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오픽 IM 강의 정리: 묘사, 습관, 경험, 비교

01 Description
-묘사하는 것의 fact+감정
Alright, I’ll tell you what. I really love my room.
Because, it’s just so big.
-왜?(큰 방이 좋은 이유)
I could invite anyone over and there’s absolutely no problems, right?
-왜?2(작은방이 싫은 이유)
I mean, like, honestly, I don’t really like small rooms, because…
Well, like I just told you,
I cannot invite anyone over.
You know, I always worry about, you know, are they gonna fell comfortable, blahblahbl
But you know, like, because my room is so big,
You know, I feel confident and I feel happy inviting people over. Because,
You know, I know that everyone will have a good time,
In a very spacious environment
I like, I love, I really like >>>>> favorite
What I really love about ~ is / I hate
All that 그렇게
But, you know,
But I gotta say
You see 잘 들어봐
Really, I guess, you can say
(그러나 한 두개 정도만 사용)
-society에 관한 주제
ppl>you 느끼는 점 말하기
stand out 눈에 띄는
here in Korea
tend to~
I find it quite
For me,
As-as possible
02 Habit
-MP (general) 감정없이
Honestly, you know, to tell you the truth,
Whenever I go to the bank,
I always make sure to bring my wallet.
With all my credential.
-강조에 대한 부연 설명
-quick comparison(답변 짧을 때 사용)
*Habit category example
①뭐하는지 설명
②나한테는 너무 중요하다
⑤⑥빠른 비교(과거>현재)
①No matter what,
Whenever I need to go somewhere,
I always take the “subway or bus”.
②This is crucial.(=impt)
It’s quite rare for me to take other options.
③I love “how” I can read sth
while taking the public transit.
④It’s the only time I can actually read!
⑤It’s interesting cos I’ve never liked reading before.
⑥I still don’t, but I love how it helps me to kill time especially while I’m commuting.
①Every time I need to recycle,
I always check to see that
All the cans and plastic bottles are crushed to save space.
②This is very important.
It’s really rare for me to forget to check.
③I’m quite lazy
So I hate having to recycle if I don’t have to.
④I take out the recycling
only when my bins are
full to the max.
⑤It’s interesting cos I had to recycle nearly every day before.
①I’ll tell you what,
(=No matter what)
(=Every time I…)
I always make a hair appointment
Pretty much every month.
②I find this very important.
(=This is crucial.)
(=This is very important.)
It’s very rare for me
To skip a hair-cut.
③Of course,
I make other appointment
As well in my life,
But this one is
The most important to me.
④My hair
Has a mind of its own,
So I need it to be well maintained!
⑤It’s interesting cos I never cared about my hair before.
⑥But these days, I feel (that) my hair gives me confidence.
1. MP
Well here’s the thing.
No matter what, whenever I
I always make sure to
Every time
I always check to see that/if I have ~ with me.
2. 강조+부연설명
This is crucial because
3. quick comparison
But you see, + past
03 Past experience
-MP(이야기의 주제)
-3combo set
1. description + past experience
2. habit + past experience
3. comparison + past experience
-direct quotation + indirect quotation
You know,
I went to this park for the first time.
And I was like(> she was like / he was like),
The flowers are just so beautiful here!”
04 Comparison
①Time based
-MP: pure present(간단히)
I really love listening K-POP these days. Because it’s just so upbeat.
/ What I really find interesting
About homes these days is
That their lighting technology
Is just so phenomenal.
/(과거-현재 비교 MP)
You know,
I find that homes are
Just so different
Compared to the past these days
Because of their lighting system,
It’s just so phenomenal.
-다시 현재(근데 지금은 좋다, 왠지 모르지만~)
②Non-time based
-MP: general
Nowadays, I really love listening to 김건모 and MC Mong.
You know it’s funny
I love them for different reasons
Let me tell you why
-A설명> B설명> 결론
My home isn’t that exceptional.
It’s just like any other home.
But having said that,
My kitchen is quite extraordinary.
It’s gone through a lot of renovations
And so, it’s quite out of this world.
It was great.
