Damage tolerance capability T. Swift Federal Aviation Administration, Long Beach, CA, USA Dedication This paper is dedicated to my friend and colleague Professor Dr Jaap Schijve, required to retire like many good aircraft components according to a 'safe life' criterion but who is still young in mind, body and spirit, has not yet reached his unfactored endurance limit, and who could continue subject to a needed change in philosophy to 'retirement for cause'. Professor Schijve has dedicated his life to aviation safety through his outstanding continuous research into aircraft fatigue and fracture phenomena. The Federal Aviation Administration, whose primary goal is aviation safety, is indebted to Professor Schijve for his continous counsel through many contributions to the literature in his subject. The purpose of this paper is to encourage manufacturers of future transport aircraft to retain the large damage-tolerance capability designed into the first wide-bodied aircraft and to modify their methodology to establish inspection thresholds for those structures incapable of sustaining large obviously detectable damage. In the current economic environment there appears to be a general trend to lower the level of safety built into the original wide-bodied aircraft to reduce assembly costs and weight. A number of examples are provided highlighting the implications of this general trend. Most of the wide-bodied aircraft are designed to sustain a two-bay skin crack with a broken central stiffener at limit load. Some manufacturers would prefer to relax this criterion for wide expanses of basic structure with a view to saving weight. The implications of this are that extremely sophisticated NDI will be required over wide areas to satisfy the damage tolerance requirements, thus creating a considerable burden on the operator. This is illustrated by example. Most of the large transport aircraft manufacturers establish the threshold for detailed inspection of principal structural elements through a fatigue evaluations process without considerations of initial manufacturing flaws. These thresholds are often as long as three quarters of the aircraft design life goal. This practice has been thought to be satisfactory for fail-safe crack arrest structure. In this case a second line of defence exists in the event that an initial manufacturing flaw nucleates into a propagating fatigue crack during the service life of the aircraft. Since crack arrest structure is usually capable of sustaining large obvious damage it is likely that such large damage would be detectable. However, principal structural elements do exist that are incapable of sustaining large obvious damage where initial manufacturing flaws could grow critical prior to the threshold established by fatigue evaluation. This is illustrated by a typical example. Structures operating beyond the life substantiated by full-scale testing may be prone to multiple-site damage (MSD). Extremely small in-service undetectable MSD has the potential for substantially reducing lead crack and discrete source residual strength. This is illustrated by typical examples. The majority of large transport aircraft developed in the USA have circumferential crackstopper straps attached directly to the fuselage skins to guard against explosive decompression failure in the event of undetected fatigue damage or discrete source damage. This was thought necessary after the Comet disasters in 1954. There is a current trend to eliminate these crack stoppers for future designs and depend only on shear clips for crack arrest capability to save on assembly costs. The wisdom of this trend is challenged by considering examples and citing a number of secondary effects that may prevent arrest of fast fracture. (Keywords: damage toJerl~ce; multiple.site damage; inspection thresholds) The introduction of wide-bodied commercial transport aircraft in the late 1960s initiated a fresh look at damage tolerance capability. Although crack-arresting concepts had been used on the DC-8 pressurized fuselage design, which started in 1954 following the Comet disasters the same year, a disciplined fracture mechanics analytical approach had not been used until the development of the DC-10 design, which started in 1967. Damage tolerance capability, using fracture mechanics principles, was designed into this aircraft 0142-1123/94/01/0~5-20 © 1994Butterworth-HeinemannLtd at the outset. Parametric studies were performed using finite element analysis methods to size crack-arresting members for the fuselage pressurized cabin. 1,2 The same methods were used to study crack-arresting features of the wing design. For several very good reasons, which will be discussed in detail later, a goal was established for the limit load residual strength capability of the basic structure. This goal included the ability to sustain two bays of skin cracking with a central broken member. A Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 75 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift comprehensive verification component test programme was conducted to substantiate the residual strength capability of the structure. Fatigue damage equivalent to at least two representative design lifetimes was applied prior to residual strength testing to simulate the possible presence of widespread fatigue cracking. A full-scale fatigue test was conducted to two design lifetimes under representative flight-by-flight spectrum loading. A structural inspection programme was developed for this aircraft using the Maintenance Steering Group 2 (MSG2) approach support by information on crack propagation rates obtained from component testing. The design philosophy in place at the time that the wide-bodied aircraft were certified included a choice between fail-safe and safe life. The fail-safe concept was chosen by the manufacturers of wide-bodied aircraft. At that time this was interpreted by the manufacturers to mean that the structure should be capable of sustaining complete failure or obvious partial failure of a single principal structural element at fail-safe load levels. The wide-bodied commercial transport aircraft were already in service when the US Air Force introduced damage tolerance requirements for all military aircraft in July 1974. The Air Force design philosophy for 20 years prior to this time has been based on a reliability approach, where safe lives were established and substantiated by four lifetime full-scale fatigue tests. The primary lesson learned by the Air Force during this period was that the safe life approach did not adequately account for possible initial manufacturing flaws that may exist in the airframe at delivery. Studies performed by the Air Force in the early 1970s indicated that over 50% of fatigue failures nucleated at initial manufacturing flaws induced during manufacture. This prompted the Air Force to abandon the safe-life design approach and convert to a damage tolerance philosophy. In the commercial transport arena the fail-safe concept was thought to be the complete solution to structural fatigue problems. However, the Civil Aviation Authority in the United Kingdom were concerned about loss of fail-safety with age. Their fears were substantiated by the loss of an A V R O 748 in Argentina on 14 April 1976 due to multiple-site fatigue damage in the wing. The 748 had been AVRO's first aircraft designed to fail-safe principles. Soon after this, a Dan-Air 707 aircraft lost a fail-safe horizontal stabilizer at Lusaka International Airport in Zambia on 14 May 1977, because of fatigue. At this point the commercial transport industry lost faith in the fail-safe philosophy and introduced damage tolerance principles by amending FAR 25.571 in December 1978. 3 Since that time all commercial transport aircraft have been designed to a damage tolerance philosophy and the existing ageing fleet have been assessed to the same principle. The damage tolerance philosophy presumes that any damage initiated by fatigue, accident or corrosion will be found before catastrophic failure. Thus an engineering evaluation considering crack propagation rates and residual strength limits is made by the manufacturer and inspections are carried out by the operator. Again, in the commercial transport arena the damage tolerance concept was thought to be the complete 76 Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 solution to structural fatigue problems. However, on 28 April 1988 a 737 aircraft operated by Aloha Airlines suffered a tragic fatal accident due to a pressurized fuselage fatigue failure. Undetected multisite fatigue cracking had occurred in the critical rivet row of a longitudinal skin splice causing skin crack coalescence resulting in unarrested fast fracture. Now, in the aftermath of this accident, it becomes apparent that even the damage tolerance philosophy in itself may not be completely adequate. We are now faced with the dilemma that all three design philosophies - safe life, fail-safe and damage tolerance - have been shown to be inadequate in themselves. In fact we need elements of all three philosophies. We need to build as much redundancy into the structure as is economically feasible after the old fail-safe philosophy. We need to establish the life at the onset of widespread fatigue damage for those elements prone to multiple-site damage (MSD) and modify or replace these elements for flight beyond this point. In essence this is a safe-life approach. We also need to establish inspections based on crack growth rates and residual strength limits following the damage tolerance philosophy. It is the opinion of this author that the DC-IO widebody structural design incorporates elements of all three design philosophies. This was the reason for earlier comments on this aircraft. The basic structure is redundant, is crack-arrest capable and incorporates external inspection features in splices. However, as time passes the reasons for many of these design features fade. Engineers working on new aircraft are striving for more cost-effective designs. There appears to be a strong tendency to sacrifice large damage capability for reduced cost. Reflecting on this current trend, and on the past decade of damage tolerance design, there are a number of issues that need restating and some that need initiating. This paper will address some of these issues outlined as follows. 