, and limits the flow of armature current.
In SERIES MOTORS, the field windings are
connected in series with the armature coil. The
field strength varies with changes in armature
current. When its speed is reduced by a load,
the series motor develops greater torque. Its
starting torque is greater than other types of dc
motors. Its speed varies widely between fullload and no-load. Unloaded operation of large
machines is dangerous.
In SHUNT MOTORS, the field windings are
connected in parallel (shunt) across the
armature coil. The field strength is independent
of the armature current. Shunt-motor speed
varies only slightly with changes in load, and the
starting torque is less than that of other types of
dc motors.
In COMPOUND MOTORS, one set of field
windings is connected in series with the
armature, and one set is connected in parallel.
The speed and torque characteristics are a
combination of the desirable characteristics of
both series and shunt motors.
LOAD on a motor is the physical object to be
moved by the motor.
DC MOTOR ARMATURES are of two types.
They are the Gramme-ring and the drum-wound
since part of each armature coil is prevented
from cutting flux lines. Gramme-ring wound
armatures are seldom used for this reason.
coils actually wound around the armature core
so that all coil surfaces are exposed to the
magnetic field. Nearly all dc motors have drumwound armatures.
MOTOR REVERSAL in a dc motor can be
accomplished by reversing the field connections
or by reversing the armature connections. If
both are reversed, rotation will continue in the
original direction.
maintained by varying the resistance either in
series with the field coil or in series with the
armature coil. Increasing shunt-field circuit
resistance increases motor speed. Increasing
the armature circuit resistance decreases motor
ARMATURE REACTION is the distortion of the
main field in a motor by the armature field. This
causes the neutral plane to be shifted in the
direction opposite to that of armature rotation.
Interpoles and compensating windings are used
to reduce the effect of armature reaction on
motor operation.
STARTING RESISTORS are necessary since
the dc resistance of a motor armature is very
low. Excessive current will flow when dc voltage
is first applied unless current is limited in some
way. Adding resistance in series with the
armature windings reduces initial current. It may
then be removed after counter emf has been
built up.
• Internet - thesaurus
• A text book of Electrical
Technology in S.I. units by B.L.