It was remarkable.
It was off the charts.
It was out of this world.
=설명하는 것
▶어떻게 느끼는지
▶왜 그렇게 느끼는지
1. Wow. It’s quite a tough question.
2. Wow. That’s tough.
3. Wow. I didn’t expect such a hard question.
4. Wow. What a question.
#2 쉬운 단어 사용
#5 한가지에만 대답
A B C D(1%) E(99%)
#6 긴장되면 결론으로
#7 솔직 변명 나중에> 결론 먼저MP
I can do whatever I feel like
It makes me feel
I think / that’s why / I felt like
Parents > family
I have no choice but,
I am totally stuck
Extroverted ↔ introverted
Don’t get me wrong
Move out = out of
I just don’t know why.
I cannot explain it.
What I really love about
What I really find interesting(=intriguing) about
It’s funny cos…
I’ll tell you what= You know what
What I love about= I love how
We were forced to 어쩔 수 없었다
All about
Just the other day
You know,
그 자리에서 생각하는 것처럼
똑같으면x, 적절히 믹스하여 사용
시작할 때 로봇아닌 사람처럼
생각하고 있다. 처음 들어보았다.
스피드는 천천히>빠르게
첫 30초가 중요
I follow a lot of industries
But you know what, let’s just focus on the food industry.
Let it rip / let one rip
Cut cheese
Thunder from down under
Silent but deadly
Numer1 / numer2
Take a dump
Deuce it
I’d like to know where you live
-What does your place look like?
-And how many rooms do you have?
-Describe your place in detail?
I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with my wife.
You know, among them, my favorite is my bedroom.
Oh, I can wind down and relax in my bedroom.
(포커싱 온 one point , bedroom, one simple feel, ih method, fillers/ wind down)
You know, I can do everything in my bedroom.(talk about one thing as you can)
I can listen to music and watch movies and so on.(growing details, continues example)
Oh, it’s perfect place in my house.
You know, um… whenever I need to(try to) concentrate on something my room is the best place in
my house.
You know, overall…(always conclude answer) I love~(filling word, more longer, exaggerating little bit)
my own bedroom so~ much
-재밌게 플러스되도록
-좋아하는 것, 취미, 대답하면서 인트로 연결
I already told you that I love ~ in my introduction.
-조그맣게 말하기 너무 길게 말하지 않기
-1분 넘지 않도록, 깔끔하게
Run into some trouble
Not tell about celeb talk about who don’t know
Overseas Trip
1. You indicated in the survey that you travel internationally.
-Could you describe for me one of the countries you’ve visited?
-What did it look like?
-And what were the people like there?
Past experience and description
Fillers, filling
I guess~
MP- cold
Snow crisp air
People were also cold
But not cold-hearted
Kind-held doors for us
Conclusion cold trip but kind people made it warm
Focus on MP
1.Recycling is a common practice.
-Tell me about all the different kinds of things that you recycle.
Direct quotation
Simile like/as
Past experience
Tell me what recycling was like when you were a child.
-Was there a particular place to which you took out the recyclables?
-Describe what it was like and what you did in detail.
(thinking)Recycling… ok, that’s pretty interesting.
When I was a child, I would have to say that recycling was quite organized. At leas in my home
(emotion focus-past ex 초점)
Now that I think more it, I remember specifically my mother giving me the low-down on how to
She was like, “Sam, make sure to separate everything.”(이름 쓰기, 혼자생각하기_I thought to myself,
I thought like…)-짧게, 그래머 중요 강조 클라이맥스느낌
And then… not before long, it became my full responsibility.
It was a little bit annoying at times, but I had no choice.
Anyway, I learned to separate the cans, paper, glass, and plastics and put them in their rightful bins.
((free style)
Direct quotation
Tell you more/elaborate
Most Naturally express yourself_normal conversation
I am not feeling well
I came down with something
I am not feeling like myself today
Recycling / Hotel / Weather question
You indicated in the survey that you listen to music.
-What kinds of music do you listen to?
-Who are some of your favorite musicians or composers?
When and where do you usually go to listen to music?