1. The importance of the two-bay crack design criterion needs restating. 2. The threshold for detailed inspection of fatiguecritical elements needs close examination, especially for elements that do not have crack-arrest capability. 3. The effects of multisite damage on residual strength and discrete source damage capability need to be addressed, especially for aircraft operating beyond half their test life. 4. The current trend to eliminate fuselage crack stoppers should be reconsidered very carefully. THE TWO-BAY CRACK CRITERION During the development of wide-bodied aircraft in the late 1960s considerable effort was expended in design, analysis and component testing to support large damage capability, particularly in the pressure cabin. Radial loading due to cabin pressure, a function of shell radius, was much greater than for the narrow bodies. The Comet accidents, caused by pressure cabin fatigue failures due to lack of crack-arrest capability, w e r e still fresh in the minds of designers. This author's experience with the wide bodies was confined to the DC-IO, so most of the following discussion applies to Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift this aircraft. However, the manufacturers of each of the aircraft were looking very carefully at each other's designs. Airline engineers and marketing personnel were also looking closely at each design and commenting on the merits of each. Studies of in-service cracking problems and considerable parametric analyses were performed in the early design phases of the aircraft. Critchlow's methods were used initially to size structural members for residual strength damage capability. It soon became apparent that the pressure cabin should be designed to sustain the damage illustrated by Figure 1. For longitudinal cracks, propagated by fatigue, it was decided to consider a two-bay skin crack with a broken central crack stopper at limit load. This large damage capability was thought necessary in case fast fracture occurred from a shorter crack that might have been missed on inspection. The reason for also considering a broken central crack stopper was that flat-panel cyclic testing had indicated that in the event of a skin crack over a crack stopper a considerable amount of hoop loading was transferred to the crack stopper, creating a high cyclic load and eventual fatigue failure even when the skin crack was still small. In addition to this criterion, a two-bay longitudinal skin crack was considered with a broken central frame and crack stopper at fuselage bending loads equivalent to 1.5 g plus cabin pressure. This damage was to simulate fast fracture after discrete source or foreign object damage as in the case of an engine disintegration. A two-bay circumferential skin crack with a broken central stiffener was also considered at limit load. Figure 2 shows that two-bay damage is logical for any skin cracking that starts at a circumferential frame. The cut-out in the frame-to-skin shear clip creates a considerable stress concentration at the first fastener, as illustrated in Figure 2. Skin stresses due to frame bending in certain positions around the frame added to the stresses due to direct pressure loads, creating a fatigue hot spot in the skin at the first rivet, as shown. This crack is likely to propagate into both adjacent skin bays. Figure 2 also shows a fatiguecritical location at the joint between the fuselage axial longerons and the circumferential frame. On the application of internal cabin pressure the skin and axial stiffeners move outwards in a radial direction. This radial displacement is resisted by the frame, causing transfer of radial load from the skin through the longeron into the frame. The magnitude of this 11rio BAY ~ ,B~I O R / O ( WITH CENT1RALBR(XqB~I ORACK I ~ q = ~ R AT MMIT LOAD - - ' - • ~ 1 ~ O BAY L(2N~IT~K)IN~ gNN ( ~ ( X PLUB m ~ t ~ d CIWI~RRL C ~ C K IWOIq~R ,~ND FRAME AT 1J ~ PI.U~ IIRES~JRE Figure 1 F u s e l a g e d a m a g e sizes f o r d e s i g n 1WO BAY Cl~d~( WWH M q O l ~ l t ~ T I I ~ L u [ ~ r w l E R AT LIMIT LO~D load varies with axial load from fuselage bending due to Poisson's ratio effects but is generally about 200 lbs (900 N) at nominal cabin pressure. This tension load causes local high bending stresses in the longeron flanges and can create cracking as indicated in Figure 2. When the longeron breaks, the skin becomes overloaded at the first rivet near the break and eventually causes a skin fatigue crack, which can propagate in a circumferential direction in both adjacent bays. Thus the two-bay skin-crack scenario makes sense from a practical viewpoint. The discrete source damage case for the requirement of a full two-bay longitudinal skin crack with completely failed circumferential members has received some argument from a number of manufacturers. They point out that harpoon testing to simulate damage from one third of an engine disc segment does not normally create a fast fracture situation in 2024-T3 fuselage skin owing to the high fracture toughness of the material. Therefore it should not be necessary to consider two full bays of skin damage for the case. This is illustrated by Figure 3. The curves shown in Figure 3 were obtained by finite element analysis methods described in Ref. 2. The case considered is for a two-bay skin crack with both centre frame and crack stopper failed, which is given as case 5 in Table 1, taken from Ref. 2. The skin fracture curve of Figure 3 is obtained from the following equation: Kc Residual strength, crR - (~a)l/2 [3S13B (1) Fracture toughness for the 2024-T3 sheet was assumed to be 158 ksi* inj (174 MPa ml). The geometrical term 13s is the reciprocal of the value Rct listed in Table 2 of Ref. 2 for case 5. The term 138 is a geometric effect caused by bulging due to pressure and shell radius. As all the stiffening material at the centre of the crack is assumed to have failed, the bulging effect has been assumed to behave like a onebay crack with the bay equal to two frame spacings. The term ~B used to develop Figure 3 was based on Paul Kuhn's unstiffened shell data s together with a cosine function suggested by Prof. Dr Liider Schwarmann. 6 The resulting term is 5(2a) Bulge factor, [3a = 1 + R[cos(~ra/P)] (2) where: a = half crack length; R = shell radius; and P = frame spacing, in this case 2 x 20 = 40 in (2 x 0.508 -- 1.016 m). The outer crack stopper strength curve is determined by dividing the ultimate strength of the 0.025 in (0.64 mm) thick crack stopper by the stress concentration factor, GroJ~r, found in Table 2 of Ref. 2 for case 5. The crack-stopper material is assumed to be Ti 8-1-1 with ultimate strength 145 ksi (1000 MPa). The line in Figure 3 intersecting the skin fracture curve at points B and C represents the principal stress calculated from 82% of PR/t combined with shear representing 1.5 g of fuselage down bending. The harpoon blade shown in Figure 3 is assumed to be 15 in (380 ram) wide and considered representative of * ksi = 1000 lb in - 2 = 6 . 8 9 5 M P a ; 1 in = 2 5 . 4 r a m ; 1 ksi in ~ = 1.989 MPa m ~ Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 77 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift SKIN CRACKAT RRST RIVET NEAR LONGEFION CRACK PROPAGATES INTO TWO BAYS N R R LONQERONCRACK FUSELAGE CIRCUMFERENTIAL FRAME ,~,,,,,I CRACKAT FIRST RIVET IN SHEAR ClIP PROPACaATES INTO "rwo BAYS Figure 2 Typical fatigue crack locations in fuselage skin j 40 0.2 0.~1 0.6 Harpoon blade 0.8 1.0 1.2 250 30 200 I O~ r" ta 150 a. :S 20 Frame ' ~ m t~ 100 "O t~ Crack stopper 10 50 Circumferential frame configuration 10 20 30 ~0 50 Total crack length 20 (in) Figure 3 Discrete source damage capability one third of an engine disc. It can be seen from Figure 3 that the longitudinal damage created by this blade would not cause fast fracture, as point A is to the left of the skin fracture curve. This is the reason that some manufacturers do not consider it essential to consider two full skin bays of damage. However, damage to the fusealage may not be inflicted by the disc segment alone. In order for the disc to leave the engine it would be necessary to fail 78 Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 the engine case. Smaller, fragmentation damage is likely in addition to disc damage, as indicated in Figure 3. In this event, fast fracture would take place at point B and the crack would be arrested at point C for the geometric condition considered. The high residual strength capability from a skin fracture standpoint, depicted by point E of Figure 3, is due primarily to the 3 in (76 mm) wide 0.025 in (0.64 mm) thick titanium crack stopper riveted to the Damage tolerance capability: Y. Swift Table 1 Test results for 24 in (609.6 mm) diameter cylinders 2 (SI conversions in parentheses) Crack length at failure, 2a (in) (mm) Hoop stress, (psi) (MPa) Shear stress, Principal stress" T/2At (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) 4.00 (102) 4.50 (114) 6.44 (169) 8.50 (216) 4.50 (114) 6.88 (175) 8.44 (214) 12 750 (87.9) 12 880 (88.8) 8 630 (59.5) 6 030 (41.6) 10 250 (70.7) 7 125 (49.1) 5 625 (38.8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 240 (49.9) 5 085 (35.1) 4 020 (27.7) PRIt 1 275 1 288 863 603 1 399 977 771 (8.79) (8.88) (5.95) (4.16) (9.65) (6.74) (5.32) = Axial stress not included stress due to fuselage bending. Figure 4, representing residual strength tests on a n u m b e r of 24 in (0.61 m) diameter unstiffened cylinders, shows that skin shear has an effect on residual strength and should be accounted for. This series of tests was reported over 20 years ago in Ref. 2. The u p p e r curve of Figure 4 is a plot of hoop stress versus crack length with applied torque providing skin shear. The values of crack length, hoop stress and shear stress at failure for these tests are given in Table 1 as a reminder. Full details of this test p r o g r a m m e can be found in Ref. 2. It is believed that any residual strength tests, harpoon or otherwise, p e r f o r m e d to substantiate damage tolerance capability should include loading from both cabin pressure and fuselage bending. This is illustrated by Figure 5. It appears that there is a need to develop such a fixture to assess the effects of crack propagation Table 2 Residual strength calculation for wing lower surface configuration (Figure 8) (SI conversions in parentheses) Strength units (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) a (in) (ram) K/cr ~ ~ro= (ksi) (MPa) ~b (ksi) (MPa) cr,( (ksi) (MPa) 0.18 (4.5) 0.36 (9.1) 0.53 (13.5) 0.71 (18.0) 0.89 (22.6) 1.60 (41) 2.32 (59) 3.03 (77) 3.74 (95) 4.45 (113) 5.17 (131) 5.88 (149) 6.59 (167) 7.30 (185) 1.241 (0.1977) 1.698 (0.2706) 2.000 (0.3187) 2.225 (0.3546) 2.408 (0.3838) 2.955 (0.4709) 3.361 (0.5356) 3.691 (0.5882) 3.959 (0.6309) 4.158 (0.6626) 4.238 (0.6754) 3.985 (0.6351) 3.788 (0.6037) 3.819 (0.6086) 1.6590 1.6050 1.5430 1.4870 1.4400 1.3170 1.2460 1.1970 1.1550 1.1120 1.0520 0.9273 0.8324 0.7973 1.014 (6.99) 1.016 (7.01) 1.019 (7.03) 1.023 (7.05) 1.027 (7.08) 1.054 (7.27) 1.095 (7.55) 1.154 (7.96) 1.238 (8.54) 1.360 (9.38) 1.549 (10.68) 1.853 (12.78) 2.174 (14.99) 2.443 (16.77) 51.91 (357.9) 42.30 (291.6) 37.19 (256.4) 33.87 (233.5) 31.57 (217.7) 30.06 (207.3) 29.47 (203.2) 31.36 (216.2) 32.99 (227.5) 32.73 (225.2) 52.94 (365.0) 44.25 (305.1) 37.71 (260.0) 33.57 (231.3) =tro, = Stress in outer intact stiffener for unit applied gross stress b Cr = Residual strength based on skin fracture = Kc/(~/~raf~); Kc/(2) = 137 (125)/(2) [137/(2)] c ~r,t = Residual strength based on stiffener strength F tu/(4) = 565(82)/(4) [565/(2)] skin by three rows of rivets. The frame configuration is seen to the right of the figure. Point D in Figure 3 is the configuration allowable for the two-bay crack. Any fast fracture below this point would be arrested. Fast fracture above point D would not be arrested and failure would be precipitated by crack-stopper failure. It is the author's opinion that blade impact tests of the type illustrated by Figure 3 should be designed to m a k e sure that fast fracture occurs so that the crack-arresting material can be substantiated. If the disc size is too small for this to occur then some fragmentation damage should be simulated. This has been done by at least one manufacturer of a turbo prop Part 25 aircraft in recent years. As mentioned earlier, the horizontal line in Figure 3, intersecting the skin fracture curve at B and C, was based on a principal stress calculated from hoop and shear stresses. It has been noticed that some manufacturers p e r f o r m residual strength tests for the pressure cabin using nominal cabin pressure only without compensating for the effects of skin shear and residual strength in the presence of cabin pressure and fuselage bending loads. A design goal for large damage capability in the lower wing surface was a two-bay chordwise skin crack with a broken central stiffener at limit load. This is illustrated by Figure 6. This large damage size was chosen to allow the opportunity to establish an external visual inspection at reasonable intervals. The rationale included the possibility that fast fracture may occur on a limit load application and be arrested at adjacent intact stiffeners. This large crack would then be detected on a walk-around inspection. The central stiffener was assumed to be broken following the normal sequence of failure expected and confirmed by service history and c o m p o n e n t tests. This large damage scenario provided a balanced design for the following reasons. 1. The limit stress level chosen for the wing lower surface was a little lower or about the same as the residual strength capability for the two-bay crack Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 79 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift Torque 100 1 50 lq I 12 10 (ram) 150 I Results with z shear stress e r o 200 I 250 Pressure 80 ~ Crack 60 == == O. 8 e gl. w 6 Results with shear q0 \ stress applied 4 20 I I 2 I q I 6 8 10 Total crack length 2a(in) j Figure 4 24 in (0.61 m) diameter 2024-T3 barrel tests, 0.032 in (0.81 mm) thick case when proper materials were chosen for skin and stiffener. Thus additional weight was not required for the large damage criterion. 2. It allowed visual inspections to be based on crack growth from a detectable crack size all the way to the crack-arresting adjacent stiffeners. This was possible as the maximum spectrum load for normal usage is only about 60% of limit load and occurs only once in one tenth of a lifetime. 3. The resulting inspection burden on the operator is not excessive. Figare $ Residual strength tests for damage tolerance capability should include both pressure and fuselage bending ~ g1IFFD~R _ o Figure 6 Wing damage tolerance capability 80 Fatigue 1994 V o l u m e 16 N u m b e r 1 It is this author's opinion that design to the two-bay crack criterion for the lower wing surface should be a design objective. Unfortunately, some manufacturers in recent years have allowed their stress levels to increase to the extent that this is no longer possible. Other manufacturers are contemplating this also for future designs. The implications of this from an inservice inspection standpoint can be realized with a typical example. Consider the configuration shown in Figure 7. This represents a typical lower wing surface with riveted Z section stiffeners of cross-sectional area 0.8933 ine (576.3 mm z) riveted to 0.3 in (7.6 mm) thick 2024T351 plate. A two-bay skin crack with a broken central stiffener is assumed. An analysis of this configuration, based on the displacement compatibility approach, 7 was performed to obtain crack tip stress intensity and intact stiffener stresses. The skin fracture toughness for the 2024-T351 material varies with thickness, and the value assumed was 125 ksi ini (137 MPa m t) for 0.3 in (7.6 mm) thick plate based on Figure 11 of Ref. 7. The strength of the 7075-T6 extruded intact outer stiffeners, including the effects of bending, was based on a static strength Ft, of 82 ksi (565 MPa). Figure 7 shows the stress intensity factor per unit applied gross stress and the value of the geometric Damage tolerance capability: 7". Swift {mm) ,50 I 4.5 1 O0 I 150 t 200 I q.0 - "O tin 20 3.5 Stiffeners S t i f f e n e r area 0.8933 in 2 [576.3 mm2} t- 3.0 - 15 ,,in U c 2.0 -- / ~(Iq5 ram)""]P~ . . t ~IB~ at°ken II",~ E E 2.5 707S-T6 extrusion Intact stiffener stiffenerJ r~ ' 10 e- 1.5 ~ 0.3 in {7.6 mm} t.o e.J e, curve/ 13 0.5 - S • | , , t • 1.0 2.0 3.0 q.o 5.0 6.0 7.0 Skin 202q-T351 plate 8.0 Half crack length o ( i n ) l~ure 7 Wing lower surface typical two-bay crack configuration unit stress intensity factor and [3 curves term 13 as a function of half crack length a. The residual strength of the configuration, as a function of crack half length, is shown in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 8. The allowable stress for the two-bay crack configuration is given by point A at 33.69 ksi (232.3 MPa). Any fast fracture higher than this value would not be arrested and fast fracture below this point would be arrested. Suppose now the limit stress was fixed at 33.5 ksi (231.0 MPa). Fast fracture would take place at point B and be arrested at point C. At this crack length the intact stiffener is not critical for the stiffener material used in this example, as indicated by point D. It is believed that an inspection programme could be established based on visually detectable cracking. If fast fracture did occur during a limit load application in flight then the crack would be arrested at a large damage size, which would be considered 60 50 (ram) 100 I I 150 Skin fracture 50 200 l Intact s t i f f e n e r strength c r i t e r i o n ' ~ , ~ 400 \ 300 q0 •~ 30 Limit s t r e s s ~ 33.5 ksi "~,,~'~..for (231.0 MPa) ~ Fast Allowable I crac, karrest 2~. ,,,-r fracture "~'~ B ' ~ ' C I ~ A Arrest 33.69 k s i 232.3 MPa) 200 "0 ~ 2o 100 10 Two-bay crack broken central s t i f f e n e r I 'I I I ' ' ' 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Half crack length o (in) F~mre g Residual strength diagram for two-bay skin crack with broken central stiffener evident on a walk-around inspection. This situation would not place an undue burden on the operators. Now suppose it was decided to save weight by increasing the stress levels by say 10% on subsequent designs. This may be possible from a static strength standpoint with some of the newer 2000 series alloys, developed to replace 2024-T351, which have roughly a 10% improvement in static strength capability. Unless