-Do you listen to the radio?
-Do you go to concerts?
-Tell me about the different ways you enjoy music.
<habit>-phone compare slightly
Link with no.1
Emergency mode---straight to the past
Comparison mp-pure present
Past present conclusion
#14 non timecomparison
Mp general(I love I like)
A B conclusion
Complete first 30seconds
Tell me about the weather at where you live.
-How are the seasons?
-What is the weather like in each season?
-Which season do you personally like?
How is the weather today at where you are?
-Is it cold or warm?
-Talk about today’s weather in detail.
4seasons-korea(do not need to spring~)
Description_today’s weather
Combo set질문 모두 연결지어 대답하기
Feelings/ 같은 말 다르게 표현
Severe weather conditions can do a lot of damage.
-Tell me about an experience you had related to severe weather conditions.
-Perhaps a city was flooded, or maybe businesses or schools closed due to heavy snow.
-What was the problem?
-How did you deal with that?
-Give me all details about that experience as you can.
MP what-goor or bad-why
Past experience
Al mp(20sec)
I am a people person
I am a sweat person
I am a type of person who~
3combo set 결국 하나의 퀘스쳔
When I was in my elementary school days.
<role-play set>
RP set – 2 scenarios
1. You are talking to a stranger
2. You are talking to someone you know(likely a friend or family member)
3 kinds of communication
a) In person
b) over the phone
c) answering machine
사람과 대화하듯이!
Roleplay #11
Hi(in person)
Hi there(phone)
I want to buy a new phone like, um, an iPhone X.
1st step:
-briefly explain your situation.
You know, but, um, I have, um, not much money so I want to ask, um, how much is the iPhone X?
2nd step:
-ask your first question
Oh that cheap?(reaction)
Only $1000?(repeat the response)
Oh, thank you.(feelings)
3rd step:
-repeat the response!
(앞에서 무슨 말 한지 모르기 때문에)
4th step:
-ask two more questions and repeat steps 1,2 and 3.
Finish_simpler and clearer
But, uh, I want to… I really want to buy a pink iPhone X.
So do you have, um a pink one?
-Does it come in pink?
Oh nice!(reaction)
You have a pink one.(response)
That’s great(feeling)
Oh, I almost forgot(마지막 question은 거의 끝나간다는 뉘앙스 풍기기)
Oh, Oh, I almost forgot
But, you know, uh, I like to listen to music so I really need, um, a new I Phone with speakers.
So does the iPhone X come with nice speakers?
Oh, wow(reaction)
It has the really good speakers!(response)
That’s awesome!(feeling)
-Thank you so much for your help.
-I really appreciate the help, Thank you.
(message clear/ context / try to talk)
Roleplay #12
I’m sorry but there is a problem I need you to resolve.
You have received the new phone but the features are not what you expected.
You would like to return it to get a new phone.
Call the store, explain the situation, and make arrangements to get a new product.
(problem에 대해 알려주고 있다_간단히)
Um, yesterday I bought an iPhone X.
I mean, an iPhone X in pink.
But um, I got it in blue.
You know, um, I don’t like blue so I’d like to return this.
Could you send me a pink one that I originally ordered?
-Would it be possible…?
-Would you be able to…?
OMG, you can’t?
-Well, why not?
-May I ask why?
Oh, it’s sold out?
That’s too bad(x)
-How unfortunate
-That sucks
Then could I just get a refund?
-Then could you just give me a refund?
(대화하고 있다는 상호작용 보여주기)
I could?
Alright, then I’d like refund please.
-explain the problem
-ask the 1st question to resolve the problem.
Response= NO
Why not?
Repeat the response.
-Ask the 2nd question to resolve the problem.
Response= Yes
Repeat the response.
I’m sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve.
-On the day of the performance, you are very sick.
-Call your friend and explain the situation and offer two different options to resolve this
I’m sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve.
-You got a phone call from a travel agent and you are informed that there is a problem with
the trip that you wanted to go on and it is not available now.
-Call your friend and explain the situation.
-And then give two to three alternatives.
How has the weather in your country changed over the years?
-What was the weather like when you were a child?
-How different is it now?
Weather in Korea…
(pure present)
You know, I watched the news this morning.
It said we have tons of fine dust in the air.(IH)
-We have a serious fine dust problem.(AL)
-We are starting to have a serious fine dust issue.(AL+)
This is just a disaster.(tragedy)
Can you imagine?
How can I live with this much fine dust?(IH)
-How am I supposed to live with this much fine dust?(AL)
You know, in the past, I think even 3 years ago, it wasn’t like that.
(fine dust에 포커싱+feeling)
Basically, we didn’t have to worry about air condition thing.
-We never really had to worry about air quality.(AL)
-We went outside pretty much worry-free.(AL+)
And we were able to do anything outside.(IM2)
-And we were able to freely go outside without having to wear a mask.(AL)
(+emphasizing feeling)
But these days, basically, we can’t do anything outside.
-…without having to worry about fine dust.(AL)
We just, you know… if you just stand outside for only a few minutes you can feel all the dust in
your mouth.
-…you can sort of feel the dust accumulating in your lungs.(AL+)
This is just awful.
And, I don’t know if this will get better or not but hopefully this will be handled very soon.
-And you know what? I’m really just getting sick and tired of wearing masks all the time. If this
keeps up, I’m gonna be forced to move out of this country.(AL+)
(humor, smile 섞으면 AL가능)
Severe weather conditions can do a lot of damage.
-Tell me about an experience you had related to severe weather conditions.
-Perhaps a city was flooded, or maybe businesses or schools closed due to heavy snow.
-What was the problem?
-How did you deal with that situation?
#1한가지에 대해서 말하기
#2constant speaking 빠르게 안해도 됌
Oh, weather condition(짧은 thinking)
Um alright
(honesty too long_in conclusion)
But um, since I never ever experienced any kind of serious weather-related problems like natural
disasters or something.
Um, I think I would just have to say about my experience in Australia.
I would just have to say라는 표현이 나오면
Ex) I would just have to say that Australia has crazy weather. 이런 형식으로 확실하게 결론짓기
Because, uh, you know what?(AL)(MP 먼저 말하기)
Uh, the weather condition of Melbourne, uh, was really crazy.
I mean, um, even though I was there in summer
-during the summer
, um, I was able to experience, uh, several seasons only in a day.
-in a single day(AL)
what am I trying to say +anyway is, um, you know, the weather in Melbourne is really broken and
-The weather in Melbourne was fluctuating constantly.(AL)
So, uh, while I was traveling there, I had to bring light jacket or a sweater just in case the weather
changed suddenly.
-And so, while I was traveling there, I hated how unpredictable the weather was.
-But luckily, I had my light jacket to save the day.
-have a clear MP within 20 seconds
-use direct quotations
I would like to know about where you live.
-Talk about the different rooms at your place.
-Tell me about your favorite room in your home.
-What does it look like?
Cafes and coffee houses today are often more than just places that serve coffee.
-They serve as mobile offices or even as meeting places.
-How has the role of cafes changed over the years?
여러가지를 물어봐도 한가지로 포커징하기
MP집중 just focus on the first 30seconds
Well, these day, you know, the coffee shops are not just for coffee.
(grab some coffee는 제안문에 많이 사용)
-Let’s go grab some coffee.
-I’m gonna go grab some coffee. Want some?
Cos, I think people’s use of coffee shops have diversified.
-Cos, I think the reason why people go to coffee shops have changed quite a bit.
Like, most people go to coffee shops to study for their test or meet their friends, or just enjoy the
coffee shop mood.
You know, like the mood for music, or smell of coffee…
And for me, I’m go to coffee shops to meet with my friends or sometimes go by myself to study
Yeah, I think that’s why people go to coffee shops these day. like me.
-I also do the same.
-They go for the same reasons I do.
Yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to say.
(yeah는 결론에 한 두 번 사용하기)
세가지 보다는 한가지로만 집중해서 말하기.
굳이 여러가지 말 안 해도 됌.