there was a corresponding 10% improvement in fracture properties, which is unlikely, the two-bay crack design goal would no longer be achievable, as limit stress would increase to 36.85 ksi (254.1 MPa), which is above the allowable for crack arrest, as indicated by Figure 8. This of course assumes the fracture toughness of the higher strength alloy remains the same. Let us now consider the implication of this situation. An inspection programme is required with inspection frequency based on crack growth from a detectable crack size to a critical size at limit load. It will therefore be necessary to determine the critical crack size accounting for slow stable growth on a limit load application. The stress intensity factor at the onset of slow stable growth is a function of the crack tip plastic zone size, which in turn is a function of the applied cyclic stress level causing crack propagation. Slow stable growth will not start to occur on a high load cycle until the plastic zone size created by the cyclic stress that propagated the crack is equalled on a high load cycle. This phenomenon is explained in Ref. 8 and has been verified by a substantial amount of testing. As not all aircraft in the fleet may experience high gust or manoeuvre load cycles, it will be conservative to assume that the crack in question had been propagated at a moderate cyclic stess. Thus, to be conservative a crack resistance (R) curve is desired having a low onset stress intensity factor. Figure 9 represents such an R curve for 2024-T351 plate, 0.25 in (6.4 mm) thick, taken from Ref. 9 page Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 81 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift (ram) 1110 10 20 | I c.tlca, 30 q0 |L * ~f,'~'e 50 |L I J , 2 , ks, in - - . - . . - - - - - I - _c 120 100 80 ~ 6o .-~ 4o ~ 20 ~ l ~1 1 14o Extended by comparison I 120 with other R curves to I00 critical K "~E so ~. / R curve with low threshold chosen =E / 22 ksi in½:(2q.2 MPa m½l 60 / 2 0 2 1 1 - T 3 5 1 0.25 in (6.4mm) thick - q0 Ref. Damage Tolerance Design Handbook MCIC-HB-01R page 7.5-61- 20 I = • = = , • = • • | • • | | , • • = 0.2 0 . 4 ' 0 . 6 " 0 . 8 ' 1 . 0 1.2'1.11 1.6'1.11 Change in crack length /~a (in) (mm] 50 100 150 200 ! I 60 Intact stiffener J~ 400 strength criterion ~ _ ~ . l Skin fracture ~ / _ 50 ~,w1,, c r i t e r l o n ~ l .~ ~ F~st fracture N -4 300 ~ _ =/ New limit stressN, 1 110 36.; AI"~P36.85 k~i (25q.I ~Pa)~. C / ksi /~ T'~AIIowable for c r a c k ' ~ 1 3 3 . 6 9 ksi 253, / I_~1 "'-...~.arrest~ ~ --'(232.3 MPa) ,0 .p, I ¢=~' "O .0 - - - - 4 2oo --.~: ~ NUnstable growth ~. 20 ~ o: , - r 10 Figure 9 Crack resistance curve 1.0 100 Slow stable tear on increasing single load application i 2.0 I 3.0 I 4.0 i 5.0 I 6.0 i 7.0 8.0 Half crack length a (in) 7.5-61. This curve was extended to reflect a critical stress intensity factor of 125 ksi in i (137 MPa ml). Using the R curve of Figure 9, with the unit stress intensity factor curve of Figure 7, it is possible to determine the amount of slow stable growth on a single limit load application. A half crack length of 1.0 in (25 mm) is considered to be the smallest visually detectable crack at 90% reliability with 95% confidence. Starting with this length crack the calculation for slow stable growth is shown in Table 3 Figure 10 indicates that the slow growth curve peaks out at a gross stress of 36.73 ksi (253.2 MPa), slightly below the limit stress at a half crack length of 1.9 in (48 mm) illustrated by point A of Figure 10. Beyond this point the crack would tear slowly at constant load and fast fracture at point B. Failure of the structure at point C would be precipitated by outer stiffener failure as the allowable for crack arrest would be below the applied stress, as illustrated by point D. Another way to confirm the instability is to compare applied stress intensity factor curves, generated at varying gross stress levels, with the resistance curve. Instability occurs when the slope of the applied K curve equals the slope of the resistance curve. This is illustrated by Figure 11. The slope of a K curve, generated at a gross stress of 36.73 ksi (253.2 MPa) becomes tangent to the R curve at a half crack length of 1.9 in (48 mm). This point is also reflected by point A of Figure 10. Table 3 Calculation of slow stable growth on limit load application, (threshold stress) intensity factor 22 ksi in ~ (24.1 MPa m t) (Figure 9) (SI conversions in parentheses) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) da= a K/(r Kr ~r Kr/(3) (ksi) (MPa) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 (0) (5.1) (10.2) (15.2) (20.3) (22.9) (25.4) 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 (25.4) (30.5) (35.6) (40.6) (45.7) (48.3) (50.8) 2.50 2.69 2.82 2.56 3.07 3.13 3.45 (0.398) (0.429) (0.449) (0.408) (0.489) (0.499) (0.550) 22.0 (29.2) 8.80 (60.7) 69.6 (76.5) 25.87 (178.4) 92.4 (101.5) 32.76 (225.9) 104.6 (114.9) 35.34 (246.6) 112.0 (123.1) 36.48 (251.5) 115.0 (126.4) 36.74 (253.3) 117.0 (128.6) 33.91 (233.8) da is increment in crack length in inches (mm) Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 Figure 10 Residual strength curve for two-bay skin crack configuration with increased limit stress The implication here is that if stress levels are increased, and the two-bay crack capability at limit load is abandoned as a design goal with a view to saving weight, then the critical crack would be of a length not considered visually detectable with the required reliability and confidence. In the example here the critical half length would be 1.0 in (25 ram), as this crack would grow to an unstable length on a limit load application and would not be arrested. Assuming an external inspection programme were still desired it would be necessary to detect an extremely small skin crack requiring non-destructive testing (NDT). After failure of internal stiffener the skin crack growth life Ls, shown by Figure 12, would be small in terms of sophisticated NDT inspection owing to load transfer out of the broken stiffener into the skin. The inspection frequency would be Ls/2. This could be extended to LTOT/2 as indicated by Figure 12, but this would require inspection for stiffener cracks, which would need internal NDT or external NDT using low-frequency eddy current. If this noncrack-arrest philosophy were to be used over wide areas of basic structure, ie, thousands of square feet (hundreds of square metres), the inspection burden on the operator would be excessive. T H R E S H O L D FOR DETAILED INSPECTION The Federal Aviation Regulations, FAR 25.571, require that an inspection programme be established to protect the structure from accidental, corrosion and fatigue damage. For fatigue-critical elements it has become customary to establish a threshold and frequency for in-service inspection. The calculation of the frequency for inspection is comparatively straightforward and is based on the crack growth life between in-service detectable and critical crack sizes. The critical crack size at limit load can be calculated and the detectable crack size can be established depending on the inspection method to be used. The determination of the threshold for detailed inspection of fatiguecritical elements is not so straightforward. In fact, any threshold determined which is longer than the Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift -*,= I~,0 ".~ 120 100 (mm} 20 qo 60 80 , i w i Unstable half 36.73 (253.2) crack length ~ ~.,,..-.----'-1.9 in) ~ 3 S (2q1) (q8 mm) ~ j30 lq0 120 (207) 100 ,-M E 80 £ :E f •~ "~o tJ qO 20 ~ " ~ I ~e "~ Onset of I slow, g r o w t h 0.5 60 Appliedgross \ stress ~ (ksi (MPa)) Applied K curves ~ 1.0 R curve , i 1.5 2.0 Two-bay crack broken central stiffener qO 20 , , 2.5 3.0 3.5 Half crack length o (in) Figure 11 Crack resistance R curve with applied K curves ]~ LTOT i FLIGHTS Figure 12 Impfication of not meeting two-bay skin crack criterion; detailed NDT over large area of basic structure frequency of inspection does not conform to the damage tolerance philosophy. When the damage tolerance requirements became effective in 1978, after amendment 45 to F A R 25.571, it became apparent that a threshold for detailed inspection of fatigue-critical elements would be much more severe than existing thresholds if it was to be based on the frequency of inspection determined by crack growth life from in-service detectable cracks to critical sizes at limit load. Since the aircraft were still designed to be fatigue-crack-free for their design life goals it was thought unnecessary to start inspections earlier than the time when cracks would become detectable. Thus the true damage tolerance philosophy became diluted with the safe life approach to some extent. No standard guidance is provided in the requirements or advisory material on methods to determine when detailed inspections should begin, and consequently a wide variety of methods are used by different airframe manufacturers. A number of manufacturers have considered initial manufacturing flaws when establishing the inspection threshold. This threshold is based on half the life to grow the manufacturing flaw to a critical size at limit load. The manufacturing flaw size chosen (usually a 0.05 in (1.3 ram) crack at a fastener hole) is considered inspectable in the factory during manufacture. This approach to establish a threshold is still a damage tolerance approach undiluted by a safe life philosophy. Some manufacturers, primarily those producing large transport aircraft, have established thresholds based purely on a fatigue life approach without considering the possibility that initial manufacturing flaws may