돌발질문 나왔을 때
1. SKIP(핑계x)
2. control the question
How does Internet usage vary among people of different age groups?
How do they use the Internet differently?
Please discuss this matter in more detail.
Topics를 잘 준비했다면, topic 활용해서 돌발질문 답변 연관
중에 MUSIC topic을 골랐다면
I think people of different age groups stream music differently using the Internet.
중에 coffee shops를 골랐다면
You know, I think people of different age groups use the Internet differently whenever they’re at a
coffee shop.
나를 잘 표현할 수 있는 것.
감정, 왜냐하면~ 등등 할 말을 만들기!
Past experience(direct 완전 연습 후 indirect 완성)
Direct quotation
I was like “HOLY COW! This coffee is the best ever!”
Indirect quotation
과거시제+과거시제(without quotation)
I thought to myself that this coffee is the best ever!
I have this fond memory of playing baseball with my little brother, you know?
And… I was just a little kid, right?
But it’s interesting because whenever we went out,
He always told me to tie my shoelaces.
(=He always reminded me to tie my shoelaces.)
Social transactions; interaction between people 상황에 대해 말하기(원하는 것 등)
다시 재확인(특히 돈에 관한 것)
질문과 잘 연결, 간단한 단어 사용, 메시지 깔끔
어떤 주어진 상황에 누군가와 대화를 해야 하는 것
어떤 일을 했는데 복잡한 일이 생겨서 그 일을 해결하는 것
롤플레이 12번과 비슷한 나의 경험 말하기
-start with a MP
-어떤 문제가 있었는지
-내가 어떻게 느꼈는지
-왜 그렇게 느꼈는지
-낮은레벨: direct quotation
-높은레벨: indirect quotation
-문제 해결 방법 보여주기
Have you ever bought a piece of technology which was not what you wanted or different from
what you had expected?
Was the feature not what you had in mind or was it simply a faulty product?
Tell me about a time when you bought some new technology.
hyperbole/ fillers
Dyson is, I think one of the most popular vacuum cleaners in the world.
I can EASILY clean my room.
(=I can clean my room quite effortlessly with my Dyson vacuum cleaner.
=I can clean my room with relative ease with my Dyson vacuum cleaner.)
Dyson vacuum cleaner was TOO heavy for me.
Samsung vacuum cleaner is much better.
Samsung vacuum cleaner is the best.
Tell me about your first trip to another country or city.
-When did you go?
-Where did you visit?
-What did you do there?
-Who did you go with?
-Tell me about that trip a lot of details.
(past experience)
Police officer is intimidating.
Wow my first experience overseas
I don’t really remember
One of my first
Embarrassed-창피하다, 쪽팔리다, 부끄럽다
Sometimes, something out of the ordinary happens while traveling.
-I wonder if you have ever experienced anything surprising, unexpected, or unusual during a trip.
-Tell me the story of that experience in detail.
-Start by telling when and where you were traveling, and then give me all the details of that
Tell me about a popular place tourists like to go to when traveling outside your country.
-Why do they like visiting those locations?
Think about another country that you visited when you were young.
-Describe what that country was like with lots of details.
Talk about things that you typically do when you visit another country or overseas city.
MP-general what, how do you feel, why
I am such a foodie
Why에 대해 자세하게 더 설명하기
What: I love my house.
Why: Cos, it’s huge.
So what: I never care about place when I bring my friends to home.
Why: It’s kind a private café or bar. We can be as loud as we want. We can even lay down.
Past experience- what did you do>how did you feel>why did you feel
99/1 strategy
Problems often arise related to transportation.
-Cars break down, trains run late, or there are traffic jams.
-Tell me about a transportation problem that you once faced.
-Tell me everything that happened and what you did to deal with the situation.
Because of my own laziness…
I was freaked out….
It was definitely my fault…
I ended up blaming the train
I wanted to point fingers at something else
Show what was the solution
You’ve indicated that you like to go to the beach.
-Tell me about a beach that you like to go to.
-What does this place look like?
Tell me about a particularly memorable or a beautiful beach that you have visited.
-What did this place look like?
-What were your impressions and observations?
-Tell me in detail about what this special place looked like.
Tell me about a particularly memorable trip to the beach.
-Who were you with?
-Which beach were you at?
-What did you do there?
-What made this trip to the beach more memorable?
질문을 어떻게 컨트롤하고-> 막힘없이 잘 대답하는지!
Weather / seasons / weather in each season / favorite seasons
Tell me everything 질문에는
General-> singular 한가지만 말하기
#질문컨트롤 단어1
I think
#질문컨트롤 단어2, 3
As you may already know
I guess
#질문컨트롤 단어4
Of course.
#질문컨트롤 단어5
#질문컨트롤 단어6
Just because…
It’s simply because…
#질문컨트롤 단어7
To be honest
To tell you the truth
#질문컨트롤 단어8
I don’t really know
I don’t know why
#질문컨트롤 단어9
Why transition strategy
I had some coffee. Vs I craved coffee all of a sudden so I decided to hop on over to Starbucks.
(긴장되고 할 말 없을 때)똑같은 말, 반복하는 말하지 않기
Starbucks coffee tastes so good.
But do you know what’s better in Starbucks?
Free Starbucks.
생각하는 모습 / well… actually(중간에 넣기) / 질문에 있는 단어 사용
1. repetition전략- 첫번째 방법
a. rhetorical question
-대답을 바라고 하는 질문x
-뭔가를 강조하기 물어보는 것
b. 같은 단어 반복해서 말하기
But do you know what’s better in Starbucks?
Free Starbucks.
2. repetition전략- 두번째 방법
a. 간단한 설명
b. 같은 단어 반복해서 말하기
And it makes me so sticky, right?
I don’t know why.
But whenever it rains, the weather gets so nasty.
It makes me so sticky!
Starbucks coffee tastes so good.
I don’t know why,
But there’s something special about their coffee.
It just tastes so good.
01자기소개 전략
There are legs for days.
(어디에나 다있어)
첫인상 재밌게 남겨줄 수 있는지
02머리가 하얘질 때
I’m having a brain fart.
I’m blanking out.
실제 현장 말하기
Oh, I’m sorry…
This monitor is so bright
I am losing my train of thought.
It’s highly distracting
IQ_I asked how much it was.
3.Past experience
We(people대신_한국사람을 지칭한다면) recycle quite well here.
For me… / as for me…
But you know what, for me…
One eggplant method~
Honestly, ttytt
I throw away a lot of boxes.
Habit category
-Quick comparison(past-> present)
She was quite cheap.(짜다)
How did you travel when you were a child?
-Were the types of transportation different back then?
-Describe for me how people used to get around in your city or town.
Problems often arise related to transportation.
-Cars break down, trains run late, or there are traffic jams.
-Tell me about a transportation problem that you once faced.
-Tell me everything that happened and what you did to deal with the situation.
I have a terrible experience…
-Related to a car accident
-Related to what you’re asking~
My mom was driving me to school.
On my way to school~
Some car~
-crazy dude
-crashed into us
Rear-ended us~
t-boned us~
head on us~
cars were going so fast
scared/ frightened
we nearly pissed our pants
we were right in the middle of the highway.
-cars were passing by so fast.
We nearly/almost died.
I nearly saw my life flash right before my eyes.
Oh, a transportation problem.
I have so much to say.
Have you ever experienced hell?
-You ever experienced hell?
Yeah, hell!
Not heaven.
I shouldn’t have taken the subway.
Every single person was going to work.
-rush hour
Can you imagine?
-You feel me?
It was so crowded I almost couldn’t even get off.
I really hated it~
If hell exists, it’s on that train~
한숨+감정 가능
I wonder if you’ve ever experienced hell.
I certainly have~
Hi, I’m Rachel.(my name x)
(constant start)
I don’t really know what to tell you about myself but, these days I’m really into KPOP music.
Cos you know what I gained a lot weight these days so really need to lose my weight.
So, I decided to take KPOP dance lessons to lose my weight.
My car needs to go to mechanic.
I need to go to hair stylist.
I’m gonna keep learning.