be present. Some of these thresholds are as long as three Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 83 Damage tolerance capability: E Swift was chosen and the details of this analysis are described in Ref. 10. The results are repeated again here to further emphasize this problem. As mentioned in Ref. 10, the wing lower surface limit stress level for most commercial transport aircraft is in the vicinity of 35 ksi (240 MPa). Some have higher and some have lower stresses than this. Figure 14 described what could be expected during a limit load application assuming a broken spar cap and a skin crack of half length 0.5 in (12.7 ram), which is not considered visually detectable with high enough reliability. The spar cap area is assumed to be 2.788 in 2 (1799 ram2), and the skin is 2024-I"351 plate 0.25 in (6.4 ram) thick. Figure 14 shows applied stress intensity factor curves for a number of gross stress values based on the non-linear displacement compatibility analysis. These curves are compared with the resistance (R) curve as indicated in the figure. It can be seen by point A that slow stable tearing will have already started at a gross stress of 15 ksi (103 MPa) owing to the high stress intensity factor caused by load transfer out of the broken spar cap into the cracked skin. At 20 and 25 ksi (138 and 172 MPa) on the limit load application the skin crack will have grown to points B and C respectively. At a gross stress of 27.84 ksi (192.0 MPa), well below limit stress, the skin crack would become unstable as indicated by point D and would result in a fast fracture condition. Instability occurs when the rate of change of applied stress intensity equals the rate of change of resistance stress intensity or when the applied K curve is tangential to the R curve. The question to be asked now is: will the fast fracture at 27.84 ksi (192.0 MPa) be arrested by the adj acent intact stiffener such that loading could increase above 27.84 ksi (192.0 MPa) to the limit value of 35 ksi (240 MPa), whereupon the crack would likely be found on a walk-around inspection? To answer this question, further displacement compatibility analysis was performed for the typical configuration. Details of this analysis are given in Ref. 10. Figure 15 shows the results. The analysis was performed assuming quarters of the aircraft life. Under these circumstances, initial manufacturing flaws could grow to a fast fracture size before the threshold for detailed inspection. This situation has been thought to be satisfactory when the structure is redundant, fail-safe or has crack-arrest capability. In this case a second line of defence exists in the event that an initial manufacturing flaw nucleates into a propagating fatigue crack during the service life of the aircraft. Since crack arrest structure is usually capable of sustaining large damage it is likely that such damage will be readily detectable. This approach to the manufacturing flaw problem appears to be reasonable and further reinforces the argument to design to the two-bay crack capability illustrated by Figure 1 and discussed in the previous section. However, not all structural elements can be classified as crack-arrest-capable. Consider a typical wing rear spar cap as shown in Figure 13. A threshold for detailed inspection based on a fatigue life method without considering manufacturing damage for this element would be extremely long. Any inspections performed before this time would be merely visual. As can be seen from the figure, a manufacturing flaw could grow to complete failure of the cap undetected prior to the threshold for detailed inspection. The cap cannot be inspected visually as it is covered by skin and rear spar web and at rib locations is covered internally by a rib fitting. Prior to amendment 45 of FAR 25.571 this element would have been cleared to the fail-safe single element failure concept without considering any secondary damage in the skin or web. It is more than likely that skin or web damage would have developed during failure of the cap and this should be realistically accounted for. A displacement compatibility analysis, considering the elastic-plastic behaviour of the spar cap to skin fastening system, was performed to determine whether a visually undetectable skin crack in the presence of an undetected broken spar cap could tear in a slow stable manner to a fast fracture condition on a limit load application. A typical rear spar cap configuration [ [~"--L -1- "L -L 11 I - L ~ FUBi-i RIBPHz~IO j- "1 8Pgl~ Vk.~.Wd.Y UNINSPEb~ABLE Figure 13 Example of the need to consider initial manufacturing flaws when establishing threshold for inspection 84 Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift 160 c lqO 120 U (mm) 30 40 50 A~plled £~ross S~ress ~ ' I0 20 ' 60 il ~ "t 160 ~''~7~ lZl0 D 27.8a, (152.0) " 2 5 (172 "1 120 (ksi (MPa)) Instability ~ Applied K curves . . ~ ~ 100 "f/ ~ ~15 1103}-I 80 Broken s p a r ~ ~ l ~ ~" 60 C ~ qo Unstable k , •- > I 2o 1 4 - ~ , I" crack length l! -____rv.R cu e , 0.5 1.0 1.5 Skin q0 . , 2O , 2.0 2.5 Half skin crack length (in) 14 Applied skin stress intensity curves with resistance curve for broken spar cap: 100% spar cap load transferred to skin 5O q0 I 50 100 7075-T6 202q-T3 ~ j ~ (ram) 150 200 250 300 "'NOp7 Intact stiffener . X / x strength 300 I n tact stiffener Lim,.t ..stre.s.s...' ~ " X " r- 30; :3 Instabillt.~. stress N ~ after ;'r~'w'a3bl~"-'~-'r 200 ~. ! 20 100 L,. o spar cap criterion ' I ~ / v1, ' o r Skin crack crack arrest I I I I / 2 a, 6 8 10 12 Crack length o (in) lqgure 15 Residual strength after fast fracture (shows that crack is not arrested) either 7075-T6 or 2024-T3 stiffener material. It can be seen that at the instability stress of 27.84 ksi (192.0 MPa), causing fast fracture, failure of the intact 2024T3 stiffener would occur at point A, and at point B if the stiffener were 7075-T6. Thus the intact stiffener is inadequate to arrest the fast fracture. In fact, the allowable for crack arrest indicated by point C, which is well below the instability stress and considerably below the limit stress. The implications of this situation are that if a threshold for detailed inspection is established without considering growth of a manufacturing flaw then failure could occur on a limit load application before cracking became detectable. As mentioned earlier, establishment of an inspection threshold for detailed inspection of fatigue-critical structure based on a fatigue evaluation without consideration of initial manufacturing flaws can only be justified if the structure is capable of arresting large cracks which are then visually detectable. If this is not the case then initial manufacturing flaws should be accounted for to establish the threshold, as indicated by the spar cap example shown here. There may be other examples falling into this category but probably not many on large transport aircraft. THE EFFECTS OF MULTIPLE-SITE D A M A G E ON R E S I D U A L STRENGTH Structural safety, maintained through a damage tolerance philosophy, depends upon an inspection programme. The frequency of inspection is based on a crack growth life evaluation starting with a detectable crack size and terminating at the critical damage size under limit load conditions. The critical damage size can be influenced by the condition of the surrounding structure. If the structure is young the presence of multiple-site damage (MSD) may be unlikely to the extent that the lead crack residual strength would be affected. However, if the structure is operating beyond the life substantiated by fatigue testing, there is a strong possibility that MSD may affect the lead crack residual strength, as illustrated by Figure 16. This condition is particularly important in the event of discrete source damage, as in the case of engine burst. For example, Figure 3 illustrates residual strength capability in the event of damage from an engine disc fragment. The structural configuration described in the figure has the capability to arrest a fast fracture in two bays with a broken frame. However, if the material surrounding the potential arrest point contains Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 85 Damage tolerance capabifity: T. Swift T T T t .r,_ T ,O- Figure 16 Primary concern with MSD: effect on load crack residual strength fastener holes with undetected MSD present the fast fracture may not be arrested. For this reason it has become the opinion of this author that sufficient fatigue testing followed by teardown inspection should be required to make sure that MSD will not influence lead crack residual strength within the design service life goal. It is not considered feasible from either a technical or economic standpoint to live with the potential for MSD within the framework of a damage tolerance philosophy. The aircraft should be designed crack-free for the service life goal. Damage tolerance is intended to take care of inadvertent damage due to accident, corrosion or early fatigue cracking, which may occur locally within the design life owing to poor quality such as a manufacturing flaw. It is believed that even extremely small undetectable MSD can substantially reduce lead crack residual strength. An example analysis, based on an intuitive failure criterion, can illustrate the effect of MSD on lead crack residual strength. Figure 17 shows a typical example of original design capability for a circumferential skin crack on the crown of the fuselage. Capability usually exists for a two-bay crack with a broken central stiffener at a limit stress of 34 ksi (234 MPa) due to fuselage down-bending and pressure. It is possible to develop a residual strength diagram for this stiffened structure case through a finite element analysis, as illustrated by Figure 18. This analysis is completed in two parts. First, an unstiffened panel is idealized as shown, by dividing the sheet into bars and shear panels. Bars carry axial load and panels carry shear load. Loads applied at the top of the panel are reacted at the bottom. These reactions are disconnected sequentially to simulate the propagating crack. The stress in the last bar still reacted gives the crack tip stress. The idealization is then modified to include the stiffening elements idealized as described in Figure 18. The idealized bars simulating the stiffeners have areas equivalent to the stiffener area and are placed to provide the same bending moment of inertia. Rivet flexibility is simulated by a continuous shear panel of thickness tse, chosen to provide the same stiffness as the rivets. Ratios are taken between stiffened panel and unstiffened panel crack tip stresses to give the geometric term 13 in the calculation of K = o'['rra]l/213. The results of this typical analysis are given in Ref. 2 p.179 Case 15. These results are repeated in Table 4 and plotted on Figure 19. The panel allowable, given by the intersection of the stiffener strength curve and the skin fracture curve is 34.5 ksi (238 MPa). Thus the configuration has the ability to arrest a fast fracture at a limit stress of 34 ksi (234 MPa). Consider now the effect of MSD on the lead crack residual strength for this typical case. It has been determined that for equal MSD crack sizes, as shown in Figure 20, the failure criterion is net section yielding between crack tips. This appears to occur at the flow stress or at a net stress approximately equal to (Ftu + Fry)/2. It appears conceivable, then, that this failure criterion could be applied to the ligament between the lead crack tip and the first MSD crack as illustrated by Figure 20: that is, when the stress in this ligament reaches (Ft, + Fry)/2. Figure 21 illustrates an intuitive link-up criterion based on the gross stress level that will cause the lead crack plastic zone to touch the MSD crack plastic zone, ie: Plastic zone sizes can be expressed as (K1/Cry ): R1 2~r Kx = 13h13no'0ral )1/2 Therefore Original design capability Two-bay circumferential skin crack with broken central stiffener (~h)2(1311)2o'2"tral + (13s)2(1312)2tr2'~a2 d 20.y2 = P - ~ - al Therefore where: O"R W Limit stress 31t ksl {23~1MPa} due to fuselage down-bending and pressure lqwBre 17 Residual strength capability of fuselage crown skin 86 (/(2 hry )2 R2 = 2~r K2 = 13s13i:cr0ra2)l/: Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 Cry 13h ,[ 7+ 1 (4) gross stress that causes the plastic zones to touch; = flow stress approximately (Ft. + Fty)/2; = Bowie factor xl for cracks at a hole but normalized to crack length measured from ---- Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift APPLIED LON)8 / QUARTER OF CRACI~D PANEL BARS CARRY AXIAl.LOAD REACTIONS y , ~ X t m, RIVET FLEXIBILITY IDEALIZATION Figure 18 Finite element analysis of stiffened cracked panel Table 4 Results of typical finite element analysis for circumferential crack (SI conversions in parentheses) 138 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) a Rot I~ trr O'o,, ~ 1.5 (38.1) 0.778 1.285 51.98 (358.4) 1.074 (7.41)76.35 (526.4) 2.5 (63.5) 0.820 1.220 42.41 (292.4)1.114 (7.68)73.61 (507.5) 3.5 (88.9) 0.852 1.174 37.25 (256.8)1.176 (8.11)69.73 (480.1) 4.5 (114.3) O.883 1.133 34.04 (234.7) 1.269 (8.75)64.62 (445.5) 5.5 (139.7) 0.918 1.089 32.03 (220.8) 1.414 (9.75)57.99 (399.8) 6.5 (165.1) 0.970 1.031 31.12 (214.6) 1.660 (11.44) 49.40 (341.2) 7.5 (190.5) 1.107 0.903 33.08 (228.1)2.153 (14.84) 38.09 (262.6) 8.5 (215.9) 1.353 0.739 37.97 (261.8) 3.212 (22.15) 25.53 (176.0) 9.5 (241.3) 1.428 0.700 37.92 (261.4)3.875 (26.33)21.16 (145.9) (3) = 1/(2) Kc 159 (145 ksi in*) (159 MPa/mi) (4) = 145/[(7ra)i] (6) = 82/(5) [565/(5)] F,o = 565(82 ksi) (565 MPa) = 13 for the stiffened panel for lead crack length a 2 , (Table 4); 1312 = [3 for crack 2 tip due to interaction of crack 1, ie this is determined from Ref. 12 Figure 76 based on an equivalent lead crack 2 length ae2 = 13s2a2 and equivalent small crack 1 length ael = 13h2al • Consider that MSD cracks in hole 1 of Figure 21 are 0.05 in (1.27 mm) at each side of the hole. The hole diameter d is 0.19 in (4.83 mm), so that at = 0.145 in (3.68 mm). The rivet spacing P = 1.0 in (25.4 mm). The stress intensity factor for two cracks at a hole under uniaxial loading is given as K = (xtL) 1/2 F(L/r) in Ref. 11. At a value of l/r = 0.05/0.095 (1.27/2.41), F(L/r) = 1.8 [by plotting L/r versus F(L/ r)]. The value of 13h can then be obtained as follows: 13h 3. hole 1 centre, ie al; = 13 for crack 1 tip due to interaction with lead crack 2, ie this is determined from Ref. 12 Figure 75 based on an equivalent lead crack 2 length a=2 = 1382a2, ie equivalent crack length to make K the same as in the stiffened panel and equivalent small crack 1 length ael -- 13h2al; = (1.82(0-05)/1/2 \. ~ ] =1.057 The residual strength calculation based on Equation (3) is given in Table 5. The value try assumed is 50 ksi (345 MPa) for 2024-T3 material. Assuming the lead crack tip is continuously influenced by an MSD crack the residual strength would be reduced below the limit stress as shown by the lower curve in Figure 22 based on the calcualtion shown in Table 5. Figure 22 shows the reduction in residual strength due to MSD ahead Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 117 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift Stiffener strength criteria based on Ftu 82 ksi (565 MPa) 7 0 7 5 - T 6 / (ram) 5O J 50 e" 150 200 ,t,,. 250 300 '1 Panel ~ allowable,\ ~ I 300 " ~ %,~ ~ Allowable based on Limit s t r e s s ~ . ~ N critical K ' ."2- 100 ' ' \.~,>" ' Two-bay crack with broken central stiffener 30 "Fast f r a c t ~ ~ Skin fracture criterion X \ 20 "based on K 145 ksi in ½ \ c Arrest (159 MPa m=) (2024-T3) 10 100 e¢ I I I I I 2 4 6 8 10 12 Half crack length (in) ~ m r e 19 Residual strength curve for circumferential skin crack with broken central stiffener UNS'nFFENED PANEL ttt t t CRITERION FOR F N L U R E - WHEN LIGhMENT B E I W E B ~ G R N ~ TIP8 ,u - ~ Figure 20 r~mu. -O- -(3- -(3- o,mi.~n rPauurm ~,n,, r.r=uN Stiffened panel skin fracture criterion for lead crack in presence of MSD tt tt._ttt LE~ a ~ ell Table 5 Residual strength calculation, two-bay circumferential crack with broken central stiffener, effect of M S D on lead crack strength, based on Equation (3) a2 fl, ae2 a=l/b ae2/b /in [~12 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 1.285 1.220 1.174 1,133 1.089 1.031 0.903 0,739 0.700 2.477 3.721 4,824 5.777 6.523 6.909 6.116 4.642 4.655 0.179 0.179 0.179 0.179 0.179 0.179 0.179 0.179 0.179 2.737 4.112 5.330 6.383 7.208 7.634 6.758 5.129 5.144 1.50 1.75 1.92 2.05 2.16 2.20 2.10 1.92 1.92 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 r, i~m,=~ON F0R I . l ~ - UP tlq~l I=ld~ 2INto ~ M!~ a~atA0~ ~ RI ÷ It= - lP-cl/S-all * 0.162/0.905 ** a e 2 / 0 . 9 0 5 , err = { 2~ry2(p'd/2"al)/(~he~n2al Figure 21 88 err Intuitive link-up criterion Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 N u m b e r 1 erR = (3800/(0'162~112 + ae2 = ~s2a2 + ~,2~1~2a2)}' 13~2~122a2)} ' 36.57 30.02 26.48 24.26 22.85 22.22 23.59 26.93 26.90 (252A) (207,0) (182.6) (167.3) (157.5) (153.2) (162,6) (185,7) (185,5) Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift 50 S0 100 I I (mm) 150 250 300 I I I~ Stiffener strength I Panel allowable criterion --I 300 unaffected by ~ B | qO \~SD Limit~ ~ X stress t- 200 I ~ ~ j, 3..s ksi = ~ " (238 ~Pa) / \ 30 20 ,Lead crack residual ~ strength affected by 0.05 in Reduction in panel allowable due to MSD (I .3 mm) 100 10 MSD crack assumed size I i i I I 2 q 6 8 10 12 Half crack length (in) ~ 22 Lead crack residual strength affected by MSD of the lead crack tip. Without MSD the allowable for a two-bay crack with a broken central stiffener is 34.5 ksi (238 MPa) for the example configuration based on the intersection of the stiffener strength curve and the skin fracture curve. This point is identified as point A on Figure 22. Point B is the peak of the skin facture criterion curve. It can be seen from the lower curve that fast fracture of the lead crack would not be arrested at a stress higher than 27.5 ksi (190 MPa) when MSD cracks as small as 0.05 in (1.27 mm) exist ahead of the lead crack tip. The intuitive link-up criterion used in this evaluation needs to be verified by carefully controlled unstiffened panel tests. It appears from this evaluation, however, that small undetectable MSD can have a substantial effect on lead crack residual strength. CRACK STOPPERS Many of the commercial transport aircraft in scheduled airline service are fitted with separate crack-stopper straps in the fuselage to guard against explosive decompression in the event of longitudinal fast fracture. Such fast fracture may result from undetected propagating fatigue cracks or discrete source damage created by debris from a disintegrating engine. Well-known aircraft fitted with crack stopper straps include the Boeing 727, 737, 747, 757 and 767. In these aircraft the crack-stopper straps are aluminium connected directly to the skin in a circumferential direction either by bonding or by riveting. Other aircraft, such as the Douglas DC-8, DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011, are fitted with titanium crack stoppers connected directly to the skin. In the aftermath of the British Comet disasters in 1954, fuselage designers after considerable research and