And that’s pretty much all I have to say about myself.
You indicated that you go to coffee shops.
Tell me about the cafes or coffee houses in your community.
-Cafes around my area…
Oh my(Oh, boy/ ok), where do I begin?
-There’re myriads of cafes…
-There’re tons of cafes
-There’re loads of cafes…
You know, it’s ubiquitous.
They’re literally scattered everywhere.
Starbucks, Ediya, Twosome Place…
But there’s this one place that I like cos
-This place makes me feel like I’m home.
(What is it/ how do you feel/ why)
-But they are usually all franchises.
-But most of them are franchises.
-What I like about this place is that it’s not a franchise…
-…so it’’s not overflowing with too many (loud… obnoxious) customers.
-I mean, it’s just so relaxing whenever I’m there.
-That’s why I love going there.
(감정 말하면서 더 길게 말하면 good/ so보다는 that’s why도 좋은 방법)
-You know, it’s funny. Since I feel like myself here and that they also play KPOP, sometimes I can’t
even tell whether I’m at home or at a cafe.
Tell me about a memorable incident that happened at a coffee shop.
-What happened?
-Who was involved?
-How did you deal with the situation?
-Tell me everything about what happened from beginning to end.
Ok, you know what? I have the perfect story to tell you.
-I once borrowed my boyfriend’s laptop…
And I pretty much got into a big fight with him because of that at Twosome.
Oh, I found him so annoying.
(문장을 길게 하려고 노력하기)
-You know, he couldn’t believe that I left to go to the washroom without taking the laptop.
And what you have to realize is that he was being very paranoid about his laptop.
And you know, when I came back, he was like, “hey, are you crazy? What were you thinking?”
And this made my blood boil to. The max.
And I couldn’t believe how obnoxious he was being.
And uh… what am I trying to say..
-What am I saying…
-How can I explain this…
-How should I explain this…
We ended up fighting and he apologized for being stupid.
And so, we were able to make up in the end.
The first coffee shop you went.
The first coffee shop that I’ve ever been to…
(바로 시작하는 연습! 5초 이내)
Um, I think it was Café Moa when I was in high school but I can’t say for certain.
Anyway, I think that place was more known for their ice-cream than their coffee.
And you know, they put so many toppings and I thought it was wonderful.
My friends and I went there for the first time after an exam.
(영어에서는 남+나)
Um you know, it was our way to celebrate.
When we went there, they had parfait which was (pretty much / something like) ice-cream with
fruits and snacks in a tall cup.
I would say it was quite pricey for students.
But they gave us free bread too.
So, I thought it was quite worth it.
You know, it’s funny because their ice-cream was so good that we didn’t even think about ordering
any coffee.
And so, it was pretty ice-cream-tastic if you know what I mean.
(Giantic+enormous= Ginormous)
Where do people in your country go to in their free time?
Do they go to parks or beaches?
Tell me everything about the places people go to in their free time.
I guess people usually go to parks whenever they have free time because you have the freedom to
do various activities there.
And um, I think people love to have options at a park.
And the options are endless.
(요점 짧게하는것 연습하기)
And um you know, the… the parks there have trails so many people tend to ride their bikes there.
And um, the scenery’s great and the air is quite fresh.
And you know what?
Uh what am I saying?
Uh… yeah some people prefer relaxing instead.
And so, a lot of them
Order chicken and beer
And um, chat up a storm with their friends.
But you know what?
That’s the common thing to do here in Korea.
And, of course, there is another option.
is to just simply lie down on the grass.
And occasionally, you can even see some people busking.
Those random performances are
Random performances
definitely are a special treat.
I think you know, it’s a no brainer to go to parks because there are so many thins to do there.
And it’s like a playground for adults.
Think about what you did during your free time as a child.
Do you have more free time now than when you were a child?
Tell me about your free time now. Compared to when you were a child.
-pure present
Um, alright.
I think I didn’t do anything much(all that much) when I was child during my free time.
-whenever I had free time
And um, at that time, I really liked to stayed at home and relax.