development, thought that these crack stoppers were necessary to ensure fuselage structural integrity. They were correct in these assessments. Currently, in today's economic environment, there appears to be a general trend to abandon the use of crack-stopper straps connected directly to the skin, to lower assembly costs. Dependence is being placed solely on the skin-to-frame shear clips to arrest fast fracture. In the opinion of this author this trend will lower the level of safety that has existed in the commercial fleet since the Comet accidents unless other compensating measures are taken. On 6 February 1970 a US Air Force C-133 transport aircraft, cruising fully pressurized over Nebraska, was lost owing to explosive decompression failure of the fuselage. The fuselage design did not include crackstopper straps connected directly to the skin. The frames were connected to the skin by shear clips only. A fatigue crack had developed in the 7075-T6 fuselage skin at the end attachment of the shear clip to the skin in the area of the shear clip cutout, which allowed axial stiffeners to cross the frame. This location is identical to the Comet skin crack initiation point in the vicinity of the automatic-direction-finding windows on the crown of the fuselage. The C-133 crack started at a skin countersink dimple and propagated undetected into two adjacent bays to a total length of 11.0 in (280 mm), when fast fracture occurred. The crack progressed rapidly towards the shear clip cutout in the adjacent frames and was not arrested. Figure 23 illustrates the frame and shear clip configuration in the area of the failure. During development of the C-133 aircraft, many residual strength tests had been conducted on pressurized barrels to assess the crack arrest capability of the shear clipped frames. In every case, where fast fracture of the longitudinal skin cracks occurred, the crack was arrested in a shear clip rivet hole, as indicated by Figure 24, thus eliminating the stress intensity factor at the crack tip. The cracks were never propagated just out of the rivet hole, nor were further loads applied to determine whether arrest would have occurred if the crack had missed the rivet hole. This is what happened on the C-133 lost over Nebraska. The rapidly moving crack missed the rivet hole. All of the residual strength testing performed on this aircraft had created a false sense of security. This author perceives this false sence of security being perpetuated today in the interests of economy. It is realized and understood that currently used skin materials have much higher fracture toughness characteristics than the 7075-T6 material used on the C-133 aircraft. Evaluation of residual strength characteristics Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 U Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift SKIN CRACK PASSED OVER CUTOUT IN SHEAR CLIP MISSING RIVET HOLES AND WAS NOT ARRESTED 8HEAR (280 MM) AT FAST FRACTURE SI~N CIaA.~..,KS'I'ARTEO AT END RIVET NEAR , SHEAR CLIP CUTOUT Figure 23 C-133aircraft fuselage skin crack fast fracture not arrested at shear-clippedframe CRACK8 ARRESTED IN RIVET I'KXJE8 WERE NOT PROPAQATED BEYOND RIVET HOLE TO DETEltUNE F THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN ARRES11ED IF THE HOLE WAS MISSED ( Figure 24 C-133residual strength tests indicated that fast fracture was alwaysarrested at a rivet hole using finite element methods indicates apparent ample safety margins when considering these materials. However, there are a number of possible secondary effects in pressurized fuselage structure that can reduce these residual strength margins significantly. Some of these effects will be discussed. The residual strength for longitudinal cracking in a fuselage skin is given by Equation (1). The term ~s provides the geometrical correction to the stress intensity factor due to stiffening elements and is 90 Fatigue 1994 V o l u m e 16 N u m b e r 1 obtained by finite element analysis similar to that shown in Figure 18. The term ~s in Equation (1) represents the effect of skin bulging due to pressure and radius. For a two-bay longitudinal crack with the centre frame and crack stopper broken, ~a was previously expressed as Equation (2). This equation is written such that crack-tip bulging is completely eliminated at the adjacent frame locations and this fact has been verified by curved panel testing for configurations where the frame crack-arresting material Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift includes a titanium crack stopper strap, as shown to the right of Figure 25. In this case the crack stopper shear clip combination riveted together provides sufficient stiffness to reduce the crack-tip bulging effect to zero. However, if the crack stopper strap is eliminated, as shown to the left in Figure 25, it is not apparent that the shear clip flange alone will completely reduce the bulging to zero. Any residual bulging remaining at the frame location, as shown in the figure, is probably a function of the stiffness of the frame flange and possibly the frame area. The author is not aware of any testing of curved panels or barrels substantiating the suggestion that bulging is completely eliminated at a shear-clipped frame without crack stoppers. It has been possible in the past to determine the beneficial effects of crack stoppers compared with shear clips alone by finite element analysis. Figure 26 shows this comparison for residual strength versus half crack length. The term [3s was obtained from Case 5 of Ref. 2 for the configuration with crack stoppers. The frame area was assumed to be 0.5042 in 2 (325.3 mm 2) and the titanium crack-stopper equivalent aluminium area was 0.1035 in 2 (66.8 ram2). The shear clip was 0.071 in (1.80 mm) thick. The bulge factor 13a was assumed to be given by Equation (2). The 2024-T3 skin material fracture toughness was assumed to be 158 ksi in t (174 MPa mt). The residual strength calculation from a skin fracture viewpoint is performed in Table 6 and given by the upper curve in Figure 26. As can be seen by the line representing principal stress based on 1.5 g plus 82%, PR/t there appears to be ample margin to arrest a fast fracture. The curve in Figure 26 below this curve represents the residual strength for the same configuration with the crack stopper removed. The calculation for this case is shown in Table 7. The curve for this case was developed from Case 1 of Ref. 2, modified to include a broken frame. The curve is also based on the assumption that the bulging effect reduces to zero at the frame. The benefit of the crack stopper is evident by comparison of the two cases. However, without the crack-stopper strap the frame itself acts to reduce the crack tip stress intensity factor but the load is transferred out of the skin into the frame through a very flexible shear clip. Thus the shear-clipped frame is not as effective in reducing the crack tip stress intensity factor as the crack stopper connected directly to the skin. There still appears to be ample margin not accounting for any other secondary effects. If in fact all the bulging is not reduced to zero by the shear clip, as illustrated by the configuration to the left of Figure 25, owing to shear clip flexibility, then the peak of the second curve may drop as shown by the dotted line in Figure 26. Another secondary effect found to influence the crack-arrest capability is frame bending, illustrated by Figure 27. Even in a circular fuselage there are areas in the frame subjected to considerable bending. This bending is created by floor beam restraint for the pressure condition plus bending due to transfer of floor beam loads caused by inertia forces. These bending moments, when in a direction shown by the arrows in Figure 27, create additional tension stresses in the skin locally near the frame as shown in the figure. This effect reduced the residual strength curve peak, illustrated in Figure 26, thus reducing the apparent margin considerably. A very difficult area to substantiate for this condition is on the lower side of the fuselage shell at the base of a floor beam support. Load transfer from the floor beam down the support into the frame creates high frame bending moments with tension on the skin side of the frame bending material. In the author's experience it would be extremely difficult to show a positive margin in this area in the event of fast fracture in the skin without the beneficial effects of a crack-stopper strap. The peak of the second curve, illustrated in Figure 26, would be lowered even further, aggravating the residual bulging effect illustrated by the dotted line. The message here is that the margins indicated by a residual strength curve of the type shown in Figure 26 may be substantially reduced owing to secondary effects such as skin bulging and frame bending. Another benefit provided by the additional residual BULGINGRE~lqlAINED BY COMBINATIONOF TIT/~IIUM( ~ / g ~ ' O I = P E R ~ / CR/g~STOPPER/~ID FR~EWrrH SH~R OLIP ONlY Pi~.re 25 Possible crack tip bulging due to flexibility of shear clip on configuration without stopper Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 91 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift Two-bay skin crack with broken frame and crack stopper ~ q0 100 200 i i q ¢ . _ ~ (mm) 300 J q00 500 600 I I ! ~ '250 30i t~ '~ = 200 Frames with crack stoppers ,rincipal~ / 1.5 g plus~ , 82tPR/t ~ 10l ..... ~°'-< I I- I I I ~ 8 12 16 20\ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) a ~ ~, Oj~llrap ~ (114.3) (190.5) (266.7) (323.9) (393.7) (444.5) (469.9) (495.3) (520.7) (546.1) 1.2870 1.2136 1.1534 1.1161 1.0482 0.9681 0.8993 0.7133 0.5155 0.5200 1.3560 1.5260 1.6020 1.5800 1.4530 1.2880 1.1840 1.0646 1.0646 1.1840 6.5617 8.9895 10.6124 11.1607 10.6280 9.2455 8.1174 5.9436 4.4042 5.0600 (33.070) (45.306) (53.485) (56.248) (53.563) (46.596) (40.909) (29.955) (22.196) (25.502) 24.08 17.58 14.89 14.16 14.87 17.09 19.46 26.58 35.87 31.23 (166.0) (121.2) (102.7) (97.6) (102.5) (117.8) (134.2) (183.3) (247.3) (215.3) Material 0.071 in (1.80 mm), Kc assumed 158 ksi ini (174 MPa mt) trR = 158 (174)(4) strength margin created by the crack stopper is the ability to resist some MSD cracking ahead of the lead crack tip. Figure 22 illustrates how the lead crack residual strength from a skin fracture standpoint is reduced from point B to point C in the presence of a 0.05 in (1.27 mm) MSD crack ahead of the lead crack. This situation also occurs for the longitudinal crack examples. Consider the link-up criterion illustrated by Figure 21. For a circumferential crack, the residual strength was give by Equation (3). Link-up was assumed when the lead crack plastic zone touched the MSD crack plastic zone. Equation (3) can be used for longitudinal cracks by including the additional effect due to bulging. The residual strength equation then becomes 92 Shear clip _ ~ . 