-during that time
-back then
And my mom was usually like, “Rachel, did you do your homework?” or “Rachel, clean your room.”
Whenever I had free time, she always nagged at me to do something more productive.
And um, I found it so annoying.
And I never understood why she wouldn’t just let me be.
But now, I have mor freedom from my mom.
And um, whenever I have free time, I really like to go to the movies.
And um, luckily, there’s a movie theatre nearby my home.
And I think I’m starting to get old now because I don’t. feel like going too far.
You know what I mean.
And um,
I’m not sure if I have more free time now as an adult,
But what is for certain is that I have,
More freedom from my mom’s nagging.
(만약 무언가를 싫어했다면, 현재에도 그것을 여전히 싫어하는지)
Can you tell me about the last time you had some free time?
-When was it?
-What did you do?
-Did you spend the time with someone?
Um, ok.
I went to Switzerland with my sister for…
About a few months ago.
-I went to Switzerland with my sister about a few months ago.
And it was friggin’s awesome
Because I got to go skydiving!
(감정 말하고, 감정에 대한 이유 말하기!)
And um, just talking about it makes me wanna…go there again.
Anyway, we stayed there just for a few days.
And I didn’t have that much time to travel.
So I had no choice but to choose only one activity.
And um, if only I had more time.
Anyway, I decided to go skydiving as. My main activity.
And believe it or not, I didn’t feel nervous at all before I went skydiving.
But, when I was about to jump, I was like, “OMG! OMG!
I can’t do this! I can’t!”
And them I think. I passed out, uh, for a few seconds…
And then, when I woke up, and I was…
It, uh, it was the thrilling thing.
(self correcting 안해도되고 fillers사용하면서 전환)
It most thrilling thing that I ever experienced.
-And then, when I woke up…
_And I was…
_ok, you know,
When I woke up
I lost all my fear..
And I thought it was the most thrilling thing that I ever experienced..
And um, the nest thing you know, I was on the ground.
And. Um, you know what?
Oh after this test, I think I should call up my sister for round2.
What. Kinds of technology do people typically use in your country?
Do people use computers, cellphones, or hand-held devices?
What are some. Common forms of technology that people use?
Um, so..
So in my country(south Korea), our smartphones are very important.
Everyone owns a smartphone.
This is, um, part of our life.
-I’s able to connect everywhere.
-It’s able to connect to the internet and so it’s kind of like a mini computer.
-It’s just so versatile.
(실수해도 그냥 이어서 말하기)
-Before we go to bed
-Before we hit the sack
-Before we catch some z’s
The first thing that I hear is your alarm sound.
And as soon as you wake up, you’ll probably check your notifications.
-We’re just so attached to it.
-We’re so dependent on it.
Connected to every single part of our life.
It’s like we’re at the point in our lives where we need it and cannot live without it.
So smartphones are technological devices that we use quite frequently in our country.
Technology has definitely changed over time.
Tell me about an early memory that you have about a piece of technology.
It could be a computer or a mobile phone from many years ago.
Describe for me what this thing was like back then.
How has that. Technology changed over time?
(문장 길게))
I would like to talk about…
I would say…
I would have to say…
My. Phone since I didn’t really have my own computer in the past.
Tiny,little // all around the world
Overall, I think overall
I gotta tell you…
I’m sure you’ve heard of Apple’s airpods right?
I was not able to
You know what
Cut eye
Which happened recently
I learned an important lesson
All over the world
Way better
Your friend just took his first dance lesson.
You are also considering taking it as well.
Ask your friend 3 or 4 questions about his first class to see if you should sign up with him.
대충 내용 설명
첫번째 질문
상대. 말 보여주기
나를 포함시키기
두번째 질문
상대 말 보여주기
나 포함시키기
세번째 질문.
상대 말 보여주기
나 포함
You decided to take dance lessons together with your friend..
To your great disappointment, it was actuallly quite boring and you want to leave.
Tell your friend about it and 2 to 3 alternatives.
2가지 질문-문제해결
이게무슨일이지?->이렇게하면 어떨까->이건?
What about(>how about)
That works for you?
What about you?
What do you think?