2q Possible reduction due to crack tip bulging induced by flexible shear clip Residual strength comparison: frames with and without crack stoppers Table 6 Residual strength calculation, two-bay longitudinal crack frames with crack stoppers, centre frame and crack stopper failed (SI conversions in parentheses) 4.50 7.50 10.50 12.75 15.50 17.50 18.50 19.50 20.50 21.50 Frame 50 q Half crack length (in) Figure 2 6 10Q~'~~ Frames without crack stoppers \ !02q-T3 skin K~ 158 ksi in ½(17q MPa mj} Titanium crack stopper I/ ~ Crack tip bulging assumedzero at frames t'~'~, =o i',tress \ ' % I'~ Frame I ' [ " ] Shear ]" c l l p Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 7 Residual strength calculation two-bay longitudinal crack, frames without crack stoppers, centre failed (SI conversions in parentheses) Table (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) a O, /38 /3J~[~l* ~R 1.4741 1.3779 1.3160 1.2707 1.1962 0.1139 0.0541 0.9589 0.8565 0.8005 1.3560 1.5260 1.6020 1.5800 1.4530 1.2880 1.1840 1.0646 1.0646 1.1840 7.5157 (37.878) 10.2065 (51.439) 12.1084 (61.519) 12.7066 (64.039) 12.1268 (61.117) 10.6379 (53.613) 9.5147 (47.953) 7.9901 (40.269) 7.3212 (36.898) 7.7895 (39.258) 21.02 (144.9) 15.48 (106.7) 13.05 (90.0) 13.09 (90.3) 13.03 (89.8) 14.85 (102.4) 16.61 (114.5) 19.77 (136.3) 21.58 (148.8) 20.28 (139.8) 4.50 7.50 10.50 12.75 15.50 17.50 18.50 19.50 20.50 21.50 (114.3) (190.5) (266.7) (323.9) (393.7) (444.5) (469.9) (495.3) (520.7) (546.1) Material 0.07 in (1.80 mm) 2024-T3, Kc assumed 158 ksi int (174 MPa mi) ~rR = 158 (174)/(4) DUETO Figure 27 Additional skin stress due to frame bending Damage tolerance capability: E Swift Table 8 Effect of MSD on residual strength, two-bay longitudinal crack, frames with crack stoppers, centre frame and crack stopper failed (SI conversions in parentheses) az 19.5 (495) 20.5 (521) 21.5 (546) ~85 1~ a~2 a¢21b [311 f312 ca 0.7133 0.5155 0.5200 1.0646 1.0646 1.1840 11.24 (285.5) 6.17 (156.7) 8.15 (207.0) 9.73 5.34 7.06 2.44 2.01 2.12 1.0 1.0 1.0 20.34 (140.2) 27.19 (187.5) 23.85 (164.4) a I = • h 2 a l = 1.0572 x 0.145 (1.0572 x 3.68) = 0.162 (4.11) = constant b = 1.25 - 0.095 (31.75 - 2.41) = 1.155 (29.34), a=t/b = 0.162/1.155 = 0.1403 OR = { 2Cy2( p-d/2-a:)/[f32[3n2al + ([3,[3B)2fl~22a2]}' ae2 = ( [ ~ s [ ~ B ) 2 a 2 , CR = (5050/[0.162[3,, + + (~s~a)2~,22a2]} * (OR = {240070/[4.1113,12 + (~sPa)2p,22a2]} t) I o"R = 2 d performed to substantiate such a configuration should include: ]1/2 20"y ( P - ~ - a l ) ~h 2 ~i12al + ( ~ S ~ B ) 2 ~ I 2 2 3 2 (5) where fib is given by Equation (2). All the other terms remain the same as for the circumferential crack case and are defined after Equation (3). For the longitudinal crack the rivet spacing P is assumed to be 1.25 in (31.7 ram) as shown by Figure 28. The MSD crack is assumed to be 0.05 in (1.27 mm) and the rivet diameter d is 0.19 in (4.83 ram). Therefore 31 = 0.095 + 0.05 = 0.145 in (2.41 + 1.27 = 3.68 ram). For purposes of crack interaction the lead crack length is simulated by an effective crack half length ae2 = (flsfla)2a2, where fls is the geometrical effect of stiffening, ~B is the bulge factor and a2 is the actual lead crack length. The effective length of the MSD-cracked hole is given as ael = ~h2al, which is the same as for circumferential cracking. The residual strength calculation based on Equation (4) for the configuration with crack stoppers is shown in Table 8. The calculation for the configuration with shear clips only is shown in Table 9. Crack interaction is again determined from Ref. 12, Figures 75 and 76. The effect of the 0.05 in (1.27 mm) MSD crack on the lead crack residual strength curve in the vicinity of the crack arresting frames is shown in Figure 28. It can be seen that ample margin is still available for the example with crack stoppers but the margin has been completely eliminated for the configuration without crack stoppers. This leaves no margin for the frame bending effect or the potential bulging effect due to shear clip flexibility. It is this author's opinion that a configuration without crack-stopper straps may not provide adequate discrete source damage capability if a realistic damage scenario such as described by Figure 3 is encountered along with secondary effects described herein. Any curved panel or barrel testing 1. effects on cabin pressure plus aerodynamic suction; 2. skin shear due to fuselage down-bending (Figure 5); and 3. frame bending due to payload transfer from floor beam to frame. It is believed that great care should be exercised in making sure that all realistic effects experienced by the actual aircraft are properly simulated. If fast fracture of such testing is arrested in a rivet hole the crack should be propagated out of the rivet hole and loads reapplied to simulate a crack missing the rivet hole. CONCLUSIONS It has been shown by example that the implications of not designing for a two-bay crack with a broken central stiffener for basic airframe structure would be to impose a significant inspection burden on the operator. It is hoped that the manufacturers would seriously consider the implications of lowering the level of safety created by the dependence on the resulting sophisticated in-service inspections. It has been demonstrated by example that certain elements in typical airframe structures do not have large visually detectable crack-arrest capability. For this type of element an initial manufacturing flaw could grow critical prior to the threshold for detailed inspection if this threshold were developed by fatigue analysis alone. The threshold for detailed inspection of such elements should be based on the growth of initial likely manufacturing damage. The substantial loss in the lead crack residual strength in the presence of undetectable MSD is demonstrated by analysis for stiffened fuselage structure. An intuitive failure criterion is adopted based Table 9 Effect of MSD on residual strength, two-bay longitudinal crack, frames with crack stoppers, centre frame failed (SI conversions in parentheses) a2 19.5 (495) 20.5 (521) 21.5 (546) //s ~ a=2 a~2/b [311 f312 ~n 0.9589 0.8565 0.8005 1.0646 1.0646 1.1840 20.32 (516.1) 17.04 (432.8) 19.31 (490.5) 17.59 14.75 16.72 3.31 3.01 3.22 1.0 1.0 1.0 15.12 (104.2) 16.52 (113.9) 15.50 (106.9) See Table 8 for a=2, a=1, b, a=l/b and trR Fatigue 1994 Volume 16 Number 1 93 Damage tolerance capability: T. Swift Two-bay skin crack a n d c r a c k stopper crack ~(31.8m7}~. 0.05 in (I .27 rnm)-)H I ~ I i (ram) i 40 100 I 200 I 300 I qO0 I 500 I 600 t 250 30 Frames with crack stoppers C~ r- 20 Principal stress :.~.. #O t.s 9 p , u s . t pR,, r~ 10 - Frames without crack stoppers -- 100 A 50 Reduction in residual strength due to MSD ahead of lead crack I I I I I q 8 12 16 20 2q Half crack length (in) Figure 28 Effect of MSD on lead crack residual strength: comparison of frames with and without stoppers on known fracture phenomena, which should be substantiated by carefully controlled specimen testing. The examples illustrate the importance of making sure that MSD does not occur within the design lifetime by controlled stress levels substantiated by full-scale fatigue testing followed by teardown inspection. The importance of circumferential crack stoppers in the fuselage to guard against explosive decompression has been emphasized. It is shown that shear-clipped frames alone may not be able to cope with a number of secondary effects in arresting discrete source damage. 3 4 5 6 7 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Published with permission from the Editors of 'Fatigue of Aircraft Materials', DUP, The Netherlands, 1992. 10 REFERENCES 1 2 94 Swift, T. and Wang, D.Y. Damage tolerant design-analysis methods and test verification of fuselage structure, presented to Air Force Conference on Fatigue of Aircraft Structures and Materials, Miami, Florida, 15-18 December 1969. Swift, T. Development of the fail-safe design features of the DC-10, in 'Damage Tolerance in Aircraft Structures', ASTM STP 486, American Society for Testing and Materials, 197. Fatigue 1994 Volume 9 16 Number 1 11 12 Federal Aviation Regulations Part 25 - Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Airplanes, Paragraph 25.571 Damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation of structure. Amendment 45 (December 1978) Critchlow, W.J. 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